The charge of which body is considered to be negative. III. Fundamentals of electrodynamics. Methods of transferring electric charge and electrification

I think I'm not the only one who wanted and wants to combine the formula that describes the gravitational interaction of bodies (Law of gravity) , with a formula dedicated to the interaction of electric charges (Coulomb's Law ). So let's do it!

It is necessary to put an equal sign between the concepts weight and positive charge , as well as between concepts antimass and negative charge .

Positive charge (or mass) characterizes Yin particles (with Attractive Fields) – i.e. absorbing ether from the surrounding ethereal field.

And the negative charge (or antimass) characterizes Yang particles (with Repulsive Fields) - i.e. emitting ether into the surrounding ethereal field.

Strictly speaking, mass (or positive charge), as well as anti-mass (or negative charge) indicates to us that this particle absorbs (or emits) the Ether.

As for the position of electrodynamics that there is a repulsion of charges of the same sign (both negative and positive) and an attraction to each other of charges of different signs, it is not entirely accurate. And the reason for this is not quite the right interpretation of experiments on electromagnetism.

Particles with Attractive Fields (positively charged) will never repel each other. They just get attracted. But particles with Repulsive Fields (negatively charged) will indeed always repel each other (including the negative pole of a magnet).

Particles with Attractive Fields (positively charged) attract any particles to themselves: both negatively charged (with Repulsive Fields) and positively charged (with Attractive Fields). However, if both particles have a Field of Attraction, then the one whose Field of Attraction is greater will displace the other particle towards itself to a greater extent than a particle with a smaller Field of Attraction will do.

Matter is antimatter.

In physics matter they call bodies, as well as the chemical elements from which these bodies are built, and also elementary particles. In general, it can be considered approximately correct to use the term in this way. After all Matter , from an esoteric point of view, these are power centers, spheres of elementary particles. Chemical elements are built from elementary particles, and bodies are built from chemical elements. But in the end it turns out that everything consists of elementary particles. But to be precise, around us we see not Matter, but Souls – i.e. elementary particles. The elementary particle, unlike the force center (ie the Soul, unlike Matter), is endowed with a quality – Ether is created and disappears in it.

concept substance can be considered a synonym for the concept of matter used by physics. Substance is, literally, what things that surround a person consist of, i.e. chemical elements and their compounds. And the chemical elements, as already mentioned, consist of elementary particles.

For substance and matter in science there are concepts-antonyms - antimatter and antimatter which are synonymous with each other.

Scientists recognize the existence of antimatter. However, what they take to be antimatter is actually not. In fact, antimatter has always been at hand in science and has been indirectly discovered a long time ago, since experiments on electromagnetism began. And we can constantly feel the manifestations of its existence in the world around us. Antimatter arose in the Universe together with matter at the very moment when elementary particles (Souls) appeared. Substance are particles of Yin (ie particles with Attraction Fields). Antimatter (antimatter) are Yang particles (particles with Repulsive Fields).

The properties of Yin and Yang particles are directly opposite, and therefore they are perfectly suited for the role of the sought-for matter and antimatter.

Ether filling elementary particles - their driving factor

"The force center of an elementary particle always strives to move along with the Ether, which fills this particle (and forms it) at the moment, in the same direction and at the same speed."

Ether is the driving factor of elementary particles. If the Ether that fills the particle is at rest, then the particle itself will also be at rest. And if the Ether of a particle moves, the particle will also move.

Thus, due to the fact that there is no difference between the Ether of the ethereal field of the Universe and the Ether of particles, all Principles of Ether behavior are applicable to elementary particles as well. If the Ether, which belongs to the particle, is currently moving towards the emergence of a lack of Ether (in accordance with the first principle of the Ether's behavior - "There are no ethereal voids in the ethereal field") or moves away from the excess (in accordance with the second principle of the Ether's behavior - "In ethereal field does not give rise to areas with excess ether density"), the particle will move with it in the same direction and at the same speed.

What is Strength? Force Classification

One of the fundamental quantities in physics in general, and especially in one of its subsections - in mechanics, is Strength . But what is it, how to characterize it and back it up with something that exists in reality?

To begin with, let's open any Physical Encyclopedic Dictionary and read the definition.

