Is it possible to change the past in the present. Changing the past - recapturing childhood as a new gift of magic. What will happen as a result

New Hypnologist session

Q: I immersed a person in a session, his soul from a density of 4.5. So, after the current incarnation (relatively speaking, 2015), his next life will be in 1920, where he will spend his life making some decisions along the way and taking some actions. So, the question arose: that timeline of our world (3rd density on Earth) ... well, his Higher Self incarnated in its more developed form, first in 1920, and then in a less developed form - in 2015. And in the future, the course of history in the Universe was not disturbed... Is the experience that he has now, whether it is transferred to the past? And how will he influence this past, if, of course, he somehow influences?

A: Ever since you assumed that the past could be changed, ever since that thought entered people's minds and began to spread, you've had problems with history, with the past. Thus, your past begins to transform, to become multivariate, as well as the future. Therefore, there is now such a leapfrog both in terms of chronology and in terms of linear sequence historical events, and in terms of the presence or absence of historical facts at all. For example, if you think that your next incarnation will be in the past, and not in the future (and this was previously considered something unthinkable), then you, believing that you have experience of the future, incarnate in the "past" and can do something there change in order to change this future from the past. Within acceptable limits, of course. This will have some impact on your experience gained in the previous incarnation "from the future", and then your ideas about how it was in the past will change. Here is such a tricky, paradoxical thing. In reality, there is no future as such, time is nothing more than a game environment necessary to maintain reality, in the sense in which you understand this reality.

Another interesting thing he says. At birth, when the soul enters the physical body, it has an encoding for "zero time count". Something like winding the spring of a mechanical clock and starting the clock pendulum. This is similar to choosing the zero point on a number line. Thus, the "program of the sense of time" is launched in a person at the moment of physical birth. It's like part of the program - a sense of physical, linear time. Before incarnation, the soul agrees that it will abide by these rules of "playing in time", along with other similar rules. In principle, a person can learn to shift this zero point back and forth (just as he finds a lever behind the dial with which you can twist the hands). In principle, this is possible, but in general, it is not welcome and is considered something like "unfair play" (in the variant computer game it's like using console commands). If you learn to move time, you will automatically be able to change events not only in the present and not only in the future, but also in the past. But such pirouettes can have a strong destructive effect on the programs of other people, other souls, and create unnecessary chaos in physical reality. In the limit, you can generally destroy the reality of 3D. Therefore, it is better not to climb into these games over time at your level of development, especially out of idle curiosity and without the appropriate skills. Otherwise, it will turn out that the child got inside a complex high-tech device and "changed" something there.
Thus, a person has the ability to vary time, speed it up, slow it down, etc., but his "level of tolerance" to these things is usually very limited. For completely understandable reasons.
From myself [from the operator] I can say what I said last time. The feeling of time can be compared to the fact that the player inserts the game disc into the computer and starts the game. Basically, everything possible options its outcome is already on the disc and exists as if "out of time", along with the rules, scenery, textures. But you start the game from "zero point" - and you get a feeling of dynamics and unpredictability of the result. Thus, "play space" and "play time" arise.
From this point of view, other incarnations can be considered as past launches of this game, the same disk, but the disk may be completely different, with different rules, scenery, and therefore with a different "space and time." The meaning of these "toys" is to develop some skills, which are called experience, in order to "replay" the maximum number of games available in the disk storage.
It is similar with "historical" incarnations: one era is recorded on some discs, another - another: consciousness, being in the present, here and now, begins to "extrapolate" reality beyond the present moment, into the past and future.

