Immortal stories and its heroes. Taras Bulba is the immortal hero of an inspired poem. Homework for the lesson

If in satirical works Gogol's humor was a formula for the manifestation of the writer's critical attitude to reality, but here humor serves a completely opposite task: it contributes to the affirmation of a positive ideal. The humor of "Taras Bulba" is bright and radiates with tender love for the heroes of the story. He gives charm and humanity to the heroes of the story, deprives them of stiltedness and false pathos, sets off their high moral qualities, their patriotism, their selfless devotion to the Sich, to the Russian land. "Taras Bulba" is one of the most beautiful poetic creations of the Russian fiction. Depth and capacity of characters Gogol's heroes harmonizes with the perfection of the compositional structure of the story and the amazing completeness of all elements of its style.

The characteristic features of Gogol's craftsmanship are remarkably expressed in landscape painting. Gogol was a great painter of nature. His landscape is always very lyrical, imbued with a strong feeling and is distinguished by the richness of colors and picturesqueness. Suffice it to recall, for example, the description of the Ukrainian steppe that has long been included in the anthology. Nature helps the reader to more fully and sharply set off the inner psychological world heroes of the story. When Andriy and Ostap, having said goodbye to their saddened mother, leave their native farm together with Taras, Gogol, instead of a lengthy description of the oppressive mood of the travelers, is limited to one phrase: “It was a gray day; the green sparkled brightly; the birds chirped somehow in discord

Each of the characters in Gogol's story could become the hero of an inspired poem. But the first among these heroes is Taras. Severe and adamant, Taras Bulba leads a life full of hardships and dangers. It was not created for the family hearth. His "tenderness" - open field yes good horse. Seeing his sons after a long separation, Taras the next day hurries with them to the Sich, to the Cossacks. Here is his true element. A man of great will and remarkable natural intelligence, touchingly tender to his comrades and merciless to the enemy, he punishes the Polish magnates and tenants and defends the oppressed and the destitute. This is a powerful image, fanned by a poetic legend, in the words of Gogol, "as if an extraordinary manifestation of Russian strength." This is a wise and experienced leader of the Cossack army. He was distinguished, writes Gogol, "the ability to move the army and the strongest hatred of enemies." And at the same time, Taras is not in the least opposed to his environment.

The story "Taras Bulba" is one of the most perfect creations of N.V. Gogol. It cost the writer
huge labor. In the story, Gogol tells about the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people for their national liberation. The main events take place in the Zaporozhian Sich, in the realm of freedom and equality. This is a free republic in which people of wide scope live, absolutely free and equal, where strong and courageous characters are brought up. For people of this nature, there is nothing higher in the world than the interests of the people, than the freedom and independence of the Fatherland. The story perfectly reveals the atmosphere of a mighty popular movement. The image of the main character of the story, Taras Bulba, is remarkable.

Severe and adamant Taras Bulba leads a full life. adversity and danger. It was not created for the family hearth. His "tenderness" -! a clean field and a good horse. Seeing his sons after a long separation, the next day he hurries with them to the Sich, to the Cossacks. Here is his true element. Gogol writes about him: "He was all created for abusive anxiety and was distinguished by the rude directness of his temper."

A man of great will and remarkable natural mind, touchingly tender to his comrades and merciless to the enemy. He punishes the Polish magnates and defends the oppressed and the dispossessed. This is a powerful image, fanned by a poetic legend, in the words of Gogol: "as if an extraordinary manifestation of Russian strength."

Taras Bulba is a wise and experienced leader of the Cossack army. He was "distinguished" by "the ability to move troops and a strong hatred of enemies." At the same time, Taras is not opposed environment. He loved simple life Cossacks and did not stand out among them.

The image of Taras embodies the prowess and scope folk life. This is a man of great intensity of feelings, passions, thoughts. There is nothing selfish, petty, selfish in it. His soul is imbued with only one desire - for the freedom and independence of his people. That is why he speaks with such hatred about the worthless souls of traitors: "I know, it's mean now on our land: they adopt the devil knows what Busurman customs; they abhor their tongue; they sell their people ...".

Taras's whole life was inextricably linked with the Sich. Serving the comradeship, the Fatherland, he gave himself undividedly. Appreciating in a person, first of all, his courage and devotion to the ideals of the Sich, he is merciless to traitors and cowards.

How much courage in the behavior of Taras, sneaking into enemy territory in the hope of seeing Ostap! The famous scene of the meeting between the father and the eldest son is striking in its drama. “Lost in a crowd of strangers, Taras watches as his son is taken to the place of execution. How did old Taras feel when he saw his Ostap? “What was in his heart then?” exclaims Gogol. But Taras did not betray his terrible tension. to his son, selflessly enduring severe torment, he quietly said: "Good, son, good!"

