What are the student exchange programs? How to find exchange programs in the USA: FLEX, UGrad, Fulbright, W&T, AuPair, etc. The language is best studied in a country where it is spoken

- this is a good opportunity for students who want to join a different culture, improve their knowledge of a foreign language and feel independent.

You can send a child to Europe or America under an exchange program. The student-traveler will live in a foster foreign family, study at a local school.

Among the most popular countries among Russian teenagers are Great Britain, Germany, Finland, USA, Japan and China. Every year the most talented and capable guys from Russia go there.

Eligibility criteria vary by program. If this is a non-commercial project, then the best ones are determined on a competitive basis.

What to choose: commercial and non-commercial programs

Commercial exchange programs are most often organized by foreign education market operators. Non-profits exist due to investors, charitable contributions and foreign families hosting schoolchildren.

Participants in commercial exchange programs bear most of the financial costs. You will have to pay for the round-trip flight, accommodation, meals, training, pocket expenses.

According to experts, for the academic semester in Germany, France and Belgium, Russian parents need to save at least six thousand euros. Academic year in the USA - from seven thousand dollars.

Non-profit programs also involve the use of the financial resources of the parents of a student who is sent to study abroad. However, the costs will be significantly less than those of parents who have chosen a commercial program.

In our country, the most popular non-profit exchange program AFS. Its members are competitively selected. To qualify for an AFS scholarship, students go through several stages of the competition. On the first one, you need to submit an essay on the topic “Life in the style of AFS”, on the second - an interview.

Another popular exchange program is FLEX. In Russia, it was suspended until 2016 due to the violation by the United States of obligations to return schoolchildren to their homeland.

An important criterion in the selection of participants in the study abroad program is excellent knowledge of a foreign language. Therefore, applicants are asked to pass language test. In addition to it will be a psychological test. In addition, attention will be paid to the overall school performance of a teenager.

As for age, students from 16 to 17 years old can take part in the exchange program.

So, you have chosen the program you are interested in. It remains to submit documents. In the list of required:

    international passport

    Medical insurance

    Temporary registration

Important little things:

    According to the terms of some programs, mobile phones are taken away from schoolchildren who come to a foreign family. This is done so that the teenager is not distracted from his studies and as much as possible joins the culture of another country.

    Not all language programs involve the exchange of students from different families. That is, if you are planning to send a child to a foreign family, but do not want to welcome a foreign teenager into your home, then give preference to a one-way program

    Schoolchildren going abroad on an exchange program fill out a questionnaire in which they talk about themselves and their families. In the questionnaire, you can specify the characteristics of a teenager. For example, the fact that he is a staunch vegetarian

    Communication with the family that adopted your offspring for a year can be maintained via email, Skype or mobile phone.

Many schoolchildren and their parents dream of studying in another country. For some teenagers, this is an opportunity to visit another country and learn more about its culture. Others believe that exchange studies for schoolchildren are effective way improve foreign language. Someone sees it as a chance to make useful and interesting acquaintances. The students' motivations are justified and understandable, but unfavorable political trends lead to a reduction in exchange programs.

Free exchange studies: myth or reality?

Usually, the exchange of schoolchildren from Russia assumes that they are sent for some time to another country, where they live in an ordinary family. And their parents accept foreign students who want to study in our country. Such exchanges are carried out by government and private organizations, which not only perform intermediary functions, but also bear part of the travel expenses.

Exchange education for schoolchildren is free, is not an unrealistic dream, but usually it becomes such only after the child arrives in a foreign country. His Russian parents should take into account that preparatory stage they will most likely have to pay for their trips out of their own pockets. In particular, funds from the family budget will be needed:

    for the issuance of a passport;

    to obtain a visa;

    for the purchase of air tickets, etc.

Exchange studies for schoolchildren for free were more accessible 4 years ago. In the period from 1992 to 2014 (until October), the Future Leaders Exchange program, abbreviated as FLEX, operated in Russia. It allowed Russian high school students to stay with American families for free for a year and also receive a small stipend for small expenses. Round-trip flights and medical insurance were also paid for by a program run by the United States Department of State. The latter circumstance probably caused the program to be closed when political relations between the Russian Federation and the United States cooled sharply.

