How to be strong in spirit. Strength is different

How to become a strong spirit? This dilemma worries many individuals, because most dream of a powerful inner strength. Inner strength is a quality that is difficult to develop, to achieve which it is necessary desire and internal reserves that will change the quality of life.

How to become a strong-willed person if they overcome everyday difficulties, give up, there is no strength to overcome life's obstacles, to implement the desired plans and achieve goals. To begin with, it is necessary to define what strength of mind is and who such a strong-willed person is. So, fortitude is the harmony of the psychological and physical components of the individual. Therefore, when a person develops physically, it is important not to forget about the development of intellectual and psychological factors.

A strong-willed personality is able to independently resolve issues that appear in her life, unlike weak personalities who live at the expense of strong ones. If with a weak person he uses negative experience to weaken himself, turning into an unfortunate victim, then a person with a strong spirit and character adequately gets out of any unpleasant situation that has developed. Strong personalities have many plans and desires, while weak personalities have many needs.

A strong-willed person always has his own opinion. But the way of life of a weak person is to always need protection. A strong person is able to protect himself and his way of life is cooperation and influence on other individuals. Most individuals live according to patterns. A person endowed with a spirit is above all patterns and will not react to any contradictory, traumatic situation with a conflict pattern.

A strong-willed person is not a coward and turns out to be stronger than his fear. This does not mean that such individuals are not afraid, they just know how to be stronger than their phobias and prejudices.

The stronger the spirit of a person, the more significant the burden of negative experience, she is able to perceive and adequately survive the troubles. The weaker the personality, the smaller the dose of troubles it can normally perceive.

How to become a strong spirit and character

In Iceland, there is a wonderful proverb about this: “Everyone who did not stand firmly on his feet has long been blown into the ocean.” Therefore, by developing yourself physically and psychologically, you can answer the question of how to become a strong-willed person.

Below are specific tips on how to become a strong spirit person:

- it is necessary to surround yourself with individuals with a positive attitude towards life, since long-term communication with, contributes to becoming the same as them;

- it is important to maintain relationships with spiritually developed and competent people who have a positive charge of energy;

- you need to gain faith in yourself, this will give strength and confidence in your actions, clearly follow certain principles for yourself. Without clear ideas about life, it will be difficult to create a specific strategy of action, which in turn will bring chaos to life;

- should be studied personal experience from your own life, because this is the only way to gain significant experience and acquire knowledge;

- it is important not to be afraid, but to learn from your mistakes; To do this, you need to analyze your actions more. Extracting knowledge from your experience will make the person more careful and smarter in the future;

- you need to be able to withstand adversity, because mental stability important in stressful situations predetermined by fate, so in unpleasant situations you should learn to be flexible;

- you need to be prepared for negative options for the outcome of events and not fall into this, losing your mind and common sense, and even if something went wrong, you can’t waste the time you need to solve the problem;

- it is required to be able to look fears in the eye, since they subconsciously influence life, even if the individual does not think about them;

- having spent time on introspection, having figured out why fear arose, you can get rid of it; it requires doing what you are afraid of until the fear finally disappears. This is how most individuals get rid of many phobias. If a person cannot do what he is afraid of, you should try to think about fear more often, and then he will pass;

You need to become a doer, not a thinker. Personalities with strong character they do not wait for events in their lives to happen, they themselves actively act. You should be enterprising to participate in events, and not passively react to everything that happens. It is necessary to work and try every next day to do more than on the previous day;

- you should start living today and not think about the future; thinking a lot about the future, a person puts off a lot of things for tomorrow, this applies to both rest and important things;

- you need to understand that tomorrow is already today, so it's time to put plans into practice. Only strong personalities live for today;

- it is important for a person to realize that the world is not ideal, this will allow him to do more for himself and not be distracted by secondary things; often people have very different ideas about life, so it makes no sense to retrain or re-educate other individuals, but it is worth treating their weaknesses condescendingly.

Only a strong-willed person can really overcome life's trials: dangerous and difficult. A strong spirit is cultivated over the years and all the efforts aimed at this are worth it to achieve - this is a rare and valuable quality.

So, the basic rule on how to become a strong spirit and character is not to run away from what the individual is afraid of, but to look his fear in the eye, directing his gaze to what he fears the most. And when the individual begins to overcome his fear, it will disappear, and the person will become stronger in spirit.