« Strength in mechanics - a measure of the mechanical action of other bodies on a given material body ”(FES,“ Strength ”, edited by A. M. Prokhorov).

As you can see, the Force in modern physics does not carry information about something concrete, material. But at the same time, the manifestations of the Force are more than concrete. In order to correct the situation, we need to look at the Force from the position of the occult.

From an esoteric point of view Strength is nothing but Spirit, Ether, Energy. And the Soul, as you remember, is also the Spirit, only "twisted in a ring." Thus, both the free Spirit is the Force, and the Soul (the locked Spirit) is the Force. This information will help us a lot in the future.

Despite some vagueness of the definition of Force, it has a completely material basis. This is not at all an abstract concept, as it appears in physics at the present time.

Strength- this is the reason that makes Ether approach its deficiency or move away from its excess. We are interested in the Ether contained in Elementary Particles (Souls), therefore for us the Force is, first of all, the reason that induces the particles to move. Any elementary particle is a Force, since it directly or indirectly affects other particles.

Strength can be measured using speed., with which the Ether of the particle would move under the influence of this Force, if no other Forces acted on the particle. Those. the speed of the ether flow that makes the particle move, this is the magnitude of this Force.

Let's classify all types of Forces that occur in particles, depending on the cause that causes them.

Force of Attraction (Aspiration of Attraction).

The reason for the emergence of this Force is any lack of Ether that occurs somewhere in the ethereal field of the Universe.

Those. any other particle that absorbs the Ether serves as the cause of the emergence of the Force of Attraction in a particle, i.e. forming the Field of Attraction.

Repulsion Force (Repulsion Aspiration).

The reason for the emergence of this Force is any excess of Ether that occurs somewhere in the ethereal field of the Universe.

The fact that negative charges help and give good results in various diseases is shown not only by modern research, but also by a number of historical documents collected over the centuries.

All living organisms, including humans, are born and develop in the natural conditions of the planet Earth, which has one important feature - our planet is a constantly negatively charged field, and the atmosphere around the earth has a positive charge. This means that each organism is "programmed" to be born and develop in a constant electric field that exists between the negatively charged earth and the positively charged atmosphere, which plays a very significant role in all biochemical processes in the body.

  • acute pneumonia;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma (except hormone-dependent);
  • tuberculosis (inactive form);

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • burns;
  • frostbite;
  • bedsores;
  • eczema;
  • Preoperative preparation and postoperative rehabilitation:

    • adhesive disease;
    • increase in immune status.

    Infrared radiation

    The source of infrared radiation is the vibration of atoms around their state of equilibrium in living and non-living elements.

    Microspheres as part of the Activator "To your health!" have a unique property to accumulate infrared radiation and heat of the human body and return it back.

    All types of short spectrum waves after visible light have a severe effect on all living organisms and therefore are dangerous and harmful. The shorter the wavelength, the harder the radiation. These waves, falling on living tissue, knock out electrons in molecules at their level, and later destroy the atom itself. As a result, free radicals are formed, which lead to cancer and radiation disease.

    Waves on the other side of the visible spectrum are not harmful due to the longer wavelength. The entire infrared spectrum ranges from 0.7 - 1000 microns (micrometers). The human range is from 6 - 12 microns. For comparison, water has 3 microns and therefore a person cannot stay in hot water for a long time. Even at 55 degrees, no more than 1 hour. The cells of the body at this wavelength do not feel comfortable and cannot work well, as a result they resist and malfunction. Influencing the cells with heat, with a long wave corresponding to the heat of the cell, the cell, receiving native heat, works better. Infrared rays heat it up.

    The normal temperature for the passage of redox reactions in the nutria of the cell is 38-39 degrees Celsius, and if the temperature drops, the metabolic process slows down or stops.

    What happens when exposed to infrared heat? Overheating rescue mechanism:

    • Sweating.
    • Enhanced blood circulation.
    • Sweating.
    • Sweat glands on the skin secrete fluid. The liquid evaporates and cools the body from overheating.
    • Enhanced blood circulation.

