1945 mysterious disappearance of the leaders of the Third Reich. Secrets of the XX century. year - a relic lizard was discovered

Among the other leaders of the Third Reich, Martin Bormann is one of the most enigmatic and mysterious figures - it is not for nothing that his friends and enemies have always been called the “grey eminence”. However, did Martin Bormann ever have real friends? Perhaps his only true friend was himself.

Reichsleiter, chief of staff of the Deputy Fuhrer, personal secretary and closest adviser to Adolf Hitler, who by the end of World War II had turned into the most powerful official of the empire, Martin Bormann was born on June 17, 1900 in Halberstadt, in the family of a sergeant of a cavalry regiment, and died ... It is believed that, most likely, he died in 1945, in May or at the very end of April, but this date is always called into question. At the very least, Martin Bormann was the only one of all the fascist bosses to whom the international military tribunal in Nuremberg was forced to sentence him to death in absentia! Did Martin Bormann really survive, somehow managed to escape from the bunker under the Reich Chancellery and sneak out of Berlin, surrounded by the advancing Red Army units? Until now, this truly burning question has not found a completely unambiguous answer. For more than half a century, various versions and hypotheses have constantly arisen about the death and rescue of a famous Nazi criminal.

According to the existing official version, which was generally supported by the Soviet side, events unfolded something like this. After suicide - or imitation of suicide? - Adolf Hitler and his wife Eva Braun, who managed to stay a little Frau Hitler, the power in the bunker under the Reich Chancellery completely passed into the hands of Martin Bormann. He immediately decided to try to break through the orders of the advancing units of the Red Army, for which he created small mobile groups of five to six people from the inhabitants of the bunker. It was assumed that, having left the bunker, each group would try by any means to independently reach the nearest Wilhelmplatz metro station. Having descended underground, the fugitives should have moved further along the tunnel - trains had not run for a long time, at least for several days - to the Friedrichstrasse station: most likely, this path should not cause any particular difficulties. Then, having risen to the surface at the Friedrichstrasse station, the groups should go to the Spree embankment and, using improvised means, try to cross to the other side, and then keep their way from Berlin to the northwest, where the American divisions were advancing.

According to the surviving Willy Muller, Adolf Hitler's personal tailor, who was in the bunker at that moment, from 21 to 23 hours on May 1, 1945, everyone who decided to go for a breakthrough had already left the Fuhrerbunker. Reichsleiter Martin Bormann also left among them - he went with the third or fourth group in a row, which, in addition to him, included the SS doctor Stumpfegger and the leader of the Hitler Youth Axman. Further events can only be reconstructed with a certain degree of certainty.

The fugitives got out of the Führerbunker under cover of night and, in all likelihood, without any incidents, managed to get to the metro station unnoticed, went downstairs and, illuminating themselves with lanterns, went through the tunnel to the Friedrichstrasse station. While everything was going as well as possible, but, going upstairs, Bormann and his companions must have been very depressed - it turned out to be almost impossible to cross the Spree due to the lack of any watercraft. In addition, the battle formations of the advancing Soviet units were already located on the other side of the river. For the crossing to the other side, there was only one possibility left - to get through or break through the Weidendamer bridge.

Of course, to break through the battle formations of the regular front-line units of the Red Army with light small arms would be sheer madness or natural suicide. However, fate gave the fugitives an unexpected and generous, truly royal gift - a German tank group, numbering at least twenty combat vehicles, broke through in the same direction. This fact is documented even in the memoirs of Marshal Soviet Union G.K. Zhukova: the breakthrough was carried out late in the evening on May 1 in the sector of the 52nd Guards Rifle Division.

Fearing that the tank group could facilitate the removal of one of the leaders of the Third Reich from the besieged city, the Soviet command gave the order to immediately close all routes to the west and northwest. Therefore, when the fugitives rushed after the tanks to the Weidendamer bridge, they soon had to retreat under fire and return. The lead tank was knocked out, and the situation immediately changed dramatically. "Gift of Fate" turned out to be just a deceptive mocking grimace.

Probably, after that, the group split up - Axman and a few more people went along the railway track in a western direction to the Lerte station. Bormann and Stumpfegger decided to take the Invalidenstrasse to the east.

Invalidenstrasse near the Lerte train station led to the Invalidenbrück railway bridge - allegedly, it was there that Axman soon stumbled upon the dead bodies of Martin Bormann and Stumpfegger. The former chief of the Hitler Youth gave such testimony officially in 1947, when he was interrogated by representatives of the Allied secret services. Many participants in those tragic events testified about the breakthrough groups created by Bormann and their exit from the Fuhrerbunker. But no one could simply confirm Axman's testimony.

Further verification showed that after some time - about three or four days - the corpses were finally discovered and removed by employees railway. According to some reports, they were buried not far from the bridge, under a large old poplar. Letters and a military ID in his name were found in the pockets of Stumpfegger's overcoat. The head of the station post found the address of the SS man's wife and told her where her husband was buried.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that it was quite rightly noted that letters and a military ID in the name of Stumpfegger were found in the pockets of the overcoat. This does not yet mean the fact that the murdered person was indeed the SS doctor Stumpfegger. His companion, who was allegedly thought to be Martin Bormann, did not have any identification documents at all. Strange but true!

Twenty years later, at the burial site of the SS man and Bormann, representatives of the authorities and allied special services dug up the entire area, but they did not find any burial place, bones or skeletons! Not even an old tree was found, or at least some traces indicating that it grew in that place. Perhaps the letter sent to the SS man's wife is another premeditated link in a long chain of carefully crafted false trails?

Another seven years have passed. Two workers who were digging a trench for city communications in the area discovered two skeletons on December 8, 1972. At the direction of the Frankfurt prosecutor Richter, who dealt with the Bormann case, the skeletons were sent for examination. In terms of height, they practically corresponded to the data of the SS man - 190 cm, and Martin Bormann - 170 cm. X-ray examination revealed traces of intravital fractures: Stumpfegger on his left forearm, and Bormann on his right collarbone - he received a fracture when falling from a horse in 1941 . The SSman's fracture was recorded during his lifetime in the medical record.

When identifying the jaws of the SS doctor, there was no doubt that this was the skeleton of Stumpfegger, but there was no diagram of the jaws of Martin Bormann. In 1945, the doctor Hugo Blaschke, who treated the teeth of all Nazi leaders, restored Bormann's jaw pattern from memory. It was taken from the archive and made sure that it practically corresponds to the jaw of the disputed skeleton, with the exception of the golden bridge on the three front teeth.

Pedantic Germans sifted all the earth at the find site and three months later they found a golden bridge that perfectly fit the jaw. The old prosthetist Fritz Echtmann was found, who recognized the work he had done for Martin Bormann.

