Stone flower. Stone flower Artifact stone flower shadow of Chernobyl

Hello to all fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series.
Here I tried to present a general classification of artifacts from all games in the series, as well as early pre-release builds of the game known as Stalker: Oblivion Lost



Proto-medusa. A “springboard” is formed in anomalies. Being essentially a “blank” for a future artifact, the “proto-jellyfish” selects radioactive particles from the surrounding space, using the accumulated materials as “fuel” for its own development. The frame of the artifact is formed under the influence of the force fields of the anomaly, from what is within reach - plant stems, particles of soil and minerals. Maturing in the anomaly, the “proto-jellyfish” gradually crystallizes and over time forms a full-fledged artifact - most often a real “Medusa”, less often a “Stone Flower”, or a “Night Star”. If you extract a proto-artifact from its “native” anomaly, its development will go in cycles - it will never become a full-fledged “jellyfish”, but it will retain the ability to absorb and retain radiation for many years. This property of the “proto-jellyfish” is widely used in medicine, for the treatment of “radiation sickness”, as well as for the decontamination of radioactive contamination. From the moment of birth, the “proto-jellyfish” is hidden in a “subspace slot”, being in which it is invisible and imperceptible. The artifact is distributed throughout the Zone, however, to obtain it, the stalker must have special equipment - a search detector.

Medusa. The ancestor of the group of screen-power artifacts of the “jellyfish” type. Having finally formed, “Medusa” moves from the proto-phase to the “adult” stage and becomes visually identifiable. The artifact stops absorbing radiation and begins to emit it (approximately 500 μR/h), while simultaneously forming a constant protective field of small radius and intensity. An adult “Medusa” will no longer save you from radiation, but it will somewhat improve the bullet resistance of the wearer’s body armor (the force field of the “Medusa” is worn armor-shielding character- the outer energy shell of the artifact tends to slightly weaken the dynamic impulse of incoming ammunition, reducing the damage from it). One of the most accessible armor artifacts due to its stasis stability. "Jellyfish" is visually detectable without a detector. Occurs near “springboard” anomalies of any degree of anomalous activity. Has the first range level of "artifact noise".

Stone Flower.
Crystal flower. Screen-power artifact of the second level. It is formed from a “proto-jellyfish” in high and medium-intensity gravitational anomalies of the “springboard” type. It has a more complex structure compared to the Medusa, increased energy capacity and the intensity of the protective field. Visually detected without a detector, thanks to the stasis stability of the artifact. It is not found often - “Medusa” is much less common. The highly crystallized structure of the artifact allows the “Stone Flower” to be used in jewelry, of course, after deactivation of dangerous radiation - its radioactivity is about 500 μR/h.

Bleeding nose. "Medusa" of the third level, an extremely rare artifact. It is formed, like all other “jellyfish”, in “springboard” anomalies, but is practically never found in nature. For a long time it was believed that such an artifact did not exist at all. However, not so long ago, a group of environmental researchers discovered this curious artifact in the southeastern sector, in the “Darkscape” tract, also known by local poachers as “gut”. The artifact is extremely unstable, it is detected using a search detector in a very narrow range, which is why stalkers do not find it - their equipment is too primitive, and they do not really know how to use it. Moderately radioactive. In terms of its armor-shielding properties, it occupies an intermediate place between the “Stone Flower” and the “Night Star”.

Night star.
Night star. One of the rarest and most valuable artifacts, jellyfish, is the desired swag of any stalker or environmental researcher. Stasis-stable artifact (determined visually, without a detector), level of “artifact noise” UD-4. It forms in “springboard” anomalies with a very high degree of activity. In addition to a powerful protective field of large radius, the artifact has some little-studied properties that are of high interest for research. Very high level of crystallization. Using the “Night Star”, like any other “jellyfish”, as a personal “armor screen” requires compensation for radioactive radiation using special equipment, or decontamination artifacts. Highly prized by jewelers and collectors.

Dark jellyfish (Macabre).
Macabre. A little-known representative of the group of screen-force gravitonics. Apparently, the “Dark Star” is an artifact of the fifth level, the so-called “beyond-instrument” level of “artifact noise”, which is not registered by modern equipment. The density of screen radiation probably significantly exceeds all other artifacts of this type. Has the maximum level of crystallization for its group. It is speculated that the "Dark Star" may be present in several old gravity anomalies with extremely high levels of activity. Visually, the artifact was observed by random eyewitnesses at the moment of peak fluctuation. According to local belief, it is considered a “bad artifact” - seeing the “Dark Star” means great failure for the stalker.


Proto-Gravity (Gravity Stone)..
Location: near the gravity anomaly, extraction method: Find and pick up, Properties: weight loss for things in the backpack, Value: Average.

