Ready presentation on the topic of volleyball. Physical education project “volleyball”. Receiving the ball with both hands from above while falling

History of the development of volleyball

In 2005, it was 110 years since the day when, in 1895, in the United States, college physical education teacher William Morgan proposed a game called volleyball (from English “hitting the ball on the fly”). Often the names of the game were “flying ball”, “ball in the air”. In 1900 Volleyball is expanding beyond the United States and gaining popularity on all continents. The basis of the currently existing rules was formulated in 1920.

In our country, volleyball began to develop widely in 1920. In 1923, the first volleyball competitions were held in Moscow, and in 1925, the Moscow Council of Physical Education approved the first official rules for such competitions. An important event in the development of volleyball in the country was the All-Union Championship.

Since 1933, Russian volleyball championships have been regularly held.

Since 1957, volleyball has become an Olympic sport.

Game characteristics

Volleyball is a ball sport in which two teams compete on a special court divided by a net.

The goal of the game is to send the ball over the net so that it touches the opponent's court and prevent the opponent from making the same attempt. To do this, the team has 3 touches of the ball (and one possible additional touch of the ball on the block).

The ball is put into play by serving.

In volleyball, the team that wins the rally gets a point.

Player positioning

There must always be six players from each team in a game. The team's starting line-up indicates the order in which the players will move onto the court. This order must be maintained throughout the game.

When the receiving team is allowed to serve, its players move one position clockwise: position 2 player moves to position 1 to serve, position 1 player moves to position 6, etc.

Starting stand

The player takes a position that allows him to easily start moving in any direction.

The optimal position is with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, one leg slightly in front of the other, your torso tilted forward, your arms slightly bent at the elbows.

Serving the ball. Top direct feed.

The ball is hit above the level of the shoulder joint while facing the net. The player throws the ball over his head slightly in front of him to a height of up to 1 m above the outstretched arm, the hitting hand swings up and back, the shoulder is raised. Simultaneously with the swing, the player bends and moves the shoulder of the hitting arm back. During the strike, the striking arm is extended at the elbow joint and extended forward and upward.

The torso and outstretched arm form an almost straight line. The kick is made slightly ahead of the player. The semi-tense hand hugs the ball from behind and above, giving it the final direction.

Bottom straight feed.

The player faces directly towards the net. The ball is thrown at arm's length to a height of 0.5-1 m, not higher than the player's head. The swing is performed by freely moving the arm back. The blow is carried out by a swinging movement of the striking arm from behind - below - forward, approximately at the level of the player’s belt, below the level of the shoulder joint.

Top gear with two hands.

When moving to the meeting place with the ball, in the last step it is advisable to place your feet parallel to each other or one slightly in front. Legs are bent at the knees. Hands are brought out in front of the face, hands are at forehead level, index fingers and thumbs form a triangle. The hands are oval shaped and optimally tense.

Jump pass.

Performed when the ball flies high. During the jump, the arms are raised above the head higher than when passing in a standing position. Counter movement is characterized by active hand work. The most effective impact movement is performed at the highest point of lifting the body.

One-handed passing.

Performed in a jump, mostly shortened. During the jump, the arm is carried above the head. The elbow is raised high and directed forward, the hand is turned with the palm facing forward. The fingers are slightly bent and tense. Hitting the ball is performed by actively extending the arm at the elbow joint, the movement is sharp.

Transfer back.

Get under the ball so that it is above your head. The hands are extended above the head. In the striking movement, simultaneously with the extension of the legs, the player bends in the thoracic and lumbar parts of the body. The arms are extended at the elbow joints.

Direct forward strike.

Simultaneously with the take-off, the player swings his right hand up and back. It is important that the elbow is higher than the shoulder joint. The player bends in the chest and lumbar parts, the legs are slightly bent at the knees. At the moment of the striking movement, the striking arm straightens at the elbow joint, stretches upward and slightly forward. Then it falls forward - down. The hand is placed on the ball in a relaxed state from above - from behind. By the time of impact, the speed of the hand movement should be greatest.

Receiving the ball from below with both hands in support.

After the movement, the arms are brought forward extended and tense, the hands are joined together, the right hand seems to clasp and support the left one from below. Legs bent at the knees, shoulder-width apart, one leg may be slightly in front of the other. The body is slightly tilted forward.

Hands are positioned perpendicular to the trajectory of the ball. As the ball approaches, a counter movement is made with the arms with some cushioning, the legs are straightened, the ball is struck with tense forearms, the hands are pulled down toward oneself, the elbows are not bent. The main work is done by the legs and shoulders.

