Learning the flag alphabet. Semaphore alphabet. Cipher for data transmission

The flag semaphore is intended for communication during daylight hours over a short distance, equal to 1-1.5 miles when received with the naked eye and with good visibility, and 2.5 miles when received with optical instruments and with good visibility. The exchange rate of a flag semaphore at the maximum range reaches 100-110 characters per minute. Communication with a flag semaphore is carried out only by words transmitted by letters.

Each letter of the Russian alphabet has a certain symbol assigned to it, depicted by a certain position of hands with flags. By sequentially depicting the signs of letters in the order of their order in the word, they are transmitted over a distance. Reception is based on the correct definition (reading) of words and sentences. Transmission and reception in this order of words and sentences constitute the process of communication by a flag semaphore. The conventional signs established for the letters of the alphabet are called the semaphore alphabet.

The flags used to communicate with the semaphore are made from a shaft 45 cm long and 2.0-2.6 cm in diameter, a piece of fabric (staple or flag spirit) 30-35 cm in size is attached to one end of the shaft. The color of the fabric is chosen the same for the pair flags. To transmit a semaphore, the color of the flags is chosen depending on the background on which the communication is carried out: flags of light color (yellow, white) are used on a dark background, and dark ones (black, red) on a light background.

The Russian semaphore alphabet, compiled in accordance with the Russian alphabet, includes 29 alphabetic characters (front endpaper) and has features, the knowledge of which accelerates and ensures the process of mastering the technique of receiving and transmitting a flag semaphore. These include:

- the similarity of the image of the semaphore signs A, G, K, T, Y with the image of these letters adopted in the Russian alphabet;

- the establishment of the same sign for pairs of letters EiE, IiI, bii (therefore, in the texts of semaphores, the letter E is written in the same way as E, the letter Y, as I, soft sign, as a solid sign);

- pairwise symmetry in the image of semaphore signs A and U, B and D, C and D, E and C, F and H, K and X, L and M, H and O, P and R, F and S, C and C , W and W, Yu and Z. In addition, the signs V and G, Zh and Z, L and M, H and O, P and R, C and H, W and Shch, Yu and Z, symmetrical in the image, stand side by side in semaphore alphabet;

- semaphore signs E and C, Vi G, Ni O, II Y are depicted with one hand. In this case, the signs B, E, I (Y) and H are depicted right hand, and the signs C, G, O - left;

- in semaphore signs B and D, C and G, E and C, F and 3, L and M, H and O, P and R, C and H, W and W, Yu and I, which are pairwise symmetrical, the position of the flag of the right hand in the first character corresponds to the position of the flag of the left hand of the adjacent character.

Service signs of the Russian semaphore alphabet:

- call sign - to establish communication with a flag semaphore. It is given by waving semaphore flags raised above the head; at the same time, the position of the hands does not go beyond the boundaries established for the letter U;

- answer sign - to confirm the receipt of the call sign for communication (the call for communication is noticed), as well as to confirm each correctly received word during negotiations. It is given by waving semaphore flags facing down. Hands when waving should not go beyond the limits established for the letter A;

- repetition (error) sign - to request the repetition of an unaccepted word. It is given by lifting twice up the semaphore flags above the head, corresponding to the position of the hands for the sign b (b). It is used when transmitting text and as a sign of an error, followed by the transmission of the correct (corrected) word;

- waiting sign - if necessary, temporarily interrupt the transmission or reception of the semaphore. The signalman interrupting the transmission (reception) describes horizontal circles above his head with semaphore flags raised upwards;

- an end sign - in order to show that the transfer of a semaphore or negotiations is over. It is indicated by alternately raising up and lowering down the semaphore flags with the left and right hands several times;

— question mark — in cases where the transmitted semaphore text requires a response. It is indicated by the transfer twice of the sign corresponding to the letter T;

- a separating sign - when transmitting a signal consisting of several signal combinations, to separate one signal combination from another. It is indicated by raising the semaphore flags to the position corresponding to the sign b (b), and lowering them to the feet. This service sign is similar to the repetition sign, the only difference is that with the repetition sign, the semaphore flags rise up twice, with the dividing sign - once;

- a sign of impossibility of reception - to show the transmitting signalman that reception is impossible (signs are poorly visible), it is depicted by writing off one or two semaphore flags in one hand of three circles in a vertical plane.