Twist. The most common object in the group of gravitational artifacts formed in the “funnel” anomaly. It is formed as a result of the complex interaction of anomaly fields with metal objects and mineral raw materials of the soil. Forms the beginning of the main evolutionary chain of artifacts-twists (the “twist-goldfish” branch). According to its field characteristics, it belongs to the first level in the general classification of anomalous formations. “Vyvert” is a screen-power artifact, but unlike “Medusa”, its protective field is distributed strictly over the surface of the object of interaction, creating energy crystallization effect outer layer. With the help of this artifact, stalkers, for example, can temporarily strengthen the structure of their equipment and the integumentary tissues of the body, thereby increasing resistance to external mechanical damage - cuts or tears. The degree of hardening is 2 units. Stasis is a stable artifact that is detected visually. Moderately radioactive (500 µR/h).

Black gravel.
Black gravity.“Black Gravity” (aka simply “Gravi”) is a second-level “twist” artifact. Quite often found in the vicinity of funnel-type anomalies of moderate activity. Compared to “Vyvert”, it has a stronger field and, accordingly, a more pronounced effect of energy crystallization - the hardening index of the outer layer of the interaction object reaches 3 units. An interesting feature of the “Black Gravity” is that, being a transitional link from the “Twist” to the “Goldfish”, under certain conditions it can serve as a “raw material” for the formation of the “Golden Gravity” - an artifact of a side evolutionary branch of the “Twist” group.

Gold fish.
Gold fish. A very valuable and rare crystallifier artifact from the “twists” group. “Goldfish” belongs to the third level in the general classification of artifacts; it has a maximum degree of crystallization of the structure (practically not amenable to mechanical processing). Formed in “funnel”-type anomalies with high and very high levels of intensity of force fields. Like all “twists” in the main evolutionary branch, “Goldfish” increases the strength of the outer layer of the surfaces of the object with which it interacts in the stasis adapter, and demonstrates the highest degree in this indicator, 5 units.

Golden gravel.
Gold gravity. A gravity regulator artifact, a representative of a side evolutionary branch of the “twist” family. It is formed in a “funnel” from “raw gravity”, in parallel with the “Goldfish”, but technically according to a completely different principle. It is not stable, has a highly crystallized structure, and is weakly radioactive (200 μR/h). Refers to the third level in the general system of classification of artifacts. A distinctive property is that when activated in an electro-stasis adapter (or on a stalker’s “artifact belt”) it creates a stable force field with negative gravity, due to which the actual weight of objects placed in the artifact’s field is slightly reduced. An object rarely found in the Zone is not visually detected.

Amber. Further development of the evolutionary branch of gravity regulator artifacts in the “twists” group, a fourth-level artifact. Creates a spherical anti-gravity field that reduces the actual weight of any object by 12 units, which is the highest value for gravity regulators in general. “Amber” is formed in places of super-interaction of several gravitational fields with an exceptionally high level of intensity, and therefore is extremely rare. Not stable, for detection it is necessary to have a third-generation search detector, with a block for amplifying the registration of the “Doppler shift” at ultra-low frequencies. Moderately radioactive (about 300 μR/h).


Bile stone.
Mincer bile. It is a reddish formation of compressed and petrified remains of plants, soil and animal remains. It has the ability to partially neutralize chemicals harmful to humans. Radioactive.

Blood of stone.
Mincer blood. You can find this artifact near the Carousel anomalies. It is a rather ugly reddish formation of compressed and bizarrely curved polymerized remains of plants, soil and bones. Quite common and poorly effective.
1935. An ugly reddish formation of compressed and intricately curved polymerized remains of plants, soil and bones. It is especially popular among religious cults, but this does not make the price higher.
2205. An artifact formed in the Carousel anomaly. It is an ugly reddish formation of compressed and bizarrely curved polymerized remains of plants, soil and bones. When worn on the belt, in some mystical way, the artifact slightly speeds up the healing of wounds and stops bleeding. There is a belief among stalkers that this artifact contains the power of the people who died in the anomaly. True, this artifact attracts predators to its owner. The selling price is low due to its fairly wide distribution. Scientific organizations, primarily doctors and all kinds of religious cults, are showing interest in the artifact.

Swamp foulbrood.
Mincer foulbrood. An artifact of organic nature. Outwardly it resembles “A Hunk of Meat” and “Soul”, but is radically different from them in properties. Consists of deformed tissues of biological origin. When it enters an area of ​​chemical contamination, it begins to “pull” chemicals from the air, converting them into a thick viscous mass. Radioactive.

A piece of meat.
Mincer meat. Produced by the Carousel anomaly. Stimulates increased cell growth. On the other hand, young cells in the body are more susceptible to many types of physical damage. The artifact is found infrequently, but it cannot be called unique.
1935. There is a belief that this artifact contains the power of the people who died in the anomaly. Due to the artifact’s still unexplored ability to heal wounds, it is actively sought by scientists and religious sects.
2205. An artifact formed in the Carousel anomaly. It is an ugly yellowish formation of compressed and bizarrely curved polymerized remains of plants, soil and bones. When worn on the belt, in some mystical way, the artifact significantly speeds up the healing of wounds and stops bleeding well. There is a belief among stalkers that this artifact contains the power of the people who died in the anomaly. True, this artifact attracts predators to its owner. Selling price and probability of occurrence is average. Scientific organizations, primarily doctors and all kinds of religious cults, are showing interest in the artifact.

