Test how beautiful I am by my photo. How to understand if you are beautiful or not: test analysis, beauty standards, classic proportions and individuality. Physical aspects of beauty

How often do you hear the phrases addressed to you: "How beautiful you are today", "Something you don't look good"? Do they greatly affect your mood? Does the opinion of others coincide with yours? In order to adequately respond to the opinions of guys and girls, you need to be able to independently assess your appearance. Some girls by nature got ideal external data, while others have to constantly adjust something in their face and figure. Take the test and find out your true feelings for yourself.

Do not rush to be upset if your attractiveness is far from accepted standards of beauty. Remember the people who, only using their charm, could win the love of thousands of fans: Lilia Akhedzhakova, Barbara Streisand. The world, like a mirror, reflects your inner beauty, even if your appearance does not correspond to generally accepted canons. The main thing is how you love yourself and how much you can present your inner attractiveness. The purpose of the tests is to get a person closer to his body in order to accept himself and love him for who he is.

Take the test how pretty you are

When answering questions, first evaluate yourself from the side of an envious rival. Find faults and be ruthless. But after that, be sure to look at yourself with the eyes of guys in love and lift yourself up to heaven! Only after that give yourself points. After all, the truth is always in the middle!

Do you want to know how much percent I am beautiful and attractive? Can I seduce guys with just a glance? Then you have to honestly answer a few questions. The concept of beauty is relative. It is impossible to measure everyone with the same parameters. To find out your characteristics, you need to determine the value of sexuality, evaluating not only external qualities, but also the possession of internal charisma.

How satisfied are you with your appearance? Afraid of not being liked by a man? In order to correctly assess your beauty, you need to analyze your own attitude towards your appearance. After all, a woman who is in harmony with herself is interesting to others.

How Beautiful Are You Quiz will allow you to correctly evaluate your appearance. Probably, it's time to forget about your complexes and listen to the opinion from the outside.

The test for the beauty of appearance is a litmus test that will allow you to verify your perfection. Once you know your strengths and weaknesses, you can work to achieve absolute perfection.

The attractiveness test for guys will tell you what are the strengths and weaknesses of their appearance. Perhaps simple physical exercises or changes in lifestyle will allow you to get closer to the perfect image.

The free attractiveness test for women is an easy way to find out the pros and cons of your appearance. Now you can easily hide the flaws and highlight the advantages. The main thing to remember is that you are individual and unique.

The charm test will tell you what impression you make on others. Do you know how to win over people or perhaps you need to reconsider your habits so that others will be pleased to communicate with you.

Many girls are puzzled by the question: how to understand whether you are beautiful or not? What to do if such a dilemma arises, and how to be able to answer the question without embellishment? You need to objectively evaluate your appearance and find out. And you should also pay attention to your own intuition. What does she say when you look in the mirror? So you couldn't answer? Then read the article.


How to understand how beautiful you are? You can go small test, the results of which will give a clear answer to the question posed. So, to the questionnaire:

  • Do you have thick hair?
  • Are the eyelashes long?
  • European eye shape?
  • Is the face proportional?
  • Is it a beautiful smile?
  • Is your figure perfect?
  • How often do you hear compliments from the opposite sex?
  • Are there many fans?

If you answered yes to most of the questions above, then you should not doubt your beauty. You are an attractive girl who deserves the attention of men and catches the envious glances of women. But don't stop there. Remember that beauty is a flower that needs constant care.

beauty standards

Probably, all girls from childhood know that the ideal has proportions of 90-60-90. All young ladies dream of such a body and girls who want to reach the notorious ideal strive for it. Many ladies even resort to the services of a plastic surgeon to improve their figure. Is it worth striving for perfection? Even if the girl does not reach the ideal, she will look beautiful. The main thing is harmony and proportionality.

