Description of the story captain lie head. Some features of military medicine

A review of the book by Louis Henri Boussinard "Captain Break the Head", written as part of the competition "My Favorite Book" of the portal "". Reviewer: Bobrova Alla.

I have known about this book for a long time. I was about eight years old. When I was with my grandparents, we were invited to visit by their friends - neighbors living on the floor below. Thanks to them, I learned about this wonderful book. After drinking a few cups of tea, the conversation turned to literature. We were enthusiastically recommended many books and then invited to see them. We walked for a long time between the bookcases. There were no books! Large and small, in bright covers and inconspicuous, but I was interested in a completely inconspicuous book, which was also mentioned at the table. Small in thickness and size, with a neat white cover, on which was a picture of a soldier on a horse and it was written: "Louis Boussinard, Captain Sorvi is the head."

I stared at the book so much that everyone present noticed it. The dark shade of the pages did not let me go. “This is a work from Soviet times, written in 1901,” the owners explained to me, seeing my interest. We took this book for ourselves, exchanging for it another, no less old one. My grandfather read the story first. He, too, was very flattering about this work. Then I started reading too. At first everything seemed somehow confusing and incomprehensible, but then, immersed in the book, I read with pleasure. I fully realized the meaning only at the age of 13, after re-reading the story again.

Courage, courage and determination of the protagonist - Jean Grandier - that's what I liked about this work. Being a fifteen-year-old millionaire, he collects his fighting squad and goes to fight. Resourcefulness, ingenuity, ability to accept quick fixes and many other important qualities are inherent in this hero. Thanks to this, he manages to emerge victorious from any situation. At the very beginning of the work, it is said about the execution of David Potter, whose son is sent along with Captain Rip-head to take revenge. During the war, they succeed, all the officials responsible for the execution were killed. Repeatedly successfully completing important tasks, the detachment shows solidarity, which undoubtedly causes the intrigue of the work. What else will they be given? Will any of the characters get hurt? And finally, what will be the outcome of the war?

I read with enthusiasm, rejoicing at each successfully completed assignment. It was impossible to break away even for a minute, it seemed that something could happen in my absence. Fear of missing it significant event and attracted to the book, captured, immersed in the plot with his head. If someone asks me: “what is the theme of this work”, I probably won’t be able to give an exact answer. I will long praise the book and retell the plot, but I will not give a direct and unambiguous answer to the question. Too many different directions in this story. War, friendship, the courage of heroes, the struggle for justice and the desire for revenge. The book is written in easy-to-understand language, and there is an explanation for all French phrases. I would like to re-read this book an infinite number of times, so I advise everyone to read it.

The young and rich Frenchman Jean Grandier volunteers to go to Africa to help the Boers in the war against the British aggressors, and creates a combat detachment. For his courage, Jean is nicknamed "Captain Rip-Head".

Part one. milksuckers

Boer farm. Military field court. British officers sentence Boer David Potter to death for poisoning cavalry horses. A young man who suddenly appeared asks for a postponement of the execution for a huge cash deposit, but the judges are adamant, and the Boer is shot. The young man leaves with Paul, the son of the murdered man. It suddenly turns out that the young man is the famous Boer scout Jean Grandier, nicknamed "Captain Rip-Head". The British start the chase, but Jean and his friends manage to escape from pursuit.

The Anglo-Boer War is on. In a battle near Ladysmith, the Boers defeat the British. Colonel the Duke of Richmond, the chairman of the court over Boer Potter, is captured by them. Soon he is killed by Paul Potter, avenging his father.

Captain Sorvi-Head during a night reconnaissance is captured by the British and is imprisoned on a pontoon - a prisoner camp in the sea bay. At night, Rip-Head jumps into the shark-infested sea and swims to the shore. He sneaks into Fort Simonstown, accidentally finds women's clothes there, and, putting them on, passes by sentries into the city. There he pretends to be a girl and gets a job in the service of old Mrs. Adams.

Mrs. Adams receives word that her son, Captain Adams (another of Potter's executioners), has been badly injured. Mrs. Adams and her false maid go to the front, to the hospital to see her son. When they arrive at Olifansfontein, where the hospital is located, Adams is already dead.

The positions of the Boers are not far here. Rip-head jumps on a horse left by someone and gallops to the outposts of the Boers. Despite the shelling, he gets to the positions of the Boers and meets friends.

Part two. giants fight

The battle of the Kimberley takes place. Despite the victory over the British, the commander of the Boers, General Cronje, does not give the order to catch up and finally defeat the retreating. At night, the Boer camp comes under fire from an approaching English armored train. A detachment of "Skins" is tasked with blowing up the bridge and railways that they are successfully doing. The Boers capture an armored train and its crew. Surrendering as a prisoner, the English captain brazenly shoots the Boer, and Captain Rip-Head kills him. This murdered Englishman is Captain Harden, who tried David Potter.

Cronje sends Rip-Head with a secret letter to General Joubert. The path is best done on bicycles. Rip off the head takes with him his colleague Fanfan. Having destroyed a whole detachment of English lancers along the way, having gone through great difficulties, they reach their goal. After resting, the friends go back to Cronje with a letter from Joubert.

Kronje's army stands at Magersfontein. A large army of the British gradually bypasses the Boers, surrounding them. Cronje does not believe in encirclement and takes no action. Soon the Boer army is surrounded, and the British begin a massive bombardment. After a week of resistance, the Boers surrender. Jean Grandier, Fanfan and Paul Potter are captured by the British. Suddenly, the Canadian company commander Francois Junot recognizes his old friend Jean Grandier and, out of solidarity with his French compatriots, helps them escape from captivity.

