The bubble in the stalker is the call of Pripyat. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Walkthrough of the game (3). The influence of the Heart of Oasis on the ending of “Stalker: Call of Pripyat”

The “Seeker” achievement in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat unlocks after finding 23 artifacts. Artifacts are mysterious formations with unique properties that appear in places of anomalies after emissions. Emissions in the Zone occur once or twice a day. The location of old artifacts in the anomalies changes. All artifacts in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat are generated by thermal, chemical, electrical, radiation, organic and gravitational anomalies. Each anomaly generates a family of two or three artifacts of a similar type, which differ in appearance and the strength of their impact on the host’s body.

The impact can be both positive and negative. Most often it is negative, since radiation negatively affects the protagonist’s body. Therefore, it is necessary to select artifacts in such a way that the resulting negative effect is smoothed out and does not cause damage to health. For example, the negative effect of two Goldfish (radiation +6) is offset by the positive properties of two Bubbles (radiation -8) and there is still room for an Eye (radiation +2). The number of simultaneously used artifacts in a suit is limited by special cells. You can add additional slots for artifacts at Skadovsk from a technician or at Yanov using modifications that require tools for fine work and calibration.

The probability of finding rare artifacts in the Zone increases after; in anomalies, Goldfish, Flame, Firefly, Snowflake and Bubble begin to appear more often. Detectors help find artifacts, and exoskeletons and overalls help protect against the negative influence of the environment while scanning anomalies. The best detectors “Veles” and “Svarog” can be obtained during the passage of the main plot. The exoskeleton can be ordered at any time from Shustroy for 60,000 rubles or bought from Sych for 45,000 rubles at “Skadovsk” in Zaton after receiving the “” achievement; you can also find the exoskeleton for sale from the Hawaiian in Yanov after receiving the “” or “” achievements.

Artifacts are the main source of income for stalkers. Beard from Skadovsk is the only artifact dealer in Zaton, the vicinity of Jupiter and Pripyat. He also issues orders for their search and delivery. The reward depends on the rarity of the artifact; it can reach 24,000 rubles per piece. If you take the order, but do not complete it, free stalkers Kuvalda and Greben will appear on Zaton, who will complete the task for Beard for Degtyarev. No one forbids taking advantage of the opportunity and ransoming or taking away the found artifacts from the mercenaries, and then giving them to Beard for a reward.

Artifacts in "Stalker: Call of Pripyat":

Compass, Heart of the Oasis, Changed helm, Changed insulator, Anomalous plant - are not included in the list of required artifacts. If you give the Heart of the Oasis to the scientists from the bunker in the Vicinity of Jupiter, the rare artifact will affect the ending of the game.

