S.t.a.l.k.e.r.: shadow of chernobyl: rebirth. modifications - game tactics and tips from the experts. Question: the beads of the burer's great-grandmother are found in the return of the dead stalkers marked by the CCP

I’m not sure about this particular mod, but in the original this artifact had to be created by improving the anomalies present in it.

  • article about AMK mod 1.4 part 2 - My articles - Catalog of articles - Site-bar "One Hundred X-Rays" on stalker

    • In case the said comrade is dead, the recipe can be found in one more place. Burer's headstock beads (hyper-modified bullet resistance, bleeding resistance, and health). The mesomodification “Great-Grandmother’s Beads” is thrown into the carousel.


  • Guide to Narodnaya Solyanka 2016 - Transformation of artifacts - June 10, 2017 - STALKERA Notebook - STALKER game universe - Download mods for stalker

    • After returning I want to take care of this smart guy. Vladislav Leonidovich, I think you will support..."


  • Discussion and walkthrough of the People's Solyanka - Page 84 - People's Solyanka - AMK Team | Forum

    • I walked and wandered around the AS in search of a frying pan to cook “Great-Grandmother Burer’s Beads.” I found it and started cooking it with the help of a transmutator, but someone got lost in thought and started cooking two pieces of “Buhrer’s Grandmother’s Beads” in a row into the anomaly.


  • FAQ - Artifacts, modifications, recipes | Forum

    • Grandma Burer's beads. The mesomodification of Great-Grandmother's Beads is thrown into the Carousel Anomaly for 10 minutes. Stats: bullet resistance +20, health +200, radiation +10, bleeding -450.


  • Forum Statistics

    • 16) Original artifact: Grandmother's Beads Modified artifact: Grandmother's Burer's Beads Anomaly: Carousel Transformation time: 10 minutes Chances of success: 85% - 10% - 5% Properties: Bullet resistance +20 Health...
  • United Pak 2 / OP-2 / Narodnaya Solyanka - episode 44 - Only Labyrinth, Only Hardcore - YouTube

    • In this series: hardcore and adrenaline in a labyrinth with mutants we find 6-7 raven eyes, a recipe for the burer’s great-grandmother’s beads, a needle gun and a fireman’s suit. give the box to Adrenaline 47:44 Link to the mod in the description of episode 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daS7W...


  • GUIDE to Narodnaya Solyanka 2016 - Narodnaya Solyanka 2016 - AMK Team | Forum

    • As it was before, everything is based on the original plot, we will again have to walk the path of the Marked One, visit all the old laboratories
    • 4.Beads of Great-Grandmother Burer - “Legacy of the Separator” A note with the recipe can be found in the Hall where the Controller wanders.

    Who is a burer? A stalker who hears a child crying within the Zone will involuntarily decide to respond and help the baby, rescue him from captivity, save him, shelter him... But he himself is more likely to become a victim of a cruel and bloodthirsty mutant - a burer. This will be discussed in the article.

    History of the creature

    The Burer is the result or side effect of an experiment by the secret services on prisoners. The purpose of the experiments is to acquire or identify telekinetic abilities in people.

    The dwarf's clothes are cast-offs, preserved from the prison uniform of the experimental subjects. Or the rags of volunteers who volunteered to participate in an experiment that led to transformation into a creature called a burer. A stalker who wanders into a secluded laboratory risks stumbling upon this bloodthirsty mutant.

    These insidious creatures also cause auditory hallucinations. People hear a child crying. It is curious that this particular sound was used in the game "Metro 2033".

    Burers live in flocks, prefer to eat carrion, and can talk, which indicates partially preserved fragments of consciousness. The rudiments of religion, noticed by some stalkers (who were lucky enough to escape alive from the burer’s trap), speak about the same thing - these creatures drag all sorts of jars, flasks and other rubbish into their lair. They build a kind of altar out of them and perform something like ritual dances around them.

    It was noticed that when the burer wins a fight, he sits in the lotus position next to the body of the deceased stalker and mutters something. Some claim that the creature is saying a prayer, and some think that he is asking for forgiveness.

    It is believed that these dwarves are not hostile to such mutants as Controller or Kink. Perhaps due to the fact that they are all the results of a failed experiment to create universal soldiers.

    According to another version, the burers were secretly grown in laboratories, and mutants controlled by people, kinks and controllers, guarded them. At one point they got out of control and, having destroyed the laboratory, freed the population of burers. Now they are all walking around the Zone.

    Initially, it was intended that the only weapon that could kill the burer would be (a strong force field was envisaged around the mutant, which would deflect machine gun and pistol bullets), but in the end the developers moved away from this concept.

    Several types of burers were also developed, each of which had a separate story quest.

    First appearance

    They say that the developers planned to use this mutant back in “Shadow of Chernobyl.” But something went wrong. A number of concepts for this character were developed... However, players first saw the mutant in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat. Burer is found in many locations in the game.

    These are mostly dark places like basements, secret laboratories and bomb shelters.

    How do stalkers even kill them?

    The Burer is a very dangerous opponent. He has telekinetic powers. Can throw a heavy object at the stalker and create a force field that protects from bullets.

    An experienced stalker knows that it is better to attack a dwarf from a medium distance. You can’t stand still, as something heavy could fly into your head—any object that the burer would lift into the air. A stalker, weakened by a battle with a monster, is an easy prey.

    With a telekinetic impulse, the dwarf can snatch a weapon from the player's hands. Usually he is killed with a knife. But you shouldn’t run up close right away - it will throw you back with the same impulse, and even pin you down with something heavier.

    Be careful, stalker!

    Where to find Burer beads?

    It's actually called "Burer's Grandmother's Beads." It is present in a number of mods such as “Narodnaya Solyanka” based on AKM and SIMBION. Mainly for the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. "The shadow of Chernobyl".

    To get it, you need to throw the Great-Grandmother's Beads artifact into the Carousel anomaly for exactly ten minutes. Can also be obtained from a deserter if you receive a quest from the bartender. In this case, you need to leave the apostate himself alive (you should enter the trailer unarmed). For his life saved, he will share the recipe for making Burer's Grandmother's Beads.

    You can also get them from a fan for completing the task “destroying a group of mercenaries.”

    The artifact gives +200 units of health, resistance to bullets increases by 10, as well as to radiation, and bleeding is reduced by 450. The characteristic “probability of a successful mutation” increases by 85%, unsuccessful - by 10%. Rejection is only 5%.

    This is how useful a burer can be. Stalker, good luck in the Zone!

    It's no secret that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. It didn't turn out at all as promised. An entire world disappeared, a lot of different animals were left behind, and some anomalies, many tasks, and even an entire location were cut out altogether. Some time after the game's release, GSC gave the game to the fans by releasing an SDK - a young developer's kit. The first tentative attempts changed the maximum carry weight, the effect of anomalies, the size of bolts, and the effects of food. Over time, disparate modifications began to come together. We'll talk about perhaps the best addition to date - AMK.

    Cold breath

    Much of what the developers initially planned to include in the game is still in its files, and with the release of the SDK it became possible to remake everything to your taste. Now there are thousands of modifications on the Internet: these include changing the names of weapons, complicating the game in various ways, and adding “new old” monsters. Installing them separately is not very convenient - you can easily “ruin” the game. There was a desperate need for a single project that would include small ones.

    Of course, the first endeavors were far from ideal. Basically, they simply returned the monsters, gave the player weapons and superpowers (for example, you could carry up to ten artifacts, and in the beginner’s camp the main character received an SVD and a bunch of ammunition as a gift), but a start had been made. A single mod is easier to install, and diagnosing problems has become more convenient. Gradually, thematic mods began to appear, where teams tried to convey their vision of the Zone...

    Major project AMK It has long since acquired a stable army of fans and just recently came out again, changing the version number to 1.4. AMK is popular not only among us, but also among foreign players. And recently, developers from GSC admitted that in the official add-on “Clear Sky” some ideas from AMK were used (the mod has long outgrown the “return to what it was” stage, new functions and capabilities have appeared). Unfortunately, the plot part remained unchanged. All tasks have been preserved in their original form, but the changed world dictates new conditions. However, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

    Weather, sleep and vodka

    Let's talk about smaller changes. Have you ever seen the moon in the Zone? It’s strange, but in the original game it’s not there, just like the sun. At AMK they shoveled all the weather. The nights have become darker, the celestial bodies live in their proper place and Right illuminate the world.

    In the backpack you will also find a sleeping bag. The marked one is now (like all people) tired. After thirty hours he already sees double, and after thirty-six he falls asleep right on the move. You can boost your energy with an energy drink - it will give you a couple of extra hours - but you can't sleep while it's working. In addition, only three cans work, the rest only increase endurance. One of the side effects is that the character sleeps longer if he was under the influence of an energy drink. First aid kits also tire Marked One slightly; for each one you will have to go to bed half an hour earlier.

    And Marked now has a chance to become an alcoholic. Well, or die from overdose. You can only drink three bottles without consequences. If you drink four, Marked will fall asleep in fifteen minutes. After drinking five bottles, our hero will die. There is no antidote or salvation from the “vodka death”, so it’s better to stock up on rad antidote. It is harmful to health, but you cannot die from an overdose.