An example of how to become a strong spirit. Consider this case: a person is about to part with his beloved. He is so afraid of this that mentally, scrolling the parting in his head, he is horrified by this and subconsciously tries to avoid those unrest that he is very afraid of. And in order to become a strong-willed person, it is necessary, without interrupting the imaginary picture of parting, to present in all details the whole scene of parting. Initially, horror from what is happening will roll in, a person will suffer at that moment, but after that the horror will disappear, and with it the fear. A person will cease to be afraid of parting in reality, since he has already lived it in his head. So his strength of mind will increase, and he will be ready for anything.

Another example of how to become a strong spirit man. It is very important in life not to allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself. When an individual, being in a difficult situation, feels sorry for himself, angers those around him and fate, blames them for what happened, then he wastes his energy on a thankless task, which only multiplies negative energy. Therefore, you should not feel sorry for yourself, but direct all your energy and strength to solving the problem.

You don't need to cling to the past, but you need to live in the present. Accepting what is happening in life only now, the individual is able to live, no matter what. For example, a person is overtaken by a disease that is difficult to cure. It is necessary not to think about how good it was without her. It is required to accept the disease, learn to cope with it. It is for this that strength of mind is required, which is brought up due to the fact that a person understands the need for a decision to live in the present tense “here and now”. You should "accumulate" positive memories, good life moments, impressions. This will save in any critical situations, even in the absence of improvements. Only joyful memories give the individual hope that they will happen in the near future and for this it is worth believing in it.

It is important for a person to learn to forgive and then he can become a strong personality. By forgiving, a person is able to move forward. The strength of the spirit doubles after each bold, honest act and helps to cope with the upcoming, subsequent difficulties, so it is important to catch this simple logic and start helping yourself now.

I don’t know about you, but I am fully convinced that the phrase “the strongest wins” will be relevant at all times. Only if before everything came down to physical characteristics, then modern reality makes a person improve on all fronts. Therefore, it is not surprising that people began to think more often about how to become stronger. Of course, we are talking about the context of all life ...

First of all, you need to set yourself up for positive success. It’s not enough to just think, “I want to get stronger.” You need to firmly and confidently say: “I will become stronger” and put as much emotion into this phrase as your heart is capable of. Such a setting, despite its absurdity, allows you to achieve good results. Try it, just don't be fooled.

So, for those who want to learn how to become a strong person, I have prepared 17 tips that can bring amazing results. They make up only a small fraction of the whole journey, but do you remember where the journey of a thousand miles begins? You can apply them all at once, you can take turns. You can implement one case every month or every week. You can actually score. Remember that everything depends on your choice.

1. Form your view of things.

It is very important to learn how to form your own thoughts on any issue. In our century, people themselves become slaves to other people's opinions, so it is very difficult to preserve the individuality of thinking. I brought this item to the first place precisely because of its complexity. Learn to get rid of other people's opinions and form your own objective judgment. Perhaps the post "How to find freedom" will help you.

2. Get some exercise.

It is also important to know how to become stronger physically. A truly strong person is strong not only in spirit and mind, but also in body. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your physical norm. It is not necessary to sign up for a gym. You can start running or doing morning exercises. Usually this is enough. If you need something more exciting, you can do some sports. I bet you'll love it.

3. Set goals.

It's important to know where you're going. The best guide is a dream or a goal. But if a dream is something vague, then a goal is a real finish line that can be torn off. In fact, setting and achieving goals brings unprecedented personal growth.

4. Get over the falls.

Failure is the best mentor. Trust me, nothing brings as much life experience as falling. Only by experiencing real difficulties can we become stronger. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of failure, just do what you have in mind. You never really get a taste of success if it comes too easy. Treat falls like a kind teacher who is genuinely interested in your knowledge.

5. Love yourself.

It is important to understand one thing - you have an incredible potential, thanks to which you can achieve everything that you desire. It doesn't matter how big your plans are. If you can truly love yourself, then no obstacles will prevent you from achieving your results.

