Leshchinsky ran after them and when he was. Punctuation marks when writing. Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence

№1 Arrange punctuation marks, taking into account the peculiarities of punctuation when concatenating conjunctions.

1. I read to the point that when I heard the bell ring on the front porch, I did not immediately understand who it was ringing and why. 2. Her eyes were young and shiny, and when she put on glasses while working, her eyes became very round and even a little mischievous like a teenager's. 3. The news of the upcoming salary increase is accepted with joy, but when they find out about a different percentage of the increase for doctors and nursing staff, they begin to look for what's the catch. 4. They served something so white, I took it for semolina, but when I tried it, I realized that I would eat it all my life three times every day. 5. She was taut in mind, rich in impetuous character, sharp, and although she was not a beauty in appearance, men kept their eyes on her. 6. She appeared very late, and although I saw her from afar and only from the back, I realized precisely on this back, on lowered shoulders, that a misfortune had happened. 7. Leshchinsky ran after them and when he was already close to the highway he heard another shot. 8. We are entering the open sea, but if you look closely, you can already see the blue shadows of the earth on the sea on the horizon.

№2 Rewrite with punctuation marks.

1. A thunderstorm was approaching and when the clouds covered the whole sky it became dark as at dusk. 2. The woman's legs were burned and barefoot, and when she spoke, she raked warm dust to her inflamed feet with her hand, as if trying to soothe the pain. 3. Be that as it may, on the sidelines they believe that if Paranichev and his patrons manage to negotiate with the management of MMK, Yuri Vladimirovich's chances of taking the governor's chair will be 99%. 4. If you carefully look at people who cannot praise anyone and are not satisfied with anyone, then you will find out that these are the very people who are not satisfied with anyone. 5. Late at night, when the lights go out in the village and the seven-star Stozhar is already shining high in the sky, you will once again run into the garden and reach the hut. 6. If you want to consider a person and want to know his soul, then delve into not how he speaks or how he is silent, but look at him better when he laughs. 7. Only at dawn, when the lake was covered with rare flakes of seagulls and fishing sails appeared, he fell asleep and dreamed of the Alps. 8. In any role, a talented actor feels free and natural, and when he expresses the character of his hero on stage, he usually comes to the full feeling that he is the same hero. 9. A small house stands on the edge of the abyss and therefore it seems surprising that the light is quietly burning in the house and there are open books and manuscripts on the tables. 10. It turned out that the manuscript had not yet been finalized and that there would be no extra work You can't take it to the printer. 11. A variety of ideas crowded in the imagination, and if the writer, by an effort of will, forced himself to stop at one thing, then he again forgot what the beginning should be. 12. He even knew that the sun was looking into the room and that if he stretched out his hand through the window, dew would fall from the bushes.


№1 Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word.

1. The deadlines for the delivery of a military facility were violated, because many units for the complex were imported from abroad, and because of the sanctions, the problem of import substitution had to be urgently solved.

2. Supports these processes and an unusual phenomenon of selective memorization, when individuals better remember those messages that correspond to their ideas.

3. Squire Trelawny, Dr. Livesey and other gentlemen have asked me to write down everything I know about Treasure Island. They want me to tell the whole story, from beginning to end.

4. There is no significant difference in the moral priorities of world religions.

5. For dinner, Marya Sergeevna baked apple charlotte and invited her neighbors for tea.

6. These are the speech masterpieces that abound even in very popular newspapers: “To date, rice harvesting has been completed in all rice farms in the region.”

7. Finally, we see a forest, a gloomy sky in shaggy clouds, between which only in some places blackening darkness is visible.

8. A sandy bottom was visible through the yellowish wet water, which went deeper, and the lake water turned black.

9. The hot heat was already beginning to be felt in the air, and it was so cool in the deaf spruce forest.

10. The rich luxury of nature did not touch the old man, but much delighted Sergei, who was here for the first time.

11. The commander was killed to death, and the command was taken over by a young lieutenant who arrived in the unit a week ago.

12. Little kids were sitting at the table with their heads bowed, and, uttering words in a whisper, they were discussing, apparently, some important problem, in their opinion, so I tried not to disturb them.

13. It was pouring downpour, so it was impossible to go out onto the porch.

In exercises of this type, the numbers in square brackets indicate the number of the grammatical comment given at the beginning of each paragraph.

№65 Separate punctuation marks simple sentences With homogeneous members and compound sentences.