    A-Life, or an attempt to revive Frankenstein

    However, Sidorovich is a great original!

    Perhaps the biggest problem with the original game is the unnaturalness of what is happening. The NPCs behaved organically, but upon closer examination, unfinished little things came out. Songs, jokes, bonfires, conversations - all this was supposed to create the atmosphere of the Zone, but it only partially worked. The stalkers did not live, they just sat where they were told. They walked only where they told them to, and wandered into anomalies. The seasoned stalkers in exoskeletons with the rank of “master” looked especially comical, dying in the very first carousel or electra.

    The next disadvantage is cloning. Look in the backpack of any stalker - five thousand rubles, a can of canned food, sausage and maybe a first aid kit. You will find a similar set from the “master” near Pripyat, and from the first beginner near Sidorovich’s basement.

    Another important drawback is that ordinary stalkers do not live in the world, but only separately from it. They are elements of the scenery of the Zone, and not part of it, as intended. A-Life is an attempt to breathe life into stalkers, although there is no smell of real artificial intelligence here, everything works on verified scripts.

    What is A-Life and how does it work? There are two models of NPC behavior. The first one is activated when the player character is next to a creature (stalker, monster). In this case, the game calculates the interactions of all participants in the process and the player sees the consequences of the simulation “right now.” Let's say a pack of wild boars attacked bandits, and there were ordinary stalkers nearby. The player will see with his own eyes how people fight with monsters and each other, and then the winning side gets their hands on the swag. If the monsters win, things won't just lie there either. Some stalker will then collect everything valuable and sell it.

    This is interesting: A-life, or Artificial Life - this field of science studies the behavior of artificially created proteins and molecules. A computer model is used to simulate life.

    The second model works when the character is somewhere far away. In this mode, stalkers interact with the world and with each other, but this happens without the player’s knowledge at the level of numbers - however, he can observe the consequences.

    So, what can stalkers (or a-life, whatever) do? They trade among themselves and with big businessmen (Skryaga, Bartender, Sidorovich). Cheap items (pistols, artifacts, etc.) are sold immediately, but good ones can be kept for themselves. For example, if a stalker finds a SIG550, having only a sawn-off shotgun in his hands, then at that very moment he will choose the best one. Having sold some “your” gun (a quick-firing AK from Strelok’s cache, for example), you may come across it more than once in the vastness of the Zone.

    This is interesting: having replaced "Thunderstorm" with SIG, I threw it out in the Wild Territory. Imagine my surprise when a bandit almost shot me with this gun! But I was even more surprised when one of the stalkers offered me to buy my own weapon.

    This stalker has already exchanged the starting five thousand for swag, swag for weapons, and weapons for something else. Instead of a PM and a sawn-off shotgun, he has an Abakan.

    True, there were some little things here. The stalkers remained clones. At the beginning of the journey, they all had five thousand rubles and the same “gentleman’s set”. Only after a good walk around the Zone do they acquire new weapons, artifacts and other goodies.

    Among other things, stalkers actively interact with the world. Simply put, they fight off monsters, look for swag, take it away from others (bandits are also stalkers, but bad ones), rest, set up camps, and so on. Fights that take place outside the player's field of vision also play a role. If the stalker believes that he cannot cope with the monster, or is injured and asks for help, he will inform others about this. Stalkers have a kind of paging network, but we'll talk about it a little later.

    And, perhaps, the last thing - stalkers live the same way as you. Remember how in the original game NPCs could walk around a cache for hours and not take anything? Or, for example, they would bypass an artifact worth several tens of thousands of rubles. Now the stalkers actively compete with Marked. They look for hiding places, sell swag, and take trophies from corpses. And of course, they will get their hands on what is lying badly.

    The dynamic news system has made a huge contribution to the life of the world. We will now talk about what it is.

    Everyone knows that dozens of backpacks and boxes are scattered throughout the Zone. Some lie in a visible place, while others are hidden so that only the most attentive can find them. However, the player is not allowed to take the entire backpack with him, which would be quite reasonable. For those who want to play out stalking down to the last detail, there are special backpacks that, when used, turn into hiding places. The backpack is disposable and is firmly glued to the ground, so it will not be possible to pick it up. But you can put your swag wherever your heart desires. There is also a real benefit from personal caches - you can put all the swag from a location there, and then drag it to the store in a few steps. But do not forget that free stalkers are not averse to searching the pockets of unwary enemies.

    And in order not to forget where you put the goods, also buy a GPS tracker. When activated, it leaves a mark on the map, the description of which can be specified at your discretion. If the backpack can only be obtained by assignment, then beacons are sold in stores.

    By the way, there is a funny bug associated with beacons. In the first versions of the mod, immediately after installing the device, a cloud of jerboas appeared in the same place. This is what I didn’t expect, sitting in the attic of some house in the village of bloodsuckers...

    Stalker network and news

    What good is the living world to the player if the evidence of this life appears before him only in the form of stalkers or monsters? It's hard to believe how much more lively negotiations can make the Zone.

    The checkpoint was cleared, but a helicopter arrived in alarm. One of the stalkers noticed this and reported it to the general channel.

    Let's remember the original game. Marked comes out of the X-18 with documents, and Sidorovich informs him that the military has arrived and blocked the exits from the Dark Valley. You will receive the next message already at Cordon. That's all. Then you get the feeling that there is no one in the Zone except you.

    The news system works like this: other stalkers “broadcast” what is happening. Beginners warn about pseudo-dogs and bandits (“I saw a bandit at the ATP, be careful”), masters report about monsters in the depths of the Zone and about battles. In addition, through this network you may be offered to buy an artifact or weapon, and they may also call you for help.

    What else do stalkers talk about? The sensitive eye of a traveler in the Zone notices everything: the appearance of bandits, monsters or military men, shootouts between groups. Stalkers find corpses and make assumptions about the cause of death (assumptions are in fact always 100% accurate); they hear shooting or screams (convenient to identify monsters or bandits in the sector).

    The matter is not limited to battles. The stalkers discuss the weather (which, by the way, they have brought to mind), comment on the sunrise, sunset, night. By the way, a lot of interesting things happen at night, because some of the creepiest living creatures come out to hunt only in the dark. By the way, the Zone is inhabited not only by stalkers, but also by others. Snippets of conversations “it’s not clear about what,” negotiations about “experiments” and so on. At night now you can not only see nothing, but it’s also eerie, scary and interesting.

    This is perhaps the best innovation of the mod. Other changes pale in comparison to the news system. No, they are not bad, it’s just that the news contributes so well to immersion in the world that it seems that nothing else is needed. However, the success of a mod lies in the combination of little things. Let's move on to the Zone itself and its life.

    Anomalous phenomena

    There are a lot of helicopters hanging out in the sky above the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Be careful, even the best armor can only withstand a couple of hits.

    It's no secret that anomalies are the main component of the Zone. In Roadside Picnic, as you remember, there were no monsters, only anomalies. Now let's take the original game. All the traps were clearly visible, and the dangerous Zone, with some skill, turned into a fun walk with shooting. You can get out of any anomaly, its triggering is in no way dangerous for the player (because you can perfectly heal with food), and radiation is just an annoying nuisance. In addition, the traps were always in the same places, and an experienced player could go through the location with his eyes closed. The most dangerous place in the game was the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, since there are a lot of anomalies there, and there are even more military and monoliths.

    The changes made by the mod make the life of a fortune hunter somewhat more difficult. For example, many anomalies are no longer visible, but they can be detected with a special detector. But the main thing is that they change location. Similar changes, in my opinion, appeared in the first additions, but there was no unified system. We need to somehow justify changing the anomalies, and the best way to do this is with emission.

    The ejection is the release of enormous anomalous energy of the Zone, which diverges from the center to the edges. During a surge, old anomalies disappear and new ones appear. In the original game, the ejection can only be observed once, at the end of the game. The sky flashes red and “static” appears. Marked One feels dizzy and sees double. It was originally planned that the release would occur regularly, but due to some difficulties it was removed.

    In AMK, the outburst appeared again. Firstly, it changes the anomalies, and secondly, it negatively affects all life in the Zone. The monsters freeze, the Monoliths pray, and ordinary stalkers urgently seek shelter. And when they find them, they protect them. When I was waiting out a release in a deep raid, both mercenaries and bandits sometimes came to my shelter, but most often, of course, I encountered ordinary stalkers. Comfortable. You can trade with them right on the spot, the main thing is not to leave things unattended!

    This is interesting: stalkers cannot always find shelter. Sometimes it happens that a group of NPCs simply blocks the passage or takes up the entire space. An unlucky character without cover dies in a burst within a couple of seconds. This can be taken advantage of - for example, Svoboda has good guns.

    After a release, anomalies can appear anywhere. You can die two steps away from your goal.

