Spelling secrets. Granik G.G., Bondarenko S.M., Kontsevaya L.A. Granik Henrietta Grigorievna (nominated by the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education and member of the Grand Jury of the National Competition "Golden Psyche" Rubtsov Vitaly Vladimirovich) Famous Russian Lin

GRANIK Henrietta Grigorievna (b. 1928) - Russian psychologist, specialist in the field of educational psychology, speech psychology. Doctor of Psychological Sciences (1981), Professor (1996). Corresponding member RAO (1992), member. RAO (1995). For a series of textbooks on Russian language and literature she was awarded the. K.D. Ushinsky (1973) and a medal named after him (1999). Laureate of the Russian Government Prize for a series of scientific works and educational books on Russian language and literature (1997). Having graduated from the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature at the Moscow State Correspondence Pedagogical Institute (1959), she taught Russian language and literature in secondary schools. Since 1963 he has been working at PIRAO, progressing from junior researcher. Research Institute of OiPP of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR up to Ch. n. With. PI RAO. In 1965 she defended her Ph.D. diss.: "Formation of mental work techniques in schoolchildren in the process of developing spelling skills", in 1980 - Dr. diss.: "Psychological model of the process of formation of punctuation skills." Since 1980, he has headed the group: “Problems of constructing school textbooks.” The main directions of G.’s scientific activity are related to the study of psychological aspects of the development of students’ written speech and the formation of psychological techniques for understanding educational and artistic texts (“And again ... about Pushkin” (jointly with L.A. Kontseva), 1999; “Literature (Learning to understand literary text)" (co-authored), 1999, 2001; "Playwrights, dramaturgy, theater" (co-authored with L.A. Kontseva), 2002). The discovery of the psychological mechanisms of the formation of competent writing, as well as methods of understanding and memorizing texts, allowed G. to build a new school course in Russian philology and create a special teaching methodology. (“Syntax and punctuation of the Russian language”, 1970; “Secrets of punctuation” / jointly with S.M. Bondarenko, 1987, 1988; “Russian language. Syntax and punctuation” / jointly with S.M. Bondarenko, 2002). G. laid the foundations of a complex scientific discipline - a “school textbook”, which is practice-oriented and characterized by an abundance of interdisciplinary intersections. The construction of a school textbook requires taking into account data from various scientific fields: general and developmental physiology, cognitive science, personality psychology, psycholinguistics, psychodidactics, printing science, private methods and others, with which the theory of the school textbook has extensive areas of intersection of research interests. Creating a textbook involves conducting research on a wide range of problems, including: psychological patterns of mastering the subject and forms of representation of educational material that are adequate to them; taking into account the age-related physiological characteristics and capabilities of the student at each stage of education; psychological patterns of attention and memory; problems of understanding; techniques for working with a book and training in such work; perception of fiction texts; development of principles and techniques for educating the reader using textbooks; methods and means of enriching the cultural fund of students; creating conditions for arousing and constantly maintaining cognitive interest, to increase the student’s activity and independence in the educational process, searching for means of reducing situational anxiety, etc. The multifaceted nature of the work on designing a school textbook involves the creation of special scientific teams, which, under the leadership of G., created a series of experimental textbooks not only on the syntax and punctuation of the Russian language, but also on other school disciplines (English, mathematics, etc.). She is an author and editor. a series of books, including for teachers, which discuss psychological and pedagogical techniques for students working with a textbook, mastering the material contained in it (“On ways to increase the effectiveness of teaching the Russian language at school” (1970, 1971, 1972), “Teacher, textbook and schoolchildren" / in co-authors, 1977; "Psychological problems of constructing school textbooks" / in co-authors, 1979; "How to teach a schoolchild to work with a textbook" (in co-authors), 1987; "When a book teaches" (in co-authors) , 1988, 1991, 1995; series of textbooks on Russian language and literature for primary, secondary and high school.

Spelling secrets. Granik G.G., Bondarenko S.M., Kontsevaya L.A.

M.: Education, 1991. - 222 p.

The authors of the book talk about the basic spelling rules of the Russian language in an entertaining, accessible way for students. The story is accompanied by tasks with calls (answers), games, and colorful illustrations. Therefore, the book can be used as a textbook both in class and in extracurricular activities.

After reading the first part of this book, you will learn how writing arose, what is denoted by letters in Russian;
you will reveal the “secrets” of spelling: unstressed vowels, dubious and unpronounceable consonants, ъ and ь;
vowels after sibilants, ы and и after ц; learn to write instructions for spelling rules;
Learn how to train different types of memory.

