Characteristics of the main characters of the work White Poodle, Kuprin. Their images and description. The image and characteristics of the grandfather of the main character of the story white poodle Kuprin essay Who is the main character the white poodle

Art is rarely connected with the life of ordinary people. However, there are writers who can create a great work based on the events that happen to us in everyday life. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin traveled extensively in Russia. He liked to communicate with ordinary people, memorizing their stories, which later became the basis literary works. This article will present summary"White Poodle" - very famous work Kuprin, who tells us about how love, courage and devotion can defeat the power of power and money.

Getting to know the main characters

In search of a job, a troupe with an old hurdy-gurdy wanders through the streets of Crimea: the boy Seryozha, grandfather Lodyzhkin, handsome white poodle. This is how the work begins, which Kuprin called "The White Poodle". The brief content of this story, of course, is not able to convey the beauty of the writer's language, which tells about the splendor of this amazing island, the richness of nature of which delighted the boy Seryozha. He admired magnolias, waterfalls, streams, roses. Grandfather, who had already been here, did not react to this beauty.

Looking for income

It was a hot summer day. A troupe of itinerant artists was chased away or paid with fake money for a performance. True, they were paid twice, but so little that they could hardly afford to pay for an overnight stay and dinner, - this is how the story continues, which Kuprin called "The White Poodle". The summary of this work further tells that the company of artists approached the dacha with the promising name "Friendship", which made the grandfather make an assumption about indispensable luck. They walked along the garden paths and stopped under the balcony.

Further, the summary of The White Poodle tells us about a boy about ten years old who ran out onto the terrace. He made a row. The nannies and footmen ran after the little barchuk, trying with all their might to comfort him. The little brawler fell to the floor and began to beat with his hands and feet, while trying to hit one of the servants.

The artists did not immediately come to their senses, but nevertheless began the performance. Barchuk, his name was Trilli, ordered that the actors be left behind. The summary of the book "White Poodle" has reached the beginning of the climax.

Caprice Trilly

The boy Seryozha showed all the acrobatic numbers that he was capable of. It was the turn of the white poodle. Artaud greeted, rolled over, and at the end of the performance, according to tradition, took his cap and approached Trilli to receive the money.

Barchuk suddenly yelled, the artists were dumbfounded. Artaud hurried back to the boy and grandfather. The summary of the "White Poodle" tells that Trilly wanted to get this dog by all means. The story goes on to describe what meanness rich people could go to. Grandfather and Seryozha did not agree to sell Arto, because he is not only their companion, but also a true friend! The artists did not receive payment for the performance and left Druzhba: they were simply kicked out of there.

Arto theft

Opening their eyes, the artists simply did not believe what had happened. The summary of the "White Poodle" will not be able to convey how upset grandfather and Seryozha were. They searched for a dog for a long time, called, but could not find their pet, Artoshenka, anywhere, because there was simply no other such dog.


The boy Seryozha decided that he must return Arto. The next night, the boy went to the same dacha "Friendship". He could easily get over the gate, because he was a very good acrobat. This episode shows how courageous Seryozha was, who dark night tried to find the place where they kept Artaud. Seryozha understood that the dog was not taken into the house, such people are not capable of affectionate treatment of animals. He searched for his friend for a very long time and almost reached despair. Suddenly, Serezha heard Artaud's low howl. He called the dog and his friend, hearing the voice of the little owner, was able to gnaw through the rope and break out towards the boy. They ran for a long time along the wall of the garden, hearing that they were being pursued. Finally, jumping over the fence, the fugitives rushed with all their might, trying to escape as quickly as possible. When it became clear that those who were catching up with them were left far behind, Seryozha and the poodle were able to take a breath and walk. As they approached the sleeping grandfather, Artaud, of course, licked his face. Such an ending suggests that justice can win if you act fearlessly, but wisely.

