Stalker Clear Sky walkthrough read. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky. Group "Duty". Territory of the Scientific Research Institute Agroprom

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky

The game STALKER Clear sky is a prequel to the original. The plot takes place before the exclusion zone took on such a terrifying appearance, and the main action develops around the war of factions.

The game begins with a video in which a group of scientists led by a stalker was quietly wandering somewhere. But suddenly, something happened. At first the pseudo-dogs ran, and then the ejection occurred. After the video, you regain consciousness, the head of the Clear Sky group named Lebedev told you that you survived the ejection, his people found you in the swamps. Everyone calls you the mercenary Scar. After the conversation, go to the bartender, he will tell you a little about the group, and then go to Lebedev’s headquarters. During the conversation, he will ask you for help - get equipment from merchant Suslov and go to the outpost to help fight off the mutants.

Go straight, as you remember, you need to move carefully, throwing bolts in front of you, this is necessary so as not to get into the anomaly. Having climbed the tower, you will receive a message about a new release, your partner will die, but you will again be miraculously saved. Talk to Lebedev. He believes that the reason for the frequent emissions is that someone has penetrated into the center of the Zone (and who could it be??). You must help prevent a catastrophe (Scar has a special feature; he can survive emissions, but this gradually destroys his nervous system). But first you need to lift the siege of the bandits from the camp, and since the Clear Sky group does not fight, but studies, and only you know how to fight, then this is your job. Go to the hunter in the swamps. Before this, you can pick up a flash drive with information about the cache from the merchant.

In the swamps you just need to strengthen the presence of the group, how to do this is clear, but choose where for yourself. After completing this task, knock out the bandits from the farm. Having won the unequal battle, go and secure the roads to the cordon and Agroprom. And then, with a guide, go to the cordon.

There are military men right in front of you, run away from them. And then go to the merchant Sidorevich, who you know from the first Shadow of Chernobyl. For a small assignment, he will tell you about a stalker who was interested in details. You need to bring him the case. Before this, you can talk to the Wolf. Now start completing the task. First, go and talk to Valerian. He is behind the embankment, he will invite you to talk to the hostage yourself, to the military commander, who knows where the case is, but does not speak, knows that he will not be killed. He still won't tell. Then go and talk to the leader of the stalkers, he will offer to remove the military accomplices. Do so. After destroying two groups of military men, return to the hostage. He will reveal the location of the hiding place. If you talk to him after this, he will ask you for a gun, for which he will tell you the location of his hiding place. I gave him a pistol, you must admit, he served his time and gave away the cache. Go to the hiding place, it’s in a basket under the bridge, by the way, there’s a soldier hiding under the bridge, don’t shoot, he’s not dangerous. Take the swag to Sidorevich.

After this, go to the diggers - there you will find out what the stalker named Fang was looking for. Arriving at the place, you will find a corpse, read the information from the digger's PDA. He sent a messenger to Fang, go and find the messenger, help him fight off the dogs. He will tell you that Fang has gone into the dark valley. Moving forward, you will find yourself at a checkpoint of the Svoboda group, do what they tell you, otherwise you will either be shot or you will not be able to complete the task. The Stalker will tell you that they can only know about Fang at their base, go there. There, talk to the commandant, he will say that in order to get an audience with their leader you need to work. First, rid them of the terrible mutant and return for further instructions. He will tell you to take the ammo to the outpost, but first get the ammo itself from the merchant Ashot. Go to the outpost, when you get there you will see that no one is alive, bring the PDA to Chekhov.

As it turned out, the commandant was a traitor and immediately disappeared somewhere. Bring it to PDA Chekhov, for this he will give you the frequency of PDA Fang, by which you can track him, in particular, now he is in a landfill. And also, lay out everything valuable, because instead of Fang you will find bandits who will take everything, you can also spend all the money - it cannot be laid out and even if you complete the task of returning the property, no one will return the money to you. So, we recovered. Pick up Fang's PDA that he lost. After this, Lebedev will get in touch and tell you to go in search of the hiding place of Fang and company. Take all your equipment and go look for the cache.

The hatch leading to the dungeon is still closed, so run along the road from Agroprom and find a checkpoint of the Dolg group, talk to the main one there. True, in this case I used an alternative method of conversation - I shot everything, because for some reason the commander did not talk to me. Go to the Duty base and talk to the leader. He will say that he is ready to help you go down if you help him. You need to flood the hole, to do this go to Sergeant Nalivaiko.

