The current form of government in China. Geographic location of china China capital head of state state

Chinese civilization is very ancient. It is four thousand years old. Since the time of Marco Polo, the Celestial Empire has attracted researchers and travelers. This country has the most inhabitants - it is home to a fifth of all people on the planet. If we consider the area of ​​​​China, then the state is in third place in the world in size.

And although the days of Mao Zedong have already passed, the power of the Communist Party, as well as its influence on all spheres of life, is still enormous. In 1979, a state program called "2 + 1" was launched in the country. It was developed for the purpose of birth control. So, families sign an agreement with the state, according to which the spouses undertake to have one child in exchange for tax and many other benefits. Violation of the established rule entails the deprivation of financial privileges and an impressive fine.

Until the nineties of the twentieth century, the Chinese did not have the right to use personal cars. All vehicles were in the possession of the state. For this reason, people used bicycles without exception, and even now two-wheeled vehicles are no less in demand.

China area was previously divided into five time zones. Such a system existed from 1912 to 1949. Currently, the entire territory of the country in administrative terms is in the same time zone. Daylight Saving Time is not implemented.

Geographical position

China is located in East and Central Asia. As the map of China shows, the country borders on Russia, India, Nepal, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Bhutan, Laos, Myanmar, North Korea and Vietnam. Formally, the state in question owns the island of Taiwan, but in fact it does not depend on anyone.

China area has the following geographical features: in the east - plains, in the center - hills, in the west - mountains.

Administrative division

The state includes five national autonomous regions, four cities of special subordination, as well as provinces of China, the list of which includes twenty-two items.

Climatic features

The area of ​​China lies in three climatic zones. It is temperate, subtropical and tropical. Mountain

It is noteworthy that weather countries are largely defined by its topography, because China is a giant staircase descending from the highlands of Central Asia towards the ocean. It is she who forms a kind of screen, on the one hand, contributing to the retention of moisture, which comes during the summer monsoons from the ocean to land, and on the other hand, causing the runoff of cold air masses from the high pressure zone, located in the territory of Mongolia, South Siberia and north-east in winter. western China.

For the most part, China's area (almost 9.6 million square kilometers) is influenced by the continental climate. In this case, the difference between the seasons is significant.

According to written sources dating back to the first millennium BC, it used to be warmer on the Great Plain of China. This fact, as well as the fertile soils of the forests, largely contributed to the emergence and successful development of agriculture in this region, which, in turn, stimulated the emergence of a great civilization.

At the dawn of our era, the climate became colder. The average annual temperatures generally corresponded to modern ones, and then a widespread cooling began, which over time covered the whole of Eurasia.


The total area of ​​China is simply huge - more than nine and a half square kilometers. Nevertheless, in such an impressive territory, one architectural tradition dominates, which cannot be said about any European culture. All basic constructive and decorative techniques developed many centuries ago and remain relevant to this day. At the same time, the cultural stability of the country, which has survived many foreign invasions, is striking. The secret lies in the fact that the inhabitants of this state passed all the innovations through the prism of their own worldview. That is why the borrowed elements are not much different from the original Chinese ones.

Regular building of cities was carried out on the basis of the principles of Feng Shui. So, all buildings were oriented to the south. There was a whole system of urban planning rules in the country, according to which the administrative and imperial parts of the city were always located in the center, they were surrounded by walls that formed a forbidden territory. The most important buildings were built along the main highways running from the south gate towards the north.

The height and location of a structure was determined based on its function and the position of the owner in society. And although in China already in the first centuries of our era it was impressive, ordinary citizens were forbidden to build houses more than one floor high. For this reason, a unique volume-spatial composition of the settlements was formed. The picturesqueness of the resulting landscape was greatly enhanced by the color scheme of the roofs. So, at the imperial buildings they were painted in gold, at the temples and houses of officials - in green (sometimes blue). The roofs of the towers were covered with gray tiles.

most famous drink

Describing China: population, area, climate, culture, architecture, economy and other areas - it is impossible not to mention one amazing drink. It has long been a hallmark of the country. This is tea. It is a product resulting from complex processing of the source material. Freshly picked buds and leaves are poetically called tea emerald. Depending on what products were used in their processing, green, yellow, white, turquoise, flower, crushed, pressed, red, black tea is obtained.

Unique Therapy

Local people are actively engaged in tai chi quan. This is a special kind of gymnastics, based on the ancient system of exercises. It, in turn, is based on the inseparable connection of three components - movement, consciousness and breathing. In many cities, street classes are held under the guidance of professional instructors. Their work is paid by the Ministry of Health, which believes that it is better to pay ten than to treat a thousand later.

The main principle of Chinese treatment is not to bring health from the outside, but to awaken the internal forces of the body. And gymnastics in this regard is only one of many options. For example, in the resorts of Hainan is proposed to eliminate nervous disorders by taking mineral and aromatic baths. In local balnearies, modern technologies are successfully combined with traditional methods of getting rid of ailments. Chinese medicine bases therapy on the concept of the seven emotions. If a person is overcome by anger, fear, pain, anxiety, grief, surprise or even happiness, this can shake the balance of his body, that is, lead to illness. As for the Hainan mineral waters, they just relieve the existing emotional stress due to the increased content of silver, manganese and hydrogen sulfide.


The area of ​​China is almost 9.6 million square kilometers. km. Representatives of fifty-six nationalities live in this vast territory. According to the national census, there are 936.7 million Chinese (Han) and 67.23 million ethnic minorities in the country.

The density map displays the uneven distribution of people. Thus, the bulk of the Han people live in the Huang He and Zhujiang basins, as well as in the northeast of the country - on the Songliao Plain. As for national minorities, despite their relatively small numbers, they occupy about 60% of the territory of the state. They live in Tibet, in the Ningxia Huen, Guangxi Zhuang, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Regions, as well as in fourteen provinces.