6. Read more.

Did you know that our brain perceives the information projected in the imagination as real? But, unlike animals, we are able to independently control the flow of our thoughts. So we can lose a lot of difficult situations that may arise in our future. Books are a real storehouse of such situations. We literally play each scene live and draw the necessary conclusions. No wonder all successful people read a lot.

7. Learn to lose.

It is important to understand that you are responsible for your life. It doesn't matter who is at fault in this situation. If it somehow affected your life, YOU are to blame. If a girl left you, do not complain about her, but look for the reason in yourself. If you were fired from your job - do not insult the boss, but become better. The only way.

8. Start, finally, to study for real.

Education is actually a very useful thing. Many underestimate her, citing phrases like: “I will never need this” as an argument. Yes, we never use most of the knowledge gained at school or university, but they help us develop. For example, geometry develops very well logical thinking and can teach you to properly argue your answer. Getting acquainted with various areas of philosophy, we can find answers to some questions in the future.

9. Let your imagination run wild.

In the most ordinary cases, you can achieve an unusual result if you use your imagination. Try the next time you have to clean the house, do everything with your left hand. It will turn out quite funny, and you will surely remember such cleaning for a long time. But fantasy can be used in other situations, for example, you can learn some passage or formula and do push-ups at the same time. Oh yes, I already wrote about this in the material “How to develop memory”. Fantasy can reveal unprecedented boundaries for you and find ways even in the most difficult situations.

10. Find your favorite thing to do.

Nothing gives such a powerful impetus to action as a favorite thing. It can be some true goals or just a hobby. Such activities will give you strength and make your heart beat joyfully in anticipation of future things. It is much better if your life goal is your favorite activity. In combination, such actions will not only make you stronger, but will bring real greatness.

11. Learn to say no.

And it's not just about requests. It is very important to learn to focus on one thing, discarding all external factors. If you look at all the cases that you did today, you will surely notice that most of them do not carry any practical benefit. They just destroy you. Skip them for the really important things!

12. Discard unnecessary connections.

We often surround ourselves with people who negatively affect us. Next to them, we feel awkward and want to leave the company as soon as possible. Or maybe we are just annoyed by their endless whining and complaining. Remember how they say: "Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are." We often adopt our behavior from the environment, so it is not surprising if you soon begin to complain too. Surround yourself with people you really enjoy spending time with and you will immediately notice the difference.

13. Start realizing your dreams.

You can become a truly strong person when you realize your dreams and help others realize their dreams. Every day, at least five minutes, devote to getting closer to your desires and then success is guaranteed to you.

14. Drop all negativity.

This does not mean that you need to put on rose-colored glasses and enjoy every leaf (although this option will also work). You just need to treat the world not as a firing line, but as a sea of ​​​​opportunities that you can realize. If you constantly think about the negative, then sooner or later depression will begin to choke you with its huge hands. Believe in a positive result and it will definitely come.

15. Ask for forgiveness.

Have you had situations that you still regret and constantly remember? Perhaps this is one of the most effective ways to become stronger spiritually. Ask for forgiveness from everyone you've ever run over. Especially if your conscience constantly reminds you of these cases. In our age, it is very rare to hear a sincere “Sorry”, so for other people you can become an example to follow.

16. Get rid of all debt.

You will not be able to continue to become stronger if you are burdened with debts. It's like ballast, constantly dragging you to the bottom. First, deal with financial debt. Then fulfill all given promises. Only if nothing is holding you back can you move forward really fast.

17. Help others.

Just like that, without any hidden intentions. You can sign up to be a volunteer or help your grandmother neighbor lift grocery bags. You can even do something more: plant trees or organize a holiday. Such actions fill our lives with meaning and completely kill bad character traits.

The article can be supplemented with a bunch more points, but I decided to focus on these 17. If you have something to add or ask, write in the comments.

Strength of mind is a quality that is needed successful person. It allows you to achieve your goals, deal with difficulties, overcome obstacles. It is easy for one person to be a strong spirit, while for another, inner strength is not given immediately. The good news is that it can be developed.

Why you need to be strong

The inner strength, or the core of the personality, determines the quality of our life. A self-confident, persistent person succeeds in everything, he is self-sufficient, charismatic, makes decisions easily and reacts flexibly to a changed situation.

To become stronger in spirit, you need to work on yourself.