Without thinking about the sad things, you go down into the dungeon. Passing the fiery anomalies and avoiding mutants, go right to the stairs leading up. In the next room you need to destroy all the mutants, in fact there is only one of him, but with his psychic influence he will spoil a lot of blood for you. To destroy him, get closer to him, but so that he does not notice you right away. Don't walk on the bridge. When the task is completed, go to the next room and turn the valve (this will flood the dungeons), and then run as fast as you can. Along the way, you will be able to observe mutants not paying any attention to you, just run.

It's time to find the cache; it has not changed its location compared to the previous part. Remember that, as before, bandits have settled in the dungeon. In the cache you will learn that Strelok and company once walked to the center of the zone and are going to repeat the trip. Get out of the dungeon and talk to scientist Sakharov on Yantar.

He will report that Strelok was supposed to test the Psi radiation protection device, but disappeared. To find his trace, first obtain documents from a group of stalkers who also disappeared. Be careful, there are all sorts of psi-creatures there, with which to fight - you just waste ammo - the creatures are endless. Therefore, just run to the corpses of the stalkers, take the PDA and run back.

This information turned out to be extremely useful, meet with Lefty's squad. After you help them restart the cooling installation, Sakharov will detect the shooter's signal, he goes into the red forest, follow him.

So, the shooter is right in front of you, but make no mistake, there is an ambush on the way, and while you are dealing with it, the shooter will blow up the tunnel and leave. To get behind him, you need to find a forester, and to find a forester, you need to go through the forest, along the way you will find a corpse, take the PDA from it and go to his target. When you reach the place, you need to find the entrance to the anomalous zone (ala portal) above the tank, just climb into it.

Once there, go to the forester. He will send you to military warehouses to receive a signal from stalkers from near Limansk, they have fallen into a trap and he (and you) needs to know all the information. Go to the neighboring location and talk with the commander of the Freedom post, then go to the mercenary village and talk with the main one there. He will tell you where the best trick is - on the water tower, but there is a mutant bloodsucker, get rid of him too. At the top you will receive a signal from the stalkers, return to the forester. He will send you to return an artifact stolen by bandits - only he can help you return from the anomaly. Now all that’s left to do is give the stalkers the necessary information and they will leave the anomaly themselves - along the bridge, at the same time they will free it from the bandits and lower it. Ask the mercenaries how best to get to the military transmitter. He will ask you how you want to act: alone or with the Freedom group, choose what you want.

After the stalkers get out safely, go to the bridge and cover Lebedev’s group with fire. Talk to the leader and climb to the second floor of the tower and cover the soldier near the bridge, do not forget about the snipers.

After capturing the bridge in battle, reconnoiter the road through Limansk. True, there will be some fighting along the way. A little further, go around the anomalies that return you back, go around the last one through a rusty bus. Eventually you will have to go through a construction site - be careful, there are a lot of enemies there.

After this, the road will be blocked by an electrified fence, turn off the generator and move to the abandoned hospital. That’s where it will be hot, do what the leader of the stackers tells you: stay alive and save a lot more lives. Then the military will arrive, but it doesn’t matter to you who the enemy is, the main thing is to shoot down the helicopter, for this it is most convenient to use the RP-74 machine gun. Then quietly get out (through the doors on the second tier, they were previously blocked). So fight your way to the catacombs, in fact, you will immediately find yourself near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Lebedev will provide you with two new guns, with one you will have to disable Strelok's psi protection, and with the other you will have to defend yourself. First, jump around the portals a little until you find a convenient place (Lebedev will notify you).

So, when you neutralize the Strelok, the exact opposite of Lebedev’s assumption will occur, the anomalous activity will not subside, but on the contrary - the strongest release will occur, which will change EVERYTHING. At the very last moment, the final video will show an old acquaintance, Marked, the main character of the first part.

This completes the walkthrough of STALKER Clear sky, as you can see, there is only one ending in Clear Sky.

After negotiations, in which the main character will ask Krylov about how you can get into the “Dungeons of Agroprom”, he will explain to you that you can only get there through a large hole that the mutants dug and will ask you to do a small favor - to flood the Dungeon, so that forever close the way out for snorks and other wickedness. Agree - the reward is not much, not little - 10 thousand RU.

Before going to the dungeon, equip yourself with the best weapons and armor-piercing cartridges - they will come in handy.

Go to the southeast of the location. In a wooded area near the hillside, you will meet a detachment of debtors. Talk to their commander, Sergeant Nalivaiko. He will ask for assistance and help kill a pack of snorks (who will come out 8-10 seconds after the conversation). They will mainly attack debtors. Having a double-barreled shotgun with you, you can disinfect the current situation with aimed shots. If at least Nalivaiko remains alive, he will give you a tip to the “Case in the Dungeons” cache.
Now go underground!