When crossing the river, Paul suddenly disappears. Rip-head and Fanfan run into five Englishmen and they capture them. The detachment is commanded by Captain Russel, another executioner of David Potter. Russell orders Captain Rip-head and Fanfan to be hanged, but at the last moment Paul Potter appears in English uniform and shoots all the soldiers, preventing them from being executed. Friends hang Captain Roussel and leave for the Boer army.

Part three. dynamite war

The command instructs Captain Sorvi-head to blow up the Taba-Ngu reservoir, controlled by the British. Jean Grandier, Fanfant and Paul, under the guise of shepherdesses who have brought the steel to the watering place, approach the reservoir. While Paul distracts the soldiers, his friends plant dynamite in the walls of the reservoir. After they leave, the reservoir explodes. The British Lancers set off in pursuit of the saboteurs, but the "Skins" kill them, and the three survivors are forced to change into shepherdess clothes and drive back.

The scouts return to the farm where they were stationed earlier. Several of their comrades are also there. Suddenly, the farm is surrounded by a detachment of Englishmen. A shootout begins. Rip-head figure out how to escape from the environment. The besieged tie dynamite cartridges to the horns of cows, set fire to the cartridges and try to drive the cows against the British, but the cows refuse to move. And then the old farm mistress with her daughters lure the animals out of the farm and die under their hooves. The cows run out, the dynamite starts to explode. The English are crushed and driven back.

The scouts set fire to the farm and leave, after which they encounter detachments of British lancers and defeat them in a difficult battle. Rip-head decides to go on reconnaissance to the enemy camp, and orders his fighters to make their way to the Boer army.

Wearing clothes taken from a dead English soldier, he enters the camp under cover of night. Having seen everything that was needed, he tries to sit on one of the horses and leave, but the stubborn horse throws him off, and a noise rises in the camp. Rip-head hides in a large officer's tent and sees Major Colville known to him - the last surviving executioner of David Potter. He ties up the sleeping Colville, before hitting him on the head with a pistol, and leaves the tent. The major's orderly notices him and raises the alarm. Tear off the head again has to hide.

In order to successfully get out of the camp, he buys several bottles of whiskey in the shop and distributes them to patrols he meets on his way. Already at the exit from the camp, he again attracts attention by killing a soldier who tried to detain him. The alarm rises again, but Rip-Head successfully escapes from pursuit on a horse and gets to his own.

One day, a detachment of Major Colville's lancers appears on the Blesbukfontein farm and brutally destroys all the inhabitants of the farm. The detachment of Captain Rip-Head, who arrived in time after this, kills the British, including Colville.

The Boer army, under pressure from the British, is forced to leave the Vaal River. The crossing is difficult, and the British are close. The "Skins" are taken to detain them, and almost all of them die. Francois Junot is again among the attackers and takes the wounded Jean and Fanfan from the battlefield.

A few months later, Jean Grandier writes a letter to his sister from Cape Town, where he reports that he and Fanfan are in the infirmary under the strict supervision of the British, but they will still try to escape in order to continue fighting for freedom.

retold Bermont Eskantovsky.

Captain Daredevil is a character who has been pleasing for more than a century with his courage, ingenuity and leadership qualities. The millionaire, who became rich during the gold rush, Jean Grandier left his home and went to distant Africa to liberate this land from the British conquerors.

Legendary Captain

With this wonderful hero introduced us famous author adventure books - Louis Bussenard. Captain Daredevil is a legendary character, almost fabulous. It's hard to imagine what he has real prototype. Millionaire who became rich at fifteen. Legendary scout squad leader. A talented commander and a fiery leader. All these hypostases are united in Jean Grandier.

Being an active participant in the Franco-Prussian war, physician Louis Boussenard knew well the specifics of hard life and fierce battles. The author skillfully reproduces battles, campaigns and life in the rear on the pages of his books. And although more than a century has passed since the events described, the courage, exploits and sense of justice of the heroes still excite readers.

The Edge of Courage

This is an excellent book, and today it is desirable for almost every schoolchild to know its summary. Captain Daredevil - beautiful image contributing to the upbringing of youths. The writer pays much attention to the creation of the multifaceted personality of Jean Grandier. First, we get acquainted with the legendary captain in his combat incarnation. In the first chapter of the novel, he leads his small detachment away from the fire of the British. The author emphasizes the courage of the hero and his ability to make non-standard decisions in a difficult situation. The captain hides the squad in the thickets and makes them crawl.

Already in the next chapter, Boussinard reveals another side of Grandier's personality, immersing readers in events that happened long before the battles of the Boer War. We learn the story of Jean, who found his riches in the icy hell of a polar mine. On the gold deposits of the Klondike, the hero realizes that now his main stimulus in life will be the search for adventure. From a modern point of view, this position can be called adrenaline addiction. But is it necessary to do it? After all, we have a classic novel of education.

Cunning and administrative talent

Consider the features of Boussenard's work and its summary. Captain Daredevil is the hero of a historical adventure novel. In it, the writer faithfully conveyed many details of the work of the colonial authorities. For example, in the second chapter, the author tells with humor how the young Grandier transported several boxes of weapons to the rebellious Pretoria, giving a bribe to a petty official.