Area of ​​China in sq. km is very large, and the internal migration of millions of people plays a significant role in the distribution of the population. Often, residents of megacities move to underdeveloped areas.

Currently, the country is witnessing a change in the administrative management of fertility by material incentives. An example of this is the new slogan of population policy, which reads: "The fewer children you have, you will get rich faster." According to the National Bureau of Statistics, on January 6, 2005, the population of China reached one billion three hundred million people. Local authorities are trying to do everything possible to equal zero. It is assumed that by 2030 the number of Chinese will reach its peak and amount to 1.46 billion. At the same time, it is expected that the maximum number of able-bodied citizens will be in 2020 and will be 65% of the total population (940 million people).

Experts note that if the authorities of the republic do not soften the current legislation that limits the number of children, then by the middle of this century the title of the most populous state in the world will pass to India.


The China Provinces Map displays twenty-two territorial units. Each of them has not only an administrative role, but also cultural differences. Most of today's provinces have borders established during the Ming Dynasty. Since that time, the territorial division has been seriously transformed only in the northeastern part of the country.

In mainland China, the strict subordination of the provinces to the central government is established, however, in reality, local government is endowed with fairly broad powers in the conduct of economic policy. Some researchers in this area call the current system of federalism with Chinese characteristics. At the same time, an analogy is drawn with socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Most of the provinces of the country (with the exception of the northeastern) gained borders during the reign of the Yuan, Qing and Ming dynasties. Moreover, the division was often not based on linguistic, geographical or cultural differences. This was done in order to prevent separatism and the rise of local authorities. The locals themselves say that the borders between the provinces are interspersed like a dog. Despite this, such a division has an important cultural significance. The inhabitants of each province are endowed with certain features that fit into the existing stereotypes.

Among the latest changes in the territorial division of the republic, the following are distinguished: giving Chongqing and Hainan the status of a province, as well as the establishment of special administrative regions of Macau and Hong Kong. What are the current provinces of China? The list is impressive:

  1. Shanxi.
  2. Shandong.
  3. Guangxi.
  4. Zhejiang.
  5. Macau.
  6. Qinghai.
  7. Jiangsu.
  8. Anhui.
  9. Jiangxi.
  10. Gansu.
  11. Jilin.
  12. Guangdong.
  13. Henan.
  14. Guizhou.
  15. Heilongjiang.
  16. Liaoning.
  17. Hebei.
  18. Sichuan.
  19. Hunan.
  20. Fujian.
  21. Qinghai.
  22. Hubei.


Millions of tourists visit China every year. The area of ​​the country, equal to 9.6 million km², includes a great variety of architectural monuments, which attracts travelers from all over the world. The state carefully takes care of preserving the unique historical heritage. Even whole cities (24 in total) are declared protected and properly protected, not to mention individual monuments.

The most famous example of fortress architecture in the world is, of course, the Great Wall of China. Its length is four thousand kilometers. A unique building guards the northern borders of the country. It began to be erected as early as the fourth or third centuries BC, at a time when individual Chinese states were creating defensive structures to protect themselves from raids by nomadic tribes from Central Asia. According to historians, about four hundred thousand people took part in the process of building the Great Wall of China. After education centralized state some parts of it were connected. Thus, a single defensive complex was formed. The construction work was completed in the third century AD. The wall was a defensive shaft, the height of which reached ten meters. Troops and wagons could move along the wide top. Defensive towers rose every two hundred meters.

Beijing is known as the largest in China state museum called Gugong. In the past it was the imperial palace. The construction of a unique architectural monument began in the first half of the fifteenth century. Subsequently, the palace was rebuilt and increased in size. Modern Gugun is a grandiose complex, which includes more than a hundred buildings. Along the perimeter it is surrounded by a wide canal and surrounded by a high stone wall. The total area of ​​the palace is 720 thousand square kilometers, and the number of exhibits is 800 thousand. The latter are represented by antique values, including ritual palace utensils, ancient copper mirrors, jade and porcelain items, unique books and archives of the royal palace, and eight thousand of them are classified as treasures of national importance. Every day the museum receives thirty thousand visitors.

In China, a great many garden and park complexes are broken. Basically, they are located in the former imperial palaces and in private parks of various landscape types. Of particular interest are the most beautiful man-made mountains, ponds, cozy gazebos, bridges and bizarre heaps of stones.

A classic example of the work of masters of landscape art - Yi He Yuan, a park of serene rest. It is located on the territory of the summer imperial palace in the vicinity of Beijing.

There is a park called High Bay, which literally means "Northern Sea". It is famous for its artificial lake, on the banks of which there are interesting pavilions, pavilions and temples.

Suzhou is rightly called a green city. Currently, there are more than a hundred garden and park complexes. All of them are designed to please the eye and give coolness in the summer heat.


Admiration causes not only the impressive area of ​​the country. China is the state that gave the world paper, gunpowder, compass. In addition, the role of national culture is striking. It influenced the vast majority of spheres of people's lives and the development of the country, and continues to do so to this day.

China is a state in East Asia.

Official name of China: People's Republic of China, the abbreviation PRC is also widely used.

Territory of China: The area of ​​the state of the People's Republic of China is 9596960 km².

Population of China: The population of China is more than 1.3 billion inhabitants (1380083000 people).

Ethnic groups of China: Officially, there are 56 nationalities in China. Since the Han people make up approximately 92% of China's population, the rest of the peoples are usually referred to as national minorities. In some periods, the number of officially recognized ethnic groups in China differed. Thus, in the 1953 census, 41 national minorities were indicated. And in the 1964 census, 183 national minorities were registered, of which the Chinese government recognized only 54. Of the remaining 129 peoples, 74 were included in the recognized 54, while 23 were classified as "other" and 32 as "doubtful."