Are you really beautiful, how to understand? How many pounds do you need to lose or gain? Look at the covers of glossy magazines. All standards of beauty are well traced there. In Russia, slender ladies with a European type of face and Slavic appearance are considered attractive, and blondes are more attractive than brunettes. Girls with perfect skin, by beauty standards, look more attractive than ladies with freckles. But do not be upset, we are now talking about generally accepted world standards, this does not mean that a girl with black hair is ugly.

Well-groomed appearance

Are you wondering: how to understand that you have a beautiful appearance? A mirror will help answer it. Approach your reflection and carefully look at your appearance. Beautiful girls are ladies who take care of themselves. Such women have soft skin, well-groomed hair and always fresh manicure. It is difficult to call an attractive lady who has unpainted roots on her head, untidy nails. The image should be harmonious and attractive. Remember that any beautiful appearance is made up of details. And the more you work on your problem areas, the more advantageous your image as a whole will become.

How to determine the degree of grooming your Critically examine yourself from head to toe. Carefully study the hairstyle: do you have split hair, is your hair well dyed. How are things with eyelashes, are the lips cracked, are there acne? The more you find small flaws, the less attractive you look. Try to eliminate the shortcomings of appearance in order to stretch your image to the ideal.


We will understand further how to understand that you beautiful girl. An attractive lady is made not only by a puppet appearance, but also by personal charisma. How developed is it? Are you a sparkling joke and always attract attention in any company? It means that people around you consider you a charming person. Inner beauty is no less important than outer beauty. If a person is attractive only from the outside, then they will look for meetings with him once. And then they will avoid the opportunity to be in the company of a selfish and stupid person. Therefore, try to develop your charisma. In order to learn how to communicate with people, you need experience. And the more you talk, the better you will get at it. Don't be afraid to approach strangers and talk to them. If you do not start developing this quality now, you can remain an uninteresting doll for the rest of your life.

Are compliments an indicator

How often do you get nice words? Every day or several times a week? How to understand if you are beautiful? You need to listen to other people's opinions. Evaluation of their merits is not always adequate. Sometimes, due to high self-esteem, girls cannot understand why they, who are so smart and beautiful, are not considered perfect by others. Listen to people's opinions. For example, they got a new haircut, but colleagues and friends are in no hurry to say how good you look. In this case, you need to think about whether this fashionable hairstyle suits you. If changes in your appearance occurred in better side, relatives will immediately inform about it.

But do not be deceived by taking flattery for the truth of the compliments given. Sometimes people will say nice things to you just to make a good impression. They may be insincere. It’s hard to understand that others want to win your favor by singing about your virtues. Therefore, always be attentive to any statements addressed to you, "check" the opinions of people. If several people have said that you look good today, it's probably true. If only one - perhaps just flattery.


How do you know if you are beautiful or not? Write down your positive and negative qualities. Consider which column outweighs. Someone may be surprised and ask: how does character affect beauty? Just like charisma. A person is not considered apart from his appearance. The impression that a person makes is also influenced by his strengths and weaknesses. Do you like a pretty girl who, as soon as she opens her chubby mouth, starts complaining about life or uttering swear words? And sometimes you meet a girl who is not very attractive in appearance, but very pleasant in character. This lady will leave a more benevolent mark in your memories than in the first case.

Acceptance of your appearance

How do you know if you are beautiful or not? You can ask friends or objectively evaluate your appearance by looking in the mirror. But it should be understood that the recognition of attractiveness is very much influenced by self-esteem. If a girl is not confident in herself, she will be shy, embarrassed and make an unpleasant impression. Her beauty will not be revealed to a person, and the interlocutor will not be able to understand that a completely attractive person was talking to him. If a self-confident girl does not become embarrassed and blush, she will leave a good opinion of herself. No need to be afraid to present yourself with dignity to the interlocutor. Confidence in your attractiveness will help to liberate yourself, which your opponent will feel and appreciate, who will not doubt your charm.

Is it necessary to strive for the ideal?