The choice of a place for transmission by semaphore flags determines the quality of reception. Therefore, if necessary, the receiving signalman can indicate to the transmitting a place from which the transmission is better visible. For this purpose, additional service signs are used (Fig. 1.7):

- "Move to the right of me (receiving) side." It is done by a go-ahead 4-5 times to the right side by 90 ° with a semaphore flag stretched forward to a horizontal position, i.e., the sign corresponding to the letter B is repeated several times in a row;

RUSSIAN FLAG Semaphore Alphabet


To teach children the methods of transmitting and receiving texts through a flag semaphore;

To consolidate knowledge of the alphabet and the correct pronunciation of letters;

Increasing self-esteem of children due to the possession of new, unusual in everyday life, knowledge.

The study is conducted in three sessions, lasting 30 - 40 minutes.

To work out the material of each lesson, 2 lessons of ~ 30 minutes each for 2-3 days should be allocated daily.


A flag semaphore is the simplest means of visual communication during daylight hours over a short distance (with the naked eye - about 2 km, with the help of optical instruments - about 4 km). The Russian semaphore alphabet that exists today in the Navy was developed in 1895 by Vice Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov. The signalman is responsible for the transmission of information by semaphore alphabet on the ship; this specialty in the Navy was introduced in 1869.

The Russian semaphore alphabet is compiled in accordance with the Russian alphabet and includes 29 alphabetic characters. It does not contain numbers or punctuation marks. Their transfer is made by letters, words. For example, the number "7" will be conveyed by the word "seven", and the sign "," - by the word "comma".

Each letter corresponds to a certain position of the hands with flags. The conventional signs set for the letters of the alphabet are summarized in a table called the semaphore alphabet.

The transmission of information by a semaphore is carried out by signalmen using flags. The color of the fabric depends on the time of day: at dusk or against a dark sky, flags with a light-colored fabric (yellow, white) are used, and in the daytime - with a dark-colored fabric (red, black). In the absence of flags - semaphores with peakless caps. average speed transmission by a flag semaphore by a trained signalman is 60-80 characters per minute.

For ease of study, the semaphore alphabet is divided into several groups.

First group of letters - is shown by the symmetrical position of both hands, facing the children. Children repeat simultaneously with the teacher, repeating the sounds of letters.

Image of letters BUT T At similar to their spelling in Russian.

For picture b b the same sign.

Second group of letters - is shown with one hand, first with his back to the children, then with his face.

H AT E E I Y - depicted with the right hand

moreover, the pairs of letters E - E, I - Y have the same semaphore sign.

O G FROM - shown with the left hand.

The signs B and G, H and O, symmetrical in image, stand side by side in the semaphore alphabet.

The show is repeated several times.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher offers the reading of words consisting of the letters of the first and second groups. Shows the teacher.

The methods of transmission and reception of words consisting of letters of the first and second groups are worked out in pairs. First - repeating the display of letters, then - reading words. The teacher should stock up on a large number of cards with words (5-10 words per card). You can offer a game to make sentences from words consisting of letters of the first and second groups. For example: “We have autumn”, “Nastya has a guest”, “Spring is in the taiga”, etc.


Children stand in 2 - 3 lines in a checkerboard pattern, at a distance of arms extended to the sides. The teacher stands so that everyone can see him (preferably on a dais).

Third group of letters - are shown with both hands, first turning their backs to the children, so that it is clearer how the letter is shown, then - with their face, so that it is clear how it looks. The position of the hands is spoken.

This group is characterized by pairwise symmetry in the image of semaphore signs.


C - W W - W

In addition, almost all of these signs stand side by side in the semaphore alphabet.

The show is repeated several times.