After reading the second part of this book, you will learn that there are spelling rules that are difficult to apply if you do not know how to quickly find a prefix, root, suffix, ending;
learn to choose related words correctly;
you will reveal the “secrets” of spelling: prefixes, roots with alternating vowels;
practice spelling words that don't follow the rules.

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About this book
CHAPTER I. The road to writing
How did you manage without a letter?
Ancient writings
CHAPTER II. Who-who lives in the alphabet?
How did our writing originate?
My name is phoneme
Are there letters for all phonemes?
CHAPTER III. On the path to the “main” principle
"Dangerous" places
The Mystery of the Phoneme
Dangerous consonants
Vowels on stage
Let’s go to the “main” rule
CHAPTER IV. "Phonemic" and "non-phonemic" rules
"Phones command letters"
When is it written and when is it not written?
Your old friends
The rule about unpronounceable consonants is “phonemic”!
"Non-phonemic" rule
CHAPTER V. How to “saddle” the rule?
The magic remedy is “self-instruction”
Instructions for “phonemic” and “non-phonemic” rules
CHAPTER VI. Memory and literacy
CHAPTER VII. What are words made of?
Construction work of morphemes
Where are words stored?
CHAPTER VIII. Working consoles
Let's talk about all the consoles at once
Prefixes that are always written the same way (first group)
Violators of the main rule (prefixes of the second group)
The most difficult! (Prefixes of the third group)
What can the prefix pri- mean?
What can the prefix pre- mean?
Let's train for everything together
CHAPTER IX. Look at the root!
Who commands the roots?
The root and the “main” rule, or “Don’t put your words in your pocket!”
"Transplanted" roots
Small "mysterious" theater

Russian psychologist, teacher, Doctor of Psychology (1981), professor, full member of the Russian Academy of Education (1995).

G.G. Granik was born in Ulan-Ude into a family of employees (father, Grigory Grigorievich, was an engineer; mother, Etolia Alexandrovna, was a housewife). After the end of the Great Patriotic War, Henrietta Grigorievna got into a serious car accident and for a long time could neither study nor work. After recovery, she worked for three years as a senior pioneer leader at school No. 81 in the Krasnopresnensky district of Moscow. She still considers these years to be the best in her life, and the words of her former pioneers: “Rita, you gave us childhood” are the highest reward that warms her all her life.

Having graduated from the Moscow State Correspondence Pedagogical Institute (1959), G.G. Granik became a teacher of Russian language and literature, and then a district methodologist. Since then, she has forever devoted her life to the problems of school and, above all, to the problems of creating textbooks. In the early 1960s. G.G. Granik was hired as a junior researcher at the Research Institute of General and Educational Psychology of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences in the laboratory of programmed learning.

In 1963, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Formation of mental work techniques in schoolchildren in the process of developing spelling skills.” Then she worked and is working on the creation of textbooks on the Russian language (first - problem-based, and then - textbooks of a new type). At this time, the problem of the school textbook as a special theoretical-experimental problem in psychological science, although posed, was not essentially developed.

At the same time, as is known, back in the early twentieth century. a discussion took place on this topic: some of its participants believed that the textbook should have the function of consolidating the knowledge acquired by the student in the classroom, should become a reference textbook, a training textbook; others believed it was necessary to construct a textbook in such a way that it would accompany the entire educational process and perform not only teaching, but also developing and educating functions. From a tool for transmitting information, the textbook had to turn into a means of organizing joint activities between teachers and students, as well as the students themselves. They believed that such a textbook would help both the teacher and the students. Then the supporters of reference textbooks and training textbooks won. Such textbooks, without changing in essence, are predominantly used today. Even the indisputable, major achievements of linguists and psychodidacts of the twentieth century. Only occasionally, with great difficulty, do they make their way into the so-called new generations of textbooks.

Why did the supporters of such textbooks win in those years? There are two main reasons: firstly, the mass school urgently needed textbooks, and the creation of textbooks that would serve the entire educational process required a lot of time and specially trained personnel. Secondly, science up to the 1960s. took only the first steps in studying the psychology of mastering such a subject as the Russian language (see the works of D.N. Bogoyavlensky, L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Slavina, A.M. Orlova and others).

Thus, there was no scientific foundation for the construction of a new type of textbooks that would accompany the entire course of education.

To create a new type of textbooks in 1965 G.G. Granik managed to organize the first seminar for teachers at the Research Institute of General and Pedagogical Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR and the Russian Pedagogical Society. In total, over 30 people took part in the seminar. It existed for about 11 years. The creation of textbooks of a new type was based on numerous studies in various fields of science: general and educational psychology, psychodidactics, developmental physiology, methodology, etc. The results of research of these years are reflected in five monographic collections and in books in the “Problems of a School Textbook” series.