Leafing through the pages of fashion magazines, looking at women with a perfect appearance, you involuntarily begin to think about your own attractiveness, comparing yourself with them. So how do you know if you're beautiful or not? You need to realize your superiority and uniqueness. Love yourself. All people on earth are different, and not only girls with a perfect figure or impeccable appearance become models. Women who take care of themselves and love the reflection in the mirror are considered attractive. Do not try to change something in yourself and do not think that this will necessarily bring success. You need to change your outlook, and not go to a plastic surgeon. Each person is individual, which is good, the main thing is to always look neat and tidy. And then you will be accepted everywhere with dignity.


Each of us is concerned about the topic of our own appearance and beauty.

This simple test will tell you how beautiful you are with 99 percent accuracy.

You have 10 seconds to think about each question. Choose option A, B or C, then count the scores and sum them up.

Question #1:

What is the first thing you see in the mirror?

A. Just yourself…

B. All your faults.

C. Your perfect face.


A- 20 points

B- 10 points

C- 30 points.

Question #2:

Are you a pleasant person?

A. I find it difficult to answer.

B. They tell me yes.

C. Definitely YES!


A-10 points

B- 30 points

C- 20 points.

Question #3:

How often are you told that you are beautiful?

A. Once every few days.

B. Constantly, even strangers tell me this!

C. Never! Well, except occasionally.


A-20 points

B-30 points

C-10 points.

Question #4:

How do you smile?

A. In all 32 teeth!

B. I smile only with the corners of my lips, I do not like to expose my teeth.

C. I smile with my teeth bared, but I have braces.


A. 30 points

B. 10 points

C. 20 points.

Question #5:

For your age and height, are you overweight?

A. Yes, medically speaking, I am overweight.

B. Yes, I have a few extra pounds, but I'm working on it

C. My weight is fine and I eat right.


A-10 points

B- 20 points

C-30 points.

Question #6:

Do you observe personal hygiene?

B. I believe so.

C. Often I don't have time for it.


A-30 points

B-20 points

C-10 points.

Question #7:

Do you have skin problems?

A. Just a few pretty freckles.

B. No, none.

C. Lots of acne.


A-20 points

B-30 points

C-10 points.

Question #8:

What style of clothes do you wear?

A. I wear the latest fashions.

B. I wear whatever is comfortable.

C. Usually jeans and T-shirts.


A-30 points

B-10 points

C-20 points.

Question #9:

The perfect night for you is:

A. Hang out with friends.

B. Having fun with friends and doing stupid things.

C. Do other, much more important things.


A-30 points

B-20 points

C-10 points.

Question number 10:

Do you consider yourself beautiful?

A. I don't care, I am who I am. And that's the only thing that matters.

B. Possibly.

S. Yes, but I want to know how handsome I am.


A-10 points

B -20 points

C-30 points.

Now add up the scores and read the results:

If you scored between 100 and 160 points:

You are beautiful both inside and out, but you yourself do not know about it.

In addition, it seems to you that it is difficult for you to contact people who are more popular than you. The next time you look in the mirror, for each of your flaws, try to find 2 things you like about yourself.

From 170 to 230 points:

You consider yourself "seemingly" beautiful.

Feel free to drop "like". You nice person and wonderful personality. In fact, people like you, but they are a little afraid that you will not reciprocate their sympathy.

Don't be afraid to try new styles of clothing and be sassy. Almost everything suits you.

From 240 to 300 points:

You are beautiful and you know it very well.

Representatives of the opposite sex line up to woo you. After all, you are beautiful. However, as a rule, many are interested in your physical beauty, and not at all spiritual.

Try to find someone who will appreciate your soul and your inner world, and not just external data, which you certainly have beautiful.

Try to always be yourself, do not try to build yourself into someone who you are not.

Greetings to all readers! Today I again became an involuntary witness to an entertaining conversation. Two girls of high school age, armed with fashion magazines with pseudo-psychological tests, diligently figured out: how to understand that you are a beautiful girl. The argument was heated, the magazines contradicted each other, and the girls really wanted to understand how beautiful they were. I smiled and went on about my business, but their discussion did not give me peace.

What is beauty?

The encyclopedia says that beauty is such a harmonious combination of the aspects of an object, in which this object causes aesthetic pleasure in the observer.

Accordingly, a beautiful girl / girl / woman should be harmonious, it should be pleasant to look at her. What does it mean?

The criteria and standards of beauty vary greatly in different cultures and eras, but the same and common is the absence of pronounced physical asymmetry of the body, its proportionality and integrity (lack of mutilation).

So what, if the arms and legs are in place and there is no wild curvature of the spine, then the person is beautiful by default?

Not so simple. Even Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said: "Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts." That is, in order for a girl to be called beautiful, you need not only a pretty face, you need a combination of physical and spiritual parameters.

Physical aspects of beauty

A handsome man is. Unfortunately, fashion often dictates unhealthy trends (anorexic thinness in last years, “heroin chic” of the 2000s, rachitic pallor, thinness and stoop in the Middle Ages, etc.), but my opinion is not beauty.

What is invested in the concept of physical beauty? How should you look to be beautiful? So, for a beautiful girl:

  1. Beautiful posture. A straight back, a high head - that's what makes a woman beautiful in the first place;
  2. Nice walk. How many times have I noticed: a girl is walking down the street, just a picture on her face. At the same time, she stoops, clumsily, shuffles her feet, and if at the same time she still smokes, swears and spits through her teeth - oh, beauty-ah-ah!
  3. Stretched figure. No, this is not about weight at all, but about general tone. You can be loose and lethargic with a weight of 40 kg, and with a weight of 140 kg.
  4. Well-groomed hair. It doesn't matter if you have them long or short, dark, light, any color of the rainbow, straight or curly. It is only important that they are clean, healthy-looking (split ends look terrible) and at least combed. Girls, remember: the fashionable styling “hair disheveled in the wind” looks beautiful only if it was done by a highly professional master in the salon for 2 hours. In other cases, disheveled hair looks terrible and does not paint anyone!
  5. Smooth skin. It is necessary to take care of the skin daily from the beginning adolescence, visit a beautician if there are problems, use a cream with SPF protection in sunny days. And in no case do not go to bed with unwashed makeup!
  6. Healthy white teeth. Here, I think, everything is clear;
  7. Well-groomed nails. No, not necessarily 10-centimeter stilettos with bright varnish, sparkles and rhinestones. At least neatly trimmed, not bitten, without burrs and dirt under the nails.
  8. In general, a clean, healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Spiritual Aspects of Beauty

I really like the poem by Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky, in which there are such lines:
And if so, what is beauty
And why do people deify it?
She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,
Or fire flickering in a vessel?

What should be in the vessel of our body so that we are harmonious and beautiful? In 2011, a study was conducted on the essence of female beauty.

When describing the character of a beautiful woman, it was necessary to mention:

  • Mind. Yes, girls, only a pretty face and a pumped up butt still doesn’t make you a beauty. But a pumped mind, correctly applied to its body, will easily make a real beauty out of any average young lady in appearance;
  • Kindness and tenderness. An eternally sour expression on his face and a mouth pursed with a “chicken ass” will definitely not adorn anyone.
  • Politeness and good manners;
  • Purposefulness;
  • Sense of humor;
  • Responsiveness;
  • Charm and charisma;
  • Self confidence;
  • In addition, most of the respondents noted that beautiful woman should be interesting in communication.

How to be beautiful?

My advice to all girls and women is to find harmony in yourself. Don't get hung up on any one aspect. Take care of your body, but do not forget about inner beauty.

By the way, the French have a very precise saying: "If a woman has not become a beauty by the age of 30, then she is a fool." Do you understand why?

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