On September 4, 1973, on the report of District Attorney Richter, the Frankfurt District Tribunal canceled the arrest warrant for Martin Bormann issued on July 4, 1961. If all these claims are to be believed, then the Reichsleiter, Chief of Staff of the Deputy Führer, Hitler's personal secretary and closest associate, died in Berlin at the Invalidenbrück post on May 2, 1945, at about three o'clock in the morning.

But is it?

Both before and after the cancellation of the arrest warrant, it was repeatedly reported that Martin Bormann was seen in different parts of the world. Two years after the war, he was allegedly met in one of the monasteries of Northern Italy. Other witnesses claimed to have seen Bormann in Latin America, where many ex-Nazis settled after the war. In 1973, it was reported that Bormann, under a false name, lives quietly in Argentina, has a millionth fortune and is engaged in business. According to other sources, he allegedly died in Chile from cancer.

The German tribunal decided to eliminate all other evidence, consider Bormann dead, and completely ignore reports of meetings with him. However, many serious researchers, including those in the West, express quite fair doubts that the bones found by workers in Berlin really belong to Martin Bormann.

There is still a version that has not been refuted by anyone that Bormann fled Germany in a submarine and created a large German colony in Latin America on the border of Paraguay and Brazil, occupying several thousand square kilometers. Fortunately, the Nazis had the means for such experiments. Indeed, such settlements were created in South America, but it is not known whether Martin Bormann lived in them.

According to another version, Bormann worked for Soviet intelligence and was associated with its resident in Switzerland, the famous Shandor Rado, who later ended up in the Stalinist camps. After the fall of Berlin, the most valuable agent of the Soviet special services was secretly taken to Moscow, where he died a few years later and was buried in a German cemetery. At one time, this version was heavily exaggerated in Germany and other Western countries, but it has no documentary evidence.

In England, at the end of the 20th century, a book was published in which it was alleged that Bormann was a secret agent of British intelligence and that a special group of English commandos stole him during the storming of the bunker. Subsequently, Bormann was used more than once by the British intelligence services, but his true name was never revealed.

One can easily count more than two dozen various versions and assumptions about the possible death and life of Bormann after May 1945. According to the most conservative estimates, it could exist in more than a dozen countries under two dozen names: from Germany and France, to Latin America, from Italy to Poland and the Soviet Union.

More than once various dates of the death of Martin Bormann were called and the places where he was buried were indicated “quite accurately”. According to some sources, Bormann ended his earthly existence in Paraguay in 1959, according to others - in the USSR in 1973, and according to others - in Argentina in 1975 or in Great Britain in 1989 ... Some argue that the ashes of the Reichsleiter rest in a Paraguayan town Iga, and others in the Roman cemetery of Verano. They also called the German cemetery in Moscow. Where is the truth?!

But here in last years In the turbulent 20th century, a message spread around the world press: a genetic analysis of the bones found at the site of the possible death of Martin Bormann was carried out. He confirms his relationship with 83-year-old Amalia Volsborn, the sister of Bormann's mother, Antonia.

Is it possible to believe that this message puts an end to more than half a century of mysterious and mysterious history one of the most feared and sinister people in the Third Reich? Or, following the incredulous seekers of truth, should we say: in spite of everything, doubts remain?

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Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, known for his commitment to Eastern mysticism and occult sciences achieved that in December 1938 the Tibetan authorities invited an expedition to Tibet. At the same time, setting the condition that in the course of their work the expedition members would not kill a single animal in accordance with local religious traditions. Officially, the activities of the expedition included the study of the climate, geography and culture of Tibet.

At the same time, Schaefer's employees carried out research in the field of racology, in particular, craniological and anthropometric measurements among Tibetans to prove their belonging to the ancient Aryans.

Having stayed in the East, the expedition brought to Germany hundreds of meters of film dedicated to mystical and religious rites, many manuscripts subjected to the most careful study.
As a result, a report fell on the table to Hitler, after reading which he was extremely excited, and the idea of ​​a superweapon, as well as the idea of ​​interstellar flights, no longer left the leader of the Third Reich.
And after the establishment of radio communications between Berlin and Lhasa, a large group of representatives from Tibet arrived in Germany.

Their corpses, dressed in SS uniforms, were subsequently discovered in the premises of the Reich Chancellery and in Hitler's bunker.

What mission was assigned to these representatives of the far East remained a mystery, which they voluntarily took with them to the grave.
To what has been said, it is perhaps worth adding that in search of mystical documents, German scientists and special Sonder teams searched not only Tibet. They exported to Germany dozens and hundreds of parchments in Sanskrit, ancient Chinese.

Wernher von Braun, the creator of the first rocket aircraft, once said: "We learned a lot for ourselves in these papers."

From the history
On September 10, 1938, Heinrich Himmler invited Ernst Schaeffer to his secret meeting, in addition to Himmler and Schaeffer, three more were present at the meeting unknown person, but what they discussed as part of the expedition to Tibet remained a mystery. No minutes of the meeting were kept and all orders were given in oral. Schaeffer was at that time a well-known zoologist and botanist. Ernst Schaeffer, starting from 1931, made two expeditions to Tibet and achieved good scientific results, for which Heinrich Himmler was awarded the title of Obersturmführer.

But the Germans from the SS looked at him with distrust because of his connections with American scientists. Yes, and the freedom-loving Schaeffer often put personal interests above the interests of the Third Reich. In 1937, Himmler invited Schaeffer to join the Ahnenerbe society for greater influence on the latter. He also promised him unlimited financial opportunities. But Schaeffer refused and began to prepare his expedition to Tibet. After all, on both previous expeditions, he wanted to reach the mysterious city of Lhasa, but he never reached it. An active scientist found money for his research. At the end of April, the expedition in full force arrived in Calcutta. In this city, 12 more people joined Schaeffer. How they got there, no one knows. The political and military situation in the world was very tense, and Schaeffer found himself at the forefront of the pen of the Western press. Now he was often called a spy, and he was hunted down. Schaeffer's expedition was saved by an English official who was Schaeffer's friend and he obtained permission to visit Tibet by the expedition. Thanks to the support of the British, the expedition reached Lhasa, where the Tibetans warmly welcomed the foreigners.

Before that, only a few people visited this closed city. Schaeffer got his way, he organized a meeting of Western and Eastern swastikas. The meeting between the representative of Lhasa and Schaeffer greatly alarmed the British. From British intelligence, they learned about Schaeffer's secret negotiations with the Tibetans. Apparently this is the key to visiting Tibet by the SS. No doubt political negotiations were underway. Apparently, Himmler and Schaeffer spoke about this at a closed meeting before the start of the expedition. Himmler wanted to find the mythical land of Shambhala. The expedition included a radio operator who periodically got in touch with Berlin. In one of the radiograms, Schaeffer asks to expedite the transfer of gifts for the Dalai Lama. In turn, the Dalai Lama wrote a friendly letter in return, in which he thanked Hitler for the gifts and that he hopes for further cooperation. In response, the Dalai Lama sent Hitler a gift of a rare breed of dog and a jeweled cup. Since the second World War was gaining momentum, Schaeffer hastened to return to Germany. In Germany, Schaeffer was met by Heinrich Himmler, but the expedition was not successful, Shambhala was never discovered. Moreover, Schaeffer emphasized that he even doubted the existence of this Shambhala. Rosenberg was not particularly pleased with the results of the expedition, he wholeheartedly hoped for a successful search for Shambhala. He was convinced that the Aryans came before the Tibetans and hid in an underground country in the Himalayas.