The character of Taras in the tragic conflict with Andrey is revealed in the same large and expressive way. Love did not bring happiness to Andrei, it fenced him off from his comrades, from his father, from the Fatherland. This will not be forgiven even the bravest of the Cossacks, and the seal of the curse fell on the traitor's forehead: "Disappeared, disappeared ingloriously, like a vile dog ...". No one can either atone for treason or justify treason.

The writer draws a huge moral superiority of Taras and his associates over Andrey. What a vile person who betrayed his homeland! And his life is inglorious, and his death is shameful. Taras, a man of a harsh and at the same time gentle soul, does not feel any pity for his son-traitor. Without hesitation, he makes his sentence: "I gave birth to you, I will kill you!". These words of Taras are imbued with the consciousness of the greatest truth of the cause in whose name he is executing his son.

Creating the heroic image of Taras Bulba, N.V. Gogol does not try to idealize him. It mixes tenderness and rudeness, serious and funny, great and small. Gogol dreamed of a strong, heroic character. This is exactly the image of Taras. It poetically captures the features of the Russian national character. No wonder Gogol's immortal story is one of the favorite books of modern people.

The story "Taras Bulba" was written in the 19th century and repeated some historical events. In the image of the main character, the most valiant qualities inherent in a true Cossack were presented. According to some reports, portraying this hero, N.V. Gogol used real Cossack chieftains and facts from their lives. The whole life of Taras Bulba is connected with the Zaporizhzhya Sich and the free Cossacks, for whom the defense of the motherland was main goal. They couldn't imagine their life without upholding native land and the Orthodox faith. And the main character of the play is no exception.
Immediately after the return of the sons from Kyiv Academy he decides to attach them to such Cossack life and make them true Cossacks. In his opinion, one metropolitan education is not enough to survive in life. A more effective school of life is needed, and they will find it in Zaporozhye. He himself is an experienced Cossack and a skilled warrior with the rank of colonel. He is respected and honored by his comrades for courage, devotion and willpower. His dream is to see the same qualities in his sons. He wants to show all his comrades what daring sons he has raised. He is frankly pleased when the eldest son Ostap rushes into battle at his ridicule about their appearance in the capital. For him, this is an indicator of courage, ardor and the ability to stand up for himself.
The character of Taras Bulba is most clearly shown in the conflict with his youngest son, Andriy. When he finds out that his son went to the side of the Poles, he does not care about the motives of this act, he does not think for a minute, he kills him. He cannot accept the fact that his son is a traitor. It is not even consoling that the young man did this for the sake of great and pure love. For Taras Bulba, this is the worst form of betrayal: to leave his own squad, and then go into battle on the side of the enemy. By such an act, Andriy not only betrayed his brother and father, but also all the Cossacks, and his homeland. Main character never recovered from this tragedy. However, the strength of character and the realization of the truth of the great cause he served made him kill his own son.
Fortress of character and undisguised courage manifested itself in relation to the eldest son. When Ostap was captured and taken to Warsaw, he, being wounded, found a way to cross to the place of execution in the hope of saving his faithful son and a real warrior. The eldest son of Taras Bulba was, like his father, full of faith in a just cause and willpower. He did not make a sound during the execution, only asked if his father was here. Taras Bulba, knowing that he might be seized and killed, shouted through the whole crowd that he was here and could hear his son. The Poles immediately chased after him, but his trail went cold.
The people themselves are embodied in the image of Taras Bulba. All his life he fought for the truth, for his homeland and for the Orthodox faith. In this struggle there was no place for selfishness, personal interests, and even thoughts about the family. Even his wife rarely saw him, because he considered himself a free Cossack and devoted all his time to the service of the people. In his sons, he tried his best to cultivate the same patriotic spirit.

Literature lesson in the 7th grade on the topic "Taras Bulba - folk hero.

"Taras Bulba" - a heroic story


  1. Give the concept of a folk hero and a heroic story.
  2. Develop students' analytical skills literary work and literary image.
  3. Develop patriotic feelings.

Homework to the lesson.

  1. Select quotes to characterize Tarasa Bulba on the following questions:
  2. Who was Taras?
  3. Hero's appearance.
  4. What qualities did he appreciate in the Cossacks?
  5. Why did he aspire to the Sich, what attracted him to it?
  6. What character traits does Taras show in the struggle for his homeland?
  7. How does he express concern for the Cossacks, being their chieftain?
  8. What does Taras say about partnership, what does he call on the Cossacks to do?
  9. How does he treat his sons?
  10. What does he think about at the last minute?
  11. Why is Taras Bulba especially dear to the author?
  12. Why do we call Taras Bulba a folk hero?