Here are the famous dungeons. You will find yourself in a curved corridor dotted with Zhark anomalies. Follow to its far end, simultaneously shooting snorks crawling out of the crevices. Your goal is to run to the stairs that lead to a higher level. You will find yourself in a small room. Collect the swag laid out in the boxes, reload the clip and step through the doorway leading into a hall with a high ceiling and four settling tanks filled with gurgling Kissel anomalies.
Tinnitus, loss of orientation and a critical level of psi radiation foreshadow the appearance of the controller. Knowing his weak point in his inability to conduct close combat, it is recommended to run to the opposite end of the room, straight towards the mutant and chop him with armor-piercing bullets at close range, or save ammunition by stabbing him to death with a knife.
Move on. You will be taken to the pump control room. Save your game. Turn the valve and get ready for a hundred meters. As soon as the grate rises, accelerate and run forward, then down the spiral staircase and further along the curved corridor. Along the way you will meet a flock of crazed jerboas. Ignoring them, drink an energy drink while running and, having reached the stairs, quickly climb to the top.
After a short scripted scene, it will become clear to you that the dungeon is flooded and the path to the lower levels is inaccessible. The task is completed. All that remains is to get to the surface.
It's not worth flying out headlong. Somehow, the upper level of the research dungeons has been occupied by a group of evil-minded bandits. Pacify the unruly punks.
Now you need to find Strelka's Cache, which contains important information. The layout of the small room has not changed since the time of PM (this is logical). From the found PDA it will become known that it is necessary to move to Lake Yantar.
On the stairs leading to the surface, be extremely careful. This place was chosen by several fire poltergeists. Leaning out of the doorway, pacify these anomalous creatures as well.
Having reached the surface, go to Krylov for a reward.
Continue to Yantar, the transition to which is located in the northwestern corner of the location. [Advice]

STALKER Clear sky is a prequel to the original. The plot takes place before the exclusion zone took on such a terrifying appearance, and the main action develops around the war of factions.

Walkthrough STALKER Clear sky

The game begins with a video in which a group of scientists led by a stalker was quietly wandering somewhere. But suddenly, something happened. At first the pseudo-dogs ran, and then the ejection occurred. After the video, you regain consciousness, the head of the Clear Sky group named Lebedev told you that you survived the ejection, his people found you in the swamps. Everyone calls you the mercenary Scar. After the conversation, go to the bartender, he will tell you a little about the group, and then go to Lebedev’s headquarters. During the conversation, he will ask you for help - get equipment from merchant Suslov and go to the outpost to help fight off the mutants.

Go straight, as you remember, you need to move carefully, throwing bolts in front of you, this is necessary so as not to get into the anomaly. Having climbed the tower, you will receive a message about a new release, your partner will die, but you will again be miraculously saved. Talk to Lebedev. He believes that the reason for the frequent emissions is that someone has penetrated into the center of the Zone (and who could it be??). You must help prevent a catastrophe (Scar has a special feature; he can survive emissions, but this gradually destroys his nervous system). But first you need to lift the siege of the bandits from the camp, and since the Clear Sky group does not fight, but studies, and only you know how to fight, then this is your job. Go to the hunter in the swamps. Before this, you can pick up a flash drive with information about the cache from the merchant.

In the swamps you just need to strengthen the presence of the group, how to do this is clear, but choose where for yourself. After completing this task, knock out the bandits from the farm. Having won the unequal battle, go and secure the roads to the cordon and Agroprom. And then, with a guide, go to the cordon.

There are military men right in front of you, run away from them. And then go to the merchant Sidorevich, who you know from the first Shadow of Chernobyl. For a small assignment, he will tell you about a stalker who was interested in details. You need to bring him the case. Before this, you can talk to the Wolf. Now start completing the task. First, go and talk to Valerian. He is behind the embankment, he will invite you to talk to the hostage yourself, to the military commander, who knows where the case is, but does not speak, knows that he will not be killed. He still won't tell. Then go and talk to the leader of the stalkers, he will offer to remove the military accomplices. Do so. After destroying two groups of military men, return to the hostage. He will reveal the location of the hiding place. If you talk to him after this, he will ask you for a gun, for which he will tell you the location of his hiding place. I gave him a pistol, you must admit, he served his time and gave away the cache. Go to the hiding place, it’s in a basket under the bridge, by the way, there’s a soldier hiding under the bridge, don’t shoot, he’s not dangerous. Take the swag to Sidorevich.

