You decide the project. "in action. What children respond to

The Association of Volunteer Centers believes that it is possible and necessary to develop volunteerism right from school: the organization has not only a project ">

Raising a caring, responsible generation is the most important task for us. We are proud of the “You Decide!” program, thanks to which young schoolchildren are immersed in the world of volunteering and good deeds. By supporting children’s initiatives and teaching children, we see how they develop, become leaders, and implement the most daring projects,” Metelev noted.

“The first step in this direction is a school volunteer team, then in the chain there is a volunteer center of a college/university, then participation in NGOs and resource centers of volunteering, and with retirement - a center of “silver” volunteering,” explains the AVC.

This spring, 10 schools from different regions of Russia took part in the pilot implementation of the “Model” - this experience turned out to be successful, and now hundreds of schools across the country are joining it.


Each assignment focuses on how to create or develop an existing volunteer team in a specific school. As of today, 700 units from different regions of the country have submitted applications and started carrying out tasks,” the AVC clarifies.

For schoolchildren, teachers and volunteers who want to tell children why being a volunteer is cool, an accessible and understandable educational project “AVC Academy. Schools” has been launched. This is a series of 15 educational video lessons with which adults can teach volunteer work skills.

Also, together with the Russian Schoolchildren Movement, the AVC organizes the all-Russian action “Good Lessons”. Volunteer organizations in the peer-to-peer format conduct educational lessons on various topics in grades 4-11, including “History of Volunteering,” “Values ​​and Benefits of Civic Engagement,” “Presentation of Modern Social Projects,” and others.

This year, the organizers introduced children, teenagers and teachers to the technology of creating a school volunteer team, recommended methodological and didactic materials and examples of social projects. More than 600 cities, 1,000 schools and 28,000 schoolchildren took part in the action, and more than 3,500 activists took part in a single online lesson.



The Association of Volunteer Centers believes that it is possible and necessary to develop volunteerism right from school: the organization has not only the “You Decide!” project. - volunteer shifts for schoolchildren, - but also an entire federal program of the same name, which is dedicated to the development of school volunteering in Russia. The press service of the AVC told us more about the program for the special project “Year of the Volunteer”.

This year in the program “You Decide!” More than 700 schools are already participating, and in the next year it is planned to increase their number at least twice, said the chairman of the board of the Association of Volunteer Centers, member of the Public Chamber of Russia Artem Metelev.

Raising a caring, responsible generation is the most important task for us. We are proud of the “You Decide!” program, thanks to which young schoolchildren are immersed in the world of volunteering and good deeds. By supporting children’s initiatives and teaching children, we see how they develop, become leaders, and implement the most daring projects,” Metelev noted.

The initiative to support school volunteering is associated with the concept of creating a culture of useful activity that begins in childhood and continues into old age. The AVC believes that in this way it is possible to create an inextricable system of human development through volunteering.

“The first step in this direction is a school volunteer team, then in the chain there is a volunteer center of a college/university, then - participation in NGOs and resource centers of volunteering, and with retirement - a center of “silver” volunteering,” explains the AVC.

The initiative to support school volunteering is linked to the concept of creating a culture of useful activity

Support for the children's volunteer movement began with the development of the "School Volunteer Squad Model" by AVC experts based on the experience of organizing volunteering in schools.

The Russian Academy of Sciences also took part in the development, which compiled the theoretical and methodological foundations for organizing the volunteer movement, combined with the practical “Model of School Volunteer Teams.”

This spring, 10 schools from different regions of Russia took part in the pilot implementation of the “Model” - this experience turned out to be successful, and now hundreds of schools across the country are joining it.


With the beginning of the school year, the all-Russian project “League of Volunteer Detachments” was launched, within the framework of which once a month, during the school year, educational organizations receive a package of tasks and methodological recommendations for their implementation.

Each assignment focuses on how to create or develop an existing volunteer team in a specific school. To date, 700 units from different regions of the country have submitted applications and started carrying out tasks,” the AVC clarifies.