    Arterial blood flows to the heated area of ​​the body. Venous - is removed, taking away part of the heat. Thereby cooling the area from overheating. This system is similar to a radiator. Blood to the area of ​​overheating enters through the capillaries. And the more capillaries, the better the outflow of blood will occur. Let's say that we have 5 capillaries, and in order to save us from overheating, we need 50. The body is faced with the task of preventing overheating. And if we heat this area regularly, it will increase (increase) the number of capillaries in the heated area. It has been scientifically proven that the human body can increase the number of capillaries by 10 times! Scientists have proven. That the aging process in humans depends on the reduction of capillaries. In old age, the number of capillaries decreases, especially in the legs and leg veins. Even at the age of 120, restoration of capillaries is possible.

    So: if you warm up a certain part of the body, regularly, then the body will increase the number of capillaries in the heated place. Relieving the area from constant overheating. In addition, the heat will contribute to the normal functioning of the cells, because by heating the cells we improve the process of metabolism (metabolism). This will contribute to the restoration of heated tissues and elasticity and firmness will return to them. If there are problems such as corns, corns, thorns, spurs, salt deposits, skin diseases, fungi on the feet, infrared heat will lead to an accelerated regeneration (recovery) process.

    Lymphatic drainage effect.

    Cells from all sides are washed by the intercellular fluid. The intercellular fluid is collected from the tissues with the help of the lymphatic system. With the help of capillaries, arterial blood comes to each cell. Discharged from the cell, venous blood. In the process of life, waste substances partially enter the venous blood and partially into the intercellular fluid. In the event of the onset of any disease or stress, mechanical impact, injury, such a situation may occur as - the intercellular substance does not have time to take out toxins (waste materials during the life of the cell). This is a well-known term - slagging. Slagging is directly related to poor lymph outflow. Excess or inactive water is drawn to the toxins by diffusion, which leads to edema of the organ or tissues. Infrared heat improves lymph flow, which leads to the removal of toxins and excess water (removes puffiness). The threat of cancer is reduced, tissue trophism (cell nutrition) is improved, where each cell can be renewed. The intercellular substance, rising along the lymph flow, enters the lymph node, which is a filter.

    In the lymph nodes there are white blood cells - lymphocytes (they act as guardians), they fight infections, viruses, and cancer cells as well. Blood cells are produced in the bone marrow.

    The effect of infrared heat on veins and blood vessels.

    The vessels have a smooth surface inside so that the red blood cells can glide along the inner channel. The quality of the inner surface depends on the number of capillaries inside the vessel wall. As a result of stress, in old age, as a result of smoking, microcirculation is disturbed inside a large vessel, which leads to a deterioration in the condition of the vessel wall. The wall of the vessel ceases to be smooth and elastic. Cholesterol and large fractions form an osteosclerotic plaque, impeding the flow of blood along this channel. In the narrowed channel, the flow of blood worsens, which contributes to an increase in pressure. Infrared heat resumes the current through the capillaries inside the vessel wall, after which the inner wall becomes smooth and elastic, and special systems in the blood itself corrode the thrombus (plaque).

    Definition 1

    Many of the physical phenomena around us that occur in nature do not find explanation in the laws of mechanics, thermodynamics and molecular-kinetic theory. Such phenomena are based on the influence of forces acting between bodies at a distance and independent of the masses of interacting bodies, which immediately denies their possible gravitational nature. These forces are called electromagnetic.

    Even the ancient Greeks had some idea of ​​electromagnetic forces. However, only at the end of the 18th century did a systematic, quantitative study of physical phenomena associated with the electromagnetic interaction of bodies begin.

    Definition 2

    Thanks to the painstaking work of a large number of scientists in the 19th century, the creation of an absolutely new harmonious science, which studies magnetic and electrical phenomena, was completed. So one of the most important branches of physics was called electrodynamics.

    The electric and magnetic fields created by electric charges and currents became its main objects of study.

    The concept of charge in electrodynamics plays the same role as the gravitational mass in Newtonian mechanics. It is included in the foundation of the section and is primary for it.

    Definition 3

    Electric charge is a physical quantity that characterizes the property of particles or bodies to enter into electromagnetic force interactions.

    The letters q or Q in electrodynamics usually denote an electric charge.

    Together, all known experimentally proven facts allow us to draw the following conclusions:

    Definition 4

    There are two kinds of electric charges. These are conventionally named positive and negative charges.