1. The sun set and dim clouds hung over the dark steppe. 2. Half an hour later we were sitting at home drinking tea and telling our adventures to our long-awaited comrades. 3. It was a frosty sunny day and he liked everything: the abundance of skiers and the creak of fresh snow, which had not yet been removed in Moscow. 4. The conversation seemed interesting to him and he stopped, waiting for an opportunity to express his thoughts. 5. Pugachev gave a sign and they immediately released me and left me. 6. What technologies and services influence the price of housing and determine its elitism? 7. The moon rose and was reflected in a red pillar on the other side of the pond. 8. Efimova sat down on the edge of her cold armchair and looked through the bronze fence of the inkstand at Semyon Eremeevich. 9. It was unnatural and absurd from the lackey's point of view. 10. Now we have gained life experience and will try to make sure that when commercial products appear, no one is a loser. 11. Phytotherapy is often referred to as traditional medicine and on this basis it is concluded that this is an unscientific method of treatment. 12. The forged ballots were seized and did not affect the voting process. 13. Frost crackles and snow falls like silver dust on the smooth pavement. 14. Developers talk about a breakthrough in the film industry and expect to receive billions in profits from Hollywood giants. 15. Then Mikhail sat down at the computer and, using ordinary programs like Adobe Photoshop, began to look for a numerical algorithm. 16. Huge bales and barrels, to the deafening noise and clang of chains and winches, were brought ashore and stacked in regular rows. 17. It is getting dark and a strange silence reigns in the village.

№66 Place punctuation marks, indicate sentences in which a comma coordinating union not set.

1. In ten years, these figures will equalize and it will be very difficult to cope with this situation. 2. A loudspeaker was hanging in the corner and a radio was playing to entertain those waiting. 3. When she finally came and he saw her face and figure up close, he simply said: “Well, well!” 4. Economic realities have changed and the ideology of the old program is no longer adequate. 5. In the back stood a wide desk with bronze inkwells and two leather armchairs in front of it. 6. In the wind, the forests rustle with a great oceanic rumble and the tops of the pines bend after the passing clouds. 7. The sun was hiding behind the cold peaks and a whitish fog began to disperse in the valleys, when a road bell and a cab driver rang out in the street. 8. After all, the price of metal in the form of a product increases many times and the company earns additional money. 9. When the moon appeared from behind the clouds, everything around brightened and a silver path appeared on the sea. 10. A new kiosk was recently installed on the corner and now they sell newspapers there. 11. Only occasionally in a nearby river with a sudden sonority will a brisk fish splash and the coastal reeds make a faint noise. 12. When a breeze came and warm soaring emanated from the heated earth, such grace came around that one could not believe in anything. 13. But after all, even in everyday life there are such unexpected hours when a person realizes himself with extraordinary fullness and when strength comes from nowhere and the mind sharpens and the imagination boils. 14. Polina called me and I went out to her on the porch. 15. Who in childhood did not look for treasures hidden by Stevenson on the mysterious island and who did not help Mowgli in the impassable wilds of Hindustan? 16. Polina trustingly held my hand and from this she seemed to me a little girl. 17. As soon as people appear in the thing that has been started, and as soon as these people come to life at the will of the author, the thing begins to develop according to its own internal logic. 18. In our area they know a lot about singing, and it is not for nothing that the village of Sergievskoye is famous throughout Russia for its especially pleasant tune. 19. There were so many flowers from chestnut trees that during the rains, the dams from them delayed the runoff of rainwater and some streets turned into shallow lakes.

№67 1. A minute - and the verses will flow freely. 2. Here is a cry - and again everything around was quiet. 3. A moment - and I will never see this sun, this water, this gorge. 4. He will give a sign - and everyone is busy. 5. The dry crackle of a rocket launcher - and two crumbly green fires flare up in the sky. 6. Here the drums crackled - and the infidels retreated.

№68 Place punctuation marks, graphically denoting the boundaries of subordinate clauses.

I 1. During the war years, a gray-haired old man who was only nineteen years old told the details of this battle. 2. Everything that we now hold in our hands is becoming more expensive to me every day. 3. That homeliness that took a very long time to create in one day was destroyed by the arrival of the Ivlevs. 4. My heart went cold at the mere thought that the return to my homeland could be delayed for at least a few days for any reason and I would not be in time for the opening of the memorial. 5. Each writer is a psychologist whose task is to understand the motives of the hero's actions and reveal his soul. 6. He saw poetry everywhere, no matter how modest in appearance, and knew how to imperceptibly draw people into the circle of poetic sensations and into the world of his rich imagination, which he generously shared. 7. In the 80s of the XIX century, Shishkin creates many paintings in the subjects of which he still refers to the life of the Russian forest, Russian meadows and fields. 8. In Kyiv on high mountain on the banks of the Dnieper there is a monument to Prince Vladimir during the reign of which the baptism of Russia took place.

