The main provisions of the adoption of shoulder straps in 1943. A country that has gone down in history: the return of shoulder straps. Stalin's strange decision

In January 1943, at the height of the war, a reform took place in the Red Army. Soviet soldiers and the officers put on shoulder straps and changed ranks. There are officers in the army again. How in tsarist army.

"Strange" Decree

January 10, 1943, by order of NPO No. 24, it was announced the adoption of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 01/06/1943 "On the introduction of shoulder straps for personnel Red Army". This document, and this decision itself - to start a serious military reform they certainly have their own history. We want to tell her. Why did Stalin return to the Red Army the shoulder straps that served as the symbol of the White Army? How was this order received? What was the purpose of the military reform?

Enemy propaganda reaction

It is interesting how fascist propaganda met the return of shoulder straps. The German scribes immediately began to see in this step the weakness of Stalin, who made concessions out of fear. The Germans wrote that there were rumors that Stalin would also change the name of the army - to Russian.

They thus treated it as a forced and hasty decision, although the reality was quite different. The introduction of shoulder straps was part of the planned reform program Soviet Union.

How it happened

I must say right away: the idea has matured for a long time. Back in 1935, the rank of "Marshal of the Soviet Union" was introduced in the Red Army, and in 1940, general and admiral ranks were introduced. This can be considered an important milestone on the way to shoulder straps. By 1941, samples of the new uniform and shoulder straps were also ready. In May 1942, the decree was approved by the Main Political Directorate of the Red Army. Temporary specifications (VTU) TK GIU KA No. 0725, in which there was a description of emblems and insignia (asterisks) on shoulder straps, were published on December 10, 1942. The Red Army needed a bright turning point victory. Such a victory was Stalingrad. When it became clear that the 6th Army of Paulus did not last long, the project was approved by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks - October 23, 1942. According to the order, it was necessary to switch to shoulder straps in half a month - from February 1 to February 15, 1943, however, even on the Kursk Bulge in July of this year, some pilots and tankers, as can be seen in the photographs, did not wear shoulder straps, but old buttonholes.

How to change shoulder straps

The introduction of shoulder straps was met with mixed reactions. It is known that, for example, Georgy Zhukov disliked shoulder straps. Many Soviet military leaders passed the Civil War - and their memory remembered the "gold chasers". It must be said that, of course, Stalin's shoulder straps were not a copy of the royal ones. There was a different system for designating titles, like the titles themselves. Instead of a second lieutenant, there was now a lieutenant, the staff captain became a captain, instead of a captain, a major. On the shoulder straps of the army Russian Empire ranks were indicated only by small asterisks. big stars for senior officers introduced Stalin first. Field marshals in the tsarist army wore epaulettes with two crossed batons on a galloon zigzag. After the introduction of shoulder straps in 1943, the ranks of Marshal of the Soviet Union began to symbolize the big star and emblem of the USSR.


Order N 1 dated March 1, 1917 "On democratization former army and the fleet "equalized the rights of soldiers and officers. Soon the word "officer" itself began to be perceived as counter-revolutionary. Only in the May Day order of the People's Commissar of Defense in 1942 did it reappear. In early 1943, with the introduction of shoulder straps in the Red Army, the word officer officially came out of disgrace.The commanders from the platoon commander to the brigade commander began to be called differently.


It is not entirely correct to consider the introduction of shoulder straps as a personal initiative of the supreme commander. Shoulder straps were introduced by the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The Chairman of the Presidium was Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin. It was a planned reform, preparations for it took almost ten years. There is a version that Stalin introduced shoulder straps almost out of nostalgia. In March 1918, Stalin acted as Extraordinary Commissar for the shipment of grain in Tsaritsyn, and there he met the strange "red general" Andrei Evgenievich Snesarev, who on principle refused to take off the general's shoulder straps and aiguillettes of the General Staff. Stalin remembered the proud officer. But it can hardly be called a historically based version. Most likely, the introduction of shoulder straps was caused by objective reasons:

1) Ideological (epaulettes have been an element of the form of the Russian army since Peter the Great, and appealing to the names of the great Russian generals was one of the methods of educating patriotism)

2) Nominative. The war will end sooner or later. Coming to Berlin as "commanders" and "brigade commanders" was short-sighted - an approximate unification with the ranks of the allied countries was needed.

3) Victory in Battle of Stalingrad turned the tide of the war. Changes in the form allowed to inspire the army. When the decree was passed, articles about it immediately appeared in the newspapers. And they emphasize the symbolism of the introduction of shoulder straps precisely from the position of the inseparable connection of Russian victories.

On January 6, 1943, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On the introduction of new insignia for the personnel of the Red Army" was published. This document ordered to replace the existing ones with new insignia - shoulder straps for the personnel of the Red Army, as well as to approve the samples and description of the new insignia.
A quarter of a century after the revolution, the country's Armed Forces returned to their historical dress code.

The editorial material of the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda dated January 7, 1943 emphasized that “today the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the introduction of new insignia - shoulder straps for the personnel of the Red Army is being published. This event is important event in the life of the army, because it is designed to further strengthen military discipline and military spirit.

The central organ of the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR recalled that "epaulettes with clear and distinct insignia distinguish the Soviet commander and Red Army soldier, emphasize ranks, military specialty and make it possible to further strengthen military discipline and smartness."
The main military newspaper of the country wrote on that day:
"We have a first class military equipment, and every day it will be more and more. The country sent its sons to the fronts - faithful warriors, and the mighty power of the Soviet soldier became famous throughout the world.
The people have brought forward from their midst cadres of commanders, cadres of the military intelligentsia - bearers of everything heroic and noble that is in itself. Our fighters and commanders in fierce battles with the enemy raised the honor of Russian weapons highly. The importance of the commander in the army is great. He has a paramount role in combat, in all military life.
We must emphasize and strengthen in every possible way the role of an all-powerful commander. This, in particular, will be facilitated by shoulder straps with their clear designations of seniority.
“Red Star” reminded that “epaulettes were a traditional decoration of the valiant Russian army. We, the legitimate heirs of Russian military glory, take from the arsenal of our fathers and grandfathers all the best that contributed to raising the military spirit and strengthening discipline. The introduction of shoulder straps once again confirms the glorious continuity of military traditions, which is so valuable for an army that loves its fatherland, cherishes native history. Shoulder straps are not only a piece of clothing. This is a sign of military dignity and military honor.
The editorial material of the newspaper emphasized that “the content of the military uniform is determined by the fighting spirit of the troops, their glory, their moral strength, their traditions. Putting on shoulder straps - new insignia and military honor - we will feel even more clearly the duty that lies with the army, defending its homeland from the Nazi bands. The people will give these badges of honor to the army, while demanding that the honor of the army be maintained on the battlefields.
The article also reminded: “The people granted our officers great rights, but at the same time imposed great duties on them. Fight selflessly for the motherland, always feel like an educator of the Red Army masses in everything, always and in everything instill in the minds of their subordinates a feeling of love for the motherland, a correct understanding of their military duty - such is the duty of a Soviet officer.
Shoulder strap should constantly remind the commander of this duty. The wearing of epaulettes should inspire every soldier with a sense of pride that he has the honor of belonging to the valiant Red Army, a sense of pride both for himself and for our entire army.
“Red Star” especially emphasized on this day: “We put on shoulder straps in a great and difficult time patriotic war. Let us immortalize these signs of military distinction and military honor with new feats for the glory of our fatherland and our heroic army!

Everyone in uniform

Particularly interesting is the use of the words "officer" and "officer" in the editorial material of the "Red Star". For the first time after 1917, the word "officer" appeared in the May Day order People's Commissar defense in 1942. This document noted that "the Red Army has become more organized and stronger, its officer cadres have been tempered in battles, and its generals have become more experienced and more perspicacious."
However, the word "officer" was officially legalized in the second half of 1943.
Work on a new form of clothing and insignia was carried out even before the war. According to some reports, the first uniforms and shoulder straps were developed as early as 1941.
The study “Uniforms of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht” by Pavel Lipatov indicates that “new insignia and uniforms began to be developed as early as mid-1942, based on the galloon and field shoulder straps of the Russian imperial army. They searched for old masters who once wove golden patterned ribbons, revived a half-forgotten technology. Trial samples were cut - lush and archaic double-breasted full dress coats with gold embroidery and thick epaulettes.
Temporary specifications, which included a description of emblems and insignia on shoulder straps, were published on December 10, 1942.
According to Pavel Lipatov, the new uniform was originally supposed to be introduced only in the guards, but the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Comrade Stalin decided to put on shoulder straps for everyone.
The decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR emphasized that the insignia - epaulettes - serve to determine the military rank and belonging of military personnel to one or another type of troops (service). According to the assigned military rank, belonging to the branch of service (service), insignia (asterisks, gaps, stripes) and emblems are placed on the field of shoulder straps, and stencils indicating the name of the military unit are also placed on everyday shoulder straps of junior commanders, privates and cadets of military schools (connections).
As the researchers of the domestic military uniform, in their form, the shoulder straps of the Red Army were similar to the shoulder straps adopted in the Russian army until 1917. They were a strip with parallel long sides, the lower end of the shoulder strap is rectangular, and the upper end is cut at an obtuse angle. The epaulets of marshals and generals have the top of an obtuse angle cut parallel to the bottom edge.
For the first time in Russia, shoulder straps appeared under Peter the Great in 1696. But in those days they were not insignia and were intended to hold on the shoulder of an ordinary soldier the strap of a cartridge or grenade bag.
Then the infantrymen wore, respectively, only one epaulette on the left shoulder, the lower edge of which was sewn on, and the upper one was fastened to the caftan and later to the uniform. In that era, epaulettes were absent from officers, cavalrymen and artillerymen. In other words, they were not in those types of troops in which there was no need for them.
Since 1762, shoulder straps have become insignia and determine the serviceman's belonging to one or another regiment. Under Paul I, shoulder straps again perform only one function - holding the belt of a cartridge bag, but in the reign of Alexander I they again become insignia.
In the armed forces of Soviet Russia, shoulder straps were abolished on December 16, 1917.

On January 6, 1943, new insignia were introduced in the Red Army, or rather, they did not introduce, but returned shoulder straps that were canceled in 1917. The traditional royal epaulettes were taken as a basis, but let's leave these details to fashion historians - today we are interested in something else. Why bother with this whole garden with the reformatting of military uniforms at a time when every penny counted?

And this question is by no means an idle one, because only 25 years ago these same shoulder straps were canceled "forever" and canceled not out of the blue. Shoulder straps were banned in order to establish equality between soldiers and officers - the word "officer" itself was also essentially banned. For more than 20 years there were no officers, but there were commanders. And then everything was returned back - why?

In the central newspapers of that time, many articles were devoted to "promoting" this event. Formally, the main reason for the introduction of new insignia was " strengthening discipline and unity of command". Moreover, "graceful" attempts were constantly made to combine civil equality and a strict system of power-subordination - something like " freedom is a conscious need to obey superior commanders". In general, of course, the problem of unity of command was, given that the whole country had turned into a military camp. It was necessary to somehow reformat the civilian population under the realities of wartime.

However, as an experienced conspiracy theorist, it seemed strange and suspicious to me that only a third of the "airtime" is given to "PR" supposedly the main reason for innovations. The bulk of the arguments went to the formation of continuity between the Russian and Red armies, starting right from Peter the Great.

At first glance, the message is simple - "we are the legitimate successors" of the heroic Kutuzov and Suvorov, and not the reactionary Kolchak and Denikin, so we can now wear shoulder straps. However, I think the real message is a little deeper.

The fact is that by the end of 1942, the forces of the USSR were exhausted to the limit, any careless "movement" could put the country on the brink of disaster - in fact, in the famous order No. 227 " Not one step back!"This is stated in plain text. The motivation for mobilization and defense among the Soviet people under these conditions naturally fell, and decadent moods grew.

On the other hand, Hitler's propaganda worked quite successfully with the thesis - " we are not fighting against Russians, but against communists and Jews". And in fact, our country was not a socially homogeneous organism that, as one, would support Soviet power under any conditions. therefore, apparently, it was decided to consolidate the people not only on the basis of the communist idea, but also on the basis of the national Russian idea.

Moreover, the communist idea during the war failed in the context that its thesis that - " The working class does not fight against the working class" failed miserably. It turned out that the German working class is not just fighting, but also carrying out direct genocide of our working class.

Thus, the "shoulder straps" were supposed to unite the entire population of the country, regardless of internal political differences, based on the thesis " Russians against Germans. Accordingly, this message should have reached the inhabitants of the occupied territories.

The Goebbels Ministry quickly figured out which way the wind was blowing and "answers" like this one immediately rained down.

There are many theories that Stalin planned to return various attributes of the Empire even before the war, but what happened happened. And yes, the return of the Patriarchate in 1943, of course, "hit the same gates" as shoulder straps - it was necessary to consolidate a country divided along religious lines.

P.S. You ask - why did I get into the old newspapers? And the fact is that I am preparing sensational material on the Battle of Stalingrad. It will be shock. Soon.

In January 1943, at the height of the war, a reform took place in the Red Army. Soviet soldiers and officers put on shoulder straps and changed ranks. There are officers in the army again. As in the royal army.

"Strange" decree "
On January 10, 1943, by order of NPO No. 24, it was announced the adoption of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 01/06/1943 "On the introduction of shoulder straps for the personnel of the Red Army." This document, and this decision itself - to start a serious military reform in the midst of the war, of course, have their own history. We want to tell her. Why did Stalin return to the Red Army the shoulder straps that served as the symbol of the White Army? How was this order received? What was the purpose of the military reform?

Enemy propaganda reaction
It is interesting how fascist propaganda met the return of shoulder straps. The German scribes immediately began to see in this step the weakness of Stalin, who made concessions out of fear. The Germans wrote that there were rumors that Stalin would also change the name of the army - to Russian.

They thus treated it as a forced and hasty decision, although the reality was quite different. The introduction of shoulder straps was part of the planned reform program of the Soviet Union.

How it happened
Let's say: the idea has matured for a long time. Back in 1935, the rank of "Marshal of the Soviet Union" was introduced in the Red Army, and in 1940, general and admiral ranks were introduced. This can be considered an important milestone on the way to shoulder straps. By 1941, samples of the new uniform and shoulder straps were also ready. In May 1942, the decree was approved by the Main Political Directorate of the Red Army. Temporary specifications (VTU) TK GIU KA No. 0725, in which there was a description of emblems and insignia (asterisks) on shoulder straps, were published on December 10, 1942. The Red Army needed a bright turning point victory. Such a victory was Stalingrad. When it became clear that the 6th Army of Paulus did not last long, the project was approved by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks - October 23, 1942. According to the order, it was necessary to switch to shoulder straps in half a month - from February 1 to February 15, 1943, however, even on the Kursk Bulge in July of this year, some pilots and tankers, as can be seen in the photographs, did not wear shoulder straps, but old buttonholes.

How to change shoulder straps

Shoulder straps for 1943.

The introduction of shoulder straps was met with mixed reactions. It is known that, for example, Georgy Zhukov disliked shoulder straps. Many Soviet military leaders went through the Civil War - and their memory remembered the "gold chasers". It must be said that, of course, Stalin's shoulder straps were not a copy of the royal ones. There was a different system for designating titles, like the titles themselves. Instead of a second lieutenant, there was now a lieutenant, the staff captain became a captain, instead of a captain, a major. On the shoulder straps of the army of the Russian Empire, the ranks were indicated only by small asterisks. Large stars for senior officers were introduced first by Stalin. Field marshals in the tsarist army wore epaulettes with two crossed batons on a galloon zigzag. After the introduction of shoulder straps in 1943, the ranks of Marshal of the Soviet Union began to symbolize the big star and emblem of the USSR.

Order N 1 of March 1, 1917 "On the democratization of the former army and navy" equalized the rights of soldiers and officers. Soon, the very word "officer" began to be perceived as counter-revolutionary. Only in the May Day order of the People's Commissar of Defense in 1942 did it reappear. At the beginning of 1943, with the introduction of shoulder straps in the Red Army, the word officer officially fell out of favor. The commanders from the platoon commander to the brigade commander began to be called differently.

It is not entirely correct to consider the introduction of shoulder straps as a personal initiative of the supreme commander. Shoulder straps were introduced by the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The Chairman of the Presidium was Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin. It was a planned reform, preparations for it took almost ten years. There is a version that Stalin introduced shoulder straps almost out of nostalgia. In March 1918, Stalin acted as Extraordinary Commissar for the shipment of grain in Tsaritsyn, and there he met the strange "Red General" Andrei Evgenievich Snesarev, who on principle refused to take off the general's epaulettes and aiguillettes of the General Staff. Stalin remembered the proud officer. But it can hardly be called a historically based version. Most likely, the introduction of shoulder straps was caused by objective reasons: 1) Ideological (shoulder straps have been an element of the form of the Russian army since Peter the Great, and appealing to the names of great Russian commanders was one of the methods of educating patriotism) 2) Nominative. The war will end sooner or later. Coming to Berlin as "commanders" and "brigade commanders" was short-sighted - an approximate unification with the ranks of the allied countries was needed. 3) The victory in the Battle of Stalingrad turned the tide of the war. Changes in the form allowed to inspire the army. When the decree was passed, articles about it immediately appeared in the newspapers. And they emphasize the symbolism of the introduction of shoulder straps precisely from the position of the inseparable connection of Russian victories.

On January 10, 1943, by order of the NPO No. 24, the adoption of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 01/06/1943 "On the introduction of shoulder straps for the personnel of the Red Army" was announced.

Both this document and the decision itself - to start a serious military reform at the height of the war - of course, have their own history. Why did Joseph Stalin return to the Red Army the shoulder straps that served as the symbol of the White Army? How was this order received? What was the purpose of the military reform?

Propaganda reaction

It is interesting how fascist propaganda met the return of shoulder straps. The German scribes immediately began to see in this step the weakness of Stalin, who made concessions out of fear. The Germans wrote that the head of the USSR would also change the name of the army - to Russian. They thus treated it as a forced and hasty decision, although the reality was quite different. The introduction of shoulder straps was part of the planned reform program of the Soviet Union.

How it happened

The idea has been ripe for a long time. Back in 1935, the rank of "Marshal of the Soviet Union" was introduced in the Red Army, and in 1940, general and admiral ranks were introduced. This can be considered an important milestone on the way to shoulder straps. By 1941, samples of the new uniform and shoulder straps were also ready. In May 1942, the decree was approved by the Main Political Directorate of the Red Army. Temporary specifications (VTU) TK GIU KA No. 0725, in which there was a description of emblems and insignia ("stars") on shoulder straps, were published on December 10, 1942. The Red Army needed a bright turning point victory. Such a victory was Stalingrad. When it became clear that the 6th Army of Friedrich Paulus did not last long, the project was approved by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on October 23, 1942. According to the order, it was necessary to switch to shoulder straps in half a month - from February 1 to February 15, 1943, however, even on the Kursk Bulge in July of this year, some pilots and tankers, as can be seen in the photographs, did not wear shoulder straps, but old buttonholes.

How to change shoulder straps

The response was mixed. For example, Georgy Zhukov did not like them. Many Soviet military leaders went through the Civil War and remembered the "gold chasers". Of course, Stalin's shoulder straps were not a copy of the royal ones. There was a different system for designating titles, like the titles themselves. Instead of a second lieutenant, there was now a lieutenant. The staff captain became a captain. Major instead of captain. On the shoulder straps of the army of the Russian Empire, the ranks were indicated only by small asterisks. Big stars for senior officers were the first to introduce Joseph Stalin. Field marshals in the tsarist army wore epaulettes with two crossed batons on a galloon zigzag. After the introduction of shoulder straps in 1943, the ranks of Marshal of the Soviet Union began to symbolize the big star and emblem of the USSR.


Order No. 1 of March 1, 1917 "On the democratization of the former army and navy" equalized the rights of soldiers and officers. Soon, the very word "officer" began to be perceived as counter-revolutionary. Only in the May Day order of the People's Commissar of Defense in 1942 did it reappear. At the beginning of 1943, with the introduction of shoulder straps in the Red Army, the word "officer" officially fell out of favor. The commanders from the platoon commander to the brigade commander began to be called differently.


It is not entirely correct to consider the introduction of shoulder straps as a personal initiative of the supreme commander. Shoulder straps were introduced by the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The Chairman of the Presidium was Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin. It was a planned reform, preparations for it took almost ten years. Shoulder straps have been an element of the uniform of the Russian army since the time of Peter the Great, and appealing to the names of the great Russian commanders was one of the methods of educating patriotism. The victory in the Battle of Stalingrad turned the tide of the war. Changes in the form allowed to inspire the army. In addition, it was clear that the war would end sooner or later. Coming to Berlin as "commanders" and "brigade commanders" was short-sighted - an approximate unification with the ranks of the allied countries was needed. The media quickly began to discuss the newly adopted decree, emphasizing the symbolism of the introduction of epaulettes precisely from the position of the inextricable link between Russian victories.