To consolidate, the children are divided into pairs and turn to face each other. The teacher calls the letters, the children show them, looking at each other. In this case, not only the display of letters is memorized, but their perception. The teacher, if necessary, suggests the correctness of the image.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher offers the reading of words consisting of the letters of the first, second and third groups. Shows the teacher.

Practicing methods of transmission and reception of words consisting of letters of the first, second and third groups is carried out in pairs. First - repeating the display of letters, then - reading the words on the cards.

You can offer a game to compose small texts of 2-3 sentences on a given or free topic, consisting of letters of the first, second and third groups.

You can increase the distance in a pair up to 10 meters. Change the composition of the pairs until the “ideal” pairs are selected.


Children stand in 2 - 3 lines in a checkerboard pattern, at a distance of arms extended to the sides. The teacher stands so that everyone can see him (preferably on a dais).

Signs fourth group of letters are also pairwise symmetrical, shown with two hands, both hands are on one side of the body, first turning their backs to the children, so that it is clearer how the letter is shown, then with the face, so that it is clear how it looks. The position of the hands is spoken.

B - D, X - K, Yu - Z

Repeat show.

Fixing the display and memorizing the image of letters in pairs.

Reading words.

Testing is carried out in pairs at a distance of up to 50 meters.

The result of the training is the holding of competitions within the detachment. Pairs are formed at will. Participants who have not chosen a pair for themselves can show their achievements in a pair with a teacher.

The goal of learning is achieved if each child can, in varying degrees of skill, at different speeds, transmit and receive a simple text.

Back in 1857, the "System of code signals for merchant fleet". Thus, 18 flags from this document were actively used by such countries as Britain, Canada, the USA and France. In 1887, the "Commercial Marine Code Signal System" was renamed the "International Code of Signals" (ICC), which has survived to this day. It is used in many countries around the world, but in recent times in the Navy, flag signaling is increasingly being replaced by light signaling. For example, in the Russian Navy, flag signaling was completely replaced by light in 2012.

The International Code of Signals (ICC) is a reference book divided into three independent blocks. The first and main block contains 26 letter flags, the second block is represented by ten digital flags, and the third smallest block represents three replacement flags. The MSS is designed: firstly, to transmit a message, the desired text is selected from the code of signals, and the signal combinations of flags opposite the text are recorded, the signals are single-flag, two-flag and three-flag, and there are also four-flag signals (as a rule, they inform about the nationality of the vessel ), then the final phase follows, the signalman picks up the required set of signal flags and hangs them on special fasteners - halyards.

The signalman of the receiving ship, writes the observed combinations on paper, and finds their meanings in the MCC, this set is currently represented by the ten most common languages ​​\u200b\u200bof the world. With the help of MSS, the emerging language difficulties of communication are overcome. The range of flag signaling with good visibility reaches 4-5 nautical miles. Currently, ship flags of this purpose are made in accordance with current standards - from nylon fabrics. In addition, the MCC gives instructions for using the code (explanations and general remarks, definitions, and methods of signaling, as well as the rules for producing signals by means of flag signaling), the MCC contains Morse code and procedural signals, single-letter signals (tables of color images of the flags of the code, arranged in order of the Latin alphabet), the general section (two-letter signals of the Latin alphabet) and the medical section (in the tables of additions, the designations of the affected parts of the body, a list of common diseases, a list of medicines are given). At the end of the MSS there is an alphabetical index of defining words to the general and medical sections. Separately, in the tabs for hanging in a conspicuous place, distress and rescue signals are given for each book.

The MSS serves mainly to communicate with foreign ships and vessels in a situation of increased danger and ensure the safety of navigation and the protection of human life at sea, the MSS is the best suited in cases where there are language difficulties in communication between representatives various states. It is built on the principle that each signal has a completed meaning. In some cases, digital additions are used to expand the value of the main signal. As a general rule, only one flag signal should be raised at a time.