Average life expectancy in China: The average life expectancy in China is 75.41 years.

Capital of China: Beijing.

Major cities in China: Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Shenzhen.

Official language China: Chinese.

Religion in China: The main religions in China are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism. All these religious groups, with the exception of adherents of Taoism, maintain contacts with relevant organizations in all countries of the world. Religious freedom is an ongoing long-term policy of the Chinese government. The Chinese Constitution guarantees this freedom to every Chinese citizen.

Geographic location of China: China is a state in East Asia, the largest state in the world in terms of population, it ranks third in the world in terms of territory, behind Russia and Canada. China (PRC) borders on 14 states: Afghanistan, Bhutan, Myanmar (Burma), India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Vietnam.

Rivers of China:

Yangtze - length 6300 km. The basin area is 1807199 km². The catchment areas are Qinghai, Tibet, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and Shanghai. Runoff to the East China Sea.

Huang He - length 5464 km. The basin area is 752443 km². The catchment areas are Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan and Shandong. Drainage into the Bohai Sea.

Heilongjiang - length 3420 km. The basin area is 1620170 km². The catchment areas are Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang. Runoff into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Zhujiang - length 2197 km. The area of ​​the basin is 452616 km². The catchment areas are Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Guangdong. runoff into the South China Sea.

Lancangjiang - length 2153 km. The basin area is 161,430 km². The catchment areas are Qinghai, Tibet and Yunnan. Outflow to the South China Sea

Yalutsangpo - length 2057 km. The basin area is 240480 km². Catchment areas - Tibet. Drainage to the Bay of Bengal.

Nujiang - length 2013 km. The basin area is 124,830 km². The catchment areas are Tibet and Yunnan. Drain in - Bay of Bengal.

Administrative-territorial division of China: The People's Republic of China exercises administrative control over 22 provinces, with the PRC government considering Taiwan as its 23rd province. In addition, the PRC also includes 5 autonomous regions where national minorities of China live, 4 municipalities, corresponding to the cities of central subordination, and 2 special administrative regions under the control of the PRC.

State structure of China: After the formation of the PRC in December 1949, four constitutions were adopted (1954, 1975, 1978 and 1982). In accordance with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China (December 1982), the PRC is a socialist state of the people's democratic dictatorship.

The highest body of state power in China is the unicameral National People's Congress (NPC), which consists of 2,979 deputies elected by regional people's congresses for a term of 5 years. Sessions of the NPC are convened on an annual basis.

Due to the large number of deputies between sessions, the functions of the NPC are performed by a standing committee elected from among the delegates (about 150 people).

Only deputies from the Communist Party of China and the eight so-called democratic parties that make up the People's Political Consultative Council of China (CPPCC) are allowed to vote. Their own legislative bodies operate on the territory of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) and Macau. All NPC deputies are representatives of the bloc of communists and democrats.

The Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China was established in 1982. Its first chairman was Deng Xiaoping, who was succeeded by Jiang Zemin in 1990. The posts of chairmen of the Central Military Commission of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China in the current political system of China, as a rule, are combined by one person.

The military council and its leader play an important role in China's Chinese political system. So, in 1989, Deng Xiaoping, who held this post, by this time had already left the highest party and government posts, almost single-handedly decided to suppress the speeches on Tiananmen Square.

China (People's Republic of China) is a large state in Southeast Asia.

China is a state with a socialist system and is the largest country in the world that is developing along the socialist path of development.

China is among the states that possess nuclear weapons.

China is a country that, in terms of the growth of its own economy, is the leader in the world, overtaking, and developed countries.

The country has the world's largest gold and foreign exchange reserves.

China is a country that has the largest army in the world. Number of Chinese Armed Forces is 600 million people, every second inhabitant of the country serves in the Chinese army.

China ranks first in the world in terms of exports of its own products.

Almost all types of industrial products are produced in China.

In China, the leading political force from 1949 to the present day has been the Communist Party of China.

China is among the countries that regularly practice the death penalty for serious crimes.



China is the most populous country in the world. The population of this country is 1 billion 350 million inhabitants. Every fifth person in the world is Chinese.

The capital of China is the city. It is not the largest city in China.

Other major cities are Chongqing, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Shanghai.

Shanghai is the largest city in China. Its population is 24 million people. Over the past five years, this city has become the largest city in the world, overtaking New York, Mexico City and Tokyo in terms of population. Beijing is the second most populous city in China. The population of the Chinese capital is 21 million people, it is in second place in the world in terms of population, behind Shanghai.

China has land borders with North Korea, Mongolia, , Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, India, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, .

China is the third largest country in the world after Russia and Canada.

China is the largest country in Asia.

China is washed by the South China Sea, the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea, the Korea Bay and the Taiwan Strait.

From west to east, the country stretches for about 5200 km in a straight line, and from north to south - about 3500 km.

China has a variety of landforms. The country has high mountains, and sandy deserts, and vast plains. Topographically, the country is divided into three major geographical regions:

a) the Tibetan Plateau, located in the north of the country, including the highest mountain system in the world - the Himalayan Range;

b) sandy deserts and plains in the center of the country (Great China Plain);

c) an area of ​​tropical and subtropical forests in southern China.

Forests in China cover 8% of the total area of ​​the country, but every year the forest area is increasing - the country has been running a reforestation program for several decades. Three types of forests grow in China: temperate forests (coniferous and broadleaf), tropical forests, and subtropical forests. Pine, spruce, birch, cedar, fir, oak, ash, white poplar, linden, walnut, and larch grow in the north of the country.

A little to the south grows oak, chestnut, elm, lacquer tree, willow.

Pine, cypress, sequoia, torreya, evergreen oak, hazel, ivy, walnut, sophora, laurel, sandalwood, ginkgo, maple, magnolia, apple, cherry, cherry, mountain ash, pear, peach, citrus grow in the subtropical regions of the country.

