All books about: “Darth Revan. Did The Last Jedi hint at Darth Revan? darth revan story

Military conflicts of varying degrees of scale have shaken the Galaxy Far, Far Away since the construction of the very first interplanetary ship, on board of which not only pacifist explorers stepped, but also formidable conquerors with exorbitant ambitions. Through the efforts of director and screenwriter George Lucas, the audience learned about the devastating Clone Wars that destroyed the last rudiments of democracy and free thought in the Old Republic. A full-blown galactic war that placed the all-powerful despot of the Sith Order Darth Bane on the throne was followed by equally difficult years of terror that drove those who disagreed with the New Order to the most remote corners of the Outer Sector, where they were forced to moderate their ardor and postpone the impending uprising indefinitely. The original Star Wars trilogy took the Saga's military conflicts to the next level of complexity, showcasing the Galactic Civil War in all its glory, pitting the last defenders of the Old Republic's ideals against the superior forces of the Empire, led by a pair of the most dangerous Sith. In the future, the story of a fierce confrontation between the forces of Light and Darkness continued in numerous novels, comics and video games, confirming the already well-known axiom that any civilization or culture is not able to exist without a conflict that keeps it in good shape and spurs it to new discoveries. A protracted struggle against the Remnant of the Empire, an epic battle with aliens from another Galaxy, the return of the Sith and many other wars continued to test the heroes for strength, delighting fans with incredible adventures and really dangerous, dramatic events. However, do not forget that the history of Star Wars does not originate with the Clone Wars, but in the distant past, flying through the millennia.

The launch of the long-awaited Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, which chronicles the early years of Anakin Skywalker, reborn as the sinister Sith Lord Darth Vader, has spurred novelists, artists, and video game developers alike to delve into the George Lucas universe as deeply as possible, and one of the most ambitious projects of an ever-growing line of thematic works based on the creations of Lucasfilm became the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic released by BioWare. The release of an intriguing work came in 2003, when about early history In a galaxy far, far away, almost nothing was known. The developers traveled back in time to 4000 years ago and introduced the audience to one of the most colorful heroes of the Saga, known as Revan. Revan was once one of the most skilled and respected Jedi to fight in the Mandalorian Wars that tormented the Old Republic for many years, according to a short biography compiled by a panel of authors. The freedom-loving, overly aggressive and arrogant legion of mercenaries from the planet Mandalore proved to be an incredibly difficult task for the Jedi, however leadership skills Revan, multiplied by incredible skills in controlling the Great Power, eventually provided the Republic with a long-awaited victory, but the story of the great warrior does not end there, but only begins ... Chasing the Mandalorian underdogs into the thick of the Unknown Regions, Revan and his good Jedi friend Malak find a threat far more dangerous than mercenaries. From the veil of obscurity, the Sith return, long forgotten opponents of the Light Order, who have accumulated enough strength to once again oppose the Republic and the Jedi, placing Revan and Malak at the head of countless legions of the armies of Darkness, who took the title of Darth. Turning against their former comrades, the besotted apostates were destroying what they had previously fought for with terrifying zeal. And if one of the heroes manages to escape the bonds of the Dark Side, the second one will have to go the way of the Sith to the very end.

Unlike a number of the same type of game crafts from the Star Wars game series, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic has a really strong plot, emotionality and drama, thanks to which the BioWare creation got a completely natural sequel, and also reborn in a peculiar way in a multiplayer game. online experiment in 2012, known as the "Old Republic". With the guidance of Lucasfilm, the developers allowed players to take an active part in one of the largest conflicts in the history of the Galaxy Far, Far Away, while not forgetting Revan, whose tragic adventures could not be thrown out of the limelight. Shortly before the release of The Old Republic, screenwriter and writer Drew Karpyshyn saw the light of day under the simple but catchy title of Revan, which described the return of a former Jedi to the Light Side and his final confrontation with the Sith Lords. Karpyshyn's creative efforts were perceived by fans of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic ambiguously, and yet his book took pride of place in the now deceased Expanded Universe, becoming the object of attention not only for ordinary readers, but also for ambitious amateur filmmakers who built their own based on the book. a picture lasting more than one hour.

Production brothers Andrei and Steven Shulgach built the narrative of their film, without further ado titled "Revan", according to the well-known canon of the Old Republic, focusing both on revelations from Karpyshyn and on the well-known game plot from BioWare in order to eliminate any historical inconsistencies. So, the action of "Revan" takes place after main character becomes a Jedi again and returns to the front as the undisputed leader of the Light Side. However, the Sith Order also does not follow idly, and weaves its own intrigues and intrigues in order to finally bring eternal enemies to their knees. The real trouble with the Sith is that the Dark Side never gives them peace. Instead of uniting and opposing the Republic as a united front, they undermine each other from the inside, dreaming of rising above their brethren. Thus, the story revolving around Revan is filled with ominous omens, deceit, unhealthy ambition balanced by faith in the Light, strong bonds of friendship, and even love that even the Jedi cannot resist.

The tape of the Shulgach brothers pleasantly surprises with the observance of clear stylistic lines, thanks to which Revan does not turn into a banal fantastic action movie, but is a fully thought out story with meaning. At the same time, Revan's adventures are not without spectacular entertainment, performed with the help of high-quality computer graphics and honed work on the basis of combat choreography. Opponents who have come together in a duel look impressive, their movements are similar to a dance thought out to the smallest detail, sparkling emotional tension. It is also worth noting that in terms of the dramatic performance of the images, the leading performers did no less confident work than in the exhausting workouts in the gym. You can believe in the experiences of Revan, Mitra Surik and Bastilla Shan without any problems, as the actors tried to bring real, genuine sincerity into them, flavored with personal experiences from real life, which is unique in itself as for an unpretentious amateur film ..