Night star Backwater Neighborhood of Jupiter: Anomaly "Bitumen".Max. weight +4 kg., Radiation +16000RU
Gravity Backwater: Dredger; Neighborhood of Jupiter: Anomaly "Bitumen".Max. weight +8 kg., Radiation +212000RU
gold fish Backwater: Dredger, Claw Anomaly; Pripyat: School.Max. weight +12 kg., Radiation +318000RU
Mom's beads Backwater Neighborhood of Jupiter: Cement factory.Wound healing +2, Radiation +16000RU
Eye Backwater: Burnt Farm, Anomaly “Cauldron”, Anomaly “Circus”; Neighborhood of Jupiter: Anomaly “Ashes”, Anomaly “Bitumen”.Wound healing +4, Radiation +212000RU
Flame Backwater: Anomaly "Circus"; Pripyat: Anomaly "Vulcan".Wound healing +6, Radiation +318000RU
Soul Backwater: Swamp, Anomaly "Sosnodub"; Neighborhood of Jupiter Pripyat: Department Store, Vine Anomaly.Health recovery +2, Radiation +26000RU
Kolobok Backwater: Swamp, Sosnodub Anomaly.Health recovery +4, Radiation +212000RU
Firefly Backwater: Swamp; Neighborhood of Jupiter: Anomaly "Floats"; Pripyat: In the courtyard of the building between the Department Store and the Dorm, Anomaly "Vine".Health recovery +6, Radiation +318000RU
Battery Backwater: Anomaly “Iron Forest”, Anomaly “Scar”; Neighborhood of Jupiter: Utility yard, Parking lot.Recuperation +2, Radiation +16000RU
Dummy Neighborhood of Jupiter: Parking; Pripyat: Old KBO.Recuperation +4, Radiation +212000RU
Snowflake Backwater: Anomaly "Iron Forest"; Pripyat: Roof of the Yubileiny KBO.Regeneration +6, Radiation +318000RU
Jellyfish Backwater: Dredger, Claw Anomaly; Pripyat: School.Radiation -24000RU
Inversion Backwater: Dredger, Claw Anomaly, Caves under the burnt out farm.Radiation -38000RU
Bubble Backwater: Caves under a burnt farm; Neighborhood of Jupiter: Quarry, Concrete Bath Anomaly; Pripyat: Department store.Radiation -412000RU
Crystal Backwater: Burnt out farm; Pripyat: Anomaly "Vulcan".Thermal Protection +3, Radiation +12000RU
Fire ball Backwater: Burnt out farm, Cave under the burnt out farm, Anomaly “Circus”; Neighborhood of Jupiter: Anomaly “Bitumen”, Anomaly “Ashes”.Thermal Protection +6, Radiation +24000RU
Blood of Stone Backwater: Swamp, Anomaly "Sosnodub"; Neighborhood of Jupiter: Anomaly "Plavni".Chemical protection +3, Radiation +12000RU
Hunk of meat Backwater: Caves under a burnt farm, Swamp, Anomaly “Sosnodub”; Pripyat: Department store.Chemical protection +6, Radiation +24000RU
Stone Flower Backwater: Caves under the burnt out farm, “Claw” Anomaly.Psi Defense +3, Radiation +13000RU
Moonlight Backwater: Anomaly "Iron Forest"; Neighborhood of Jupiter: Parking lot.Psi Defense +6, Radiation +26000RU
Sparkler Backwater: Iron Forest anomaly.Electrical Defense +3, Radiation +12000RU
Flash Backwater: Scar Anomaly, Iron Forest Anomaly; Pripyat: Roof of the Yubileiny KBO, Old KBO.Electrical Defense +6, Radiation +24000RU
Compass Backwater: Noah's old barge (the "Compass" task is given by Beard during the resolution of the conflict between and).Thermal Defense +3, Chemical Defense +3, Psi Defense +3, Electrical Defense +3, Recuperation +2, Radiation +410000RU
Heart of the Oasis Neighborhoods of Jupiter: Ventilation complex (given by Professor Ozersky from the scientists’ bunker).Health recovery +2, Strength recovery +2, Wound healing +2, Saturation +1, Radiation +47000RU

The influence of the Heart of Oasis on the ending of “Stalker: Call of Pripyat”

Stories about the Oasis ceased to be legends: more and more often in conversations of stalkers those who were able to find the way to this secret anomaly were mentioned. The flow of searchers does not dry out, which the bandits continue to take advantage of. Newcomers fall for the offer to show the way to the Oasis, but the matter usually ends in robbery somewhere away from the stalker paths.

Since the zone is located in the disaster area of ​​the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, you cannot do without radiation protection. On your first foray from Clear Sky Base, using the detector, climb into the first anomaly you come across and pick up the Medusa artifact, it will save you from radiation exposure in the first steps.

I like artifacts that increase protection from psi radiation, telepathy is the most vile way to fight against you, although I have not encountered more than two places of powerful psi radiation, except for the dungeon of the Agroprom Research Institute and the Yantar plant. There really are psychic dogs, and at the freedom base they even talked about how they steal sausage from stalkers. I didn’t feel the psi radiation of these dogs myself, maybe because I didn’t let them get close, maybe I saved Seva.