Coconut palms, bananas, breadfruit,

ficuses, bamboo, teak, tropical pines and cypresses, hevea, tung tree.

Administratively, the country is divided into provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and special administrative regions:

a) provinces - Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guizhou, Hainan, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jilin, Liaoning, Qinghai, Shanxi, Shandong, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang, Taiwan;

b) autonomous regions - Inner Mongolia, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Tibet Autonomous Region;

c) cities of central subordination - Beijing, Chongqing, Tianjin, Shanghai;

d) special administrative regions - Hong Kong (Xianggang), Macao (Aomen).

In a huge country, there is a single Beijing time, there is no division into time zones (abolished in 1949 with the coming of the Communists to power). However, enterprises and institutions in China in different parts of the country are beginning to operate in different times, tied to the daylight hours: in Beijing, the working day begins at 8 am, in the east of China - at 6 am, and in the west - at 11 am.

The difference between Beijing time and Greenwich Mean Time (Universal Time) is + 8 hours.

China has a large variety of mountain systems. The highest mountains are the Himalayas (Himalayan range). Other large mountain systems and ranges: South China Mountains, Shandong Mountains, Black Mountains, Qianshan Mountains, Tien Shan Range, Tangla Range, Xishan Range, Sino-Tibet Mountains, Pamir Range, Pamir-Altai Range, Karakorum Mountains, Dongheger Range , Wandashan Range, Wuyishan Mountains, Tarbagatai Mountains, Russian Range, Small Khingan Range, Kukunor Range, Kashgar Range, Dzungarian Alatau, Big Khingan Range, Aling-Gangri Range.

The highest point in China and the entire planet is the peak of Mount Chomolungma (Everest). The highest mountain in the world is located on the border of Nepal and China, but its peak is located in China. The height of the high mountain China and the world - 8848 meters.

Everest has been repeatedly conquered by climbers from around the world. Moreover, several descents on mountain skis and once on a snowboard were carried out from its top.

China has its own large rivers. The largest Chinese river is the Yangtze. The length of its channel through the territory of China is 6300 km. Another major Chinese river is the Yellow River. Its length is 5600 km. Other major rivers: Heilongjiang (3420 km), Zhujiang (2197 km), Lancangjiang (2153 km), Yalutsangpo (2057 km), Nujiang (2013 km).

The largest freshwater lake in China is Poyang. Other major Chinese lakes are Taihu, Qinghai, Dongtinghu, Hongzehu, Namtso, Selling, Kukunor, Xihu (the most beautiful lake in the country).


In terms of the total length of railways, China is ahead of Russia, but inferior to the United States. The total length of China's steel lines is 104,000 kilometers. In China, there are high-speed railways (Beijing-Shanghai, Beijing-Harbin, Wuhan-Guangzhou). China also has the highest mountain railway in the world - Qinghai-Tibet. Its height above sea level is 5000 meters.

China has international rail links with Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Vietnam, and North Korea.

China has a very developed road network. The country has high-speed autobahns. The quality of Chinese roads is good.

In terms of the length of highways, China ranks second in the world. In total, there are 4,100,000 kilometers of paved roads in the country.


China has a rich history. The country was born from the ancient highly developed ancient Chinese civilization. Scientists believe that Ancient China arose about five thousand years ago. Chinese civilization at first was not a single monolithic state; the unification of all of China occurred much later.

The main historical stages of China's development:

a) The prehistoric period (until the 17th century BC) - the appearance of the Han ethnic group (ancestors of the Chinese) in the Yellow River basin, the emergence of the first civilizations of Banpo, Shijia, Miaodigou, Hougang, Zhongshanzhai, the emergence of agriculture and cattle breeding;

b) Shang-Yin State (with late XVII century BC to the XI century BC) - the first state formation on the territory of modern China, which in the XI century BC was conquered by Wu-wang - the founder of the state of Zhou;

c) The State of Zhou (XI-III centuries BC) - the development of new lands, ethnic mixing of various tribes, the foundation of the capital Chengzhou, the formation of the main Chinese philosophical schools (Confucianism, Taoism, Moism, Legalism), the existence of seven Chinese kingdoms (Wei, Zhao, Han, Qin, Qi, Yan and Chu), the unification in 221 BC of the territory of all China in single state future Emperor Qin Shi Huang;

d) the Qin Empire (since 221 BC) - the foundation of the new capital of the Xianyang Empire, the division into 36 regions (administrative reform), the construction of the Great Wall of China, the annexation of new territories;

e) The Han Empire (from 206 BC to 220 AD) - a significant expansion of the territory of the empire, the emergence of the "Great Silk Road", the beginning of the spread of Buddhism;

f) The collapse of the Han Empire and the period of the Three Kingdoms (220-420) - the struggle for power, the invasion of the Huns and the formation of a new state of Jin;

g) The State of Jin (since 420) - the formation of a number of quasi-states in the territory of Jin, the struggle for spheres of influence, the strengthening of Buddhism;

h) The State of Sui (581-618) - the new unification of the country by the commander Zhou Yang Jian and the proclamation of a new Sui dynasty, the war against the Korean state of Koguryeo (611-614), the war against the Vietnamese state of Vansuan, the construction of the Grand Canal between the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers , rebellion and change of the Sui dynasty to the Tang dynasty;

i) the State of Tang (618-907) - a new division of the country into 10 provinces, the final conquest of Korea, the development of relations with the Arab Caliphate;

j) The State of Song (907 - 1280) - increased confrontation with the formed Golden Horde on the territory of Mongolia, falling into bondage to the Western Xia Tangut empire and paying tribute to it, the economic and cultural flourishing of China, the growth in the number of cities and population, the seizure of part of the territory the Song Jurchens who created the new Jin Empire, the signing of a peace treaty in 1141, which states that the Song Empire recognizes itself as part of the Jin Empire;