Himmler soon after the failed expedition gave Schaeffer a new task, to prepare a group of 30 people for the transfer from the USSR to Tibet. These people were supposed to smuggle weapons for 2,000 Tibetans in order to attack the British border posts on the border with Nepal. This order indicates that Schaeffer, when meeting with the head of Tibet, negotiated specific political tasks. Germany promised to support Tibet in its fight against the British. Also, when sending a radio message from Tibet by a German radio operator, he also asked to expedite the supply of weapons to this country. Himmler offered to supply weapons to Tibet through Soviet Russia. But the terms of the war with Russia were predetermined, and in the conditions of the outbreak of war, Soviet intelligence would have instantly arrested the Germans and their plan would have failed. Rosenberg criticized Himmler's plan to send weapons through the USSR. Since the Great Patriotic War and these plans of the Germans were not destined to come true.
Although the study of Tibet was very useful to the Germans. After the German invasion of the USSR, Himmler asked the Ahnenerbe to make an analysis of the Eastern peoples, which of them could be used as a labor force, and who as an ally, and who should be destroyed. The Ahnenerbe developed a project that required the racial qualifications of 50 peoples. Schaeffer dealt with the problems associated with by the German army. Schaeffer developed a new breed of dog based on the Tibetan Terrier. From the same terrier that the Dalai Lama gave to Hitler. The dogs were supposed to be replaced by a German Shepherd in the service. Tibetan terriers were distinguished by their strength and bloodthirstiness. In 1944, the "Friendly and Mysterious Tibet" propaganda campaign was launched in Germany. Many of Hitler's entourage recalled that he, being under the influence of the occult, until his last days believed in an alliance with magicians living in the East, and with their help he would be able to change the course of the war.

The missing expedition to Tibet of five SS officers led by Obersturmführer Heinrich Harrer, who arrived in a distant mountainous state with Himmler's personal order - to find the mystical country of Shambhala, where, according to legend, the axis of the earth is located ...

ON NOVEMBER 28, 1942, shortly after the encirclement of the German army in Stalingrad and the defeat of the Wehrmacht divisions in Africa, Himmler, head of the SS and head of the German Interior Ministry, visited Hitler with a 2000-page report. After that, they talked face to face for six hours. Himmler's report (leaked from which was first published in 1990) contained a sensational proposal - to urgently send a special squad of experienced climbers and scientists to Tibet in order to find the caves of Shambhala. A mystic to the marrow of his bones, Himmler sincerely believed that if the axis of the world was turned in the opposite direction and turned back, Germany could return to the favorable year 1939 for her - given all the previous mistakes, she could start the war again and win it. A map was attached to the project, which indicated the approximate location of Shambhala - it was compiled by the first Nazi expedition to Tibet in 1938. Filming of this expedition, by the way, after the war was found in one of the Masonic lodges in Germany. And then, according to the official version, it burned down during a fire in Cologne in the autumn of 1945 - according to rumors, the entrance to Shambhala and a drawing of the axis of the world were captured on it.

In 1945, NKVD officers examining the dilapidated Reich Chancellery were shocked by what they found in the basement of the bodies of murdered Tibetan lamas. It is known that the Third Reich largely resorted to the occult sciences. Therefore, until his death, Hitler, already surrounded by flags like a wolf, hoped that Shambhala would be found - this is also evidenced by his statements about a "miracle", which began to be heard in the spring of 1945.

In January 1943, in strict secrecy, five people left Berlin for Tibet, led by a professional mountaineer from Austria, Heinrich Harrer, and Himmler's confidant, Peter Aufschnaiter. However, already in May, the entire company was arrested in British India and placed in prison. It is not known how, but all the SS men soon managed to escape, and at the end of the year they arrived in Tibet. What happened to them next remains a mystery to this day.

I remember Heinrich Harrer very well,” said the Dalai Lama of Tibet, who lives in Dharmsala (India), in an exclusive interview, to whom, at the time of the arrival of the SS expedition to mountain country was seven years old. - I met him after the war, in 1948, when he arrived in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa. It turned out that Harrer had been wandering around Tibet in search of Shambhala for a WHOLE FIVE YEARS, and only by chance did he learn from an Indian merchant who turned up to him that Germany had capitulated and the war was over. By that time, only Aufschnaiter remained from his group.

So, where was the SS expedition all these years? Some historians believe that Harrer (who posed as a German salesman in Tibet who fled from the British) eventually found the axis of the world, but did not understand how to spin it in the opposite direction. It is also not clear where his three satellites have gone. But according to the legends about Shambhala, there is a huge energy in the axis of the earth, and you can’t just approach it just like that - that’s why Shambhala in mythology was considered the center that controls the whole world. The one who touched it could not only manage time, but also become the owner of magical properties: the ability to establish protection biofields and cast fire from heaven to earth. Moreover, the legends said that the energy of Shambhala gave immortality, and Himmler, who believed in this, in the event that the mythological axis of the world was discovered, was ready to transfer thousands of paratroopers to Tibet in order to form the invincible Legion of the Immortals.

In addition to the buildings of Lhasa and Yarling, numerous rituals and magical practices were captured on the film, shot by German cameramen. With the help of the gurus called evil spirits, the mediums went into a trance, the hysterical dances of the Bonz monks - all this was captured by an impassive German cameraman. Interestingly, the Germans were not so much interested in Buddhism as in the Bon religion. The Bon religion was practiced in Tibet even before the advent of Buddhism. This religion is based on beliefs in evil spirits (animic, i.e. natural) and ways to deal with them.

Among the adherents of this religion are many sorcerers and magicians. In Tibet, where prejudice dominates the mind of the adherents of the Bon religion, they are considered the best in dealing with otherworldly forces. It was aspects of this religion that most interested the Germans. Numerous mantras, ancient texts did not escape their attention. It is believed that the effect of mantras uttered in trance is achieved by acoustic resonance. It is the sounds of these frequencies, according to the Tibetans, that are able to tune in to the mood necessary for communicating with a particular spirit.

The expedition worked tirelessly on these mysteries, but the approaching storm of the Second World War forced the SS magicians to hastily return home. Relations with Lhasa continued until 1943.

In 1945, during the storming of Berlin Soviet troops will be thrilled to see dead Tibetans in SS uniform.