Bussenard pays much attention to Jean's organizational talent. He put together his detachment, which included about a hundred people, in a few months. This group was international, it included Boers, French, Germans, Italians, Spaniards and Arabs. All of them fought fiercely, but strictly obeyed orders. There was no friction within the team, although they communicated through an interpreter. Jean was a talented leader. The soldiers have repeatedly demonstrated their unconditional devotion to him.

The vicissitudes of war

The most difficult thing in the analysis of the book is to retell its summary. Captain Daredevil is a very unusual character. He is a volunteer, and everyone who goes into battle of their own free will dreams of feats. And then Boussenard reveals the secret of all commanders. In war, battles are rare. The daily life of soldiers is campaigns, forced marches, sieges of cities and patrols. When the volunteers realized this, they were terribly disappointed. So it was with the detachment of Jean Grandier. However, they did not miss their lucky break.

During an unexpected attack by the British, the detachment escaped only thanks to the resourcefulness of the commander. After that, Jean was appointed by the Boer general as head of the scouts. Under tragic circumstances, Grandier met the farmer David Potter, who saved the young Frenchman's life. Patriot of his country and implacable fighter for independence, the Boer was shot by the British in front of his family. Jean Grandier vowed revenge on the killers.

How did the British and the Boers fight?

This story line determines the composition of the novel and its summary. Captain Daredevil is a master scout. He always supplied the Boer commanders with the most reliable information. The English army was much larger than a modest force local residents. Therefore, the Boers had to use non-standard military techniques.

Boussenard described in detail the battle between the troops of General George White and the rebels. The English army fought according to all the laws of tactics, and the Boers had to invent new ways of fighting literally under enemy fire. The author pays much attention to the description of the positions of the rebel troops, clearly admiring their thoughtfulness and secrecy. The first line of defense of the Boers was broken through. And when the British, drunk with easy success, went further, their horses became entangled in the wire stretched all over the field. Imperial troops were defeated in this battle. The Boers were victorious but suffered heavy losses.

Some features of military medicine

The author of the novel is the physician Louis Bussenard. "Captain Daredevil", the summary of which we are now considering, is the chain of adventures of the protagonist. However, the author pays much attention to the medical aspects of the war. The prototype of the Boer surgeon Dr. Tromp is Louis Bussenard himself. This talkative doctor often tells his listeners and readers of the novel about the specifics of field medicine. The author skillfully describes the process of sterilization, the extraction of a bullet stuck in a person, as well as the influence of different ones on the nature of the wound.

Mercy and nobility

One can only admire the philanthropy of the writer, who adheres to humane views even in war conditions. Through the mouth of Dr. Tromp, Boussenar says that it is better to incapacitate the enemy than to kill. He calls for the creation of high-tech weapons capable of inflicting a minimum of damage. The master of the word passionately denounces the scorched earth tactics and the extermination of civilians. The author very touchingly describes the friendship between Jean Grandier and a young English lieutenant, who is the son of a sworn enemy of a young Frenchman.

The rebel army and its shortcomings

Louis Boussenard speaks competently about battles and maneuvers, reconnaissance and tactics. "Captain Daredevil", a summary of which constantly revolves around the outstanding personality of the protagonist, tells the story of the courage and ingenuity of the Boer rebels. The author also notes the shortcomings of the organization of their army. The rebel troops are untrained, there is little to no discipline in them, orders are poorly followed, and such boring activities as patrolling and patrols are generally ignored. The writer emphasizes the peculiar organization rebel army kind of like a family. This leads to both positive and negative traits Boer troops. For example, young Paul Potter, obsessed with a thirst for revenge, shoots the killer of his father, the Duke of Richmond. At the same time, he does not think at all that the British, in retaliation, will subject the captured Boers to torture. Family ties come to the fore.

As Boussenard writes, Captain Daredevil was a noble and decent young man. The young Frenchman, like the Boers, dealt politely with captured opponents, even bitter enemies. But when Grandier himself was captured by the British, he found himself in completely different conditions. Imperial soldiers mocked the captives, not recognizing their human dignity. This further strengthened the belief that Jean is fighting for a just cause.

Novel parenting

In the book "Captain Daredevil" the main characters are very young, almost boys. They go through difficult circumstances. Tragic circumstances allow them to strengthen their souls and find their own view of the world. All this makes Boussenard's work a typical upbringing novel. The adventures of Jean Grandier are simply unimaginable. He not only disguises himself in women's clothes to escape persecution, but also spends some time in this guise, working as a maid in the house of a lonely old lady. In such a suit, the young Frenchman returns to his scout team again.

How often the desire to convey the entire tragic depth of events is transformed into a boring and short retelling? Captain Daredevil is one of the brightest examples of courage and ingenuity shown in difficult life circumstances. He serves as a role model. The younger generation at all times will find in Jean Grandier a virtual interlocutor and friend. His image was transferred to the movie screen. The young Frenchman became the embodiment of youth, audacity and justice.

Originally interprets personality young hero writer Valery Medvedev ("Captain Daredevil"). Summary short stories often comes down to this character - Dima Kolchanov, who, like Jean Grandier, goes through his journey of growing up.

Louis Boussinard

Captain Rip-Head

(Captain Rip-Head - 3)


CHAPTER 1 Death sentence. - Boer and his friend, a young Frenchman. - Refusal to suspend the execution of the sentence on a million bail. - The convict digs his own grave. - Execution. - Tragic scene. - Revenge. - Captain Rip-Head and chase him

The master sergeant, acting secretary of the military field court, rose. In his hand is a piece of paper with the sentence he has just scrawled. In a harsh and dry voice, rapping out each syllable, he read it to the condemned man:

- "The regimental council, sitting as a military court, unanimously sentenced to death penalty David Potter, guilty of poisoning twenty-five horses of the fourth artillery battery. The verdict is final, not subject to appeal and will be carried out immediately.”