After this, go to the diggers - there you will find out what the stalker named Fang was looking for. Arriving at the place, you will find a corpse, read the information from the digger's PDA. He sent a messenger to Fang, go and find the messenger, help him fight off the dogs. He will tell you that Fang has gone into the dark valley. Moving forward, you will find yourself at a checkpoint of the Svoboda group, do what they tell you, otherwise you will either be shot or you will not be able to complete the task. The Stalker will tell you that they can only know about Fang at their base, go there. There, talk to the commandant, he will say that in order to get an audience with their leader you need to work. First, rid them of the terrible mutant and return for further instructions. He will tell you to take the ammo to the outpost, but first get the ammo itself from the merchant Ashot. Go to the outpost, when you get there you will see that no one is alive, bring the PDA to Chekhov.

As it turned out, the commandant was a traitor and immediately disappeared somewhere. Bring it to PDA Chekhov, for this he will give you the frequency of PDA Fang, by which you can track him, in particular, now he is in a landfill. And also, lay out everything valuable, because instead of Fang you will find bandits who will take everything, you can also spend all the money - it cannot be laid out and even if you complete the task of returning the property, no one will return the money to you. So, we recovered. Pick up Fang's PDA that he lost. After this, Lebedev will get in touch and tell you to go in search of the hiding place of Fang and company. Take all your equipment and go look for the cache.

The hatch leading to the dungeon is still closed, so run along the road from Agroprom and find a checkpoint of the Dolg group, talk to the main one there. True, in this case I used an alternative method of conversation - I shot everything, because for some reason the commander did not talk to me. Go to the Duty base and talk to the leader. He will say that he is ready to help you go down if you help him. You need to flood the hole, to do this go to Sergeant Nalivaiko.

Without thinking about the sad things, you go down into the dungeon. Passing the fiery anomalies and avoiding mutants, go right to the stairs leading up. In the next room you need to destroy all the mutants, in fact there is only one of him, but with his psychic influence he will spoil a lot of blood for you. To destroy him, get closer to him, but so that he does not notice you right away. Don't walk on the bridge. When the task is completed, go to the next room and turn the valve (this will flood the dungeons), and then run as fast as you can. Along the way, you will be able to observe mutants not paying any attention to you, just run.

It's time to find the cache; it has not changed its location compared to the previous part. Remember that, as before, bandits have settled in the dungeon. In the cache you will learn that Strelok and company once walked to the center of the zone and are going to repeat the trip. Get out of the dungeon and talk to scientist Sakharov on Yantar.

He will report that Strelok was supposed to test the Psi radiation protection device, but disappeared. To find his trace, first obtain documents from a group of stalkers who also disappeared. Be careful, there are all sorts of psi-creatures there, with which to fight - you just waste ammo - the creatures are endless. Therefore, just run to the corpses of the stalkers, take the PDA and run back. This information turned out to be extremely useful, meet with Lefty's squad. After you help them restart the cooling installation, Sakharov will detect the shooter's signal, he goes into the red forest, follow him. So, the shooter is right in front of you, but make no mistake, there is an ambush on the way, and while you are dealing with it, the shooter will blow up the tunnel and leave. To get behind him, you need to find a forester, and to find a forester, you need to go through the forest, along the way you will find a corpse, take the PDA from it and go to his target. When you reach the place, you need to find the entrance to the anomalous zone (ala portal) above the tank, just climb into it. Once there, go to the forester. He will send you to military warehouses to receive a signal from stalkers from near Limansk, they have fallen into a trap and he (and you) needs to know all the information.

Go to the neighboring location and talk with the commander of the Freedom post, then go to the mercenary village and talk with the main one there. He will tell you where the best trick is - on the water tower, but there is a mutant bloodsucker, get rid of him too. At the top you will receive a signal from the stalkers, return to the forester. He will send you to return an artifact stolen by bandits - only he can help you return from the anomaly. Now all that’s left to do is give the stalkers the necessary information and they will leave the anomaly themselves - along the bridge, at the same time they will free it from the bandits and lower it. Ask the mercenaries how best to get to the military transmitter. He will ask you how you want to act: alone or with the Freedom group, choose what you want.

After the stalkers get out safely, go to the bridge and cover Lebedev’s group with fire. Talk to the leader and climb to the second floor of the tower and cover the soldier near the bridge, do not forget about the snipers. After capturing the bridge in battle, reconnoiter the road through Limansk. True, there will be some fighting along the way. A little further, go around the anomalies that return you back, go around the last one through a rusty bus. Eventually you will have to go through a construction site - be careful, there are a lot of enemies there.