    Definition 5

    Charges can transfer (for example, by direct contact) between bodies. Electric charge, unlike body mass, is not its integral characteristic. One particular body in different conditions can take on a different charge value.

    Definition 6

    Like charges repel, unlike charges attract. This fact reveals another fundamental difference between electromagnetic and gravitational forces. Gravitational forces are always forces of attraction.

    The law of conservation of electric charge is one of the fundamental laws of nature.

    In an isolated system, the algebraic sum of the charges of all bodies is unchanged:

    q 1 + q 2 + q 3 + . . . + qn = c o n s t.

    Definition 7

    The law of conservation of electric charge states that in a closed system of bodies processes of the birth or disappearance of charges of only one sign cannot be observed.

    From the point of view of modern science, charge carriers are elementary particles. Any ordinary object is made up of atoms. They are composed of positively charged protons, negatively charged electrons and neutral particles - neutrons. Protons and neutrons are an integral part of atomic nuclei, while electrons form the electron shell of atoms. By modulus, the electric charges of the proton and electron are equivalent and equal to the value of the elementary charge e.

    In a neutral atom, the number of electrons in the shell and protons in the nucleus is the same. The number of any of the given particles is called the atomic number.

    Such an atom has the ability to both lose and gain one or more electrons. When this happens, the neutral atom becomes a positively or negatively charged ion.

    A charge can pass from one body to another only in portions, which contain an integer number of elementary charges. It turns out that the electric charge of the body is a discrete quantity:

    q = ±n e (n = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . .).

    Definition 8

    Physical quantities that have the ability to take an exclusively discrete series of values ​​are called quantized.

    Definition 9

    elementary charge e represents a quantum, that is, the smallest possible portion of electric charge.

    Definition 10

    The fact of the existence in modern elementary particle physics of the so-called quarks– particles with fractional charge ± 1 3 e and ± 2 3 e .

    However, scientists have never been able to observe quarks in a free state.

    Definition 11

    To detect and measure electric charges in the laboratory, an electrometer is usually used - a device consisting of a metal rod and an arrow that can rotate around a horizontal axis (Fig. 1. 1. 1).

    The arrowhead is insulated from the metal case. In contact with the rod of the electrometer, the charged body provokes the distribution of electric charges of the same sign along the rod and the needle. The impact of electrical repulsion forces causes the needle to deviate at a certain angle, by which it is possible to determine the charge transferred to the electrometer rod.

    Picture 1 . one . one . Transfer of charge from a charged body to an electrometer.

    An electrometer is a fairly crude instrument. Its sensitivity does not allow to investigate the forces of interaction of charges. In 1785, the law of interaction of fixed charges was first discovered. The French physicist Ch. Coulomb became the discoverer. In his experiments, he measured the forces of attraction and repulsion of charged balls using a device he designed for measuring electric charge - a torsion balance (Fig. 1.1.2), which has an extremely high sensitivity. The rocker of the scales rotated 1 ° under the action of a force of approximately 10 - 9 N.

    The idea of ​​measurements was based on the physicist's guess that when a charged ball comes into contact with the same uncharged one, the existing charge of the first one will be divided into equal parts between the bodies. Thus, a method was obtained to change the charge of the ball by two or more times.

    Definition 12

    Coulomb in his experiments measured the interaction between the balls, the dimensions of which were much smaller than the distance separating them, because of which they could be neglected. Such charged bodies are called point charges.

    Picture 1 . one . 2. Coulomb device.

    Picture 1 . one . 3 . Interaction forces of like and unlike charges.

    Based on many experiments, Coulomb established the following law:

    Definition 13

    The forces of interaction of fixed charges are directly proportional to the product of charge modules and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them: F = k q 1 · q 2 r 2 .

    Interaction forces are repulsive forces with the same signs of charges and attractive forces with different signs (Fig. 1.1.3), and also obey Newton's third law:
    F 1 → = - F 2 →.

    Definition 14

    Coulomb or electrostatic interaction is the effect of stationary electric charges on each other.

    Definition 15

    The section of electrodynamics devoted to the study of the Coulomb interaction is called electrostatics.

    Coulomb's law can be applied to charged point bodies. In practice, it is fully fulfilled if the dimensions of the charged bodies can be neglected due to the distance between the objects of interaction that is much greater than them.