j) The State of Yuan (1280 - 1368) - the invasion of Northern China by the Mongol-Tatars, the capture of Beijing by Genghis Khan in 1215, the defeat of the State of Jin (1234), the invasion of Southern China (1258), the subjugation of all China to the Golden Horde (1280) ), the proclamation of the Great Yuan state as part of the Great Mongol Empire;

k) the State of Ming (1368-1644) - the expulsion of the Mongols from the territory of China, the growing tension in relations with Japan, the penetration of Europeans (Portuguese, Dutch and Spaniards) into China;

l) the Qing Empire (since 1644) - increased pressure on China from the Manchus, an uprising in Beijing, the capture of Beijing by the Manchus and the establishment of Manchu domination over all of China, the loss of China's state sovereignty, the proclamation of the Manchu Qing Empire, new territorial conquests, (Vietnam, Korea), the establishment of relations with Russia, the seizure of the Amur lands (1650), the Nerchinsk Treaty, the Beijing Treaty, the war with France in Vietnam, the loss of Vietnam as a result of the war, the war with Japan (1894-1895), the defeat in Korea from the Japanese troops, Treaty of Shimonoseki (1895), start of construction

East China Railway (1896), capture of Jiaozhou by German invaders (1897), division of China's spheres of influence between Germany, Russia, Great Britain and France, palace coup, declaration of war against Germany, France, USA, Great Britain and Russia (1900) ;

m) the Republic of China (since 1911) - a palace coup and the proclamation of the Republic of China, the abdication of the Qing emperor from the throne (1912), the Chinese revolution and the proclamation of the republic;

o) China during the First World War (1914-1918) - the announcement of a policy of neutrality, the dissolution of parliament and the restoration of the monarchy (1915), the restoration of the republic (1916);

o) China between the two world wars (1918 - 1939) - the coming to power of the Kuomintang party (1921), a course of rapprochement with, a military coup led by Chiang Kai-shek (1926), anti-communist military campaigns, Japan's attack on China and occupation by the Japanese of Manchuria (1931) the beginning of a full-scale Sino-Japanese war (1937);

p) China during the Second World War (1939-1945) - the occupation by Japan of a significant part of China, the war in Manchuria on the side of the USSR, the end of the Japanese occupation (1945), the flight of Chiang Kai-shek;

With) Civil War(1945 - 1949);

r) People's Republic of China (since 1949) - war with the troops of Chiang Kai-shek, victory and coming to power of Mao Zedong (1949), recognition of the PRC by the USSR, the first Chinese five-year plan, economic isolation from the United States and NATO countries, the coming to power of Deng Xiaoping (1976), course towards building market socialism (1992), industrial growth, becoming one of the most developed economies in the world.


China is a country rich in minerals. The country produces its own oil, gas and coal in the quantities necessary for it and fully provides itself with strategic hydrocarbons.

From other minerals in the country, brown coal, peat, iron ore, quartzite, magnetite, fluorite, manganese, titanium, chromium, bauxite, tungsten, molybdenum, lead, zinc, quartz, copper, nickel, tin, bismuth, beryllium, mercury are mined , gallium, arsenic, antimony, tantalum, niobium, sulfur, phosphate ore, asbestos, magnesites, talc, vanadium, rock salt, gypsum, diamonds, turquoise, jade, cobalt.

Gold and silver mines are found in many parts of China.


China has several types of climate. In the north, near the border with Russia, the climate is sharply continental. It has very cold winters and dry and cool summers. South of Mongolia, the climate is temperate, with cold winters and hot, dry summers. In areas adjacent to India, the climate is subtropical. There are frost-free winters and hot summers. In some of the southern Chinese provinces, the climate is tropical. It has warm winters and hot, humid summers. In southern China, the change of seasons is almost not felt.

China has different names in different languages. The article discusses the most used.

Central State - "Zhongguo"

Zhongguo(中國/中国) is the self-name of China. The first hieroglyph jeong" (中) means "centre" or "middle". The second sign goo" (國 or 国) is interpreted as "country" or "state". Since the 19th century, in Western and domestic historiography, this name of China has been translated as "Middle State" or "Middle Empire". However, this translation is not entirely correct, since the word " zhongguo” has long denoted the center of the Celestial Empire - the state of the Chinese emperor, that is, China proper. Respectively, exact translation is the "Central Country" or "Central State".

The term " zhongguo» is not used consistently in Chinese history. It had varied cultural and political overtones depending on the era.

prehistoric period

Archaeological finds show that ancient people of the species Homo erectus settled the territory of modern China between 2.24 million - 250 thousand years ago. In the area of ​​Zhoukoudian near Beijing, the remains of the so-called Sinanthropus were found, which date back to 550-300 thousand years ago. Sinanthropes knew how to make simple stone tools and make fire.

Approximately 70,000 years ago, new modern humans Homo sapiens populated the Chinese Plain, displacing the Sinanthropes and their descendants. The earliest osteological evidence of the existence of modern humans in China (human remains from the Lujiang site) dates back to 67 millennium BC. e.

In modern historiography, China's first dynasty was the Xia. Evidence of its existence is provided by the excavations of urban settlements and graves near Erlitou in Henan province. However, most scientists of the world consider this dynasty to be mythical, not real.

The first historically reliable dynasty is considered to be the Shang Dynasty (another name for Yin), which controlled the territories of the Yellow River Plain in Eastern China between the 18th and 12th centuries BC. e. It was destroyed by one of the western vassal families, who founded the Zhou dynasty, which ruled from the 12th to the 5th century BC. e. The central power of the new dynasty weakened due to the increase in the political and economic power of the specific rulers, who created in the middle of the 8th century BC. e. a number of formally independent states. From the 5th to the 2nd centuries BC. e. these states were constantly at war with each other, but in 221 BC. e. were united by Qin Shi Huang-di into a single empire. The new Qin dynasty lasted several decades, but it was it that shaped China as an imperial entity.