V: Understood. And if, for example, we take an ordinary person who, while living this life, is already kind of familiar with handwritten history, with history generally accepted today, moves to 1920 - and there he does something that can change the course of history familiar and known to us. Is this possible, or is it in principle unacceptable, because history has already "settled"?
A: Well, what does "know" mean? It means to have a specific encoding. You know that such and such an event happened then and there.
B: Yes.
A: Therefore, if you change something in the course of events in the past, taking into account the knowledge of the past event at a later time, in order to cancel it or change its outcome, you automatically take responsibility for these changes. Because knowledge comes with responsibility. In principle, "on the disk" there are all options for the outcomes of this game. But it is up to a person to choose one of these options. If you change an event in the past, you can thereby change the current circumstances of your life, your incarnation, or your chain of incarnations. It is not easy to explain using your concepts... Hmm... It also plays a role how ready you are to karmically change your outer and inner world in the present by changing the past. Ready not in words, but in deeds, without returning to what was before. The latter means even up to the absence of thoughts about the old. Otherwise, the chain of events / processes between the changed past event and the current present, which you are subconsciously not ready to change, will develop in your memory in such a way that it will still lead you to what you have now.
Q: It is clear here: each soul will live its own reality. But, from the point of view of the universe, it turns out that some kind of duplicate branch is being created, which takes away part of the energy, or is it not so?
A: It's not exactly "created". Rather, it manifests itself, activates. In principle, everything was created initially, all branches and all options exist. You just choose what to show. Yes, it consumes energy. Or, more precisely, with insignificant energy losses, it is "transferred" from one branch to another.
Q: And if there are a billion of these branches instead of one?
A: There are many more.
Q: So-so... It turns out that the general course of history is the totality of all branches?
Oh no. "The general course of history" is a general, generally accepted mythology, according to which you see a certain reality in the past. Change the mythology and you will see things differently. As an illustrative example, one can cite the personality of I.V. Stalin. At first he was "the great leader of all times and peoples", then he became a "bloody tyrant", now he is gradually becoming a "wise teacher". Understand?
B: Yes.
A: That is, you consider the same events from different angles, with different, so to speak, event filters. Although both that, and another, and the third are all myths. And the whole story is built in the same way. In accordance with mythology, a person sets up filters for perceiving information: he will notice only those archaeological, documentary and other facts that confirm his mythology, and the rest will either not be accepted, or immediately forgotten, or deformed, or blocked from them, or physically destroyed - in a word, they will not exist for him. Thus, that part of the psyche, that area of ​​consciousness that is responsible for faith, for mythology, unfolds, manifests the reality corresponding to it, leads to a certain experience.
Q: Once in one session, the Entities said that there is neither past nor future, there is only the present, which, like a pattern, changes in a complex way ... Can you confirm this?
A: If neither "past" nor "future" exists, then the present does not exist to the same extent: then the concept of time loses its meaning. "Existence" as such can be represented in the form of space-time reversals of your consciousness, as "unpacking". It is difficult to imagine figuratively, but for understanding, let's try to draw at least some analogy. Suppose you have a data bank in the form of disk clusters, in which there is everything-everything-everything. Huge disco. Let's say you want to play. You walk up to the rack with discs and ask: what game will I choose now? Well, let you show your will and choose a disk, insert it into the drive, start the game - and it starts: a game space, game time appeared - in a word, a game reality appeared in which you do something there. And the rest of the disks remained standing on the rack. And now you ask: what would happen to me if I put another disc? Or if I would have acted differently in this place in the game, but like this?
B: Well, that's understandable. Then the question is: Ethanon, are you there from the eighth dimension, do you see my future and the future of the Operator? the future of third density?
A: He says: I see your future, not as a line of time, but as a space of time.
Q: Are there any analogies in our world to compare it to?
A: Well, the analogy is probably simple. Imagine that you now get up and go to the door, leave the room. In how many ways can you do this?
Q: Well, there are countless of them...
A: Well, all these options together represent no longer a time line, but some area of ​​some time space. If you really, not in your mind, get up and go to the door, you will draw a time line in this area.
Q: Then it turns out, not the essence of how, but the essence of what we do, right? So, are we making a choice?
O: Naturally. It is up to us to draw any line there. This is how the choice is made. Of all the options that exist in the time domain (existing, as it were, "simultaneously"), we choose one. Well, or several, if you have already grown to such a level that you can choose from the area not a line from the space of options, but a plane from the space of options.
V: Wow! It's probably in a higher metric, right?
Oh yeah. If you see an n-dimensional space of options, then you can choose its n-1 dimension subspace. Human consciousness is arranged in such a way that he can observe only one dimension more, as time.
Q: Fourth, that is?
A: For you, yes. The rest of the dimensions are not available to you until you master the dimension n + 1. If you have absorbed this dimension, your perception expands. But then it will be difficult for you to explain your perception to a person whose consciousness works with a dimension one lower. He will perceive part of your space as time, and it will seem to him that you, for example, have the gift of clairvoyance. Now people who are in 3D space are mastering four-dimensional space(conditionally, of course).
Q: Then it turns out that you, Ethanon, master the 9D space?
A: In your understanding, yes.
Q: And in your understanding?
A: In my understanding, the concept of the dimension of space is significantly modified, expanded. But not in the sense that you have, the number of dimensions can be not only natural, integer, or even fractional. Instead of a number, there can be a group of numbers (vector, matrix), numbers can be dynamic, depending on your consciousness. You can change them with your consciousness: collapse unnecessary dimensions, unfold the necessary ones... You still have no way to understand this, you need to comprehend many more intermediate properties of reality in order to understand.