The story "White Poodle" is based on real story, which Kuprin heard from wandering artists in the Crimea. The author became interested in this case and, having learned all the smallest details, wrote a story.


Some heroes of this story make us experience with them, others cause contempt. Artists love a dog, it is their best friend. The inhabitants of the Villa "Friendship" treat Artaud like a toy that can get bored or bored.

In the story we see two boys. Being almost the same age, they are completely different from each other. The boy Seryozha is hardy, dexterous, strong, he is capable of real masculine deeds, and Trilli is a demanding, capricious egoist who can only demand something from others. This makes us understand that financial wealth is not a prerequisite for raising a strong personality. You can have a rich inner world and a pure soul without money and servants.

The main characters of the story "White Poodle" are street performers who roam the Crimea and give performances for summer residents. The old man Martyn Lodyzhkin plays the ancient hurdy-gurdy, the boy Seryozha shows various acrobatic tricks, and the white poodle named Arto performs no worse than a real circus dog. Artists earn little, many summer residents drive them away as soon as they see them, but the artists do not lose heart.

At one rich dacha they witnessed how whole family she fussed over a very capricious, spoiled baby, who either lay on the floor, kicking his legs, or shouted loudly at adults. At first, they wanted to drive the artists away, but the spoiled boy wanted to watch the performance.

To the mournful sounds of a hurdy-gurdy, Serezha demonstrated his art as a gymnast and a juggler, after which grandfather Martyn began to show the owners of the dacha the skills of the poodle Arto. The artists were already counting on a decent reward when the spoiled offspring of the dacha owners demanded to buy this wonderful dog for him.

Martyn Lodyzhkin refused to sell Artaud, even when they called him an absolutely fantastic amount. As a result, the artists left the dacha without receiving anything. But the story didn't end there. Grandfather Martyn and Seryozha decided to take a swim. On the seashore, a janitor from that dacha found them and again began to persuade them to sell the dog. The old organ grinder explained to the janitor that friends are not for sale, and the conversation ended there. But when the artists decided to rest in the shade of the forest and dozed off, the janitor tricked the white poodle away from them.

Serezha urged grandfather Martyn to go to the police, but he told him that he was living on someone else's passport, because he had lost his own long ago and for this reason he could not go to the police to return the dog.

Then Serezha decided to act independently. At night, he made his way to the dacha and managed to find the place where the poodle Arto was locked up. The dog managed to escape from confinement, but the janitor chased Seryozha and the poodle. Fortunately, they managed to break away from the chase, and soon the happy Arto joyfully greeted grandfather Martyn, licking his face.

This is the summary of the story.

The main idea of ​​the story "White Poodle" is that friends who are in trouble must be rescued. The boy Seryozha, at the risk of being caught, made his way to the dacha where the dog was kept, and managed to free her from captivity.

The story "White Poodle" teaches not to measure life's happiness with money, but to appreciate true friendship and devotion. With the money that was offered to Martyn Lodyzhkin for a white poodle, the old organ grinder could well have acquired his own business and live comfortably, but he, without a moment's hesitation, refused to sell Artaud, who was considered a full-fledged artist in their small but friendly company.

In the story "White Poodle" I liked the boy Seryozha, who showed determination and the ability to independent action. He did not ask anyone and at night went alone to save his friend. And thanks to his desperation and natural dexterity, the boy achieved success.

What proverbs fit the story "White Poodle"?

Poor and honest.
Capricious in childhood, ugly in years.
Hold on to each other - do not be afraid of anything.

Before describing the summary of the "White Poodle", it is necessary to get acquainted with the main characters of the work. In the center of the story is a small itinerant troupe, consisting of only three members. Its oldest member is grandfather Martyn Lodyzhkin, an organ grinder. Martyn is invariably accompanied by a twelve-year-old acrobat Seryozha, a goldfinch trained to pull out multi-colored leaves with predictions from a special box, and a white poodle, trimmed like a lion, named Arto.