    The coefficient of proportionality k in Coulomb's law depends on the choice of the system of units.

    In the International System C I, the unit of measurement of electric charge is the pendant (K l).

    Definition 16

    Pendant- this is a charge passing in 1 s through the cross section of the conductor at a current strength of 1 A. The unit of current strength (ampere) in C I is, along with units of length, time and mass, the main unit of measurement.

    The coefficient k in the C system And in most cases is written as the following expression:

    k = 1 4 π ε 0 .

    In which ε 0 \u003d 8, 85 10 - 12 K l 2 N m 2 is an electrical constant.

    In the C AND system, the elementary charge e is:

    e \u003d 1.602177 10 - 19 K l ≈ 1.6 10 - 19 K l.

    Based on experience, we can say that the forces of the Coulomb interaction obey the principle of superposition.

    Theorem 1

    If a charged body interacts simultaneously with several charged bodies, then the resulting force acting on this body is equal to the vector sum of the forces acting on this body from all other charged bodies.

    Figure 1. one . 4, using the example of the electrostatic interaction of three charged bodies, the principle of superposition is explained.

    Picture 1 . one . four . The principle of superposition of electrostatic forces F → = F 21 → + F 31 → ; F 2 → = F 12 → + F 32 →; F 3 → = F 13 → + F 23 →.

    Picture 1 . one . 5 . Model of interaction of point charges.

    Although the principle of superposition is a fundamental law of nature, its use requires some care when applied to the interaction of charged bodies of finite size. Two conductive charged balls 1 and 2 can serve as an example of such. If another charged ball is brought to such a system consisting of two charged balls, then the interaction between 1 and 2 will change due to the redistribution of charges.

    The principle of superposition assumes that the forces of electrostatic interaction between any two bodies do not depend on the presence of other bodies with a charge, provided that the distribution of charges is fixed (given).

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    « Physics - Grade 10 "

    Let us first consider the simplest case, when electrically charged bodies are at rest.

    The section of electrodynamics devoted to the study of the equilibrium conditions for electrically charged bodies is called electrostatics.

    What is an electric charge?
    What are the charges?

    With words electricity, electric charge, electric current you met many times and managed to get used to them. But try to answer the question: “What is an electric charge?” The concept itself charge- this is the main, primary concept, which at the present level of development of our knowledge cannot be reduced to any simpler, elementary concepts.

    Let us first try to find out what is meant by the statement: "A given body or particle has an electric charge."

    All bodies are built from the smallest particles, which are indivisible into simpler ones and therefore are called elementary.

    Elementary particles have mass and due to this they are attracted to each other according to the law of universal gravitation. As the distance between particles increases, the gravitational force decreases in inverse proportion to the square of this distance. Most elementary particles, although not all, also have the ability to interact with each other with a force that also decreases inversely with the square of the distance, but this force is many times greater than the force of gravity.

    So in the hydrogen atom, shown schematically in Figure 14.1, the electron is attracted to the nucleus (proton) with a force 10 39 times greater than the force of gravitational attraction.

    If the particles interact with each other with forces that decrease with increasing distance in the same way as the forces of universal gravitation, but exceed the forces of gravity many times over, then these particles are said to have an electric charge. The particles themselves are called charged.

    There are particles without electric charge, but there is no electric charge without a particle.

    The interaction of charged particles is called electromagnetic.

    Electric charge determines the intensity of electromagnetic interactions, just as mass determines the intensity of gravitational interactions.

    The electric charge of an elementary particle is not a special mechanism in a particle that could be removed from it, decomposed into its component parts and reassembled. The presence of an electric charge in an electron and other particles means only the existence of certain force interactions between them.

    We, in essence, know nothing about the charge, if we do not know the laws of these interactions. Knowledge of the laws of interactions should be included in our understanding of the charge. These laws are not simple, and it is impossible to state them in a few words. Therefore, it is impossible to give a sufficiently satisfactory concise definition of the concept electric charge.

    Two signs of electric charges.

    All bodies have mass and therefore attract each other. Charged bodies can both attract and repel each other. This most important fact, familiar to you, means that in nature there are particles with electric charges of opposite signs; In the case of charges of the same sign, the particles repel, and in the case of different signs, they attract.