There were many versions - Hitler's bodyguards, magicians. In the 1920s, a Tibetan lama lived in Berlin, known for who wore green gloves as a sign of belonging to the "green brothers". "Green" three times guessed the number of Nazis who will go to the Reichstag in the elections. Since 1926, Tibetan colonies began to appear in Berlin and Munich. In the same years, the Green Brothers Society, akin to the Thule Society, appeared in Tibet. Contact was established between the two "brothers". Many Tibetans under fascism became "court" astrologers, clairvoyants and soothsayers. One of their appearance should speak of the wisdom of the East and its miraculous power. But the state of affairs changed, and the power of the magicians came to an inevitable end. During this time, many Tibetans committed suicide, disillusioned with what they had served so diligently for so many years. Maybe the corpses of these "desperate" caught the eye Soviet soldiers, who drove the last nail into the abode of evil ... A quite reasonable question arises, why did the Germans become the chosen ones for the rulers of Tibet? Why was Schaeffer's German expedition given such a warm welcome?

Unlike most expeditions that visited Tibet, it was German propaganda that carried the idea of ​​a new world order based on racial characteristics, the idea of ​​a superman ... Expeditions from the USSR and England had only government assignments to introduce agents and expand spheres of influence. The British wanted to keep out the Soviets, with the ideas of communism, and the Soviets, in turn, wanted to expand the boundaries of their influence in China and Tibet, considering the latter as a springboard for penetrating into India. Therefore, the Tibetans turned their attention to the Germans with their ideas for rebuilding the world. And that is why the expeditions of Blumkin, Roerich, organized by the NKVD failed! Earthly goals did not attract the Tibetans ..

The first official information about Himmler's "Tibetan project" appeared only in the early nineties, before that historians were content with vague rumors. After working at the court of the Dalai Lama (he taught the child English language) Harrer left Lhasa in 1951 and returned to Austria with a huge archive, which was immediately confiscated from him by the British.
Later, the climber published a book of memoirs, Seven Years in Tibet.
By the time that part of Himmler's report fell into the hands of newspapermen, Harrer had already died, without officially admitting that he had been sent to Tibet by Himmler.
The archive of the Tibetan SS expedition, including filming, the British authorities refuse to declassify.
There are only assumptions that it is captured there: the film shows the summoning of evil spirits and the entry into the religious ecstasy of the shamans of an ancient cult that existed in Tibet even before Buddhism: their visions were supposed to indicate the location of the axis of the world.

Shambhala exists, but not in the sense they imagine, the Dalai Lama said.
“You can’t just come in and touch it with your hands.
Shambhala is in another dimension, and only those who have access to higher levels consciousness.

The onset of the twentieth century was marked by extraordinary, incredible incidents, the veil of secrecy over which will not open soon.

The Eileenmore Lighthouse Mystery - 1900. A truly sinister incident occurred in the winter of 1900 on the desert island of Flannan (Great Britain). On December 15, three keepers of the Eileen More lighthouse - Thomas Marshal, Donald MacArthur and James Dukat - disappeared without a trace.

Something strange happened: in the caretaker's house, all things remained intact, even the wicks of the lamp were cleaned and trimmed, there was oil in the cups. The last entry in the logbook had been made the day before, in which the keepers described a violent storm around the island. It seemed absolutely unbelievable because that night the weather was wonderful and the sea was calm.

Searches for watchmen were immediately organized throughout the island. But the missing were never found. It was not possible to find a reasonable explanation for their mysterious disappearance. People disappeared, as if they were suddenly taken away from the sinister island by some unknown force.

Paris crash - what happened to time in 1902? A strange phenomenon, called the "Paris Glitch", was observed in the French capital on the night of December 29-30, 1902. In many places of the city, at 1:05 a.m., all wall pendulum clocks stopped at the same time. Along with this, according to the Journal of Knowledge, No. 1, 1903, many people felt nauseated, dizzy, and close to fainting.

The director of the central meteorological station of Paris then officially announced that no atmospheric anomalies had been observed during all this time. Seismographs have not noted a single case of ground vibrations. It is curious that only the pendulum mechanisms stopped, the “Paris failure” had no effect on the spring clock.

According to eyewitnesses, something was wrong with the famous Foucault pendulum at that time: it changed the amplitude of oscillations and, probably, even stopped for a while. An entry about this was made in the observation log, however, later the corresponding sheet in the log was replaced. To whom and why it was required, it is not clear.

It is possible that the experiments of the great scientist Nikola Tesla led to the Paris crash. It was during these years that he was engaged in research on magnetic fields and high frequencies in his laboratory, conducted experiments on the transfer of electricity without wires over long distances.

The stop of the clock stirred up the whole city. Many versions of the reason for what happened were put forward. There were many guesses, but none of them shed light on the nature of this mysterious phenomenon. And most likely, we will not know the truth about the Paris crash for a long time.

Tunguska meteorite - Siberian catastrophe of 1908. In June 1908, a large fireball flew over the vast territory of Eastern Siberia between the Lena and Podkamennaya Tunguska rivers from the southeast to the northwest from the side of the Sun. People who watched him fly across the cloudless sky were horrified by the blindingly bright light and rumbling sounds. Panic broke out in remote taiga villages.

The flight of the space alien ended with a grandiose explosion over the deserted taiga at an altitude of about 7-10 kilometers. In a matter of seconds, a forest was tumbled down by a blast wave within a radius of about 40 kilometers, animals were destroyed, and people were injured. For many years, a fiery hurricane turned the once rich vegetation and game taiga into a dull cemetery of a dead forest.

The explosion and the subsequent blast wave were recorded by observatories around the world. After that, for several more days, the sky and clouds in the area shone, including at night.

At the site of the disaster, as a result of the explosion, a partial mutation of plants occurred, the growth of trees accelerated, the chemical composition and physical properties soil.

Scientists failed to find the wreckage celestial body or at least the substance left from his fall. It is still not known exactly what caused the explosion in the summer of 1908: there is still no official hypothesis.

Italian ghost train in a time loop. On June 14, 1911, the Rome Railway Company and the Sanetti firm held an advertising campaign demonstrating new type pleasure train. They arranged a free demonstration tour for members of the public. At noon, a three-car train departed from the Roman station. It carried one hundred passengers and six crew members.

The train drove into a foggy tunnel in Lombardy and went missing. Two passengers managed to jump out of the last car: they said that the fog that swallowed the train was viscous, like jelly. Today, this tunnel, by the way, does not exist: at first it was closed to trains, and during the Second World War, an air bomb hit it.

According to legend, 104 passengers showed up in… Mexico City. The notes of the Mexican psychiatrist José Saxino say that exactly this number of patients literally in one day came to his clinic from the local police department.

The unfortunates spoke Italian and claimed to have arrived from Rome by train. But the problem was different. The fact is that Saksino lived and worked in the first half of the 19th century, and published his notes in the 1840s! Thus, the Italian train cut through time. Here is a story about how the trailer started moving ...

Fortune teller Vanga - 1911. On January 31, the legendary Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, who received the gift of prophecy at the age of 12 after she was carried away and blinded by a tornado.