In conclusion, I want to say that "Revan" is an example of a great independent film, successfully wandering through the vast expanses of the universe of George Lucas. The story of a Jedi who returns to the Light is well-crafted and a must-read for die-hard Star Wars fans on the prowl for a truly worthwhile movie that can inspire genuine delight.

“What, have you planted a hernia on your brain? Revan was a man, not a woman!"

Meetra Surik to Atton Rand

Revan: Doom and Salvation of the Galaxy

Revan: Doom and Salvation of the Galaxy

Revan... Probably the most famous character in the Star Wars universe outside of the movie saga. This name can be given a variety of characteristics, both negative and positive. Think for yourself, he was both a Dark Lord and a Great Jedi, conqueror and savior, hero and villain. In addition, he was a great strategist who thinks through his plans several steps ahead, a leader capable of leading millions, a master of the Lightsaber and the Force. But what is hidden behind the scenes of the game Knights of the Old Republic? In this post, I would like to talk about the favorite of millions of Star Wars fans, Revan. So let's get started!

early years

About childhood Revan practically nothing is known. By Knights of the Old Republic 2 Revan is known to have been born outside the Outer Rim around 3981 BBY*. His real name, home planet, family are still unknown. A few years after his birth, he is deemed fit for Jedi training.

Training in the Jedi Order

Revan's first known teacher was a Jedi Master. Kreia who taught him all the basics of the Jedi arts. Under her supervision, Revan underwent training in the temple for Coruscant and on Dantooine. Kreia never restricted Revan in his pursuit of knowledge. After Revan felt that he had nothing more to learn from Kreia, he left her and began to study with many famous Jedi Masters of that time period, including Master Zhar Lestin, Master Vrook Lamar and Master Doran, from whom Revan learned much about the ancient knowledge of the Sith. After Revan received the rank of Jedi Knight, he realized that he had nothing more to learn in the Order.

Start of the Mandalorian Wars

Having visited different parts of the Galaxy, having gained fame, respect, and having sufficiently strengthened his strength and spirit, Revan invited the Jedi Council to join the war, which he received a categorical refusal. Despite the prohibition of the Jedi Council, Revan managed to gather a large following, the first of which was his friend Alec Squinquargesimus. Later, Alec made a significant contribution to the recruitment of new Jedi.

In 3964 BBY, Revan decides to go to the front lines of the Mandalorian War to gather information. On the way there, he visits various planets, among which Taris, Suurge, Onderoon and many others. Lacking support among the Jedi at the head Lucien Dray on Taris, Revan travels to Sourj. Leaving most of his followers there, he goes with Alec to Dxun. Seeing a warning vision, Revan flies off Dskun alone. During his absence, Alec and his group are captured by the Mandalorians and sent to " Flashpoint", to the mad Mandalorian scientist Demagol.

After collecting information, Revan returns to the Jedi Council, and tells about everything that he himself saw. Despite this, Revan receives a second rejection from the Council, and then goes on a mission to rescue the Jedi from Flashpoint. By the time Revan arrives at the mission site, all the Jedi have already been rescued by a fugitive Padawan. Zane Kerrick.

Re-teaming with Alec, Revan decides that the Council's permission for the Jedi to enter the Mandalorian War will not be obtained, despite any arguments. Therefore, he begins more active actions than simple intelligence. By this point, more and more supporters are joining Revan, and the media is giving him a cheeky nickname - " Revanchist".

During his first arrival on the planet Qatar, Revan, along with the Jedi Masters and the more Force-sensitive regular Jedi, felt all the pain and every death out of the thousands of deaths on Serroco when the Mandalorians began bombarding this planet with thousands of nuclear warheads. Alec, who rushed to the aid of his "master" and friend, heard only a drawn-out: " I feel!.."

Shortly after being bombed by Cerroco, Revan sends Alec to the leader" Adascorpa", who intended to trade exorgoth worms that could devour entire stars. Revan tells Alec about all the danger they pose, and he goes to investigate his next vision. At the Adascorp base, Alec meets with Kartom Onasi, admiral Saul Karat, Lucien Dray, as well as with himself Mandalore Ultimate. Thanks to the intervention of Zane Kerrick and his team, the auction is disrupted, and the exorgoths go after the ship of their "creator", the scientist Kemper, into deep space.

Following the Adascorp case, Lucien Draay is promoted to the rank of Jedi Master, earning him a seat on the Jedi Council. There he talks about the split in the ranks of the Mandalorians, which occurred on the planet Jebble. At the same time, Dray is silent that the "split" occurred due to the Sith artifact, which turned all humanoids into "intelligent" Rakhgul. After his inspiring speech, Lucien outlaws all revanchists and puts bounties on their heads. After this statement, Alec takes on a pseudonym Malak and Revan sends him to Coruscant for the last time, for a secret meeting with the Jedi Masters of the Council. At this meeting, Malak tells the Master Vandaroo how Lucien Dray got his seat on the Council, and what role he plays in all the events that happened before.

Mandalorian Wars

After the meeting, Malak returns to Qatar, where Revan has established a base by that time. Revanchists. Following Malak, Master Vrook Lamar ambush Revan's followers. Surrounding them, a conversation ensues, in which Lamar lures most of the revanchists to his side.

