Anna Gavalda 35 kilos of hope analysis. “Review on the work of Anna Gavalda “35 kilos of hope. Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

Year of publication of the book: 2002

Anna Gavalda's book "35 kilos of hope" has won the love of readers all over the world for many years now. This is, in general, a small work translated into more than 30 languages ​​of the world, and in the list of Anna Gavalda's books it is listed as one of the most recognizable. And this is no small achievement. After all, the writer is on a par with one of the most successful contemporary French writers.

The plot of the book "35 kilos of hope" briefly

In Anna Gavalda's book "35 kilos of hope" you can read about the events unfolding around the thirteen-year-old boy Gregoire. At thirteen, he is in the sixth grade. He's already recycled twice. First in the second and then in the sixth grade. And this is not because he is backward or the school demands too much. He just doesn't like school very much. No matter how hard he tries to study, all the words of the teachers fly into one ear, and fly out of the other. Doctors, on whom his parents dragged him for the first time, called it distracted attention. But Gregoire then knows that this is not so.

The only consolation from the numerous scandals in the family, which invariably caused his "successes", was Leoland. So main character The book "35 Kilos of Hope" by Gavalda and his grandfather, Leon, called his grandfather's workshop. Here they could completely devote themselves to their favorite pastime - repairing and inventing new mechanisms. And when the grandmother, following the example of her parents, began to grumble, they, together with the grandfather, ran away to this workshop, where they could not only occupy their hands, but also talk. And so it happened that grandfather became the only person in a family that understood Grégoire.

But all this was before the age of twelve. And then he just got kicked out of school. Moreover, they were expelled for poor performance in physical education. Yes, it is in physical education. 35 kilos Gregoire could not boast of a powerful form or special dexterity. That is why in the classroom the boy decided to make his classmates laugh. And when he honestly tried to jump over the horse, they did not believe him and kicked him out of school. Now he is waiting new stage life in a new school and without the kind words of grandfather.

As for the reviews on Anna Gavalda's book "35 kilos of hope", they are almost unanimous - the book deserves your attention. Indeed, despite the fact that she has an ordinary plot, like, she raises serious topics. At the same time, the language of the narrative is quite simple and beautiful, and although the plot cannot be called fascinating, it does not allow you to leave the book in the middle of the way. Perhaps that is why Gavalda's book "35 Kilos of Hope" is advised to read by everyone, both teenagers and their parents. Perhaps she will help you find mutual language with their relatives.

The book "35 kilos of hope" on the site Top books

A very small book by Anna Gavalda “35 kilos of hope” is so popular to read that this is not the first time it has been included in ours. At the same time, interest in her does not decrease, and we will certainly see her in our next ones.

According to the stories of his mother, the boy Gregoire lived happily until the age of three. He played with a plush puppy for a long time, watched cartoons, drew, came up with interesting stories.

Everything changed when Gregoire went to school. He didn't like it there at all. The boy was bored. Once Gregoire refused to go to school, and his mother gave him a slap.

Gregoire moved into the sixth grade. He doubled up twice. Because of the school, there are constant scandals in the family. Dad is screaming and mom is crying. But nothing changes. The boy still did not want to study.

Only at the teacher Marie Gregoire did everything diligently. They invent interesting crafts every day. As a keepsake, Marie gave the baby a book “1000 Things for Skillful Hands”. Then Gregoire realized that he liked making things the most.

Once Gregoire was expelled from school due to poor performance. The parents were furious. Only grandfather Leon supported the boy. At school, my grandfather was an excellent student, and just like his grandson, he loved to build something. Leon graduated from the Higher Polytechnic School. Then he built dams, road junctions, tunnels. Now my grandfather has a small shed where he makes furniture for the restaurant. Gregoire fell in love with this place and often came to help Leon. Grandfather affectionately called his grandson - Totosha.

Parents transferred their son to the non-prestigious Jean-Moulin school. On the summer holidays Gregoire learned how to glue wallpaper, paint doors, and change plugs in private houses. It was entertaining.

Grégoire was distressed by his grandfather's health. Leon often coughed heavily, it seemed that the strength was leaving the elderly man.

Grégoire was also unable to study at the new school. His parents placed him in a boarding school. The boy himself wanted to study at a technical college in Grandshan, he even sent a letter to the director of the institution with a request to accept him. Grégoire attached a drawing of a banana peeler to the letter.

After some time, the boy is invited to college to take the entrance exams. Gregoire copes and is accepted for training. At this point, Leon is admitted to the hospital and is in a coma. The grandson decides against all odds to start studying well so that his grandfather recovers and is proud of him.