Her name is still shrouded in legends. She had the gift not only to heal physical and moral ailments, but also knew how to penetrate into the past and future of people who came to her.

In her sayings mystics find the predictions of many historical events: September 11, 2001, tragic fate Princess Diana, the disaster of the nuclear submarine "Kursk", etc. In 2014, in her prophecies, they also discovered a prediction about the annexation of Crimea to Russia: "Crimea will tear itself away from one coast and grow to another."

20 skeletons from a missing sailboat - 1913. In 1913, the Marlboro sailing ship was discovered in the waters of the Tierra del Fuego archipelago near Cape Horn, which disappeared without a trace 23 years earlier - it left New Zealand in early 1890, and since then there has been no news from it.

The remains of twenty people were found aboard the mysterious ship. Most of them were in the places provided for by the watch schedule. On the deck, as the sailors who found the ship claimed, there were no signs of a struggle. The holds were empty.

Everything that happened looked too strange. Where all these 23 years could be "Marlboro"? After all, busy trade routes ran near Cape Horn: every month dozens or even hundreds of ships passed by the Tierra del Fuego archipelago. How could the Marlboro, thrown to the will of the waves, go unnoticed?

Veles book - 1920. During civil war in Russia, Colonel of the White Army Ali Izenbek discovered 43 tablets with runic Slavic inscriptions near Kharkov in a plundered princely estate. They were copied, translated into Russian and published abroad under the title "Book of Veles".

The authenticity of this enigmatic historical monument is disputed in modern times. Veles book is not recognized by academic historians.

The Beast on the River Paint - 1922. In 1922, a huge animal with a snake-like neck and a large head was seen on the Paint River (USA). According to the descriptions of several eyewitnesses at once, the monster resembled a relic lizard. It was of a dark color on the ridge of which, six tuberous outgrowths, characteristic of its species, clearly loomed. The animal was observed for just a few minutes, then it moved north along the river towards the Great Lakes.

Not so long ago, the relic lizard was seen one more time. He suddenly appeared on the same river and just as suddenly disappeared. One thing is clear that this is another one of the unsolved mysteries that humanity will have to solve in the future.

Baby from Taung - the missing link of evolution - 1924. Not far from the village of Taung (South Africa), a “skull of the child of Taung” was found, the estimated age of which is 2.5 million years.

Opinions were expressed that these remains do not belong to a person, but to an alien. It was alleged that the poor man did not die of natural causes, as evidenced by the characteristic damage on his skull.

Waterman from Vedlozero - 1928. Over the village of Shuknavolok near Vedlozero (Karelia), they observed the passage of a cylindrical ten-meter body, from the tail of which a flame came out. Breaking the ice of the lake mysterious object went under water. Since locals they began to meet on the shore a strange big-headed creature a little more than a meter tall with thin arms and legs, which, when people appeared, dived back into the water.

Meeting with Nessie - 1933. The first documented sighting of the monster Nessie in the Scottish Loch Ness.

To date, about 4000 observations and meetings with him have been noted.

Scottish Loch Ness was scanned by sonar. Instruments showed something strange.

Recently, the monster was seen on satellite maps.

Is teleportation possible? U.S. Navy Top Secret Philadelphia Experiment - October 28, 1943. There is no official data about this experiment. It is believed that during a top-secret experiment by the US military, the destroyer Eldridge allegedly disappeared, and then appeared tens of kilometers from the place of the experiment, along with a crew of 181 sailors.

Surprisingly, even physicists refuted the very idea of ​​​​the possibility of such an experiment, since, according to them, during the war, indeed, the US Navy conducted experiments to protect the bottom of ships from mines with magnetic detonators by creating around the ship's hull electromagnetic field. Moreover, this technology during the war years was strictly secret. Obviously, this is how the legend of the fantastic experiment was born.

The post-war sailors who served on the Eldridge always denied the events described. However, only 21 people survived from the entire crew. Some of the sailors lost the ability to walk without leaning against the walls, while others were in a state of constant terror. In such a situation, there is a feeling of some understatement. And today there are more questions about this mysterious experience than answers.

1945. Mass invasion of UFOs in Queensland (Australia).

The mysterious disappearance of the leaders of the Third Reich (Müller, Bormann and others) - 1945. There is a version that between April 27 and 30, 1945, the leaders of the Third Reich were transported from Germany on a special flight of Junkers-290. The plane's passengers included 13 prominent Nazis, including Martin Bormann and Heinrich Müller.

Martin Bormann (June 17, 1900 – May 2, 1945?) was a prominent Nazi official. He was head of the Chancellery Party (Parteikanzlei) and Adolf Hitler's personal secretary. After the war, Bormann's corpse was not found, he was convicted in absentia in Nuremberg.

According to unconfirmed reports, Bormann was seen around the world for two decades, more often in Europe, Paraguay and other countries. South America. Some rumors claim that Bormann had plastic surgery.

1947. July 7 in Magdalena (New Mexico, USA) crashed an unknown aircraft. Among the wreckage, 6 corpses of creatures similar to humans were allegedly found. Naturally, the government classified the finds, thereby giving rise to the wildest versions.

1952. July, America is in shock. What is happening in the sky over Washington defies logical explanation and gives rise to the most incredible rumors. And the reason for this is the wave of UFO sightings that swept through the District of Columbia. Unidentified flying objects with enviable constancy appeared over Washington in the period from 12 to 26 July.

1955. An explosion of unknown nature that struck under the bottom of the battleship Novorossiysk on the night of October 29, 1955, claimed the lives of 608 sailors and officers. The huge ship capsized and sank in the Northern Bay of Sevastopol - in front of thousands of citizens.

1956. A fighter jet from a British air base in August was subjected to a UFO chase for 20 minutes. Later, the device simply vanished into thin air.

1958. On December 14, a message appeared on the pages of the Youth of Yakutia newspaper about the “Labynkyr Devil”. So the local Yakuts call the monster, huge dark gray, with a giant mouth and very aggressive, which is found in Lake Labynkyr in the Oymyakonsky district. It is called very dangerous, capable of leaving the water on land. And the size can be judged by the fact that the distance between the eyes of the monster is estimated at the width of a raft of 10 logs.

1959. In February, contact was lost with a group of tourists led by Igor Dyatlov. A full-scale search was organized, then after the discovery of the bodies, a major official investigation. There were many versions of what happened, but the death of the Dyatlov group remained undisclosed.

1963. Off the coast of Puerto Rico, the US Navy was conducting maneuvers. At this time, they noticed a very fast moving object. The speed of the object was amazing - 280 km / h.

1963. On October 22, John F. Kennedy, the thirty-fifth president of the United States, was shot dead in Dallas, Texas. Shortly thereafter, Lee Harvey Oswald was captured and charged with the murder. But even today, the events of that day, motives and actions raise more questions than they give answers.

