How to put Russian language on samsung galaxy. How to change the language on the phone. Standard language changes

Articles and Lifehacks

Almost every user of a device on an operating system with a “green robot” knows how to switch to English or Russian in Android. However, there are times when this fails.

Changing the keyboard layout

  • Often switching languages ​​is done by simply pressing a touch button that looks very similar to the image of a globe. However, it may not be available on all devices.
  • If you didn’t find this near the space, then try to “crawl” with your finger along the space itself: left - right. But remember that such switching methods are possible only if you have the languages ​​\u200b\u200bthat you need (Russian, English, French or others) set in the settings.
  • If you haven't checked the boxes next to the languages ​​​​you use in typing in the settings, then don't be surprised that you can't switch the keyboard layout.
  • If you need to make this transition in any emulator, then you should go to the settings in this emulator. Already in them to find and go to "Change keyboard settings".
  • The next step is to select a line that will mention the physical or virtual keyboard and its settings (depending on the program, there may be various titles lines) in Russian or even in English will be written.
  • After selecting this line, you will see a decent list with possible languages. Check the boxes next to the ones you need.
  • Browsers do not always perceive English, so it is recommended to select American in addition. Save your settings and exit the emulator.
  • Another option why languages ​​do not switch or have stopped switching is a “broken” version of the firmware. For example, you updated your device with a beta version or there were failures during the update.
  • Or the version just doesn't fit your device. There is only one way out - or roll back to the previous working version.

Layout settings

Briefly about the settings. Go to "Settings" on your device. There, select "Language and keyboard". Look for the "Keyboard settings" section.

The next will be the selection of the section "language selection key" or even "input language". Please note that depending on your firmware or hardware, these sections may also be in English.

How to change the language on Android is a question, without an answer to which it is difficult to perform standard operations for the user. For devices running on Android, two or more keyboards are intended. They can be found in the dedicated app store for this OS. Regardless of the installed option, you can change the language in a couple of clicks. The article provides information on how the language is replaced and what positive sides can be obtained from this operation.

The scheme of action in such a situation directly depends on the interface installed on the keyboard. Because users use the Gboard-branded keyboard, it needs to be thought about. You should perform the following actions:

  1. The globe icon is clicked.
  2. The standard English layout is used.
  3. After performing this operation, attention can be typed in the desired language.

How to change the language on Android from Chinese to Russian?

If a person needs to change the language from Chinese to Russian, you will need to perform simple


  • In the built-in settings, checkmarks are placed next to the desired language;
  • The choice made is saved;
  • Depending on the firmware or the selected language, you need to press a key combination. A common way is the standard layout switch.

The user may encounter a button in the form of a globe. For the keyboard to work as it should, the appropriate settings must be made. After that, the function for switching layouts will open strictly at your own discretion.

Change language from English to Russian

The operation of how to change the language from English to Russian on Android is considered common. The reason is that the standard smartphone keyboard in the process of typing is equipped with these two languages. If for the comfortable use of the gadget there is a need to switch the language, you should rely on easy and useful schemes.

On Samsung

To achieve the desired result, users of these devices need to perform the following actions:

  1. Goes to settings.
  2. A line with a keyboard and language opens.
  3. This will take you to the keyboard settings section.
  4. The International Keyboard section is selected.
  5. A menu opens with Active Input Methods.
  6. Check the boxes next to the required languages.

Having mastered this operation, the user will be able, by typing text, to change and add a set option using the icon located below.

On Huawei

In the situation with Huawei, you also need to act through the built-in settings of the device:

  • In the main menu of the smartphone, the section with Settings is pressed;
  • The line Language and input is selected;
  • stands out desired language from the list of suggestions.

After carrying out the above manipulations, the information on the phone will be displayed taking into account the choice made.

How to change the language on a feature phone?

If a person uses an old phone model that has a keypad, you need to act through the keys. The options are similar to those used on a PC. Offered here the following options to change language:

  • Ctrl+Space;
  • Alt+Shift.

If none of the presented switching options gives a positive result, you will need to download a third-party Russian Keyboard application.

This is a virtual keyboard, which, despite its not very attractive appearance, has one feature here. It allows the user to comfortably work with an external keyboard, switch the required layouts on it.

The language on the Android keyboard does not change: the main reasons

If a person is faced with a problem when the language does not change, one can judge the presence of many problems. Among the common ones it should be noted:

  1. No operating system update.
  2. A malfunction in the functioning of the phone itself.
  3. There is no required language if the user requires a non-common variant.

If you check the operation of the smartphone for these functions, the problem can usually be solved fairly quickly.

After fixing the problem, you can begin to install the required language for use. If a touch keyboard is installed on the smartphone, the following manipulations are performed:

  • Goes to the menu settings. If you need to install English language, just activate Settings;
  • There is a line Language and keyboard;
  • The text writing option setting is selected;
  • Inside, you must press the command through the buttons Selection key or Enter.

At the end of the operation, the person chooses the desired option. If everything worked out, you need to save the actions performed and use your smartphone or tablet in comfortable mode.