    A little more about anomalies. In the original game they were placed manually; In some places it’s successful, in others it’s not so good. However, after the ejection, the Zone changes beyond recognition. It happens that an entire section of the sector becomes inaccessible at once. I remember that during my travels I had to go around the Wild Territories along the edge of the map, climbing on pipes with enviable regularity, and all because of the proliferation of electricity and heat. The anomalies literally mixed with each other. It’s not much fun to spin around in a carousel and activate electrics, jellied meats, frying and other not very pleasant traps.

    But anomalies perform not only the function of obstacles; they also have very useful functions. For example, if you find a special recipe and throw a suitable artifact into the desired anomaly, after some time a new one will appear. Modifications (as the fruits of experiments are called) are much better than ordinary artifacts lying around the entire Zone. This is especially important in comparison with the original game. I bet you can’t even say approximately how many “Gravy”, “Jellyfish” or “Blood of Stone” they sold to Sidorovich or Barman. Only “Souls” and “Flashes” were hung on the belt, giving health and stamina. There were no universal artifacts, and they did more harm than strengthen the player. Modifications are a huge step forward compared to regular artifacts. There are no universal ones among them either, but the combination of several specialized artifacts gives a good effect. In addition, modifications can be obtained in only two ways: take them from caches or make them yourself. The first encourages you to search these very hiding places, and the second - to explore the Zone. We will talk more about modifications in the corresponding chapter.

    Areas where the ejection will affect you, even in a building, are marked in red.

    The outburst is not just red sky, phantoms, voices, brainstorming and so on. You can (and should) take shelter from the ejection even in the most broken-down shack, but don’t think that a flimsy trailer in the center of the Zone will save you. Shelters are divided by level of protection. Some can completely remove the effects of the ejection, while others only partially cover the player (or NPC). In dungeons, the ejection has no effect, only the earth trembles. Remember that near the windows the ejection can catch you; no thick walls will help.

    My beast

    The set of mutants has also changed somewhat, but there are no surprises here. The earliest modifications brought back slaughtered burers, zombies, chimeras, pseudo-giants and other creatures of the Zone. Some of the monsters appeared so rarely that other players did not even know that they were in the game (I didn’t see the same jerboas on my first playthrough).

    When a controller is nearby, the player's head becomes a mess.

    Monsters in AMK differ from the original game (and, frankly, from other mods) in that they can travel across sectors and appear only where their appearance is justified. Don't expect a horde of giants or kink in the beginner village, but in the Dark Valley or in the Army Warehouses you will absolutely meet a controller. And if he wanders into the stalkers’ camp, you will find drugged zombies by the fire who will open fire on you without blinking an eye.

    There are already legends about pseudogiants. These are living tanks that are only afraid of grenades. Thick-skinned, with a skull ten centimeters thick, these creatures kill the player in a couple of blows. I will never forget meeting three representatives of this species at once near X-18. The pseudo-giants joyfully fought with flesh, and then they saw me... I had never had such a cross-country across the Zone, with a run into all the anomalies. Be careful, pseudo-giants can stomp so that the ground trembles, and the character sees double and slows down his movements. The best option is to climb onto some roof, wait until the mutants gather in a group, and give them a couple of RGD-6 grenades, or better yet F-1.

    Controllers are still dangerous, but now they can also zombify people. This is especially unpleasant when you are given the task of clearing some area (bandits at an ATP, for example), and the controller has been walking there for a long time. In this case, killing zombified stalkers will not count as completing the task.

    The Gauss ammo collected over time will come in handy at the end of the game.

    There is practically nothing to tell about jerboas. There are many of them, they run fast, but they are cowardly, like blind dogs, and they scatter in all directions if there are few of them. However, sometimes jerboas gather in such crowds that they can devour even a seasoned stalker. The fact is that the armor wears out and each bite hurts more than the previous one. In addition, small creatures have a habit of surrounding the target. In this situation, the only good thing is that the jerboa dies with one or two shots from any weapons.

    Burers living in dungeons are more frightening than causing tangible harm. There is an assumption that the burer is the highest form of controller mutation, but it does not engage in mind capture. Fatties prefer to throw objects and hit the target's brain with a telepathic wave. These mental attacks do not pose any particular danger. The Burer cannot, like a controller, “turn” the character to the side and move his aim. But it is very easy to hit a large head, which I recommend doing at the first opportunity. By the way, in my memory I met with the burers only in X-18, but the meeting was very short. Out of surprise, I fired a whole clip of 5.45 mm cartridges right into the monster’s head, and he gave up the ghost.

    If the gas mask tubes at the front can still be understood, then what is it at the back?

    Another returning monster is the poltergeist. Or rather, it was also in the original, but you could only see it in the X-16 laboratory. Remember those nasty fireballs? This is a poltergeist. In fact, this creature is considered the progenitor of the poltergeist. A certain professor Kruglov claims that a poltergeist at some point turns into a controller, merging two minds into one body. Poltergeists themselves are not very dangerous, since first of all they want to survive. To do this, they scare away uninvited guests by throwing various objects at them: barrels, boxes and anything else that comes to hand.

    Poltergeists are divided into two types. Fire (from X-16) and electric. The latter, by the way, live throughout the Zone, but no dangerous skills have been observed in them. The flying lights remained unchanged. They also cause frying in the air and throw barrels.

    The ones to really be wary of are chimeras and their closest relatives—electric chimeras. Ordinary chimeras are dangerous with lightning-fast attacks and truly terrifying blows. If you encounter a chimera, shoot directly in the head. Just above the forehead, on the right, the chimera has a weak spot. A couple of hits, and all that will be left of the formidable monster is a pile of meat.

    To hit the head, you need to “stick” it on the mark.

    The second type of chimera is much more dangerous. It's a cross between a monster and an electra anomaly. Chimera lightning strikes much stronger than ordinary electra. This allows the chimera to quickly deal with unwary stalkers who decide to get too close to it. Keep in mind that the electric chimera shocks you from afar, so try to shoot it from a safe distance. The weaknesses of this type of chimera are the same as those of ordinary ones. Shoot for the head.

    The rest of the monsters have not undergone any special changes. The flesh is still as cowardly as blind dogs. Pseudodogs are dangerous, but have poor health. Only one bloodsucker is practically invulnerable to small arms, but he dies from a couple of stabs with a knife, and he is no less afraid of grenades. To be fair, it is worth saying that the bloodsucker can still be shot, but you need to hit the vulnerable spot on the right side of the back of the head. However, this is of little use. If the bloodsucker attacks, he will not turn away, but he runs away in an invisible state - you won’t be able to discern where his vulnerable point is. Only the eyes sparkle.


    Carefully! I’m going there with Vintorez at the ready!

    While many modifications are chasing the number of innovations, AMK has done a lot of work inside the game. Behind the news and a-life system there are myriads of symbols in scripts. The same symbols are responsible for the behavior of weapons, and they have also been redesigned. Before moving on to specifics, let's figure out what these changes brought to the game.

    Have you noticed that one type of weapon shoots better than another: more accurately, faster and more powerful? For example, in the original game there is no equal to VSS “Vintorez”. This weapon shoots extremely powerfully, silently and always on target. In reality, this means that you can kill thirty opponents in three dozen shots, you just need to take a position and shoot in the head. This imbalance made all other weapons in the game practically useless. As, by the way, are the types of cartridges. What is the use of the “yellow” SP-5 (9x39 for Vintorez and Val), if ordinary PAB-9 give the same effect, and they are much easier to find.

    In AMK 1.4, almost all weapons were improved and returned to him real ballistic characteristics. The type of cartridges now matters enormously. The bullet stopped flying perfectly straight. Let's look at the changes using sniper rifles as an example.

    Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of sniper weapons.

    The characteristics of the SVD are indicated in red, the SVU-AS in yellow, and the Vintorez in blue. Let's make a reservation that the characteristics adapted under the game world, and not exactly repeat the real ones. There would be nowhere to shoot from the same SVD - or rather, you simply would not need a weapon of this class. For any, even the most long-range shooting, the Vintorez would be suitable.

    Let's start with the main change in the sniper weapon environment. Now the type of ammunition directly determines where you will hit. Ammo for sniper weapons is divided into the following categories (mainly): regular, armor-piercing, sniper and sniper armor-piercing. There are relatively many regular cartridges, but they are not very effective. In the case of “Val” and “Vintorez”, using conventional (PAB-9) cartridges is generally extremely undesirable. The fact is that the PAB-9 ammunition is not designed for use in Vintorez, so the rifle quickly fails and begins to jam.

    It is important: If you use Vintorez purely for sniper purposes, you don’t have to worry about wear. Let it jam, it won't be a problem for a couple of shots. But if you use Vintorez as your main weapon, get ready to visit Bartender or Sidorovich often. The Vintorez will become unusable every forty to fifty shots.

    "Vintorez" is rightfully considered one of the best weapons in the game.

    SVD-based sniper rifles do not have problems with malfunctions, but they are heavy, and cartridges are much more difficult to find. The best ammunition for SVD (SVU), for example, in single quantities lives in the pockets of Monoliths. A little earlier they can be found at the Svoboda base, but we are talking about only a couple of dozen cartridges, which is clearly not enough. Although some cartridges for SVD are sold from Skryag, they will only be available to those who will not cooperate with “Duty”. Unfortunately, neither Barman nor Petrenko sell good cartridges (or rather, they don’t sell 7.62 at all). On the other hand, it is impossible to put a silencer on sniper rifles, which means that the enemy will know exactly where you are after your first shot. Whether it's worth the accuracy and stopping power is up to you to decide.