A (Az) - the literal value of the first flag in the list of literal flags of the MCC, according to the code of the Navy, the definition of the signal is as - “No, I do not agree. I have not. I don't allow it." Raised simultaneously with the signal, but separate from it, gives the signal a negative value. According to the international code of signals, flag "A" means: "I am doing a speed test."

This signal flag is a red flag with a white rectangle over it.

According to the current MSS, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like A-A (Alfa, Alpha), is a white and blue triangular flag with two pigtails and has the meaning "I lowered the diver, keep your distance and go at low speed."

B (Buki) - the literal meaning of the second flag related to the code of signals of the Navy and MSS. The meaning of the signal of this flag, translated from the naval code, means - “Anchor”, “More move” (if the ships are on the move) or “Set the move” (if the cars are stalled). According to the MCC, flag "B" means: "I am loading or unloading explosives."

Flag "B" was a white triangle with a red circle in the middle.

According to the current MCC, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like B-B (Bravo, Bravo), is a red triangular flag with two pigtails and has the meaning "I am loading, or unloading, or carrying dangerous goods."

B (Vedi) - the literal meaning of the third flag in the alphabet of the literal flags of the naval and international codes of signals. According to the code of the Navy, this flag signals danger - "The course leads to danger." According to the MSS, the flag "B" means: "Yes" (affirmative).

The flag "B" (Vedi) was a "triple triangle" blue triangle with two triangles inside it, white and red.

According to the current MCC, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like V-B (Whiskey, Whiskey), is a rectangular blue with a white rectangle in the center, on which a small red rectangle is superimposed and has the meaning "Medical assistance required".

G (Verb) - this flag belongs to the category of alphabetic flags of the codes of signals of the Navy and MSS. The exact meaning of this flag, as a signal, according to the code of the Navy is branded. It is kept by ships (vessels) occupying a guard post. According to the code of the MCC, "G" means "Keep some distance from me, I maneuver with difficulty."

The flag "G" was a blue triangle.

According to the current MCC, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like this G - G (Golf, Golf), is a flag of yellow and blue vertical stripes (already in the table of 1901); apparently, this flag meant that the row of signal flags following it conveys the phrase "by telegraph", i.e. one flag corresponds to one letter, and has the meaning "I need a pilot."

D (Good) (Affirmative) - the literal meaning of this signal refers to the letter flags of the naval and international codes of signals. The meaning of this flag, according to the code of the Navy, is interpreted as - "Yes, I agree, I allow." According to the MSS, the flag "D" means: "I am changing my course to starboard."

Flag "D" (good) is a flag yellow color, rectangular shape.

According to the current MSS, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like D - D (Delta, Delta), is a flag of yellow, blue and yellow horizontal stripes and has the meaning "Keep your distance, I maneuver with difficulty."

E (Yes) - the literal meaning of the flag of the codes of signals of the Navy and MCC, the flag "E" according to the international code of signals means: "My ship has lost the ability to control. Connect with me."

In the Navy of the USSR, the "E" signal was a triangular yellow flag with a blue border, and earlier, in 1901-1911, this signal was designated as a yellow flag with a longitudinal blue stripe and two pigtails.

According to the current MCC, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like E-E (Echo, Eco), is a flag of blue and red horizontal stripes and has the meaning "I'm turning right."

Zh (Live) - a letter value belonging to one of the 26 letter signal flags of the Navy and MSS codes. Flag "Ж" according to the MCC means: "Need a pilot."

In the Navy of the USSR, the signal "Ж" was a square white flag with a red rhombus. At the beginning of the twentieth century 1901-1911, this flag was a red triangular shape with three longitudinal white stripes.

According to the current MSS, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like V-Zh (Victor, Vikta), is a white flag with a red oblique cross and has the meaning "Please help."

З (Earth) - the literal value of one of the signal flags of the codes of the Navy and MSS. The meaning of the signal given in the code of the Navy: "Give reverse." Flag "Z" according to the MCC means: "I have a pilot on board."

According to the current MCC, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like Z-Z (Zulu, Zulu), is a white flag, divided by an oblique cross into yellow, black, blue and red triangles, has the meaning “I need a tug”.