II 1. The student could not remember either the name of the work or who its author was. 2. He promised to return but did not specify when. 3. It is important now to find out not what he has already done, but what he is going to do next.

№69 Arrange punctuation marks, taking into account the peculiarities of punctuation when concatenating conjunctions.

1. I read to the point that when I heard the bell ring on the front porch, I did not immediately understand who it was ringing and why. 2. Her eyes were young and shiny, and when she put on glasses while working, her eyes became very round and even a little mischievous like a teenager's. 3. The news of the upcoming salary increase is accepted with joy, but when they find out about a different percentage of the increase for doctors and nursing staff, they begin to look for what's the catch. 4. They served something so white, I took it for semolina, but when I tried it, I realized that I would eat it all my life three times every day. 5. She was taut in mind, rich in impetuous character, sharp, and although she was not a beauty in appearance, men kept their eyes on her. 6. She appeared very late, and although I saw her from afar and only from the back, I realized precisely on this back, on lowered shoulders, that a misfortune had happened. 7. Leshchinsky ran after them and when he was already close to the highway he heard another shot. 8. We are entering the open sea, but if you look closely, you can already see the blue shadows of the earth on the sea on the horizon.

Similar information.

Option 1.

a) a comma; d) dash;

c) colon;

1. Finally, we climbed Mount Gud, stopped and looked back (?) A gray cloud hung on it, and its cold breath threatened a close storm.

2. Thick icicles hanging from the roofs melted in the sun (?) drops, falling from them, loudly hitting the ice.

3. A mighty tree stands even in a storm and only moves (?) tall thin branches, everything sways.

4. He was waiting for questions (?) She was silent and looked out the window, where the rain was still monotonous.

5. Here a rather significant (?) wide hut was opened, the roof of which rested on two sooty pillars, and was full of people.

6. The edge of the sky turns red (?) in the birches wake up, jackdaws awkwardly fly, sparrows chirp near the dark stacks.

7. Having chosen a good walnut stick in the forest, we sometimes dressed it in our own way, namely (?) Peeled it and burned it on a fire flame.

8. Mother was sitting in the living room and pouring tea, with one hand she held the kettle, with the other (?) the tap of the samovar.

9. All night Vasilisa Yegorovna could not fall asleep (?) and could not guess at all what was in her husband's head that she could not know about.

10. Pavel Petrovich was not present for long at the brother's conversation with the manager (?), a tall and thin man with a sweet, consumptive voice and picaresque eyes.

1) complex subordinate 2) complex non-union

3) compound 4) simple, complicated

New temples were now illuminated by natural light pouring through transparent or mosaic glass.

1) complex 2) simple, complicated

All scientific writings then were written mainly in this language, although it was not understood by most peoples.

1) complex 2) complex with allied coordinating and subordination between parts

3) compound 4) complex with non-union and allied coordinating connection between parts

However, in the flood, when the stormy streams melt water large amounts of dirt are washed off, the dose of chlorine has to be increased, but it does not have time to completely evaporate.

5. Indicate the correct description of the proposal.

1) difficult with writing and unionless bond 2) simple with homogeneous members

3) compound 4) compound non-union

By 1941, the building was completed, and during the war it kept the collections of museums evacuated from Moscow and Leningrad: the Tretyakov Gallery, the Pavlovsk Palace and others.

It was time to leave (1) and (2) when buses came for us from the city (3) we realized (4) how sorry it is to leave the lake

1) 1, 3 2) 2, 3 3) 1,4 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

7. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentence?

A variety of ideas (1) and (2) crowded in the writer’s imagination; if he forced himself to stop at one thing (3), then he again forgot (4) what the beginning should be.

1) 1,2,3,4 2) 1, 3 3) 1, 3, 4 4) 2, 3, 4

8. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentence?

The rest of the day dragged on for Zakhar unbearably long (1) and (2) when the sun went down (3) earring shadows began to cover the ground more densely (4) he felt relieved.