For schoolchildren, teachers and volunteers who want to tell children why being a volunteer is cool, an accessible and understandable educational project “Academy of AVC. Schools” has been launched. This is a series of 15 educational video lessons with which adults can teach volunteer work skills.

Also, together with the Russian Schoolchildren Movement, the AVC organizes the all-Russian action “Good Lessons”. Volunteer organizations in the peer-to-peer format conduct educational lessons on various topics in grades 4-11, including “History of Volunteering,” “Values ​​and Benefits of Civic Engagement,” “Presentation of Modern Social Projects,” and others.

This year, the organizers introduced children, teenagers and teachers to the technology of creating a school volunteer team, recommended methodological and didactic materials and examples of social projects. More than 600 cities, 1,000 schools and 28,000 schoolchildren took part in the action, and more than 3,500 activists took part in a single online lesson.

All educational organizations and activists that took part in the project were automatically included in the rating system, and those who took high places received vouchers for two thematic sessions on volunteering at federal children's centers. Thus, 150 young volunteers gathered at the international children's center "Artek" this summer for the "League of Volunteer Detachments" shift, and at the All-Russian children's center "Ocean" in the Primorsky Territory for the "You Decide!" in October, 232 students arrived from all over the country.

The program is being implemented with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund.

Students and volunteers of the Center for Civil Mutual Assistance of the VIVT within the framework of the project “You Decide!” conduct master classes in educational institutions of the city on creating school volunteer groups.

Federal program “You Decide!” dedicated to the Year of the Volunteer. The essence of the program is to create a community of young volunteer leaders implementing social projects in the regions of Russia, forming a network of school volunteer teams.

“We made one important conclusion: in order to become a volunteer and do your work efficiently, desire alone is not enough, you need to study. For this purpose, we have developed a specific methodology for creating volunteer school teams. VIVT volunteers have already conducted “Good Lessons” in more than 10 schools in the city and received a positive response. The guys have the opportunity to become part of a huge volunteer community.” Director of the VIVT College, Executive Director of the Central State Educational Institution of the VIVT A. V. Bagryantsev.

Students tell schoolchildren with interest about the goals and objectives of the “You Decide!” project and the specifics of volunteer activities. Schoolchildren are asked to solve various social cases. Teams of different ages take part in the events: from fifth graders to graduates.

“Volunteering is a very interesting thing for me, I have been doing this for several years. I hope that after graduating from school I will become a true agent of good.” Maria, student of grade 11 “B” at the gymnasium named after. N. G. Basova.

“Being a volunteer is an honor for me. I think that every person should help other people who are in difficult situations! Irina, student of 9th "B" grade.

You can find out about other events of VIVT student life on the website of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies.

Interview with the senior coordinator of the federal program “You Decide!” Association of Volunteer Centers Andrey Fedorov and coordinator of the federal program “You Decide!” Association of Volunteer Centers by Anastasia Frolova.

Tell us about the “You Decide!” project. How did he appear? Why was there a need for it?

Andrey Fedorov: Two years ago, the Association of Volunteer Centers decided to open a children’s department and develop children’s volunteering. There were many reasons and prerequisites for this, but the main thing was the desire to see volunteering in the future, and for this we need to appeal to a children's audience.

Now there is a bias towards event volunteering - work at Olympiads and events. There are various misconceptions and myths about volunteering. In order for society to develop the right attitude towards volunteering, in order to talk not about the outer shell, but about the deeper meanings, we need to address the children's audience and formulate this from a young age.

Anastasia Frolova: We have a concept called “Volunteerism through life”. It starts from childhood and ends with “silver” volunteering.

How did it all begin?

Andrey Fedorov: At first, there was no single concept for the development of children’s volunteering; it all started with the “Good Lessons” campaign: volunteers come to school and talk about their volunteer experience. Now the promotion is getting wider. A case championship “You Decide!” was also held. These were civil cases for schoolchildren. Then we started going to children’s camps, and gradually an understanding emerged of how to build a system.