In 1971, the team of authors created the first experimental textbook of a new type on syntax and punctuation of the Russian language, which was awarded the prize named after. K.D. Ushinsky. In the history of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, this was the first time when the prize was received not only by the institute’s research staff, but also by experimental teachers (out of 10 authors, six were teachers: S.M. Bondarenko, O.Z. Kantarovskaya, E.D. Kin, L.A. Kontsevaya, S.S. Levitina, E.L. Solomonova).

At present, both in general and in educational psychology, a large amount of material has been accumulated on the process of acquiring knowledge, on the causes of the occurrence of certain disorders, failures in this process, on the content of new formations that occur in the development of a child under the influence of learning. Fundamental research includes the doctoral dissertation of G.G. Granik “Psychological model of the process of formation of punctuation skills” (1985).

The fact is that the textbook requires a holistic approach to the problem of its creation. Such unity is based on the synthesis of a number of sciences - general psychology, psychodidactics, modern linguistics, literary criticism, developmental physiology, logic and methodology that serves the developed holistic concept.

The problem of constructing textbooks of a new type could not be solved without creating a holistic course in Russian philology. The unification of the Russian language and literature into a single educational field “Russian Philology” involved studying the relationship between the school subjects “Russian language” and “literature”. And this, in turn, required the creation of another seminar, the participants of which, together with the group members, conducted the necessary psychological research. In 1999, an experimental platform “Development of the course “Russian Philology” - its content, means and methods of teaching” was opened under the Moscow Committee of Education and PI RAO, the director of which is G.G. Granik. Over the course of a number of years, the first and then, after massive experimental testing, the second versions of textbooks of a new type on the Russian language and literary reading were created with all the teaching aids: the program, methodological recommendations (lesson scenarios), textbook companions (27 books in total). The educational and methodological set was presented for the Russian Government Prize in the field of education (2008).

G.G. Granik published over two hundred works. The main scientific results lie in the field of research into the psychological mechanisms of literate speech, text comprehension, and the development of conceptual approaches to the construction of new types of textbooks. She created a new direction in psychological and pedagogical science - “School textbook”.

For the creation of the scientific, educational and methodological set “Russian Philology” G.G. Granik was awarded the Russian Presidential Prize in the field of education (1997); she was awarded the gold medal of the Russian Academy of Education “For achievements in science” (2007), the honorary badge “PSI silver” of the Federation of Educational Psychologists of the Russian Federation, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, PI RAO (2007).

Granik Henrietta Grigorievna,Moscow

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor. Full member (academician) of the Russian Academy of Education.

Chief researcher, head of the group “Psychological foundations for constructing school textbooks” of the laboratory of ecopsychology of development and psychodidactics of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education.

Henrietta Grigorievna Granik has been working at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education since 1962, having worked her way up from a junior researcher to the head of the laboratory of the psychological foundations of constructing school textbooks. Before that, her activities were connected with school: senior pioneer leader at school No. 81 in Moscow, teacher of Russian language and literature at school No. 4.

Henrietta Grigorievna Granik is a famous Russian psychologist, a specialist in the field of educational psychology and speech psychology.

For more than half a century G.G. Granik is studying the psychological mechanisms of the formation of literate speech in students, developing the theory of creating a new type of school textbook in the Russian language, and the problem of understanding educational and literary texts. Her outstanding theoretical achievement is the creation of a scientific foundation for the construction of textbooks of a new type, accompanying the entire course of education, and not just its intellectual component, which made it possible to create a fundamentally new direction in educational psychology - the “School Textbook”. No less outstanding are the applied results of Henrietta Grigorievna’s scientific research - she, together with a team of like-minded people, created original textbooks on the Russian language for grades 1 to 9! And these are more than 50 textbooks and educational books on the Russian language and literature. And all of them received the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, are included in the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the educational process in general education institutions, and are successfully used in these institutions.

G.G. Granik published more than 250 scientific papers. Under the scientific guidance of G.G. Granik created experimental textbooks “Syntax and Punctuation of the Russian Language” (three textbooks) and educational books: “Secrets of Punctuation” (M., 1987), “Secrets of Spelling” (M., 1991), “Speech, Language and Secrets of Punctuation” ( M., 1995); books for teachers and students on problems of understanding text (“When a book teaches” (M., 1988), “How to teach to work with a book” (1995, three editions), “The Road to the Book” (M., 1996), “Literature "Learning to understand a literary text: Problem book-workshop. Grades 8–11" (Moscow, 1999, 2001). G.G. Granik developed the theoretical foundations of a new psychological and pedagogical direction in textbook studies - "School literary criticism on a psychological basis" (books for students “And again about Pushkin” (Moscow, 1999), “Playwrights, drama, theater” (Moscow, 2001), “Russian literature: From epics to Krylov” (Moscow, 2007), “I am different. M Y. Lermontov" (M., 2011) (co-author).