And (Izhe) - the literal meaning of the signal flag from the codes of the Navy and MSS. Flag "I" according to the international code of signals means: "I am changing my course to the left."

The "I" signal was in the form of a triangular flag of yellow and red halves, in 1901-1911, this signal was indicated by a triangular flag, red with a white circle in the center. Its meaning was "I see clearly".

According to the current, MCC, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like I-I (India, India), is a yellow rectangle flag with a black circle and has the meaning "I'm changing course."

K (Kako) - the literal meaning of one of the flags of the code of the Navy and MSS. Its value according to the code of the Navy is "I can not be controlled." According to the MCC code, the flag "K" means: "I'm going to make a message on the semaphore."

The "K" signal looked like a rectangle of blue and red horizontal stripes. In the code of signals of 1901-1911, this signal was indicated by a flag with a red field and a white vertical stripe. Its meaning was "I see clearly"

According to the current MSS, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like this K-K (Kilo, Kilo), is a square white and red vertical flag, and has the meaning "I want to contact you."

Y - The sign "Y" did not exist in the MSS. In the code of signals of the Navy, this flag meant "Discovered a mine." It is a white flag with a black triangle in the middle and with pigtails on the edge, in the table of 1911. the letter "Y" corresponds to a red triangular pennant with a white cross.

According to the current MCC, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like J - Y (Juliett, Juliet), is a square flag of blue, white and blue horizontal stripes and has the meaning "I have a dangerous cargo on board."

L (People) - the literal value of the 12th signal flag from the list of literal flags of the codes of the Navy and MSS. The meaning of this flag, as a signal according to the naval code: "Keep to the left." 2. "I'm turning left." Flag "L" according to the MSS means: "Stop your ship immediately."

The "L" flag is a white rectangular flag with a red cross in the middle.

According to the current MCC, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like L-L (Lima, Lima), is a square flag of two black and two yellow rectangles and has the meaning "Stop immediately."

M (Thought) - the literal meaning of the signal flag from the codes of the Navy and MSS. The value of this flag according to the code of signals of the Navy as a signal is 1. "Decrease speed." 2. "Gave a small move." Flag "M" by MSS means: "Stop. I have an important message."

This flag is a rectangular panel with an image of the type " Chess board» with white and red squares staggered.

According to the current MCC, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like this M - M (Mike, Mike), is a square blue flag with a white oblique cross and has the meaning "I stopped moving."

H (Our) - the literal meaning of one of the flags of the Navy and MSS. Its meaning as a signal according to the code of signals of the Navy is “I am loading a military reserve” (explosives and flammable substances). According to the MCC, the flag "H" means: "I have a doctor on board."

The letter signal "H" was a red flag.

According to the current MCC, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like N-H (November, November), is a square flag with four white and four blue squares staggered and has the value "No".

O (He) - the literal meaning of the signal flag, from the codes of the Navy and MSS. According to the code of the Navy, the meaning of this flag is “Follow me”, and according to the code of the MCC - “I ask permission ...”.

The letter signal "O" was a yellow triangle with a red vertical stripe. In the code of signals of 1901-1911, this signal was indicated by a white triangular pennant with five vertical blue stripes.

According to the current MCC, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like this O-O (Oscar, Oska), is a flag divided diagonally into red and yellow triangles and has the meaning "Man overboard".

P (Peace) - the literal meaning of the signal flag, from the codes of the Navy and MSS. According to the code of the Navy, the meaning of this flag as a signal "Keep to the right", "I'm turning right", and according to the code of the MCC - means: in the harbor: "Everyone must be on board , as the vessel is soon removed"; at sea: "My nets caught on an obstacle."

The letter signal "P" was a rectangle with two vertical stripes of yellow and blue.

According to the current MCC, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like P-P (Papa, Papa), is a square flag with a white square superimposed on it and has the meaning "The ship is going to sea, report to everyone on arrival." In the 18th century, this flag was also known as the "Blue Peter" (Blue Repeater), it was used if you need to ask to repeat a poorly understood signal.