    On a note: The shooting skills of all NPCs in the game have been greatly improved. Perhaps excessively. A simple bandit with a fart can easily end the life of Marked One even in an exoskeleton. The first two bullets hit the chest, but the rest hit the head. It's even more difficult with the military. One burst of their Abakan, if it doesn’t kill them, will greatly damage their health.

    Assault rifles have also undergone modernization and adaptation. For example, an AK is good only at medium distances; it’s useless to shoot at a hundred meters and beyond, the bullet flies unpredictably. Enfield, SIG550 and Groza give much better results, but still cannot be compared with sniper rifles. For medium distance, the same “Thunderstorm” or SIG is perfect. For close range, pick up a shotgun or a good pistol (a Browning or Desert Eagle will do just fine). Shooting into the distance with assault rifles is ineffective, so either pick up a sniper rifle or get closer.

    Ammunition types

      "Vintorez" + standard ammunition (in our case PAB-9) - central square: range 70 meters, effectiveness limit - 160 meters.

      SVU-AS - central angle: range 100 meters, efficiency limit - 210 meters.

      SVD - central angle: 100 meters, efficiency limit: 220 meters.

      "Vintorez" + SP5 - guaranteed hit to the head from a distance of 160 meters.

      “Vintorez” + SP6 - 90% probability of hitting the head at a distance of 100 meters, guaranteed hit to the body - 160 meters. Penetrates any body armor at a distance of up to 160 meters.

      SVU-AS + 7N13 - guaranteed hit to the body from a distance of 100 meters. Penetrates any body armor at a distance of up to 190 meters.

      SVU-AS + 7N1 - 93% probability of hitting the head from a distance of 100 meters. Guaranteed hit to the body at a distance of up to 210 meters.

      SVU-AS + 7N14 - 93% chance of hitting the head from a distance of 100 meters. Guaranteed hit to the body at a distance of up to 210 meters. Penetrates any body armor from a distance of up to 190 meters.

      SVD + 7N13 - 96% probability of hitting the head from a distance of 100 meters, penetrates any body armor at a distance of up to 220 meters.

      SVD + 7N1 - guaranteed hit to the head from a distance of 220 meters.

      SVD + 7N14 - guaranteed hit to the head from a distance of 220 meters, penetrates any body armor at a distance of up to 220 meters.

    It is easy to determine that the best results are obtained by shooting with the correct ammunition with correct distances. If Vintorez is guaranteed to be good only at medium distance (100 meters), then SVD hits accurately and at the limit. For assault rifles the relationship is somewhat different, although similar. In other words, sniper weapons has the meaning apply. An assault rifle with a scope does not replace it.


    A makeshift flamethrower, assembled by some craftsman in the Zone (by Screw, probably), is a weapon included in the game with the mod. But it's not easy to get. First you need to find the device itself, and then repair it, collecting spare parts in different parts of the anomalous lands.

    In fact, the flamethrower is a mini-task included in the game, rather for the sake of the surroundings, and not for the convenience of the player. Judge for yourself: the unit itself is quite heavy, and besides, it needs to be repaired, and for this you need to find a bunch of things that also weigh a lot. There are no fuel cylinders, because this specimen is the only one of its kind, and there is no other like it. You'll have to collect scattered (generously) cans of gasoline and barrels of gas. These containers are also not fluffy, so even recharging causes a lot of problems. We'll talk separately about combat qualities a little later.

    So where can you find a flamethrower? To do this, you cannot cut out the “Freedom” group. Firstly, Screw, a craftsman (and longtime alcoholic), is based here. Secondly, in order to get the flamethrower itself, you need to complete the task of protecting the barrier from the Monolith.

    Advice: This is where you can make great money. The attacking Monoliths are armed with LR300 and “Val” at a minimum. Vintorez may also meet.

    One of the fighters, in gratitude for your help, will give you a broken flamethrower and send it to Screw with best wishes. Like, we broke it a little, but you can fix it. By the way, “slightly” is putting it mildly. It was not for nothing that Screw, swearing, suggested that they had dropped this hand-built masterpiece into an anomaly.

    In general, you need to find new tubes, a pressure sensor and a burner, and also patch up the holes in the cylinder, and for this you need the “Fireball” artifact (gas welding is not popular these days, it’s too much trouble). The last ingredient is “lubricant”, that is, ten bottles of vodka for Screw himself. All parts are located in different parts of the Zone. You will find a burner in the bar, a pressure gauge in the Agroprom building, pipes in the Landfill, but to find out Where they are lying there, you will have to go to Sidorovich.

    The optimal route is: Army Warehouses - flamethrower; bar - burner; Dark Valley (if you haven't gone to X18 yet) - from there to Cordon; Cordon - Sidorovich; Cordon/Junkyard - NPC who will tell you where the pipes are (asks for antirad for information); Landfill - tubes; "Agroprom" - pressure gauge. Fireballs are very easy to find. At least the X-18 definitely has them, and ten bottles of vodka can be bought or whistled in the basement of one of the houses at the Borov base.

    The flamethrower kills with one or two “hits”.

    We take all the parts to Screw, and the next day he will give you a repaired and charged flamethrower. Please note that recharging it in the field it is forbidden. Either bring a canister and a cylinder to Screw, or shell out 30,000 for reloading. A mechanic charges a little price; in my opinion, a flamethrower does not justify such expenses.

    This is a bug: All weapons can be unloaded with a special command in the inventory. If you do this with a flamethrower, the “cartridges” will seem to fall into the backpack, but you won’t be able to load them back and all the ammunition will be lost.

    I'll tell you a little about the shooting mechanics. In fact, a flamethrower is an automatic weapon that shoots fire. This, for example, is clearly evidenced by traces of “bullets”. You can point a weapon at the enemy's head, and at a distance of up to fifteen meters he will die with the first click of the mouse. Unfortunately, the “bullets” don’t fly further than ten to fifteen meters. Therefore, the flamethrower is useless against NPCs, but great for shooting monsters. It is especially effective against groups of monsters, but there is another problem: this miracle of engineering is assembled too late. By this point, you will probably have a bunch of grenades and a good weapon to shoot anything.

    Modifications, or everyday “magic” of the Zone

    I decided to leave the artifacts for dessert. This, I think, is the second most important innovation. And if news serves more as a means of immersion, then artifacts are already a serious alteration of the gameplay.

    Let's remember the set of artifacts from the original game. The assortment cannot be called poor. There are many artifacts, but very few of them are truly useful. Everyone's favorite artifact is the "Flash" and its gradations. It added stamina, but reduced protection from electricity (which is not needed, because electras are clearly visible). They also put on “Soul” - for health - and “Spring” so that the monsters would not hit so hard. Once you found all the artifacts, you never parted with them until the end of the game.

    The Chimera's Tears artifact looks very unusual.

    At AMK, the range of artifacts has been greatly expanded. But they didn’t just add new ones (in other mods this killed the whole idea of ​​artifacts), but made them improveable. However, the player finds recipes for improvements only as he explores the world, so there is no imbalance.

    Improving an artifact is called transmutation. The process takes place if you throw the desired artifact into the correct anomaly and wait the required time. And even if you find the recipe and the artifact, and then do everything as expected, there is a chance that nothing will happen, and the artifact may disappear altogether. But the risk is worth it, because modifications are much stronger than their regular counterparts.

    Recipes are scattered throughout the game world and are given out as rewards for tasks, taken from killed people, and some can be purchased. Please note that for each gradation of an artifact you need your own recipe. For example, even if you know how to get “Soul Drops” and “Crystal Soul”, without the “Fire Soul” recipe you will not move beyond the first step of the chain.

    There are four gradations in total: modified, mesomodified, hypermodified, absolute. It is easy to distinguish them from each other; depending on the level, the artifact is marked with a tick. One is the first level, two are the second, and so on.

    This is interesting: If you include rare caches, you can find modifications of even the highest level in them. However, a rare cache is found almost twenty times less often.

    For convenience, we will divide the artifacts into groups according to the method of obtaining.

    Typical tasks

    These are common tasks that any merchant gives out. Find a part of a monster, bring an artifact, protect a camp and the like. Along with the reward, you will also receive a recipe.

    Behind the modification "Soul" We go to the Svoboda base to see Lukash. He will give you the task of finding a modified army suit (with healing impregnation). The specified item lies quietly in the middle of the Yantar plant and is marked on the map. There won't be any difficulties with the search, except that the zombies might do a little mischief. As a reward, Lukash will give you the entire set of Soul recipes.

      Drops of soul(modification +600 health, -10 radiation, -18 endurance)

      The “Soul” artifact is thrown into the heat. Transmutation time is four hours of the Zone. The probability of successful transmutation is 70%; probability of degeneration 25%; 5% chance of rejection.

      fiery soul(mesomodification +600 health, -20 radiation, -18 endurance)

      The “Drops of Soul” modification is thrown into the frying pot. Transmutation time is six hours. The probability of successful transmutation is 60%; probability of degeneration 20%; 20% chance of rejection.