The entire children's direction is called “You Decide!” It has several steps. The first is the creation of infrastructure and a network of school volunteer teams, interaction with volunteer centers of universities and volunteer organizations. To do this, we, together with RDS experts, have developed a manual on how to create a school volunteer team.

Secondly, the “League of Volunteer Squads” project has been created, it has 2 levels: the first is basic, for those schools where there have never been volunteer squads, and the second - where there are squads, but they want to develop. Once a month they receive a task, complete it and submit it to us through coordinators. We evaluate this, assign points, they have an intermediate rating, the final results will be summed up in May. Representatives of the best volunteer groups will go to the Artek International Children's Center for a themed session.

We have created an educational course consisting of 3 video courses, 3 video lessons in each, with the help of which schoolchildren and teachers will learn how to develop volunteering at school, and volunteers will also learn how to work with a school audience.

The third block is the organization of all-Russian projects. These include the “League of Volunteer Detachments” and the All-Russian Action “Good Lessons”.

At the end of the year, the main event traditionally takes place - the Volunteer Forum. As part of this, we run a children's program.

How many children participate in “Good Lessons”?

Andrey Fedorov: Now “Good Lessons” is held in more than a thousand schools in 650 localities. 28 thousand students took part in it.

We also choose one day for an online lesson, invite guests, and teach a lesson with them on a specific topic. At the last “Good Lessons” we talked about creating school volunteer groups.

What is the current size of the project as a whole?

Anastasia Frolova: The question here is how deeply the student participates: someone listened to one lesson, and someone participates in events all year. If for RDS it is only schoolchildren, then for us it is also colleges. These are children under 18 years of age. In Artek, the youngest participant was 10 years old. We had children who are 12 years old and they are already making their own projects.

What do children respond to?

Andrey Fedorov: Social, environmental, and event-based volunteering comes first.

Anastasia Frolova: Volunteering is so broad that you can find something that interests you. The child not only feels involved in a great cause, but also makes friends with similar interests. Moreover, children are not as rigid as adults and can engage in several types of volunteering.

Does volunteering interfere with your studies?

Anastasia Frolova: We have not observed such situations. In general, medical volunteers have a condition that if you are an active volunteer, then you receive additional points for the Unified State Exam upon admission to the Faculty of Medicine. This not only does not interfere, but can also become a springboard to study.

What age is most responsive to volunteering?

Andrey Fedorov: Everyone responds, but each age has its own characteristics. In the 11th grade they are already thinking more about admission. High school students are already adults, their thinking is formed, and they can do more serious things. It is easier to interest a middle school; older students need to be offered many options.

The younger ones are more sincere; for them the topic of goodness is not an issue. Everyone should have their own approach.

How did the Year of the Volunteer affect the project?

Andrey Fedorov: The association has changed over the year. It's not just about the Year of the Volunteer. This is attention from society and authorities. The topic is in the information space. This includes attention, money, and a reduction in administrative barriers. When adults are interested, children are interested too.

This year, all public people said that they were participating in the volunteer movement. The volunteer year was a great start, but the year passed and things moved on.

What are your future plans?

Andrey Fedorov: The main project is the “League of Volunteer Detachments”, it ends in May, but there is still a lot of work on it. In March, we will launch a competition for methodological developments on organizing thematic events on volunteering in children's camps. Based on the results, we will write a program for a “typical” volunteer shift for regional camps.

The task for the summer is to systematize our experience in the development of school volunteering and make an advanced level manual, we will provide it with a large number of examples. Next: as part of the shift, we chose an active group of guys who are called ambassadors of the “League of Volunteer Detachments.” There are 60 of them. These are the guys who performed best during the shift. They are the All-Russian Council. Every month they receive new tasks.

We are creating an Embassy. This will be an online organization, the guys will be divided into areas: some will be involved in all-Russian projects, some will be involved in promoting the ideas of volunteerism, some will be involved in the internal assessment of ambassadors.

Last year we just started forming school teams, now we need to integrate it all, work with regional coordinators and create a mentoring system.

It is also important to make stands about volunteering in schools. We will donate stands to the best schools ourselves.