A person with a strong inner core has no unfinished business, dramatic attachments to the past, hesitation and unnecessary suffering. He knows exactly what he wants, and this is his advantage over others. He will not look for excuses - he will simply finish what he started, get the result and move on.

The strength of the spirit can be strengthened in oneself. What is it for? Here are some of the most important reasons:

  • a strong person wants to meet halfway, because charismatics are attractive;
  • it is difficult to get away from him for the same reason;
  • a person who is strong in spirit manages his life himself, and does not obey circumstances;
  • he can handle any adverse conditions and with honor to get out of any situation;
  • a strong person achieves a lot in life, because he does not waste time in vain, does not suffer in vain and is not distracted by trifles.

Of course, these are not all the reasons to learn how to become stronger in spirit. There are others, for someone more relevant. Whatever they are, by strengthening your inner core, you can completely change your life and begin to understand the logic of what is happening around you.

How to learn to be strong

Inner strength is given to some from birth, and this is a luxurious gift. Others are given a chance to acquire it. More often girls have to work on themselves, whom nature endowed with softness, the need to take care of others. How to learn to be strong in spirit? Psychologists give simple recommendations.

  1. Never be afraid of anything in advance. If negative thoughts haunt you, don't chase them away, but follow them. Looked, appreciated, moved on. Reaching the worst, you can overcome fear and gain inner strength.
  2. Never feel sorry for yourself. Learn to make responsible decisions and never blame others. Nothing. You are solely responsible for everything in your life.
  3. Live in the present moment, not in thoughts of the past and not in dreams of the future. It's difficult, but necessary. Try it small: learn to fix the sensations here and now. Make a willful decision to live in the present.
  4. Do as you see fit. Remember the saying of the English aristocrats: "Do what you must, and come what may." This is the prerogative of a strong man.
  5. Enjoy everything new, even if it seems that the new is not as good as the former. Change is a development that requires both energy and inner strength.
  6. Don't suffer for what you can't change. It is already in the past, to spend energy on negative experiences means to lose strength.
  7. Happy to accept failure. Try to look at failure from a different point of view: as an opportunity. This is a lesson that makes you stronger because it gives you information and experience.

There are other ways to develop inner strength. Some people benefit from sports. To someone - good books and teachers. In any case, we are talking about development.

A ghost has been walking all over the world for a long time, the ghost of a superman. Nietzsche merely formalized the attractive idea of ​​the perfection of the volitional sphere. Everyone wants to know how to become stronger in spirit: it is almost impossible to get into the course on the will of Professor Kelly McGonigall at Stanford. And yet, some knowledge can be obtained from the book of this interesting teacher.

Pleasure is not immediate

Very many problems of the will are connected with the fact that a person does not accustom himself to wait. This is the same desire for "everything and at once." Eat ice cream before reaching the house from the store (and drip on clean clothes); prefer watching TV in the evenings instead of self-education (and degrade intellectually), having premarital sex instead of intense platonic intercourse (and wasting time with the wrong person). If you learn to put off pleasant things for later, as the strong in spirit can do, your overall success will increase significantly.

Biochemistry of will

But one desire is not enough - we are largely prisoners of physiology. Impulsivity is associated with insufficient brain activity. This is the result of injuries, hereditary characteristics and ... malnutrition. Impulsive people simply need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in food by increasing the amount of protein. Then the function of the prefrontal cortex will be supported at the biochemical level. How to become stronger in spirit? Less sweets, more cottage cheese, meat, fish. After a while, you will feel an improvement in your willpower, and you will not want sweets, just last the first three days.

In the rhythm of self-control

How to become stronger in spirit using biological patterns? Physiologists have found that the best self-control is demonstrated by people whose heart can change the heart rate quickly and adequately to the situation. That is, with good temporary indicators of recovery after physical activity or stress. The bodies of professional athletes are best in this regard. Hence the recipe: if you want to be stronger in spirit, regular training will be very useful. And you need to learn how to breathe correctly in a situation of stress, that is, the inhalation should be forced and short, the exhalation should be long, stretched, so that all the air comes out.

The environment matters a lot.

How to become stronger in spirit? Look for a competitive environment for yourself - people who are interested and motivated. Achievement is contagious. You can compete and still be friends. If you constantly rotate among strong and bright personalities, unusual ideas will begin to come to you. You will imperceptibly become more strong-willed and successful. Try to train physically with a stronger partner at least once a week, and once with a weaker partner. The first will motivate you, the second will help you learn to explain and be patient.