Summing up

If the user needs to change the interface layout from Chinese to English or Russian to perform daily operations, just select one of the options presented and follow the scheme clearly. If you have a new smartphone model at your disposal, you need to make a replacement by pressing and entering a command of a special button. With some Samsung models, you need to fiddle a little longer, but in any case, the operations are easy and take a minimum amount of time.

The user does not always get a smartphone with the selected Russian interface. When turned on, you can see how english characters, and Chinese characters. Of course, through the settings you can change this situation, provided that Russian is generally in the gadget's library. Let's find out: how to change the language on a Samsung phone, what are the ways to do this, what kind of problems may arise.

Before using your smartphone, you need to install priority systems input. In our country, the Latin and Cyrillic alphabets are more commonly used. While entering text, the user will switch between them as needed. By default, the test will be entered on the characters set as system characters.

To select the required layout types:

  • go to "Settings" - "Keyboard" - "Settings";
  • find an item prompting you to select an input alphabet;
  • check the boxes next to all required character sets.
  • save marked changes in system settings.

After the changes take effect, in instant messengers and other applications, all selected characters will be available in the input field. Of course, they cannot be used at the same time. You will have to switch between the available alphabets.

Algorithm for changing the interface to Android:

The configuration is completed by saving the changes. If the alphabet is already in the initial list, then you need to make this choice a priority. You need to tap on it and, while holding it, stretch it to the first position in the list. Save settings.

How to change the keyboard (layout) from Russian to English and vice versa

To enter text data, the user may need not only the Russian alphabet, but also English. It is on it that addresses on the Internet are entered, some characters and other data are needed. Ways to change the language on Samsung will depend on the installed on-screen keyboard and Android OS version:

The smartphone firmware update field, the usual change method may become unavailable. In this case, you must use the second method. One of them will always work. The reverse switching is performed using the same algorithm.


Changing the language on an Android phone is not difficult. As a rule, when selling smartphones in the Russian Federation, Russian is preinstalled and listed as a priority. The user only needs to select it from the list and put it in the default position. Switching characters to virtual keyboard can be done in two ways: through the "Globe" icon or using the "Space" key, swiping in any direction and highlighting the desired item in the menu that opens. The choice of the envy method depends on the OS version. If these methods seem inconvenient to the user, you can download a third-party application that allows you to enter and change characters more in a simple way. The Play Market store has a wide selection of similar utilities with an extended set of functions.

How to change the language on the phone is a question that often appears among users of smartphones ordered from China. To do this, there are several options to fix the problem. The article presents possible methods for solving the problem, with a step-by-step guide.

Standard language changes

Almost all modern smartphones include the ability to select and replace the desired language. You can figure out how to change the language to Russian on your phone using step-by-step instructions:

Simple operations help you quickly change the language of your mobile device. If the described recommendation does not help or the required option is not in the list, then you will need to use other methods presented in the article. They are suitable for specific gadgets.

Changes on smartphones from Samsung

Samsung mobile equipment includes an alternative option for installing the Russian language. Work is possible provided that the version of Android from 4.2 is used. This technique involves connecting the gadget to a PC using a cable, after which you should upload a folder with localization to the system.

Basic rules to follow:

  • Using the official website, install a program called MoreLocale 2.
  • After that, make the developer mode on the smartphone. To do this, you need to go to the settings menu, find the “About phone” section, where the build number will be presented. You need to click about 10 times on a similar inscription, after which there will be a pop-up window with a notification that administrator rights are open (You are developer now).
  • Now you need to go back to the settings and click on the "For Developers" section. In the menu, move the tab left or right with your finger, then click on "USB Debugging" and agree to the following notification.
  • Before connecting the smartphone to the computer, you need to install the utility on the system disk, make a separate folder called "adb", where the program material will be unzipped.
  • Connect your smartphone to a PC, turn on USB debugging on its display and wait a while until the system is detected. After that, call the command menu with a combination of Win + r buttons or go to the Start-Run menu, specify cmd in the system.
  • Enter the address cd c:\adb to go to the desired folder, enter adb devices.
  • During the action, the display must be unlocked. If after entering the word appears next to "devices", then all operations are done correctly. After that, you need to enter adb shell.
  • Fields: pm list packages morelocale and pm grant, permission.Change_CONFIGURATION.
  • The application should issue a notification, similar to the one in the image, and then you can disconnect your smartphone from the computer.
  • Now the device should be restarted, enable the utility. It should have required language. Click on the desired option to change the language in the entire gadget.

Change language on HTC smartphones

In cases where equipment from the described manufacturer is used, and the version of the operating system is 4.1 or lower, then you will need:

  • Install MoreLocale 2 on your mobile device.
  • Launch it and press the Custom Locale key.
  • Select the "Language" section, then select your country, for example, Russian Federation, set the desired language for the interfaces.
  • Tap on the "Set" key.

The performed actions make it possible to install Russian and other languages ​​​​on the phones of the NTS brand. Otherwise, it is recommended to install a new firmware.

Changing the language on a Huawei phone

Installing the Russian language on devices of this manufacturer will be available after loading a keyboard with a specific language. To do this, it is recommended to use third-party applications that are available in the Play Store. The most popular option is Google Keyboard. The instruction is:

A similar method will be similar for people who are looking for how to change the phone to English.