      Crystal soul(hypermod +600 health, -30 radiation, -18 stamina)

      The mesomodifier “Fiery Soul” is thrown into the heat. Transmutation time is ten hours. The probability of successful transmutation is 50%; probability of degeneration 35%; 15% chance of rejection.

      Crystal Soul of Bengal(absolute health, radiation resistance and stamina)

      The hypermodified “Crystal Soul” rushes into the electra anomaly. The resulting absolute has the following characteristics: +600 health, -30 radiation, +18 stamina. Transmutation time is an hour. The probability of successful transmutation is 50%; probability of degeneration 30%; 20% chance of rejection.

    The recipe for the "Great-Grandmother's Beads" modification will be given by the Bartender if you destroy the bloodsuckers' lair in the Dark Valley.

      Great-grandmother's beads(mesomodifier of bullet resistance, endurance and resistance to bleeding)

      The mesomodifier “Grandma’s Beads” is thrown into the jellied meat. Transmutation time is three hours. The resulting mesomodification has the following characteristics: +3 bullet resistance, +150 health, +7 radiation, -380 bleeding. The probability of successful transmutation is 72%; probability of degeneration 12%; probability of rejection is 16%.

      For “Tears of the Chimera” go to Sakharov. He will ask you to bring a unique suit that belonged to the Phantom. The suit, like the Phantom, can be found in the X-16 laboratory, which is located under the Yantar.

      Tears of the Chimera(hypermodified psi-protection and radiation resistance)

      The mesomodifier “Tears of Fire” is thrown into the jellied meat. Transmutation time is two hours. The resulting hypermodification has the following characteristics: -40 radiation, +45 psi defense, +140 bleeding, -150 health. The probability of successful transmutation is 55%; probability of degeneration 25%; 20% chance of rejection.

      “Grandma’s beads” can be obtained from a drunken debtor who lost his machine gun somewhere in the Dark Valley. Be sure to bring his weapon. This type of “Bead” is extremely useful, it gives as much as 250 stamina.

      Grandma's beads(modified bullet resistance and endurance)

      The “Mom’s Beads” artifact is thrown at the electra. Transmutation time is five hours. The resulting modification has the following characteristics: +5 bullet resistance, +250 endurance, +5 radiation, -15 resistance to electric shock. The probability of successful transmutation is 85%; probability of degeneration 10%; 5% chance of rejection.

      “Tears of Electra” can be obtained by clearing the snork camp for Sakharov.

      Tears of Electra(radiation resistance and endurance modification)

      The “Drop” artifact is thrown at the electra. Transmutation time is 5 hours. The modification receives the following characteristics: -10 radiation, +18 endurance. The probability of successful transmutation is 75%; probability of degeneration 10%; 15% chance of rejection.

      The recipe for the "Burer's Grandmother's Beads" can be obtained if you take on the task "Kill the Deserter" from the Bartender. There is no need to kill the deserter, just talk to him. In case the said comrade is dead, the recipe can be found in one more place.

      Burer's headstock beads(hypermodified bullet resistance, bleed resistance, and health)

      The mesomodification “Great-Grandmother’s Beads” is thrown into the carousel. Transmutation time is ten minutes. The resulting hypermodified has the following characteristics: +20 bullet resistance, -450 bleeding, +200 health, +10 radiation. The probability of successful transmutation is 85%; probability of degeneration 10%; 5% chance of rejection.

    Story missions

    Now, story missions provide recipes as a small add-on. You'll have to complete them anyway to beat the game, so why not add a few recipes to your stash?

    To get the Tears of Fire mod, you will have to disable the installation on Yantar. You will receive the recipe from Sakharov.

      Tears of fire(mesomodifier of radiation resistance)

      The “Tears of Electra” mod is thrown into the heat. Transmutation time is six hours. The mesomodification receives the following characteristics: -30 radiation. The probability of successful transmutation is 65%; probability of degeneration 20%; 15% chance of rejection.

      Kruglov will reward you with the recipe for the “Diamond Kolobok” modification when you lead him through the Wild Territory.

      Diamond bun(hypermodified tear resistance, bullet resistance, fire resistance and chemical combustion resistance)

      The mesomodification “Titanium bun” is thrown into the jellied meat. Transmutation time is eight hours. The resulting hypermodified has the following characteristics: +6 resistance to tearing, +8 resistance to bullets, +10 radiation, +25 resistance to fire, +15 resistance to chemical combustion. The probability of successful transmutation is 78%; probability of degeneration 17%; chance of rejection 5%

      You will receive another modification from the Kolobkov line if you bring the family gun to the stalker in the bar.

      Steel bun(modified tear resistance and bullet resistance)

      "Artifact Kolobok" rushes into the springboard. Transmutation time is two hours. The resulting modification has the following characteristics: +5 gap, +5 bullet resistance, +7 radiation. The probability of successful transmutation is 70%; probability of degeneration 25%; 5% chance of rejection.

      From the Fan, who will replace the Wolf in the newcomers’ camp, you can take on the task of protecting this very camp from mercenaries. As a reward, he will tell you how to do it "Beads of the Burer's Grandmother". If you killed a deserter and don't talk to him, you can fill in the gap with the Fan.

      General Voronin will reward you with the recipe for “Scales”. You can find it at the Debt base. He will ask you to bring the RG-6 grenade launcher, which can be found in the village of bloodsuckers or at the Svoboda base.

      Scales(mesomodification of resistance to chemical combustion, bullet resistance, health)

      The "Skin" modification is thrown into the carousel. Transmutation time is five hours. The resulting mesomodification has the following characteristics: +42 resistance to chemical combustion, +7 bullet resistance, +5 radiation, +150 health, +100 bleeding. The probability of successful transmutation is 80%; probability of degeneration 10%; 10% chance of rejection.

      The recipe for “Pantsir” can be obtained from Sidorovich if you bring him documents from the checkpoint on Cordon. Be careful, now there are two BTR-80 armored personnel carriers, and a Mi-24 is flying in to help.

      Carapace(hypermodified resistance to chemical combustion, bullet resistance, health, resistance to bleeding)

      The mesomodifier “Scales” is thrown into the jellied meat. Transmutation time is two hours. The resulting hypermodified has the following characteristics: +45 resistance to chemical combustion, +10 bullet resistance, +50 health, +2 radiation, -130 bleeding. The probability of successful transmutation is 70%; probability of degeneration 20%; 10% chance of rejection.

      A stalker in the Dark Valley will share the recipe for the “Snotty Porcupine” modification if you manage to save him from the bloodsucker. Remember the building at Borov's base, where the creepy sounds come from? Get your knife ready and go get the recipe.

      Snotty Porcupine(hyper-modified stamina, radiation resistance and bleeding resistance)

      The mesomodifier “Electric Porcupine” throws itself into the jellied meat. Transmutation time is two hours. The resulting hypermodified has the following characteristics: -55 radiation, +90 endurance, -7 electric shock, -400 bleeding. The probability of successful transmutation is 74%; probability of degeneration 10%; probability of rejection is 16%.

    PDA of dead stalkers

    This group of recipes is collected from the bodies of killed stalkers. Unlike tasks, you will hardly be able to find the right recipe right away. Be prepared to kill enough representatives of different factions.

    The recipe for the “Titanium Bun” can be removed from the body of a mercenary in the Wild Territory. Sometimes this group appears at Army Depots (in the camp).

      Titanium bun(mesomodification of tear resistance, bullet resistance and fire resistance)

      The “Steel Kolobok” modification is thrown into the carousel. Transmutation time is five hours. The resulting mesomodification has the following characteristics: +7 gap, +10 bullet resistance, +15 radiation, +25 fire resistance. The probability of successful transmutation is 50%; probability of degeneration 35%; 15% chance of rejection.

      The recipe for one of the best artifacts in the game - the Controller Scalp absolute - can be removed from a member of the Monolith faction. The easiest way to do this is to fight off the barrier together with the Freedom fighters.

      Controller's scalp(absolute resistance to chemical combustion, resistance to radiation, health, resistance to hunger and psi protection)

      The hypermodified “Shell” is thrown into the frying. Transmutation time is six hours. The resulting absolute has the following characteristics: +30 resistance to chemical combustion, +10 bullet resistance, -20 hunger, +100 health, +75 psi defense. The probability of successful transmutation is 65%; probability of degeneration 20%; 15% chance of rejection.

      The recipe for the “Stone Porcupine” can be found in the stalker’s PDA in the swamps, near the Army Warehouses. It is impossible to miss this place, it is full of snorkels and has a very strong background radiation.

      Stone porcupine(absolute resistance to radiation, endurance, resistance to bleeding and resistance to electroshock)

      The hypermodified “Snotty Porcupine” rushes into the springboard. Transmutation time is nine hours. The resulting absolute has the following characteristics: -50 radiation, +85 endurance, +25 electric shock, -350 bleeding. The probability of successful transmutation is 70%; probability of degeneration 20%; 10% chance of rejection.