Bubble | Radiation protection -6
Greenish swamp origin the artifact consists of several connected hollow formations of an organic nature. Releases a gaseous substance that can neutralize radioactive particles in the human body.
Where to get it: At military warehouses, in the swamp closest to the base. At the Yantar plant, in the swamp which is west of Professor Sakharov’s mobile laboratory, in version 7 there is a Kolobok artifact. Down the river from the bridge leading to Limansk, right next to the water on the side of the red forest, there is swag.

Flame| Bleeding +60 Radioactive.

Inversion | Radiation protection -4
An artifact of a bizarre shape that appears in places of increased gravitational activity. It is a kind of sponge that absorbs radioactive elements. It equally successfully protects its wearer from the effects of both induced radiation and radioactive particles that have already entered the human body.
Where to get it: Agroprom, funnel anomaly, on the hill north of the post near the railway tunnel.

gold fish | Carryable weight +30 kg Radioactive.

Moonlight| Telepath +3 Radioactive.
A unique artifact of electrostatic nature. Demonstrates the ability to resonate when exposed to psi waves. Over time, stalkers learned to adjust the artifact so that it would resonate in antiphase, thereby completely or significantly neutralizing psi radiation. Where to get it: To the northwest of the Depot on the outskirts of the landfill, two pieces of moonlight are rolling at once. There is an electra anomaly in the dark valley at the freedom base, climb out the window near Chekhov. Attention radiation!

Mom's beads| Bleeding +20 Radioactive.
Not the best in its series, but it looks symbolic, and is somewhat similar to a chain. Much about this artifact remains a complete mystery to scientists. However, it has been precisely established that the radiation generated by the pulsation of the thickenings of “Mom’s beads” accelerates the course of metabolic processes in the human body. One of the most noticeable effects of this is accelerated wound healing.
Where to get it: In the “Rift” anomaly in the SE of the dark valley (you will also be sent there for an 8x optical sight as part of an additional task). In the equipment cemetery, which is in the landfill, in the anomaly closest to the guard's cabin. Near the Yantar plant to the west of it.

What are artifacts for and where to look for them?

Artifacts in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat are mysterious formations with unique properties that appear in places of anomalies after emissions. Anomalies found in abundance in the Zone pose a direct danger to life. Despite this, they have become the main source of enrichment for stalkers, as they generate various artifacts. Artifacts have a mixed effect on the human body - some of the effects they cause are beneficial, but the flip side of this in most cases is the danger of radiation exposure. You can select artifacts in such a way that the resulting negative effect is neutralized. The game features a whole scattering of artifacts in the amount of 25 pieces, all of them are unique. Most of them are mined in anomalies. Detectors are used to search for them.

Hazard Class:
Gives birth to artifacts:
Mom's beads
Fire ball
Damage factor:

A type of "Rift" anomaly formed in a wetland. In cracks up to several meters deep and in deeper layers of moist soil, accumulated water is heated to high temperatures, periodically escaping under high pressure into streams of steam, which is why it got its name.
On cool days, the anomaly remains warm, which attracts not only mutants, but also stalkers.
Brave and seasoned stalkers manage to take healing hot “baths”.


Hazard Class:
Gives birth to artifacts:
Blood of Stone
Hunk of meat
Damage factor:
Biochemical burn

A fairly new variety of symbiotic anomaly, formed as a result of the “fusion” of certain types of trees, usually oak and pine. It is clearly distinguishable from a distance by the unusual shape of the “dome” of tree trunks, which in themselves are harmless, in contrast to the accumulated dangerous chemicals underneath, which are often concentrated into the “Soda” anomaly.
Once under the dome of the anomaly, any organic matter “burns”, as if doused with organic acid. There is a suspicion that the anomaly, like a predator, dissolves organic matter and feeds itself.

Hazard Class:
Gives birth to artifacts:
Damage factor:
Psi radiation

Little studied, unique in form and impact, anomalous activity, the main damaging factor of which is strong psi-radiation.
In appearance it resembles a clear straight fault, up to 10 meters deep and more than 100 meters long. According to photographs from military satellites, the anomaly resembles a cut wound left by a gigantic knife. Hence the name.
For some, this “scar” resembles a trench from a fallen meteorite fireball, but the absence of an explosion crater, inherent in all landing sites of space rocks, casts doubt on this theory of origin.