After Lamar's speech, Revan wanted to retreat, but saw under his feet Mandalorian Mask. After Revan took the mask in his hands, all the Jedi around heard the screams of the Cathars and the shots of blasters: the Cathars fled to the sea, and they were pursued by Mandalorians with jetpacks, firing at the panicking Cathars. The Mandalorians were at the head Cassus Fett, right hand Mandalore. Revealing lightsabers, the Jedi rushed to defend the Cathars, but no matter how hard they all tried to inflict at least some damage to the Mandalorian detachment, they could not. Turning off their swords, the Jedi realized that the Mandalorians and Cathars were a vision of the past. Revan and the Jedi followed the vision to the sea. There they saw the Cathars, cornered. At that moment, a Mandalorian woman stood up for the Cathars and demanded that Fett cease fire. But Fett wanted the entire Cathar race to be exterminated, as they tarnished honor." Mando "hell and joined the Republic. After that, the Mandalorian ships came to the rescue and opened fire on the Cathars and the Mandalorian. The Jedi heard every one of the thousands of screams that sounded during this genocide, and with that the vision of Revan and the others ended. Revan brought the mask of the Mandalorian to his face, saying inspirational speech: he swore that every victim on Katara would be avenged, and he himself would fight until all the Mandalorians were destroyed.It was at this moment that Revan became Revan, finally entering into Mandalorian War. He was later joined by hundreds of Jedi across the galaxy when the Council, having heard of the genocide on Cathar, officially authorized the Jedi to enter the Manador War. Revan became the admiral of the entire Republic fleet. After Revan entered the war, the Republic began to gradually push the Mandalorians back to Uncharted Regions. Revan was an excellent strategist and Malak an excellent warrior. Together they freed Taris, Serroko, and in 3961 BBY fought Cassus Fett near a tangle of tracks called Yaga. After fighting Fett, Revan destroyed most of the Mandalorian army on Altira. In all battles, Malak did not restrain himself and fought with particular cruelty, splashing out all his fury on his enemies. Revan tried not to show his rage, but fought on equal terms with Malok. In all their battles, the style of battle of the Mandalorians was clearly traced, as well as behavior similar to the Mandalorians: Revan did not let go of the weak and despised the indecisive fighters who came across his path.

Also in 3961 BBY, Revan discovered the first Star Map on the Kashyyyk which could lead him to Star Forge. At that point, Revan didn't know the true meaning of the Star Forge, so he simply memorized the coordinates the map showed him. Shortly thereafter, Revan found an ancient planet Sith entitled Malachor V. On the surface of the planet, Revan understands the full power dark side strength in this place, but thanks to his willpower, Revan manages to resist the Dark Side and not be consumed by it. On the surface of the planet, Revan finds a long abandoned Traus Academy. There he finds the exact location of the planet Korriban, home of the Sith race. Later, according to Kreia, it became clear that Revan learned there that there was a danger much greater than the Mandalorians. In addition to all this, Revan also understands that the dark side of this planet can be used to your advantage.

At the end of the Mandalorian War, in 3960 BBY, Revan's fleet drove the Mandalorian fleet back to the planet Malachor V. Revan's plan was to destroy the remaining enemy forces in one blow. In addition, Revan wanted to destroy the Republican soldiers and Jedi who were not loyal to him at the same time. By then, with the help of a Zabrak Tech Scientist Bao Dura, a weapon of mass destruction called Gravity Shadow Generator, which will feed on the energy of the dark side of Malachor. The GGT was later placed as close to the Mandalorian army as they could. To activate the generator, Revan sent his best general, a Jedi girl, Meetra Surik, whom he trusted no less than Malak. This girl later became known as Exile. While Meetra activated the GGT, Revan faced Mandalore Ultimate alone in the final battle, in which he overwhelmed him. In his final speech, Mandalore tells Revan about the True Sith Empire, as well as about the Emperor, who helped the Mandalorians raise a huge army capable of challenging the Republic. Mandalore gives Revan the coordinates of the planet Rekkiad, where he can find information about the Empire. Mandalore dies and Revan takes his mask.

After that, Revan gives a signal, and Mitra activates the GGT, thereby "pulling" the remnants of the Mandalorian fleet and army to Malachor, as well as the disloyal part of the fleet and army of the Republic. In addition to the destruction of the fleet and army, almost the entire planet Malachor was destroyed and practically turned into a lifeless piece of rock.

After the war

After Malachor, Revan flies with Malak to the planet Rekkiad, where he finds the tomb of an ancient Sith Lord. There they hide the Mandalore mask, and also find a datacron that contains information about the planet Natema - a planet from which all life and Power was sucked out by Lord Vishit, who is now the Emperor.

Despite catastrophic losses on both sides, Revan and Malak were hailed as heroes of the Republic. The Mandalorian clans were defeated so badly that it was almost impossible to raise an army from them that could resist the Republic, which was completely in line with Revan's desires. Revan made a decision whereby he disbanded the remnants of the Mandalorian army and also dismantled them" basilisks". The defeated and humble Mandalorians could do nothing but go to live on reservations, or, united in small groups, terrorize the inhabitants of different planets. In addition, lone Mandalorians became bounty hunters, mercenaries or bodyguards and vowed to serve the highest bidder.

All those who praised Revan regarded him as the paragon of excellence in the entire Jedi Order. Among those who followed Revan to the war, Sith lore was beginning to emerge, with many already awarded Sith ranks. Among the "fallen" was also Revan's best friend - Malak. Revan had the full support of the Republic soldiers he had rescued, who harbored a burning hatred for the Jedi Order, which allowed a billion Republic soldiers and civilians to die. Their allegiance was so great that they renounced their allegiance to the Republic and the Senate.

After returning to the Republic, Revan and Malak took the rest of the fleet and flew off to the Unknown Regions. To avoid suspicion, they declared that they would pursue the remnants of the Mandalorian fleet - those who could survive the Battle of Malachor. But only Revan knew that the Mandalorians no longer posed a threat, and that in fact they were going in search of the True Sith...

At the Sith Emperor

After several months of travel, Revan and Malak find the lifeless planet Natema. On it, they learn about what happened to this planet, as well as the coordinates of the planet Dromuund Kaas - the capital True Sith Empires. Arriving at Dromuund Kaas, Revan and Malak pose as merchants and begin to gather information. A few months later, they decide to meet with Sith Emperor, which at that time, thanks to what he did with the planet Natema, was about 1100 years old. Having met him fully armed, neither Revan, nor even Malak, could do anything against the power of the Emperor. Using the power of the dark side, the Emperor turns Revan to the dark side and tells him about the Star Forge. Infinite Empire Rakata: The Emperor's plan was to find the long-lost Star Forge and use its might against the Republic and the Jedi and crush them in an instant. The Emperor told Revan about the planets on which the 5 Star Maps were located, but did not give the exact location. After that, Revan and Malak, overwhelmed with ambition, go in search of the Star Maps.