Five members of the court in white helmets, with holsters on their waist belts, sit on folding chairs, casually holding their sabers with their knees; they have the haughty and contemptuous air of gentlemen compelled to perform an unpleasant and tedious duty. One of them, a young captain, even muttered through his teeth:

My God! .. So many ceremonies to send to the next world some rogue peasant, white savage, rebel, robber and murderer!

But the president of the court handsome man in the form of a Colonel of the Highlanders Gordon, stopping him with a slight movement of his hand, he turned to the convict: - What can you say in your defense, David Potter?

Boer, who was a whole head taller than his escort gunners, who stood on both sides of him with swords drawn, only shrugged his shoulders contemptuously. Then he turned away from the members of the court and through the triple chain of soldiers lined up with fixed bayonets around the court, directed his clear gaze to where his inconsolable relatives were standing.

There, near the farm, a young woman sobbed, wringing her hands in despair, children screamed heartbreakingly, the unfortunate parents of the convict threatened the conquerors with their weak fists.

And the bright rays of the sun, as if wanting to emphasize this mournful picture, breaking through the bizarre foliage of acacias and giant mimosas, played like bright bunnies in the meadow, the grassy waves of which went into the distance inaccessible to the eye.

Here he lived, loved, suffered and fought until last day.

For a moment his eyes clouded over with a tear of tenderness, but her anger was immediately drained.

You condemned me for defending the freedom and independence of my homeland... Well! You are stronger - kill me!

We are judges, not killers! interrupted the chairman indignantly. - You, the Boers, are waging a dishonorable, unworthy war of civilized people ... War also has its own laws, and we judge you according to these laws.

Do you think it's a fair war when ten, fifteen, twenty people attack one? - exclaimed the burgher.

We fight openly with our weapons. And we do not judge those who fight with us with the same weapons. And resorting to poison is vile, - continuing the colonel. - Today you poison horses, tomorrow you will take on people ... This deserves severe punishment.

Boer, who did not understand such subtleties, angrily objected:

I acted like a patriot who destroys everything that serves the war: people, livestock, war materials. And you won't be able to tell me; why it is honorable to kill people with a gun, and poison horses vilely - You won’t get any sense from this animal, - the captain grumbled again, in the depths of his soul embarrassed by the naive logic of the peasant.

The hearing is over! the chairman intervened imperiously. - David Potter, prepare to die.

And I don't ask for mercy. If you had let me live, I would have gone back to my old ways. But I will be avenged!.. Yes, severely avenged! Spill my blood Let it flow like a river!.. The blood of the martyrs for independence is the dew that nourishes freedom!

“The convict will dig his own grave. The sentence will be carried out by a platoon of twelve men. The sergeant will load the guns. Moreover, only six of them should be loaded with live ammunition, the rest - blanks.

Hearing this strange paragraph of the verdict, the convict burst into laughter, which sounded terribly at such a moment.

Ha! Ha! Ha! .. I understand ... Somehow they told me about this, but I, frankly, did not believe it! exclaimed the burgher. - Are you afraid that the soldiers would not become victims of revenge for those who were shot? And do you hope by such a trick to divert this revenge from them? Do you think that if a soldier who kills a patriot does not himself know whether his gun is loaded with a live cartridge or not, then others will certainly not know? .. Fools! Soldiers have nothing to fear: my revenge will not fall on the heads of these unwitting accomplices in your crime. She will overtake you ... yes, only you, the so-called judges, the true and only culprits. There are five of you, you are strong and healthy, for you English army numbering two hundred thousand people - and still revenge will strike you all five, and you will die an evil death, because I condemn you to it - I, doomed to death, the Chairman stood up and impassively said:

We judge by right and conscience, and your threats do not touch us. By law, you are not allowed to communicate with people, but out of philanthropy, I allow you to say goodbye to your family.

At his signal, the triple chain of soldiers broke. Through the formed passage, the heartbroken relatives of the convict burst in.

There are thirty of them; in front of David's wife. Beside herself with grief, she throws herself on the chest of her beloved and faithful companion of her life and frantically squeezes him in her arms. She is unable to utter a word, killed by the inevitability of a terrible misfortune.

Beside her is a handsome young man. He is wearing a hunting suit of excellent cut, the elegance of which, so sharply different from the modest clothes of the Boers, aroused the curiosity of the English.

A sad smile lit up the condemned man's face at the sight of the young man.

David! .. My good, kind David! .. That's how we happened to meet! exclaimed the young man.

You.? Is it really you, my dear boy? .. How happy I am! .. You see, they grabbed me - this is the end ... I will not see the triumph of our freedom and independence.

Wait, despair! .. I'll try to talk to them, - said the young man.

He approached the members of the military court who were about to leave. Taking off his hat, but without losing his dignity, he turned to the chairman:

I beg you, my lord, order a stay of execution ... Have pity on this unfortunate woman, on children, on this man, whose actions were guided only by a noble sense of patriotism. You are the sons of a great, strong nation, be generous!

I'm sorry," replied the Colonel, saluting with a gloved hand, "but I

Louis Boussinard, famous French author of adventure novels, was a younger contemporary of Jules Verne. And although the novels of Bussenard are inferior to the works of the great Jules, but at the beginning of the 20th century they had equal competition. Most popular works in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, these are the novels of Louis Boussenard and books about the famous detective Nat Pinkerton. Of course, these are works that today would be called mass popular literature and they have the disadvantages inherent in this genre. The main shortcomings are the unreality (even fabulousness) of the plot and the primitive character of the characters. But no one expects from mass literature the depth of characters and thoughts. It is designed to entertain and Louis Boussinard does a great job with this.