Receiving the ball from below with one hand in support.

In this way, balls flying far from the player are received after preliminary movement or lunging. The striking movement is performed with a tense hand, fingers clenched

(half fist or fist).

Receiving the ball with one hand from below while falling

on the hip - back or chest.

Reception of the ball with a fall on the hip - back is performed by a sequential roll.

When performing a technique with a fall on the chest, the player with the last step sends his body down with a sharp movement - forward, and brings his arms forward.

Receiving the ball with both hands from above while falling.

This technique is performed on the back and on the hip-back, when the ball flies directly towards the player or away from him. When performing a technique with a fall on the back after moving, the player takes the last step into a squat position. Hands out at face level. The striking movement is performed as in a two-handed overhand pass. When an impact occurs, the shoulders are pulled back somewhat, the body weight is redistributed, as a result of which the balance is disrupted. The player seems to sit on the heel behind the foot standing on the toe, group himself, tilt his head forward and fall on his “round” back. A back somersault is possible.

A technical technique used to block the path of a ball flying over the net after an opponent’s attack. The block is performed in most cases after moving with side steps. The player stops near the net, facing it. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent. Hands bent at the elbows in front of the chest.

Before jumping, the player crouches, then, breaking away from the support, places a block in front of him with a wave of his bent arms. The forearms are slightly inclined towards the net, the fingers are optimally tense . When setting the block, the arms are extended at the elbow joints and moved forward and upward. At the same time, the hands are bent at the wrist joints, the fingers move forward and down. At the moment of hitting the ball, the hands absorb the blow, and one should strive to direct the ball forward - down towards the opponent’s side. After the block, the player lands on bent legs.

One, two or three front line players can participate in a block.

Shashkova Lyubov Vladimirovna is an outstanding athlete, participant, and winner of international championships of the highest world level in volleyball. Honored Master of Sports of Russia was born on December 4, 1977 in Moscow. Currently she is a striker for the Istanbul club Fenerbahce. Also, Shashkova competes for the Russian national team. Lyubov is a two-time world champion in 2006 and 2010.

Maxim Mikhailov- Russian volleyball player. Born on March 19, 1988 in the village of Kuzmolovsky (Leningrad Region). The athlete’s debut in the Russian national volleyball team took place in 2008 on July 14. There was a World League match when Russia played with Korea, and it was then that Mikhailov showed what he was really capable of. Currently, Honored Master of Sports Maxim Mikhailov plays as part of the Zenit club team and also plays for the Russian national team.

Gamova Ekaterina Alexandrovna is a Russian volleyball player, world champion, and also a member of the national team that won silver medals at the Sydney 2000 Summer Olympics and the Athens 2004 Olympics.

Logan Tom helped the United States of America win. Despite the fact that she is not tall, she already managed to become a member of the Olympic team at the age of nineteen. After she helped her team win, famous coaches noticed her. The sports world believes that she has a great career ahead of her. She represented Team USA at three Olympic Games. She received one silver and two gold medals. The playing technique has become popular all over the world. It served as a real lesson for many future athletes.

Paula Wischoff deserves special attention among professional volleyball players. She was born in California in 1962. And already in 1980, she won an award in the Junior Olympic Games and received the title of Most Valuable Player (MVP). She received one bronze and one silver medal. Volleyball allows you to open up and achieve success, as well as experience the joys of life. This is a game that keeps the body in good shape.