Mincer soul. It is very rare to come across Carousel near anomalies. Only a few manage to find such an artifact, and few have even seen it. It has a nice shape and an equally nice price.
1935. They say that the artifact is simply a vessel for the stalker's soul. And the purer the stalker’s soul was, the more beautiful the artifact found. For such a copy on the black market the price of several tanks will be paid.
2205. A rare artifact formed in the Carousel anomaly. It is a yellowish-red shiny formation of compressed and intricately curved polymerized remains of plants, soil and bones. Stalkers believe that this artifact contains the souls of people who died in the anomaly. When wearing an artifact on a belt, in some mystical way, within a few seconds a person’s health is completely restored and any bleeding stops. At the same time, stamina and resistance to psi attacks from telepathic monsters deteriorate. Also, stalkers note a funny fact - when you wear this artifact on your belt, you constantly want to eat. The selling price is very high. The probability of occurrence is low. Scientific organizations, primarily doctors and all kinds of religious cults, are showing interest in the artifact.


Mercury ball.
Mercury ball. Liquid metal artifact with internal isolated gravity. Appears in the “meat grinder”, within an hour after the anomaly is discharged, as well as after the “ejection”. It is a geometrically perfect ball, shimmering with a metallic sheen, with a size range from a few millimeters to 2.5 meters in diameter. It consists entirely of “mercury fulminate” - a very mysterious and dangerous metal-like substance for humans, held by the force field of the artifact. It has an extremely high density and specific gravity (the so-called “critical superdensity”), while the “mercury ball” surprisingly weighs very little - within 2-4 kilograms. Another interesting feature is the discrepancy between the size and gravitational weight of different samples - often huge “mercury balls”, with a diameter of over 1 meter, weigh less than small ones with a diameter of only a few millimeters, and laboratory scanning revealed no internal voids in the artifacts did not have.
Appears in the center of the “Meat Grinder” after the anomaly has been discharged. It is collected in a special container. An iridescent and swaying ball rolls from place to place. A large ball is surrounded by smaller mercury balls.
Mercury Ball: Appears after being released, lasts for a short time, and then evaporates. Prices: from 50 to 200 rubles, depending on the size. Specifics: dangerous anomalous formation, store only in a protected container, for example in an R1 capsule.
Location: Collected in the center of the "meat grinder", Method of extraction: Collect in a container, Properties: Accelerated health recovery, Value: High.


Electra sparkler. A member of the family of electrostatic artifacts, named for its brightness. It has the ability to smooth out differences in electric field strength. Radioactive.

Electra glossy. Located near Electra-type anomalies. A fairly common and inexpensive artifact. Nevertheless, it is valued among Zone researchers for its properties. 1935.
2205. An artifact produced by the Elektra anomaly. A translucent amorphous formation that sometimes generates small lightning sparks around itself. Wearing the artifact on your belt slightly increases stamina. The price is low. Scientific organizations, collectors and jewelers are showing interest in the artifact.

Electra flash. Elektra occasionally spawns this artifact. Stalkers use it with great eagerness because of its good qualities. A good price and nice appearance make it interesting for collectors. 1935.
2205. An artifact produced by the Elektra anomaly. A translucent amorphous formation with rays of light emanating from within and sometimes generating small lightning sparks around itself. Wearing the artifact on your belt slightly increases stamina. The price is average. Scientific organizations, collectors and jewelers are showing interest in the artifact.

Heavenly Stone.
Electra celestial. An artifact of electrostatic nature. Due to the high crystallization of molecules, it demonstrates an excellent ability to absorb electrical charges and their subsequent dissipation. Capable of protecting the human body from exposure to high-power and high-voltage electric currents (up to 5000 V). Radioactive.


Electric ball.
Location: in clusters of anomalies, Method of extraction: gravity artifact + mercury ball, Properties: Rapid health regeneration, Value: High.
It is a hollow ball made of the finest glass-like material. It’s strange, but the moment the capsule breaks, its fragments disappear without a trace. It does not have any useful properties; it does not have fields or directed radiation. Formed in electrostatic anomalies of the “electra” type.

Electra moonlight. 1935. A degenerate case of Electra anomaly activity. Apparently, such a wonderful rounded shape can be obtained by subjecting the anomaly to heat. Expensive artifact.
2205. An artifact produced by the Elektra anomaly. A translucent amorphous formation with a luminous core that generates small lightning sparks around itself. Wearing an artifact on your belt significantly increases your stamina. But any, even the weakest Electra anomaly, becomes deadly. Radioactive. The price is high. Scientific organizations, collectors and jewelers are showing interest in the artifact.
It is the same “Electric Ball”, but with a “flash galaxy” inside. It is impossible to break or otherwise damage the Moonlight shell.