1968. On March 28, the first cosmonaut of the Earth, Yuri Gagarin, died. Official version death also caused a lot of controversy, and according to Vanga, he did not die, but "was taken."

1969. The landing of the Americans on the moon. The fact itself is still disputed. The version of falsification has many supporters.

1977. On September 20, at 4 o'clock in the morning, the "Petrozavodsk Miracle" took place. Above the main street of the city, a UFO was noticed in the form of a star, very bright, with red rays extending from it. Later, the star crumbled into a fiery rain, and objects were massively observed over the entire north of the USSR and Finland. Holes were also found in the glasses of the upper floors of houses - large sizes and with sharp edges.

1982. On one of the ships Black Sea Fleet in Tsemesskaya Bay, all the clocks on board stopped.

1986. On January 29, a UFO crashed on the hill "height 611" near Dalnegorsk.

Metal drops with holes inside of different nature, black vitreous particles weighing up to 30 mg, loose flakes of quartz fibers 30 microns thick in the form of a mesh were found at the crash site.

Each such fiber was twisted from even thinner quartz flagella, inside of which a golden thread was inserted.

1987. 2,000 dolphins washed up on the coast of Brazil. Such a mass suicide was repeated in 2009 off the coast of New Zealand, where pilot whales threw themselves out.

1989. Already the fourth mass suicide of whales off the coast of Chile - 140 individuals died.

1991. On April 12, an explosion occurred in Sasovo, Ryazan region, during a UFO flight over the city. In place of the funnel, anomalous activity is recorded - failure of electronic devices, reprogramming of calculators.

1993. In just 10 months, 48 ​​ships with more than two hundred sailors disappeared in the "Pacific Triangle" near Western Micronesia.

1994. Not far from Celakovice (Czech Republic) a strange burial of the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century was found. It was called the "cemetery of the vampires" due to the fact that 13 remains in 11 pits were buried tied with aspen stakes in the heart. Also, some of the bodies had their hands and heads cut off.

1996. The first closed ecosystem was discovered in the Romanian Movil cave. 30 species of crustaceans, spiders, centipedes, insects and plants have lived in total darkness in isolation for the last 5 million years.

1996. In the village of Kaolinovy ​​near Kyshtym, at the cemetery, pensioner Tamara Vasilievna Prosvirina discovered a strange half-dead creature.

The 30 cm humanoid ate human food, had a strange smell, and had a head with a high forehead, eyes, and mouth. The pensioner named the creature Alyoshenka and left it to live with her.

Several people saw him during the month spent at Prosvirina. After that, the woman was placed in connection with the exacerbation of schizophrenia in a psychiatric hospital. The creature is dead.

And on August 5, 1999, on the eve of an interview with Japanese journalists, Tamara Vasilyevna was also hit by two cars at night.

The twentieth century is rich in various mysterious events and dark spots of history, many of which have not yet been revealed or clarified to the end. Here is some of them:


On Flannan Island (Great Britain), the entire watch of lighthouse keepers Eileen Moore (Eileen Moore lighthouse) disappeared without a trace. Pictured is the Eileen Moore lighthouse today.


On the night of December 29-30, at 1:05 a.m., clocks stopped in many places in Paris. The causes of the "Paris crash" remained unclear. In the photo of the beginning of the last century - the clock tower that adorns the Gare de Lyon in Paris


The fall of the Tunguska meteorite, presumably, was the cause of an air explosion that occurred in the area of ​​the Podkamennaya Tunguska River, with a capacity of 40-50 megatons. The explosion at Tunguska was heard 800 km from the epicenter, the blast wave knocked down a forest over an area of ​​2100 sq. km, and the windows of some houses were shattered within a radius of 200 km. Shortly after the explosion, a magnetic storm began, which lasted 5 hours.


On July 14, a pleasure train left the Rome railway station for a trip arranged by the Sanetti firm for wealthy Italians. Along the way, the three-car train and 106 of its passengers disappeared at the entrance to the tunnel.


On January 31, the legendary Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga was born, who received the gift of prophecy at the age of 12 after she was carried away and blinded by a tornado.


Off the coast of Tierra del Fuego, the Marlborough sailing ship, the new Flying Dutchman, was discovered, leaving New Zealand at the beginning of 1890, but not calling at any port. The remains of 20 people were found on the bridge and in the premises.


In the summer, during the melting of the glaciers on Ararat, pilot lieutenant Roskovitsky and his co-pilot on a reconnaissance aircraft of the imperial air force found on the side of the mountain something similar to the remains of Noah's ark.


An ancient Slavic monument was found - the Book of Veles, the authenticity of which is disputed in our time.


On the Paint River (USA), a huge animal with a snake-like neck and a large head, resembling a relic lizard, was seen. In the photo - the Paint River (Michigan, USA) today


Not far from the village of Taung (South Africa), the “skull of the child of Taung” was found, whose age is estimated at 2.5 million years, and which is attributed to extraterrestrial origin. In the photo, anthropologist Philip V. Tobias with the skull of the "child of Taung".


Over the village of Shuknavolok near Vedlozero (Karelia), they observed the passage of a cylindrical ten-meter body, from the tail of which a flame came out. Having broken through the ice of the lake, the mysterious object went under water. Since then, local residents began to meet on the shore a strange big-headed creature a little more than a meter tall with thin arms and legs, which, when people appeared, dived back into the water. In the photo - Vedlozero (Karelia, Russia) today


The first documented sighting of the monster Nessie in the Scottish Loch Ness. To date, about 4000 observations and meetings with him have been noted. A sonar survey of the entire volume of the lake in 1992 found 5 giant lizards.


In October 1943, in the United States, in an atmosphere of extreme secrecy on the destroyer Eldridge, the Philadelphia experiment, which had no analogues in history, was carried out to create a warship invisible to enemy radars. As a result of the creation of a very strong magnetic field around the ship, the ship allegedly disappeared, and then instantly moved in space for several tens of kilometers. Of the entire crew, only 21 returned unharmed. 27 people literally fused with the structure of the ship, 13 died from burns, radiation, electric shock and fear.


Mass invasion of UFOs in Queensland (Australia).


The mysterious disappearance of the leaders of the Third Reich (Müller, Bormann and others). No remains found. The emergence of versions of their escape to Latin America. The photo shows Martin Bormann and, presumably, his skull, whose ownership was disputed.



July 7 in Magdalena (New Mexico, USA) crashed an unknown aircraft. Among the wreckage, 6 corpses of creatures similar to humans were allegedly found. In the photo - presumably one of the humanoids who died in a UFO crash in Roswell (New Mexico, USA), July 22, 1947


July 1952 America is in shock. What is happening in the sky over Washington defies logical explanation and gives rise to the most incredible rumors. And the reason for this is the wave of UFO sightings that swept through the District of Columbia. Unidentified flying objects with enviable constancy appeared over Washington in the period from 12 to 26 July. In the photo: UFO squadron over the Capitol.