Hazard Class:
Gives birth to artifacts:
Mom's beads
Fire ball
Damage factor:
Heat, Gravity

Not far from the Jupiter plant, the road collapsed. This place was nicknamed “Bitumen” because the road surface melted there. The breach is full of anomalies - frying mixed with gravitational ones... And since there are two types of anomalies, then the artifacts must be different.

Hazard Class:
Gives birth to artifacts:
Stone Flower
Damage factor:

This anomaly is full of gravitational artifacts. It’s hard not to notice this place, the anomalies there have severely distorted the earth, part of the hill was simply demolished. And in the caves that opened in the hill, snorks immediately settled, but they rarely go outside.
The claw is a cluster of gravitational anomalies, under the influence of which the earth bent into a bizarre formation somewhat reminiscent of a claw. Under the “dome” of the anomaly there are quite a lot of Springboards and Funnels, there is a Carousel, as well as a fairly high level of radiation.

Hazard Class:
Gives birth to artifacts:
Fire ball
Mom's beads
Damage factor:

“Circus” is an interesting anomaly located on Zaton. As a result of unknown processes, a certain depression was formed in the ground, in the center of which were “Zharki”. At an altitude of about 10 meters there is “Carousel”. Apparently it got its name because of its resemblance to a circus arena. Two moving fiery anomalies are circling inside, which can cause significant damage.
It is worth noting that some believe that moving fiery anomalies are somewhat similar to poltergeists. At least, when moving towards the anomaly, the stalker has a feeling of being “seen”, for example, as when approaching the “Iron Forest” anomaly (or rather, the poltergeist in this anomaly). This is explained by the fact that the poltergeist is in the center of the anomaly. However, no throwing of heavy objects occurs, because the poltergeist is fiery (it tries to fry you, forming something like mini-fries under you).

Iron forest

Hazard Class:
Gives birth to artifacts:
Damage factor:
Electric discharge

In the southwest of Zaton, there is an old electrical substation. At this location, electricity “came out” from the wires and transformers, forming a large “Electra” anomaly field. The dangerous substation apparently got its name because of the numerous metal power transmission line supports in the area. In some places of this arch-anomaly, an increased background radiation is observed, and telekinetic poltergeists have also been seen repeatedly in this area. “Iron Forest” is one of the places where one of the military helicopters crashed during the military operation “Fairway”. The Testing Workshop is located under the anomaly. It is known that there the technician Kardan was developing a certain “product number 62”, better known as the “Gauss gun”.


Hazard Class:
Gives birth to artifacts:
Fire ball
Mom's beads
Damage factor:

Ashes - an old cemetery, near Kopachi. It’s very dangerous there, there’s a lot of heat, sometimes zombies come. Usually this place is avoided, but sometimes artifacts are found there.

Hazard Class:
Gives birth to artifacts:
Blood of Stone
Hunk of Meat, Soul
Kolobok, Bubble
Damage factor:
Biochemical burn

The bay behind the cement plant, this place is also called “Plavni”. At that point, the bay turned into a terrible, smelly swamp, with a lot of “soda” in the water. Although, whatever water there is, it’s almost completely acid. Artifacts have been found there, but they say that monsters really like this place.

Concrete bath

Hazard Class:
Generates artifacts:
Blood of Stone
Hunk of Meat, Soul
Kolobok, Bubble
Damage factor:
Biochemical burn

It is a cluster of soda anomalies located in a “concrete bath” - apparently, it served as the basis for the foundation of some kind of extension to the Jupiter plant, which was never built. On a hill in the center of the anomaly, artifacts of a chemical nature periodically appear, which can be picked up even without climbing into the poisonous waters of a concrete bath: just look around and understand how to jump from the upper tier to a huge, semicircular ledge to the south of the arch-anomaly and then jump even lower to the platform leading to the artifact .