1)1,2,4 2)2,3 3)1,3,4 4)2,3,4

9. In place of which numbers should there be commas in the sentence below?

Leshchinsky ran after them (1) and (2) when he was already close (3) heard another shot (4) from the right.

1) 1, 2, 3, 4 2) 2, 3, 4

3)2,4 4) 1, 3, 4

Test 10. A complex sentence with different types of connection.

Option 2.

1. Indicate which punctuation mark should be put in sentences in place of the question mark (?):

a) a comma; d) dash;

b) a semicolon; e) no sign required.

c) colon;

1. And next to this feeling there was another (?) feeling of relaxation and insane happiness.

2. When burdock rustles in a ravine and a bunch of yellow-red rowan droops, I compose cheerful verses (?) About life, perishable and beautiful.

3. Chernyshevsky considered two qualities obligatory for a person and, as it were, bequeathed to their descendants (?) a thirst for work and a clear conscience.

4. They rang for the vigil, and the lingering, trembling howl of the bell was heard in the vicinity (?) The sun was low, and one half of the wall was illuminated by the pink light of sunset.

5. The indefatigable rumble of supermundane life (?) penetrates from above, a softened echo of the great labor of all conquering people.

6. The sun was hiding behind the clouds (?), the trees and the air were frowning, as before the rain, but, despite this, it was hot and stuffy.

7. Ivan's fears were fully justified (?) Passers-by paid attention to him and turned around.

8. How good were the misty and fresh morning when the shadows of the trees lay on the water (?) and unhurried goggle-eyed chub flocked under the very shore!

9. These were magnificent goldfish (?) There were no such fish in the aquarium.

10. And I remembered my father's house, our gorge and all around in the shade a scattered aul (?) I heard evening rumble home of running herds...

2. Indicate the correct description of the proposal.

1) compound non-union 2) compound

3) simple, complicated 4) complex

The earliest depiction of a diver found on Mesopotamian tombstones dates back to the turn of the 5th and 4th millennium BC. e.

3. Indicate the correct description of the proposal.

1) non-union complex 2) compound

3) complex with allied coordinating and subordinating connection between parts 4) complex

To approximate the average duration calendar year to the duration of the tropical, every four years a day was added to February.

4. Indicate the correct description of the proposal.

1) complex with a subordinating and non-union connection 2) complex with a coordinating and subordinating connection

3) complex non-union 4) complex subordinate

I didn't choose him - he chose me when I was sixteen.

5. Indicate the correct description of the sentence of the text.

1) compound 2) compound

3) complex with a coordinating and subordinating connection 4) complex with a coordinating and non-union connection

Russian artists got acquainted with this book as presented by N.I. Kulbin at his congress in 1911, and this report was later published in our press, but the book itself was published in Russian only in 1967 in New York by the International Literary Commonwealth.

6. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

In the evening it began to rain (1) and (2) while we were driving along the country road (3) the horses barely crossed (4) as if they had lost their last strength.

1)1,3 3)3,4

2)2,3 4)1,2,3,4

7 . Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

In the spring of that year, I graduated from the Lyceum (1) and (2) when I arrived from Moscow (3) I was simply amazed (4) how our gloomy house had changed.

1) 1,4 2) 1, 2, 3, 4

3) 3 4) 2, 3, 4

8. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentence?

He was tired and felt (1) that no force would move him from his place (2) and that (3) if he now sat down (4) he would no longer get up.

1)1,3,4 2)2,3,4 3)1,2,3 4)1,2,4

9. In place of which numbers should there be commas in this sentence?

Blue drops dripped from the oars (1) and (2) when they fell into the sea (3) a blue speck briefly flashed at the place of their fall.

1) 1, 2, 3 2) 1, 3

№2 Place punctuation marks, indicate sentences in which a comma is not put in a coordinating union.