The most famous novel by Louis Boussenard "Captain Head Off" has been published many times and is still a favorite children's book for many. What is the secret of the popularity of this largely far-fetched novel? Let's figure it out.

The action of the novel "Captain Blow Head" takes place in South Africa during the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902. Now, few people remember this war, although it was the first war of the 20th century and for the first time many deadly novelties began to be used in it. military equipment(machine guns, armored trains, barbed wire, concentration camps first appeared, into which civilians were driven). The fact is that at the end of the 19th century, rich diamond deposits were found in southern Africa, many of them ended up on the territory of the Transvaal Republic and the Orange Republic, founded by Dutch settlers in the early 19th century. The Dutch in Africa were called Boers (from the Dutch word "buren" - a peasant farmer). The most powerful at that time, the British Empire could not calmly watch how some Boers were mining diamonds under her nose, she decided to seize their states and take away the diamond mines. Thus began the Boer War. Such undisguised aggression of England towards the small independent republics caused protests in the world, volunteers from many countries went to the aid of the Boers: France, Russia, Austria, etc. The war was very bloody and cruel. This war showed for the first time what wars would be like in the 20th century. The Boers had no chance against all the might of the British Empire, the forces were too unequal, in addition, the British actively used all the latest military equipment, such as machine guns and armored trains. The Boers defended themselves to the last, after their regular armies were defeated, they waged a guerrilla war. Then the British first used concentration camp tactics against the Boers: all local civilians were driven to a separate protected area surrounded by barbed wire, forced to starve there and not released until the last centers of resistance were crushed.

In the novel "Kapinan Smash Head" 16-year-old Frenchman Jean Grandier comes to South Africa to fight on the side of the Boers against the British and collects a military detachment of boys 14-16 years old, which he calls the Milks. He is assisted by a faithful adjutant, a French 14-year-old boy Fanfan, who is very similar to Gavroche. The milk-suckers, together with their captain, who was nicknamed the Tear-Head, courageously howl against the British, instilling fear and horror in them. In addition, Rip-head takes revenge on the English officers who sentenced to death his friend, the Boer farmer, who saved him from death. Rip-head sends letters with a death sentence to English officers and, together with the Milks and the farmer's son Paul, destroys the hated English.

Children, especially boys, always like to read Louis Boussenard's novel "Kapinan Rip the Head." Adults, however, will not be to everyone's taste. Boussenard's novel is one of those that you need to read in time, in childhood, only then will it charm. An adult will immediately be struck by the "fabulousness" and not the reality of the events taking place, the far-fetchedness of the plot and the "cardboardness" of the characters. Some boys instill fear in the well-trained and armed British army, each of the inexperienced teenagers Molokosov is able to cope alone with a dozen experienced military men. Captain Rip-head Jean Grandier is not a person at all, but some kind of mythological person: at the age of 14 he found gold in the Klondike, one shot a gang of the most dangerous bandits who tried to take this gold away from him, and at 16 became a millionaire. What can be said about him if he can shoot four Englishmen at once with one bullet? Of course, such a plot and characters can evoke irony in an adult reader. Here it must be remembered that Boussenard's novel is a fairy tale for children and it must be evaluated not according to the laws of a realistic novel, but according to the laws of a fairy tale. Children like the novel "Kapinan Rip-head" because it makes them play war games, makes them feel like heroes who, like Kapinan Rip-head and his baby boys, are capable of performing feats and great deeds. This spirit of friendship, boyish brotherhood, thirst for adventure fascinates children in the novel by Louis Boussenard. And there are plenty of adventures in the novel, the plot rushes at full steam: there are daring raids behind enemy lines, bicycle races, and explosions of armored trains, etc. - which is just not there. The plot does not let you get bored for a minute. "Captain Rip-Head" is a work that has often been tried to imitate. Here you can remember Soviet series books and films about the Elusive Avengers.

Louis Boussenard's novel "Kapinan Break the Head" was published in the Nigma edition in the popular series "Adventureland". The book has a hard colorful cover with volumetric embossing and a pattern, expensive matte coated paper, a distinct font, and there is a lace bookmark. Illustrations by artist Pyotr Lyubaev. In the Adventureland series, they always carefully choose illustrations, and this pleases. Pyotr Lyubavev has already illustrated many books in the series (“Two Captains”, “Around the World in Eighty Days”, “Hearts of Three”, etc.) and all the drawings are very high level. There are many illustrations in the book, they are bright and colorful, allowing the child to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of African military adventures. The flyleaf of the book shows a map of the fighting of the Anglo-Boer War.

Dmitry Matsyuk

Louis Boussinard: Captain Smash Head. Artist: Petr Lyubaev. Publishing house Nigma, 2015

Part one


Death sentence. - Boer and his friend. - Request a stay of execution. - Refusal. - Digging a grave. - Shot. - Tragic scene. - Revenge. - Prickly acacias. - Captain Daredevil. - Chase.