R (Rtsy) - the literal meaning of the flag of the Navy and MSS. Its meaning according to the code of the Navy: "Ship on duty". This flag (small) is hoisted on the left yard of the ship on duty from sunrise to sunset (at night, a blue light is worn on the same yard of the ship). According to the MCC, the flag "P" means: "My ship is not moving; you can carefully pass me."

According to the current MSS, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like R - P (Romeo, Romeo), is a square red flag with a yellow Scandinavian cross, the flag has no specific meaning.

C (word) - - the letter meaning of this signal refers to the letter flags of the naval and international codes of signals. The code of signals of the Navy gives an interpretation of this signal as follows - "stop the cars, stalled the cars." According to the MCC flag, the "C" flag means: "My machines are running full speed backwards."

Signal flag "C" is a blue rectangle with a white oblique cross.

According to the current MCC, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like this S - C (Sierra, Sierra), is a square white flag with a blue square superimposed on the middle and has the meaning "After the stern of my ship, the propellers will now work."

T (Firmly) - the literal value of one of the literal signal flags from the code of signals of the Navy and MSS. The MSS "T" flag means "Don't cross my course (don't pass under my nose)".

Signal flag "T" - a flag of two black and two yellow rectangles arranged in a checkerboard pattern.

According to the current MSS, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like T-T (Tango, Tango), is a square flag of vertical red, white and blue stripes and has the meaning "Stay away from me, I'm carrying a trawl."

Y - the literal meaning of the signal flag from the codes of the Navy and MSS. The meaning of this flag in the code of signals of the Navy and the MCC is "I'm in distress." Rising on a hafel under a stern flag. Flag "Y" according to the MSS means: "You are going to danger."

The signal flag "U" is a trapezoidal pennant with three red and two white stripes arranged alternately.

According to the current MCC, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like U-U (Uniform, Uniform), it is a square flag of two red and two white squares staggered and has the meaning "You are going towards danger."

F - Firth - the literal meaning of one of the flags navy and international codes of signals. The value of this flag, according to the code of the Navy as a signal, is canceling. Raised without a signal, cancels the previous signal. Raised simultaneously with the signal, but separately from it, cancels the raised signal, and according to the MSS, the flag "F" means: "I'm out of control. Keep in touch with me."

Signal flag "F" was a yellow triangular flag with a black circle. In the code of signals of 1901-1911, this signal was indicated by a yellow rectangular flag with a blue rectangle in the center.

According to the current MCC, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like F-Ф (Foxtrot, Foxtrot), is a square white flag with a red diamond. and has the meaning "I have lost control and communication."

X (Xa) - the literal meaning of the flag of the Navy and MSS. Flag "X" according to the MCC means: "I have a pilot on board."

In the Soviet Navy "X" denoted a white flag with a red cross. In more early times the existence of the Russian Empire, this flag had an additional function and, in addition to the letter value "X", it was also called "Prayer" and meant "Worship on the ship."

According to the current MCC, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like H-X (Hotel, Hotel), is a square flag divided vertically into white and red halves and has the meaning "I have a pilot on board."

Ts (Tse) - the literal meaning of one of the flags of the naval and international codes of signals. The meaning of this flag according to the naval code is as a signal to "Return". Flag "C" according to the international code of signals means: "Yes (affirmative)".

Flag "Ts" - its appearance is a rectangular tricolor of red-yellow-blue colors.

According to the current, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like C-Ts (Charlie, Charlie), is a square flag divided horizontally into blue, white, red, white and blue colors and has the value "Yes".

H (Worm) - the literal meaning of the flag of the Navy and MSS. The meaning of this flag as a signal according to the code of the Navy means: "Man overboard." At the second value, it rises simultaneously with a cannon shot or with a series of short beeps; the stern flag is flown at half mast.

Flag "Ch" - is a rectangular blue flag with a quadrangular "diamond" sign in the middle.