Thus, you need to learn to restrain momentary desires. To help you with this physiologically, reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet and engage in regular exercise. Without "physics" almost everyone fails in the development of the will. Try to create or find a stimulating environment.

Quite vague is the idea of ​​​​people about who such a strong-willed person is. Some understand this as self-confidence, others - determination and willingness to act, others - the ability to overcome any difficulties. By and large, a strong person can be called someone who knows how to live in the real world and at the same time maintain peace of mind and peace of mind.

There are many tips on how to become a strong person. It all depends on what exactly you mean by force. Absolutely any advice that makes you persistent, active, relaxed and successful will do. And everything else should already be correlated with personal characteristics:

  • Someone needs to put their fears aside.
  • Some people need to be more active.
  • Someone is recommended to set their own goals and not be afraid to achieve them.

Since each reader may have his own difficulties in developing fortitude, he can seek the help of a psychologist on the site. For now, let's just bring general recommendations who can help everyone become strong.

How to become a strong spirit?

If a person wants to be successful, then he naturally wants to become strong. This may mean the ability to overcome difficulties, gradually move towards the goal, remain determined and motivated. To be strong, you need to start with a clear understanding of what you mean by this:

  1. A strong person solves all his problems on his own. He is ready to make decisions and be responsible for them. If we talk about a weak person, then he usually wants everything to be decided for him. He cannot make decisions or shifts part of the responsibility to others.
  2. A strong person turns problems and difficulties into their own experience, which can be used in the future. A weak person usually starts making a tragedy out of what happened to him.
  3. A strong person is driven by desires and goals, while a weak person is driven by needs and needs.
  4. A strong man has his own opinion and always insists on it. He is able to admit that he does not know something. However, if he is convinced of something, then he does not deviate from his own. A weak person may have his own opinion, but he will be ready to change it under any pressure.
  5. A strong person is able to protect himself. A weak person will always look for help on the side.
  6. A strong person lives according to circumstances, and a weak person lives according to patterns.
  7. A strong person is also courageous. He is afraid of what scares him, but he does not let his fears take over him. A weak person is not only afraid, but also cultivates his own fears, continues to be afraid and injects fear even more.

The strength of the spirit depends on how much negativity a person can experience in his life. The weaker the person, the faster he gives up before difficulties and troubles, gives up and no longer wants to fight.

A person becomes strong when he sets himself and begins to achieve them. He first of all hopes only for himself. He may seek outside help. However, it requires only from itself that all actions be performed.

A strong person has his own view of the world. He may be wrong, which he admits. However, having strong evidence of his opinion, he does not deviate from it. He does not allow the people around him to manipulate and influence his opinions, desires and actions. He rather seeks cooperation and agreements, rather than pressure, manipulation, resentment and other methods to force other people to do what he wants.

A strong person is one who simply lives his life. He does not impose himself on anyone, however, he does not allow anyone to interfere in his life, to influence it. He keeps harmony within himself, calmness and balance. This is ensured by the fact that a person overcomes all difficulties, solves problems and continues to move forward.

How to become a strong character?

The strength of the spirit is not given from birth. It should be developed in oneself, and one should do it constantly. How to become a strong character?

  1. Surround yourself with people who will also be strong, optimistic, purposeful, benevolent, etc. It is better to surround yourself with those who know how to achieve goals, do not criticize or blame others, but only take care of themselves in order to do better.
  2. Have a clear understanding of the world in which a person lives. If you do not have your own opinion, then other people will create it.
  3. Have a clear idea of ​​yourself, and be sure that you know yourself better than other people. Otherwise, others will be able to cause you doubts, insecurity, complexes, if you think that they are right in their judgments.
  4. Learn from your mistakes. Moreover, perceive failures as an experience that you can use, and not treat them as an occasion to blame yourself for something.
  5. Know how to deal with difficult situations. This does not mean that you need to fight or argue with someone. This means that you need to be stress-resistant and calmly endure all adversity.
  6. Know how to be afraid, but still act in the right direction. On the way to the goal, there will certainly be situations that scare. You shouldn't run away from them. It is better to act in the right direction, regardless of inner feelings.
  7. Predict not only good, but also bad outcomes. Man cannot foresee everything. Surely some circumstances are not taken into account, so a person can come to some kind of problem. It is better to anticipate what bad things can happen as a result of actions.
  8. Start taking action. While you only dream and think, nothing happens in your life.
  9. Start living in the present. Everything you can do happens in the present. The past has already passed, it cannot be changed, and the future has not yet arrived, and it depends entirely on the actions that have been taken in the past and present. You can only change the future in the present.
  10. Overcome all difficulties. If they can't be ignored to reach your goal, then start eliminating them.
  11. Accept the imperfection of the world. You do not live in a world of utopia, happiness and joy. The world is full of both pleasant and unpleasant colors. You should consider everything and see everything, treating normally even the bad.