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There are only memories of him. Such a point of solipsism. Solipsists, without going into details, explain the world through your own existence. This lamp is on because I think about it. The earth is flat because all scientists believe it. Of course, it is impossible to erase the documented past (it's the same as losing its adequacy). But small roughnesses (an obsessive memory of an exam twenty years ago or gossip that no longer makes sense) can be corrected. This is done through meditation exercises, relaxation techniques or psychoanalysis sessions.

Magi. These are people who can change the surrounding reality with the power of their mind. Whether this is true or not is difficult to verify. After all, by changing the past, we change the present, but we cannot compare one past with another. The ordinary mind is designed in such a way that it cannot exist in two realities at once. But there is a magical school at the intersection of magic and laughter therapy, which is called Simoron. In order to change the past, you need to climb onto the toilet and ... jump off it into another universe. Jumped? Excellent! From this moment begins new life.

Theoretical physicists. Each of them will be happy to tell you what a wormhole or wormhole is and how to use it. Nora is a kind of distortion of space and time, a tunnel through which you can get from Moscow-2011 to Paris-1734, fly into a parallel universe, or even get lost in the space between worlds. All this is incredibly exciting and amazing. But it will be possible to turn to physicists for real help only when they understand such concepts as exotic matter and quantum gravity.

Fantastics. They are worth reading, if only because they have run in, probably, all possible plots related to changing the past. For example, in Ray Bradberry's story "Thunder Came" a butterfly crushed in prehistoric times changes language and politics in the distant future. In the story "The Three Deaths of Ben Baxter" by Robert Sheckley, it is said that the set of possibilities is limited, and fate, fatality, predestination will still take their toll. Very interesting in this sense is Isaac Asimov's story "The End of Eternity" about a secret organization that exists in Eternity - a kind of closed space with its own flow of time. The organization changes the past and future of people living in Time. What is the result of trying to avoid difficulties, relieve suffering, push and save? To the fact that a person loses his opportunities, his experience and chances for a happy future.

We have experienced a return to the past, which can be quite painful, but always necessary to fill in the gaps in life learning.

Why change the past

Due to the fact that we live in three-dimensional space, it is very difficult for us to understand that time is non-linear. For example, scientists have shown that there are alternate universes in which time flows backwards. It is difficult for us to understand the magnitude of time, because we have not gone beyond our reality. But nonetheless, time exists all the time, but since we can only move forward in relation to time, it seems to us that it itself moves in only one direction.

Think for a second: if you can mentally go into the past, why can't you change it? You voluntarily scroll through the situations in which you were 5, 10 years ago and easily move through memory as you like. Viewing memories is not your only option. You can really change situations just by revisiting them in your mind.

Now the important question: why do you need it? For one simple reason - re-routing of life. Probably, many have seen the film "The Butterfly Effect", where the future of people changed from changes in the events of the past. This can be done in reality, but it is a pity that in real life there is no such quick editing as in films and you cannot see the results instantly.