Disintegrator (flash galaxy).
Electra disintegrator. An amazing electrostatic artifact, “Moonlight” without a shell. It is better not to touch it with your hands, as you may receive a fatal electric shock.
Location: in clusters of anomalies, Method of extraction: Electric ball + burning fluff, Properties: Directed disintegration field, Value: very high.

Electra halo. A unique artifact of electrostatic nature. Demonstrates the ability to resonate when exposed to psi waves. Over time, stalkers learned to adjust the artifact so that it would resonate in antiphase, thereby completely or significantly neutralizing psi radiation. Radioactive.

Blue lightning.
Electra blue.“Electric ball” with an anomaly contained inside. It is fragile and deadly and therefore requires careful handling. If such a ball is broken, an “electra” anomaly is formed in this place, which lasts for several hours. It has a medium prevalence.

Green lightning.
Electra green. A more powerful activator of electrical anomalies compared to “blue lightning”. "Electra" born from "green lightning" lasts much longer and has an increased electric discharge force. The shell of this artifact is more durable, it is difficult to break it, but it is also safer during transportation. The “blue capsule” is found much less frequently and, accordingly, has a much higher cost.


Lollipop (Witch's Jelly).
Witches galantine. A proto-artifact gelatinous substance (colloidal gas) that forms the basis of the “jelly” anomaly. Extremely aggressive acidic environment. It is collected in a special container.
Viscous substance. Super dangerous colonies of mutated bacteria.
Price: 5 rubles per 100 grams
Specifics: very dangerous anomalous formation, store only in a protected container, for example in an R1 capsule.
Location: in puddles of jelly (jelly is usually located in lowlands, basements, recesses), Method of extraction: Collect in a container, Properties: Loss of strength, protection from rats, Value: High.

Ameba slime. It is known for sure that the artifact was generated by the “jelly” anomaly. When worn on a belt, wounds bleed less, although the owner's body becomes vulnerable to various burns.
2205. An artifact produced by the “Jellied” anomaly. Translucent jelly-like formation. Wearing the artifact on your belt slightly reduces damage from the anomalies “Rusty Hair” and “Scorching Down” and slightly repels predators. The price is low. Scientific organizations are showing interest in the artifact.

Ameba slug. It is formed by the “jelly” anomaly. The negative properties of this artifact are compensated by the fact that it increases blood clotting. This kind of artifact is not often found, and it fetches a good price.
2205. An artifact produced by the “Jellied” anomaly. Translucent jelly-like formation. Wearing an artifact on a belt reduces damage from the anomalies “Rusty Hair” and “Scorching Down” and slightly repels predators. The price is average. Scientific organizations are showing interest in the artifact.

Ameba mica. The “jelly” anomaly is capable of generating such an artifact under the rarest, extreme set of physical conditions. The result is a translucent solid object. The artifact is expensive and rare.
2205. An artifact produced by the “Jellied” anomaly. Translucent jelly-like formation. Wearing an artifact on a belt significantly reduces damage from the anomalies “Rusty Hair” and “Scorching Down” and scares away predators (however, when worn for a long time, it negatively affects health); however, when worn for a long time, any scratch becomes deadly due to accelerated bleeding . The price is high. Scientific organizations are showing interest in the artifact.

Balloon. The artifact consists of several hollow formations of an organic nature, connected to each other. Releases a gaseous substance that can neutralize radioactive particles in the human body; no harmful effects of the substance on the human body have been identified. Due to its high efficiency, it is in great demand.


Magic. A unique organic artifact with equally unique properties. In an unknown way, it increases the overall speed of recovery of the body. Due to its effects on the body and its pleasant appearance, it is of particular interest to collectors. Radioactive.

Glass.“Firefly” works with fields inaccessible to science, accelerating the regeneration of tissues and organs of living beings, as well as normalizing metabolic processes. Capable of literally putting a seriously wounded person back on his feet before his eyes. Unfortunately, the artifact is extremely rare. Radioactive.

Dead Head..
Dead head. Location: in clusters of anomalies, Method of extraction: Washcloth + electric ball, Properties: Repels almost all mutants, but attracts the controller, Value: very high.


Needles. A group of artifacts that has now disappeared. Appeared in "The Fog". Waving needles stuck into the ground. Several samples of “needles” are in one of the research institutes in Kyiv. There is no research data available for this artifact.
Location: Appear in the “fog”, Method of extraction: find and pick up, Properties: Temporarily shield from psi influences, blind dogs “lose the trail”, Value: Low.


Rusty hair.
Rusty hairs. Location: Formed in growths of Rusty hair, Method of extraction: Collect in a container, Properties: ..., Value: High.

Rusty bast. Location: in clusters of anomalies, Method of extraction: gravity artifact + rusty hair, Properties: A thrown object, after hitting the floor or an obstacle, it is shot at a living body, after hitting, it is shot at the next living body, until it falls or will not hit an inanimate object. After which it can be raised. Value: High.

