What creatures represent. Worlds upper

Path to the Overworld
Shaman practices

Special attention should be paid to the journey to the Upper World. This world is the main one, since the main processes of the life of mankind (and other civilizations) are laid here. Our Spiritual Teachers live here, who will guide us throughout our lives, opening up to us more and more new opportunities and knowledge.

Overworld Structure
The Upper World consists of many endless sub-worlds - floors strung on top of each other. And each of these floors is infinite in all directions. The higher the floor is, the more spiritual it is. Imagine an infinite number of hourglasses stacked on top of each other - this is the shape of the Upper World.

If the Lower World was the world of earth and water, that is, the world of natural landscapes, then the Upper World is the world of air and fire. It consists of rooms or a non-cloud-shaped space.

We will travel to the Upper World to meet our Spiritual Master. It can be some kind of hero, poet, saint, or even a mythical god. Or maybe just an old man or an old woman. But all of them will have the image of a person. There are rare cases when, when traveling to the Upper World, you can meet a creature from the Lower or Middle Worlds. In the process of practice, you will have many Spiritual Teachers, and each of them will teach you a certain "craft". One will give you academic advice, another will help you set up a business, a third will help you with your personal relationships, and so on.

During your first journey in search of a Spiritual Master, set a goal for yourself: "I am traveling to the Upper World to meet my Spiritual Master." Later on, you will travel to him using his name.

travel technique
Journey to the Upper World consists of two stages, this is the place of departure on Earth and the journey itself through the Upper World.

Stage one - Place of departure. Choose some real place on Earth where you have been before and which you remember well. It should be some kind of elevation that will help you climb up. This place could be the top of a mountain, the smoke of a fire, the top of a large tree, the dome of a church, a rainbow, or an Egyptian pyramid. Try to imagine it as clearly and vividly as possible.

Move your mind there. Ask the spirits of the place for help on your journey. Let the place spin you up. If this is the dome of a church - let the flow of energy going up take you with it, if this is the smoke of a fire - swim with it. You can imagine an elevator that will take you upstairs to the desired floor.

Stage two - Journey. Arriving, try to find someone. Having met a person, ask him if he is your Spiritual Master, if not, then find out where you can find him, ask him to take you. Having found your Teacher, ask his name and how he will help you. Ask your questions. At the end of the journey, do not forget to thank the Spiritual Master for the meeting, as well as all your spirits who helped you during the journey.

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By literary reading

4th grade

Teacher: Telepneva S.V.


What did the god Svarog create

The omnipotent god Svarog, nicknamed Heavenly, created three kingdoms-Heavens. Earth. Underworld.

He divided the heavens into two heavens. The first heaven is the domain of Svarog himself. All the earth's water is stored there. The second sky is a hard blue dome. which rests on the edges of the earth.

Svarog decided to water the Earth, fill the blue seas with water, fast rivers. Keys are clean. He turned the flying clouds into swift-winged birds and ordered them to carry water into the channels of the rivers and the hollows of the seas. Revived, bloomed the Earth.

And the indefatigable god Svarog also created the beautiful sky-high country of Iriy Sad. And the Tree of Life grows there, connecting heaven, earth and the underworld. Its roots go deep into the underworld, where our ancestors live.

The Tree of Life has grown from the seed of the iron oak, which contains all the earthly elements - water. Fires and air.

The trunk aims for the sky. Bees swarm in the hollow, collecting honey moisture-dew in the morning and evening. And the crown of the Tree of Life rests on the sky. Various birds nest there, and the falcon is fast. And the vociferous nightingale, and Div, who knows the fate of man.

From one side of the mighty tree, the red sun rises, and from the other, the clear moon shines. Four winds live in a lush crown. The East and Noon, West and Midnight winds bring four seasons to the earth - spring, summer, autumn and winter.

SMvarog surrounded the beautiful country of Iriy-Sad, boundless by water. What is called the ocean-sea. Neither drink it, nor bail it out, nor swim across, because all the rivers flow into it, all the seas gather. And they live in the blue Ocean-Sea, a miracle-yudo fish, a whale, and green-haired mermaids, and the king of the Sea and the warrior with a stick.