In ten years, these figures will equalize, and it will be very difficult to cope with this situation. A loudspeaker hung in the corner and a radio played to entertain those waiting. When she finally came and he saw her face and figure up close, he simply said: - Well, well! Economic realities have changed, and the ideology of the old program is no longer adequate. In the back stood a wide writing-table with bronze inkwells, and in front of it were two leather armchairs. In the wind, the forests rustle with the great oceanic rumble and the tops of the pines bend after the passing clouds. The sun was hiding behind the cold peaks, and a whitish mist was beginning to disperse in the valleys, when a road bell rang out in the street and a cab driver called. After all, the price of metal in the form of a product increases many times, and the company earns additional money. When the moon appeared from behind the clouds, everything around brightened and a silver path appeared on the sea. A new kiosk was recently put up on the corner, and now they sell newspapers there. Frost crackles, and snow falls like silver dust on the smooth pavement. Only occasionally in a nearby river with a sudden sonority will a brisk fish splash and the coastal reeds faintly rustle. When a breeze came and a warm soaring emanated from the heated earth, such grace came around that one could not believe in anything. But after all, even in everyday life there are such unexpected hours when a person realizes himself with extraordinary fullness, and when forces flood in from nowhere, and the mind sharpens, and the imagination boils. Polina called to me, and I went out to her on the porch. Who in childhood did not look for the treasures hidden by Stevenson on the mysterious island and who did not help Mowgli in the impassable wilds of Hindustan? Polina held my hand trustingly, and that made her seem like a little girl to me. As soon as people appear in the thing that has been started, and as soon as these people come to life at the will of the author, the thing begins to develop according to its own internal logic. In our area they know a lot about singing, and it is not for nothing that the village of Sergievskoye is famous throughout Russia for its especially pleasant tune. There were so many flowers from the chestnut trees that during the rains, the dams from them blocked the runoff of rainwater and some streets turned into shallow lakes.

№3 Place punctuation marks, graphically denoting the boundaries of subordinate clauses.

I A gray-haired old man, who was only nineteen years old during the war years, told the details of this battle. Everything that we now hold in our hands becomes dearer to me every day. That homeliness, which took a very long time to create, was destroyed in one day by the arrival of the Ivlevs. My heart sank at the mere thought that my return to my homeland might be delayed for at least a few days for any reason, and I would not be in time for the opening of the memorial. Each writer is a psychologist whose task is to understand the motives of the hero's actions and reveal his soul. He saw poetry everywhere, no matter how modest in appearance, and knew how to imperceptibly draw people into the circle of poetic sensations and into the world of his rich imagination, which he generously shared. In the 80s of the 19th century, Shishkin created many paintings, in the subjects of which he still refers to the life of the Russian forest, Russian meadows and fields. In Kyiv, on a high mountain on the banks of the Dnieper, a monument to Prince Vladimir was erected, during the reign of which the baptism of Russia took place.

II The student could not remember either the name of the work or who its author was. He promised to return, but did not specify when. It is important now to find out not what he has already done, but what he is going to do next.

III A minute - and the verses will flow freely. Here is a cry - and again everything around was quiet. A moment - and I will never see this sun, this water, this gorge. He will give a sign - and everyone is busy. The dry crackle of a rocket launcher - and two crumbly green fires flare up in the sky. Here the drums crackled - and the infidels retreated.

№4 Place punctuation marks at the confluence of unions.

I read so much that when I heard the ringing of the bell on the front porch, I did not immediately understand who it was ringing and why. Her eyes were young, sparkling, and when she put on glasses while working, her eyes became quite round and even a little mischievous, like those of a teenager. The news of the upcoming salary increase is accepted with joy, but when they find out about a different percentage increase for doctors and nursing staff, they begin to look for what's the catch. They served something so white, I took it for semolina, but when I tried it, I realized that I would eat it all my life, three times every day. She was taut, rich in mind, impetuous, sharp in character, and although she was not beautiful in appearance, the men kept their eyes on her. She appeared very late, and although I saw her from a distance and only from the back, it was precisely from this back, from her lowered shoulders, that I realized that a misfortune had happened. Leshchinsky ran after them and, when he was already close, he heard another shot near the highway. We are entering the open sea, but if you look closely, you can already see the blue shadows of the earth on the sea on the horizon.


№1 A thunderstorm was approaching, and when the clouds covered the whole sky, it became dark as in twilight. The woman's legs were burned and barefoot, and when she spoke, she raked warm dust with her hand to the inflamed feet, as if trying to soothe the pain. Be that as it may, on the sidelines they believe that if Paranichev and his patrons manage to come to an agreement with the management of MMK, Yuri Vladimirovich's chances of taking the governor's chair will be 99%. If you carefully look at people who can not praise anyone and are not happy with anyone, then you will find out that these are the very people with whom no one is pleased. Late at night, when the lights go out in the village and the seven-star Stozhar is already shining high in the sky, you will once again run into the garden and reach the hut. If you want to examine a person and want to know his soul, then do not delve into how he speaks or how he is silent, but look at him better when he laughs. Only towards dawn, when the lake was covered with rare flakes of gulls and fishing sails appeared, did he fall asleep, and he dreamed of the Alps. In any role, a talented actor feels free and natural, and when he expresses the character of his hero on stage, he usually comes to the full feeling that he is that very hero. The small house stands on the edge of the abyss, and therefore it seems surprising that the light is quietly burning in the house and there are open books and manuscripts on the tables. It turned out that the manuscript had not yet been finally edited and that until additional work was carried out, it could not be submitted to the printing house. A variety of ideas were crowded in the imagination, and if the writer forced himself to stop at one thing by an effort of will, then he again forgot what the beginning should be. He even knew that the sun was looking into the room and that if he stretched out his hand through the window, dew would fall from the bushes.