The Han Dynasty lasted from 206 B.C. e. to 220 years. During this period, the formation of the Chinese as a single ethnic community began. After the disintegration of China in the 3rd-6th centuries due to the attacks of nomads from the north, the empire was united by the Sui dynasty in 580. The 7th-14th centuries, during the reign of the Tang and Song dynasties, are considered the "golden age" of China. It was during this period that most scientific discoveries and cultural achievements. In 1271, the Mongol ruler Kublai declared the start of a new Yuan dynasty. In 1368, as a result of the anti-Mongol uprising, a new ethnically Chinese dynasty, the KtnpMing, began, which ruled China until 1644. The last imperial dynasty was the Qing dynasty, which was started by the Manchu conquerors of China. She was overthrown by the revolution in 1911.

Most Chinese regimes were authoritarian and often used harsh methods to ensure the stability of their power and the loyalty of the population. Thus, during the reign of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, ethnic Han Chinese were forced to wear a long braid, like the Manchus, as a sign of loyalty to the new dynasty.

In the 18th century, technologically powerful China pursued an active policy of conquering the peoples of Central Asia, whom the Chinese have long considered "barbarians". However, in the 19th century, he himself became a victim of the "barbarians of the West" - the colonial policy of the countries of Western Europe and the USA.

Republican China


While the ROC government has not given up its claims to China, Tibet, and Inner Mongolia, it has increasingly identified itself as the island government of Taiwan. The political circles of the Republic of China are in constant dialectical struggle over the issue of declaring the independence of the island. The PRC considers Taiwan an integral part of its state, and therefore is constantly trying to oust the representatives of the Republic of China from various international organizations, increasing its isolation.

Today, 23 states, including the Vatican, continue to recognize the Republic of China as official China. In contrast, most of the world's governments view the PRC as the legitimate representative of China.


Historical division of China

The top-level administrative divisions of China varied depending on the ruling dynasty or government. These units include, first of all, territories and provinces. Among the lower level units, there were prefectures, subprefectures, departments, commanderships, counties, and districts. Modern administrative divisions include subprefecture-level cities, county-level cities, towns, and urban communities.

Most of the Chinese dynasties located their residence in the heart of China, its ethnically Chinese part - the Yellow River valley. These dynasties expanded their possessions at the expense of foreign territories of Inner Mongolia, Manchuria, Xinjiang, Tibet, Vietnam and Korea. Although the last Manchurian Qing dynasty, of which the PRC and the Republic of China consider themselves the heirs, included most of the above lands in China, China itself has certain ancient borders - the Great Wall of China in the north, the Tibetan Plateau in the west and the jungles of Indochina in the south.

To the east, along the coasts of the Yellow and East China Seas, there are alluvial plains that are densely populated. In the north, on the edge of the Inner Mongolian plateau, grassy steppe can be seen. The south of China is covered with hills and low mountains. The Huang He and Yangtze deltas are located in the central-eastern part. Most of the arable land is along these rivers. Southern Yunnan is part of the so-called "Greater Mekong" sub-region which includes Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.

In the western part of China, there is a large alluvial plain in the north, and a limestone plateau covered with medium-sized hills in the south. The Himalayas are located in this part of China, with Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world. The northwest is covered by deserts such as the Takla Makan and the Gobi Desert, which are constantly growing. For millennia, the mountains of Yunnan serve as the natural boundary that separates China from Burma, Laos, and Vietnam.

China's climate is varied. The northern zone, which includes Beijing, is characterized by very cold winters. The central zone, which includes Shanghai, is temperate. The southern zone, which includes Guangzhou, has a subtropical climate.

Due to frequent droughts and poor management, dust or sand storms often occur in the spring. The wind blows the dust eastward to Taiwan and Japan. Storms occasionally reach the US West Coast. China's water, soil erosion and pollution are evolving from domestic Chinese problems to international ones.



The population of China (PRC and the Republic of China) is over 1.3 billion people. This is one fifth of the entire population of the Earth. Although there are more than 100 ethnic groups in the PRC, the communist government recognizes only 56. The largest ethnic group in China are han people(actually Chinese) - 91.9%. It is heterogeneous and is divided into a number of ethnographic groups, most of which are former self-sufficient ethnic groups assimilated by the Han Chinese.


Mifu calligraphy ( Song dynasty)

The events of the 19th-20th centuries forced the Chinese to think about the need to abandon or preserve their own civilizational model. The Westerners promised China a "bright future" under the condition of total Westernization and set Japan as an example. The policy of promoting democracy in traditional Chinese society has failed, partly because of the authoritarian "tradition" of governance, and partly because of internal and external wars.

Chinese society preserved medieval traditions until the beginning of the so-called " cultural revolution". Its goal was to reform the Chinese countryside, promote new communist values, create a new advanced Chinese culture, "not limited by Confucian dogmas." As a result of the "revolution", many cultural figures were repressed, and most of the traditions were eliminated as "regressive practices" or "feudal remnants". A reform of hieroglyphic writing was carried out, which made the texts of works that were written by their predecessors inaccessible to future generations. However, since the 1980s, the "cultural revolution" was stopped, and the communist government headed for the formation of a "patriotic nation", starting the restoration of traditions.

In Taiwan, such cultural reforms were not carried out, respecting the traditions of writing and bureaucracy. A significant part of the budget of the Republic of China went to the training of specialists in the field of culture.

Writing system

Chinese characters have over 50,000 characters. She changed and had different styles of writing. The first signs appear on the bones for divination for the 2nd millennium BC. e. Calligraphy, the ability to write hieroglyphs beautifully, is considered the pinnacle of art in China. Most of the sacred texts of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism are written by hand.