How it works

The present takes place in a person's head, and reality is only a field of activity. In a litigation situation, there is one platform - himself trial. But how this process took place will be told to you in different ways by the judge, jury, defendant, lawyers and spectators. Everyone will have their own court, certainly intersecting somewhere in general provisions, but the emotions will be different for everyone.

We sometimes subconsciously change our past without even noticing it. For example, when we remember how we were afraid of the neighbor's dog or how we twitched in the classroom when the sound of "Petrov, to the blackboard" sounded. Scrolling through the situation, we sometimes already smile, remembering that in fact all these were empty childhood fears and now everything is not so scary, there was nothing to be afraid of. That, in fact, is the whole technical process of changing the past. You need to scroll through it, feel it and give the situation new emotions, a new sensual coloring.

This may seem easy and therefore inefficient. And you try to remember the situation when you were really seriously offended, when you were unfairly punished, and how hard it was little child deal with such strong emotions. If you have such a memory, then strong emotions will certainly arise. It can be anything: indignation, hatred, anger, desire for revenge, envy, impotence, fear. And if there are such emotions (and they always are), then memories like these pull our strings. We are no longer aware of this revenge, we are not aware of the terrible fear, but we continue to live as if they are here and now. Oh yes! For our brain there is no time difference, for him everything happens here and now, and if you remember your worst nightmare, then the brain will reproduce it in real time, you will have very real sensations in the body, for example, tears.

What will happen as a result

If you manage to change the past, you will change the priorities of the past, they will already free you from obsessive goals in the present, and, therefore, will change your future. You will no longer take revenge, prove something to someone, meet some requirements, conquer the world for the sake of others. You will begin to understand what you, an adult, want here and now, without becoming attached to your childhood fears and resentments.

What does it take to change the past? First you need to have a great desire to do it. Then return to that very past and live that nightmarish moment. And having lived as an adult, you can realize some things in a new way, forgive the participants in the situation and let go of the situation itself.

This is difficult, because some of these memories are behind the special protection of the subconscious, as especially dangerous. But if these memories are pulling your strings, dictating your own rules of the game, then you definitely need to get rid of them. After all, fears and resentments lead only to self-destruction of the individual. So we need to let go and forgive.

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A person's life experience affects his present. Once having stumbled on something, a person will no longer go the same way or be too careful. This often prevents you from being realized in life, taking risks and achieving success. But the most annoying thing is that most of the reactions are formed not at a conscious age, but in deep childhood, and a person may not even guess what is behind his fear or indecision.

Change the past, or rather a set of reactions in today offer professional psychologists and representatives of esoteric teachings. The principle of work is similar, with the help of conversation, meditation or hypnosis, the cause of events in the present is clarified. For example, constant non-payment of bonuses and large salaries by employers. The situation is repetitive and very unpleasant. You need to find out what lies behind it. Often it is the fear of big money, the fear of losing money. It can come from the past of the person himself, when he accidentally dropped an amount in childhood that was important to him. Or maybe he was a witness when there were troubles in the life of his parents because of money. Any circumstance can be considered by this method.

If such or similar emotions exist, a person subconsciously creates events when money does not go into life. He finds a job where he is not paid, or he has various situations where money flows very quickly. He cannot accumulate something, because he subconsciously does not want to have money. He himself may not be aware of this, but simply observe what is happening. But experts see similar phenomena.

When the moment of loading the program, according to which the applicant lives, is found, it is necessary to change it. It is the transformation of the pledged opinion to another. For example, the statement that "money brings trouble" can be replaced with "money is a source of joy." This is done in different ways, each master offers his own version. You can even work on your own using affirmations, but this is a little longer than working with a specialist.

Replacing children's settings, reactions is possible. It is impossible to name this change of the past, it is a change of reactions that were earlier. Such phenomena help a person to live differently. After all, it is possible in this way to remove great grievances, psychological trauma, deep feelings. Such an experience allows you to enjoy the present, and not return in your thoughts to what has already been passed. And that's a huge achievement. modern psychology which greatly improves life.

In order to change the past, the help of a psychotherapist is not required.