In the very middle of the Ocean-Sea lies Buyan Island. The mighty god Svarog got tired and retired to this island under a tall oak, the Tree of Life. The ancient god is resting, gray-haired, as if shrouded in a blizzard. Cloudy curls were scattered, a white-white beard.

How is the structure of the universe presented in this text: is it divided into the Upper, Middle, Lower worlds? Yes or no? Circle what you want. If yes, line underlines. confirming your answer. One feature.

Circle those lines with a blue pencil. In which it is said about the Upper World, in yellow are the lines describing the Middle World. And with a simple pencil, lines telling about the Lower World.

Which lines show how all three worlds are connected to each other? Underline these lines with a wavy line. What creatures represent the Overworld? Write: __________________________

What creatures represent the Nether? Write: _______________________________________


Find the lines from which everything is combined in the Tree of Life. What determines the life of nature and people: a) natural elements. b) cardinal directions, c) seasons d) times of the day. Color in the necessary words and expressions with a yellow pencil and put the corresponding letter opposite in the margins. What kind of tree represents the Tree of Life in this legend? Write: ________________________________________________________

Which lines make it clear that the Tree of Life is in the center of the world? Underline these lines with dotted lines. How, from the point of view of ancient ideas about the world, can the Tree of Life be called differently? Write: ________________________________________________________________________

If you find it difficult, look in the textbook. What trees are most often magical in Russian folk tales. In legends and fairy tales of other nations? Write: __________________________________________________________________________________

Which lines show that Svarog in Slavic legends not only created the world (sky, earth, rivers, seas, etc.). but is itself a part of nature? Color these lines with a blue pencil.

Teacher: S.V. Telepneva


Administrative test

For literary reading

4th grade

Teacher: Telepneva S.V.



Russian fairy tale

1. An old man lived with an old woman; they had a daughter and a little son

Daughter, daughter! - said the mother. - We will go to work, bring you a bun, sew a dress, buy a handkerchief; be smart, take care of your brother, don't go out of the yard.

The elders left, and the daughter forgot what she was ordered to; she put her brother on the grass under the window, and she herself ran out into the street, played, took a walk. Geese-swans flew in, picked up the boy, carried away on wings.

A girl came, look, there is no brother! Gasped, rushed back and forth, no! She called, burst into tears, lamented that it would be bad from her father and mother, but her brother did not respond! Ran out in open field; geese-swans rushed in the distance and disappeared behind a dark forest.

2. Geese-swans have long acquired a bad reputation for themselves, a lot of mischief and stole small children; the girl guessed that they had taken away her brother, rushed to catch up with them. She ran, ran, there is a stove.

Stove, stove, tell me, where did the geese fly?

Eat my rye pie, I'll tell you.

Oh, my father does not eat wheat!

The oven didn't say.

Apple trees, apple trees, tell me, where did the geese fly?

Eat my wild apple, I'll tell you.

Oh, my father doesn’t even eat garden ones!

Milk river, kissel banks, where did the geese fly?

Eat my simple jelly with milk, I will say.

Oh, my father doesn’t even eat cream!

And for a long time she would run through the fields and wander through the forest, yes, fortunately, she caught a hedgehog; she wanted to push him, she was afraid to prick him and asks:

-Hedgehog, hedgehog, did you see where the geese flew?

Get out there!

3. She ran, there is a hut on chicken legs, she stands, she turns. In the hut sits a baba-yaga, a sinewy muzzle, a clay leg; the brother sits on a bench, plays with golden apples, His sister saw him, crept up, grabbed and carried away; and the geese are chasing her; villains will catch up, where to go? The milk river runs, the jelly banks.

Mother River, hide me!

Eat my kissel!

Nothing to do, eat. The river put her under the bank, the geese flew by. She came out, said: “Thank you!” - and again she runs with her brother; and the geese returned. flying towards. What to do? Trouble! Worth an apple tree.