Rusty thorn. The result of the interaction between the “Rusty Hair” anomaly and the body of an inattentive stalker. The spiked artifact pricks the owner’s body, no matter how you fasten it. But it also helps cleanse the body of radionuclides. Quite common and cheap.
2205. An artifact produced by the “Rusty Hair” anomaly. When worn on a belt, it slightly increases a person's psi protection. The price is low. Scientific organizations, collectors and jewelers are showing interest in the artifact.

Crystal thorn
Rusty crystal. Crystallizes into the "Rusty Hair" anomaly. Removes radiation from the body naturally. That is, through the ears along with some blood. Blood loss may also occur through other openings. It comes across infrequently and is quite effective, which has earned it a stable price on the artifact market.
2205. An artifact produced by the “Rusty Hair” anomaly. When worn on a belt, it increases a person's psi protection. The price is average. Scientific organizations, collectors and jewelers are showing interest in the artifact.

Sea urchin
Rusty sea-urchin. The Rusty Hair anomaly very rarely produces such an artifact. Blood pressure increases and the body gets rid of a large number of red blood cells. But along with them, accumulated radiation leaves the body. Sakharov, in his fundamental work “Ionization and polarization of components of rare artifacts,” noted that the composition of this formation has critical stability, and it is unrealistic to achieve the creation of such an artifact in a laboratory in the coming decades.
2205. An artifact produced by the “Rusty Hair” anomaly. When worn on a belt, it significantly increases a person's psi protection. When activated by throwing, it becomes a bouncing needle mine. The price is high. Scientific organizations, collectors and jewelers are showing interest in the artifact.

Heart of the Oasis
Oasis heart. An artifact from the center of the legendary Oasis. Apparently, it is a crystallized plant that has adopted the inherent property of Oasis to have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Unlike the Oasis, the artifact is exclusively radioactive.


Burning cotton wool.
Fuzz cotton. The detector does not respond to burning fluff. Of some interest to science. It is collected in a special container.
Burning Cotton: Large flying fluff that leaves severe burns when it gets on the body. Accumulates in lowlands, holes and depressions. When there is wind or explosion, it rises into the air.
Price: 10 rubles per piece. Specifics: very dangerous anomalous formation, store only in a protected container, for example in an R1 capsule.
Location: pours out of a growth of cotton wool (cotton wool is usually located on the walls of houses and other buildings), Method of extraction: Collect in a container, Properties: Radiation emission, Value: High.

Fuzz thistle. A rather rare artifact, formed in areas of severe chemical contamination. It is highly valued for its ability to significantly improve the overall tone of the wearer’s body so that he can recover in a matter of minutes from injuries of any severity. Scientists disseminate information about the artifact's effect on the owner's genetic material; however, there is no confirmation of this yet. Radioactive.

Fuzz kolobok. When you hold this riddle of the Zone in your hands, you feel how the skin becomes rougher and becomes less sensitive. It is still easy to penetrate it with a bullet, but cutting it is much more difficult.
2205. An artifact produced by the “Scorching Pooh” anomaly. When worn on a belt, it significantly increases the human body’s resistance to radiation. However, it is better not to approach the “parent” anomaly of the artifact - the damage will be increased many times over. The price is high. Scientific organizations, primarily doctors, are showing interest in the artifact.

Fuzz meteor. A luminous artifact capable of generating a local field that partially compensates for the effects of gravity. Widely used by stalkers to reduce the weight of cargo carried in a backpack. Radioactive.

Electra ice. Externally, the artifact looks like a “bun”. There is an opinion that this is the “bun”, the properties of which were enhanced after exposure to a powerful electric field. Thanks to its qualities, it is able to dramatically increase the muscle tone of the wearer. Radioactive.



Black drops.
Black drops. Formed by the “Zharka” anomaly at high temperatures. Outwardly it looks like a blackened drop-shaped formation with a glossy surface, covered with cracks.
2205. An artifact produced by the “Frying” anomaly. Drop-shaped formations with a cracked glossy surface. (Wearing an artifact on a belt did not reveal any interesting effects) Stalkers say that wearing an artifact reduces the harm from animal bites. Decreases stamina. The price is low. Collectors and jewelers are showing interest in the artifact.
Beautiful crystalline formations were formed by a combination of high temperatures and gravitational anomalies.
Prices: 15 rubles per piece
Location: Appear on the ground after “frying”, Method: find and pick up prey, Properties: Accelerated healing of open wounds, Value: Low.

Fire drops.
Fire drops. This artifact, which actually resembles the human visual organ in appearance, noticeably accelerates metabolic processes in the body, which promotes rapid healing of wounds. In addition, among experienced stalkers there is a belief that the “Eye” can bring good luck. Radioactive.

Toad eye.
Toadish eye.

Plasma. Location: in clusters of anomalies, Method of extraction: Black drops + mercury ball, Properties: Repels zombies, Value: High.