Volleyball. The presentation was prepared by Natalya Aleksandrovna Afanasyeva, Physical Education Teacher of State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 324 Volleyball (eng. volleyball from volley - “to hit the ball from the air” (also translated as “flying”, “soaring”) and ball - “ball”) - a sport, team a sports game in which two teams compete on a special court, separated by a net, trying to direct the ball to the opponent’s side so that it lands on the opponent’s court (hit the floor), or a player of the defending team makes a mistake. At the same time, to organize an attack, players of one team are allowed no more than three touches of the ball in a row (in addition to touching the block). Volleyball Court. A volleyball court is a flat and strictly horizontal rectangular area, limited by markings, which is the venue for volleyball matches. The size of the site is 18 meters long and 9 meters wide. The site is divided into two parts measuring 9x9 meters using a meter-wide grid. The net is positioned in such a way that its highest point is at a height of 2.43 meters from the ground for men's competitions and 2.24 meters for women's competitions (the height may vary for veterans and juniors competitions). Volleyball The volleyball consists of six panels of leather (natural or artificial) stretched around a frame. Each panel consists of three sections or rows. The ball can be multi-colored or completely white. Ball circumference 65-67 cm; weight - 260-280 g. Internal pressure 0.30 - 0.325 kg/cm2 (294.3-318.82 hPa). Regulations. A volleyball game has no time limit and lasts up to 25 points. Moreover, if the advantage over the opponent has not reached 2 points, the game will continue until this happens. The match continues until one of the teams wins three games. In the fifth game (tie-break) the score goes up to 15 points. In each game, the coach of each team may ask for two timeouts of 30 seconds each. Additionally, in the first 4 games, technical timeouts are assigned when one of the teams reaches 8 and 16 points (60 seconds each). After the end of the first four games, as well as when one of the teams reaches 8 points in the fifth game, the teams change sides of the court. In each game, the coach has the right to make no more than 6 substitutions of field players (except for the libero). Technical elements. Innings. Reception. Transfer Attack. Blocking. Innings. The serve is performed by the player who, as a result of the last transition, moves from the second to the first zone. The serve is made from the service area behind the back line of the playing court. Until the player touches the ball when serving, no part of his body should touch the surface of the court (this is especially true for jump serves). While in flight, the ball may touch the net, but must not touch the antennas. If the ball touches the surface of the playing court, the serving team scores a point. If the player who served broke the rules or sent the ball into touch, then the point is awarded to the receiving team. It is not allowed to block the ball when serving. If the point is won by the team that served the ball, the same player continues to serve. In modern volleyball, the most common power serve is the jump serve. Its opposite is a shortened (planning, tactical) serve, when the ball is directed close to the net. Welcome. Usually the players standing on the back line, that is, in the 5th, 6th, 1st zones, receive the ball. However, any player can accept the serve. Players of the receiving team are allowed to make three touches (You cannot touch the ball twice in a row) and, after the third touch, transfer the ball to the opponent’s half after a maximum. When receiving, no delay of the ball is allowed during its handling, although the ball can be received with any part of the body. A planning serve can be received by 2 players on the back line, but a power serve requires 3 players. Attack. Typically, with a positive reception, the ball is received by the back line players (1st touch) and brought to the setter, the setter passes (2nd touch) the ball to the player to perform an attacking shot (3rd touch). On an attack shot, the ball must pass over the net, but in the space between the two antennas. In this case, the ball can hit the net, but should not touch the antennas. Front line players can attack from anywhere on the court. Back line players must push off behind a special three-meter mark before attacking. Attacking strikes are distinguished: straight lines. It is forbidden to attack (then (along the way) and side, strikes with hitting the ball higher by moving it to the right (left) and the line of the upper edge of the net) only deceptive strikes (discounts). libero. Block. This is a playing technique in which the defending team prevents the ball from being transferred to its side when the opponent is attacking, by blocking its progress with any part of the body above the net, usually with the hands transferred to the opponent’s side within the rules. It is allowed to transfer the block, it can be a single hand to the enemy’s side or a group (double, when blocking in that triple). Touching the block is not a degree, so that they do not count as one of the three that interfere with the opponent before he touches. Only those players who are worth an action can block an attack or another game. on the front line, that is, in zones 2, 3, 4. Libero. A libero in volleyball is a special player on the team who performs only defensive functions. The main tasks performed by the Libero in the game are receiving the opponent's serves and attacking blows, selecting rebounds from the block and resets. Corresponding changes to the rules of volleyball regulating the actions of the Libero on the court were introduced by the FIVB in 1998. Violations of the rules. When serving, the Player stepped into the court space with his foot. The player threw and caught the ball. After 8 seconds have passed after the referee's whistle, the ball is given to the opposing team. Touching the antenna with the ball. Completed the serve before the referee's whistle During the rally, more than three touches were made. Touching the top edge of the net by a player performing an active game action. The back line player's entry into the three-meter line during an attack. Receiving error: double touching or holding the ball. The antenna touches the ball upon impact. Advance into the opponent's playing half. Regulations Violation of arrangement. Unsportsmanlike behavior of one of the players or coaches. Touching the top edge of the grid. Interesting Facts. The speed of the ball when serving can reach 130 km/h for the best players. Brazilian volleyball players were the first to use jump serves in the early 80s, which allowed them to win silver at the 1984 Olympics. The record for the longest game duration under the new rules was set in 2002 within the framework of the Italian men's championship “Cuneo” and “Sisley” - the second set of this match lasted 48 minutes and ended with a score of 54:52 in favor of the team from Treviso. In 2007, in Athens, the teams AEK and PAOK completed the second game with the same score in favor of the guests, and it lasted 57 minutes. Questions. What physical qualities should volleyball players have? Name the best volleyball players in Russia. By what year did the Russian women's volleyball team become world champions?