A miracle happened Leon began to recover. It was the happiest day when the grandfather came to Gregoire's school in a wheelchair. The boy was crying for joy. His favorite person is alive!

The work teaches readers that you need to believe and support your relatives, then they will succeed.

Picture or drawing Gavalda Anna - 35 kilos of hope

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

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School for little Gregoire was a real torment. After happy life with “cartoons about a bear cub and a teddy puppy, to whom he loved to tell all sorts of stories - hard mental labor, which the boy could not do. In general, he just wasn't interested. Because of this, quarrels broke out in the family, the child was even taken to the doctors, they checked his eyesight and hearing, but to no avail.

Gregoire loved to make crafts. This was taught to him by his teacher. senior group- Marie. It is a pity that he had to study with her for only a year - in the senior kindergarten group. Then everything changed dramatically, and Madame Dare became the boy's teacher, for whom he did not have very warm feelings. How hard - sickeningly hard - it was to get up in the morning and get ready for school. After all, he still did not understand anything in boring lessons.

Almost as much as studying, Gregoire hated physical education. However, because of her, the boy was expelled from school, that is, because he could not jump over the horse, and hurt himself painfully. Everyone, including the teacher, thought back that Gregoire was pretending to make everyone laugh. After all, he had done this many times before. It’s a pity for the boy - his parents, having learned that he was expelled, screamed loudly. They didn't even try to comfort their son. After all, he was really in pain.

The best interlocutor

The only one with whom Gregoire felt good and calm was grandfather Leon.

He had his own secluded nook, where the boy most liked to be. Even the smell of this "shed" - it smelled of tobacco, glue, electric heater - seemed to him the best of the best. Grandfather made furniture to order. He is the only one who was next to the teenager in difficult moments and did not try to condemn or scold him. But when Leon found out that his grandson had been expelled from school, his reaction was completely different. He did not condescend to Gregoire, but, on the contrary, seemed adamant: “The loafer and the repeater ... Be happy, in the end. Do anything to be happy."

At home it was even worse. The only thing the boy found himself in was making something unusual, if only to improve living conditions in the house. So he made a seat under the ironing board, cleaned the lawn mower.

Do you know the work of F. M. Dostoevsky “The Brothers Karamazov”, which the author wrote for two years. The novel touches on deep questions about God, freedom, morality. a brief summary of it.

After the autumn holidays in Orleans, at Aunt Fanny's, who was mother's sister, suddenly mother, meeting her son at the station, announced two news: one good, the other very bad. Firstly, the headmistress promised to take him to Grandshan if he successfully passed the exam, and secondly, dear, dearly beloved grandfather fell ill. This news discouraged, upset the poor boy. Vedas grandfather is so necessary to him!

The exam was given to Gregoire hard, it was a shame to tears that he could not do anything, but still he managed to pass it. In some incomprehensible way, grandfather Leon helped. He suggested how to look for errors in the French text, how to decline words. The boy was taken into it educational institution. But terrible grief squeezed his chest when he met his parents on the platform of the station: grandfather was in a coma. The worst thing was the expectation - at least the irreparable did not happen.

At school, in a physical education lesson, the boy did the impossible: he climbed a rope with knots to a great height. He accomplished this "feat" for the sake of his grandfather, repeating: "Grandfather, do you hear, I can do it." He rose to the unanimous chanting of classmates: “Du-Bosk! Dubosk! Dubosk!"

For the sake of his grandfather, he became bold and resolute. For his sake, he walked through the fields and breathed clean air, saying: “Take it all, grandfather. Breathe that clean air."

One evening, my mother told me the most unpleasant news on the phone: "Doctors stop treatment because it does not work." And Gregoire Dubosque again lost interest in life. But suddenly... Oh, what a happy moment: a high school student said that down there, some grandfather in a wheelchair was ruined and demanded Totosha. The boy tumbled down the stairs. He was happy, and could not restrain his sobs at the sight of his beloved grandfather, affectionately looking at his grandson! This was impossible to imagine even in the wildest dreams.

When I finished reading the story, I could not hold back my tears. They rolled out of their eyes. What a touching work this is - about victory over circumstances, over impotence and over illness. And how well written. And most importantly - with a happy ending, that is, with a happy ending.

"35 kilos of hope" - a poetic parable by Anna Gavaldi about the main thing: about choice life path about the power of love and devotion. About family. That dreams can and should come true. You just have to really want it. And try very hard.

Gregoire Dubosque, a youth of thirteen, hates school. The guy's problem is that he can't learn at all. The distracted boy is twice left in the second year of the sixth grade, and in the end he is expelled altogether. The doctors explain Gregoire's peculiarity by the fact that he has a problem with concentration, and the teachers complain that the young Dubosque does not have a head, but a sieve. However, Gregoire himself admits that everything that the school is trying to teach him is like a Chinese letter for him.