During the classes

1. Conversation.

Our work with the story "Taras Bulba" is coming to an end, and today we will consider the image of the main character, whose name is N.V. Gogol called his work. The theme of our lesson is “Taras Bulba is a folk hero. Taras Bulba is a heroic story.

Who was Taras Bulba? What did he look like?

Why does Gogol not give a detailed portrait of the hero?

(Probably, this is not necessary - Taras had hair, clothes, shoes like other Cossacks, and he paid little attention to his appearance (recall the contempt of the old Cossack for rich trousers stained with tar). In addition, his youth had long passed, and in mature years, external beauty is replaced by internal - mind, will, strength. What does Taras look like? He is heavy, gray-haired, very strong (that is, muscular), his facial expression is serious, imperious, his eyes are intelligent. He is dressed discreetly, but trousers as wide as the Black Sea , a hat made of black smushkas with a red top, an expensive weapon, a pipe in his hands. He speaks loudly, but slowly. He sits like a glove on a horse.)

Why did Taras Bulba decide so quickly to leave with his sons for the Zaporozhian Sich?

(Taras Bulba, like his comrades, saw the meaning of his life in the struggle for the independence of his homeland, therefore he disdainfully treated a settled home life and all activities that were not related to military service. Taras' decision to lead his sons to the Zaporizhzhya Sich was dictated not only by his stubbornness and impetuousness, but also by his firm conviction that only in Zaporozhye is a real military school and science, only there you can become a knight, a real warrior.

Taras is shown in this episode, on the one hand, as a person who is used to making decisions without regard for the feelings of loved ones, as a despot and a man without a heart, but on the other hand, he is a warrior, a "knight" who has no other life but battles, fights, so he not only dreams that his sons would be the same, but he himself is torn in the world dear to him, he goes to the Zaporizhzhya Sich.)

Why was Taras, despite the successes of his sons in martial arts, not satisfied with the life of the Zaporizhzhya Sich? What did he dream about?

(Taras was brave and deeply convinced that military prowess among young Cossacks is brought up in battles and raids. Not only old Taras thought so, but also most of the Cossacks. Therefore, without much difficulty, Taras managed to persuade them to oppose the Turks.)

One of the means of creating the characteristics of a literary hero is his statements. The brightest in Taras Bulba is his famous speech about partnership.

(Reading by a pre-prepared student of a speech about partnership in abbreviation)

What phrase contains the main idea of ​​Taras Bulba? ("There is no bond holier than fellowship")

How do you understand what partnership is? And Taras? (Unity with the people, community, "brotherhood")

It was the feeling of collectivism that made the Cossacks strong. Each of the characters in the story feels integral part folk life. In the boundless merging of a person's personal interests with the interests of the whole people - the ideological pathos of this work.

How does Taras Bulba's speech characterize the hero?

(Taras makes a speech before the fight, not only because he knew that he unites and encourages people speaking accurately and on time, but also because he wanted to express everything that was on his heart at this tense and difficult moment. Taras's speech testifies to his wisdom, patriotic feelings, pride, courage, great life experience and passionate conviction in the rightness of his cause.He acts at this moment as an exponent of the views and patriotic feelings of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks.)

What is the nature of the text?

(Many appeals. Exclamatory intonations express the depth of Taras's feelings. This is the leader's speech.)

The unity of Taras with the Cossacks is manifested in the struggle for the homeland.

In what episodes did Taras the Colonel show his talent?

(The wisdom of Taras, his talent as a commander is revealed mainly in last fight near Dubno, when he orders to arrange kurens in three camps, set up an ambush and cover part of the field with sharp stakes, fragments of spears in order to drive the enemy cavalry on them.)

How did Taras, the colonel, behave during the battle?

(Taras, as an experienced warrior, is always in the center of the battle, he manages to go everywhere, cheer up the Cossacks in time, give the necessary orders. Taras’s voice is heard in different places: “What, gentlemen,” Taras said, calling to the smoker. “There is still gunpowder in powder flasks? Haven't the Cossack strength weakened? Aren't the Cossacks bending?")

Taras Bulba is not only a colonel, but also a father. His heroic character is manifested not only on the battlefield, but also in the episodes of the execution of his sons.

How are these episodes different?

a) the execution of Andriy;

(Taras does not feel any pity for the traitor son. He is inflexible towards the traitor. The fact that his own son betrayed, the object of his father's pride and hopes, only exacerbates his anger and desire to punish the villain. Taras acts uncompromisingly, he does not want to understand , which made Andriy make such a choice: for him, any reason is untenable when it comes to betrayal.Gogol calls him a son-killer, after the massacre, Taras Bulba does not forgive Andriy, forever deleting him from his memory.