Mary and Robert Goulding's "Expanding Perspectives"

They say that the past cannot be changed. The founders of the School of Resolving Mary and Robert Goulding don't think so. The past can change if you want it to. The secret is in your perception. And the method of "Expanding Perspectives", which has become a classic of Transactional Analysis (TA), will help to reveal it. It is also used successfully in Symboldrama, Gestalt and Psychodrama.

This technique allowsreturn to conflict situation of the pastin which, for example, you were unfairly accused, offended, punished, slandered, or you yourself took someone's thing, played a trick on someone, causing suffering to another person.

The main feature that unites these “insignificant” situations from childhood is irritation and discomfort, as well as anger, sadness, fear, guilt – whenever you remember them.

The help of a psychotherapist is not required here. This exercise can be done on your own. The main thing is to take it seriously, work through every detail from your past and let it go. Let a new joyful, happy, resourceful memory come to the vacated place. Ready? Then let's start.


Retire. Prepare a pen or pencil and a piece of paper.

Part 1. Fiasco

Think back to a time when you experienced what the Gouldings call a “terrible trifling injury.” A bomb didn't fall on your house, your mother didn't threaten to commit suicide, nobody beat you up.But then you felt just awful, and the memory of this "nightmare" lives in you to this day.

Here are some examples:

  • At the concert you forgot the end of the piano piece you are playing;
  • You wet your pants kindergarten;
  • You have been caught playing "to the hospital";
  • The neighbor's boy built a treehouse and invited everyone to play there except you;
  • Reading aloud in class, you lost your way, and everyone began to laugh at you;
  • Your teacher called you an idiot.

Recall a similar situation that happened to you. You can close your eyes or leave them open. Imagine yourself in it and live it again as you did then. Take your time. Remember all the details. Stay in it.

How do you feel when you relive this situation?

What words do you think of yourself and others?

If you want, write the following phrases:

1. I feel _______________ (Insert only one word here. For example, anger, sadness, fear, shame, envy).

2. In one or two sentences, describe what you secretly think about yourself, and about other people, and about life in general in that situation:

He she They - __________________________________________________

I -__ _________________________________________________________

Life is ___________________________________________________

Those who decide to have this experience notice that they had to endure the same confusion of feelings, a vague threat that they often experienced in early childhood.

What you say about yourself, others, and life may be the same decision you made at that time.And you still continue to live it.Maybe it's time to reconsider the decisions made at the age of six or eight?

Part 2. Victory

Now, if you want, you can relive this situation, but in a new way. Get out of it a winner. It does not need to change others. If the teacher was cruel then, so be it. If then your mother behaved stupidly, imagine her like that.

We often cannot get out of a painful situation, only because we are waiting for others to change. We want people in that terrible situation for us to behave differently. It is because of her that we cannot let go of the past. And if then you wet your panties, then you wet them. If you stole a piece of chalk, you stole it.

What can be changed here? Now you can change how you feel and think about this situation, reconsider your attitudes and perceptions of the past. You can also change your words and actions after this "little-horrible" situation that once hurt you.

And this time you win! Ready?

Mentally choose your ideal ally, a friend on whom you can fully rely. In this capacity, you can imagine whoever you want - the Pope, the President, a famous actor, the image of a superman or a perfect woman.

Choose someone who can help you emerge victorious from your situation. Having chosen such a partner, take him with you at that moment in your life. Let him help you win!

You can try to find something funny in your situation.Laughter is a great way to change everything!

You won?

Are you satisfied with what you managed to do?

If yes, great!

If not, then maybe you are still waiting for changes in others?

Or did you choose the wrong ally for yourself?

Choose another assistant, start over. And win!

Part 3. The assistant is you

Analyze what qualities you endowed your assistant with, and try to give these properties to yourself.

Return to your situation without an assistant, but with his qualities.

Become your own friend and support!

Go back to the past, and now it is you who will be the Winner.

This will be your new solution!


Greetings Winners! How do you like the new experience?

Now that you have looked at the situation through the eyes of an adult, you can accept the fact that exercises, methods, techniques and real experience are different things. published