How to underline spelling (underline vowels and consonants, signs). Orthograms in Russian for elementary school Spelling of the suffix - ok- in nouns

12. Orally explain the spelling of words. How many different types did you get the spelling? Give them serial numbers. For example, for words with an unstressed vowel in the root, let number 1 correspond. Write out words with spellings under different numbers. Where possible, write checks.


V l e su mura w ki-ant b and
AND and here with their labor,
They have their own customs
And the anthill is a house.

Peace-loving and lc s
No_work and child:
In the morning on the t b e gut fighter s,
A babysitter in de t sky sa d.

R a fighting ant sp e w and t
Tr about kick labor,
From morning to evening rustling and t
In tr a ve and under l and property.

You with a stick e su walked
And ant b another house
Jokingly, I dug it to the bottom
And then set fire to it.

Peace and labor d big sem b and
Would violate e Yes.
Ants rushed about in the smoke b and,
Fleeing whoever.

(S. Mikhalkov)

spelling №1 . An unstressed vowel at the root of a word, checked by stress: in l e su - forest; With and dyat - sitting; b e gut - running; cn e shit - haste; tr about kick - trail; in tr a ve - herbs; under l and property - sheet; po l e su - forest;
spelling №2 . Paired by voicing / deafness consonant at the end of a word and before other consonants: mura w ki - goosebumps; pos t- post; de t sky - children; sa d– gardens; true d– labor;
spelling №4. Separator b: ant b and; ant b other; sem b and; ant b and;
spelling №8. Letters I, A, Y after hissing (combinations JI-SHI, CHA-SCHA, CHU-SCHU): and and wut; and and faces; hurry and t; rustling and t;
Spelling number 11. Separate writing of prepositions, continuous spelling prefixes: idle - without any business;
Spelling number 11. Separate spelling NOT with verbs: not _ sitting;
spelling №13. Writing letters I / Y after C: tenants s; fighter s;
spelling №14 . Unchecked unstressed vowel at the root of a word (dictionary words): R a bochy (work is a dictionary word).

Write out the underlined word. Find in the text the words that are test for this word. Write them down side by side.

labor - labor, labor.

Write out the compound word. Underline the letter of the connecting vowel. Make up, using the second part of this word, a few more compound words. Let the basics of words act as the first part: work , man , freedom, life , sun. In what words did you use the letter E as a connecting vowel?

World o beloved. Hard-working, philanthropic, freedom-loving, cheerful, sun-loving.

I used the letter E as a connecting vowel in the words: life e loving, sunshine e loving.

Check yourself: open the dictionary with the letter Y. Find words in -VYY, and among them - compound words. Check their spelling. Write down phrases with three of these words.

Cheerful person; sun-loving flower; truth-loving boy; freedom-loving people; hardworking girl; thermophilic plant; peaceful inhabitants.

Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence.

The beginning of a sentence is written with capital letter.

a) M alchiki played in the yard.

b) think up and write 1 more sentence, highlight the capital letter.

Capital letter in proper name.

Names of rivers, cities, villages, seas, names of people, nicknames of animals are called proper names. Proper names are capitalized.

a) M Arina, D nepr, D onetsk

b) write 3 different proper names, highlight the capital letter.

  1. - ORO -

a) in oro on the

b) write down the line of the word in which you made a mistake, remember and write down 3 more words with this spelling.

cha - cha

Cha - cha write with the letter A

a) cha shka, ro shcha

  1. CHU - SHU

Chu - shu write with the letter U.

a) at chu , shu ka

b) think up and write down 3 words with this spelling, highlight the spelling

  1. Zhi - shi

Zhi-shi write with the letter I.

a) pencil shea , zhi wet

b) think up and write down 3 words with this spelling, highlight the spelling.

  1. b denoting the softness of consonants (b-m)

a) lo Withb , ma lb chik

b) think up and write down 3 words with this spelling, underline the b-m and the consonant, the softness of which it denotes.