The world will not exist according to the desires that a person places on it. The world existed, exists and will exist after man. This person is a temporary guest, and the world continues to exist. Therefore, the world creates the rules, not the person. People can only invent rules in their own, interpersonal world. Here already it is necessary both to accept these rules, and to change. Man cannot influence the laws of nature.

How can a man become a strong spirit?

Fortitude is usually required from the male half. Women can be weak (although they are no less strong mentally), but men should always and in everything remain strong. To achieve this, the following recommendations are given:

  • Don't feel sorry for yourself. Why do it? To be sorry means to blame others for your troubles. And a strong person does not blame anyone, because he is engaged in solving problems.
  • Don't be afraid of change. Change is good because it shows that life is flowing. Change can be both good and bad. But they are all fixable. If you don't like something, start correcting the situation. But moving towards a goal always involves change.
  • Don't focus on what you can't change. Not everything is in your control. You do not have power over all things. What you have no control over should not occupy your time. There is absolutely nothing you can do here, no matter how nervous you are.
  • Don't try to please everyone. You are an ordinary person who will definitely not like someone for some of his qualities. And that's okay. Take it easy if someone doesn't like you.
  • Don't be afraid to take risks. However, this risk must be reasonable. If you see all the options and are ready to deal with any setback, then take the risk.
  • Don't regret the past. Strong people know how to let go of the past, whatever it may be. It's already gone, you can't change it. Accept it and move on.

How to be a strong person?

Psychologists warn readers in advance that it will be difficult. A strong person faces more trouble and dissatisfaction with others than weak people. And this is explainable:

  1. A strong person decides how to live. And others like it when they can influence the decisions of others. Since weak people are more malleable than strong people, some people are loved more than others.
  2. A strong person has his own opinion, which he can not change just because someone does not like it. People around love those who are happy to change their minds if they want to.
  3. A strong person cannot be controlled. He does not succumb to manipulation, blackmail and threats. He is not afraid of being alone and not getting approval from other people.

A strong person often remains alone in his thoughts, desires and life. Of course, he will have friends, good acquaintances. However, he will understand that first of all he must rely on himself, since other people may have their own opinions, desires, just deeds.

To be a strong person means to live for the sake of your desires, which cannot be shaken by the opinions of others. And since a person does not obey anyone, then, most likely, he will achieve his goals himself. And this is also where his strength is manifested: he is not afraid of the fact that he needs to achieve his goals alone, that no one supports him.

The characteristic of a strong person is that he:

  1. Not afraid.
  2. Doesn't wait and doesn't hope.
  3. It does not require something good from people, help, support.

He just lives on his own. And he maintains contacts with other people if they also want it.

How do you eventually become strong in spirit?

Please note that we are talking about the power of the spirit. Strength is a quality that should be pumped in the same way as muscle strength. No one will build muscle for you. Therefore, only you can spiritually make yourself strong.

Spirit is the inner part of a person. No one can feel it, feel it, see it. Only man can feel his spirit.

Thus, the strength of the spirit can only be developed independently. How to do it? You need to start living your life, rely only on yourself, achieve goals on your own, cope with difficulties on your own, take responsibility for yourself and let the world only help you. Don't be afraid, don't give in, don't need, don't demand. This will save you from dependence on others who will definitely put forward their own conditions on which they agree to realize your desires. In this case, you can resort to the help of psychologists if you are overcome by internal contradictions.