    Charge of elementary particles - protons, which are part of all atomic nuclei, is called positive, and the charge electrons- negative. There are no internal differences between positive and negative charges. If the signs of the particle charges were reversed, then the nature of electromagnetic interactions would not change at all.

    elemental charge.

    In addition to electrons and protons, there are several more types of charged elementary particles. But only electrons and protons can exist indefinitely in a free state. The rest of the charged particles live less than millionths of a second. They are born during collisions of fast elementary particles and, having existed for a negligible time, decay, turning into other particles. You will get acquainted with these particles in the 11th grade.

    Particles that do not have an electrical charge include neutron. Its mass only slightly exceeds the mass of a proton. Neutrons, along with protons, are part of the atomic nucleus. If an elementary particle has a charge, then its value is strictly defined.

    charged bodies Electromagnetic forces in nature play a huge role due to the fact that the composition of all bodies includes electrically charged particles. The constituent parts of atoms - nuclei and electrons - have an electric charge.

    The direct action of electromagnetic forces between bodies is not detected, since the bodies in the normal state are electrically neutral.

    An atom of any substance is neutral, since the number of electrons in it is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus. Positively and negatively charged particles are connected to each other by electrical forces and form neutral systems.

    A macroscopic body is electrically charged if it contains an excess amount of elementary particles with any one charge sign. So, the negative charge of the body is due to an excess of the number of electrons in comparison with the number of protons, and the positive charge is due to the lack of electrons.

    In order to obtain an electrically charged macroscopic body, i.e., to electrify it, it is necessary to separate part of the negative charge from the positive charge associated with it, or to transfer a negative charge to a neutral body.

    This can be done with friction. If you run a comb over dry hair, then a small part of the most mobile charged particles - electrons will pass from the hair to the comb and charge it negatively, and the hair will be charged positively.

    Equality of charges during electrization

    With the help of experience, it can be proved that when electrified by friction, both bodies acquire charges that are opposite in sign, but identical in magnitude.

    Let's take an electrometer, on the rod of which a metal sphere with a hole is fixed, and two plates on long handles: one of ebonite, and the other of plexiglass. When rubbing against each other, the plates are electrified.

    Let's bring one of the plates inside the sphere without touching its walls. If the plate is positively charged, then some of the electrons from the needle and the electrometer rod will be attracted to the plate and collect on the inner surface of the sphere. In this case, the arrow will be positively charged and repelled from the electrometer rod (Fig. 14.2, a).

    If another plate is brought inside the sphere, having previously removed the first one, then the electrons of the sphere and the rod will be repelled from the plate and will accumulate in excess on the arrow. This will cause the arrow to deviate from the rod, moreover, by the same angle as in the first experiment.

    Having lowered both plates inside the sphere, we will not find any deflection of the arrow at all (Fig. 14.2, b). This proves that the charges of the plates are equal in magnitude and opposite in sign.

    Electrification of bodies and its manifestations. Significant electrification occurs during friction of synthetic fabrics. When taking off a shirt made of synthetic material in dry air, you can hear a characteristic crackle. Small sparks jump between charged areas of rubbing surfaces.

    In printing houses, the paper becomes electrified during printing, and the sheets stick together. To prevent this from happening, special devices are used to drain the charge. However, the electrification of bodies in close contact is sometimes used, for example, in various electrocopying machines, etc.

    The law of conservation of electric charge.

    Experience with the electrification of plates proves that when electrified by friction, the existing charges are redistributed between bodies that were previously neutral. A small part of the electrons passes from one body to another. In this case, new particles do not appear, and the previously existing ones do not disappear.

    When electrifying bodies, law of conservation of electric charge. This law is valid for a system that does not enter from the outside and from which charged particles do not exit, i.e., for isolated system.

    In an isolated system, the algebraic sum of the charges of all bodies is conserved.

    q 1 + q 2 + q 3 + ... + q n = const. (14.1)

    where q 1, q 2, etc. are the charges of individual charged bodies.

    The law of conservation of charge has a deep meaning. If the number of charged elementary particles does not change, then the law of charge conservation is obvious. But elementary particles can transform into each other, be born and disappear, giving life to new particles.