Apple trees, apple trees - mother, hide me!

Eat my forest apple!

Ate quickly. The apple tree covered it with twigs, covered it with leaves; the geese flew by. She came out and again runs with her brother, and the geese saw - yes, after her; I’m completely flying in, they’re already beating their wings, and look, they’ll tear it out of their hands! Fortunately, there is a stove on the road.

Madame stove, hide me!

Eat my rye pie!

The girl quickly put the pie in her mouth, and herself in the oven, sat down in the mouth. Geese flew, flew, shouted, shouted and flew away with nothing.

And she ran home, and it’s good that she managed to run, and then her father and mother came.


What is the magical world in this fairy tale: “open field”, “dark forest”? Necessary underlining.

Is there a helper animal here? Yes or no? Circle what you want. If YES, please write who it is:

According to the laws fairy tale, could the girl herself, without magical help, escape from the swan geese? Yes or no? Circle what you want.

Who helped the girl? Write: _________________________________________________

Which of these helpers is a representative of the natural elements - water and fire? Underscores in the text of their names.

Write which element which magic assistant corresponds to: water - _____________________;

Fire- _____________________________________________________.

Find in the 2nd part of the tale all the appeals.

Trace them with blue pencil.

Find all the appeals in the 3rd part of the tale and color them in with a yellow pencil.

What appeals show that the girl understands the magical origin of the river, the apple tree of the stove, their connection with the ancestors, with the totem: a) appeals in the 2nd part of the tale; b) appeals in the 3rd part of the tale? Circle the correct letter. What words in these appeals suggested the answer to you? Write: _____________________________________________________________

Where did the girl go before she learned to speak properly with representatives of the magical world? Write: ________________________________________________________

What detail indicates that Baba Yaga's hut is associated with a totem animal? Circle the necessary words in the text with a blue pencil and put a tick in the box opposite.

What magical items are inside the hut? Circle the necessary words in the text with a yellow pencil and put a tick in the box opposite.

Find in the textbook the characteristics of the hero of a fairy tale.

Does the heroine of the fairy tale "Swan Geese" have any of them? Yes or no? Circle what you want. If YES, please write which one:_____________________________________________



The name Upper arose from the subjective sensations of magicians - and those who were granted movement through. When moving in the direction from the Lower worlds to the Upper worlds, there was a feeling of moving up and vice versa, when moving towards the Lower worlds, there was a feeling of falling.
The flora and fauna of the Upper Worlds are somewhat different from those familiar to mortals living in Mitgard. There are many in the Upper worlds, including elemental spirits. Many bodily beings of the Upper worlds and the plants growing there were created or by True magicians, therefore they are distinguished by a bizarre appearance.
There were mermaids, unicorns, fauns and similar creatures. Some of them were formerly True Magicians or mortals incarnated into new bodies by the Young Gods as a reward for special merits.
Some of the Upper Worlds were inhabited by races of warriors. As a rule, they resembled people in appearance, but they were taller and always by human standards, harmoniously built and beautiful in face. For these races, war was entertainment and the meaning of life, therefore, if one of the True magicians opened a portal from the world of Mitgard to such a world, a detachment of warriors immediately emerged from it, exterminating with the help of weapons and magic everyone who got in his way. Indulging in their entertainment, the warriors never tried to find out who is right and who is wrong or try to take someone's side. Such were the warriors summoned by Sigrlinn during the duel with Hedin and during Hagen's raid on the temple at Erivag.
Presumably, the inhabitants of one of the Upper Worlds were, who have long since become faithful servants and Guardians of the Promised One.
Creatures living in the upper worlds for the most part have permanent magic, and quite strong. The elemental spirits of the Upper worlds are on average stronger than those that live in Mitgard.
Perhaps due to the fact that the Upper worlds are rich in magic, but poor in created substance, in the region of the Upper Worlds it has a different appearance than around the worlds of Mitgard. Here it appears as an air or an ocean. Thus, the transition from the world to the interreality is easier here, however, to move between the worlds, it is necessary to have stronger magic, which is practically inaccessible to Mortals.
However, moving upwards is also almost inaccessible to mortal magicians, therefore mortals can get into the Upper world only with the assistance of a True magician or god.
The upper worlds are usually smaller than the worlds of Mitgard and there are not so many of them. The abundance of magical power and the inaccessibility of these areas to mortal magicians makes them attractive to True magicians and gods. It is in these worlds that they settle down.
In the Upper Aer, you can find uninhabited stone fragments large enough to create a habitable world on them and equip it to your liking. With an abundance of energy in the surrounding space, this is quite a feasible task not only for the gods, but also for the True magicians.
The residence of the Ancient supreme gods, aces, was in one of the Upper worlds of Asgard. The Young Gods who came to replace them arranged for themselves the Upper World, which they called the Promised.
was also in the Upper World, uninhabited and uninhabited in the rest of its part. In fact, the Ancient Magi built a castle on a large rock, placing a very high and steep cliff in the center of it, propped up, as a pledge of the fulfillment of agreements, by the Hammer of Mimir. Several magicians in their youth arranged the world of Jibulistan.
chose the Island as his residence. Unlike most of the upper worlds, it was not surrounded by air, but by the ocean. Perhaps because he was in the lower part of the Upper worlds.
Hedin, being a god, erected a castle on one of the rocks drifting in the air. The castle on the Red Rock was a very secret and secluded place and served to store the most valuable artifacts and for secret meetings of Hedin and.
, being weaker than the previous initiated Generations, were unable to create their own worlds. However, they chose Jibulistan for life.