№1 She sits down to sew - she does not know how to take a needle, they scold her - she is silent to herself. I crawled along the thick grass along the ravine, I look: the forest is over, several Cossacks leave it for a clearing. The conversation was in an undertone, the curtains were prudently lowered, the doors tightly closed. If we win, you will build a stone house. Birds were not heard: they do not sing in the hours of heat. I was driving here - the rye was starting to turn yellow. Now I'm going back - people eat this rye. I looked out of the wagon: everything was darkness and whirlwind. I began to call the owner - they are silent, I knock - they are silent. There was absolutely nothing to complain about: the work was going great. The harsh winter came - the Urals froze. I wanted to sing, but I don't sing. He did not want to get up: it was cold in the hut. He looked out the window and was amazed at the extraordinary sight: fireworks shone over the lake. He spoke in a barely audible voice, he had to listen intently. I didn't need to introduce myself: he recognized me immediately. It started raining and he buttoned up his raincoat and turned up the collar. Fighting alone - life can not be turned upside down. The shores cannot be seen: they were hidden by the night and repelled by the wide waves of the flood. One thing was certain: he would not come back. You pass by a tree - it does not move: it basks. Do not shake the apple while it is green: it will ripen - it will fall by itself. Look - he will bestow a ruble. A birch in a forest without a peak is a mistress without a husband in the house.


№1 “But what if a person is taken away?” Tim asked frowningly. "You're all set," Tim said. “You can’t escape fate,” he said contritely. “I still lost the keys.” “It's not fair, Slavka,” Tim said. “So it's my fault?” "Valentina! Slavka called. “Do you know where Tim is?” To my question: "Is the old caretaker still alive?" Nobody could give me a satisfactory answer. As soon as she entered the garden, the guest exclaimed: “What a beauty!” “Firstly,” said Yuri Andreevich, “personalities who break in here without an invitation, and even on horseback, we will ask them to leave.” Slavka managed to notice the unspoken answer in his eyes: “It's not fair…” She said: “Today, they say, the university does little to study science,” and called her dog Suzetka. "So are you married? I didn't know before! How long ago? - "About two years". - "On whom?" - "On Larina". - "Tatyana!" “Do you know her?” “I am their neighbor.” “And don’t be shy,” Anastasia Germanovna encouraged her and asked with feminine ingenuity: “Your heel came off. Truth?"


№1 Perform word-formation analysis.

Reflection, smash, myopia, myopia, statement, jump, swing, agricultural, sad, in its own way, choice, artistic, announced, silent, amazing, high, limitless, high, unusually, low, infinity, hiding, academic city, journeyman, construction, tribesman, enduring, election, return, perished, way out, play, thrifty, seaside, correspondence, right.

№2 Write out from the text words formed in a non-morphological way.

№3 Determine the part of the underlined words.