In Hopkinsville (Kentucky, USA), after the UFO explosion, a small luminous man with huge eyes was seen for some time.


An explosion of unknown nature that struck under the bottom of the battleship Novorossiysk on the night of October 29, 1955, claimed the lives of 608 sailors and officers. The huge ship capsized and sank in the Northern Bay of Sevastopol - in front of thousands of citizens.


In August, a UFO chased a fighter for 20 minutes at a British air base, after which it disappeared into the air. The photo is believed to be a UFO. USA, California, 1957


On December 14, the Youth of Yakutia newspaper wrote about a giant monster that lives in Lake Labynkyr. The local Yakuts believe that some huge animal lives in the lake - the "Labynkyrsky Devil", as they call it. According to the descriptions of the Yakuts, this is something of a dark gray color with a huge mouth. The distance between the eyes of the "devil" is equal to the width of a raft of ten logs. According to the legend, the “devil” is very aggressive and dangerous, attacks people and animals, and is able to go ashore. In the photo - Lake Labynkyr (Oymyakonsky district of Yakutia, Russia)


On February 1, a group of experienced tourists led by Igor Dyatlov began climbing to the top of "1079" (Mountain of the Dead). We didn’t manage to get up before dark and pitched a tent right on the slope. We started to settle down for the night. And then something terrible happened ... As the investigators later established, having cut the wall of the tent with knives, the tourists in panic horror rushed to run down the slope. They ran, who was in what: in underwear, half-dressed, barefoot. Later, the corpses of all nine members of the group were found down the slope. Most died of hypothermia. Several people had terrible internal injuries, while the skin was not damaged. The cause of the tragedy is still unknown. The last shot of the Dyatlov group on the Mountain of the Dead:


During the maneuvers of the US Navy off the coast of Puerto Rico, a moving object was noticed, developing an unprecedented speed for a ship - about 280 km / h.


On November 22, 1963, the thirty-fifth President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Despite the fact that Kennedy's killer - Lee Harvey Oswald was captured a few hours later, the true motives and customers of the most high-profile assassination of the 20th century have not yet been established.


In the valley of Bluff Creek, a female "Bigfoot" was captured on film (the author of the film is Roger Patterson).


The official date of the death of Yuri Gagarin. Few believed in his death. The soothsayer Vanga claimed that the first cosmonaut did not die, but "was taken."


The landing of the Americans on the moon. The fact itself is still disputed. The version of falsification has many supporters.


"Petrozavodsk wonder": September 20 at 4 o'clock in the morning a UFO in the form of a bright star, from which rays of red color departed, was seen above the main street of Petrozavodsk - Lenin Street. The phenomenon was accompanied by mass sightings of UFOs in the northern regions of the USSR and in Finland. Later, large holes with very sharp edges were found in the glass of the upper floors. In the photo is a copy of the only known photograph of the "Petrozavodsk diva" - the stage of fiery rain and fig. V. Lukyants "Solovki" (magazine "Technology - Youth" No. 4, 1980)


In the Tsemess Bay (Black Sea), on one of the ships of the Black Sea Fleet, all the clocks stopped on board. In the photo - Tsemesskaya Bay today


On January 29, a UFO crashed near Dalnegorsk (Hill 611). In the photo - the crash site and part of the "exhibits" from the crash site: metal drops of various nature with holes inside, black vitreous particles weighing up to 30 mg, as well as loose scales in the form of a mesh of quartz fibers 30 microns thick, each of which is twisted from even thinner quartz flagella, each of which, in turn, is inserted with a gold thread.


Mass suicide of 2000 dolphins - they threw themselves on the coast of Brazil. Pictured: pilot whale dolphins that washed ashore in New Zealand in 2009.


In the Movil cave (Romania), a closed ecosystem was first discovered, not connected with the earth. 30 species of plants and animals (crustaceans, spiders, centipedes and insects) have been found here, living in isolation in the dark for 5 million years.


A strange half-dead creature was discovered in a cemetery in the village of Kaolinovy ​​near Kyshtym by a lonely pensioner Tamara Vasilievna Prosvirina. The creature became known as the "Kyshtym dwarf". The creature ate human food and looked and smelled strange. The body length of the creature was approximately 30 cm, it had a torso, arms, legs, a head with a high frontal lobe, a mouth and eyes. The pensioner gave the creature a baby name - "Alyoshenka". "Alyoshenka" lived in the pensioner's house for about a month.

Alyoshenka was also seen by other people: Tamara Prosvirina's daughter-in-law, as well as some acquaintances. Subsequently, Tamara Prosvirina was placed in a psychiatric hospital due to an exacerbation of schizophrenia. In the end, the creature died, and the causes of death have not been finally established, among them death from improper feeding and lack of care, or murder under unclear circumstances, is most often indicated. Tamara Prosvirina died on August 5, 1999 - she was hit by two cars at night. At this time, representatives of the Japanese television company, who were filming documentary about this phenomenon. The house where the Kyshtym humanoid lived:

The creature's mummy was discovered in August 1996 by police captain Yevgeny Mokichev (pictured) during his investigation of the theft of an electric cable. The policeman who discovered the mummy handed it over to his colleague, Vladimir Bendlin, who began his own investigation into the origin and nature of the creature, but soon the mummy "Alyoshenka" disappeared under strange circumstances. Her whereabouts are currently unknown.

The twentieth century is, after all, quite recently and has long been unsolved mysteries The twentieth century is already unsolved secrets of the past, and there are many of them. So, let's try to consider chronological order the most famous riddles and secrets of the twentieth century, which seriously influenced the growth of interest in the paranormal, UFOs and the possibility of communicating with aliens.

1900 - disappearance of people at the Eileen Moore lighthouse

On December 15, 1900, the lights of the Eileen Moore lighthouse went out, and three lighthouse keepers disappeared without a trace. Eileen Moore Lighthouse is located on Flannan Island 15 miles west of Lewes in Scotland. Recordings of what happened in the lighthouse logbook made this mysterious disappearance the best documented disappearance and haunting.

1902 - the Paris glitch or when the clock stopped

In the houses of Paris, all pendulum wall clocks stop at 1:05 a.m. on the night of December 29-30, 1902. It has not been possible to establish what caused the "Paris failure". According to the meteorological service, no anomalous phenomena occurred in the atmosphere at that time. Many people at this time, as the Parisian "Herald of Knowledge" wrote, experienced dizziness close to fainting and nausea.

The clock tower at the Gare de Lyon in Paris, photo from the beginning of the last century

1908 - the Tunguska meteorite falls

The fall of the Tunguska meteorite on June 17, 1908 (June 30, old style) in the area of ​​the Podkamennaya Tunguska River was accompanied by an air explosion of 40-50 megatons with a power. First, a fireball flew, which exploded at an altitude of about 7-10 km, and then a magnetic storm lasted for 5 hours. The explosion from the fall of the Tunguska meteorite knocked down a forest on an area of ​​2100 square meters. km, at a distance of 200 km from the epicenter of the explosion, windows were broken in houses. And the explosion was heard even at a distance of 800 km.