The sergeant who acted as clerk of the court-martial rose and, in a sharp, dry voice, rapping out every syllable, began to read the decision just scrawled on a piece of paper: “The court-martial of the regimental council unanimously decided: David Potter, guilty of poisoning twenty-five fourth artillery battery, deserves death. The verdict is final, not subject to appeal and is carried out immediately ... "

With the haughty and contemptuous air of gentlemen forced to perform an unpleasant and boring duty, five members of the court in white helmets, with holsters at their belts, sat on folding chairs, casually holding their sabers on their knees. One of them, a young captain, muttered:

My God! .. So many ceremonies to send to the other world some rogue peasant - a white savage, a rebel, a robber and a murderer!

The President of the Court, a handsome man in the uniform of a Colonel of the Gordon Regiment Scottish Highlanders, stopping him with a slight movement of his hand, turned to the convict:

What do you say in your defense, David Potter?

Boer, who was a head taller than the artillery escorts who stood on either side of him with swords drawn, only shrugged his shoulders contemptuously, turned away and, through a triple cordon of soldiers armed with rifles with fixed bayonets, directed a clear look to where they were standing near the farm of his distressed family and friends. The young woman sobbed, wringing her hands in despair, the children screamed heartbreakingly, the unfortunate parents of the convict threatened the conquerors with weak fists.

Bright rays of the sun made their way through the bizarre foliage of acacias and giant mimosas and, as if highlighting the picture great tribulation, bright bunnies played in the meadow, leaving in green waves into the distance inaccessible to the eye.

Here he lived, loved, suffered and fought enemies.

For a moment, the drill's gaze clouded with a tear of tenderness, but it was immediately drained by anger.

You condemned me for fighting for the independence of my homeland... Well, since you are so strong, kill me! - straightening up, clenching his fists, he answered the colonel in a hoarse voice.

We are judges, not killers! - the chairman was indignant. “But you, Boers, act dishonorably, unworthy of civilized people. But war has its own laws, by which, by the way, we judge you.

Do you think it's fair when ten or even twenty people attack one? - exclaimed the burgher.

We fight with a raised visor and do not consider a criminal who openly comes at us with a weapon in his hands. But resorting to poison is vile! - said the colonel. - Today you poison horses, and tomorrow you will get to people. So a harsh sentence is a fair retribution for your deed.

Boer, not allowing himself to be confused, objected:

As a patriot, I have the right to destroy everything that can be turned against my homeland: people, livestock, military equipment. And you can't explain to me why it's legal to shoot people, but you can't poison horses.

Why talk to this dork! the same captain grumbled, although he was confused by the simple logic of the peasant.

The hearing is over! - interrupted the protracted dispute chairman. "David Potter, prepare to die!"

I'm ready now! And I will say: if I had mercy, I would take up the former. But they will avenge me - and cruelly! I am not afraid of death: people like me bring the liberation of the fatherland closer with their blood!

These words, spoken aloud, found a lively response in the hearts of the people crowding around the farm.

The sergeant, grunting disapprovingly, resumed reading: “The convict himself digs the grave. The execution is carried out by a team of twelve people. The sergeant loads the guns: six with live ammunition, the rest with blanks.

In response to such strange decision The Boer burst into a chilling laugh:

Ha-ha-ha! .. I heard about this trick, but, I confess, I did not believe it! Are you afraid that the soldiers will not be avenged for the execution? Hoping to keep them safe with this trick? You are right about one thing: if the soldier himself does not know what kind of cartridges he shoots, then others even more so do not guess. But why, fools, such a trick? Nothing threatens the soldiers anyway: they will not avenge me, forced accomplices in the crime, but you, the organizers of the vile trial, sentenced by me, standing with one foot in the grave, to death - and not easy! Neither one's own physical strength or dexterity, nor two hundred thousand men of the English army will save anyone from a well-deserved punishment.

The chairman stood up.

We judge by right and conscience, and it is not for us to be afraid of threats, - he said impassively. - The law does not allow the convict to communicate with anyone before execution, but out of a sense of philanthropy, I still allow you to say goodbye to your loved ones.

Through the broken triple chain of soldiers squeezed relatives and friends of the Boer - about thirty people. David's wife, unable to utter a word, frenziedly squeezed her beloved, faithful companion in her arms. Beside her was a handsome young man, who had attracted the attention of the English with his finely cut hunting suit, which differed sharply from the modest dress of the Boers.

David! .. Dear! .. That's how we happened to meet! exclaimed the young man.

The condemned man's face lit up with a sad smile.

Is it you, my boy?.. How glad I am!.. You understand, this is the end. I can't wait for the great day when my homeland regains its freedom!

It's too early to despair! .. I'll try to talk to them, - said the young man.

He approached the members of the field court, who were about to leave, and, taking off his hat, which, however, did not damage his self-esteem, turned to the chairman:

I beg you, my lord, to delay the execution ... Have pity on this unfortunate woman, on the children, on the convict himself, whose actions were guided only by a noble sense of patriotism. You are the sons of an outstanding powerful nation, so be generous!

I'm sorry," replied the Colonel, saluting with a gloved hand, "but that's beyond my power.

It's only a matter of a few days! Wait only a week - and I undertake to secure an unfortunate pardon.

I can't, young man. The verdict is in the name of the law, and we are all its slaves, from her majesty the queen down to the last of our boys.

I'll post bail.

Ten thousand francs for each day of delay.

The most famous in Russia of all the books of Louis Boussenard is the novel "Captain Daredevil". Well-written military adventures, a rare theme - the Boer War, dynamics, gunfights, charismatic characters - all this made the book the most frequently and massively published. One way or another, a lot of people have read it. Both in Soviet and post-Soviet times.