Getting to know the characters

The hurdy-gurdy was almost Martyn's only material wealth. Although the instrument had long since fallen into disrepair, and the only two melodies that it could somehow reproduce (Launer's dull German waltz, as well as the gallop from Journeys to China) were in vogue thirty or forty years ago, Martyn treasured it. The organ grinder tried more than once to hand over the barrel organ for repair, but everywhere he was told that it would be better to hand over such an ancient thing to the museum. However, Seryozha Martyn often repeats that the hurdy-gurdy fed them for more than one year, and will feed them for more.

As much as his instrument, the organ grinder loved, perhaps, only his eternal companions, Seryozha and Arto. The boy appeared in his life unexpectedly: five years before the beginning of the story, Martyn took him from a bastard, a widowed shoemaker, “for rent”, and paid two rubles a month for it. However, soon the shoemaker died, and the boy remained connected with his grandfather and soul, and household chores.

The summary of The White Poodle begins on a hot summer day. The troupe travels around the Crimea in the hope of earning some money. On the way, Martyn, who has already seen a lot in his lifetime, tells Seryozha about unusual phenomena and people. The boy himself listens to the old man with pleasure, and never ceases to admire the rich and diverse Crimean nature.

Attempts to earn

However, the day did not work out for our heroes: from some places the owners drove them away, and in others servants came out to meet them and said that the owners were absent for the time being. Lodyzhkin, a good-natured and modest man, was happy even when he was paid a little. And even if they persecuted him, he did not begin to grumble. But one magnificent, beautiful and seemingly very kind lady still managed to get the old man crazy. She listened to the sounds of the barrel organ for a long time, looked at the acrobatic numbers that Seryozha showed, asked questions about the life of the troupe, and then asked to wait and retired to the rooms. The lady did not appear for a long time, and the artists already began to hope that she would give them something from clothes or shoes. But in the end, she simply threw an old one, worn on both sides, and even a holey dime, into Seryozha's substituted hat, and immediately left. Lodyzhkin was extremely outraged that he was considered a rogue who was able to lower such a coin to someone at night. The old man throws with pride and indignation a worthless coin, which falls directly into the dust of the road.

Already desperate to earn something, the heroes stumble upon the Friendship dacha. Martyn is surprised: he has been to these parts more than once, but the house has always been empty. However, now the old organ grinder senses that they will be lucky here, and sends Seryozha forward.

Acquaintance with the inhabitants of the cottage "Friendship"

Describing the summary of the "White Poodle", it should be said about a few more characters. The heroes were just getting ready to perform, when suddenly a boy in a sailor suit flew out of the house, followed by six adults. There was a complete turmoil, people were shouting something - it was immediately clear that the same boy was the cause of the anxiety of the servants and masters. All six tried in different ways to persuade the boy to drink the potion, but neither the reasonable speeches of the gentleman in gold glasses, nor the lamentations of the mother, nor the cries helped the cause.

Martyn ordered Seryozha not to pay attention to what was happening and start performing. False, hoarse notes of an old gallop began to spread through the garden near the dacha. The hosts and servants rushed to drive away the uninvited guests. However, here again the boy in the sailor's suit reminded himself of himself (it turned out that his name was Trilly) and said that he did not want the beggars to leave. His mother, without stopping lamenting, orders to fulfill the wish of her son.

The speech took place. Artaud carried Martyn's hat in his teeth so that the hosts would reward the artists. But here the summary of The White Poodle again takes an unexpected turn: Trilly, in a squeaky voice, begins to demand a dog. Adults call Lodyzhkin and try to bargain with him, but the old man proudly declares that the dog is not for sale. The owners continue to insist, Trilly bursts into hysterical cries, but Martyn, in spite of everything, does not give up. As a result, the entire troupe is driven out of the yard.