    Other sources

    One of the recipes can be bought from the informant in the bar. The very first modification in the line "Porcupine" he sells for a ridiculous amount.

      Porcupine(radiation resistance modification)

      The Sea Urchin artifact is thrown into the frying pan. Transmutation time is three hours. The resulting modification has the following characteristics: -65 radiation, -20 endurance. The probability of successful transmutation is 65%; probability of degeneration 20%; 15% chance of rejection.

    A few more recipes are unknown to anyone at all, and you will become their discoverer if you find them, of course. Carefully search the laboratories and inspect every corner.

    There is definitely one entry in X-18, one in X-16, and one more on Cordon. Luck with searching!

    Graphics Settings

    In my opinion, HDR is not used enough in the game, but you can adjust the graphic settings with special commands. For example, the r2_allow_r1_lights (on\off) command turns on and off duplicate light sources, which can significantly improve the quality of lighting in the game. You will have to pay for beauty in frames per second. Especially near fires and lanterns.

    r2_gloss_factor (0-10) sets the brightness and gloss of surfaces. The higher the value, the brighter the highlights. It’s not worth putting a ten, at this value even a rusty UAZ shines like a silver tray rubbed with tooth powder.

    r2_Is_bloom_fast (on\off) is responsible for the effect of blur and additional reflected glow of objects. When you turn on this command, Oblivion immediately comes to mind. Try it and you will understand why.

    r2_slight_fade (0.02-2) - the command is related to the previous one and sets the brightness of the objects. We strongly do not recommend the maximum value, but it is difficult to recommend anything specific. Try the settings until you find the optimal value.

    r2_sun_lumscale (-1-3) and r2_sun_lumscale_amb (0-3) sets the solar irradiance factor. Choose according to your taste.

    An abundance of shaders can greatly change the look of the game, but fps will drop significantly. However, a well-tuned S.T.A.L.K.E.R. its beauty can compete with Crysis itself.

    “Clear Sky” will be released very soon, where the developers promise a lot of things. Mod designers are also looking forward to the release of the new game, because it is impossible to completely remake “Shadows of Chernobyl” and the developers of amateur add-ons have already approached the barrier of changes.

    I would like to thank Sergei Romanov and Artem Zuev for numerous consultations. Without them, this article would not have been published.

    Modifications and Recipes

    Note! These recipes work in AMK and SIMBION mods

    Grandma's Beads.
    The Mother's Beads artifact is thrown into the Electra Anomaly for five hours. Characteristics: bullet resistance +5, endurance +250, radiation +5, resistance to electric shock -15. The probability of a successful mutation is 85%, unsuccessful 10%, rejection 5%.
    Take: from Brom for the quest with his weapon “Weapon of the Longman”

    Great-grandmother's beads.
    The mesomodification of Grandma's Beads is thrown into the Jellied Anomaly for three hours. Stats: bullet resistance +3, health +150, radiation +7, bleeding -380. The probability of a successful mutation is 72%, unsuccessful 12%, rejection 16%.
    Take: from Sidorovich for the quest “Clear the area from mutants”

    (modified resistance to chemical combustion and bullet resistance)
    The Film artifact is thrown into the Springboard anomaly (transmutation time: 5 Zone hours). The resulting modification has the following characteristics: +35% resistance to chemical combustion, +7% bullet resistance, +3 radiation.
    Take: at the Cordon, at the checkpoint in the barracks on the nightstand between the beds.

    Modifier Skin is thrown into the Carousel anomaly for 5 hours. The resulting mesomodification has the following characteristics: resistance to chemical combustion +42, bullet resistance +5, radiation +150, health +150, bleeding +100. The probability of successful transmutation is 80%, unsuccessful 10%, rejection 10%.
    Take: from General Voronin for RG-6 "Bulldog"

    The mesomodification Scales is thrown into the Jellied anomaly for 2 hours. The resulting hypermodified has the following characteristics: resistance to chemical combustion +45, bullet resistance +10, radiation +2, health +50, bleeding +130. The probability of successful transmutation is 70%, unsuccessful 20%, rejection 10%.
    Take: from Sidorovich for documents from the checkpoint

    Controller's scalp.
    The hypermodified Shell is thrown into the Zharka anomaly for 6 hours. The resulting absolute has the following characteristics: resistance to chemical combustion +10, bullet resistance +10, hunger - 20, health +100, psi defense +75. The probability of successful transmutation is 65%, unsuccessful 20%, rejection 15%.
    Get it: from one of the top twenty monoliths on Radar (the recipe is random).

    Soul Drops
    The Soul artifact is thrown into the Zharka anomaly for 4 hours. Characteristics: health + 600, endurance - 18, radiation - 10. Probability of successful transmutation 70%, unsuccessful 25%, rejection 5%.

    fiery soul
    The Soul Drop modifier is thrown into the Roast anomaly for six hours. Characteristics: health + 600, endurance - 18, radiation - 20. Probability of successful transmutation 60%, unsuccessful 20%, rejection 20%.

    Crystal Soul
    The mesomodification Fiery Soul is thrown into the Roasting anomaly for 10 hours. Characteristics: health + 600, endurance - 18, radiation - 30. Probability of successful transmutation 50%, unsuccessful 35%, rejection 15%.

    Crystal Soul of Bengal
    Hypermodified Crystal Soul is thrown into the Electra anomaly for 1 hour. Characteristics: health + 600, endurance + 18, radiation - 30. Probability of successful transmutation 50%, unsuccessful 30%, rejection 20%.
    Take: The entire chain from Lukash for the quest with the improved armored suit Beryl “Healing”.

    The Sea Urchin artifact is thrown into the Zharka anomaly for 3 hours. Characteristics: endurance - 20, radiation - 65. Probability of successful transmutation 65%, unsuccessful 20%, rejection 15%.
    Take: Buy from the Informant in the bar.

    Electric Porcupine
    (mesomodifier of endurance and resistance to radiation) Modifier Porcupine rushes into the Electra anomaly (transmutation time: 5 hours of the Zone). The resulting mesomodification receives the following characteristics: -63 radiation, +100 endurance, -10% electric shock. Probability of successful transmutation: 72%; probability of degeneration: 25%; probability of rejection: 3%.
    Take: from the Miser for the quest “Clear the Bloodsucker Village”

    Snotty Porcupine
    The mesomodification Electric Porcupine rushes into the Kholodets anomaly for 2 hours. Characteristics: electric shock - 7, endurance + 90, radiation - 55, bleeding - 400. The probability of successful transmutation is 74%, unsuccessful 10%, rejection 16%.
    Take: From the wounded stalker (first give the first aid kit) on the second floor of the gas station next to the bandits' base in the Dark Valley.

    Stone Porcupine
    Hypermodified Snotty Porcupine rushes into the Springboard anomaly at 9 o'clock. Characteristics: electric shock +25, endurance + 85, radiation - 50, bleeding - 350. Probability of successful transmutation 70%, unsuccessful 20%, rejection 10%.
    Take: On the flash drive of a crazy stalker in the swamp near the Freedom base on Max's quest.

    Steel Gingerbread Man
    Artifact Kolobok is thrown into the Springboard anomaly for 2 hours. Characteristics: gap +5, bullet resistance +5, radiation +7. The probability of successful transmutation is 70%, unsuccessful 25%, rejection 5%.
    Take: from the Hunter in the bar for the quest “The Family Gun”.

    Titanium Kolobok
    The Steel Gingerbread Man modifier is thrown into the Carousel anomaly for 5 hours. Characteristics: gap +7, bullet resistance +10, radiation +15, fire resistance +25. The probability of successful transmutation is 50%, unsuccessful 35%, rejection 15%.
    Take: On the corpse of one of the mercenaries at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant checkpoint.

    Diamond Kolobok
    The mesomodification Titanium Kolobok is thrown into the Kholodets anomaly for 8 hours. Stats: burst +6, bullet resistance +10, radiation +10, fire resistance +25, chemical combustion resistance +15. The probability of successful transmutation is 78%, unsuccessful 17%, rejection 5%.
    Take: from Kruglov for help with the passage to Yantar.

    Giant's Little Brother
    (absolute tear resistance, bullet resistance, fire resistance, chemical combustion resistance, hunger resistance and radiation resistance)
    The hypermodified Diamond Kolobok rushes into the Zharka anomaly (transmutation time: 3 hours of the Zone). The resulting absolute has the following characteristics: +12% tear resistance, +10% bullet resistance, -15 radiation, +25% fire resistance, -45 hunger, +20% chemical combustion resistance.

    Take: from Kep for help in protecting the Barrier.

    Tears of Electra
    The Drop artifact is thrown into the Electra anomaly for 5 hours. The modification receives the following characteristics: radiation - 10, endurance + 18. The probability of successful transmutation is 75%, unsuccessful 10%, rejection 15%.
    Take: from Sakharov for the quest “Bring a body part of a snork”

    Tears of Fire
    The Electra's Tears modification is thrown into the Roasting anomaly for 6 hours. The modification receives the following characteristics: radiation - 30. The probability of successful transmutation is 65%, unsuccessful 20%, rejection 15%.
    Take: from Sakharov for X-16 documents

    Tears of the Chimera
    The mesomodification Tears of Fire is thrown into the Jellied anomaly for 2 hours. The modification receives the following characteristics: radiation - 40, psi protection + 45, bleeding +140, health +150. The probability of successful transmutation is 55%, unsuccessful 25%, rejection 20%.
    Take: from Sakharov for the quest “Bring a unique jumpsuit” (Ghost costume).