Ш (Sha) - the literal meaning of one of the flags of the Navy. MCC does not have this flag. It means "Get full speed".

The "Sh" flag is the literal meaning of one of the Navy's flags. MCC does not have this flag. It is a white rectangular canvas with five blue squares depicted on it in a checkerboard pattern.

According to the current MCC, this literal value of the flag is absent.

Shch (Shcha) In the Soviet Navy, "Sch" denoted a white triangular flag with a red cross. In the Russian Empire, the letter "Sch" was designated by another flag - white and red, which later became the "executive flag".

According to the current MCC, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like this Q - Щ (Quebec, Kebek) is a square yellow flag and has the meaning "Everyone is healthy on my ship, please release me from quarantine."

Ъ - the literal value of one of the flags of the code of signals of the Navy. There is no Kommersant Flag in MCC.

Flag "Ъ" sign was a triangular two-stripe flag (black and white stripes).

According to the current MCC, this literal value of the flag is absent.

Ery (S) - the literal meaning of one of the flags of the code of signals of the Navy. There is no "Y" flag in MCC.

The flag "Y" was a black canvas, divided by a white bold oblique line.

According to the current MCC, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like Y-Y (Yankee, Yankee) is a square flag with red oblique stripes on a yellow background and has the meaning "I raise the anchor."

b - the literal value of one of the flags of the code of signals of the Navy. There is no "b" flag in MCC.

The flag "b" was a triangle with a blue wide stripe at the left edge (base).

According to the current MSS, this literal meaning of the flag sounds like X-b (X-ray, Exrey) is a square white flag with a blue Scandinavian cross and has the meaning "Stop doing what you are doing.".

E - the literal meaning of one of the flags of the code of signals of the Navy. There is no Flag "E" in MCC. E or E is reverse.

Flag "E" was a rectangular canvas with alternating stripes of blue, white, red, white blue.

According to the current MCC, this literal value of the flag is absent.

Yu or Yula - the literal meaning of one of the flags of the code of signals of the Navy. There is no "U" flag in MSS. Yu or Yula no signals.

The Yu flag was a rectangular white canvas with a red oblique cross.

According to the current MCC, this literal value of the flag is absent.

Ya or Yako - the literal meaning of one of the flags of the code of signals of the Navy. There is no "I" flag in MSS. I or Yako no signals.

The flag "I" was a rectangular red canvas with a yellow Scandinavian cross.

According to the current MCC, this literal value of the flag is absent.

Digital flags of the code of signals of the USSR:

One (1) - white and blue triangular flag with two braids;

Two (2) - a blue triangular flag with a white circle;

Three (3) - a triangular flag of red, white and blue vertical stripes;

Four (4) - red triangular flag with a white cross;

Five (5) - a triangular flag of vertical yellow and blue stripes;

Six (6) - a flag divided diagonally into red and yellow triangles;

Seven (7) - a flag of vertical red, white and blue stripes;

Eight (8) - a flag of four red and white rectangles;

Nine (9) - white flag with a blue cross;

Ten (10) - a flag divided by an oblique cross into yellow, black, blue and red triangles.

Additional signs of the code of signals of the USSR:

1st additional - a red rectangle with a white border on a blue background;

2nd additional - red oblique stripes on a yellow background;

3rd additional - according to the drawing, it repeats the guis of the Russian fleet, has a white border;

4th additional - four-part white-black-red-yellow triangular flag;

Special signs of the code of signals of the USSR

  • guis - repeated the guis of the USSR Navy (in the Russian Empire, of course, the imperial guis was used);
  • gas - a black flag with a red triangle with a white border;
  • smoke - a white triangular flag with a black horizontal stripe;
  • telegraphic - a flag of yellow and blue vertical stripes (already available in the table of 1901); apparently, this flag meant that the row of signal flags following it conveys the phrase "by telegraph", i.e. one flag corresponds to one letter.
  • boat - blue flag with a white rectangle in the center (already available in the table of 1901);
  • air - a white flag with a blue rectangle in the center;
  • nord - a white flag with a red triangle on top;
  • south - a white flag with a black triangle below;
  • ost - white flag with a black rhombus;
  • west - a flag divided by an oblique cross into red and white triangles;
  • interrogative - a flag of yellow, blue and yellow horizontal stripes. AT Russian Empire(data from 1911) the interrogative flag was different - a long blue pennant with a white circle at the luff.
  • reciprocal - a red trapezoidal pennant with a white circle;
    the return flag is hoisted by the ship to half, if the signal intended for it is seen. When the signal is deciphered, the response flag is raised "to the place."
  • executive - a flag divided vertically into white and red halves