In this episode, the strength of Taras's character was revealed. He felt guilty before his comrades, before his homeland. It was he, the father and senior comrade, who did not see in time negative traits in the character of the son and his instability, excessive ardor. And, as a man of courage, passionately convinced of his rightness, he himself corrects his mistake. The most terrible crime for Taras is betrayal of the fatherland, the common cause: he puts kinship in spirit much higher. than by blood.)

b) the presence of Ostap at the execution?

(At the risk of his life, he makes his way to the place of execution, without fear, supports Ostap in his most difficult hour, although nothing can be more bitter for a father than the death of his son. Taras suffers, but he is also proud of Ostap. Taras cannot forget him untimely in inhuman suffering of death and until the end of his own life he avenges his son, always remembers him.)

Find the description of Taras Bulba in chapter 10. Compare the description of Taras Bulba in the first and tenth chapters. How has the hero changed?

(The last chapters of the story describe the tragedy of Taras. As V. G. Belinsky wrote, “the death of a mighty soul, stunned by a double shock, the loss of both sons.” The expression of his face also changed:

"... three heavy wrinkles appeared on his forehead and never left him again."

From a cheerful, sociable person, which Taras was, he turns under the influence of the experienced suffering into a closed and gloomy one. This is no longer a daring Cossack, ready to start dancing. It is impossible to amuse Taras now: “He looked sternly and indifferently at everyone, and unbearable grief appeared on his motionless face, and, quietly lowering his head, he said:“ My son, my Ostap!

Everything he experienced made Taras especially cautious, sharp-sighted, taught him to foresee events. Therefore, Taras Bulba did not believe the Poles, like many of his comrades, and did not conclude a truce with them, but left with part of the Cossacks to continue the fight, and no one could stop him: “In the sight of the entire army, the regiment left, and Taras turned around for a long time and threatened everything." This was no longer the former cheerful, cheerful and daring Cossack, but a stern and merciless warrior to enemies.

The sufferings experienced could not break Taras and kill his faith in the justice of the struggle that had begun. He continues it, appearing with his regiment in different parts of Poland, avenging the desecrated homeland, the dead comrades and Ostap.)

The execution of Ostap, witnessed by Taras, shocked him. From that moment on, there was no more pity and compassion for the enemies in his heart. Even his comrades, who had participated in battles more than once and had seen a lot in their lifetime, were amazed: “Only fire and the gallows were determined by his gray head, and his advice in the military council breathed only one extermination.”

Did the changes in the character of Taras affect his future fate? ( The cruelty of Taras and his Cossacks forced the Polish government)

How did Hetman Pototsky manage to capture Taras? - - - Why didn't Taras leave the cradle?

(Taras Bulba's hatred for the Poles was so strong that he did not even want to leave his beloved pipe on the ground, on their land, to desecrate the enemies, and therefore he was captured.)

Can Taras Bulba's death be called heroic? Why?

(He behaves very dignified, does not beg his enemies for mercy. Dying at the stake, old Taras rejoices that he not only managed to tell his lads the way to salvation, but also to the implementation of his plan, that is, he remains true to the main thing - camaraderie, faith, Ukraine And he accepts torment, death as a worthy end to a worthy military life.)

Having led his hero through terrible trials, Gogol showed that a person can be hardened, made unhappy and lonely, not knowing rest from suffering, but he cannot be broken, bent if he serves a common cause, if he fights for freedom.

Why do we call Taras Bulba a folk hero?

(Taras Bulba is a folk hero: he fights and fights for the independence of the people, he believes in the strength of the people, who are connected with him by one desire, one dream: “Let the Russian land bloom!”

A man of great will and remarkable natural intelligence, touchingly tender to his comrades and merciless to the enemy, he punishes Polish magnates and tenants and defends the humiliated and offended. This is a powerful image, fanned by a poetic legend, in the words of Gogol, "as if an extraordinary manifestation of Russian strength." He was distinguished, writes Gogol, "by the ability to move the army and the strongest hatred of enemies." And at the same time, Taras is not in the least opposed to his environment. He "loved the simple life of the Cossacks" and did not stand out from them in any way.)

2. Task for the class:Formulate and write in a notebook character traits Taras Bulba.

Sample entry:

  1. Love for the motherland and hatred for enemies;
  2. Inflexibility, fortitude, selfless courage;
  3. Directness and severity of temper;
  4. Remarkable features of him as a commander;
  5. Highly developed sense of camaraderie.

Literary critics write "Taras Bulba" - a heroic story. You are already familiar with the definition of the story.

Read the definition of the story written on the board and think about what meaning the word “heroic” adds to the definition of the story as a genre?

The story is an epic work in prose, which depicts not one, but a whole series of events, many actors, life is shown in a wider and more detailed way.

(After listening to the answers of the students, the definition of the heroic story is read and written in a notebook)

The heroic story involves the depiction of deeds in the name of a great goal - the defense of the motherland, the salvation of people, the assertion of truth, that is, some kind of general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bjustice.

The word "heroic" is correlated with actions that are outstanding in their social significance, meeting the interests of many people and requiring personal courage, stamina, readiness for self-sacrifice from a person.

Why N.V. Can Gogol's "Taras Bulba" be called heroic?

(The story may well be called heroic, since it deals with the courageous struggle of Ukrainians against the dominance of the Polish gentry and the Catholic faith.)

3. The final word of the teacher.

Historically, truthfully, Gogol shows the people's liberation movement, the strength of which "consisted in the nationwide character and significance, in the mass-uprising, which led to confusion among the Polish magnates and gentry, in the heroic, selfless struggle of the Ukrainian Cossacks and peasants against foreign oppressors."

We find the embodiment of the heroic national spirit in tragic fate Taras Bulba. His feat is a feat in the name of ensuring that the Russian land prospers forever, that the “basic law of partnership” is sacredly observed.

Heroes do not die - they gain immortality, because they are convinced that "not a single magnanimous deed will perish." Dying, the Cossacks understand that the struggle is not over, that their death is not in vain, but is necessary for the future victory. This belief in the immortality of the people is the true optimism of the story, its heroic pathos, folk, life-affirming beginning.

4. Homework

Prepare a coherent story about Taras Bulba.

Answer left Guest

N.V. Gogol is a brilliant writer who reflected in his work many problems of his time. He has a number of romantic novels and stories. The most striking is the heroic story "Taras Bulba", which tells about the struggle of the Ukrainian Cossacks for their independence. The main character of the story is a smoked chieftain, Colonel Taras Bulba. He was not born for a quiet life. His destiny is battles and battles. Taras has many military campaigns. trophies obtained in battle. Being a hero himself, Taras raised his sons, Ostap and Andriy, in the same spirit. Suffice it to recall the reception that he gave to his sons who returned from school. He offered to fight, which horrified his unrequited wife. mother, Taras took them to the Zaporizhzhya Sich, a place where the characters of real Cossacks were formed. HE was proud of his sons. Both are beautiful, strong, brave, to match the hero - father. for a woman, a beautiful Polish woman. The soul of old Taras could not endure this. After all, it was he who made a speech about partnership, which everyone remembers today. “I would like to tell you, gentlemen, what our partnership is. You heard from fathers and grandfathers in what honor our land was for everyone: it let the Greeks know itself, and took gold coins from Constantinople, and the cities were magnificent, and temples, and the princes, the princes of the Russian family, their own princes, and not Catholic infidels. Everything was taken by the busurmans, everything was lost. Only we remained, the orphans, yes, like a widow after a strong husband, a orphan, just like we, our land! time, comrades, we gave a hand to brotherhood! That's what our partnership stands on! There is no holier bond than partnership! A father loves his child, a mother loves her child, a child loves father and mother. But that's not it, brothers: even the beast loves his child But only one person can become related by kinship by soul, and not by blood. ". Partnership does not accept betrayal, which is why the father executes his son without forgiving him betrayal." I gave birth to you, I will kill you morals. But Taras was destined to lose his second son, his faithful companion - Ostap. He was captured and was executed on the square. Hiding from the chase, Taras Bulba made his way to the square and answered the exclamation of his son, supporting him in difficult times. Taras Bulba was the most respected among the Cossacks, but his comrades could not understand him when, after the death of Ostap, he began to take revenge on the enemy without pity and indulgence. Taras walked through the enemy land with a sword and fire. They arranged a real hunt for him. They wouldn’t take it again, but the Cossack dropped his cradle (pipe) and returned so that the enemy would not get it. he managed to serve the Cossacks for the last time. Crucified on a tree, under which the Poles kindled a fire in order to burn a fierce enemy alive. But Taras did not think about death. He saw the boats standing by the river. Gogol elevates his hero to an epic hero who overcomes even distances with a loud voice. Undoubtedly, the author admires his romantic hero. The writer turned to romanticism, working on the story in the era of reaction and obscurantism reigning in Russia. real life he did not see a role model and therefore turned to the heroic past, giving the reader such a hero as Taras Bulba.