Glass bowl.
Faded Ball. Formed in the Zharka anomaly. It is a very strong hollow sphere, a spherical capsule made of an anomalous glassy material. It is an early stage of the formation of the Fireball artifact. Sometimes these glass balls, for some external reason, fall out of the matrix area of ​​the anomaly before the final formation of the artifact. No special properties have yet been discovered in this formation. If desired, the “Glass Ball” can be broken, and at the moment of breaking, the fragments of the material mysteriously disappear.

Fire ball.
Fireball. Crystallizes in the Zharka anomaly. It fights radioactivity well, although accelerated energy metabolism suppresses muscle tone, so you won’t be able to run for a long time. The artifact emits heat.
2205. An artifact produced by the “Frying” anomaly. Translucent reddish spherical formation. Wearing the artifact on a belt did not reveal any interesting effects. Stalkers say that wearing an artifact reduces the harm from animal bites. Decreases stamina. The price is average. Collectors and jewelers are showing interest in the artifact.

Lava hell. Despite the name, which fully reflects the nature of this artifact, the “Fireball” can easily be held in your hands without fear of burns. It is valued for its ability to maintain a constant temperature of about 24 degrees Celsius in a small radius around itself, regardless of environmental conditions. Radioactive.

Kernel comet. It represents the fallen nucleus of a “comet” - a dynamic thermal anomaly.

Flame. Formed in areas of increased thermal activity. It is characterized by strong infrared radiation, under the influence of which the process of blood clotting in open wounds of the wearer is accelerated. Due to the great rarity of this artifact, its cost is extremely high. Radioactive.


Wolf tooth.
Wolf fang.

Phoenix (Proto-crystal).
Proto-crystal. The artifact occurs in anomalous zones under the influence of high temperatures. Actively absorbs excess heat from the space around it, while remaining cool to the touch. Radioactive.

Crystal. It turns out when heavy metal gets into the “Zharka” anomaly. This artifact removes radiation remarkably well. Such an artifact is highly valued by stalkers, and there are few places where it can be obtained.
2205. An artifact produced by the “Frying” anomaly. Its name very accurately describes the shape of the artifact - it is a large iridescent crystal of a reddish color. Stalkers claim that wearing the artifact scares off some mutants (but there has been no exact confirmation of this, but the fact that the artifact slowly reduces health is a verified fact) and significantly reduces the harm from animal bites. But, alas, the artifact has a disgusting effect on stamina. And besides, it’s better not to approach bonfires with this artifact. The price is high. The likelihood of occurrence is low. Scientific organizations are showing interest in the artifact.


Dummy empty. Location: Appears in “dead zones”, Method of extraction: find and pick up, Properties: Protection against loss of consciousness, Restoration of strength, Value: High.

Dummy dummy. When wearing this artifact, protein denaturalization occurs more slowly. In other words, the flesh is more resistant to high temperatures and burns less. This in itself is an expensive and rare item. Appears in the Dead Zone.
The origin of the artifact is unknown. Two hard drives stuck together by slime. Slightly reduces damage from all gravitational anomalies and explosions by absorbing shock waves. Selling price is average. Scientific organizations are showing interest in the artifact.

Double pacifier (double).
Dummy double. Location: in clusters of anomalies, Method of extraction: two pacifiers + gravity artifact, Properties: Protection against loss of consciousness, Restoration of strength. Shields from psi influences, Value: very high.

Dummy spring. According to some theoretical researchers, this artifact is a hybrid of a “pseudo-battery” and a “dummy.”
2205. The origin of the artifact is unknown. Two hard drives stuck together by slime. Can move independently through small jumps. When living creatures appear near him, he jumps up and inflicts impact damage on them. In small rooms, with a significant number of enemies, a funny “rubber” bomb effect is obtained. It is only important to run away after its activation. When worn on the belt, it slightly reduces damage from all gravitational anomalies and explosions by absorbing shock waves. Radioactive. The selling price is very high. Scientific organizations are showing interest in the artifact.

Dummy battery. The origin of this thing is shrouded in a veil of scientific mystery. It is known that it contains dielectric elements, but science does not yet know under what conditions it is formed. It is valued among residents and guests of the Zone for its ability to have a tonic effect on the human body. If exposed for too long, it depletes the body.
2205. The origin of the artifact is unknown. Ribbed shiny formation. No effect on the human body has been identified. However, it was noticed that in an amazing way it recharges all batteries and accumulators located nearby. A very useful artifact for its bearer. Improves all health, stamina, and radiation resistance characteristics. However, while wearing it, it is necessary to avoid any abnormalities as the damage will be amplified. It seems that the artifact enhances any processes occurring around it. The selling price is huge. Scientific organizations are showing interest in the artifact.

Dummy spool. Previously, this artifact was considered junk, devoid of any properties. However, some time ago it turned out that with constant contact with the human body, “Coil” has a positive stimulating effect on the nervous system.



Witch beads.
Fire glass beads. Much about this artifact remains a mystery. However, it has been precisely established that the radiation generated by the pulsation of the thickenings of the “Witch’s Beads” causes the blood in open wounds to clot very quickly. Radioactive.

