Fixing the pronunciation of the sound ri in tongue twisters. Tongue twisters with the letter "P" for young children and older

Automation of the "P" sound with the help of tongue twisters and poems

Work experience of a teacher - a speech therapist of a preschool educational institution. Speech material for automating the sound "P".

Durneva Marina Alekseevna, teacher-speech therapist, MBDOU kindergarten No. 17, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.

Target: automation of the "R" sound in a child's speech.

1. Develop the correct pronunciation of the sound "P" in speech with the help of poems and tongue twisters.
2. Improve the rhythmic-intonation side of speech.
3. Increase speech activity.
4. Optimize the emotional background, improve mood.

Description: Dear colleagues, let me introduce you to my collection of tongue twisters and poems for automating the "P" sound, which I use in speech therapy work with children. These tongue twisters can be used as an element of a thematic lesson during dynamic pauses or as a separate sound pronunciation lesson. Children with great interest and pleasure pronounce these rhymes, memorize them. And then we organize a competition "Readers" on this material. The winner is the one who recites the poem and pronounces all the sounds correctly. This work will be useful to speech therapists, educators, parents. Automation solid sound "R"
These tongue twisters are used by me at 2 stages of work on sound pronunciation.
The first time I use them at the stage of automation of the sound "P" in syllables. The work is carried out as follows: an adult reads the text itself, and the child pronounces only syllables (the "Echo" game).
For example: an adult - "Let's take the subway", a child - "Ro-ro-ro"
Thus, in a fun way, you can pronounce syllables of various configurations for quite a long time and the child does not get bored. Also, in the process of repeatedly pronouncing a tongue twister, the child remembers it and then can tell it at a reading competition.
The second time I use the same tongue-twisters is when there is an automation of sound in speech. First, I use tongue twisters, because they are already familiar to the child. Only now the child speaks the whole tongue-twister. The second option is the competition "Readers" - 2-3 children who pronounce this sound well compete in reading tongue twisters. Even at this stage we are playing the game "Who is faster?" - 2-3 children are also taken, I call some syllable, for example, "RA", and the child must remember and say a pure tongue to this syllable. Whoever says it first will get a token. At the end of the game, the winner is determined by the number of tokens. Both in the first and in the second game, it is important not only to tell the tongue twister, but most importantly to pronounce the sound correctly.
Here is some of them.

Ra-ra-ra is a flat mountain.
Ro-ro-ro - we go by subway.
Ru-ru-ru - paint the kennel.
ry-ry-ry - mosquitoes in the park.
Ru-ru-ru - I'll grate carrots.
Ry-ry-ry - axes are sharp.
Ra-ra-ra - it's time to leave the yard.
Ru-ru-ru - I take the accordion.
Ra-ra-ra is a fun game.
Ra-ra-ra - orange peel.
Ry-ry-ry - new carpets.
Ro-ro-ro - the store has soda.
Ar-ar-ar - red samovar.
Or-or-or - I clean the yard.
Or-or-or - take the axe.
Ur-ur-ur - we'll feed the chickens.
Ir-ir-ir - all the people for peace.
Ar-ara-ar is the word ball.
Ir-ir-ir - Ira drinks kefir.
Ara-ara-ara - here comes Tamara.
Ora-ora-ora - Roma at the fence.
Dor-dor-dor - red tomato.
Mar-mar-mar - I'll call a mosquito.
Ver-ver-ver - there is a carpet in the room.
Bor-bor-boron - I'll call the fence.
Sea-mor-mor - red fly agaric.
Rona-rona-rona is a black crow.
Ruza-ruza-ruza - corn in the field.
Horns-horns-horns - a flat road.
Roh-roh-roh - I'll call peas.

And here are a few hymns-poems
Ra-ra-ra - digs a mole hole in the morning.
Ro-ro-ro - the mole has its own subway.
Ru-ru-ru - the mole loves its hole.
Ry-ry-ry - the mole will dig 2 holes.

Ra-ra-ra - that's a good game.
Ru-ru-ru - let's play a game.
Ro-ro-ro - we played, we drink soda.
Ry-ry-ry - it's hard for children without a game.

Ra-ra-ra is a high mountain.
Ru-ru-ru- I see someone's hole.
Ro-ro-ro - a pen is left here.
Ry-ry-ry - who is the owner of the hole?

Ar-ar-ar - Makar went to the market.
Or-or-or - he bought himself an axe.
Yr-yr-yr - delicious cheese for the hostess.
Yor-yor-yor - a colorful carpet for my daughter.
Ir-ir-ir - and for my grandmother - kefir.

Ur-ur-ur - I have a cat Mur-mur.
Yr-yr-yr - cheese was stolen from the table.
Ry-ry-ry - cats do not eat cheese.
Or-or-or - the crows sat on the fence.
Yr-yr-yr - the crow has cheese in its beak.
Ral-ral-ral - that's who stole the cheese.
Ur-ur-ur - drive away the crows Mur-mur.

At the stage of automating the sound after the tongue twisters, I use verses in which the sound "P" is often found. On this material, then the contest "Readers" is held. Here is some of them.

On a party shirt
Roses and daisies.

The bark beetle gnaws at the bark,
He gnaws a hole.

The groundhog sleeps in a spacious mink,
The groundhog has a hole on a hill.

Chopping wood
Lumberjacks in the morning.

Tell a tongue twister
About Peter and about Yegorka.
Peter is climbing the mountain
Peter hurries to visit Yegor.

chewing pig
Sleepy carrots.
lamb bagel
Gnawing early.

Feeding Shurochka
Ask for a chicken.
Feeding the pied
Asking from a mug.

I open the boxes
Screws here, screwdrivers here.
I will turn the screws
And I'll teach my brother.

Automation soft sound "R"

Work on the automation of the soft sound "P" is carried out in the same sequence as with the hard sound. Therefore, I offer you only speech material.
Rya-rya-rya - we'll go overseas.
Ri-ri-ri - lanterns burned.
Ryu-ryu-ryu - I'm telling you the truth.
Re-re-re - we woke up at dawn.
Rya-rya-rya - we did not work in vain.
Ryu-ryu-ryu - I cook turnips.
Rya-rya-rya - rivers and seas.
Re-re-re - a tower on a mountain.
Ar-ar-ar - capercaillie under rowan.
Or-yell-yell - the polecat was attacked by an ailment.
ur-ur-ur - Varenka's eyebrows don't frown.
Ir-ir-ir - the land of Siberia is wide.
Er-er-er - a terrible beast in the picture.
Ar-ar-ar - a gudgeon swims in the river.
Er-er-er - look at which door.
Ur-ur-ur - in January there are not a few storms.
Ar-ar-ar - Rita eats crackers.
Shout-shout-shout - Boris has measles.
Ir-ir-ir - bullfinch in the snow.
Rum-rum-rum - I go down into the hold.
Reh-reh-reh - I eat a walnut.
Rok-rek-rek - I hear your reproach.
Res-res-res - an incision on the bark.
Ryat-ryat-ryat - I'll sit in the third row.

Rya-rya-rya - the dawn rose.
Re-re-re - I'll get up at dawn.
Ryu-ryu-ryu - I'll open all the windows.
Ri-ra-ri - give the sun.
Re-re-re - your light at dawn.

Rya-rya-rya - we found a polecat in a hole.
Er-er-er - polecat is a stubborn beast.
Or-yell-yell - come out to us ferret.
Ar-ar-ar - let's give you a cracker.
Shout-shout-shout - the polecat does not come out.
Rem-rem-rem - we will meet with the choir again.

Ar-ar-ar - there is a lantern on the table.
Rem-rem-rem - the cat plays with a lantern.
Ar-ar-ar - a lantern fell off the table.
Ar-ar-ar - a lantern broken on the floor.
Rei-rei-rei - sweep the floors quickly.

Or-or-or - an angry ferret in a hole.
Ur-ur-ur - ferret, close your eyes.
Ar-ar-ar - we will give you a cracker.
Or-yell-yell - an angry ferret gnawed a cracker.
Rya-rya-rya - so there is no cracker.
Re-re-re - a good ferret sits in a hole.
Rya-rya-rya - I have no primer.
Ar-ar-ar give me, ferret primer!

Thirty-three old women in a row
They rumble, they rumble.

Borya will give Ira toffee,
Ira Bore - barberry.

Varya cooks, Borya fries,
Rita sings songs.

Terriers are training
Jump over barriers.
Through various obstacles
All terriers are happy to jump.

Cook cooks pasta
For his sister Matryona
And for brother Seryozha
Cooks pasta too.

In the yard, on the sidewalk,
Three friends were painting.
The crow froze: "Kar!
The pavement is painted!"

Offered to cobra
Play domra.
Cobra played
And she became better.

Mallard quacks: "Quack-quack!"
Mallard quacks for good reason.
There is a duckweed next to the mallard.
Come and eat duckweed.

Behind the fence Boris
I planted a barberry.
barberry bush
Outgrown Boris.

There are roses and daisies on the festive shirt.
The worm climbed into the old attic.
Lara has a chest full of rings.

Cyril covered the pot with a lid.
Lera prepared four eclairs.
Grisha ate a pear on the roof.
I grate three carrots.
A round pea is thrown in the garden.
The bark beetle gnaws the bark, it gnaws a hole.
The groundhog sleeps in a spacious mink, the groundhog has a hole on a hill.
A woodcutter is chopping logs - a blond forelock is disheveled.
A crucian is drawn here, paint the crucian sooner.
A Persian carpet was brought to apartment number forty-three.
We went to the boulevard and bought a red balloon there.
Repairs electric motor fitter.
Lumberjacks were chopping firewood in the morning.
The magpie cut the shirt, the magpie sewed three lines on the shirt.
Fish are caught by Borya and Lyova, Lyova and Borya are fishermen.
- Tell the tongue twister about Peter and Yegorka.
- Pyotr is climbing the mountain, Pyotr hurries to visit Yegor.
The piglet chews a carrot half asleep. The lamb gnaws the steering wheel early in the morning.
Warmed by the hot sun, a mushroom looks from under the beret. Considered takes a mushroom picker. Under the beret is a boletus.
Ask Trofim to tell you about burbot. Ask Peter to tell you about the sturgeon.
Under the bed, the moles dug passages and pull carrots into dug minks.
Terenty lost the grater, did not rub the crust on the grater. Patiently waiting for the grouse of the crust, grated on a grater.
Brought three ruddy loaves in Paradise's basket. I gave it to everyone equally: two rooks and a crow.
Terriers are training to jump over barriers. All terriers are happy to jump through various obstacles.
I draw daisies, daisies, velvet flowers, dahlias on a postcard for my mother on her name day.
Zhura-zhura-cranes lifted off the ground. They crowed: "Farewell, until spring, dear land!"
The black raven sang a crow-like serenade, he mimics the screaming crows.
We scolded the prankster-mole for a reason. Rummaged, spoiled the mole our beautiful garden.
A mosquito got into Makar's pocket. The mosquito in Makar's pocket disappeared. About this, the magpie crackled in the forest: “The cow disappeared in Makar’s pocket.”
The starling cut the centipede's boots for the centipede. The starling will sew all forty tailored boots in due time.
Drummers-rams beat drums. Who drums the loudest? Who will drum everyone?
The kite caught a fish for kites to feed. The kite crushed the little fish in the cauldron into crumbs.
In the garden, on Tuesday evening, the janitor was gathering gooseberries in an old ladle.
Yegor loaded three hundred and thirty-three bagels onto the sled. The sled quickly fell apart - all the bagels rolled out.
The cook cooks pasta for his sister Matryona and also cooks pasta for his brother Seryozha.
In the yard, on the sidewalk, three girlfriends were painting. The crow froze: “Kar! The pavement is painted!
The beaver has gnawed the log long ago. Built a house. Beavers are in it.
The red cat purred. He asked for a sandwich. Cheese sandwich and kefir pie.
Crumbs are scattered on a flat path. The tit decided: "It's time to eat!"
Shurochka feeds a chicken with millet. Feeds the pied beetle with millet from a mug.
In the garden - tomatoes, on the hillock - fly agaric. Proshka was confused: “What to collect in a basket?”
I open the boxes: here are screws, here are screwdrivers. I'll tighten the screws and teach my brother.
From dawn to dusk, ants build a house. If the work is being argued, the anthill is being built.
Near the trough - three pigs. Piglets ask for crusts from the guys. Red watermelons are eaten by the guys, peels from watermelons will be thrown to piglets.
Margarita got angry and was angry with us. Make Margarita laugh and still ras-tor-mo-shi-te!
The cockroach dressed up in a bright red sundress. They say to the cockroach: "A striking outfit!"
They offered the cobra to play the domra. Cobra played and became kinder.
An old portrait is kept in the apartment, and my beloved grandfather looks from the portrait. But he is not old at all in the portrait. He is about seven years old in the portrait.
There is a fight among the crows in the park. There was a lot of damage in the fight: exactly thirty-three feathers. The fight lasted until morning.
The bear growled in the den. The groundhog in the hole was silent. They growled, were silent - and woke up at dawn.
In the corridor, at the threshold, two bulldogs stretched out. They guard the corridor - a thief will not enter the apartment.
Larisa painted daffodils in watercolor. Natasha painted dahlias with gouache.
A beaver wandered into a dense forest. The beaver found an ax in the forest. The beaver brought the ax to Peter, he dropped the ax in the forest.
Plantain on the road was collected by a strict passer-by. I chose a passerby plantain more expensive.
Mallard quacks: "Quack-quack!" Mallard quacks for good reason. There is a duckweed next to the mallard. Come and eat duckweed.
Prokop is gathering dill in the garden. Prokop already has a box of dill.
The mouse rustled: shur-shur-shur. The cat purred: mur-mur-mur. The rabbit jumped: jump-jump-jump. Sparrow sang: chirp-chirp!
Thrushes are sitting on a tree, pulling rowan together. Thrushes are friendly, thrushes are friends. Drozdov is a huge family.
The badger and the badger combed their hair. Badger was given three combs for her hair.
The curly-haired ram beat the drum.
Three gray cats were playing with spoons. And little Zhora was a conductor.
The groundhog baked a cheese pie. The groundhog's pie is slightly damp.
Boris came to Barbos, threw caramel to Barbos. Caramel "Barberry" Barbos quickly gnawed.
The curly-haired lamb suddenly untwisted curls. The hairdresser was nearby. He twisted his curls.
Mushrooms grew on a hillock near the river. The tallest boletus was loaded onto a truck.
The fire is lit and we start talking. We'll sit until dawn, we'll talk around the fire.
Thunder rumbled loudly, thunder dispersed the townspeople. Thunder rumbles, thunder rumbles. Who is the thunder angry at?
The pig caught a cold: he wandered through the dew awake. Grunts hoarsely: “Oink-oink! In the morning I met the dawn!
Trezor tore the laces, scattered the skates around. How are we going to ride? We need to figure this out.
Cancer on the grass sunbathed. Greka suddenly fell into the river. Cancer dived after Greka into the river. From the river got the cancer to the Greek.
An ant stands at closed doors. Open the anthill for him soon.
Murka crept cautiously along the crooked alley. The little mice were saddened: They know Murkin's habits.
The countess is proud of the faceted decanter. The countess has only one faceted decanter.
Monkeys jumped around the open book. They jumped, shouted, sorted out the lines.
Orders are good in the pond: crucians play hide and seek. The fishermen tried to look - crucians were hiding in the pond.
Wade along the river Borya, dropped his sandwich. Bread and cheese were not lost: the fish had a wonderful feast.
We disassemble the toys: here is the designer, here are the little animals, colorful cars and flashlights in a basket.
A ferret walked, found a hole and made a hole in it. Wide, spacious mink for a ferret and a ferret.
Cow Burenka scolds a calf: - Why did you butt heads with a lamb behind a ravine?
Varya cooked jam in a saucepan, the girlfriend dolls fell asleep without Varya. The girlfriends were bored without Varenka. Cooking jam in a saucepan.
Under the roof a rat lives in a closet, suddenly a gray cat walks along the roof. - Madam rat, leave the closet, there is a gray cat, quickly run away
Komarik plays romances on the violin, In the transparent pond fish dance. The fishes open their mouths to the music, they sing romances quietly.
The janitor cleans the yard, rakes up various rubbish. Next to him, a stray cat washes his chest and stomach.
On the wide sidewalk we drew with crayons. Still lifes and portraits are warmed by the bright sun.
Varvara in a sundress has a simple pencil in her pocket. Draw, Varvara, a river and a curly sheep.
Under the river snag, the cancer will not settle down in any way. Cancer is angry, Cancer is upset, Cancer's house is not arranged.
How many horns does a pair of cows have? A pair of cows has two pairs of horns.
A feast was arranged by a motley thrush: he ate a red bunch of mountain ash. The bunch of mountain ash is large, the thrush has grown for sure.
Along the path, along the path, two girlfriends, two Marinka walked, galloped and ran skipping.
The sparrow took courage: he jumped into the March stream, and now he is drying his feathers on a log.
Vera went to the park yesterday, Vera dropped her fan. Find the fan in the square and return the fan to Vera.
A storm broke out at sea. The albatross flapped its wings. The bird is not afraid of a storm, in a storm there is more food at sea.
They sell mushrooms in a basket in the market, milk mushrooms, russula are sold in a cart.
Got the magpie cheese. There were forty holes in the cheese. The magpie pecked at the cheese: there was no more cheese with holes.
Behind the fence, Boris planted a barberry. The barberry bush has outgrown Boris.
The crab climbed onto the ladder and the crab crawled along the ladder. The crab will crawl along the ladder, the crab will not fall from the ladder.
A black grouse and a black grouse have cubs on a hill. These five black grouse are teasing three blades of grass.
The cockroaches came running, we did not expect tenants. We did not stand on ceremony: we drove the cockroaches away.
Mom sews a shirt for her daughter. Stitching lines on a shirt. Urgently scribbles forty lines: the daughter grows like a sprout.
As at morning dawn, two Peters and three Fedorkas compete with Yegorka to speak in tongue twisters.
The chipmunk went to the badger, and the badger went to the chipmunk. Half the way we walked and met each other.
The ram has trouble: the beard does not grow. The ram is by nature completely beardless.
Nyura has different chickens in her barn. Two blacks - blacks. Three variegated - pied.
He dropped a sparrow feather into the grass, and asked the sparrows a wise owl: “How to find the loss in the middle of the grass?” "The feather will grow back," was the owl's reply.

Listen to short sentences. Clearly, highlighting the sound Pb, pronounce them 3-4 times. Speak slowly at first, then faster and faster, keeping the volume and clarity of pronunciation.

There are beautiful paintings in Katerina's apartment.

In the theater at the premiere there are many spectators in the stalls.

Varya and Marina were making rowanberry jam.

There are a lot of barberries in Boris' yard.

Marina pickles mushrooms.

On the mountain, on the hillock, thirty-three Yegorkas.

In Fedora's garden - radishes, turnips, tomatoes.

On the bed is a feather bed, on the feather bed is Marina.

1 Riga- shed for drying cut grass and grain.

Don't play zebra cubs with tiger cubs!

Before the tournament, the coach conducts training.

December before January, November before December.

A ferry makes its way across the river.

Quail quail hides from the guys.

Three rattles on the gate, three rattles on the fence.

Thirty-three cars in a row all rumble along the rails.

Thirty-three trumpeters sound the alarm.

Varya's mittens were gone on the boulevard.

Irina, Irina has mignonette and dahlias.

Radishes and turnips have strong roots.

Yura Borya cannot be argued.

Fixing the pronunciation of sounds P, Pb in stories

Clearly, highlighting the sounds P, Pb, repeat each sentence first, and then the whole story. After clarifying the meaning of the text, name all the words with the sound Pb.

Ripped SHIRT

Serezha played with the guys in the yard. He climbed a tree and tore the sleeve of a new shirt. Seryozha was afraid that his mother would scold him. Came home and hid the shirt in dirty linen. Soon my mother came home from work and found a torn shirt. Mom got upset. She called Seryozha and said: “I will punish you, Seryozha. But not for tearing his shirt. And for hiding the truth!


Sounds P - Pb the child usually mixes not in pronunciation, but only by ear (instead of words fish, pants, birch extremely rare to hear fish, brook, birch).

The nature and number of exercises in the section correspond to the indicated features.

The work on differentiating the sounds P - Pb by ear helps not only a clearer, more conscious pronunciation, but is the basis of writing literacy.

Differentiation of isolated sounds P - Pb

Take pictures-symbols of sounds P and Pb from Appendix 1. Listen, and then
brazi, how the aircraft engine growls (P), how the fan rumbles (Pb).

Pay attention to the difference in sounds: when we pronounce R, the sound is sharp, hard; when we pronounce Pb, the sound is gentle, soft.

Take the symbols of hard and soft sounds from Appendix 3 and explain what sound P or Pb is depicted by houses with an angry face (hard sound) and with a cheerful face (soft sound).

Pointing alternately at different pictures-symbols, draw out the corresponding sounds. Repeat 6-8 times.

Differentiation of sounds P - Pb in words. Formation of sound analysis skills

Take the pictures with the sounds P and Pb in the names from Appendixes 15 and 16, turn them over and mix them. Put the symbols of the sounds P and Pb from Appendix 1. Take one picture and put it next to the symbol, naming the sound P or Pb that is hidden in each word.

Differentiation of sounds P - Pb in words with a similar sound. Formation of sound analysis skills

Looking at the symbol pictures from Appendixes 1 and 3, name the sound P or Pb that is hidden in each word. Speak a couple of words clearly, clarify their meaning.

Plain - mountain ash. Radio is nearby. Area - renovation. Frame - Ryaba. Rose - roar. Hands are glasses. Backpack - sleeve. The bark is a snag. The mountain is on fire. Threshold - take.

People - go ahead. Cow - roar. Frost - birch. I cook - I take. The game is an outfit. Chickens are curls. Mushrooms are fish. Fry - gills. Horns - earrings. Shout-roar. Balls are balls. Fry - fires. Heat - heat. Hit - hit.

Differentiation of sounds P - Pb in a set of words.

R - L

The harrow harrowed the unharrowed field.

Varvara cooked, cooked, but did not boil.

The jackdaw is meek, but the stick is short.

They hit the quails and black grouse with shot.

Kirill was bought a jug at the market.

The king is an eagle, the eagle is a king.

Who will re-cap and re-cap?

I would have bought, bought, but bought dulled.

Lara and Valya play the piano.

Marina pickled mushrooms, Marina sorted raspberries.

The eagle is on the mountain, the feather is on the eagle.

The quail hid the quail from the guys.

Quails flew by, feathers dropped on the grass.

Under the ceiling-shelf half a cap of peas.

Belts belted with a belt, fires fired with fire.

The ship tacked, tacked, tacked, tacked, but did not catch.

She was at Frol's - she lied to Frol about Lavr, she will go to Lavr - Lavr will tell lies about Frol.

The cow ate the box of crusts.

Be quiet, it's time to crush the rye!

Larya is not happy that the jelly is sour.

The weather got wet.

I'll go into the forest after a pock-marked cow.

Pankrat came with a jack.

The ram-buyan climbed into the weeds.

Brother Arkady slaughtered a cow in the mountains of Ararat.

In the pond at Polycarp - three crucians, three carps.

Valin felt boots fell into a clearing.

Sparrows - under the roof, and an owl - to catch.

Cut out, cut out a wedge with a sub-blade.

The squirrel gnaws a nut, and the guys laugh.

Before Selev, Makar dug the ridges, and now Makar has ended up in the governors.

From under sour milk, from under curdled milk.

We will buy Valerik and Varenka mittens and felt boots.

Three crows flew - black, mottled.

Three birds fly through three empty huts.

People - from the market, Nazar - to the market.

Klim smears the cart, goes to the Crimea for turnips.

The sea wave is strong and free.

A drowsiness attacked Yeryoma, Yeryoma fell asleep from the slumber.

There is a loaf and a half on the police in a box.

In the market, Kirill bought a pitcher and a mug.

A couple of birds fluttered, fluttered and fluttered out.

Peter sawed the stump with a saw, sawed the whole stump with a saw.

On a log, on a log I will translate Burenushka.

I met a black grouse under a tree.

Half a quarter of a quarter of peas, no wormhole.

Polya went to weed parsley in the field.

Roman came from the auction, he brought money in his pocket.

The protocol about the protocol was recorded by the protocol.

Prokhor went to Kharkov, and Zakhar - from Kharkov.

The fisherman catches the fish, the whole catch floated into the river.

The pig snouted, the pig dug, half a snout dug.

Valerik ate a dumpling, and Valyushka ate a cheesecake.

Three chattering magpies chattered on the hill.

Thirty-three striped piglets have thirty-three tails hanging.

Through the ditches, through the humpbacks, we went into the forest for mushrooms.

Yegor walked through the yard, carried an ax to repair the fence.

Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two woodcutters.

Karp Karpych

At Karp Karpych

Bought a carp.

The cook cooked porridge, cooked it, but undercooked it.

Koval Kondrat forged steel, forged and reforged.

The crab made a rake to the crab, gave the rake to the crab crab: - Rob!

I’ll cut a circle, I’ll guide my mother, I’ll take my sister out.

Philip sawed logs from lindens, Philip blunted the saw with lime logs.

On the strap, on the log, I will lead the filly sideways.

The cap is sewn, but not in the style of a cap, you need to recap and recap the cap.

You, well done, tell the good fellow - let the good fellow tell the good fellow, let the good fellow tie the calf.

The Oriental Duck dived and dived, and dived and dived.

Prokop was walking, dill was boiling; just as dill boiled under Prokop, so dill boiled without Prokop.

The drum was presented to the ram, the ram is very happy with the drum, and the ram drums on the drum, the ram drums on the drum.

White sheep beat the drums, beat indiscriminately - they broke their foreheads.

In the field, Malanya is not for the sake of walking, but the back is bent for a margin ahead.

Dali Clash

porridge with curdled milk;

ela Klasha

porridge with yogurt.

Grandfather Sysoy, shake your beard, drive the sail so that the boat floats.

Fedka eats jelly with radish, Fedka eats radish with jelly.

How the weather got wet in our country: everything got wet in the yard of the courtyard.

The chicken is pecking at the grains, the Turk is smoking a pipe. Do not peck, chicken, krupka, do not smoke, Turk, pipe.

A loon was flying over the barn, and another loon was sitting in the barn.

In the swamp, in the meadow, there is a bowl of cottage cheese. Two black grouse flew in, pecked - flew away.

For a week, Emelya spins a box of tows, and Emelya's daughter spins for one night.

Open, Barbara, the gates,

If not an enemy outside the gate,

And to the enemy and the enemy

From the Varvarin gates - turn.

Forty-forty stole peas, forty crows drove away forty, forty eagles frightened the crows, forty cows drove the eagles away.

Well done ate thirty-three pies with a pie, but all with cottage cheese.

Ipat has a beard with a shovel for pies, but he saw a club - a beard with a wedge.

Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two woodcutters chopped, the yard was overflowing.

She traded Praskovya crucian for three pairs of striped piglets. Piglets ran through the dew, piglets caught a cold, but not all of them.

Wake up, miracle of peas, roll, roar, shovel three heaps of peas, let the peas through the roar, but do not drop the pea grains.

At Karpov's yard the mountain is rolled. Who rolled? Karpov's children rolled, dug up, dug up.

There was a grandmother from the cage, she spilled grits. - Peck, trigger, grits! Peck, cock, grits! Peck, cock, grits!

Two woodcutters, two wood splitters, two woodcutters were talking about Larya, about Larka, about Larya's wife.

A woodcutter, a wood splitter chopped a mountain of firewood. Sharp axes: once - a mountain,

two mountains, three mountains.

Ivan the blockhead

Forged a stump

Yes, I didn’t forge

Took out to the market

He asked for three money

Didn't ask.

The goose flies to Holy Russia.

Russia, don't be afraid

It's not a goose

And a sparrow thief

Vora Bay -

Don't be shy!

Polina bought a pencil case, Petka bought a cap. Polina is satisfied with the purchase, Polina thanked for the purchase, Petka did not thank for the purchase.

The goat-miller grinded flour for whom, and for whom he did not grind.

From the one to whom he ground, he received pies;

From the one who did not grind, he received cuffs!

So Yermak: he sowed poppies. The poppy blossomed. That's how Yermak shook a poppy, threshed a poppy, sold a poppy - that's how Yermak!

In the yard - grass, on the grass - firewood, outside the yard - firewood, under the yard - firewood, firewood along the yard, firewood across the yard. It is necessary to expel the firewood back to the wood-burning yard.

The tailor Poto played bingo and the dressmaker Poto played bingo. But the tailor Poto did not know that the dressmaker Poto was playing loto.

Ipat went to buy shovels. Ipat bought five shovels. Went across the pond, caught on the rod. Ipat fell, five shovels disappeared.

A cap is sewn, a cap is knitted, but not in a cap style. A bell is poured, a bell is forged, but not in a bell-like way. It is necessary to recap and recap the cap. It is necessary to re-bell the bell and re-bell it.

Three woodcutters, three woodcutters, three woodcutters sharpened their axes. Axes are sharp for the time being, for the time being, axes are sharp, for the time being. Three lumberjacks, three lumberjacks, three lumberjacks chopped the forest with an ax, turned the forest into firewood.

Lyuba walks near the oak, we love to look at Lyuba. Lyuba leaned against the oak, it is a pleasure for us to look at Lyuba.

There were seven old men, the old men were talking about peas. The first one says: "Peas are good!" The second says: "Peas are good!" The third says: "Peas are good!" The fourth says: "Peas are good!" The fifth says: "Peas are good!" The sixth says: "Peas are good!" The seventh says: "Peas are good!"

The tongue twister spoke quickly, uttered that he would re-speak all tongue twisters, re-speak, but when he began to speak quickly, he said that you could not re-speak all tongue twisters, you would not over-speak all tongue twisters.

On the mountain, on a hillock stood twenty-two Yegorkas. eleven - Egorka, twelve - Egorka, thirteen - Egorka, fourteen - Egorka, fifteen - Egorka, sixteen - Egorka, seventeen - Egorka, eighteen - Egorka, nineteen - Egorka, twenty - Egorka, twenty-one - Egorka, twenty-two - Egorka.

Children have difficulty pronouncing certain sounds. Among them, the sound “r” stands out. A lot of parents worry about their kids because of this "naughty" sound! So that instead of “fish” your baby does not answer “herring” with a smile, you need to regularly train pronunciation. Patter on "p" will help in this work. If you repeat them periodically, the child's speech will improve over time.

Today there are many teaching methods, interactive toys and other "tricks" for development. Judging by the statistics, it is impossible to say with certainty that they help the vast majority of children. Every fourth child has a delay in speech development. How to be and what to do so that the child does not fall into this statistics?

Success in life depends on communication skills. Speech is an important component in the impression that a person makes on others. Speech deficiencies include the following:

  • too monotonous or expressive notes of intonation;
  • incessant "chatter";
  • underdeveloped diction;
  • too fast or, conversely, slow pace of speech;
  • loud or soft voice.

Almost all speech defects are correctable.

It is not necessary to use well-known methods developed abroad to eliminate the shortcomings. Unfairly forgotten tongue twisters (with the letter “p” in our case) can do a good job.

Games for children are a natural activity. Therefore, studying tongue twisters with “p” in this form, parents have a chance of success in the lesson. In the game, the verbal material and the studied sound are remembered by themselves. The child will not even notice how the automation of the “P” tongue twister will lead to the acquisition of new necessary skills. Gradually they will become part of his speech. Then they will form the basis for the rapid perception and development of reading.

Tongue twisters with the letter "P" to achieve the norm

Each baby is individual. Therefore, the development of speech is different. Nevertheless, there is an average norm for the development of the Russian language.

  1. For children from one to two years old, sounds are mastered: A; O; E; M; P; B.
  2. Up to three years, sounds become available to them: U; AND; s; T; D; AT; F; G; TO; X; H; J.
  3. By the age of four, children master: C; Z; C.
  4. To five - Sh; AND; H; SCH.
  5. And by six, it is not a problem for children to pronounce L and, finally, the sound "R".

Thus, if parents notice that by school age the child still has problems with the sound “P”, then you should study at home more often or seek help from a speech therapist.

Patter with "P" is often used by speech therapists to develop speech. They solve the following tasks:

  • exercise the articulation of sounds;
  • help to learn the correct speech;
  • correct errors;
  • eliminate tongue-tied tongue;
  • develop hearing and phonetic memorization.

The earlier the child hears tongue twisters on "P", the sooner he will hear the corresponding sound combinations. Then he strives to repeat it correctly.

Automation of tongue twisters on "R"

Before you pronounce the tongue twister with the letter "R", you need to remember the rules.

  • At first, it is better to pronounce it slowly, assimilating the sound combinations and clearly pronouncing each of them. If you are learning a tongue twister on "P" with a child, the learning stage is the same. Each word is pronounced separately: clearly and slowly.
  • Do not expect the baby to immediately repeat the phrase. Don't get angry if he speaks a little differently than required.
  • The session lasts a maximum of ten minutes.
  • But you can repeat the lesson as much as you like.
  • In addition to speaking tongue twisters with "P", they sing or whisper it. It is also useful to speak with a different timbre of voice, speed, intonation, and so on. The main thing is that each sound is pronounced clearly. This must be controlled.
  • When there is no doubt about the clarity, they pronounce the tongue twister with the letter “R” as quickly as possible.
  • Before memorizing tongue twisters on "P", it is advisable to conduct speech therapy exercises to warm up and strengthen the organs of articulation.

What you need to do before memorizing tongue twisters with the letter "R"

So let's get to the practical part. This sound must have disturbed many parents. If you follow the recommendations of a speech therapist, and pay due attention to exercises with tongue twisters for the letter “P”, the child will learn not only to pronounce the sound correctly, but even be able to roar like a lion cub!

The lesson begins with a warm-up - pure speech on "P". Example:

  • ru-ru-ru, the kangaroo jumps;
  • ra-ra-ra, the fox has a hole;
  • ry-ry-ry, mosquitoes fly;
  • re-re-re, we are waiting for the new year in December;
  • ryu-ryu-ryu, I cook for you;
  • rya-rya-rya, a new day of the calendar;
  • ro-ro-ro, there is a bucket in that corner.

Having finished the tongue twisters on "P" with two letters, they slightly complicate the task:

  • ar-ar-ar, a lantern burns in that park;
  • ary-ary-ary, as the guitars sing;
  • hooray-hooray-hooray, asking for millet chickens;
  • ory-ory-ory, we will see the mountains.

Tongue twisters with the letter "P" for young children and older

After mastering the tongue talk on "P", they pronounce the sound in verse:

Prepared by the actress

Thirty-three and three irises.

Gave all the toffees

Grisha, Misha and Boriska.

Jolly rhymes are followed by light tongue twisters with "R".

Artyom rubs carrots on a grater.

All beavers are good guys.

Three trumpeters blew their trumpets.

Irishka is Mariska's sister.

Fish are in the aquarium, and cobras are in the terrarium.

For school-age children, it is useful to memorize tongue twisters "P" longer and more complex. Example:

Gates, Barbara, open,

Chopping firewood in the yard.

Or another well-known tongue twister with the letter "R":

Stole corals from Clara Karl,

And Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.

To develop diction, having studied the easy tongue twisters "P", try to master complex options with your child:

The tongue twister was quick to say, he said that you don’t overspeak, you can’t overspeak all the tongue twisters. But having spoken too quickly, he said that he would soon speak all the tongue twisters. And here they are jumping like carp in a frying pan.

When automation is achieved in pronouncing the tongue twister with the letter "P", regardless of the complexity, you will notice that the sound, the pronunciation of which was so disturbing recently, is already spoken differently.

Gradually, from day to day, diction will improve. And maybe soon the child will master the sound "P" perfectly. The main thing is not to overdo it. Do not overwork it so that classes remain joyful and bring not only benefit, but also pleasure.