The mistress orders to bring Artaud

Finally, the heroes get to the sea and bathe in cool water with pleasure, washing off sweat and road dust. Having got out on the shore, they notice that the same janitor from the Druzhba dacha is approaching them, who only a quarter of an hour ago was chasing them in the neck.

It turned out that the mistress sent a janitor to buy Arto for any price - the boy did not let up. Lodyzhkin repeats to him several times that he will never give faithful dog. Then the janitor tries to bribe the animal with sausage, but Artaud does not even think of leaving with a stranger. Martyn says that the dog is his friend, and friends are not for sale. Despite the fact that the frail and weak old man can barely stand on his feet, he radiates pride and dignity. The heroes gather their modest belongings and leave the shore. The janitor remains standing in the same place and looks after them thoughtfully.

Further, Kuprin's story "The White Poodle" leads us to a secluded place near a clean stream. Here the heroes stop to have breakfast and drink. The summer heat, the recent bathing and a meal, albeit a modest one, exhausted the artists and they lay down to sleep right under the open sky. Before finally falling asleep, Martyn dreams of how his young friend will eventually become famous and will perform in one of the luxurious circuses in some big city- Kyiv, Kharkov or, say, Odessa. Through his sleep, the old man managed to hear Artaud growling at someone or something, but then drowsiness finally took over the organ grinder.

When the heroes woke up, the dog was nowhere to be found. The old man and the boy vied with each other to call for their faithful four-legged friend, but Artaud did not answer. Suddenly, the old man found a half-eaten piece of sausage on the road, and next to it, dog tracks stretching into the distance. The heroes understand what happened.

Hope is fading

Seryozha is ready to rush into battle, to sue, so that Arto is returned. However, Martyn sighs heavily and says that this is impossible - the owners of the Druzhba dacha have already asked if he has a passport. Martyn lost his long time ago, and when he realized that it was useless to try to return the document, he took advantage of the offer of a friend and made himself a fake passport. The organ grinder himself is not a bourgeois Martyn Lodyzhkin, but an ordinary peasant, Ivan Dudkin. In addition, the old man fears that a certain Lodyzhkin may turn out to be a criminal - a thief, an escaped convict, or even a murderer. And then a fake passport will bring even more problems.

The artists did not perform any more that day. Despite his young age, Seryozha was well aware of how many problems someone else's "patchport" could bring (that's how the old man pronounced this word). That is why Artaud did not stutter about turning to the world, or about the search. However, it seemed that the boy was concentrating on something.

Without saying a word, the heroes once again pass by the ill-fated dacha. But the gates of "Friendship" are tightly closed, and not a sound comes from the courtyard.

Serezha takes matters into her own hands

For the night, the heroes stopped in some kind of dirty coffee shop, where, in addition to them, Greeks, Turks, and several Russian workers spent the night. When everyone was asleep, the boy got out of bed and persuaded the owner of the coffee shop, Turkish Ibrahim, to let him out. Under the cover of darkness, he left the city, reached the "Friendship" and began to climb over the fence. The boy, however, could not resist. He fell and was afraid to move, fearing that a commotion would rise now, a janitor would run out. For a long time Seryozha wandered around the garden and around the house. It began to seem to him that not only would he not be able to find the faithful Artoshka, but he himself would never get out of here. Suddenly, he heard a soft muffled squeak. In a whisper, he called his beloved dog, and he answered him with a loud bark. Simultaneously with a joyful greeting, this barking was accompanied by malice, and a complaint, and a feeling of physical pain. The dog struggled to free himself from something that kept him in the dark basement. With great difficulty, the friends managed to break away from the janitor, who had awakened and became enraged.

Returning to the coffee shop, Seryozha almost immediately fell into a sound sleep, without even having time to tell the old man about his nightly adventures. But now everything was fine: Kuprin's work "The White Poodle" ends with the fact that the troupe, as at the very beginning, is assembled.