1. me involuntarily struck by the ability of a Russian person to apply to the customs those the peoples among whom he happens to live; I don’t know whether this property of the mind is worthy of blame or praise, only it proves its incredible flexibility and the presence of this clear common sense, which the forgives evil everywhere where he sees his the need or impossibility of destruction.
Meanwhile tea was drunk; long-harnessed horses chilled in the snow; the moon grew pale in the west and was ready to plunge into its black clouds, hanging on the distant peaks how shreds of torn curtains. We went out from sakli. Contrary to prediction my satellite, the weather cleared up and promised us quiet morning; round dances of stars wonderful intertwined in patterns in the distant sky and faded one after another as the pale reflection of the east spilled over the dark purple vault, illuminating gradually steep slopes of mountains, covered virgin snows. Dark, mysterious abysses loomed right and left, and the mists, swirling and wriggling like snakes, slithered down there along the wrinkles of neighboring rocks, as if sensing and frightened of the approach of day. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Quiet It was all in heaven and on earth, as in the heart of a person at the moment of morning prayer; only occasionally a cool breeze came from the east, lifting the horses' manes covered with hoarfrost. - We set off; with difficulties five skinny nags were dragging our wagons along the winding road to Good Mountain; we walked behind, putting stones under the wheels when the horses were exhausted; the road seemed to lead to heaven, because as far as eyes could see, it kept rising and finally disappeared in a cloud that had been resting on the top of Gud-Mountain since evening, like a kite, waiting prey; the snow crunched under our feet; the air became so thin that it hurt to breathe; blood constantly rushed to the head, but with all that, some kind of gratifying feeling spread through all mine veins, and I was somehow fun, what I So high above the world: - a feeling of a child, I do not argue, but, moving away from the conditions of society and approaching nature, we involuntarily become children: everything acquired falls away from the soul, and it becomes again such as it once was and will be true someday again. That who happened, like me, to wander through the desert mountains and peer for a long, long time into them bizarre images, and greedily swallow the life-giving air spilled in their gorges, he will certainly understand my the desire to convey, tell, draw these magical pictures. Finally, we climbed the Gud Mountain, stopped and looked around: a gray cloud hung on it, and its cold breath threatened a coming storm; but in the east everything was so clear and golden that we, that is, I and the staff captain, completely forgot about him ... Yes, and the staff captain: in the hearts of ordinary people there is a feeling of beauty and grandeur of nature stronger, livelier a hundred times how in us enthusiastic storytellers in words and on paper.

Task 24

Form a short adj forms. husband. kind singular If two forms are possible, give both, noting which of them is the norm for the modern Russian language. Make sentences with short adjectives.

Courageous - courageous, ignorant - ignorant, inviolable - inviolable, undoubted -, frank - frank, ordinary - ordinary, certain - determined, responsible - responsible, related - related, characteristic - characteristic, restrained - restrained, corresponding - respectively, essential - essential , mysterious - mysterious, identical - identical.

Task 25

Only qualitative adjectives have a simple comparative degree, and relative and possessive degrees of comparison do not form.

Semi-soft (none), aged (none), agile (none), extra tall (none), extra long (none), fresh (fresh), humble (humbler), weak (weaker), senile (none), tired (none), black-eyed (no).

Task 26 .

    No one noticed a friend - "notice." Tangled hare tracks - prov. sl. "confuse". Leaf-strewn alleys of the coastal park - prov.sl. "pour". A girl offended by someone - prov.sl. "offend". Lost time - prov. sl. "the loss". The snow melted unexpectedly. Didn't offend anyone.

Task 27.

Sleep by inserting the missing letters in the suffixes -ova, -eva, -yva, -iva.

okle willow th, late ywa th, capsize ywa th, creak ywa t, demand ova th, order ywa th, assignment willow t, check willow th, markup ywa th, two willow th, trace ova th, slip off ywa th, sterilization ova th, watchman e wat, freak about wat, uta willow th, rambov ywa th, turn ova th.

Task 28.

Insert the missing letters.

justification e my, mark e my, transfer e ny, shooting I ny (deer), shooting e noe (gun), execution I data (traitors), scatter a ny, scattered I nny, hear and my, stele Yu dragging, dragging a shchy, that Yu shchy, losing e my, crown a ny.

Task 29.

Insert missing letters instead of dots. Explain why in some cases we write n , in others- nn .

Somehow stuffed, hung in a wardrobe, about a virgin harvest, the girl is very educated, the distance is foggy, draw a broken line, silver and gilded jewelry, a wounded man, a seriously wounded soldier, at the dawn.

Task 30.

Live in a new way, in autumn cold rain, whistle like a bird, go slowly, do your own thing, go slowly, fall back, open the window wide open.

Task 31.

Explain the continuous or separate spelling of negative adverbs, compare the spelling of negative adverbs and pronouns.

In negative pronominal adverbs, the prefix is ​​written under stress not- , but without the accent neither- .

Nowhere to go, nowhere to receive letters, nowhere to make phone calls, not to worry at all, to buy a few books, not to worry at all.

Task 32.

    Remember forever, transfer to the day after tomorrow, postpone until tomorrow, live opposite, see through, nullify, save until now, fold in half, divide by two.

Task 33.

Explain the spelling of words with missing letters. What parts of speech are these words?

Continuous and separate spelling of derivative prepositions: written together due to = due to; like, like = like; about; in view of, instead of, in spite of. Derivative prepositions are written separately: during, in continuation, for the reason, for the purposes, from the outside.