Despite absent-mindedness, the young man has golden hands and loves to make various crafts. Of course, his parents know that the boy is a talented inventor, but they still continue to put pressure on Gregoire for his poor progress. Due to problems at school, scandals are constantly arranged in the Dubosque family, and attempts to take lessons end in tears of the mother and beatings from the father.

Salvation for the boy are walks and conversations with grandfather Leon. Grégoire's deep worries about the constant quarrels in the family are dispelled precisely by the grandfather. He explains to the boy that the parents quarrel rather because of problems with each other, and Gregoire's poor progress is just an excuse for another quarrel. Grandfather Leon is a friend and support for a young man, only thanks to his grandfather the boy was able to survive all the trials that fell on his fate - bullying at school, expulsion, family quarrels, studying at a municipal institution.

When the time has come to think about his future, Gregoire decides to enter the university, where he will have the opportunity to work with his hands, make crafts, and invent. There is such an educational institution - the University of Granshan, however, in order to enter there, good academic performance is required. In desperation, Dubosque writes a letter to the director of the university asking him to accept him. Surprisingly, the director answers positively, only on the condition that Gregoire passes the entrance exam.

35 Kilos of Hope is an amazingly inspiring book. It shows readers that a person is able to change himself in better side if he has a goal and willpower, and most importantly, relatives who believe in him and support him in all endeavors. The author of the book is the famous French writer Anna Gavalda.

Unloved school

Gregoire's carefree childhood, when his main activities were games and watching cartoons, is left behind. It's been a boring school day. Gregoire did not like school at all. But when he announced to his parents that he no longer wanted to go to school, he received a cuff from his mother.

Reading the summary of "35 kilos of hope", it becomes obvious that the boy's problem was that he was lazy, did not want to force himself to think, remember, reason, do homework. Because of this, the parents were constantly upset. Dad scolded Gregoire, and mom cried, unable to influence the current situation.

And so, Gregoire moved to the sixth grade. Prior to that, he had two repeats. The situation did not change, the boy still showed no interest in studying.

Skillful hands

Having become acquainted with summary“35 kilos of hope”, we can conclude that Gregoire really liked to work with his hands. He enjoyed attending the lesson taught by the teacher Marie. At the lesson, the children constantly made something, made a variety of crafts. The teacher gave the boy a wonderful book, which described interesting ideas for crafts. Gregoire enthusiastically began to make crafts for crafts. He realized that being a master was his true calling.

like-minded grandfather

Finally, something happened that had to happen sooner or later. Gregoire's negligent student was expelled from school. The parents were indignant, only the grandfather supported the boy. Obviously, it was in his grandfather that Gregoire had such skillful hands: his grandfather was an excellent craftsman and builder. But, unlike his grandson, his grandfather graduated with honors from both school and a prestigious university. As the summary of “35 kilos of hope” testifies, even in his old age, Gregoire’s grandfather free time dedicated to making furniture for a local restaurant. Gregoire expressed a desire to help his grandfather, which earned his approval. The boy fell in love with the old grandfather's barn, in which those happy hours took place, when he and his grandfather made tinkering together.

New schools

Concerned about the future of their beloved son, the parents assigned Gregoire to a new school. But from the brief content of "35 kilos of hope" it becomes clear that the situation has not changed in the new place.

But during the summer holidays, Gregoire continued to do what he loved. Now this brought considerable benefits, because he was engaged in repairs in private houses.

The young man was very upset by the state of health of his beloved grandfather. The old man seemed to be fading away every day.

Since Gregoire was unable to study at the new school, his parents assigned him to a boarding school. But the young man did not want to study there, because his dream was to study at a technical college. He decided to send a letter to the director of the college, in which he stated a request to accept him. Gregoire attached a drawing of his invention to the letter.

diligent study

Interested in capable young men, Gregoire was invited to college. He successfully dealt with entrance exams and did.

At this time, grandfather in the hospital fell into a coma. And then the young man decides to study hard so that his grandfather can be proud of him when he recovers.

Overcoming his usual laziness, Gregoire diligently completed the tasks, heeded the instructions of the teachers. In the summary of “35 kilos of hope” by Anna Gavalda, you can find out that the young man managed to achieve his goal.

And Gregoire's grandfather recovered! When he came to his grandson in college, he cried with happiness.

After reviewing the summary of “35 kilos of hope” by A. Gavald, the reader can understand how much Gregoire was delighted with the miraculous recovery of his beloved grandfather.