But what was read an order of magnitude less was the first novel about Captain Daredevil, or rather about Jean Grandier. Boussenard originally wrote the novel Inferno on Ice. And from the role assigned to Jean Grandier in it, it cannot be said that the author thought of making him the main character of another novel.

This book is written in late XIX century, in the late nineties. Then the whole world was worried about the gold rush in the Klondike. Of course, the most famous writer or the descriptor of that fever is Jack London, himself a short stay in Alaska. But it turns out that one of the most famous adventure authors, Louis Boussenard, could not avoid this romantic theme.

However, as far as the aging Boussenard was from Alaska, the events in his novel are just as far from realism. If you're familiar with the London novels (things like "Time Waits" or "Smoke Belew"), the novel "Frozen Hell" can only give you a condescending smirk. Here the characters are still too romantic and idealized, and the everyday life of Alaska is so-so.

The main feature on which the plot rests is also funny. A certain French young scientist Léon Fortin discovers new element periodic tables. This metal attracts gold like a magnet to iron. Not being carried away by excessive modesty, and not knowing the traditions of naming chemical elements, the guy calls the element by its name - leonium. Needless to say, how funny Boussenard's ideas about physics and chemistry seem to the scientist?

Anyway. In parallel, a rich citizen is murdered. Suspicion falls on Leon Fortin. Self-appointed friends begin to help him. Among them is the Grandier family, the youngest member of which is Jean, the future captain of the Boer army.

Back and forth, the whole company goes to Alaska, where, with the help of Leonium, they hope to find mountains of gold. The adventure begins in an icy hell. True, most of the action hell is not at all icy, because the development is carried out in the summer.

It is in Alaska that the friends encounter the very gang that committed the murder for which Leon Forten is accused. There will be skirmishes, and chases, and sieges, and of course gold - Boussenard's fantasy just rolls over.

However, I would not recommend reading the novel "Ice Hell" by itself. Naive adventures with cheap intrigue and not so much interesting characters. I am talking about him solely in order to get close to the topic of a much more worthy work of the novel “Captain Daredevil”.


But this novel is already a real military adventure. True, in today's times, they are more addressed to youth. But an audience that does not lose touch with its childhood can also enjoy reading it.

The main intrigue of the novel revolves around revenge. In the first chapter, a court-martial of five British officers sentences a Boer farmer to death for poisoning English horses. His young son Paul and friend Jean Grandier vowed revenge on all five. And then throughout the novel, one way or another, they get to everyone.

But how did Jean Grandier end up in Burland? Having obtained gold in the Klondike, at the same time hearing about the struggle that began in South Africa, the young Frenchman takes all his funds, buys weapons, recruits supporters and goes to the Transvaal to fight for a just cause. Since he formed the unit himself and at his own expense, he also becomes the captain of this company.

Here we will say a few words about the "just cause". Even there is nothing to argue, the sympathies of Boussinard and perhaps the majority of Europeans are on the side of the Boers. Of course, from Europe this fight of the Boer David and the British Goliath looked very romantic. To this was added the traditional hostility towards the British and their eternal arrogance.

The insidious and greedy empire set all forces in motion, gathered soldiers from all the colonies and threw them into two tiny, but proud and independent republics - as it was seen from afar. Four hundred million people and four hundred thousand troops against only thirty thousand armed farmers - yes, the truth must definitely be on the side of the weak.

Is it necessary to say that there was (and is) a different view of the problem? For example, one of the most prominent representatives of the other point of view was Arthur Conan Doyle, who wrote The Boer War. Well, okay, you will say, "Conan Doyle was still an adherent of colonialism." And you will be right. But if you dig deeper into these Boers (which they didn’t do in Europe), then a lot of unsightly things will come up.

Who were the racists among the racists, who staged the systematic genocide of blacks, who suffered (or enjoyed) religious fanaticism, who provoked the British lion as best they could - of course, the Boers. But all these unsightly features of the chosen side are hidden both from Boussenard and from his readers of the novel "Captain Daredevil".

What can I say, this is a complicated matter - the Anglo-Boer War. Strictly speaking, there are no white and fluffy ones in it. And the Boers were not even on the defensive side. However, when the British occupied and destroyed their country, when they began to carry out repressions, then the position of the Burophiles became stronger than granite.

The adventures of Captain Daredevil and his closest companions clearly follow the twists and turns of war. Jean Grandier fights at both Ladysmith and Kimberley. That is, both he and the reader will visit both key points of the first period of the Boer War. Both the most famous Boer generals, Cronje and Joubert, flash in the frame.

With Cronje's army, Daredevil's company will withdraw to Magersfontein. This is where the Boers get surrounded. The British subject them to a week-long systematic artillery bombardment.

After the death of the main field armies of the Boers, the war did not end, but passed into a phase partisan movement. And this will also be reflected in the pages of the book. Raids, attacks, sabotage - today such actions are called terrorism. Well, let them call themselves. When defending the Motherland, all means are good. All.

Very briefly Young and wealthy Frenchman Jean Grandier volunteers to go to Africa to help the Boers in the war against the British aggressors, and creates a combat detachment. For his courage, Jean is nicknamed "Captain Rip-Head".

Part one. milksuckers

Boer farm. Military field court. British officers sentence Boer David Potter to death for poisoning cavalry horses. A young man who suddenly appeared asks for a postponement of the execution for a huge cash deposit, but the judges are adamant, and the Boer is shot. The young man leaves with Paul, the son of the murdered man. It suddenly turns out that the young man is the famous Boer scout Jean Grandier, nicknamed "Captain Rip-Head". The British start the chase, but Jean and his friends manage to escape from pursuit.