What would seem unusual in the fall of a meteorite, except for the amount of destruction? Meteorites are constantly falling to earth. But ... the Tunguska meteorite was never found. Even the place of its fall was discovered 20 years later at a distance of 100 km from the explosion.

1911 - the disappearance of the tourist train

July 14, 1911 Wealthy Italian tourists set off on a trip organized by the Sanetti firm on a tourist train from the railway station in Rome. The train had 3 carriages and 106 passengers. Along the way, the train disappeared along with the passengers at the entrance to the tunnel. This mysterious disappearance is called the birthday of ghost trains that mysteriously disappear and suddenly rush past.

1911 - Vanga was born - the most famous clairvoyant of the twentieth century

On January 31, 1911, Vanga, the most famous clairvoyant of the 20th century, was born in Bulgaria. Vanga received the gift of clairvoyance along with blindness at the age of 12 after meeting with a tornado that took the girl away and made her blind.

1912 - the predicted death of the Titanic

On April 14, 1912, the giant ocean liner Titanic collided with an iceberg and sank. More than 1,300 people died as a result of the collision. But the biggest mystery of the history of the twentieth century is that the death of the Titanic was predicted and described in detail by several people. A year before the disaster, a novel describing this tragedy was published.

1913 - discovered Flying Dutchman XX century - sailing ship "Marlboro"

The Marlborough sailboat left New Zealand at the beginning of 1890 and was discovered off the coast of Tierra del Fuego only in 1913. On board were the remains of 20 people. For all the time of its voyage, the sailing ship did not call at any port.

1916 - Noah's Ark discovered on Mount Ararat

Noah's Ark, or what was left of it, was seen by pilots of the Imperial Air Force: Lieutenant Roskovitsky and his co-pilot during a reconnaissance flight. It was summer - the period when glaciers melt on Mount Ararat.

1920 - the "Book of Veles" was found

Other names of the monument Slavic writing: Book of Veles, Vles book, Vleskniga, Vles book, Isenbek's Tablets. Scientific disputes continue about the authenticity of the Slavic monument Veles book. The main arguments in favor of the opinion of falsification: too high-quality presentation of the Slavic history of the period from the 7th century BC to the 7th century BC. e. until the ninth century A.D. e. and... the language of Vleskniga does not at all correspond to modern knowledge about the languages ​​and dialects of that era.

1922 - a relic lizard was discovered

Eyewitnesses saw an unusual animal with a snake-like neck and a large head of enormous size on the Paint River in the USA.

1924 - The skull of the Taung child is discovered

Pictured is anthropologist Philip W. Tobias holding the skull of the Taung child

AT South Africa near the village of Taung, a skull of a child was found, which, after the place of the find, was named the skull of the child of Taung. According to experts, the skull is 2.5 million years old, so the emergence of a hypothesis about its extraterrestrial origin has become natural.

1925 - the human brain is discovered, which is about 300 million years old

Near the city of Odintsovo, in a quarry of a brick factory, workers discovered a well-preserved " human brain". The unsolved mystery of history how the human brain got into the era of the Paleozoic era, the layers of which were being developed. The Paleozoic era is about 300 million years ago, when there were no mammals yet.

Pictured brain modern man on the right, a brain from a quarry in Odintsovo on the left.

As you can see, the structure is very similar, despite the difference of 300 million years

1928 - UFO fell in Karelia

Near Vedlozero in Karelia, a UFO flew over the village of Shuknavolok and fell into the lake. The villagers saw a cylindrical UFO flying, 10 m long. One end of the UFO was on fire and a strange flying object was falling into the lake. Breaking through the ice, an unidentified flying object went under water.

After this incident, local residents often saw a strange creature on the shore with an unusually large head and thin arms and legs, the height of a presumably alien, according to eyewitnesses, is slightly more than one meter. When people appeared, the creature went under water.

1933 Nessie monster discovered in Loch Ness in Scotland

The debate about the existence and origin of the Loch Ness monster continues. About 4,000 people have already claimed to have seen Nessie in Loch Ness. However, there are very few photo and video materials that would allow the dispute to be resolved. The authenticity of the first photograph clearly showing Nessie was questioned by the photographer's friends after his death.

A sonar survey of Loch Ness in 1992 showed the presence of 5 giant pangolins in the water.

1943 Philadelphia experiment

In October 1943, the US military carried out the top-secret Philadelphia experiment in an atmosphere of extreme secrecy. The purpose of the Philadelphia experiment was to develop new technology, which would allow you to create a ship invisible on radar - an invisible ship for opponents. During the experiment, a strong magnetic field was created around the destroyer Eldridge. The destroyer "Eldridge" disappeared from the radar, and then immediately, almost instantly appeared on the radar, but already at a distance of tens of kilometers from the point of disappearance.

After the completion of such a "successful" experiment, 21 people were found alive on the ship, 13 died from burns, electric shock, exposure, and fear. And what happened to the other 27 defies any explanation - people were found literally fused, merged with the ship's hull.

1945 - UFO invasion in Australia

In Queensland, Australia, for the first time, eyewitnesses observed a massive UFO invasion. Subsequently, an anomalous zone was designated in the north of Queensland, where UFOs began to appear almost regularly. The anomalous zone was called "UFO nesting area.

1945 - the mysterious disappearance of the leaders of the Third Reich

The remains of the leaders of the Third Reich Muller, Bormann and a number of others were never found. As a result, a version appeared about the unusual escape of the leadership of the Third Reich to Latin America.

A photograph of Martin Bormann and his skull, however, the fact that this is the skull of Martin Bormann has not yet been fully confirmed

1945 - the disappearance of aircraft in the Bermuda Triangle

On December 5, 1945, after stopping all instruments and losing course, 6 aircraft of the US Air Force disappeared without a trace in the "white water" in the Bermuda Triangle. The development of the tragedy was followed by Air Force specialists and everything is documented, read more about the disappearance of aircraft in - Bermuda Triangle- The history and mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

1946 - unknown giant hairy beast found

On the shore in the town of Bridport in the north of Tasmania near Australia, an unknown giant beast was found dead. The body of the beast was completely covered with short hair. Another corpse of the same unknown animal with wool similar to sheep was discovered in the north of Tasmania, near the town of Temma in 1961. Outwardly, the animals look like prehistoric mammoths, perhaps because of the place of the find, scientists attributed them to the whales.

1947 Roswell UFO crash

July 7, 1947 in the state of New Mexico, USA, residents of the town of Roswell witnessed the catastrophe of an unknown aircraft and found debris, saw the military take away the bodies of aliens, one alien was alive. The Roswell UFO crash was featured in the local newspaper. Information about the fall of a UFO in Roswell was quickly classified by the military.

Presumably, the photo shows one of the humanoids who died in the UFO crash in Roswell