Printing has developed since the Song Dynasty. The academies of scholars who were engaged in the publication and rewriting of the classics were traditionally sponsored by the state. Members of the imperial family often took part in academic councils.


One of the main features of traditional Chinese culture was state examinations. They contributed to the education of an educated elite, since a candidate who knew the classical texts well, regardless of social background, was able to take the rank of official. The latter had a high socio-economic status. People of humanitarian pursuits - writers, philosophers, scientists - were people of the "first class" in China. The state supported them wholeheartedly.

The science

China's technological discoveries were as follows:

Other areas of knowledge.

About the country People's Republic of China (abbreviated as PRC or simply China) The capital of China. Beijing. Area of ​​China km 2 Population of China. 1.3 billion people Location of China. China is a state located in Central and East Asia. Administrative divisions of China. China is divided into 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions and 3 municipalities. form of government in China. People's Republic. Head of State of China. Chairman of the People's Republic of China. Major cities in China. Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Shenyang, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Harbin. State language of China. Chinese. about the country

Geography China is located in East Asia. The territory of China is 9.6 million km². China is the largest country in Asia and the third largest country in the world, behind only Russia and Canada. China is washed by the East China Sea, the Korea Bay, the Yellow Sea and the South China Sea. Taiwan is separated from the mainland by the Taiwan Strait. Time is ahead of Moscow by 4 hours in summer and 5 hours in winter. The total length of China's land borders is km with 14 countries. In the north it borders with Kazakhstan, Russia and Mongolia, in the west with Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, in the southwest with Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, in the south with Laos and Vietnam, and in the east with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea . The coast of China stretches from the border with North Korea in the north to Vietnam in the south and is km long.

Three large regions are usually distinguished: the Tibetan Plateau with a height of more than 2000 m above sea level is located in the southwest of the country The belt of mountains and high plains has a height of m, is located in the northern part Low accumulative plains with a height of less than 200 m and low mountains in the northeast, east and the south of the country, where most of China's population lives. Relief

There are many rivers in China, the total length of which is km. Major rivers Huang He (Yellow River), Yangtze (Chang), Xi (Western River). The rivers of China form internal and external systems. Outer rivers are those with access to the Pacific, Indian and Arctic oceans, their total catchment area covers about 64% of the country's territory. Inland rivers, the number of which is small, are significantly distant from each other and have become shallow in most areas. They flow into the lakes of the hinterland or get lost in deserts or salt marshes; their catchment area covers about 36% of the country's territory. There are many lakes in China, the total area they occupy is about a square meter. km. The most significant lakes are Kukunor, Dongtinhu, Payanghu. There are also thousands of artificial reservoir lakes. Rivers and lakes

The climate of China is very diverse from subtropical in the south (Hainan Island) to temperate climate in the north (Heilongjiang Province of China). The temperature difference between these regions during the winter months is large, but the difference decreases in summer. In the northern part of Heilongjiang, the temperature in January can drop to 30°C. The average July temperature in this area is 20°C. In the southern parts of Guangdong, mean temperatures range from 10°C in January to 28°C in July. Precipitation varies even more than temperature. On the southern slopes The Qinling Mountains receive numerous rains, the maximum of which falls on the summer monsoons. The northwestern regions of the country are the driest, in the deserts located there (Takla-Makan, Gobi, Ordos) there is practically no precipitation. Southern and eastern regions China often suffer from devastating typhoons, as well as from floods, monsoons, tsunamis. Climate

Flora In China, there are about species of plants. The most characteristic vegetation is larch, cedar, oak, linden, maple, walnut, laurel, camellia, magnolia. The mountains are covered with forests that grow on 8% of China's territory. On the Tibetan highlands there are steppes and cold deserts, in the south dense tropical forests with palm trees and evergreen broad-leaved trees are common. In China, about 500 species of bamboo grow, forming 3% of forests. Bamboo thickets, found in 18 provinces, are not only a habitat for many animals, but also a source of valuable raw materials. Their lignified straws (stems) are widely used in industry.

In densely populated lowland areas there are few wild animals, with the exception of rodents, birds and a few ungulates, but in more inaccessible places the fauna is quite rich. In China, there are tiger, wolf, fox, kulan, goitered gazelle, camel, jerboa, squirrel, lynx, sable, leopard, hare, raccoon dog, tapir, rhinoceros, lemur, panda, monkeys, more than 1000 species of birds, many snakes. Many animals that live in China are rare, such as the giant panda, the Chinese water deer, and some types of alligators. Fauna

According to the Constitution, the PRC is a socialist state of people's democratic dictatorship. The supreme body of state power is the unicameral National People's Congress (NPC), consisting of 2979 deputies elected by the regional people's congresses for a term of 5 years. Chinese President Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee. This is a representative of the fourth generation of the country's leaders. The Central Military Council of the People's Republic of China and its leader play an important role in the Chinese political system. State-political structure

Administrative divisions of the PRC The People's Republic of China exercises administrative control over 22 provinces; while the PRC government considers Taiwan its 23rd province. In addition, the PRC also includes 5 autonomous regions where the national minorities of China live; 4 municipalities corresponding to cities of central subordination, and 2 special administrative regions. The 22 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, and 4 cities under the central government are grouped under the term "mainland China", which usually excludes Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.

Chongqing is the largest of the four Chinese administrative divisions. Population 31.44 million (2005). The main part lives outside the urban area of ​​Chongqing. Shanghai Total population - 18.58 million people The city is located in front of the Yangtze River Delta. Is the largest seaport. Beijing The capital of China. It borders Tianjin in the southeast. The population of Beijing is 15.38 million people (2005). It is the largest railway and road junction and one of the country's main air hubs. In addition, Beijing is the political, educational and cultural center of the PRC. Big cities

The total population in the continental part of the country is 1.3 billion and is the largest in the world (about 22% of all inhabitants of the Earth). Ethnic composition. 93% Han (ethnic Chinese), the ethnic group of Mongols is numerous, Zhuangs, Uighurs, Tibetans, Hui, Koreans, Miao also live. In order to slow population growth, in 1979, China switched to a policy of planned childbearing. The government's goal is one child per family, with exceptions for ethnic minorities. Average life expectancy is 71 years. 36.22 percent of the Chinese population is urban and 63.78 percent is rural. In recent decades, the percentage of the urban population in China has been growing every year. Population

In 2010, China's economy ranks second in the world in terms of nominal GDP. About 70% of GDP is provided by private enterprises. Not the last role in the development of China was played by the presence of free economic zones. At present, China has 4 special economic zones (regions) Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou, Xiamen, 14 free (duty-free) trade zones, 53 zones of high and new technologies, more than 70 scientific and technical zones for specialists educated abroad, 38 processing zones for export-oriented products. China already leads the world in terms of production of over 100 types of products. China produces more than 50% of cameras sold in the world, 30% of air conditioners, 25% of washing machines and approximately 20% of refrigerators. In addition, according to customs statistics, China has been the first exporter of textiles, clothing, shoes, watches, bicycles, sewing machines and other labor-intensive products for many years in a row. Oil consumption in China was 300 million tons in 2005. China lacks a resource base, which leads to a gradual increase in dependence on imports. Economy

Religion In addition to the three world religions of Buddhism, Islam and Christianity in China, there is still a kind of traditional religious teaching Taoism. In addition, some national minorities still retain primitive worship of the forces of nature and polytheism. Confucianism, which first gained influence in China, in fact, became a code of subordination of the individual to society and his responsibility to it. In the years cultural revolution religion was banned in China.

The culture of China is one of the most ancient and original in the world. Feng Shui This teaching is based on the ideas of cosmic qi energy. For example, the correct layout of the house, the location of the doors affects the qi energy circulating in the room and, accordingly, the well-being of its inhabitants. Energy "qi" The Chinese believe that qi (energy, power) gave rise to the cosmos and the Earth and the two principles of the "negative" and "positive" principles of yin and yang, which in turn gave rise to everything else ("the darkness of things"). Every physical change that occurs in the world is considered by the Chinese to be the result of qi. Calligraphy Calligraphy has elevated traditional Chinese writing to the level of an art form and is traditionally equated with painting and poetry as a method of self-expression. The individual style of the artist determines the thickness, the angle of the lines and the dynamism attached to the drawings. Kung Fu Chinese martial arts in the west are usually associated with kung fu, or gong fu. Gong fu, translated from Chinese, means "skill" or "hard work" and can be used to describe the achievements of a wrestler, as well as a calligrapher or pianist. culture

AT bronze age(BC) the Chinese learned to make high-temperature kilns, allowing them to make stronger, sometimes glazed pottery. Real porcelain appeared only in the Sui era. Thinner than ceramic, real porcelain is even and polished. When you hit a porcelain product, it sounds. Thin porcelain appears transparent. Porcelain

Rice has always been of great importance to the Chinese and as the main food product, and as a technical culture. It is believed that the tradition of rice cultivation in South China originated around the years BC. e., although the method of arranging flood fields, requiring large-scale irrigation works, reached perfection after thousands of years. Today, rice is grown almost everywhere in China. Chinese rice accounts for 35% of world production.

forbidden city, Chinese Revolution Museum, National Gallery, Temple of Heaven, Ming Dynasty Tombs, many parks in Beijing. Museum of Art and History, Natural Science Museum, Yu Mandarin Garden, Purple Autumn Cloud Garden, Shanghai Jade Buddha Temple. Guangzhou Museum, Sun Yat Sen Mausoleum, Zhenhai Pagoda, Temple of the Six Fig Trees in Guangzhou and many others. The Great Wall of China (beginning of construction in the 4th - early 5th century BC) is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Landmarks of China

The Great Wall stretched for 8851.8 km across the whole of Northern China. The construction of the wall began in the 4th century. BC e., as a defensive structure from the raids of the nomadic peoples of Central Asia. Construction work on the Great Wall was completed in the 3rd century BC. n. e. In the surviving parts, the wall has a width of about 9 m at the base and about 6 m at the top, the height of the wall reaches 10 m. Approximately every 200 m there are quadrangular watchtowers. the great Wall of China

In the very center of Beijing is the Imperial Palace, also known as the Forbidden City, since for 500 years of its history only the emperor and his family could live here, and the courtiers, officials and everyone else lived outside its walls, and until 1925 a mere mortal could enter was banned here. Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987. Built in the years, the residence of 24 Chinese emperors. Imperial Palace

Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang and the "terracotta army" Located 35 km from the city of Xi'an, built in the years. BC e. for the first emperor of a united China. More than 400 graves are located in the underground palace, its area is more than sq. km. The main exhibits of the complex are the terracotta army. In three vaulted underground chambers there are figures of about 7,400 soldiers and horses and 90 war chariots, almost the entire imperial army. The figures are made in full growth, their height is 1.8 m, there are no two identical faces.

Chinese Cuisine Chinese cuisine has a very long history and is famous all over the world. Cuisine in China varies greatly from region to region, and the term "Chinese food" is generic (exactly the same as "European food"). Most Europeans are familiar with only one of several regional variations of Chinese cooking (namely, Cantonese). In the south of the country the main product is rice, while in the north it is wheat (mainly in the form of noodles).

In all of China (including Hong Kong and Macau), it is almost unacceptable to leave a tip anywhere. True, nowadays many expensive and even average restaurants have begun to include a service charge in the bills. However, with very good service, a waiter, a maid in a hotel or a luggage porter can be given a few yuan for diligence. Tipping in China