Who are the main characters of the White Poodle fairy tale!!! urgently need to find out Who are the main characters of the White Poodle fairy tale and got the best answer

Answer from Natalya Zaikina[guru]
Baby, this is a story by Russian writer Alexander Kuprin. By the way, you can read it, it is simple, and by age it already suits you.
And the main characters are the orphan boy Seryozha, the grandfather, with whom Seryozha wanders around the towns of the Crimean coast, and earns his living with cunning circus numbers, his name is grandfather Lodyzhkin, and the poodle Argo (if I don’t confuse). There are also negative characters, but read it yourself.

Answer from Arina Petrunchak[newbie]
Sergei is an orphan boy, the dog is a poodle Arto and grandfather is Martin Lodyzhkin!!! (these are the main characters) !!!

Answer from Yofia Manukyan[newbie]
acroban and gymnast Seryozha, grandfather Martyn Lodyzhkin and poodle Arto (these are the main characters)

Answer from Valeria redkina[newbie]
Serezha, grandfather Lodyzhkin, poodle Arto

Answer from Denis Lisovsky[active]
the poodle itself is Arto

Answer from Alexander Komarov[newbie]
Artaud, Grandfather, Sergey

Answer from Anna Fomina[newbie]
White poodle Arto, Seryozha and old man Lodyzhkin
read the story if you haven't read it
very interesting

Answer from Yatiana Stepura[newbie]
Name: WHITE Poodle
Author: Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich
Year: 1904
Genre: Prose
Russian language
A very touching story of loyalty and devotion.
The main characters are very friendly and earn a living performing with a hurdy-gurdy, acrobatics and dog tricks.

Answer from Christina Tomarovskaya[newbie]

Answer from Deyeneris[guru]
grandfather, boy and actually poodle

Answer from Lurik[newbie]
The main characters of A. I. Kuprin's story "White Poodle" are grandfather Martyn Lodyzhkin, a 12-year-old boy Sergey, whom his grandfather took "for hire" from a widowed shoemaker, but he soon died and the boy remained forever connected with his grandfather, and finally the white poodle Arto.
Or better yet, read the story yourself. He's not that complicated.

Answer from Yuliya Bogacheva[newbie]
White poodle Arto Grandfather Lodyzhkin Orphan Seryozha there seems to be a capricious boy was a janitor lady, well, then think for yourself the story is interesting and suitable for you

Answer from Natalia Bebyakina[newbie]
firstly, this is not a fairy tale, but a story, secondly, the author is Kuprin, thirdly, the main characters are all Lodyzhkin, Seryozha and the poodle Arto
the story is interesting, I advise you to read

Answer from Dimitri Privalov[newbie]
Grandfather Lodyzhkin boy sergey poodle Arto

Title of the work: white poodle

Year of writing: 1903

Genre: story

Main characters: Artaud- trained dog Seryozha- little circus performer Martyn Lodyzhkin- A former acrobat.


Wandering circus performers go to rich dachas and show their simple tricks in order to earn some money for their livelihood. The proceeds are very small, and all hope for the last dacha "Friendship". From there, a boy jumps out crying and screaming, who does not want to take medicine, and frightened servants spin around him with persuasion. The spoiled boy saw the artists and wanted to see the performance, then he wanted to be given smart dog. The boy's mother offered Martyn money, but he refused, and they were simply kicked out of the dacha. At night, the janitor, on the orders of his mistress, stole the dog. The circus people were very upset, because Artaud was their friend, and even without him it would be very difficult for them to earn their own bread. And at night, Seryozha went to the dacha in order to help Arto out of trouble, which he succeeded in doing. When Martyn wanted to know how it all happened, he saw that both the child and the dog were sound asleep, tired of their adventures.

Conclusion (my opinion)

In a world where money rules, there is no and never will be justice. Rich people believe that everything is allowed to them, if a capricious boy wants to take away their assistant from wandering circus performers, then this can be arranged. And the fact that for poor people a dog is both a way of earning money and a friend, nobody cares.