Crossword on the theme of fairy tales. Crossword "Journey through fairy tales

Crossword with answers "Favorite fairy tales" for students primary school.

Shilkina Tatyana Anatolyevna, educator of the State Budgetary Institution KO "Meshchovsky Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors", Meshchovsk, Kaluga Region.
This crossword can be used by teachers, class teachers, teachers additional education on lessons literary reading, extracurricular activities with primary school children.
- formation of students' interest in works of art.
- expand children's knowledge of fairy tales;
- enrich vocabulary children.

Crossword "Favorite fairy tales"

1 - What was the name of the rat of the old woman Shapoklyak?
2 - What was the name of the girl who grew up with the old people “She herself is white, like snow, her braid is blond to the waist, only there is no blush at all. The old people do not rejoice at their daughter, they do not have souls in her.
3 - What was the name of the dog in the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"?
4 - Gentle and timid -
less than a nail.
Offended fragile toads and moles,
What is the name of that girl, you and I know.

5 - He lives in the Flower City, everyone goes to him for advice.
6 - Who ate all the jam?
7 - The mustachioed character of the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky.
8 - Aibolit's profession.
9 - Who spoke these words:
“Your voice is too thin.
Better, mom, not food,
Find me a nanny…”
10 - The place where Cinderella met the prince?


1 - What is the name of the pot in the Russian folk tale, which the animals made their dwelling?

2 - In a blue boy's hat -
From the famous children's book
He is stupid and arrogant
And his name is...
3 - I am a wooden boy.
Here is the golden key!
Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina -
They are all friends with me.
I stick my nose everywhere
My name - …

4 - In what fairy tale by Korney Chukovsky, the boy did not want to wash himself and remained dirty?
5 - Here is a difficult riddle:
What kind of girl is this
Was a mess
Can you become a princess?
6 - A chanterelles
They took the matches
Let's go to the blue sea
The blue sea was lit.
The sea is on fire
Ran out of the sea...
7 - Sister of brother Ivanushka.
8 - Who could make a magic jug that told what they say in every house in the city?
9 - Mistress of Artemon.
10 - Evil fairy grandmother.
11- What is the pride of the old man Hottabych?
12 - What was the name of the boy whose heart nearly turned to ice?

1 - Lariska,
2 - Snow Maiden,
3 - Artemon,
4 - Thumbelina,
5 - Znayka,
6 - Carlson,
7 - Cockroach,
8 - doctor,
9 - Mouse,
10 - ball.
1 - teremok,
2 - Dunno,
3 - Pinocchio,
4 - Moidodyr,
5 - Cinderella,
6 - whale,
7 - Alyonushka,
8 - Swineherd,
9 - Malvina,
10 - Yaga,
11 - beard,
12 - Kai.

Natalya Kasishcheva

Crossword« Journey through fairy tales»

Job assignment: Crossword will allow you in a fun, playful way to consolidate the knowledge of children about the heroes of their favorite fairy tales. unraveling crossword will bring joy not only to children, but also to their parents.

Target: consolidation in children of previously acquired knowledge about their favorite literary heroes and characters fairy tales in practice: children guessing crossword.


1. educate children's interest and skills in solving crosswords;

2. develop memory;

3. to form the ability to find answers to tasks;

4. consolidate children's knowledge about heroes fairy tales

Whose faces do we recognize

From your favorite books?

Who makes kids so happy?

Girls, boys.

Fairy tales children love from childhood!

Here are your assignments.

We hope guys

Pass the test!


1 Girl with a crib that was a nutshell.

2 The name of the grandmother, from whom all the dishes left.

3 fairy tale hero maintaining cleanliness and hygiene.

4 The boy is a vegetable, fearless, good and cheerful

5 A good doctor who heals birds and animals.

6 Lost a glass slipper.

8 Girl with blue hair.

10 An evil and rude puppeteer with a long beard.

13 The owner of the magic lamp.

16 Who caught the magical pike.

17 An evil robber who lives in Africa.


4 Fairy a hero with big ears who was looking for friends.

7 Cheerful wooden boy with a long nose.

9 Who left grandparents.

11 Girl with a fish tail.

14 A boy raised by a pack of wolves.

15 Snow girl.

18 A kind cat who invites the guys to live together.

19 fairy tale hero who neither wanted to learn nor knew anything.