Digital flags of the code of signals MSS:

1 (unaone, unauan) - a white pennant with a red circle;

2 (bissotwo, bissotu) - a blue pennant with a white circle;

3 (terrathree, teratri) - pennant of red, white and blue vertical stripes;

4 (kartefour, kartefour) - a red pennant with a white cross;

5 (pantafive, pantafive) - pennant of vertical yellow and blue stripes;

6 (soxisix, soxisix) - a pennant of horizontal black and white stripes;

7 (setteseven, setesevn) - a pennant of horizontal yellow and red stripes;

8 (oktoeight, oktoeyt) - a white pennant with a red cross;

10 (nadazero, nadazero) - a yellow pennant with a red vertical stripe.

There are also three "replacement" pennants.

1st substitute (1st substitute) - yellow with a blue border;

2nd substitute (2nd substitute) - blue-white;

3rd substitute (3rd substitute) - white with a black horizontal stripe.

Navy signal flags Russian Federation for the most part, they repeat by analogy the flags of the code of signals of the USSR Navy. The differences are very minor.

In the second half of the 19th century, a special position was introduced in the navy - a signalman. And at the end of the 19th century, the signal alphabet was invented by Vice-Admiral S.O. Makarov, which was needed to transmit messages at a distance between passing ships, as well as on land.

Russian semaphore alphabet

Each letter of the Russian alphabet is encoded special position hands with checkboxes. The Russian semaphore alphabet includes 29 alphabetic and 3 service characters. The following characters are transmitted in the same way:
e, e, e;
i, th;
b, b.

There are no numbers or punctuation marks in the alphabet. They are transmitted by letter, for example, the number "3" - "three".

During daylight hours, flags with a dark fabric are used, and in the dark - with a light fabric. If there are no flags, then the message is transmitted by peakless caps. The transmission range of such a message is about 3 km, and even more when using binoculars.

A good signalman can transmit from 60 to 80 characters per minute, but this figure can reach up to 110 in rare cases.

Cancellation of the semaphore alphabet in the Russian Navy

In our time, interest in the semaphore alphabet began to disappear, as new means of signals turned out to be better and not so time-consuming. From December 1, 2011 "Flag signal production" is excluded from curriculum junior communication specialists of the IMF, but it is taught in naval schools as an introduction. Instead of the semaphore alphabet, the fleet left light signaling using a searchlight and Morse code, as well as radio communications. They are more common today for communication between ships. But, according to experienced captains, it is necessary to know the semaphore alphabet, since there may be emergency cases when it is simply irreplaceable, so its return is not excluded.

International semaphore alphabet

This flag system is used abroad with some peculiarities.

The Russian semaphore alphabet that exists today in the Navy was developed in 1895 by Vice Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov.

The Russian semaphore alphabet is compiled in accordance with the Russian alphabet, includes 29 alphabetic and 3 service characters. It does not contain numbers or punctuation marks. Their transfer is made by letters, words. For example, the number "7" will be conveyed by the word "seven", and the sign "," - by the word "comma".

Each letter and symbol corresponds to a certain position of the hands with flags. A semaphore message consists of words made up of letters represented by the corresponding position of the flags.

The transmission of information by a semaphore is carried out by signalmen using flags, the size of which is 30 × 35 cm. dark tone (red, black).

In the absence of flags - semaphores with peakless caps.

The average transmission speed of a flag semaphore by a trained signalman is 60-80 characters per minute.