Hazard Class:
Gives birth to artifacts:
Mom's beads
Fire ball
Damage factor:

Outwardly, the anomaly is a little similar to “Circus”, but there is a significant difference. Firstly, instead of a pit there is a small “dent” in the ground, emitting “Comets”, and secondly, instead of poltergeists, jerboas and pseudo-dogs graze near the anomaly, hoping to get fried meat.

Hazard Class:
Gives birth to artifacts:
Blood of Stone
Hunk of Meat, Soul
Bubble, Firefly
Damage factor:
Biochemical burn

“Vine” is a bizarre anomaly, reminiscent of a grapevine hanging between the houses in Pripyat. The anomaly is dangerous with “Soda” on the ground and in the hole (where, presumably, the roots of the vine themselves are located), and along the branches - with an “Acid (Chemical) Comet” flying from above. However, you can occasionally find some artifacts in the pit; You can also climb the branch itself and, showing miracles of balancing act, reach the balcony on the top floor, then you can grab, for example, the “Kolobok” artifact. A significant relief for a stalker who decides to conquer the “Vine” is that the “Acid Comet” is in constant motion and moves along the branches of the vine. As a result, you can track the frequency with which the comet passes this or that part of the path and “safely” walk to the balcony. At night, “Vine” makes an indelible impression on everyone watching. A large plant, most similar to an overgrown vine or vine. Under the plant on the ground there are soda pops in abundance. On the trunk itself a chemical Comet flies from wall to wall. This biological archanomaly generates artifacts both on the ground - among chemical anomalies, and in high-rise apartments

Space bubble

Hazard Class:
Very tall
Gives birth to artifacts:
Damage factor:

A clearly visible spherical translucent formation. Without going into the details of Einstein's theory of relativity, this anomaly can be called a “hole in space”; stalkers call it a space bubble, probably because of its appearance and action.
Any object or part of it, falling into the scope of the anomaly (entry point), instantly “falls out” from the reverse side (exit point), but no one knows where this reverse side will be. Perhaps you will jump feet first straight into the Meat Grinder. The exact mechanism of action of this Zone phenomenon has not been studied, which is due to the rare occurrence of this anomaly and its certain unpredictability in relation to experimenters. There are known cases of such anomalies sticking together into one; in the place where they appear en masse, once in such a twist of space, people can wander for a long time in the space limited by these anomalies, teleporting to its center over and over again. Sometimes in such anomalous spaces you can find a unique Compass artifact generated by them. Its name speaks for itself - it is able to find a loophole and show “paths” in space. With its help, you can find the entry or exit point of a spatial anomaly.

Meat grinder

Hazard Class:
Gives birth to artifacts:
gold fish
Stone Flower
Damage factor:

This arch-anomaly is barely visible to the eye. Represents a sphere. It differs from other anomalous formations of gravitational nature primarily in its large size and power, and also in the fact that in the “Meat Grinder” there are multidirectional physical forces that can both tear and flatten any object that falls within the anomaly’s area of ​​influence.

Hazard Class:
Gives birth to artifacts:
Damage factor:

An anomaly of presumably gravitational nature. At the moment of activation, with terrible force it draws into itself everything that is within a radius of 10-15 meters. If you get into the center of the “funnel,” there is no chance of survival: the body of both the animal and the person will be compressed into a dense lump, and then torn apart at the moment of the so-called discharge.
During the entire period of existence - on average about a week - the anomaly does not change the place of its manifestation; can be visually detected during the day by the characteristic movement of air above it, swirling foliage, fragments of dismembered corpses and a characteristic dark spot on the ground in the center. It is extremely dangerous at night because it can only be detected by detectors or by throwing metal objects.

Hazard Class:
Gives birth to artifacts:
Mom's beads
Fire ball
Eye, Flame
Damage factor:

In an inactive state, it looks like a barely visible cloud of hot air, but when any object or living creature enters the action zone, it forms a compact zone heated to a temperature of about 1500K. At night it can only be detected by powerful detectors or by throwing metal objects.