20 A cat that lives in the village of Prostokvashino.

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Summary of the lesson "Journey through fairy tales" Goals and objectives: deepen, expand and consolidate children's knowledge of fairy tales, replenish vocabulary, remembering familiar fairy tales. Develop.

To participate in the competition, I decided to make a crossword puzzle. Taking a piece of paper, I drew a large spreading oak tree, around which a scientist cat walks, like.

CROSSWORD ON THE WORKS OF K. CHUKOVSKY Horizontally: 3. In Africa, a robber, in Africa, a villain, In Africa, a terrible ....? 4. Where the doctor was in a hurry.

Literary KVN "Journey through fairy tales" Goal: development of children's speech preschool age through contact with fairy tales of different genres. Tasks: 1. Enrich and activate the dictionary.

NOD "Journey through fairy tales" Purpose: To develop the speech of children. Tasks: 1. To improve the ability to answer the teacher's questions. 2. Enrich the children's vocabulary with antonyms.

Purpose: to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about Russian folk tales through their inclusion in a variety of activities. Tasks: - remember.

Pedagogical project "Journey through fairy tales"(in accordance with educational program Yugorsky springboard) The purpose of the project: Formation of a positive attitude towards Russian folk.

Fairy tale crosswords suitable not only for those children who already go to school and know how to write on their own, but also for those kids who only learn letters, because their mother usually reads fairy tales and with their mother you can solve such a simple crossword puzzle. Now in the store you can buy entire collections of children's crossword puzzles that will be of interest to children, because in addition to traditional questions, there are funny pictures, stories, and jokes about fairy-tale characters.

For the smallest, you need to choose a crossword puzzle in which all the characters will be known. Crossword based on Pushkin's fairy tales, most likely suitable for schoolchildren, it can even be used during extracurricular reading to reinforce what has been learned. Surely the process of solving a crossword puzzle will appeal to children, especially if it takes place in the spirit of competition, and in order to interest children, you can prepare some bonuses or prizes.

The best children's crossword puzzles can be made independently. For example, let's remember the most famous cartoon characters, such as Pinocchio, Malvina, Dunno, Cheburashka, Chicken Ryaba and so on, and start compiling a crossword puzzle.

1. What was the name of the longest-nosed boy? (Pinocchio)

2. Lover to ride on the stove and do nothing all day long. (Emelya)

3. A girl with blue hair, to whom Pierrot dedicated his poems. (Malvina)

4. To kill him, it was necessary to get the egg hidden in the chest. (Koschey)

5. The best friend of Crocodile Gena. (Cheburashka)

6. Ugly fiance Thumbelina. (Toad)

7. Round, made of dough, naughty patty. (Kolobok)

8. The hen that laid the golden eggs. (Ryaba)

Despite the fact that the questions are elementary, a child at an early age will find them interesting, and the process of solving them will be entertaining. And if from childhood you develop a love for solving crossword puzzles in your child, then this will greatly affect his development in the future, because thanks to these text puzzles, horizons, vocabulary, and logical thinking expand.

Crossword on fairy tales with answers the child himself can compose, invite him, on the basis of a recently read fairy tale, to compose questions, which then, by joint efforts, compose into a crossword puzzle. Does the task seem too difficult? In fact, the process is not only exciting, but also an important part of the learning process, as it helps to better assimilate the material read.

Crosswords for schoolchildren can be compiled based on the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. For example, to encrypt the name of the girl Gerda, you can use the following description: “Who did not leave the boy Kai in trouble?”. And for the Little Mermaid, it’s not difficult at all to come up with a description, because it was a girl with a fish tail. So many adventures happened with Thumbelina that in a crossword puzzle you can ask not only the name of the girl who lived in a big flower, but also about those heroes who met her on the way in a fairy tale.