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Presentation on the topic: Volleyball

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Contents slide 2 History of the development of volleyball slide 3 Characteristics of the game slide 4 Physical preparation slide 5 Equipment slide 6 Arrangement of players slide 7 Plays slide 8 Starting stance slide 9 Serving the ball slide 10-11 Passing the ball slide 12 - 15 Attacking actions slide 16 Defense actions slide 17 - 21 Official gestures of the referees slide 22 - 25 List literature slide 26

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In 2005, it was 110 years since the day when, in 1895, in the United States, college physical education teacher William Morgan proposed a game called volleyball (from English “hitting the ball on the fly”). For the game, a rubber chamber filled with air was used, the net was installed at a height of about 2 m. The ball was in the air for a long time, so the names of the game “flying ball” and “ball in the air” were often found. In 1900 Volleyball is expanding beyond the United States and gaining popularity on all continents. The basis of the currently existing rules was formulated in 1920. In our country, volleyball began to develop widely in 1920. In 1923, the first volleyball competitions were held in Moscow, and in 1925, the Moscow Council of Physical Education approved the first official rules for such competitions . An important event in the development of volleyball in the country was the All-Union Championship, held in Moscow during the first All-Union Spartakiad in 1928, as well as the Spartakiad of Pioneers and Schoolchildren in 1929. Since 1933, Russian volleyball championships have been regularly held. Since 1957, volleyball has become an Olympic sport sports

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Volleyball is a ball sport in which two teams compete on a special court divided by a net. The goal of the game is to send the ball over the net so that it touches the opponent's court and prevent the opponent from making the same attempt. To do this, the team has 3 touches of the ball (and one possible additional touch of the ball on the block). The ball is put into play by serving: the serving player directs the ball to the opponent’s side with a blow. The play of each ball continues until it lands on the court, goes out of bounds, or is a team error. In volleyball, the winning team receives a point (the “every play is a point” system). When the receiving team wins the rally, it receives a point and the right to serve, and its players move one position clockwise.

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Playing volleyball requires players to have such qualities as concentration, good reaction, jumping ability, impact power, agility, coordination, speed of movement. When playing volleyball, general developmental exercises are performed: strengthening the musculoskeletal system; improvement of general coordination of movements; rapid restoration of the body's performance in the process of intense training work. Special focus: preparatory exercises aimed at developing the strength and speed of contraction of muscles involved in performing technical techniques of the game, developing speed, jumping ability, special agility, endurance (speed, jumping, strength, game ), speed of switching from one movement (action) to another.

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There must always be six players from each team in a game. The team's starting line-up indicates the order in which the players will move onto the court. This order must be maintained throughout the game. When the receiving team is allowed to serve, its players move one position clockwise: position 2 player moves to position 1 to serve, position 1 player moves to position 6, etc.

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The winner of the match is the team that wins three games. When the games are scored 2-2, the decisive (fifth) game is played to 15 points with a minimum advantage of 2 points. The game (except for the decisive one - the 5th) is won by the team that first scores 25 points with an advantage of at least 2 points. If the score is tied at 24-24, the game continues until there is a 2-point advantage (26-24, 27-25,...). If a team refuses to play after being asked to do so, it is declared a no-show and loses the match with a score of 0- 3 in the match and 0-25 in each game. A team that does not enter the playing court on time without good reason is declared a no-show.

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Top direct feed. The ball is hit above the level of the shoulder joint while facing the net. The player throws the ball over his head slightly in front of him to a height of up to 1 m above the outstretched arm, the hitting hand swings up and back, the shoulder is raised. Simultaneously with the swing, the player bends and moves the shoulder of the hitting arm back. During the strike, the striking arm is extended at the elbow joint and extended forward and upward. The torso and outstretched arm form an almost straight line. The kick is made slightly ahead of the player. The semi-tense hand fits the ball from behind to above, giving it the final direction. Serves can be with rotation of the ball and gliding without rotation. When planning serves, the ball must be thrown so that it does not rotate. The toss height is lower than normal. When swinging, the amplitude of movement is much smaller.