After this, the road will be blocked by an electrified fence, turn off the generator and move to the abandoned hospital. That’s where it will be hot, do what the leader of the stackers tells you: stay alive and save a lot more lives. Then the military will arrive, but it doesn’t matter to you who the enemy is, the main thing is to shoot down the helicopter, for this it is most convenient to use the RP-74 machine gun. Then quietly get out (through the doors on the second tier, they were previously blocked). So fight your way to the catacombs, in fact, you will immediately find yourself near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Lebedev will provide you with two new guns, with one you will have to disable Strelok's psi protection, and with the other you will have to defend yourself. First, jump around the portals a little until you find a convenient place (Lebedev will notify you). So, when you neutralize the Strelok, the exact opposite of Lebedev’s assumption will occur, the anomalous activity will not subside, but on the contrary - the strongest release will occur, which will change EVERYTHING. At the very last moment, the final video will show an old acquaintance, Marked, the main character of the first part.

This completes the walkthrough of STALKER Clear sky, as you can see, there is only one ending in Clear Sky.

One day a debtor and a Svobodovite are sitting in a bar over a glass of beer... Stalker joke...

Before I start, I would like to make a short introduction. Firstly, regarding the technical part. Always play only with the latest version patch. If you have a dual or more core processor and the game is still slow, Google the CPUControl program, run the game, minimize it, run CPUControl and assign the required number of processors to the xrEngine.exe process. Update your drivers.

Secondly. Save often. Not only for fast, but also in a separate slot. This will help. Trust my experience.

Thirdly, and this is the most important thing, this walkthrough is based on the game with the modification Meceniy(Strelok) Solynks v1.0.5. I recommend going through it with this modification, or with its later version (at least, with any other modification, more or less global).

I categorically implore you from using the “naked” original game. Of course, “the taste and color of a bloodsucker is not your friend,” but the taste in this case will be very perverted, in my opinion.

“Stalker: Clear Sky” is a kind of separate story, telling about the fate of one of the zone’s guides. It should be noted that compared to the first part, many new things and features have appeared in the game. For example, the X-Ray 1.5 engine provides support for DirectX 10, making the picture even more spectacular and photographic. A huge selection of new weapons, equipment, their upgrades, new monsters, locations and characters. Well, now let’s take a separate look at “Clear Sky”. The passage of the game consists of a number of stages, the mechanics of which are intuitive and simple.


It all starts with watching the introductory video, in which our main character, together with a group of scientists, falls into an outburst, where only he survives. Having woken up, we find ourselves at one of the strong points located in the swamps, where we are taught the basic aspects of the game. The first task is to go to the bartender and take all the necessary equipment from him. Next you should talk with Lebedev, the main person in this camp. During the conversation, he will ask us to help repel an attack at one of the outposts. Having a sensitive and compassionate heart, we agree. At the very exit, the hero will be provided with the most important things - a pistol, a shotgun and cartridges. Having repelled the attack, we are subjected to a not very pleasant thing - another ejection. And again the main character wakes up in the same bed in the same camp. Now you can go to the bartender and collect your reward. Throughout the entire game "Stalker: Clear Sky", the passage of which is intertwined with the completion of tasks, the hero will be given rewards in the form of money, artifacts or rare equipment.

Increasing influence

Lebedev will ask you to complete one more task - to strengthen the influence of his group (Clear Sky) in the swamps. The main character will need to go there together with a guide. Next, a random map will be loaded (tower, fishing village or another), where you need to help your allies fight off an attack or conquer a new stronghold. As you already understand, we will play exclusively for the Clear Sky group. Passing the game will repeatedly throw up missions of this kind: capture or protect. When the influence of our group in the swamps becomes dominant, a new task will be available - to capture the farm where the base of the Renegades (the opposing side) is located. Having dealt with the problems in the swamps, you need to hit the road to the cordon to Sidorovich, familiar to many players from the first part of the game Shadow Of Chernobyl. Now he has appeared in the game "Stalker: Clear Sky", the passage of which will bring the main character together with him several times.

old friend

Sidorovich, just like Lebedev, will give us various tasks related mainly to confronting the opposing group. In this case, the military is the main problem of our old friend. An interesting point in the game "Clear Sky", the passage of which is a separate storyline, is that there is the possibility of quickly moving from one location to another, so as not to waste time on long walks (but for some, on the contrary, this is fun) . Having destroyed the main military base, we talk with Sidorovich and receive a new task - to pick up a case with swag. The word “swag” in the game “Stalker: Clear Sky,” the passage of which will be filled with similar surprises, means a kind of stash that has a fairly high cost. The completion of the remaining tasks is similar to previous missions, consisting of capturing new areas, fighting enemy factions, or searching for rare artifacts. Among other things, it is recommended to install the “Clear Sky - Snake Catcher” mod, completing which will add many new features and adventures to the game.