The next stage of the "shamanic technique" is the search for energy in different worlds- Upper, Middle and Lower. It lies in the fact that you are traveling along your Life Line in the three Worlds and are looking for the lost energy. The loss of energy depends on what programs and attitudes, views on communication, friendship, love, social benefits and money were involved in various life situations. Each situation that has arisen in your life will not necessarily be reflected in logically understandable images or “photographs” of events, most often it will be a projection onto images, and they can be anything - from a dark spot to the brightest picture of the reign in Egypt. But it all depends on the emotional and physical state and personality traits person. The meaning of the technique is not only to feel the loss of energy, but also to realize the significance of the situation and the image in it. Not only to be an outside observer, but also to try to regain the “lost”, which could then be directed to creating a happy future.

You can take the lost energy from the image of a stone, an animal, a person with whom you met in the past, water, earth, sky, tree, plant, etc. These are not real trees, plants, earth, but rather their generalized symbols - that image , which occurs to you at the word "tree", etc. This is the same as during sleep, when you meet some creatures, you see images from the real world - they all symbolize something, not being independent units . Although we often dream real people and objects and thus reveal their essence. But for the most part, these are symbols from which we can take energy. Similarly, it happens with various symbols encountered on a shamanic journey.

During meditation, you can thoroughly recall some incidents from your past, but sometimes a person does not remember all the events that happened to him. For example, when remembering, he sees his house or playground, but does not see people. A house, a playground - everything is a symbol, and a person is unlikely to remember the events on this site or in the house, because he was then at the age of two or three years. He may remember that there were children there, but he does not remember what they looked like or what they did. There were just some experiences, emotions, life was in full swing. Maybe there were falls from a swing or a bicycle, quarrels, or a toy was taken away from a child. Maybe it was here that he was told that his grandmother had died or that she had been taken away in an ambulance. All this stress and loss of energy. The child could feel lost, abandoned, maybe he had a fight with someone or lost something expensive - a doll, a toy, a ball, or fell into the mud - and you never know what terrible and upsetting incidents happen in childhood. And all this is also a waste of energy that needs to be collected and returned.

First we go to Middle World.

Middle World

The Middle World is your past. Here you must have wasted energy meeting some people, not realizing your desires, not fulfilling what you wanted, restraining yourself in some emotions, entering into conflicts in which you lost, and committing unseemly acts. All this caused a loss of energy.