Hazard Class:
Gives birth to artifacts:
does not form
Damage factor:

One of the three flying anomalies of the Zone. It is a fireball of small diameter, followed by a tail of the same fire. The Comet moves exclusively along closed trajectories at a constant speed.
The heat from the anomaly is felt several meters away, and contact directly with the ball itself often ends in death. However, knowing the Comet's path makes it not so dangerous.
The Loza archianomaly also contains an acidic version of this anomaly. The only differences are the type of lesion and color.

Hazard Class:
Gives birth to artifacts:
Does not form
Damage factor:
Electric discharge

"Tesla" is a mobile anomaly of electrical nature. In fact, this is an electra that can fly quickly along a given trajectory. It is found mainly in confined spaces with high anomalous activity. It does not produce artifacts, by its nature it is a provocateur of electromagnetic pulses, due to which devices begin to malfunction or turn off altogether, but there is also a theory that anomalies evolve, and this is the evolution of “Electra”. It is quite possible that these anomalies are responsible for the frequent crashes of military helicopters in the Exclusion Zone.


- Pmm9x1823 37 15 7 8 0,53 700
- PB-1s9x1829 38 14 6 8 0,73 730
- Fora-129x1826 37 16 7 12 0,88
- Volker-P9m9x1931 39 17 8 16 0,77 1280
- Martha9x1924 35 17 7 15 1,07 1500
- KhPSS-1m9x1922 35 18 6 15 1,07 1600
- Cora-919.45 ACP22 35 21 6 7 1,14 1600
- SIP-tM200.45 ACP27 36 21 7 12 0,73 3500
- UDP Compact.45 ACP29 34 20 7 12 0,79 3400
- Black Hawk.45 ACP30 32 24 6 8 1,75 3400


- Sawed-off shotgun12x764 30 24 37 2 1,99
- Shotgun12x7628 18 25 37 2 3,19
- Chaser 1312x7618 21 25 3 7 3,32 3000
- SPSA 1412x7618 19 25 5 8 4,76 10000
- Bumper12x7624 17 25 6 12 3,54 9000

Slot machines

- Viper 59x1916 31 17 23 30 2,64 6000
- AKM-74/2U5.45x3913 26 14 22 30 2,86 4000
- AKM-74/25.45x3915 24 15 21 30 3,44 4000
- AS-96/25.45x3919 21 15 21 30 4,16 15000
- IL 865.56x4518 23 15 23 30 4,16
- TRs-3015.56x4523 27 14 26 30 2,87
- SGI-5k5.56x4525 19 16 22 30 4,66 8000
- Grom-S149x3921 21 19 22 20 3,67 20000
- GP-375.56x4524 25 15 24 30 3,76 20000
- SA "Avalanche"9x3928 26 20 22 20 2,50 9500
- FT-200M5.56x4528 23 15 25 30 4,76 18400

Sniper rifles

- Vintar-VS9x3931 24 21 22 10 3,43 18000
- SVDm-27.62x5438 12 38 2 10 5,13 20000
- SVUMk-27.62x5433 24 25 3 10 4,63 15000
- Gauss gunACC43 28 43 1 10 6,00 30000

Grenade launchers, machine guns

- Mask0 0 11 2 9 0 0 4,00
- Steel helmet0 0 0 0 17 0 13 4,00
- Tactical helmet0 0 5 2 17 0 26 4,00
- "Sphere M12"0 0 5 2 22 0 28 4,00
- Helmet "Barrier"0 0 11 4 26 0 7 4,00

- Leather coat6 0 3 0 0 9 2 4,00 500
- Jumpsuit "Zarya"14 11 7 5 0 13 3 5,00 5000
- Jumpsuit "Wind of Freedom"15 14 8 5 0 19 3 4,00 6500
- PS5-M "Universal protection"11 11 7 4 0 22 5 7,00 6500
- Armored suit "Beryl-5M"11 6 6 2 0 26 9 9,00 12500
- Jumpsuit "Guardian of Freedom"18 19 13 9 0 26 9 8,00 18500
- PS3-9d "Armor of Debt"11 11 7 3 0 33 18 15,00 25000
- Armored suit "Bulat"16 11 7 5 0 30 18 12,00 25000
- Armored suit "Bulat"19 22 24 12 26 19 5 10,00 25000
- Body armor ChN-3a17 16 9 7 0 27 9 40000
- Exoskeleton16 16 16 6 22 34 19 60000


Artifact Hunt

Artifacts are the most valuable items in the game's economy. It is for the sake of obtaining artifacts that hundreds of stalkers wander through the zone of radioactive contamination and climb into the most dangerous anomalies.