The first search for the Star Forge

Revan and Malak return to the Republic and begin searching for the Star Maps. Having found one of the cards, Revan offers Malak to betray the Emperor and use the power of the Star Forge themselves to conquer the Republic, and then start a war with the Emperor. Malak becomes Darth Malak, student Darth Revan.

Landing on Dantooine, some distance from the Jedi Enclave, Revan and Malak find an ancient mound, in the ruins of which they find an ancient droid. The droid explains to Revan and Malak that in order to get to the Star Map, they will need to pass 2 trials. After passing them, they stop near the entrance to the Star Chart Chamber. Malak warns that once you enter this chamber, there will be no going back. This does not stop Revan, and together with Malak they enter the chamber. There they find the Star Map itself. After writing down the coordinates shown on the map, Revan and Malak set off on further searches: since Revan found the Star Map on Kashyyyk during the Mandalorian Wars, the two of them still visit Korriban[b], [b]Manaan and Tatooine. During visits to one of the planets, the Dark Side of the Force plays a cruel joke with them: Malak completely forgets about the Emperor and the Sith Empire. Having collected all the coordinates shown by the Star Maps, Revan and Malak go to the system Lehon. Immediately after arriving in the system, their ship crash-lands on the only planet in the system. Some time after the crash, they are attacked by warriors from the tribe Black Rockets. After quickly dealing with them with the help of the Force and lightsabers, Revan forces one of the rak'ahs to escort him to their leader. Having met with the leader of the rak'ah, Chosen Ones, Revan trained him by his power Galactic Standard Language . After talking with the Chosen One, he realized that no one from the local tribe has access to Temple of Rakata, but the Chosen One promised Revan that he would be able to escort him to the temple if he taught him "strange magic" to oppose the tribe of Rakat Elders. Revan swore he would teach him this.

After his statement, Revan goes to the tribe Elders, where he understands that the Elders can answer many of his questions. Instead of destroying them, as he swore to the Chosen One, he leaves them alone. After finding the ancient terminal, Revan studies the past of the Rakata Empire, as well as all the aspects of the Star Forge that interest him. After that, posing as a servant of the light who wants to destroy the Star Forge, Revan appeals to the Elders with a request to let him into the Temple of Rakata. Fully believing him, Revan and Malak are let into the Temple, where they turn off the planetary shield and fly away from Lehon to the Star Forge.

Star Forge

With the remnants of his fleet brought to the Lehon system, Revan set about his plan to build a fleet capable of conquering the Republic. Revan understood the full power of the dark side of the Star Forge's power, and therefore did not dare to use it even 100%. Darth Malak, forgetting about the Emperor, was horrified that his Master did not want to accept such a huge power. But Revan, unlike his apprentice, knew that the Forge had led to Civil War in the Rakata Infinite Empire, which ultimately destroyed the Empire, leaving only a small tribe of Elders on Lehon. Therefore, Revan did not want this history to repeat itself and disrupt his plans.

Some time later, when Revan's fleet was ready, he personally led it into Outer Rim where he introduced himself as Dark Lord of the Sith, thereby untying Jedi Civil War.

Jedi Civil War

In 3959 BBY, Revan unleashed the Jedi Civil War, the purpose of which was his "desire to end the tyranny of the Jedi High Council once and for all". His first target was the planet Korriban, the ancient home of the Sith. After conquering it, Revan founded the Sith Academy in Valley of the Ancient Lords.

Revan's main goal was to preserve as much of the infrastructure on the conquered planets as possible in order to quickly return the Republic to combat readiness in the post-war period, and not start everything from scratch. During the war, many planets defected to Revan's side, and Revan gladly received famous politicians who supported his goals.

After the conquest Echani, Corellia, Serroco, as well as a successful attack on Foerost, where Revan surrounded most of the Republic fleet, Revan tasked Malak with taking over the planet Telos IV. During the conquest, Malak ordered Saul Karath, who remained loyal to Revan after the Mandalorian War, to bombard Telos. Karat immediately carried out the order, thereby violating the plans for the first time "peaceful conquest" Revan, as well as causing anger towards Revan's army from the Republicans.

After this attack, Revan decides to change his tactics of war. Realizing that the side that has the most powerful Jedi will win the war, Revan creates squads assassins. These units covertly infiltrate all Republic structures, sabotaging infrastructure and killing prominent Republican figures opposed to Revan. In addition, the Assassins abducted younglings, Padawans and ordinary people sensitive to the force for further transformation into Dark Jedi.

In 3958 BBY, Malak began to notice that Revan was too soft and didn't live up to his idea of ​​a True Sith Lord. Malak challenges Revan to a duel, in which Revan cuts off Malak's lower jaw. After this duel, Malak is given a steel implant and his voice becomes more mechanical and intimidating. NK-47, Revan's personal droid he had assembled after the Battle of Malachor V, told Malak immediately after the duel that "an ordinary meat sack cannot defeat my Master". Revan was very fond of this phrase, and he programmed the droid to call all organic individuals in this style, except for himself.

Revan, like the Assassins, sent HK-47s on various missions. HK-47's last assignment in Revan's employ was to kill a new Mandalore, which came against Revan's old assumptions that the Mandalorians would no longer be able to raise an army. Although HK-47 killed Mandalore, he did not return to Revan, as he was reprogrammed by one of the Mandalorian mercenaries.

At the same time that the Assassins were sent out across the galaxy, Revan managed to conclude agreements with the Cherka Corporation, and also entered into an agreement with the planet Manaan to supply kolto soldiers of his army.