Absent from class during e weeks, observe changes over and rivers, ache in continuation e months, read about the fate of the hero in the sequel and novel, cancel the tour due to rain.

Task 34.

Explain merged/separate spelling.

  1. They put chains under the wheels instead of brakes so that they would not roll out.
  2. No matter what they say, I will do the job.
  3. I had to wait until morning, no matter what.

Task 35.

Explain the merged / separate spelling of NOT with adjectives.

DO NOT spell:

- adj. withoutnot not used (innocent, restless)

- not is a prefix, adj. can be replaced by a synonym unkind = evil

- there are words denoting the degree of a sign (very, very, completely, almost).

NOT written separately:

- in the sentence there is an opposition with the union a

- there are words: not at all, far from, not at all

- adjectives include words with neither (not at all, nobody, nothing).

Unknown writer. Completely unknown writer. Not a famous writer at all. By no means a famous writer.

Task 36.

    An act conceived by him, but imperfect. Everyone was still interested not described experiment. The audience came to indescribable delight. unheard of and unprecedented in the world of athlete success. Material not suitable us for quality. not defined by sound.

Task 37.

Rewrite, matching the predicate with the subject.

  1. There are many dogs in the village met us loud bark.
  2. With my Pilad Orestes gnaws, only shreds fly up.
  3. Several boats lying around on the shore
  4. Together with us rode public the most varied.

Task 38.

Rewrite, punctuating and explaining cases of separation of definitions.

  1. The sun just before sunset came out from behind the gray clouds covering the sky, and suddenly with a crimson light illuminated the purple clouds, the greenish sea, covered with ships and boats, swaying with an even wide swell, and the white buildings of the city, and the people moving along the streets.
  2. They entered a narrow and dark corridor.

Task 39.

Rewrite, punctuating and explaining cases where applications are isolated.

  1. With him was a shaggy strong dog named Faithful.
  2. As a sailor, I understand these murderous surges of waves, this clang of the iron mass and the elements groaning in violent embraces.
  3. The driver - the Kirghiz sits motionless.

Task 40.

Explain punctuation in the neighborhood of unions.

  1. Leshchinsky ran after him and, when he was already close to the highway, he heard another shot.
  2. Although the day was very good, the ground was so polluted that the wheels of the britzka, grabbing it, soon became covered with it, like felt, which greatly burdened the carriage, and besides, the soil was unusually clayey and tenacious.

Task 41.

Rewrite with punctuation marks.

  1. Kovshov did not notice what the native inhabitant of Adun clearly saw: the spring renewal of nature had already begun.
  2. Happy are the pines and firs, they are forever green, blizzards do not bring death to them, frosts do not blow death.

Task 42.

Write an application, receipt, power of attorney, memorandum, the content of which is related to your production activities, and an autobiography.

Construction Department Director of LLC ASKB "Stolitsa"

N.P. Salnikov


26.11.07. №122

About the transfer

I bring to your attention that in connection with the expansion of the structure of the Office and the consolidation of departments, the functions of employees are being redistributed.

I ask you to appoint the head of section No. 4 G.G. Safiullin from the Zatonsky pilot project facility to the deputy director for construction, with subsequent changes to the staffing table.

Head of Department ______________ A.E. Nazarov



    I, Sharikh Elena Alexandrovna, was born on April 14, 1987. in Ufa. Relationship status: Single.

    Father, Sharikh Alexander Ivanovich, - foreman of masons Su-10 OJSC


    Mother, Sharikh Natalya Viktorovna, director of the Fialka hairdressing salon.

    In 1994, I entered the secondary gymnasium No. 111 in Ufa.

    In 2004 entered the Faculty of Civil Engineering of BSK in 2007, graduated from college in 2007. Honours.

In June 2007, she got a job as an estimate engineer in the construction company ASKB Stolitsa LLC.

I speak German and English.

I love to dance and play the guitar.

E.A. Sharikh


I, Sharikh Elena Alexandrovna, passport 8006 No. 286831, issued by the Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Republic of Belarus in the Kalininsky District of Ufa on July 9, 2007, received from Prokofiev Igor Nikolaevich, passport 8001 No. 286856, issued by the Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Republic of Belarus in the Kalininsky District of Ufa 06/20/2007 an amount of 20 (twenty) thousand rubles. I undertake to return 01/15/2008

E.A. Sharikh