Mom's beads.
Dummy glass beads. A wonderful artifact. Take care of him - he is good because he has only positive qualities. Scientists are scratching their heads over how such a property can be obtained in the laboratory.
1935. An intricately curved spiral dotted with shiny pearl drops. The selling price is high. Showing interest in the artifact
2205. The origin of the artifact is unknown. The artifact generates a temporal field around itself that locally slows down time. An intricately curved spiral dotted with shiny pearl drops. No effect on the human body has been identified. Slows down the appearance of fatigue, hunger, slows down bleeding. Radioactive. Activated by pressing. After activation, the “Time Machine” anomaly is generated within a few seconds. The sale price is crazy. Scientific organizations, collectors and jewelers, and, perhaps, everyone who is not too lazy, are showing interest in the artifact.


Dummy pellicle. This artifact is so rare that many researchers do not even realize that such a substance can exist in natural conditions. Rejects caustic chemical components.
2205. The origin of the artifact is unknown. “Elevator” is born from anomalies. The thinnest film of a glassy substance with unusual refractive properties. No effect on the human body has been identified. Radioactive. Gives its owner almost complete absence of fatigue. At the same time, it can be activated by pressing, after which the artifact generates the “Elevator” anomaly within a few seconds. The selling price is very high. Scientific organizations, collectors, and jewelers are showing interest in the artifact.


Radioactive objects (simples).
Radioactive simple. Cheap artifacts are of interest to researchers only for radiation measurements. It is necessary to indicate where the artifact was taken from.
Price: from 1 to 5 rubles, depending on the strength of radiation
Specifics: Artifacts with strong radiation should only be stored in a protected container, such as an R1 capsule

Abnormal bolt.

Magnet. Various metal rubbish, which had been lying in gravitational anomalies for a long time, acquired the ability to create a directed magnetic field of high intensity. The range of the “magnetic beam” is up to ten meters.
The magnet is an artifact with a strong one-sided gravitational anomaly. It is formed in the “mosquito bald patch”, with prolonged gravitational influence on metal-containing substances. Price: 30 rubles per piece.
Location: near the gravity anomaly, Method: find and pick up loot, Properties: Reduce gravitational damage, Value: Average.

Changed steering wheel.
Twisted. It was once the steering wheel of a dredger, but now before my eyes is an approximately half-formed artifact. The artifact is quite unusual: it glows intensely, emits a little - and that’s all.

Modified insulator.
Half-insulator. This item was once an electrical insulator. Now it has almost formed into an artifact with unstable properties. Most likely, it was he who was the source of variable psi radiation.


Black suitcase.
Black case.

Dead Head.
Totenkopf. A rare and very expensive artifact. Repels almost all mutants, but attracts the controller. It belongs to super-artifacts, that is, it may be the result of an anomalous synthesis of simpler artifacts. Formed in areas of poly-anomalous activity (Cluster of anomalies).

Compass. Rare artifact. The last time he was found was several years ago. This artifact has the ability to show discontinuities in anomalous fields. They say that with its help you can pass through a field with the most difficult anomalies without the slightest risk, but very few people know how to use it.

Satellite. One of the most little-known objects, presumably of electrostatic origin, is the so-called halograph artifact. It has a number of useful, but rather weakly expressed properties, inherent in many other artifacts. The most valuable quality of Sputnik is its ability to have a beneficial effect on the host’s nervous system. The owner of this unusual stone is rarely in a bad mood, is less susceptible to stress and can sleep in the deep Zone, without the risk of going crazy. Currently, only two such artifacts are known: the first was kept by Strelok for a long time, the second, according to unverified rumors, was “lost” at one of the bases of the Ministry of Defense.


Bubl. Appears near the "Mosquito bald patch". It has the shape of a torus, which explains its name.
Location: near the gravity anomaly. Method of extraction: find and pick up. Properties: Absorption of radiation, increasing the weight of things in a backpack. Value: Average.

Glass donut.
Glassy Bubl. Location near "Komarinaya bald spot". A variation of the usual “donut”, a translucent artifact-torus of a bluish color.
Properties: absorption of radiation, increasing the weight of things in a backpack. Value: high.

Jump rattle. The artifact is a stone similar in structure and composition to granites. Occurs in gravitational fields of enormous intensity. Has the ability to reduce the level of psi influence. Radioactive.

Rose hip.
Scratch. An artifact of a bizarre shape that appears in places of increased gravitational activity. It is a kind of sponge that absorbs radioactive elements. It equally successfully protects its wearer from exposure to both induced radiation and radioactive particles that have already entered the body.

The article is under revision.