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Bottom straight feed. The player faces directly towards the net. The ball is thrown at arm's length to a height of 0.5-1 m, not higher than the player's head. The swing is performed by freely moving the arm back. The blow is carried out by a swinging movement of the striking arm from behind - below - forward, approximately at the level of the player’s belt, below the level of the shoulder joint.

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Top gear with two hands. When moving to the meeting place with the ball, in the last step it is advisable to place your feet parallel to each other or one slightly in front. Legs are bent at the knees. Hands are brought out in front of the face, hands are at forehead level, index fingers and thumbs form a triangle. The hands have an oval shape and are optimally tense. When the ball approaches, a counter simultaneous movement of the legs and arms begins. When performing a striking movement, the thumbs take the main load during shock absorption, the index fingers become the main striking part, the middle fingers to a lesser extent, the ring and little fingers hold the ball in the lateral direction. At the end, the hands seem to accompany the flight of the ball.

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Jump pass. Performed when the ball flies high. During the jump, the arms are raised above the head higher than when passing in a standing position. Counter movement is characterized by active hand work. The most effective impact movement is performed at the highest point of lifting the body.

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One-handed passing. Performed in a jump, mostly shortened. During the jump, the arm is carried above the head. The elbow is raised high and directed forward, the hand is turned with the palm facing forward. The fingers are slightly bent and tense. Hitting the ball is performed by actively extending the arm at the elbow joint, the movement is sharp.

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Direct forward strike. The run-up length is 2-3 steps. In the last step (jump), the horizontal speed is converted into vertical speed. In this case, one leg (usually the right one) is extended forward and placed on the heel (stopping step). In the last step, the other foot pushes off the support and moves it towards the right one. At the moment of repulsion (jump), the arms swing in an arc from behind - forward and upward, the body acquires an upward and somewhat forward movement - this is the take-off phase. Simultaneously with the take-off, the player swings his right hand up and back. It is important that the elbow is higher than the shoulder joint. The player bends in the chest and lumbar parts, the legs are slightly bent at the knees. At the moment of the striking movement, the striking arm straightens at the elbow joint, stretches upward and slightly forward. Then it falls forward - down. The hand is placed on the ball in a relaxed state from above - from behind. By the time of impact, the speed of the hand movement should be greatest.

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Receiving the ball. Used against attacking actions of the enemy, allows you to leave the ball in play. Reception of the ball from below with two hands in support. After the movement, the arms are brought forward extended and tense, the hands are joined together, the right hand seems to clasp and support the left one from below. Legs bent at the knees, shoulder-width apart, one leg may be slightly in front of the other. The body is slightly tilted forward. Hands are positioned perpendicular to the trajectory of the ball. As the ball approaches, a counter movement is made with the arms with some cushioning, the legs are straightened, the ball is struck with tense forearms, the hands are pulled down toward oneself, the elbows are not bent. The main work is done by the legs and shoulders.

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Receiving the ball with both hands from above while falling. This technique is performed on the back and on the hip-back, when the ball flies directly towards the player or away from him. When performing a technique with a fall on the back after moving, the player takes the last step into a squat position. Hands out at face level. The striking movement is performed as in a two-handed overhand pass. When an impact occurs, the shoulders are pulled back somewhat, the body weight is redistributed, as a result of which the balance is disrupted. The player seems to sit on the heel behind the foot standing on the toe, group himself, tilt his head forward and fall on his “round” back. A back somersault is possible.

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A technical technique used to block the path of a ball flying over the net after an opponent’s attack. The block is performed in most cases after moving with side steps. The player stops near the net, facing it. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent. Hands bent at the elbows in front of the chest. Before jumping, the player crouches, then, breaking away from the support, places a block in front of him with a wave of his bent arms. The forearms are slightly inclined towards the net, the fingers are optimally tense. When setting the block, the arms are extended at the elbow joints and moved forward and upward. At the same time, the hands are bent at the wrist joints, the fingers move forward and down. At the moment of hitting the ball, the hands absorb the blow, and one should strive to direct the ball forward - down towards the opponent’s side. After the block, the player lands on bent legs. One, two or three front line players can participate in the block.

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1. Small Encyclopedia of Physical Culture and Sports - M.: “Rainbow” 1982.2. Encyclopedia for children Sports - M.: “Avanta” 2001.3. IN AND. Lyakh, L.E. Lyubomirsky, G.B. Maikson Textbook Physical education grades 10-11 - M.: “Enlightenment”, 2000.4. Yu.N. Kleshchev Textbook “Sports Games” - M.: “Higher School” 1980.5. Yu.D. Zheleznyak, Yu.M. Portnov, V.P. Savin, A.V. Lexakov Sports games - M.: “Academy” 2001. 6. // “Sports at school” No. 3 2004.