    4 artifacts are thrown at once into the “Jellied” anomaly: Medusa, Drop, Blood of Stone and Thorn - for 4 hours.
    It has the following characteristics: psi protection +50%, bleeding +50, resistance to tearing -25, endurance -20. The probability of successful transmutation is 70%, unsuccessful - 20%, rejection - 10%.
    Take: In X-18, on the table, next to the documents for the Bartender.

    Fire Dummy
    The Dummy artifact is thrown into the Electra anomaly. Transmutation time: 3 hours Zone. The modification receives the following characteristics: +30% resistance to fire, +36 endurance, -10% resistance to electric shock
    Probability of successful transmutation: 70%; probability of degeneration: 25%; probability of rejection: 5%.

    Bright Dummy
    The Fire Dummy modification is thrown at the Elektra anomaly. Transmutation time: 6 hours Zone. The mesomodifier receives the following characteristics: +30% resistance to fire, +73 endurance, -15% resistance to electric shock
    Probability of successful transmutation: 59%; probability of degeneration: 20%; probability of rejection: 21%.

    Moon Dummy
    The mesomodification Bright Dummy rushes into the Electra anomaly. Transmutation time: 8 hours Zone. The hypermodification receives the following characteristics: +30% resistance to fire, +109 endurance, -20% resistance to electric shock.
    Probability of successful transmutation: 50%; probability of degeneration: 35%; probability of rejection: 15%.

    (absolute resistance to fire, endurance and resistance to electric shock)
    Lunar Dummy rushes into the Kholodets anomaly (transmutation time: 12 hours of the Zone). Absolute gains the following characteristics: +45% fire resistance, -20 endurance, +50% shock resistance, +2 radiation.
    Probability of successful transmutation: 80%; probability of degeneration: 10%; probability of rejection: 10%.
    Take: In X-16, on the floor in the last cell to the left of the Ghost's corpse.

    All transmutations are divided into four classes, differing in color and properties:




    And also on the "Cobblestone" (i.e. a degenerate artifact)


    An artifact that, as a result of energy collapse, has lost all its properties is called cobblestone. These artifacts remain valuable to science because... They emit light and anti-gravity energy, so scientists pay a lot for them.



    Despite the fact that this modification is very simple, Porcupine has the highest radiation blocking rate! This, in fact, is its only positive quality, since the modification slightly reduces stamina, which is a rather modest price to pay for the opportunity to roam the contaminated lands without fear of catching a lethal dose of radiation.

    Method of obtaining:

    The Sea Urchin artifact is thrown into the Zharka anomaly (transmutation time: 3 hours zone). The resulting modification receives the following characteristics: -65 radiation, -20 endurance. Probability of successful transmutation: 65%; probability of degeneration: 20%; probability of rejection: 15%.

    "Steel Gingerbread Man"

    This modification is interesting primarily because it generates a special field around the person wearing it, which knocks bullets fired at the person off their trajectory. Not all of them, but still the quality is remarkable and absolutely not studied by scientists. In addition, the Steel Gingerbread Man reduces the sensitivity of the skin to tearing. Unfortunately, it is radioactive.

    Method of obtaining:

    The Kolobok artifact is thrown into the Springboard anomaly (transmutation time: 2 hours of the Zone). The resulting modification has the following characteristics: + 5 gap, + 5 bullet resistance, + 7 radiation. Probability of successful transmutation: 70%; probability of degeneration: 25%; probability of rejection: 5%.

    The modification reduces susceptibility to any chemically aggressive environment and slightly improves resistance to gunshot wounds. Radioactive.

    Method of obtaining:

    The Film artifact is thrown into the Springboard anomaly (transmutation time: 5 Zone hours). The resulting modification has the following characteristics: +35 resistance to chemical combustion, +7 bullet resistance, +3 radiation. Probability of successful transmutation: 70%; probability of degeneration: 25%; probability of rejection: 5%.

    "Fire Dummy"

    This modification, in addition to neutralizing high temperatures, adds stamina to the person wearing it on his belt. But at the same time it makes him more susceptible to the effects of the Electra anomaly.

    Method of obtaining:

    The Dummy artifact is thrown into the Electra anomaly.

    Transmutation time: 3 hours. Probability of successful transmutation: 70%; probability of degeneration: 25%; probability of rejection: 5%.

    "Granny's Beads"

    The resulting modification increases the endurance of a person wearing it on his belt, while the temporal field generated by it quite significantly slows down the speed of bullets hitting him, thereby protecting the person from critical hits. Slightly radioactive and reduces resistance to electric shock.

    Method of obtaining:

    The Mother's Beads artifact is thrown into the Electra anomaly (transmutation time: 5 hours of Zone time). The resulting modification receives the following characteristics: +5 bullet resistance, +250 endurance, +5 radiation, -15 resistance to electric shock. Probability of successful transmutation: 85%; probability of degeneration: 10%; probability of rejection: 5%.

    "Tears of Electra"

    The modification does a good job of removing radiation from the human body and also slightly relieves fatigue.

    Method of obtaining:

    The Drop artifact is thrown into the Electra anomaly. The artifact receives the following characteristics: -10 radiation, +18 endurance. Transmutation time is 5 hours. Probability of successful transmutation: 75%; probability of degeneration: 10%; probability of rejection: 15%.


    "Electric Porcupine"

    The mesomodifier has the rarest indicator of blocking radiation, reduces human fatigue, but, unfortunately, increases sensitivity to electric shock.

    Method of obtaining:

    Modified Porcupine rushes into the Electra anomaly (transmutation time: 5 hours of the Zone). The resulting mesomodification receives the following characteristics: -63 radiation, +100 endurance, -10 electric shock. Probability of successful transmutation: 72%; probability of degeneration: 25%; probability of rejection: 3%.

    "Titanium Kolobok"

    Titanium Kolobok reduces the sensitivity of the skin to rupture and damage by fire, and also the generated field knocks a certain percentage of bullets off their trajectory. Unfortunately, it is radioactive.

    Method of obtaining:

    Modified Steel Gingerbread Man is thrown into the Carousel anomaly (transmutation time: 5 hours of the Zone). The resulting mesomodification has the following characteristics: + 7 gap, + 10 bullet resistance, + 15 radiation, + 25 fire resistance. Probability of successful transmutation: 50%; probability of degeneration: 35%; probability of rejection: 15%.

    Mesomodification Scales improves reduces human exposure to chemically aggressive environments, improves human health indicators and has a special effect on human skin, making it less sensitive to gunshot wounds. At the same time, the Scales are radioactive and increase bleeding in the person wearing it.

    Method of obtaining:

    Modifier Skin is thrown into the Carousel anomaly (transmutation time: 5 hours). The resulting mesomodification has the following characteristics: + 42 resistance to chemical combustion, + 7 bullet resistance, +5 radiation, + 150 health, + 100 bleeding. Probability of successful transmutation: 80%; probability of degeneration: 10%; probability of rejection: 10%.

    "Bright Dummy"

    A further evolution of the Fire Pacifier, the Bright Pacifier improves stamina, but also increases a person's susceptibility to electric shock. The only thing that remains unchanged with this mesomodification is good neutralization of high temperatures.

    Method of obtaining:

    The Fire Dummy modification is thrown at the Elektra anomaly. Transmutation time: 6 hours Zone. Probability of successful transmutation: 59%; probability of degeneration: 20%; probability of rejection: 21%.

    "Great Grandmother's Beads"

    Great-Grandmother's beads have a slightly worse resistance to bullet damage due to the weakening of the temporal field, but it has the ability to instantly stop bleeding and improve the health of the person wearing the artifact on the belt. At the same time, do not forget that Great-Grandmother's Beads are slightly radioactive.

    Method of obtaining:

    The Granny Beads modification is thrown into the Kholodets anomaly (transmutation time: 3 hours of Zone time). The resulting mesomodification receives the following characteristics: +3 bullet resistance, +150 health, +7 radiation, -380 bleeding. Probability of successful transmutation: 72%; probability of degeneration: 12%; probability of rejection: 16%.

    "Tears of Fire"

    Tears of fire are quite good at removing radiation from the body of a person wearing this artifact on his belt.

    Method of obtaining:

    The Electra's Tears modification is thrown into the Zharka anomaly. Transmutation time is 6 hours. The mesomodification receives the following characteristics: -30 radiation. Probability of successful transmutation: 65%; probability of degeneration: 20%; probability of rejection: 15%.

    "Fiery soul"

    This mesomodification retains the parameters for improving human health, like those of the Soul Drop, but at the same time reduces the dose of radiation received by half. Slightly reduces the stamina of the person wearing it on the belt.