The Middle World is closer to nature. Here you need to “find” your urgent needs: in food, clothing, drink, sex, communication with egregor (egregors), with your family, etc.

Upper World

Then comes the turn of the Upper World - the spiritual one. Each person represents it in their own way. It can be a transcendental, fabulous world where you are floating on the clouds... It can be a world of your spiritual impulses and aspirations, but also one where the creation of wrong stereotypes, views on life and on oneself takes place. Here may be your unfulfilled dreams or those aspirations that prevent you from rising higher, interfere with the flight of thoughts. Although, I will say right away that ideas and unrealized dreams can appear in any of the worlds, not only in the Upper.

This area also includes the attitude to ecology, the world as a whole, the noosphere in which we live. Here you have also lost some of your energy.

Close your eyes, imagine that you are ascending to heaven. This is where spiritual guides can help. If you are a religious person, you can imagine being helped by saints, patrons, or prophets, depending on your faith. Together with them, you begin to collect the spiritual energy that you once squandered.

Lower world

The world of the dead, the Underworld is the departure of energy to the earth, to the Lower World, where there is an endless struggle of the deceased for entering another orbit of spiritual evolution, where they grind their karmic problems. Everyone imagines this world in their own way.

Each of us represents this other world in accordance with our inner mythology. This may be the realm of the dead, Hades, described in myths Ancient Greece and the poems of Homer, or some other image close to a person. The Greeks and Romans could travel to this other world (remember the journey of Odysseus and Orpheus), but we can do it too.

The Lower World is the kingdom of the dead, meeting with the dead, the past or communication in the past. For many, this is the Underworld.

What thoughts, what emotions are lost there? This may be the World of the Dead, in which a person left his energy to someone. And you can take it. Here you can harmonize relations with people who have already passed away, resolve unresolved conflicts. In this world, there may be a sense of guilt towards the departed people, experiences associated with them. Selfish aspirations can also arise: for example, a deceased person helped a lot in life, and how much he could help now if he had not died. In any case, the purpose of traveling to the Underworld is to normalize relations with the dead, so that unresolved emotional and energy problems do not affect the present.

Here we pay tribute to the dead, we put up with the fact that they are gone, we understand this, we realize it. We wish peace and tranquility to everyone, let them go, give them joyful energy so that they move to a higher energy level, ask their forgiveness and forgive ourselves. That is, we do approximately the same as in the Orthodox rites of burial, unction.

If you remember a negative event in which an already deceased person participated, then the question may arise: where to work with him, in which world - the Lower (World of the Dead) or the Middle (World of the Past)?

Answer - work in any world where you "find" the necessary event, remember about it. Trust your intuition, do what feels right to you.

It must be said that there are no right and wrong journeys to these Worlds, they are different for everyone. I would like to note that while traveling to the Lower World it is necessary to focus attention at the bottom of space, to the Middle World - in the middle and, accordingly, to the Upper World - above. At the moment of concentration, you will have certain associations, and they will be different for everyone. And the Worlds for everyone will also be different.

The main thing is to trust the stream of consciousness and especially not to program yourself for the result, because this is creativity, your personal myths, fairy tales. In terms of psychology, we can say that in shamanic dance, work with the past is carried out using the method of free associations.

Further decoding and work with the received images and associations is a topic for a separate discussion.

So, how to collect energy during a shamanic journey through the three Worlds?

Mentally walking along the Line of Life, you try to find something bright, clean, good and “collect” it. While traveling, you can dance, move in a circle or move forward and backward, or meditate calmly.

Your journey may be smooth and emotionally calm, but there may also be strong emotions that cause mental struggles. And this will be reflected in the Worlds in which you are immersed. The struggle of different attitudes, ideas will from time to time force you to sort of transfer energy from the event to you and from you to the event. There is a kind of struggle between different attitudes, aspirations for compensation, but regardless of this struggle that occurs in your body, you must simply “take away” the energy mentally. How you imagine energy is up to you: a light stream, or a ball, or light, or some other image that is close to you. But it must be pleasant. You must be filled with this energy, it is she who will give you a new potential for accomplishments and a further productive life full of happiness and new impressions.