  1. CHK - CHN; TH-LF; SC - NS; ZD - ZN; CH

Chk - ch; thu - lf; shn - nsch; zd - zn; sn; write without soft sign

a) ru chk ah, but ch oh no sn I

b) think up and write down 3 words with this spelling, highlight the spelling

  1. Checked unstressed vowel in the root of the word ( a, o, i, e, i)

To check an unstressed vowel at the root of a word, you need to choose a single-root word or change the word so that stress falls on this vowel.

a) m about rya - m op f b) write down the test words,

  1. An unchecked unstressed vowel at the root of a word.

Words with an unchecked unstressed vowel must be memorized or looked up in a dictionary.

a) p e cash, p and lot

b) write down 3 times the word in which you made a mistake, highlight the spelling; think up and write down 1-2 single-root words

  1. Steam room for deafness - sonority ( b-p, v-f, g-k, d-t, w-w, s-s) To check the steam room for deafness - voicedness, you need to choose a single-root word or change the word so that after this consonant there is a vowel or sonorant
  2. a) factory d - factory d s, le With - le With n oh

b) write down the word in which you made a mistake, highlight the spelling, write the test words, correctly format the work.

  1. Prepositions (to, by, in, on, for, with, under, about, for, at, etc.)

Prepositions are written separately from words. You can insert another word between the preposition and the word.

a) The pine grew at coast. The pine tree grew most coast.

b) Think of and write down 3 more words with prepositions.

  1. Prepositions with pronouns.

Prepositions with pronouns are written separately.

a) to him With him, to to me.

b) write 3 more words on this rule

  1. Unions (ah, and, but, yeah)

Unions are written separately from the word.

a) pen and pencil

b) write down 3 words, with connecting conjunctions

  1. b - separating (b-p)

L-p shows that the consonant does not merge with the vowel.

L-p is written after a consonant before the vowels E, E, I, Yu, Ya.

a) pla tb e

b) write down 3 words with b-p, underline three letters - consonant, b-p, vowel.

16. Dividing b

Ъ is written after prefixes ending in a consonant, before a root starting with the vowels E, E, Yu, Ya.

a) under b eat, about b I'm with before b yub muddy, with b rides

b) think up and write down 3 words with b, highlight the prefix, underline the vowel.

17. double consonant (mm, nn, lj, ss, etc.)

a) cla ss , BUT nn a

b) write 3 times the word in which you made a mistake, pick up 1-2 single-root words for it

18. Silent consonants

1) In some words, the consonants T, D, L, V are written, but not pronounced. These words need to be checked.

a) ches t ny - ches be co l ntse - with ln donut

stars d ny - stars Yes healthy in stuy - great vy e

b) write down 3 words, with this spelling, pick up test words, o

19. If a consonant is not heard in a combination of consonants when a word is changed, it is not necessary to write it.

Here are the most common words - remember them:

Not wonderful, not wonderful.

BUT terrible and dangerous

Write the letter T in vain

In words "delicious", "interesting"

a) miracle sn th - miracle sep

b) remember and write down 2-3 more such words and 2-3 words with an unpronounceable consonant, check, correctly select the spelling

20. In the words LADDER, HOLIDAY, FEELINGS, the unpronounceable consonant is not checked. These words must be remembered.

a) forest t nitsa

b) write down the word in which you made a mistake, pick up 1-2 words with the same root for it.

21. b after hissing nouns female.

In feminine nouns in the nominative case

at the end of the word after hissing is written b.

a) a mouse b daughter b

b) think up and write down 3 feminine nouns

22. b after masculine nouns hissing in nouns.

In nouns. husband. kind with a hissing sound at the end b the sign is not written.

m.r. m.r. m.r. m.r.

a) lu h , me h , pla sch , vra h

b) think up and write 3 more words for this rule.