After signing the treaty with Manaan, there was no longer any reason to doubt that Revan's army would crush the Republic, but Revan's plans were not destined to come true...

Malak's betrayal
In 3957 BBY, the Jedi Council makes a desperate attempt to stop Revan. After luring Revan's fleet into a trap, a group of Jedi led by Bastila Shan board Revan's flagship and push him back to the bridge. During the battle between Revan and the Jedi, Malak decided that this was the perfect chance to overthrow Revan. Having fired with " Leviathan"on the bridge of Revan's flagship, Malak seriously wounded him. After this shot, the Sith believed that their leader was dead and retreated. For unknown reasons, Bastila created a link of power between her and Revan, thereby supporting his fading life. Bringing Revan to Dantooine, to the Enclave Jedi Order, the Jedi Council began a debate on what to do with Revan.In order to find out how Revan amassed such a huge fleet capable of conquering the Republic, the Council erases all of Revan's memories and "creates" an ordinary In order to constantly monitor Revan, Bastila was assigned to him, who, if his memories were restored, was supposed to end Revan once and for all.

Taris, Search for Bastila, and Return to Dantooine

Almost a year has passed since the erasure of the memories. Revan is assigned to a Republic ship called "Endor Spire" to guard Bastila, as she was an important person in the Order and had the gift "Combat Meditation". Darth Malak learns of this and sends his apprentice, Darth Bendon, to capture Bastila. A Sith cruiser attacks the Endor Spire in orbit around Taris. Waking up in the middle of the battle, Revan fights his way to the escape pods with Traska Ulgo. Halfway through, they are contacted by Carth Onasi, saying that Bastila has successfully evacuated the ship. Some time later, Revan meets with Darth Bendon, but Trask, ahead of him, blocks the door and delays Bendon for a while, sacrificing himself. Breaking through to Karth, they evacuate the ship together in an escape pod and crash-land in the upper city of Taris.

After hitting the surface of Taris, Kart takes Revan to cover, as he has passed out. In hiding, Revan has a strange dream, but does not betray it much meaning. After some time, Revan and Kart find out that Bastila has been captured by a gang of swoopers. "Black Vulkars", and in order to free her, they need to win a swoop race. In an attempt to save Bastila, Revan and Carth meet with Gadon Tek, the leader of another swoop gang called "Secret Becks". With their help, as well as with the help of the Twileks who joined Revan and Kart Vao missions and Wookiees Zaalbara, the race is won. But Brezhik, the leader of the Vulkars, did not want to give Bastila to Revan, which led to an armed conflict. In this conflict, Revan kills Brezhik, thereby attracting the Mandalorian to his side. Canderus Ordo and droid T3-M4. With the help of a droid, Revan steals the codes to bypass the Taris blockade from the Sith base, and with the help of Canderus infiltrates the base Davika, leader of a group of slave traders called "Exchange". Revan and the crew sneak into the hangar, where they find Ebon Hawk, a ship that once belonged to Revan.

Meanwhile, in orbit around Taris, Malak orders Karat to bombard Taris in order to destroy Bastila. During the beginning of the bombing in the hangar appear Calo Nord and Davik. Another battle ensues, but Nord and Davik are overwhelmed with rebar, and Revan flies on Ebon Hawk to Dantooine.

Dantooine and "training" on the Jedi

Upon arriving on Dantooine, Bastila immediately went to the Jedi Council with her report, and then presented Revan to the Jedi Council. After telling the Council that supposedly on Taris, she felt in him a slight sensitivity to the force. The council retired to decide whether Revan should be taught the ways of power or not. That night, Bastila and Revan had a dream vision of how Revan and Malak found some kind of tomb on Dantooine.

The next day, the decision was made to train Revan in the ways of the Jedi.

The training went smoothly and quickly. As a result, to obtain a rank Padawan Revan had to complete 3 tasks: to tell the code of the Jedi, to create his own lightsaber, and also to cope with the source of the Dark Side of the Force in a grove, not far from the Jedi Enclave. After quickly completing the first two tasks, Revan went to the grove, where he discovered a Cathar woman Juhani. She fell to the Dark Side, killing her Master. After a fight with her, Revan managed to bring her back to the light.

Back at the Temple, the Council tasked Revan and Bastila with exploring the ancient ruins from their vision.

Second Quest for the Star Forge

The second search for the Forge began with a visit to the Ancient Temple on Dantooine. In this temple, Revan again met the old droid, who told him about the "builder" race, as well as how to access the Star Map. After passing the same tests again, Revan and his companions gain access to the Star Map, on which they find the location of the remaining 4 Star Maps. After recording all the data in Ebon Hawke's journal, Revan returned to the Council, where he told them what he had seen. Some time later, the Council sends Revan and Bastila to find the Star Forge.

Going on a quest, Revan visits the same planets that he previously visited with Malak. On Tatooine, Revan buys his old HK-47 droid, helps Bastila and her mother get back together, and Mission gets back together with her brother. In addition, Revan manages to "reconcile" the Cherk corporation and the Sand People, thanks to which he was able to gain access to the Star Map.

On Kashyyyk, Revan helps Zaalbar solve the problem with his tribe, freeing the tribe from the oppression of the Cherka corporation, and also meets Jolie Bindo who helps him find the Star Map in dark valley on the surface of Kashyyyk.

Arriving on Manaan, Revan helps the planet's government and the Republic's embassy solve the problem with the Sith, and also helps Jolie's friend Bindo get an acquittal in a murder case. Sith Agent. After all this, Revan is assigned to find out what happened at the Republic kolto mining station. Revan descends to the bottom of Manaan, discovers an ancient giant Firax, which blocked the path to the Star Map. After destroying the kolto mining equipment and calming the firax, Revan gains access to another Star Map.

While traveling through different worlds Revan and his companions are constantly pursued by mercenaries and Dark Jedi. In addition to them, on one of the planets, Revan encountered Calo Nord, who survived the bombardment of Taris, and on another planet, with Malak's student, Darth Bendon. But in addition to constant encounters with enemies, Revan also learns from Canderus the history of the Mandalorian War and Revan, as well as the history of Jolie Bindo when he was a smuggler. Revan fully restores HK-47's memory and learns that it was created by him and the story of how he passed from one master to another. After helping Bastila reunite with her mother, feelings begin to form between her and Revan. Bastila, afraid that this would lead her to the dark side, decided to briefly distance herself from Revan.

After slaying Darth Bendon, Revan went in search of the last piece of the Star Map. While flying, Ebon Hawk was captured by the Leviathan Beam, Darth Malak's flagship...

Leviathan and the truth about Revan

While the Leviathan was pulling Ebon Hawk to him, Revan came up with a plan for their escape. Immediately after Ebon Hawk was in the Leviathan hangar, his entire team was taken into custody, and Revan, Bastila and Kart were delivered personally to Saul Karat. During the interrogation, Karat used electric shocks on every answer he thought was wrong. At this point, Revan's feelings for Bastila went against his sense of duty: on the one hand, he had to tell the truth in order to save Bastila from electric shocks, but on the other hand, he should not reveal the goals of their mission. After the interrogation was completed, Karath retired to the Leviathan's bridge to await the arrival of Darth Malak.

Some time later, one of Revan's companions managed to break into the prison and free Revan, Bastila, and Kart. After that, they began to break through to the bridge to Karat in order to disable the beam holding Ebon Hawk. At the same time, the rest of the team was breaking through to the hangar, straight to their ship to prepare it for departure.

Having broken through to the bridge, Revan kills Karat, but he manages to say something to Kart, from which he becomes furious. After reassuring him, Bastila orders Revan to turn off the tractor beam. Disabling it, Revan and the others begin to break through to the hangar with Ebon Hawk. Suddenly, Malak himself appears on their way. After a short speech, Malak tells the whole truth about Revan. Refusing to believe this, Revan attacks Malak. After a brief battle, Bastila attacks Malak herself, and orders Revan and Kart to flee the Leviathan. Back on Ebon Hawk, Revan and the crew flew off the Leviathan and jumped into hyperspace towards the last planet containing the Star Map.

Continued Search for the Star Forge

After landing on Korriban, the crew gathered in the center of the ship for a meeting where Karth revealed who their leader really was. After everyone had their say on what they thought of the current Revan, the decision was made to continue the search for the final Star Map.

On Korriban, Revan has to infiltrate Sith Academy as an apprentice: after passing a small test, Revan is allowed into the Valley of the Dark Lords, appointing him as an apprentice Utaru Vinu. At the Sith Academy, Revan meets Carth Onasi's son, Dastila: After finding the PDA with information about what Uthar has in mind about Dustil, Revan manages to bring him back to the light side. After gaining enough reputation points, Revan is sent to Naga Saddow's tomb to pass the last test in order to get a rank sita. After traversing the tomb, Revan finds the final Star Map. On the way back he comes across Utar and Yutara Ban. After a short conversation, Revan gets into a fight with Uthar. After killing him and talking to Yutara, Revan manages to return her to the path of light. After that, Revan travels to the Lehon system, straight to the Star Forge...

Lehon... again

Re-arriving in the system, Lehon Revan and his crew crash land on the local planet. After a more or less "soft" landing, Revan is attacked by humanoids from the local Rakata tribe. After fighting off them, Revan goes to their village, where he meets the Chosen One again. The Chosen One reminds him that he promised to destroy the tribe of the Elders, as well as teach him the ways of power. After this conversation, Revan goes to the village of the Elders. The head of the Elders spoke about how cruel the Chosen One really is and told Revan that he would let him into the temple if he got rid of the Black Rakat tribe. After killing the Chosen One, Revan returns to the Temple of Rakata and enters with Juhani and Jolie. The three of them, fighting their way through the crowds of the Dark Jedi of Malak, Revan manages to get to the roof of the Temple. On the roof, Revan meets Bastila, who by that time had fallen to the dark side. During the battle, Bastila tries to lure Revan to the dark side and make him the Dark Lord, and herself become his student and lover. Realizing that this is useless, Bastila retreats, and Revan turns off the planetary shield and returns to Ebon Hawk, after which he flies off the planet.

Battle of the Star Forge

Once in orbit around Lehon, Carth Onasi contacted the Republic fleet and relayed the Star Forge's coordinates to the Admiral. Forn Dodonne. After that, Ebon Hawk flew straight to the Star Forge. By the time it landed, the Republic fleet had already arrived, and the Jedi had already landed on the Forge. Fighting through the labyrinths of the Forge, Revan reaches the hall where Bastila was meditating and using Combat Meditation against the forces of the Republic. During the battle with her, Revan tried in vain to return Bastila to the light side, and at the moment when he almost gave up, he decides to tell her about his feelings. These words hurt Bastila so much that she gives up and reciprocates Revan. Revan leaves Bastila to help the Republic fleet with her Battle Meditation, and he himself goes to the final battle with Malak. Entering the bridge of the Forge, Revan engages Malak in battle. During the battle, Malak reveals the power of the Star Forge and Revan's weakness. After some time, Malak was defeated. In the final moments of his life, Malak tried to lure Revan to the dark side, saying that only he deserved to wear the mantle of the Dark Lord, but Revan refuses this, saying that he has already chosen his path.

Afterwards, Revan and his team evacuate the Forge, and the Republic fleet completely destroys the Star Forge. Revan: Doom and Salvation of the Galaxy

The cover of the novel "Revan" by Drew Karpyshyn... More pathos than on all three covers of the "Bane Trilogy"

Revan's story doesn't end there. See you in the second part.

That's all! I hope you enjoyed my article.