How to go to study exchange for money

Now the interregional public fund "Interkultura", which is a representative office of the non-profit organization AFS Russia, continues to operate in Russia. Under the auspices of the Council of Europe and the UN, it is engaged in the exchange of schoolchildren around the world, including in our country. By becoming a member of the program, you can temporarily study in various parts of the world, as the foundation extends its program to 56 states. AFS has developed programs designed for exchange studies during the trimester, semester and 1st academic year.

The Interkultura website states that the responsibilities of parents include:

    vaccinations of schoolchildren serving abroad;

    visa fee and registration of documents for departure;

    collection of documents from the school;

    sometimes - familiarity with the language of the host country.

However, this does not mean that all costs associated with moving to another country and living are paid by the fund. In order for adolescents to participate in the program, their parents pay an advance fee that covers the material costs of sending an exchange student, maintaining contact with him, etc. If the money is not transferred in a timely manner, the teenager is excluded from the program. The amount of the contribution depends on the country where the high school student will go to live, and the time of his stay in a foreign country. So, a year of study in Europe costs 450,000 rubles, and the same period spent in Latin America will cost 480,000 rubles.

Paid education for schoolchildren in foreign families is organized by various commercial organizations, but their cost will be higher than under the AFS program. For example, one of these companies offers to send a child to Germany for a year for $11,000, and to Canada for $17,000, which will amount to approximately 700,000-1 million rubles.

How to go to exchange study for free

There is practically no free exchange of schoolchildren now. However, some non-profit foundations organize competitions for high school students. According to their results, teenagers can win a scholarship that fully or partially compensates for the cost of his studies in another country.

In particular, the aforementioned Interkultura (AFS Russia) also conducts similar competitive events. For example, now the foundation offers to take part in a competition for knowledge German language"Bridge of Cultures - Russia and Germany 2019". The winner's parents will not have to find money for education, since he will study on an exchange from September 2019 to July 2020 for free - at the expense of the scholarship paid to him.

A full scholarship is provided for both 2nd and 3rd place, but the duration of stay in Germany for the other winners is much shorter. Participants of the competition can be teenagers who are 15-17 years old by September 1, 2018.

Exchange studies for students abroad

For students, masters, young researchers, there are more various programs that allow them to study abroad. One of the most famous - Global UGRAD - is funded by the US Government (Department of Education and Culture). Its participants need to apply for a foreign passport at their own expense. The cost of the round-trip flight, accommodation and training is compensated by the US government.

Exchange studies for students under this program are carried out in the United States of America for one semester without obtaining a diploma.


Dear students!

List published quotas of foreign partner universities for academic mobility programs for undergraduate and graduate students in the 2020-2021 academic year.

Dear students!

The start of accepting documents for participation in the international student exchange program is announced.

To participate in the competition, you must provide a complete package of documents:

3. Copy of the international language certificate

4. Extract from the transcript and examination sheet or a copy of the transcript, certified by the dean's office

5. Motivation letter for English language with justification:

Selected universities and their programs

goals and objectives of studying abroad

expected results

Benefits of being a candidate

Students wishing to participate in the competition for the ERASMUS+ program must also provide the following documents:

a document confirming participation in conferences, publication of articles, etc.

Documents confirming the need to provide material assistance to persons in a difficult social situation (for more details, follow the link).

After reviewing the package of documents with candidates, an in-person interview can be scheduled if necessary.

Competition for participation in international student exchange programs 2019

REU students G. V. Plekhanov have the opportunity to study abroad during the autumn or spring semester in one of the universities - partners of the university. Participation in exchange programs does not imply additional tuition fees; students bear only those costs that are associated with obtaining a visa, travel and living abroad.

Documents for download:

Application for participation in the competition

Competitive application

Documents for download:

  • application for participation
  • signed "Confirmation of familiarization with the conditions of business trip and study abroad" in two copies;
  • bypass sheet.