    However, in all cases, charged particles are produced only in pairs with charges of the same modulus and opposite in sign; charged particles also disappear only in pairs, turning into neutral ones. And in all these cases, the algebraic sum of the charges remains the same.

    The validity of the law of conservation of charge is confirmed by observations of a huge number of transformations of elementary particles. This law expresses one of the most fundamental properties of electric charge. The reason for the conservation of charge is still unknown.

    2. Particles of Yin and Yang. mass and antimass. positive and negative charge. matter and antimatter

    1. Particles of Yin and Yang.

    1) Yin particles - absorbing Ether– form the field of Attraction in the ethereal field of the Universe.

    Ether of the ethereal field tends to move towards such a particle in accordance with the 1st principle of the Law of Forces - "Nature does not tolerate emptiness." This ether flow moving towards the particle is Field of Attraction.

    Each particle that absorbs Ether absorbs a strictly defined amount of Ether per unit time. Due to the fact that the Ether of the ethereal field is uniform everywhere, has no densification or rarefaction, we can speak about the rate of absorption of the Ether. The absorption rate will just indicate the amount of ether absorbed by the particle per unit time.

    2) Yang particles - emitting Ether– form the Repulsion Field in the ethereal field of the Universe.

    The ether of the ethereal field tends to move away from such a particle in accordance with the 2nd principle of the Law of Forces - "Nature does not tolerate excess." This ethereal stream moving away from the particle is Repulsion field.

    Each particle that emits Ether emits a strictly defined amount of Ether per unit of time. Ether emission rate indicates the amount of Ether emitted by a particle per unit of time.

    2. Mass - antimass.

    And now let's draw a parallel between the physical quantity that exists in science, mass, and the concepts often used in this book - the Field of Attraction and the Field of Repulsion.

    Particles with Attractive Fields (Yin particles) responsible for the process gravity- that is, the attraction of other particles to them. The field of attraction is weight.

    Particles with Repulsive Fields (Yang particles) responsible for the process antigravity(not yet recognized by official science) - that is, the process of repulsion of other particles from them. In science, there is no correspondence to the concept of the Repulsion Field, therefore, it will have to be created. Thus, the Repulsion Field is antimass.

    3. Electric charge - positive and negative.

    I think I'm not the only one who wanted and wants to combine the formula that describes the gravitational interaction of bodies ( Law of gravity), with a formula dedicated to the interaction of electric charges ( Coulomb's Law). So let's do it!

    It is necessary to put an equal sign between the concepts weight and positive charge, as well as between concepts antimass and negative charge.

    A positive charge (or mass) characterizes the particles of Yin (with Fields of Attraction) - that is, absorbing the ether from the surrounding ethereal field.

    And the negative charge (or antimass) characterizes Yang particles (with Repulsion Fields) – that is, emitting ether into the surrounding ethereal field.

    Strictly speaking, mass (or positive charge), as well as anti-mass (or negative charge) indicates to us that this particle absorbs (or emits) the Ether.

    As for the position of electrodynamics that there is a repulsion of charges of the same sign (both negative and positive) and an attraction to each other of charges of different signs, it is not entirely accurate. And the reason for this is not quite the right interpretation of experiments on electromagnetism.

    Particles with Attractive Fields (positively charged) will never repel each other. They just get attracted. But particles with Repulsive Fields (negatively charged) will indeed always repel each other (including the negative pole of a magnet).

    Particles with Attractive Fields (positively charged) attract any particles to themselves: both negatively charged (with Repulsive Fields) and positively charged (with Attractive Fields). However, if both particles have a Field of Attraction, then the one whose Field of Attraction is greater will displace the other particle towards itself to a greater extent than a particle with a smaller Field of Attraction will do.

    4. Matter - antimatter.

    In physics matter they call bodies, as well as the chemical elements from which these bodies are built, and also elementary particles. In general, it can be considered approximately correct to use the term in this way. After all Matter, from an esoteric point of view, these are power centers, spheres of elementary particles. Chemical elements are built from elementary particles, and bodies are built from chemical elements. But in the end it turns out that everything consists of elementary particles. But to be precise, around us we see not Matter, but Souls – that is, elementary particles. The elementary particle, unlike the force center (ie the Soul, unlike Matter), is endowed with a quality – Ether is created and disappears in it.

    concept substance can be considered a synonym for the concept of matter used by physics. Substance is, literally, what things that surround a person consist of - that is, chemical elements and their compounds. And the chemical elements, as already mentioned, consist of elementary particles.