1. BBY - Prior to the Battle of Yavin. This is a space battle, which is shown in the 4th episode of the movie saga.

“Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. It's all you, Revan, but in between, you're nothing. In the end, you will belong to neither light nor darkness. You will always be alone!
- Darth Malak

It is not known exactly where he was born Revan. Some say that he was born beyond the territories of the Outer Rim, and nothing is known about his world and parents. But wherever Revan was born, the Jedi found him and accepted him into their academy. Revan had many teachers, but the very first was Kreia, who later switched to the dark side of the force. According to Diisra Luur Jada, Revan trained on Dantooine but was also deputized on Coruscant. Many Jedi have seen Revan strive for knowledge from an early age. He wanted more than the Jedi could give him. Magister Vrook Lamar would later say that Revan was too eager to know more about the Force and may have sought knowledge in the ancient "mysteries of the Sith". In general, whatever one may say, Revan turned out to be a good Jedi, besides, he paid a lot of attention to Force Communication, so at the end of his training he knew about them perfectly.

Revan's turning point came during the Mandalorian Wars, although I believe he was plotting to leave the order before the war. Revan, against the wishes of the Jedi Council, gathered followers and headed to the Mandalorian Front. In the war, Revan gained fame as a competent commander and an unsurpassed warrior. Many Jedi died in this war, but the Republic won, and now, it seemed that the long-awaited peace had come, but ... Revan invaded the Republic with a huge fleet, and the new war; War of Light and Darkness. It is said that Revan turned to the dark side not only because of his pride and desire to gain power. The essence of the problem lay elsewhere: during the Mandalorian Wars, Revan visited Malachor V, which the Mandalorians themselves called their curse. Having visited this planet, the Jedi Knight learned about the existence of the "True Sith" and in order to stop this evil, he himself knew the Darkness...

Darth Revan was the name given to the former savior of the Republic and now its destroyer. It seemed that the newly-minted Sith Lord had an infinite amount of resources, his fleet grew every day, and nothing could stop Revan. Later we learn that he used the power of the Star Forge to create a huge fleet. It can be seen that Darth Revan used the Forge only to build a fleet and did not succumb to its dark side, unlike Darth Malak, his "faithful" student. It seems that the Dark Lord, therefore, should want to gain unlimited power over everyone, but in fact he wanted to unite the galaxy in the face of terrible enemy… Unfortunately or fortunately, but his plans were not destined to come true. The young Jedi Bastila Shan entered the battle arena with her unique ability "Combat Meditation". With her help, Bastila could raise the morale of her allies and disorganize her enemies. But even this did not help the Republic to win the war. Then in 3,957 BBY, a small group of Jedi led by Bastila landed on Darth Revan's flagship in the hope of capturing the Dark Lord. Revan didn't seem bothered at this point, as if he knew this was bound to happen. A few seconds later, the sound of a shot was heard: Darth Malak ordered to shoot at the bridge of the flagship, thereby deciding to kill his teacher. The shot was accurate - the bridge was blown to smithereens, Darth Revan was more dead than alive. Bastila managed to bind herself by force to Revan and prevent him from dying. Then he was brought to the academy on Dantooine and his entire life was rewritten...

I think everyone knows the rest of the story. Darth Revan began to train again with the Jedi, not even suspecting that he wanted to take over the Republic a few months ago. Revan will visit many worlds before he realizes who he is. Perhaps Revan lost his memory, but the Force remained with him, and to some extent it even increased. In the game, as everyone knows, there are two endings: one for the good, the other for the bad. So, in this biography, Revan remained on the bright side. After defeating his former apprentice Darth Malok, Revan traveled to the edge of the galaxy without taking anyone with him, as he feared for their lives. He remembered that threat - ancient, embittered - absolute evil. And in order to prevent the return of the "True Sith", he left the Republic and his friends.

Today is Defender of the Fatherland Day and I will take out my wadded patriotic photo album from the dusty shelf.
This is how I looked in the fall of 1988, before being drafted into the orderly ranks of the Soviet Army

We, the conscripts, were invited to the military enlistment office and instructed how to come to the recruiting station. In particular, it is necessary to be short, but not bald-haired. Those who come bald as a billiard ball were threatened submarine fleet and three years of service. As a result, inspired by the instructions received, we, friends, got together and cut each other's hair, saving on the hairdresser's. And the funds released in this way were spent on beer.

Here's what happened and the end result. By the way, behind my back you can see the light switch I designed. It has a designer green backlight, by means of an indicator seamlessly drawn from the factory, and double switching on of one lamp - at full incandescence and at half power, by means of a D226 diode and a smoothing capacitor.

And this is already in the army, he served for more than a year. I am in the middle, left and right - army colleagues. One from Siberia, the other from Western Ukraine.

As you can see, I was no stranger to culture either - once I was dismissed, I even went to the Oktyabrsky KZ. I just don't remember what for. The picture was taken on a color slide film, at that time - fucking luxury.

The tendency to stay away from the authorities and closer to the place of cooking, or better - to lead this process, appeared in me back in those years. In this case, we secretly cook a chicken stolen in a neighboring part on a blowtorch with a special nozzle. A Ukrainian stole it, no one could have done it better than him - he had a great practice in the village of folding the heads of chickens. Recipe and cooking - was already behind me. As I remember now, it was something like chakhokhbili.

I also visited Borispol and Fergana during the years of service, but I don’t have any scanned photos on my computer.

To all men and women who wore and still wear epaulettes for the glory of our Motherland - Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, cheers!

#it_was_so_long_that_it_is_not_a_sin_to_remember_ #congratulations_fanfix

Revan, also known as the Revanchist and Prodigal Knight, was a legendary Jedi of the Old Sith Wars era, Supreme Commander of the Galactic Republic's armed forces during the Mandalorian Wars, and Dark Lord of the third Sith Empire.

Revan was born around 3994 BBY and was inducted into the Jedi Order as a child. He was trained by many of the most experienced Jedi Masters, and they all noted the giftedness of the ambitious Padawan. During the Mandalorian Wars, Revan, against the decision of the Jedi Council, openly opposed the invaders and, together with his friend Malak, led the movement of revanchism. Under the command of Revan and Malak, the Republic forces defeated the Neo-Crusaders, after which the two knights traveled to the Unknown Regions in search of the Sith Empire behind the Mandalorian invasion. They managed to find the capital of the Empire, where the Jedi challenged the Sith Emperor, but were defeated and for some time became his puppets.

Freed from the influence of the Emperor, Darth Revan and Darth Malak founded their own Empire, after which Revan set out to conquer and reform the Republic so that it could stand in coming war with a threat from the Unknown Regions. Thanks to the Rakatan Star Forge, Revan was able to secretly build a huge fleet and a year later he returned as an enemy of the Republic. At the height of the war, Revan was betrayed by Malak and captured by the Jedi. The Order's High Council erased the Sith Lord's memories and sent him to the front as an ordinary soldier serving under Knight Bastila Shan. However, memories of the search for the Forge soon began to return to Revan, and the Council decided to retrain him as a Jedi, since only he could help the Republic find the mysterious Sith weapon. Guided by visions shared with Bastila about " star charts, Revan eventually rediscovered the Forge located in the Lehon system. During the Battle of Rakata Prime, he infiltrated the station and slew Malak, after which the Forge's Sith armada was destroyed by the Republic fleet.

At the end of the war, Revan again went in search of the revived Pureblood Sith Empire, but they found the Jedi earlier: on the planet Nathema, Revan was captured by Darth Nyriss and Lord Scourge. He spent four years in captivity on Dromund Kaas until he was freed by his old girlfriend Mitra Surik. Together with Surik and Scourge, who joined the Jedi, Revan again tried to kill the Emperor and again failed due to Scourge's betrayal. For the next three hundred years, Revan was in stasis in a Sith prison, but all this time he fought the Emperor and quietly influenced his mind, urging him to postpone the war with the Republic.

In 3642 BBY, after the Great Galactic War between the Republic and the Empire, Revan was released from prison by the Republicans, after which he went to the Rakatan Factory Station, where he began to create an army of droids to personally confront the Sith Empire. Upon learning of Revan's plans, the Sith sent a strike force to the Factory, which struck down the Jedi. However, shortly before Revan's death, his consciousness was divided, and only the "light" side of his personality merged with the Force. Obsessed with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe complete destruction of the Emperor, the "dark" Revan created an army of his fanatical followers and went to Yavin IV in order to return the spirit of Vishate to his physical body, and then put an end to him forever. The Republic and the Sith Empire were forced to join forces to stop the distraught Revan. In the battle on Yavin, he was defeated, after which he was reunited with his "light" side.

Darth Revan's legacy had a huge impact on the Sith Order, in particular Darth Bane, inspiring him to create his Rule of Two.


The man later known as Revan was born around 3994 BBY, according to some sources, on an Outer Rim planet. As a child, he was discovered by the Jedi and accepted into the Order. Revan's first mentor was a Jedi Master named Kreia, known within the Order for her controversial teachings on the nature of the Force. During his training, Revan changed many teachers, among whom were masters Zhar Lestin and Dorak - members of the Dantooine Jedi Council. They all noted his insatiable thirst for knowledge, but while Masters Zhar Lestin and Vandar Toqueir approved of the gifted Padawan's zeal and pinned considerable hopes on him, Master Vrook Lamar feared that Revan would follow in the footsteps of the knights Freedon Nadd and Exar Kun, who chose the path dark side. Either way, Revan very quickly reached the rank of Jedi Knight at the same time as his friend, Padawan Alec Squinquargasimus.

Mandalorian Wars (3963 - 3960 BBY)


Who I am doesn't matter, what matters is my message to Revan

In 3964 BBY, Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders invaded Republic territories in the Outer Rim, but the Jedi Council declared their refusal to enter the war. The only Knight to openly oppose the Council's decision was Revan, who attempted to convince the Jedi of the significance of the Mandalorian threat. Revan's protest attracted the attention of the Republican media, who dubbed him "a lone Jedi crusader". However, Revan himself by that time enjoyed considerable respect in the Order, and his call resonated with many young knights and Padawans. Alec was the first to openly support Revan, and he convinced many other Jedi to join the nascent " crusade» against the Mandalorians.

Against the wishes of the Jedi Council, Revan left Coruscant and went to the front lines on a reconnaissance mission, swelling his ranks along the way. After visiting Taris, where Revan unsuccessfully attempted to win over the Jedi Tower masters led by Lucien Draay, he left most of his followers on Suurj while he went to investigate Mandalorian activity on Onderonei Dxun. In Revan's absence, his "apprentices" were captured by the Andalores, much to the ire of the Jedi Council. When Revan returned to Coruscant with disturbing news from the front, the masters only re-denounced his initiative and sent him on a mission to rescue the captured knights and Padawans.

Revan appears before the Jedi Council.

Ultimately, Revan's captured "apprentices" fled Flashpoint with Padawan Zane Kerrick, after which Revan continued his campaign against the Mandalorians, despite the Council's demand. His revanchism movement gained even more support with the full-scale Mandalorian invasion of Republic space. The media hailed the Revanchist as the savior of the Republic, pitting him against the dormant Jedi Council and thus deepening the rift within the Order, although they did not initially consider him seriously. In just a year, Revan achieved considerable success: by 3963 BBY, the revanchists were already a force to be reckoned with by other participants in the war. Arkanian tycoon Arko Adaska even invited them to auction off the exogort superweapon as a third party along with the Republic and the Mandalorians. Revan himself could not attend the bidding, but his followers had a vision of the importance of the Exogorts in the war, so he sent Alec to negotiate on his behalf. However, the deal was thwarted by Zane Kerrick, and no one got the exogorts that got out of control.