ATTENTION! In case of refusal to travel abroad, you must come to the department and write a notification.

There are a large number of paid education abroad programs. At the same time, successful students can participate in a free program that allows them to live with another family for several months, get acquainted with customs and try themselves as a student in an unfamiliar country. This is available not only to students, but also to students who have not reached the age of majority.

Which program to choose?

Of the variety of youth exchange programs for schoolchildren, the most popular today are:

    American FLEX, lasts one year. Children who know English well and excel in their studies in other subjects can participate. The program is fully funded by the US government;

    In Germany, a program is launched annually, initiated by the German-Russian Youth Exchange Foundation together with the Coordinating Bureau of the Russian Federation;

    International social organization"Youth for Mutual Understanding" annually organizes programs that every active student can get into. This program gives children the opportunity not only to study, but also to learn new things about the lives of other people - about culture, customs, traditions, art and politics. You can get an exchange within the framework of this program in one of several countries.

Winning the competition - the opportunity to visit abroad

If parents are not ready to send a student to study in another country for a year, an alternative option can be considered - short-term training for winners in various competitions:

    The Interculture Foundation is holding a competition in which children who are interested in the cultures and languages ​​of the peoples of the world, art can participate;

    The competition "Bridge of Cultures - Russia and Germany" will appeal to schoolchildren who can boast of knowledge of the German language;

    The British Council also regularly gives children the opportunity to prove themselves in language competitions, the main prize of which is education in the UK.

Foreign schools with scholarships

Foreign schools with scholarships are another great opportunity to get an education abroad. Such educational educational establishments allow you to get a quality education, at the same time receiving a scholarship. Every year the list of institutions organizing such a program is expanding. Children can choose the school they like and clarify the conditions of study.

The most popular today are:

    Alleyn's School in London. Schoolchildren between the ages of eleven and eighteen can go here to study. Students who have proven themselves are eligible to apply for a scholarship;

    Abbey Gate College in Chester accepts boys and girls from the age of four. This is a day school where children are engaged not only in the development of science, but also spend their leisure time together. This approach to the organization of training allows you to rally the team, find new friends;

    Abbots Bromley Schooland Roch House in the UK allows you to receive scholarships not only for English, but also for foreign students.

Why study abroad

At first glance, it may seem that education in any country is the same and it is not necessary to go to another continent to get school knowledge. In addition, if a child attends classes at foreign language, he may not assimilate the meaning of objects, he will begin to lag behind the program.

However, it should be remembered that it is education abroad that will allow the child to feel independent, learn to make decisions. Adults will always support him, but he will need to learn on his own.

Studying abroad is a great opportunity to show your best qualities. Most often, students go abroad to study, who like to gain new knowledge, strive for something new and interesting.

Another undoubted “plus” of participation in exchange programs is the development of communication skills. In the process of learning, the child will find new friends, meet interesting people.

To become a member of the study abroad program, it is enough to submit an application and explain why this particular child should go to a new country for new knowledge.

Exchange programs in the USA are known to many by FLEX. However, it is not the only organization that helps Russian schoolchildren take part in the cultural exchange program between Russia and the United States. Every year the Bureau of International educational programs"Direct conversation" organizes training for teenagers aged 15 to 18.5 years in public schools USA for an academic year and half a year with accommodation in an American family. In this article, we answer frequently asked questions about participating in the program.

How much do host families get paid per student?

Host families are not compensated for the stay of a foreign student in the family and all expenses associated with this. Instead, they receive various perks and benefits. However, by voluntarily becoming a host family, people receive a $50 tax credit per month.

All host families fill out a special form, where they enter, among other things, their data and income. This information is only used to ensure that the family can provide for the student's basic needs, including three meals a day and transportation to and from school activities. This form is filled out by all host families without exception. Also, the application of the host family is supported by a detailed resume, where, in addition to the resume of the family, there are also photographs of the exterior and adjacent territory, kitchen, student room, bathroom and living room, information about the composition of the family and the society in which the family rotates. Exchange students cannot come with relatives.