G.G. Granik is twice laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of education (1997, 2008), laureate of the Prize named after. K.D. Ushinsky, awarded the K.D. medal. Ushinsky, the honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.”

The text was prepared by the Scientific Secretary of PI RAO G.V. Shukova.

Granik Henrietta Grigorievna (born November 9, 1928) is a famous Russian psychologist, specialist in the field of educational psychology and speech psychology. Doctor of Psychological Sciences (1981), Professor (1996), Full Member (Academician) of the Russian Academy of Education (1995), Chief Researcher of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education", twice laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education (1997, 2008). For a series of textbooks on Russian language and literature she was awarded the. K.D. Ushinsky (1973) and a medal named after him (1999).

Having graduated from the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature of the Moscow State Correspondence Pedagogical Institute (1959), G.G. Granik taught Russian language and literature in secondary schools. Since 1963, he has been working at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, rising from junior to chief researcher. Since 1980, he has headed the group of psychological foundations for constructing school textbooks at PI RAO.

In 1965 G.G. Granik defended her candidate's dissertation "Formation of mental work techniques in schoolchildren in the process of developing spelling skills", and in 1980 - her doctoral dissertation "Psychological model of the process of developing punctuation skills."

The main directions of long-term theoretical and experimental research by G.G. Granik are associated with the study of the psychological mechanisms of the formation of literate speech in students, the development of the theory of creating a new type of school textbook in Russian philology, and the problem of psychological techniques for understanding educational and artistic texts.

Works of G.G. Granik, together with his colleagues, made it possible to create a fundamentally new direction in educational psychology - the “School Textbook”. At the same time, not only the theoretical foundations of a new type of textbook were developed (reflected in the collective monographs “Psychological problems of constructing school textbooks” (1979) and “Psychologist-didactic foundations of creating textbooks on Russian philology” (2007)), but also an educational and methodological set of textbooks for the first and second stages of education. Under the scientific guidance of G.G. Granik was created by the educational complex “Russian Language. 1-9 grades." It includes 24 textbooks on the Russian language, two programs, and nine teaching aids. Four “Textbook Companions” and six educational books on literature were also published.

In addition, the team of authors led by G.G. Granik created the experimental textbook “Syntax and Punctuation of the Russian Language” (1970) and the educational books “Secrets of Punctuation” (1987), “Secrets of Spelling” (1991), “Speech, Language and Secrets of Punctuation” (1995). Also G.G. Granik is the author and scientific editor of a series of books, including for teachers, which examine psychological and pedagogical techniques for students working with a textbook and mastering the material contained in it (“On ways to increase the effectiveness of teaching the Russian language at school” (1970, 1971, 1972 ), “Teacher, textbook and schoolchildren” / co-author (1977); “How to teach a schoolchild to work with a textbook” / co-author (1987); “When a book teaches” / co-author (1988, 1991, 1995) ; "How to teach to work with a book" / co-author (1995, three editions); "The Road to the Book" / co-author (1996); "Literature. Learning to understand a literary text: A practical problem book. Grades 8-11"/ in co-authors (1999, 2001)). In total, under the leadership of G.G. Granik has written over 50 textbooks and educational books on Russian language and literature.

G.G. Granik developed the theoretical foundations of a new psychological-pedagogical direction in textbook studies - “School literary criticism on a psychological basis” (educational books “And again about Pushkin” / co-author (1999), “Playwrights, dramaturgy, theater” / co-author (2001) , “Russian literature: From epics to Krylov” / co-author (2007),

In the process of creating textbooks and educational books under the leadership of G.G. Granik conducts comprehensive research on a wide range of problems, including: psychological patterns of mastering the subject and forms of representation of educational material that are adequate to them; taking into account the age-related physiological characteristics and capabilities of the student at each stage of education; psychological patterns of attention and memory; problems of understanding; techniques for working with a book and training in such work; perception of fiction texts; development of principles and techniques for educating the reader using textbooks; creating conditions for stimulating and maintaining cognitive interest, increasing student activity and independence in the educational process; searching for means to reduce situational anxiety; and etc.

The multifaceted nature of the work on designing a school textbook involves the creation of special scientific teams, which, under the leadership of G.G. Granik created experimental textbooks in other disciplines (English, mathematics, etc.).