Game description:
The shadow of Chernobyl
It is born in the “springboard” anomaly. Such an artifact can be found in few areas of the Zone. Interspersed metal connections give a beautiful play of light. Looking at this artifact in the light of a fire at night is wonderfully calming.
Clear sky
The artifact is a stone that has been deformed under the influence of enormous gravity. The characteristics are close to granites. To some extent, it is able to protect the owner’s mind from psionic influence. Radioactive.
Call of Pripyat
The artifact is a stone similar in its characteristics to granites. Occurs within gravitational fields of enormous intensity. Capable of fully or partially protecting the owner’s mind from psionic influence. Radioactive.
Where to find?
In the Newcomer Village, on the roof of one of the houses, in a box
On the farm with the dead bandit on Cordon, near the stairs to the second floor there is a gap in the brickwork and there is an artifact
Near the ruins at the “Dolga” checkpoint at the Landfill
Complete the task “Find an improved suit” (quest given by Nimble)
For Sakharov's quest to measure psi radiation (with the help of a bug you can get many copies)
At least two Flowers can be found at the Agroprom in the east and northeast of the location

"Stash under concrete blocks" (Junkyard)
"Government Box" (Dark Valley). Drop condition: corpse of a lone stalker, of any rank
"Hidden Safe" (Dark Valley). Drop condition: corpse of a bandit of the Veteran rank in the Dark Valley
"Cache Box" (Dark Valley). “Drop” condition: corpse of a “long-time soldier” of the “Experienced” rank in the Dark Valley
After passing the Radar, a camp of free stalkers is formed near an unfinished three-story building on the way to Yantar. From time to time, Stone Flower artifacts will appear in the blue box at that site.
Can be found randomly on the bodies of killed lone stalkers, bandits, members of Duty, Freedom and mercenaries. The rank of such an NPC must be at least “experienced”
Often in wetlands, for example in the Acid Fog anomaly
Sometimes born in the Symbiote anomaly
Dump. At the western border of the bandit "concentration camp", at the bars in the anomaly
On Cordon, to the south of the locomotive in a ravine, which is in the east of the location near the embankment, but instead of a Stone Flower you may find a Medusa here
Also on Cordon, north of the Ruins of a Farm, there are anomalies, but Medusa can be found.
In the center of the Kogot (Zaton) anomaly

Found: PM, CHN and ZP
Generating anomaly: Springboard
Positive effect:Bullet resistance: +3 (TCH) Psi-defense: +1 (CHN) Psi-defense: +3 (ZP)
Negative effect:Radiation: +5 (PM) Radiation: +1 (CN and SG)
Occurrence: Average
Cost: 2500 (PM) 3000 (CHN and ZP) Category.

The first part of the passage is the removal of the military outpost under the bridge (1). To do this you need to prepare a little. The easiest thing is to get a weapon. The best option at the very beginning is PB1s. It lies in boxes, in an abandoned trailer (1).

Finding cartridges for it is not a problem, they are cheap, and besides, they are found in abundance in hiding places and corpses of opponents. You will need two types of cartridges - armor-piercing and conventional. Regular, approximately 300-400 in boxes, in bushes (2). Armor-piercing ones in the open air behind the tracks (3).

Protection is provided by armor and artifacts. The quest for the most bulletproof armor (Chain Leather) is given by Nimble (4), or we simply take it from the tunnel (4a).

It makes sense to use artifacts in combination with “Stone Flower” - 2 “Jellyfish” - 2 “anti-radiation”; or "Stone Flower" - "Jellyfish" - "Anti-Radiation". Jellyfish can be found in boxes next to the boars (5a):

And among the anomalies (5b):

The "Stone Flower" lies in the anomaly, in the building next to the bridge (5c). You can’t just take it, but you can knock it out with shots inside and take it from the other side.

There is no specific location of anti-radiation artifacts. They can be found in the caches “Under the Cross”, “Container in the Carriage”, “Stalker’s Goods”, “Thieves’ Attic”, which are located in this location.
Now we collect all the things we found, take 5-10 first aid kits, 10-15 bandages (by this time we should have accumulated. If not, then Sidorovich is waiting for you), and go to the bridge (1). We climb up from above, on the left side,

For accuracy, we take the lowest position (constantly crouching + Alt),

We load armor-piercing cartridges and start shooting. It’s best to take out the two on the left before everyone else spots you, and then, peeking (Q, E) around the corner, we finish off the rest.

The second part of the walkthrough - Outpost(3) . We collect machine guns and cartridges and return to the village. We find a patrol(2) , and we try to destroy them as quickly as possible. A grenade is best, but if not, then we set up an ambush in the bushes along the edges of the road.

Naturally, the military at the outpost will not like this, and they, having gathered in a punitive detachment, will head off at a brisk pace to clean up the village of newcomers. We go to the village, climb onto any convenient roof, and start helping the stalkers from above.

When the attack and the military are over, we collect cartridges from them and go to their base (3). Of the opponents, there may be 2-3 military men, and this is not a problem.

At the base, if you get into the attic, and from past skirmishes you can collect ammo for a good half of the game. And the main thing is not to forget to pick up the case with the documents, so you don’t have to run around later.

Well, that's it, you can go to the landfill. In combination with everything, if you also find a Mercenary suit in the village of newcomers, a showdown with bandits will seem like a shooting gallery.
Here is a compiled map with symbols. Red numbers in the text indicate military locations.