    Method of obtaining:

    The Soul Drop modifier is thrown into the Zharka anomaly. Transmutation time: 6 hours Zone. Probability of successful transmutation: 60%; probability of degeneration: 20%; probability of rejection: 20%.


    "Snotty Porcupine"

    This hyper-modified product has a rare indicator of blocking radiation - a person receives only 45 percent of the number of x-rays that he would receive if he did not wear this hyper-modified product on his belt. In addition, it is also very effective in stopping bleeding and adding stamina. The unpleasant aspects of the Snotty Porcupine are that it increases a person's sensitivity to electric shock and that it is uncomfortable to wear due to the strange mucus that constantly oozes from it. The substance is harmless, but terribly unpleasant. Despite its unpresentability, the hypermodified product is highly valued in the Zone.

    Method of obtaining:

    Snotty Porcupine (hyper-modified stamina, radiation resistance, and bleed resistance)

    The mesomodification Electric Porcupine rushes into the Kholodets anomaly (transmutation time: 2 hours of the Zone). The resulting hypermodified has the following characteristics: -55 radiation, +90 endurance, -7 electric shock, -400 bleeding. Probability of successful transmutation: 74%; probability of degeneration: 10%; probability of rejection: 16%.

    "Diamond Bun"

    The hypermodification gives the skin of the person wearing it resistance to tearing, reduces the effects of fire and chemically aggressive environments, and “removes” part with its field. The downside of this rather useful hypermodifier is that it emits radiation.

    Method of obtaining:

    The mesomodification Titanium Kolobok rushes into the Kholodets anomaly (transmutation time: 8 hours of the Zone). The resulting hypermodified has the following characteristics: +6 resistance to tearing, +8 resistance to bullets, +10 radiation, +25 resistance to fire, +15 resistance to chemical combustion. Probability of successful transmutation: 78%; probability of degeneration: 17%; probability of rejection: 5%.


    The armor of the person wearing it reduces bleeding, increases health, improves resistance to gunshot wounds, neutralizes most chemically aggressive media upon contact with human skin, and also reduces bleeding. Its only negative quality is the low background radiation.

    Method of obtaining:

    Mesomodification Scales is thrown into the Kholodets anomaly (transmutation time: 2 hours of the Zone). The resulting hypermodified has the following characteristics: + 45 resistance to chemical combustion, +10 bullet resistance, +50 health, +2 radiation, - 130 bleeding. Probability of successful transmutation: 70%; probability of degeneration: 20%; probability of rejection: 10%.

    "Moon Dummy"

    The hypermodifier neutralizes high temperatures quite well, significantly increases the endurance of the person wearing it on the belt, but increases susceptibility to electric shock

    Method of obtaining:

    The mesomodification Bright Dummy rushes into the Electra anomaly. Transmutation time: 8 hours Zone. Probability of successful transmutation: 50%; probability of degeneration: 35%; probability of rejection: 15%.

    "Grandma Burer's Beads"

    The temporal field of this hypermodification is very strong and has a large radius, so a person wearing the Burer Grandma Beads on his belt has a high chance of surviving even if he is shot from an SVD. In this case, the artifact instantly stops bleeding and improves overall health. But it has a noticeable radiation background.

    Method of obtaining:

    The mesomodification of Great-Grandmother's Beads is thrown into the Carousel anomaly (transmutation time: 10 minutes of Zone time). The resulting hypermodification receives the following characteristics: +20 bullet resistance, -450 bleeding, +200 health, +10 radiation. Probability of successful transmutation: 85%; probability of degeneration: 10%; probability of rejection: 5%.

    "Tears of the Chimera"

    This hypermodification, in addition to being very good at removing radiation from the human body, is also useful in that it blocks almost half of psi radiation. The negative characteristics of Chimera's Tears are that the artifact worsens a person's well-being and contributes to poor wound healing.

    Method of obtaining:

    The mesomodification of Tears of Fire is thrown into the Jellied anomaly (transmutation time: 2 hours). The resulting hypermodification receives the following characteristics: -40 radiation, +45 psi defense, +140 bleeding, -150 health. Probability of successful transmutation: 55%; probability of degeneration: 25%; probability of rejection: 20%.

    "Crystal Soul"

    With the same parameters of improving human health and increasing fatigue, this hypermodified product acquires a very high rate of removal of radionuclides from the human body who has hung the Crystal Soul on his belt.

    Method of obtaining:

    The mesomodification Fiery Soul rushes into the Zharka anomaly. Transmutation time: 10 hours Zone. Probability of successful transmutation: 50%; probability of degeneration: 35%; probability of rejection: 15%.



    To obtain the Sunlight artifact, you must place the Moonlight artifact in the Zharka anomaly. After about four hours, a Sunlight modification is formed, which has the following properties: a strong increase in endurance, a decrease in susceptibility to high temperatures, a slight decrease in susceptibility to electric shock. A side effect is that the resulting artifact emits radiation. Information has not been verified

    "Wormwood Ingot"

    This absolute is the result of the transmutation of 20 rare artifacts. The Wormwood Ingot was discovered by the Swamp Doctor and only he knows its components. Collected from the rarest artifacts of the Zone through

    transmutation into an anomaly of the "Frying" type. According to legend, it cures almost all diseases.


    The unique modification Symbion is obtained by joint transmutation of four artifacts at once into the Kholodets anomaly. Medusa, Drop, Blood of Stone and Thorn, converted into a single whole, give the person wearing it on his belt quite sensitive shielding from psi-radiation. But at the same time, Symbion increases bleeding, reduces endurance and resistance to rupture.

    Method of obtaining:

    The unique modification Symbion is obtained by jointly transmuting four artifacts at once into the Kholodets anomaly: Medusa, Drop, Blood of Stone and Thorn. The modification obtained after 4 hours of transmutation has the following characteristics: +50 psi protection, +50 bleeding, -25 tear resistance, -20 endurance. Probability of successful transmutation: 70%; probability of degeneration: 20%; probability of rejection: 10%.

    "Stone Porcupine"

    This absolute reduces the dose of radiation received by a person by exactly half! In addition to this rare quality, the Stone Porcupine reduces a person's sensitivity to electric shock, effectively reduces bleeding and adds stamina. It is highly valued not only by scientists, but also among stalkers.

    Method of obtaining:

    Hypermodified Snotty Porcupine rushes into the Springboard anomaly (transmutation time: 9 hours of the Zone). The resulting absolute has the following characteristics: - 50 radiation, +85 stamina, +25 electric shock, -350 bleeding. Probability of successful transmutation: 70%; probability of degeneration: 20%; probability of rejection: 10%.

    "The Giant's Little Brother"

    This interesting absolute not only reduces the sensitivity of the skin of the person wearing it to rupture and damage by fire or a chemically aggressive substance, but also, with its field, “diverts” a rather sensitive percentage of bullets flying at him from the person. A pleasant bonus for the Younger Brother Giant is the good removal of radiation from the body of the person wearing it, as well as the reduction of a person’s need for food by feeding it with its own energy.

    Method of obtaining:

    The hypermodified Diamond Kolobok rushes into the Zharka anomaly (transmutation time: 3 hours of the Zone). The resulting absolute has the following characteristics: +12 tear resistance, +10 bullet resistance, -15 radiation, +25 fire resistance, -45 hunger, +20 chemical combustion resistance. Probability of successful transmutation: 59%; probability of degeneration: 20%; probability of rejection: 21%.

    "Controller's Scalp"

    This “absolute” class modification reduces damage to the stalker wearing it from aggressive chemical environments, reduces a person’s need for food, adds health, and is very good at shielding from psi radiation! Another quite necessary quality of the absolute is that the structure of the skin of a person wearing it on his belt changes - without losing elasticity, it becomes rougher, and as a result, resistance to gunfire increases.

    Method of obtaining:

    The hypermodified Shell is thrown into the Zharka anomaly (transmutation time: 6 hours of the Zone). The resulting absolute has the following characteristics: +30 resistance to chemical combustion, +10 bullet resistance, -20 hunger, +100 health, +75 psi defense. Probability of successful transmutation: 65%; probability of degeneration: 20%; probability of rejection: 15%.

    The absolute neutralizes high temperatures and electric shock well. At the same time, it slightly increases endurance.

    Method of obtaining:

    Lunar Dummy rushes into the Kholodets anomaly (transmutation time: 12 hours of the Zone). The resulting absolute receives the following characteristics: +45 fire resistance, -20 endurance, +50 electric shock resistance, +2 radiation. Probability of successful transmutation: 80%; probability of degeneration: 10%; probability of rejection: 10%.

    "Drops of Soul"

    In addition to an excellent indicator of improving human health, the modification also reduces the dose of radiation received. Slightly increases human fatigue.

    Method of obtaining:

    The Soul artifact is thrown into the Zharka anomaly. Transmutation time: 4 hours Zone. Probability of successful transmutation: 70%; probability of degeneration: 25%; probability of rejection: 5%.

    "Crystal Soul of Bengal"

    This absolute perfectly removes radiation from the human body, improves health, and also slightly increases endurance. It is highly valued on the market both in the Zone itself and outside it.

    Method of receipt.