Single instances of artifacts can be found in secret caches, but most artifacts are found in anomalies. Moreover, if you extracted all the artifacts from one specific anomaly, then soon new artifacts will appear in this anomaly. Thus, anomalies are a renewable source of artifacts.

Artifacts are invisible to the human eye at a great distance; they appear only at a distance of one or two steps. Therefore, to search for artifacts it is necessary to use special detectors. You can remove or hide the detector by pressing the “O” key.

Detector Response
The simplest detector that signals the approach to an artifact using a light bulb and a sound signal. If we get closer to the artifact, the signal sounds more often; if we move further away, the signal fades out. Cost: 500 rubles.
Detector Bear
A circular detector showing which side the artifact is located on. By sound you can determine the distance to the artifact. Cost: 1,000 rubles.
Detector Veles
A full-fledged detector that allows you to see the location of the artifact on a two-dimensional screen. With such a detector, it is possible to find rarer artifacts that previous detectors do not notice. Cost: 2,000 rubles.
Detector Svarog
Shows the location of both artifacts and dangerous areas of the anomaly. With such a detector, you can safely walk through the most dangerous anomalies, avoiding all traps. The only negative is that it is difficult to see artifacts on the screen; it is better to look for them with Veles. Cost: 12,500 rubles.

Found artifacts can be sold to other stalkers or to the buyer Borod (a merchant at the Skladovsk base). If you complete all of Beard's tasks, his reward for the artifacts will be much higher than the market value of the artifacts.

Artifacts can be used to strengthen your hero. Some types of armor have slots into which artifacts can be inserted. You can also improve the armor of technicians to make more connectors in them.

Inserted artifacts provide a wide variety of bonuses, but most of them are radioactive. In order to use artifacts normally, and not constantly use vodka or antidotes to remove radiation, you must first insert special anti-radiation artifacts, and then, on top of them, insert all other artifacts.

Artifact classification
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Artifacts

PhotoNameIn what anomalyPropertyGlad.Price
Claw (Zaton)-2 radiation-2 4000
In the caves under the Burnt Farm (Zaton)-3 radiation-3 6000
Soda, Sosnodub, Plavni-4 radiation-4 12000
Cauldron, Frying, Ashes, Bitumen+2 healing+1 6000
Frying+4 healing+2 12000
Frying, Cauldron, Circus, Bitumen+6 healing+3 18000
Soda, Plavni+4 health+2 12000
Concrete bath, Slough, Vine, Soda, Pine oak+6 health+3 18000
Sosnodub, Soda, Plavni+2 recovery strength+2 6000
Iron Forest, Electra+2 recovery strength+1 6000
Scar+4 recovery strength+2 12000
Tripe, Electra+6 recovery strength+3 18000
Springboard behind the Dredger (Zaton)+4 kg max. weight+1 6000
Bitumen+8 kg max. weight+2 12000
Springboard, Funnel+12 kg max. weight+3 18000
Sosnodub, Funnel, Soda+3 chemical protection+1 2000
Soda+6 chemical protection+2 4000
Iron Forest, Tripe, Electra+3 el. protection+1 2000
Iron Forest, Tripe, Electra+6 el. protection+2 4000
Frying, Cauldron+3 thermal protection+1 2000
Circus+6 thermal protection+2 4000
Funnel, Carousel, Springboard, Claw+3 psi defense+1 3000
Iron Forest, Electra+6 psi defense+2 6000
Jupiter, Dredger