Do exchange students in the US need to be able to speak English?

Yes, it is necessary, because teaching at the school is in English. Students are approved by the admissions committee in America. They are having a Skype interview with one of the American administrators. all students speak English, but the starting level is different for everyone.

What is required from students?

Students must adapt to the life of the host family, follow the basic rules and participate in family activities. Our students understand that this program is not a tour or excursion, but a study-oriented homestay. Students are expected to help with housework.

What will you have to spend money on?

All exchange students must have their own pocket money provided by their families. Students pay their own phone bills, school lunches, school fees, and activities such as going to the movies or bowling. (We ask students to have at least $300 per month).

What should I do if an exchange student is ill or needs medical attention?

The program is covered by full health insurance with a small deductible. Any costs associated with this are borne by the organization. If you have any questions, please contact the local exchange program hotline. A copy of the student's medical examination is located in the folder with his application for the program.

What to do if students do not have a relationship with the host family?

If there is a misunderstanding between the student and the family, the local Exchange Representative and his immediate supervisor provide advice and support under the direction of the main office. If there are insurmountable difficulties or unexpected changes in the host family, the Program representatives will arrange accommodation for the student in another family.

How old do students have to be to participate in the program?

Exchange students coming to the US are usually 15-18 years old. Which class the student will be sent to is determined by the school based on his application.

Do students need to apply for a visa for their guest?

No. Exchange students arriving in the United States receive a J-1 visa, supported by the DS 2019 form. All questions and obligations regarding visas and any other travel documents are handled by the Program.

What requirements must a host family meet?

  • The family must be aware of the responsibilities associated with student accommodation
  • The family must have two or more family members, married or related by blood (single people can become a host family with the approval of the student's real family)
  • Host family parents must be at least 25 years old.
  • Provide the student with a bed and a place to study. The student must have his own bed. A student can share a room with a sibling from a host family of the same gender as the student and with a maximum age difference of 5 years.
  • The family provides the student with breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as snacks. The student buys his own lunch at school.
  • The family must be financially secure and be prepared to bear the costs associated with the placement of a teenager.
  • Many families are happy to include some additional expenses of their choice.

Which families are considered good candidates for the program?

Exchange students enjoy living on farms, in small towns, suburbs and major cities. Each local community offers its own opportunities for communication and learning. Whether the host family is a married couple with children, a single parent, a parent who has already raised their children or grandchildren, as long as they have a little love to give to others - that's all they need!

How much does it cost the host family to accommodate a student?

The financial responsibility of the host family is minimal. If the family is able to provide food, then this is already enough. The student's real family will pay for all travel expenses, the cost of the program, and medical insurance. They will also provide the student with a monthly allowance for school lunches, social events, clothing and other necessities.

How will the student move around the city?

Parents of host families are often busy with work and other activities. The exchange student is not allowed to drive a car, but will use school and public transport when there is such an opportunity. Often students make friends who are driving. No one requires the host family to become chauffeurs, but you should at least offer a ride when it is convenient or help organize an alternative mode of transportation.

Can a family of non-traditional composition participate in the exchange?

Of course! Host families come in all shapes and sizes. They can be single parent, parents with older children, families with young children, and many other combinations.

Does the host family become the student's legal guardian?

No. The student's biological parents remain legal guardians. The student exchange program assumes legal responsibility for the duration of the program. Each student has a health certificate so that the host parent can arrange medical care in case of an emergency.

Can an exchange student drive a car during the program?

The student may NOT drive a car while participating in the program. If time permits, the student may attend a driving school and drive only the instructor's car.

How long can a student live with a family?

Students coming for 10 months stay in the USA from August-September to May-June. Exchange students for a semester come for 5 months and stay in the US either from August to January or from January to June. Students from the Southern Hemisphere can participate in 12-month programs and arrive in January.

Do small children benefit from living with a foreigner in a family?

Many of the exchange students participating in the program indicate that they are interested in families with small children. As for the children in the host family, their curiosity and interest in another language and culture is highest at a young age.