The Anglo-Boer War is on. In a battle near Ladysmith, the Boers defeat the British. Colonel the Duke of Richmond, the chairman of the court over Boer Potter, is captured by them. Soon he is killed by Paul Potter, avenging his father.

Captain Sorvi-Head during a night reconnaissance is captured by the British and is imprisoned on a pontoon - a prisoner camp in the sea bay. At night, Rip-Head jumps into the shark-infested sea and swims to the shore. He sneaks into Fort Simonstown, accidentally finds women's clothes there, and, putting them on, passes by sentries into the city. There he pretends to be a girl and gets a job in the service of old Mrs. Adams.

Mrs. Adams receives word that her son, Captain Adams (another of Potter's executioners), has been badly injured. Mrs. Adams and her false maid go to the front, to the hospital to see her son. When they arrive at Olifansfontein, where the hospital is located, Adams is already dead.

The positions of the Boers are not far here. Rip-head jumps on a horse left by someone and gallops to the outposts of the Boers. Despite the shelling, he gets to the positions of the Boers and meets friends.

Part two. giants fight

The battle of the Kimberley takes place. Despite the victory over the British, the commander of the Boers, General Cronje, does not give the order to catch up and finally defeat the retreating. At night, the Boer camp comes under fire from an approaching English armored train. A detachment of "Skins" is tasked with blowing up a bridge and railway tracks, which they successfully do. The Boers capture an armored train and its crew. Surrendering as a prisoner, the English captain brazenly shoots the Boer, and Captain Rip-Head kills him. This murdered Englishman is Captain Harden, who tried David Potter.

Cronje sends Rip-Head with a secret letter to General Joubert. The path is best done on bicycles. Rip off the head takes with him his colleague Fanfan. Having destroyed a whole detachment of English lancers along the way, having gone through great difficulties, they reach their goal. After resting, the friends go back to Cronje with a letter from Joubert.

Kronje's army stands at Magersfontein. A large army of the British gradually bypasses the Boers, surrounding them. Cronje does not believe in encirclement and takes no action. Soon the Boer army is surrounded, and the British begin a massive bombardment. After a week of resistance, the Boers surrender. Jean Grandier, Fanfan and Paul Potter are captured by the British. Suddenly, the Canadian company commander Francois Junot recognizes his old friend Jean Grandier and, out of solidarity with his French compatriots, helps them escape from captivity.

When crossing the river, Paul suddenly disappears. Rip-head and Fanfan run into five Englishmen and they capture them. The detachment is commanded by Captain Russel, another executioner of David Potter. Russell orders Captain Rip-head and Fanfan to be hanged, but at the last moment Paul Potter appears in English uniform and shoots all the soldiers, preventing them from being executed. Friends hang Captain Roussel and leave for the Boer army.

Part three. dynamite war

The command instructs Captain Sorvi-head to blow up the Taba-Ngu reservoir, controlled by the British. Jean Grandier, Fanfant and Paul, under the guise of shepherdesses who have brought the steel to the watering place, approach the reservoir. While Paul distracts the soldiers, his friends plant dynamite in the walls of the reservoir. After they leave, the reservoir explodes. The British Lancers set off in pursuit of the saboteurs, but the "Skins" kill them, and the three survivors are forced to change into shepherdess clothes and drive back.

The scouts return to the farm where they were stationed earlier. Several of their comrades are also there. Suddenly, the farm is surrounded by a detachment of Englishmen. A shootout begins. Rip-head figure out how to escape from the environment. The besieged tie dynamite cartridges to the horns of cows, set fire to the cartridges and try to drive the cows against the British, but the cows refuse to move. And then the old farm mistress with her daughters lure the animals out of the farm and die under their hooves. The cows run out, the dynamite starts to explode. The English are crushed and driven back.

The scouts set fire to the farm and leave, after which they encounter detachments of British lancers and defeat them in a difficult battle. Rip-head decides to go on reconnaissance to the enemy camp, and orders his fighters to make their way to the Boer army.

Wearing clothes taken from a dead English soldier, he enters the camp under cover of night. Having seen everything that was needed, he tries to sit on one of the horses and leave, but the stubborn horse throws him off, and a noise rises in the camp. Rip-head hides in a large officer's tent and sees Major Colville known to him - the last surviving executioner of David Potter. He ties up the sleeping Colville, before hitting him on the head with a pistol, and leaves the tent. The major's orderly notices him and raises the alarm. Tear off the head again has to hide.

In order to successfully get out of the camp, he buys several bottles of whiskey in the shop and distributes them to patrols he meets on his way. Already at the exit from the camp, he again attracts attention by killing a soldier who tried to detain him. The alarm rises again, but Rip-Head successfully escapes from pursuit on a horse and gets to his own.

One day, a detachment of Major Colville's lancers appears on the Blesbukfontein farm and brutally destroys all the inhabitants of the farm. The detachment of Captain Rip-Head, who arrived in time after this, kills the British, including Colville.

The Boer army, under pressure from the British, is forced to leave the Vaal River. The crossing is difficult, and the British are close. The "Skins" are taken to detain them, and almost all of them die. Francois Junot is again among the attackers and takes the wounded Jean and Fanfan from the battlefield.

A few months later, Jean Grandier writes a letter to his sister from Cape Town, where he reports that he and Fanfan are in the infirmary under the strict supervision of the British, but they will still try to escape in order to continue fighting for freedom.

Narrated by Bermont Eskantovsky.