    For substance and matter in science there are concepts-antonyms - antimatter and antimatter which are synonymous with each other.

    Scientists recognize the existence of antimatter. However, what they take to be antimatter is actually not. In fact, antimatter has always been at hand in science and has been indirectly discovered a long time ago, since experiments on electromagnetism began. And we can constantly feel the manifestations of its existence in the world around us. Antimatter arose in the Universe together with matter at the very moment when elementary particles (Souls) appeared. Substance are particles of Yin (i.e., particles with Attraction Fields). Antimatter(antimatter) are Yang particles (particles with Repulsive Fields).

    The properties of Yin and Yang particles are directly opposite, and therefore they are perfectly suited for the role of the sought-for matter and antimatter.

    This text is an introductory piece.

    Tune in for a positive outcome Dear women, try not to focus your attention on negative examples. Very often, "well-wishers" talk about a lot of unsuccessful pregnancy outcomes. This happens especially often in the hospital, when roommates

    Secret 7. Tune in for a positive outcome Two mice got into a jar of sour cream. One, deciding that it would not come out, drowned. The second floundered for a long time, knocked down the oil and got out. If you even a little doubt the positive result of your undertakings, then you have nothing

    08. Mass and temperature Any case of transformation of a particle, and, accordingly, an increase in its temperature, leads to a decrease in the magnitude of the Force of Attraction that arises in it in relation to any object that attracts it, for example, in relation to any chemical

    02. Substance, body, environment Substance may consist of: 1. Either from free elementary particles of the same or different quality; 2. Either from chemical elements of the same or different quality; 3. Either from chemical elements of the same or different quality and accumulated by them

    MATERIALS (substance) 1041. ALUMINUM - unreliability, volatility; "cheap" intentions, promises.1042. ARMOR - protection.1043. GRANITE - a symbol of hardness and impregnability. Biting is a difficult acquisition of valuable knowledge.1044. Fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants, gasoline, kerosene) -

    Scenario one, negative A young woman, quite pretty, a mother of two children, almost never worked anywhere, but someone always helped her: relatives, ex-husband, rare boyfriends ... One day she met a middle-aged man who had his own small business.

    Scenario Two, Positive One girl was a sweet, quiet child. She could play with dolls for hours without giving anyone any trouble. Her dolls' dresses were always neatly pressed and lay on their shelves for years. And the girl wore her own dresses very carefully,

    Genius - the mass of the brain or the number of convolutions? For many centuries people have been trying to unravel the mystery of genius. Not only do we not know where it comes from, but often we cannot even formulate what it is. According to the English poet Coleridge,

    A gigantic charge of vital forces and energies I have a gigantic newborn charge of life force for the entire given world cycle. I received from God a gigantic charge of vitality for an energetic joyful life throughout this entire world cycle. My whole life is ahead of me.

    4. A new charge of vitality The Lord God in a continuous round-the-clock-year-round stream pours into me a new gigantic charge of vitality for many decades of a young, cheerful, energetic life. I am filled through and through with a new gigantic charge of vitality. In

    Egregorial person, mass Perhaps, let's start with the most stable part of the human community. From the egregorial mass, the role absently played out by average people who are not passionate about anything special. In almost any country, this is a large part of the population.

    LIVE - get a boost of energy This word-healer will help you: get a new boost of energy start thinking and acting actively Apply it: before starting a business that requires you to give it your all with a feeling of apathy and indifference to everything that happens around

    SUBSTANCE HIDDEN IN SPACE From the content of this book it becomes quite clear to the reader that there is no such place in the Universe (not even a point!) where there would be no matter. Even if no celestial objects are observed in outer space, then this does not at all

    15. Mind Stuff The word "mind" is used in many different ways. Its main meaning is the mechanism of perception. When we talk about "mind" we usually mean the thinking rational mind, the mind of internal dialogue, the mind as "I am", the mind as it is. However, this mind is