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Volleyball from the English “volleyball”: “volley” is translated as “hitting the ball from the air” (can also be translated as “flying” or “soaring”) and ball is “ball”

Suvorova V.M. teacher of the highest category GBOU SPO SO "ETET"

“Volleyball... A game that makes your heart sink. A game in which thought pulsates, feverish, hot, working under constant time pressure. Game without draws. A game without rudeness, cruelty and violence. A game that makes you temporarily forget about the uncomfortable, imperfect world behind the rectangle of the court divided by a grid. » Vyacheslav Platonov

Volleyball, as a team sport, fosters a sense of responsibility to the team, the ability to work in a team and trust others. Regular play of volleyball has a hardening effect on the body and increases the body's endurance. The variety of movements and variable intensity of the load when playing volleyball trains almost all muscle groups. Volleyball strengthens the musculoskeletal system and improves joint mobility. Trains the eye muscles, expands the field of vision. Volleyball trains agility, precision, mobility and flexibility

Volleyball has a positive effect on the nervous system, improves mood, and helps fight stress and depression. Strengthens the cardiovascular system and improves blood circulation. Positively affects the respiratory system. Volleyball classes develop in children and adults such qualities as hard work, courage, perseverance, perseverance, discipline and the ability to quickly respond to changing situations.

Technical elements of volleyball: Upper and lower straight serve. Passing the ball from above and below. Forward strike, etc.

Passing with two hands from above: legs bent at the knees, torso straight, arms extended forward and upward, hands in front of the face and forming a bucket.

Performing an overhand pass: When passing, the player smoothly straightens his legs and moves his arms slightly forward and upward towards the ball. This movement continues when the hands come into contact with the ball, but at this moment the fingers, under the influence of the mass of the ball, are retracted back, softly stopping its flight with a yielding movement. The pass is completed with a springy movement of the fingers and hands, due to which the ball is pushed in a new direction.

Pass with two hands from below: legs slightly bent at the knees; the body is slightly tilted forward; arms below, hands nested one inside the other.

Performing a pass with two hands from below: When receiving the ball, the player, straightening his legs and straightening his torso, moves his arms forward towards the ball, the ball is received on the cuffs. As with top gear, it is necessary to observe the sequence of work of individual parts of the body: legs, torso, arms.

Low straight serve: The player faces the net, legs slightly bent at the knees, body weight shifted to the back leg. The swinging hand is pulled back and down, the other holds the ball in front of you at waist level. The ball is thrown up 20–40 cm, and a blow is made with a forward swing of the striking hand. At the same time, the back leg is extended, and the weight of the body is transferred to the front leg. The ball is hit with a tense palm or fist.

Overhead straight serve: The player stands facing the net, legs slightly bent at the knees, left hand in front, ball in left hand; the right one, slightly bent at the elbow joint, is pulled back and up for the swing. The body weight is concentrated mainly on the right leg. The ball is thrown up, the right arm is raised up, and the body weight is transferred to both legs. At the moment of hitting the ball, the movement of the shoulder slows down, and the forearm and hand make a quick and short movement forward in the direction of the serve. The ball is hit with a tense palm.

An offensive strike consists of a run-up, a jump and a strike. The run-up usually consists of three steps: the first is small and slow; the second – adjusts the direction of the player’s movement; the third, always fast and wide, is performed in a jump. It necessarily contains not only the flight phase of the body, but also a stopping movement with one foot touching the other. In this step, the arms and torso are moved back, and the legs are placed on the support from the heels.

The jump is performed with two legs, while the player simultaneously extends his legs and torso at the ankle, knee and hip joints and makes a forward-upward swinging movement, then the hitting arm is pulled back to swing at the blow. The ball is hit with a straightened hand high and always in front of the player, but before this the torso must bend back, especially strongly in the chest, and take the position of a drawn bow.

Volleyball is one of the most common games in Russia. The mass, truly folk character of volleyball is explained by its high emotionality and accessibility, based on the simplicity of the rules of the game and the simplicity of the equipment. A special advantage of volleyball as a means of physical education is its specific quality - the possibility of self-dosing the load, i.e. correspondence between the player’s preparedness and the load he receives. This makes volleyball a game accessible to people of all ages

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