It is not necessary to complete all three trips at once. You can travel to these Worlds several times depending on your goal.

For example, your goal may be to find the strength to communicate at work, to find lost health, to find lost opportunities for communication in the family, to find your partner, it may be to find your lost spiritual stimuli and aspirations, your lost needs, your spiritual energy, etc. You can search for the attainment of what you desire both in the spiritual Upper World, and in the Middle and Lower Worlds. Depending on what goals you set in meditation, this may be the result.

I recommend writing down or sketching all my travels to different Worlds in a schematic form. If you draw them, then in the future the drawings will help you work with the past, for example, transforming energy for a new qualitative leap in your life. They will also come in handy for the subsequent collection of energy.

If you see something very good that you aspire to, try to sketch it, write down the sensations, so that you can return to them later. On the other hand, if you find somewhere an area of ​​very large loss of energy and you see a symbol or a picture there, you can also draw it or write down your feelings for further work - transformation and receiving positive energy.

Archaic shamanism also highlights the higher world - the world of infinity. Later, the four-world model is simplified by the three-world model, connecting the upper and higher worlds. This is partly due to the trend of practicality (that is, ease of understanding the models of the universe), partly - the close relationship of the higher and upper worlds. Like the separation of hot and warm currents in the ocean with a difference of several degrees, these worlds exhibit similar properties.

As a result, the upper world is the world of modeling the future indefinitely. This is the world of the so-called. subtle energies. The shamanic upper (higher) world and the Indian mentality are practically one and the same. The only difference is that, according to shamanic beliefs, the upper world is inhabited by creator entities (totem entities - the progenitors of man): Raven, Deer, Bear, Falcon, etc. In this aspect, one can draw a parallel with Kastanedov's Eagle.

The upper world functions as an inexhaustible source of energy that descends into the Valley, the middle (human) worlds and the lower world. Climbing up to the crown of the World Tree, the shaman enters the upper world, breaking away from the crown, flying upwards, he reaches the upper world.

Usually the shaman tries to reach the upper world, because. crown - just a link in the processing of primary energy. How the primary energy will be processed, thus the future will be built. Therefore, the crown is used to predict the future.

The Upper world is the focus of proto-energy, it is a fullness approaching infinity. In the upper world, the shaman learns universal knowledge for the lower worlds through a "conversation" with the progenitor.

The main difficulties (really difficulties) of reaching the upper world are that there is no fixed path there (this world is higher than the Tree); and also in overcoming the downward flow of energy. Just as it is difficult to swim against a powerful current, it is difficult to climb into the upper world.

In the Cosmos-Earth system, the upper world naturally has a cosmic character.


Adding up the available information, we get a technology for entering the higher world, which should be adjusted individually for oneself.

1) Organization of inner silence: lack of thoughts, concentration on one's own feelings.
2) Joining the information field of the planet.
3) Identification and connection to streams outgoing from the field. Finding a way to space.
4) Dissolution of consciousness in the Cosmos, connection to the mental.

In practice, the above is carried out as follows.

P.1 - dynamic meditations: slow smooth movements of all parts of the body.

P.2 - the transition of dynamic meditations to static ones: fixing the body in a certain position (usually sitting); reading shamanic "mantras" (hoarsely): "U-u-u-yah."

P.3 - after meditation, there should be a feeling of soaring, slight dizziness, etc. in this state, the following incantation should be recited in a whisper: "Ishi kur ishi gul ishi radun sere tul". The spell connects to the stream descending from the upper world. There are sensations of powerful resistance to your movement.

P.4 - the fulfillment of this item depends on the ability to communicate with entities and control one's own energy. "Dissolution of consciousness" means to establish contact with the self-consciousness of the higher world.

This is a generalized description, because the exit to the upper world is a rather complicated practice and is available to those who have traveled through the lower world and the Valley.

See all parts of this article: