The message about feta is briefly the most important thing. Life and work of Fet. Interesting facts from the life of Fet

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was born in 1820 and died in 1892.

The young poet lived in a small village. Later he studied abroad and then came to Moscow, skillfully maneuvering with the acquired knowledge. Fet's work is considered to be virtuoso - experimental. The author loved innovations and often used them in his works. His collections began to be released already in the twentieth year of Shenshin. (Russian surname Feta)

Afanasy Afanasyevich was recognized as one of the best landscape painters, because the description of nature in his works is truly striking in its beauty. It was typical for the poet to dedicate his poems to nature. Each landscape is symbolized: spring is youth, the time of unbridled love; autumn - old age, withering of life; night - trouble, the action of dark forces; morning is the dawn of everything new and good.

Another feature for Fet's work is the use of various repetitions - anaphora, epiphora, refrain. This helped the poet to enhance the transmission of sensations. In terms of genre, Fet tends to fragment, lyrical miniature, cyclization.

The poet "liberated" the word and increased the load on it - grammatical, emotional, semantic and phonetic load. This was the innovation of Afanasy Afanasyevich in relation to the artistic word.

More biography of Fet

Athanasius Fet - translator and lyric poet. His poems have been part of the school curriculum for several generations.

He was born in 1820 in the village of Novoselki, not far from Mtsensk - county town Oryol province. In the village was the estate of his father, retired military Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin. He married abroad in 1820 with his future mother, Charlotte Fet, who bore the name of her ex-husband. It was this surname that her son got: when the boy was 14 years old, it turned out that the Orthodox wedding was performed after Athanasius was born. The spiritual consistory deprived the boy of his father's surname, and after that - noble privileges.

Fet got good home education. At the age of 14, he was sent to a German boarding school in the city of Verro, which is now in Estonia.

At the age of 18, he entered the Faculty of Law at Moscow University, but soon moved to the Faculty of Literature. He studied for 6 years: from 1838 to 1844.

It was during his studies at the university that Fet published his first poems. His debut took place in 1840: a collection of poems "Lyrical Pantheon" appeared in print. He begins to cooperate with Otechestvennye Zapiski and Moskvityanin.

After graduating from university, the poet decided to try to regain his nobility by enlisting as a cavalryman in the army in 1845. A year later he was awarded the rank of officer. But, unfortunately, he never received a letter of nobility, it was given only from the rank of major.

It was a difficult period in the life of Afanasy Fet. He was very worried about the death of his beloved - Maria Lazich. She died in a fire. During this time, he dedicated many poems to her.

In 1853 he was transferred to the guards regiment, which was located in St. Petersburg. There he became close to the circle of the Sovremennik magazine. It included: Turgenev, Druzhinin, Nekrasov. A special role was occupied by friendship with Turgenev, who helped to compile and publish a new edition of Fet's poems in 1856.

In 1857 Fet got married. His chosen one was Maria Botkina, the sister of the literary critic Vasily Botkin. Maria was not particularly beautiful, but she had a large dowry behind her. It was these funds that allowed the poet to buy the Stepanovka estate. He decided to retire and take up the arrangement of the estate, which was rather big: 200 acres of land. His friends regarded this act as a betrayal of literature. Indeed, only notes about agriculture and small literary essays. Fet explained this by saying that no one was interested in his work.

The writer returned to creativity only 17 years later, when he sold the improved estate and bought a house in Moscow. Now he was not a poor man, but a well-known Oryol landowner. The writer again adjoins his friends. He is intensively engaged in the translation of classical German literature.

By 1892, the poet's condition began to deteriorate sharply: he began to suffocate, experiencing terrible pain, he almost lost his sight. In the last months of his life, he often thought about suicide. Died November 21, 1892.

Option 3

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was born in 1820 and left this world almost a century later, having lived incredibly busy life until 1892. For the most part, Fet's lyrics dealt with the theme of nature or love. These themes are quite common, but the poet was not banal and was able to create a number of truly outstanding works.

Fet was often called a poet-musician, because he created poems that became the basis for romances. By the way, romances based on Fet's verses are still popular and are heard from the stage.

First, Fet studies at a boarding school in Estonia, and after that he enters the Faculty of Literature at Moscow University. In the city, the poet begins to communicate with various representatives of the creative elite and gains some popularity, Fet's works were praised by Gogol and many other figures of that time.

For the most part, Fet's works are filled with some lightness and, as it were, detachment from this world, but the fate of the poet himself can hardly be called cloudless. He was left without a title and in order to regain his status, he entered the army in 1844, where he served until 1858. It was there that he wrote many magnificent works, including those dedicated to Maria Lazich, whom he loved completely and lost quite tragically.

In fact, Fet's work should in many ways be assessed precisely through his relationship with Lazich. Mutual feelings were connected with this girl of the poet, but the young and ambitious Fet then could not take a wife from a poor family, being himself not fully accomplished. The marriage did not take place, and Lazich tragically died from the fire, and as a result, Afanasy Afanasyevich constantly blamed himself for this situation and remained faithful to Mary throughout his life, although he later started a family.

Retired Fet works as a justice of the peace and is engaged in creativity, writes not only poetry, but also translations, he also creates a book of memoirs. For the most part, the poet spends all these days in the estate he acquired for himself, which had great importance in his destiny. Fet died of a heart attack in Moscow.


Special and complicated in many ways, fate with its dramatic events is characteristic of Fet's work.

Afanasy Afanasyevich had a long and troubled life. He appeared and grew up in the family of the landowner Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin and his wife Charlotte Becker. At the age of 14, the boy learned that he was born out of wedlock. When he was studying at a German boarding school located in one of the Baltic cities, Athanasius received a letter saying that now the young man would live under the name Feta. And then the poet felt all the grave consequences that were associated with his new name. It was here that Fet felt the first impulses for poetic creativity.

Afanasy Afanasyevich continued to compose his creations with special zeal even at Professor Pogodin's boarding school, where he prepared for exams at Moscow University. Gogol was the first to give his blessing for his creative work. Joyful Fet decides to release his poems as a separate collection, borrowing some money from the servants. The book "Lyrical Pantheon" was nevertheless published in 1840 and received an approving review from Belinsky. The approval of this literary critic helped Fet to realize his potential in the literary field further. The poet begins to intensively publish his works in the Moskvityanin and Otechestvennye Zapiski.

In 1845, Fet abruptly changes his fate, leaving Moscow and enlisting in one of the regiments in the Kherson province. Now he could rise to the rank of hereditary nobility and thereby regain at least a little what he had lost. However, his creative activity waned. He never managed to rise to the nobility, and in 1853 he was transferred to a regiment located not far from St. Petersburg. In 1856, a revised collection of poems was published, which was highly appreciated by Nekrasov. And Fet begins to develop the most active literary activity. He tries himself in fiction. Translates the works of Heine, Goethe. In 1857, he legally married the daughter of the richest Moscow tea merchant, Maria Botkina, and retired. Later, having bought a small estate, he became a Mtsensk landowner and continued to write. In 1863, he published a new collection of his works in two parts, which remained unsold to the end. Then he buys another estate, Vorobyovka, and he is elected in the county as a justice of the peace. But Fet did not leave literature. In 1883 he published the book "Evening Lights". Further, under the same name, collections were published in 1885, 1888 and 1891.

Friends organized a solemn anniversary dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the poetic activity of Afanasy Afanasyevich. However, the limited readership caused him bitterness and sadness. For some time now, Fet began to be tormented by old ailments. And on November 21, 1892, the poet committed suicide. And in our time, it has become likely that Fet's lyrics deliver great aesthetic value to readers.

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Russian poet Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet lived a long and very difficult life. During his lifetime, interest in his personality was not as high as after his death. Soon after the death of the poet, it became obvious that during his work he opened a new chapter in Russian poetry. It is his poems that can be considered the starting point of the poetry of the twentieth century. Therefore, today Fet is one of the most popular poets: his poems are included in school curriculum, they are popular with people of different ages, scientists are exploring his biography and work, finding new interesting facts.

The poet bore his mother's surname. Carolina Charlotte Fet, the mother of the poet, a German, having met the retired captain Shenshin, leaves for Russia. Some time later, already in the father's homeland, a boy is born. Shenshin adopts him, without taking Carolina as his wife. Fourteen years later, the boy's surname is taken away and recognized as illegitimately born. From a Russian nobleman, he turns into a foreigner Fet. For the boy, this event was a real tragedy, and he decides to do everything to return his father's surname. As a result, after almost twelve years, he achieves his goal.

He received an excellent education by the standards of his time.. From the age of fifteen, Fet was sent to a German boarding school in Germany. Already here he was stubbornly engaged in classical philology, studying literary criticism and trying to write poetry. Carried away by philology, he easily enters the verbal department at Moscow University, which he graduates with excellent results.

For the sake of returning the status of a nobleman, Fet leaves literature for several years.. After graduating from university, he goes to work in infantry regiment, because the officer rank gives the right to receive the nobility. He did not understand army life, but he was ready to endure any difficulties in order to achieve his goal.

In the sixties of the nineteenth century, Fet created prose. At this time, poetry faded into the background. There were periods in which Fet did not create a single poem. He is the author of two prose cycles, consisting of essays and short stories that were published in the magazines of that time.

Fet was personally acquainted with Leo Tolstoy. In the seventies of the nineteenth century, he becomes close to Tolstoy and considers him a friend. They often meet, have conversations on philosophical and social topics, Fet reads his new works to Tolstoy, and they discuss them. Tolstoy emphasizes in many of them strengths, and openly criticizes some works

Fet translated a lot. He translated, both for himself and on paid orders, Schiller and Goethe, Shakespeare, Byron. Fet was fluent in German and English languages was interested in French.

Fet considered himself guilty of the death of his beloved. While still a student, Fet met a girl with whom he fell in love. She was a dowry. Years passed. The poet received a return declaration of love, but he never made an offer to his chosen one, since he was not rich and was embarrassed by his status. And, in his own words, he was not yet ready for such a serious step. A few years later, the poet's beloved burned to death on her own estate. Many researchers believe that she committed suicide without becoming the wife of the one she loved. This tragic story tormented the poet until his death.

Fet was married by convenience. Shortly after the death of his love, he goes on an unplanned vacation to Europe. Here, in the capital of France, he married Maria Botkina, the daughter of a wealthy tea seller. Most likely, it was a marriage of convenience, which the poet was thinking about. Friends and acquaintances quite often asked Fet about the reason for such an imminent wedding, but he was only silent. The poet had no children.

About eleven years old Fet worked as a justice of the peace. He resolved issues in the name he bought and estates nearby, for which all the landowners who lived in the neighborhood were grateful to him.

Fet had an ear for music, he knew how to play the piano. Perhaps that is why his poems are so melodic, and some of them have become romances. Tchaikovsky even called Fet more of a musician than a poet.

Fet was afraid of mental illness. This disease could have been inherited. His relatives were frequent patients in a psychiatric clinic. The poet often fell into depression, could not leave the room for several days. Fet could not talk to anyone for several weeks, devoting himself to creativity.

Fet died two days before his seventieth birthday. Fet was sick with asthma and had poor eyesight, but he felt decent. On the morning of November 21, 1892, he asked his wife to pour him a glass of champagne. The request was followed by a refusal, since the poet was still undergoing treatment. Fet demanded that his wife go to the doctor and come home with him for an examination, because, according to him, he wanted everyone to make sure that he had recovered and could drink alcohol. After the departure of his wife, he wanted to cut his veins. The secretary stopped him. Fet went to the closet to get something, but trying to open the closet door, he sighed heavily and fell unconscious on a chair next to him.

Fet's personality is amazing: he simultaneously managed to be a romantic, dreaming of sincere love and care, and a businesslike, enterprising landowner living real life. He is a poet who created sincere poems about nature, writing about children and for children. At the same time, he is an accurate publicist and prose writer, who often spent time translating, where one cannot go into thought and dream. He is a versatile person, and this is interesting to this day.

Born into the family of a landowner Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin and a mother who left her husband Johann-Peter Fet for him. After fourteen years, the Oryol spiritual consistory returned to Athanasius the surname of his mother's previous husband, because of which he lost all the privileges of the nobility. Fet studied first at home, then was sent to a German boarding school in the city of Verro and brilliantly graduated from it in 1837.

In 1837, Afanasy Fet arrived in Moscow, studied at the boarding school of Professor M.P. Pogodin, and in 1838 he first entered the Faculty of Law, then the Historical and Philological Department of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow University.

In 1840, at his own expense, he published a collection of poems, Lyrical Pantheon A.F., which was praised in the Notes of the Fatherland and scolded in the Library for Reading.

In 1842-1843, his eighty-five poems were published in Fatherland Notes.

In 1845, Afanasy Fet entered as a non-commissioned officer in a cuirassier regiment stationed in the Kherson province, wanting to acquire a hereditary Russian nobility. In 1846 he was awarded the first officer rank.

In 1847 permission was obtained from the censorship to publish the book and a book of poems was published in 1850. The poems were positively reviewed in the magazines Sovremennik, Moskvityanin, Otechestvennye Zapiski.

In 1853, Afanasy Fet moved to the Guards Lancers Regiment stationed near Volkhov, and began to visit St. Petersburg more often. Here he began to communicate with the new edition of Sovremennik N. Nekrasov, I. Turgenev, V. Botkin, A. Druzhinin.

In 1854, his poems began to be published in Sovremennik.

In 1856 Afanasy Fet left military service, in the rank of guards headquarters captain, without serving the nobility, and settled in Moscow. In 1857 he married M.P. Botkina.

In 1860 he bought an estate in the Mtsensk district and, in the words of I. Turgenev, "became an agronomist-owner to the point of desperation."

Since 1862, he began to regularly publish essays in the editorial "Russian Bulletin" that denounced the order in the countryside.

In 1867 - 1877 Afanasy Fet was elected a justice of the peace.

In 1873, the surname Shenshin was recognized as his surname and hereditary nobility was granted. During this period, he did little literary activity.

In 1881, Afanasy Fet bought a mansion in Moscow, and in the same year his translation of The World as Will and Representation by A. Schopenhauer was published.

In 1882, he published his translation of the first part of Faust by I.V. Goethe.

In 1883, Afanasy Fet began to publish his poems again in the form of collections "Evening Lights".

In 1888, the second part of "Faust" by I.V. Goethe in the translation of Athanasius Fet and the third collection of poems "Evening Lights".

Afanasy Fet died of a presumed heart attack on November 21 (December 3), 1892 in Moscow. Buried in the village of Kleymenovo, family estate Shenshins.

The great Russian poet and translator Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was born on December 5, 1820 in the Oryol province. He was adopted by the nobleman Shenshin. However, when the future poet was fourteen years old, he was stripped of his title after an error was found in the record of his birth. Afanasy Fet began to write poems very early. In 1837, he completed his studies at an Estonian boarding school and entered the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow University. All these years, Fet was very fond of literature, read and wrote a lot. In 1840, Fet's first poems were published in the Lyric Pantheon magazine.

From that moment on, his works began to be constantly published in many collections, almanacs and magazines. For many years the poet tried to regain the title of a nobleman. To do this, he served as a non-commissioned officer for several years, and in 1853 he went to serve in the regiment of guards. Fet's second collection of poems was published in 1850, and the third was published six years later. In 1858, Afanasy Fet resigned. The title of a nobleman was never returned to him, and he decides to become landowners.

To do this, he buys land and begins to farm. A cycle of the poet's poems called "From the Village" appears. In addition, Fet writes short stories and essays. At the same time, his poetry and prose are very different: in poetry Fet is a romantic, and in prose he is a realist.

A remarkable Russian poet who worked as a translator, wrote poems and memoirs, Afanasy Fet was born in 1820. Thus began Afanasy Fet's short biography. He was born in the Oryol province. His biological father was Johann Feth, a German official, but the boy was raised by a nobleman Shenshin, with whom the poet's mother fled, being in a position.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet short biography

Everything was fine until, at the age of 14, the Russian authorities discovered the illegality of the origin of the future poet and took away the title. Shenshin sends the child to the town of Verro for the boy to study in a boarding house, and at this time he seeks recognition of Athanasius as the son of an official from Germany. So Athanasius from a Russian citizen turned into a foreigner. That's just Afanasy Fet decided to restore Russian citizenship and return the title of a nobleman.

Further, the life of Afanasy Fet and a brief biography continue at the University of Moscow, where he enters the philologist. Studying at the university, he first tries himself as a writer. In 1840, at the age of twenty, his first poems were published. Since then, Fet has been constantly published. Athanasius graduated from the University in 1844. After university, he enters military service, hoping to regain his citizenship and title. First, he served in the Kherson province, then transferred to St. Petersburg.

During the service, the second and third collections of his works are published. However, the service did not affect him in any way and he never became a nobleman. In 1858 he retired. After that, Fet, together with his wife, whom he married a year before his resignation, buys land and becomes a landowner. Doing housework, Fet continues to write. So novels, essays from the pen of Afanasy Fet are published, and the writer also publishes a cycle of poems “From the Village”.

Considering the biography of Fet and her summary, it is worth noting that the poet nevertheless received a title of nobility, he returned the name Shenshin, as he returned his rights to the inheritance. It happened in 1873.
Fet's life and short biography for children ends with the last moments of his life, which he spent in Moscow. In 1892, the writer's heart stopped.