Crossword "Russian folk tales". Horizontally: 1. In which fairy tale did the characters live together in the same house until it was destroyed by a bear? 4. Who was deceived by a fox who pretended to be dead and threw all the fish out of the cart. 5. Who in one of the Russian folk tales deceived the bear and left him hungry? 6. The name of the bear cub from the fairy tale "Three Bears". 9. Who in one of the Russian folk tales regaled the fox with okroshka? 11. Which hero of the fairy tale said the words “I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother?” 12. The hero of a fairy tale, to whom the words were said: "Do not sit on a stump, do not eat a pie." 14. Who helped the heroes of the fairy tale pull out the turnip? 15. What was the name of the main character of the fairy tale, who caught a pike, and she fulfilled all his desires? 16. What has "Large eyes." 18. What is the name of the Russian heroine folk tale, who went with her friends to the forest for mushrooms and berries, got lost, and came to the bear's hut. 20. Ryaba, which laid a golden egg.
Vertical: 2. Who was able to drive the fox out of the hare's hut? 3. With what tool did the cat manage to save the rooster?

7. Name a vegetable that a grandfather, a woman, a granddaughter, a dog, a cat and a mouse could pull out of the ground. 8. What was the name of the boy who disobeyed his older sister and became a kid. 10. The heroine of a fairy tale who was afraid of the heat and melted jumping over the fire.

13. Who was the frog that caught the arrow? 17. Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the wife of the prince? 19. The hero of a fairy tale who burst with laughter.

1. Teremok
2. Rooster
3. Gusli
4. Old man
5. Man
6. Bear
7. Turnip
8. Ivanushka
9. Crane
10. Snow Maiden
11. Gingerbread Man
12. Bear
13. Princess
14. Mouse
15. Emelya
16. Fear
17. Frog
18. Masha
19. Bubble
20. Hen

Crossword on fairy tales for younger students

Crossword "Russian folk tales"

Ryabichenko Nadezhda Vladimirovna, primary school teacher, MKOU "Mikhailovskaya OOSh", Kikvidzensky district, Volgograd region
Material Description: This material is for students. elementary school. It can be used by the teacher in extracurricular activities, when fixing the topic "Oral folk art" in the lessons of literary reading in elementary school.
Having guessed all the words, you can read new words vertically in the yellow cells of the crossword puzzle and find out what fairy tales are.
Target: Consolidation of knowledge about Russian folk tales.
To develop thinking, imagination, memory, cognitive abilities of students.
Raise interest in reading, in oral folk art.

1. In what fairy tale did the heroes live together in the same house until it was destroyed by a bear?
2. Who was able to drive the fox out of the hare's hut?
3. With what tool did the cat manage to save the rooster?
4. Who was deceived by a fox who pretended to be dead and threw all the fish out of the cart.
5. Who in one of the Russian folk tales deceived the bear and left him hungry?
6. The name of the bear cub from the fairy tale "Three Bears".
7. Name a vegetable that a grandfather, a woman, a granddaughter, a dog, a cat and a mouse could pull out of the ground.
8. What was the name of the boy who disobeyed his older sister and became a kid.
9. Who in one of the Russian folk tales regaled the fox with okroshka?
10. The heroine of a fairy tale who was afraid of the heat and melted jumping over the fire.
11. Which hero of the fairy tale said the words “I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother?”
12. The hero of a fairy tale, to whom the words were said: "Do not sit on a stump, do not eat a pie."
13. Who was the frog that caught the arrow?
14. Who helped the heroes of the fairy tale pull out the turnip?
15. What was the name of the main character of the fairy tale, who caught a pike, and she fulfilled all his desires?
16. What has "Large eyes."
17. Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the wife of the prince?
18. What is the name of the heroine of a Russian folk tale, who went with her friends into the forest for mushrooms and berries, got lost, and came to the bear's hut.
19. The hero of a fairy tale who burst with laughter.
20. Ryaba, which laid a golden egg.
21. The hero of a Russian folk tale, who owns the words: "The beaten unbeaten is lucky, the beaten unbeaten is lucky."

Crossword Answers:

1. Teremok
2. Rooster
3. Gusli
4. Old man
5. Man
6. Bear
7. Turnip
8. Ivanushka
9. Crane
10. Snow Maiden
11. Gingerbread Man
12. Bear
13. Princess
14. Mouse
15. Emelya
16. Fear
17. Frog
18. Masha
19. Bubble
20. Hen
21. Fox