Bible liner. Bible translations (modern, synodal, interlinear). Idiomatic translation helps bilinguals understand the national Bible translation

μετάφρασις : μετά - through, φράσις - style, expression; paraphrase) - a literal translation of a foreign text, often with detailed explanations, used as a draft for later literary translation(the so-called "interline translation") or as tutorial when teaching translation. Artistic Features text, such as rhyme, rhythm, style are usually not preserved during interlinear translation; the main objective interlinear translation - convey the meaning as accurately as possible.

Interlinear translation is especially often used when translating poetry, when one translator, well knowing the language of the original (perhaps a rare language), first creates an interlinear, without rhyme, and then the poet, who is less familiar with the original language, but has a poetic talent, makes an artistic translation from this interlinear.

Also widely used in science interlinear translation historical documents, because accuracy is important in them and style is not so important. For example, the translation of the Koran by I. Krachkovsky is an interlinear translation.

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An example of interlinear translation of poetry (an excerpt from "David of Sasun", ch. 4, interlinear translation from Armenian by P. Makintsyan):

Msramalik no longer held (did not hold) David. Mother sent him; he came to his uncle. Uncle ordered (ordered to sew) iron boots for him, He also ordered an iron shepherd's stick (ordered to do), Made David a shepherd (a shepherd who tends lambs).

An example of the translation of the poet V. Bryusov according to this interlinear:

Mysramalik did not hold David, And again David returned to his uncle. From iron Ovan ordered boots, From iron Ovan stocked up a staff, And from that time David became a shepherd.

Features of interlinear translation

Interlinear translation should be literal in all cases, except for the transfer of phraseological units and cases of avoiding literal errors, for example:

  • Original: I give up.
  • Correct interlinear translation: I give up.
  • Error A: I'm giving up.

If during the literal translation of a turnover (for example, a proverb) the reader can understand the meaning, then in the interlinear translation (unlike a literary translation) there is no replacement for an equivalent turnover of another language, for example:

  • Original: A bad workman always blames his tools.
  • Interlinear translation: A bad worker always scolds his tools.
  • Literary translation: A bad dancer is always tight on his boots.

If the already translated word can be understood ambiguously, then the translator should make an explanation in the interlinear text, for example:

  • Interlinear translation: Uncle ordered (ordered to sew) iron boots for him.

In this case, the word “ordered” can be understood in different ways: did he order to sew or did he ask the shopkeeper to bring them ready? Therefore, the translator makes an explanation in brackets.

If there is a play on words in the original, then it is usually lost in the interlinear: no attempt is made to replace it with another play on words. But the play on words is usually indicated in the notes to the translation.

1. In the theory of poetic literary translation, a literal translation of a poetic text in compliance with the basic lexical and grammatical norms of the target language, which performs the function of general familiarization of the reader with the content of the original. Often the interlinear is accompanied by the translator's notes explaining the peculiarities of the form of the original.

2. A document or text resulting from a word-for-word (interlinear) translation.

  • - Literary P. from the east. lang. appeared in Greece only sporadically, for example lost. P. "Sayings of Ahikar", performed. Theophrastus...

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  • - 1...

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  • - TRANSLATION - recreating the original by means of another language...

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  • - The process of paraphrasing statements, changing the predicates of one representation system to the predicates of another. ...

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  • - The process of paraphrasing statements, changing the predicates of one representation system to the predicates of another. ...

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  • - 1. Transfer of information contained in the text by means of another language. 2...

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  • - 1. Transfer of information contained in the text by means of another language. 2. Comparison of two or more languages ​​in order to find semantic matches between their units. 3...

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  • - "...: the presentation of the content of the document by means of another language while fully preserving its structure and the absence of arbitrary text abbreviations .....

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  • - SUBSTRATE, th, th. 1. Located under the lines. Footnote. 2. About the translation: perfectly accurate, literal, done word for word...

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  • - subscript, subscript, subscript. 1. Placed at the bottom of the page, under body text, or under each line of body text. Footnote. 2. Perfectly accurate, literal, done word for word...

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  • - subscript adj. 1. Placed at the bottom of the page, below text, or directly below lines of text. 2. Made word for word, perfectly accurate; literal...

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  • - tweak "...

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  • - ...

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"interlinear translation" in books


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From the book Return of the Warrior author Théun Mahrez

Translation by Kirill Semyonov Editorial staff Ina Starykh CoverVyacheslav YerkoThe exclusive right to publish the book in Russian belongs to the Sofia publishing house. All rights reserved. Any reprint without the permission of the publisher is an infringement of copyright and will be prosecuted.

Part 1. The Time of the Apocalypse

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Part 1. Apocalypse time


From the book The Book of Jewish Aphorisms by Jean Nodar

156. TRANSLATION Any translation is a commentary. Back - Pharisees Reading poetry in translation - how to kiss a woman through a veil. Bialik - From


From the book History the author Choniates Nikita

Translation of the editorial staff of Professor N. V. Cheltsov. CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME OF THE HISTORY OF NIKITA CHONIATES. THE REIGNING OF ISAAC ANGEL. Book 1. Favorable beginning of the reign of Isaac Angel; war with the Sicilians; the blinding of the sons of Andronicus; carelessness of the Sicilian army (1).- Vrana,


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Chapter I

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Women's School. Comedy in five acts, in verse, Op. Molière, translation by N. I. Khmelnitsky Criticism of the “School of Women”. Comedy in one act, Op. Molière, translated from the French by G.N.P. As for the resumption of Molière on the scrawny stage of the Russian theater, this is another

Idiomatic translation helps bilinguals understand the national Bible translation

From the book Without distorting the Word of God ... by John Beekman

Idiomatic translation helps bilinguals understand the nationwide Bible translation To translate the Bible into the nationwide language, a moderately literal approach has usually been taken. This is not a serious shortcoming of the national version, since the translation is intended

PSALTER / Translation by P. Jungerov / Translation of the Greek version, "Septuagint"

From the book of Psalms-Psalter in translations (arrangements) by the author's verses

PSALM / Translation by P. Jungerov / Translation of the Greek version, “Septuagint” Psalm 11 Blessed is the man who did not go to the assembly of the wicked, and did not stand in the way of sinners, and did not sit in the company of destroyers, 2 but in the law of the Lord his will and his law he will learn day and night.3 And he will

Bible translations (modern, synodal, interlinear)

    Have you read the New World Translation of Scripture? And if so, what is your opinion? I mean, for example, I found a translation there that distorts the meaning of the Scripture of the synodal translation.

There are many translations of the Bible. I am cautious about them for the same reasons that you are about the translation of the "new world", that is, I am afraid of distorting the meaning of Scripture. I have a good knowledge of the Synodal text and some of the few mistakes it contains related to translation. These mistakes are not fatal, that is, they do not change the essence of the Gospel. Therefore, I continue to use the Synodal text. And for a better understanding of the “controversial” places, I read the original with the possible meanings of the words of the text I am interested in, and only sometimes others bible translations. To study the Holy Scriptures, I use Strong's interlinear translation (Free program "Bible Quote - Quote from the Bible." In it, you need to select the Russian synodal text with Strong's numbers and click in the top menu of the S # program), watch online and Alexei Vinokurov. Based on experience, after studying a number of verses in the original, I realized that the primary source helps to delve deeper into the thought laid down by God in His Word, and that the inaccuracies of the Synodal Translation did not prevent me from knowing the Will of God. An example of the importance of knowing the translation of the Bible from the original can be seen, for example, in the chapter "Hell, hell. Death is a dream"

I sometimes wondered: “Why did God allow incorrect translations Bible and in particular not quite correct translations of some verses of the Synodal text?”. Then I realized that all common bible translations convey to readers the main message of the gospel. And questions about the nuances of the teachings of Holy Scripture and “controversial” texts arise in a person at a time when he is already delving into the study of the Bible and its individual doctrines. So everything happens in a timely manner: questions come when the bang is ready to seek the true will of God in various aspects of his life and worship and can find it. The choice is up to the individual. Whoever wants to delve into the teachings of the Creator will find answers to their questions. The Bible says:

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and seeker finds and to him who knocks it will be opened” (Matt. 7:7).

“Do not pervert the law, ... the truth, look for the truth so that you may live” (Deut. 4:19)

"My son! if you receive my words and keep my commandments to yourself, so that you make your ear attentive to wisdom and incline your heart to meditation; if you invoke knowledge and appeal to reason; if you look for it like silver, and seek it like a treasure, then ... you will find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; out of His mouth come knowledge and understanding” (Proverbs 2:1-6).

In these biblical texts we see the freedom of human choice and the need to make efforts to know the will of God.

Valery Tatarkin

Other μετάφρασις "paraphrase" from μετά "through" + φράσις "style, expression") - literal translation a foreign text, often with detailed explanations, used as a draft for subsequent literary translation (the so-called "interlinear translation") or as a teaching aid when teaching translation. The artistic features of the text, such as rhyme, rhythm, style, are usually not preserved during interlinear translation; The main goal of interlinear translation is to convey the meaning as accurately as possible.

Interlinear translation is especially often used when translating poetry, when one translator, who knows the original language well (perhaps a rare language), first creates an interlinear, without rhyme, and then a poet who is less familiar with the original language, but has a poetic talent, makes this interlinear literary translation.

Interlinear translation of historical documents is also widespread in science, since accuracy is important in them and style is not so important. For example, the translation of the Koran by I. Krachkovsky is an interlinear translation.


An example of interlinear translation of poetry (an excerpt from "David of Sasun", ch. 4, interlinear translation from Armenian by P. Makintsyan):

Msramalik no longer held (did not hold) David.
Mother sent him; he came to his uncle.
Uncle ordered (ordered to sew) iron boots for him,
I also ordered an iron shepherd's stick (ordered to do it),
Made David a shepherd (a shepherd tending lambs).

An example of the translation of the poet V. Bryusov according to this interlinear:

Mysramalik did not hold David,
And David returned to his uncle again.
From iron, Ovan ordered boots,
Of iron, Ovan has a staff in store,
And David became a shepherd from that time.

Features of interlinear translation

Interlinear translation must be literal in all cases, except for the transfer of phraseological units and cases of avoiding literal errors, for example:

  • Original: I give up.
  • Correct interlinear translation: I give up.
  • Error A: I'm giving up.

If during the literal translation of a turnover (for example, a proverb) the reader can understand the meaning, then in the interlinear translation (unlike a literary translation) there is no replacement for an equivalent turnover of another language, for example:

  • Original: A bad workman always blames his tools.
  • Interlinear translation: A bad worker always scolds his tools.
  • Literary translation: A bad dancer is always tight on his boots.

If the already translated word can be understood ambiguously, then the translator should make an explanation in the interlinear text, for example:

  • Interlinear translation: Uncle ordered (ordered to sew) iron boots for him.

In this case, the word “ordered” can be understood in different ways: did he order to sew or did he ask the shopkeeper to bring them ready? Therefore, the translator makes an explanation in brackets.

If there is a play on words in the original, then it is usually lost in the interlinear: no attempt is made to replace it with another play on words. But the play on words is usually indicated in the notes to the translation.