23. Prefixes

1). Prefixes with words are written together.

a) on flew, per ran

2) Prefixes with a vowel: o-do-, o-, ob-, obo-, from-, oto-po-, under-, under-, pro-. a) about flew, under walked

b) think up and write down 3 more words with this spelling

3) Prefixes with a vowel - a- : for-, on-, over-.

a) on the cut, per lil

b) think up and write down 3 more words with this spelling

4) Prefixes - raz-, iz-, without- are written if the root begins with a voiced consonant.

a) and h d at, ra h b it

5) Prefixes - ras-, is-, demon - are written if the root begins with a deaf consonant.

a) ra With t ayat, and With P search

b) think up and write down 3 more words with this spelling

6) The prefix s- is always spelled the same, regardless of the sound.

Prefixes s- do not happen!

a) With do, With run, With wind

b) think up and write down 3 more words with this spelling

24. Not with verbs.

Not verbs are written separately.

a) not h cash, not at chill, not P oril

b) write 3 more words for this rule

25. Skipping, replacing, rearranging letters.

Rewrite the word 3 times.

26 . Rewrite the sentence, complete the task.

a). ? !

b) Analysis of the members of the proposal.

Children go To camp.

c) Analysis by parts of speech.

noun ch. n. n.

The kids went to camp.

d) A proposal with homogeneous members.

Strong wind tore off leaves from trees , scattered them along the way.

27 . Spelling endings.

1) nouns

on the edge e - edge, n.,Iskl., P. p.

  1. adjectives

to the forest (like omu?) far to him - unit, m.r., D.p.

  1. personal endings of verbs.

write no - write,I ref. (e-ut-yut)

becoming it - put,IIeg, (i-at-yat)

view it - exception,IIref., (i-at-yat)

28. Generic unstressed endings verbs.If the past tense verb h.husband.r., then write the ending, if f.r., then write the ending -a,

if cf. r., then write the ending - o. If glagolpasteatenvrnamepldivinehisla, then write the ending -i.

29. b at the end of verbs.

At the end of the verbs of the present and future tenses of the singular of the 2nd person, b is written.

a) you write b , draw b , eat b you think b

30 . Infinitive.

a) What are they doing b ? teaches b sya, wash b squirt b sya.

b) write 3 more words on this rule.

31. Writing letters o - e after verbs hissing in the endings.

Under stress in the endings of verbs after hissing, a letter is written e.

a) haircut eat, oven eat

b) write 3 more words on this rule.

32. Writing suffixes - ik -, - ek-.

1) The suffix -ik- is written if, when the word changes, the vowel sound is preserved in it, does not drop out: table ik- table ik a

a) a table ik , key ik

b) write 3 more words on this rule.

2) The suffix -ek- is written if, when the word changes, the vowel sound “runs away”: ek- zamoch to a

a) lock ek , son ek

b) write 3 more words on this rule.

33. Writing connecting vowels in compound words.

Connecting vowels in compound words can only be vowels - oh -, - e -.

a) steam about move, mouse e dexterity

34. Writing the letter -o-, -e- after the words hissing at the root.

1) After the words hissing in the roots under stress, the sound[about] denoted by the letter yo, if, when changing a word or forming a related word in this root, the sound[about] is not heard.

a) pch yo ly - pch e la

b) think up and write down 3 more words with this spelling

2) If this is not possible, the sound[about] denoted by the letter about:

a) sh about mouths, sh about rox

b) think up and write down 3 more words with this spelling

35. Designation of sound [s] after the sound [c].

1) in the roots of words after c sound [s ]denoted by the letter and.

a) c and pk, c and fra.

b) think up and write down 3 more words with this spelling

2) Words - exceptions: c s gan, c s films, c s c, on c s kidneys.

Rewrite the word 3 times.

3) In endings afterca letter is writtens.

a) cucumber s, singers s

b) think up and write down 3 more words with this spelling

4) in words on - tion a letter is written and.

a) miles tion , aka tion

b) think up and write down 3 more words with this spelling

36. Writing the suffix -ok- in nouns.

Suffix - OK- always under stress.

a) cricket OK, beetle OK

b) think up and write down 3 more words with this spelling

37. Writing a suffix - ec- and - itz- and combinations - ichk- and -echk-.

1) In nouns husband. gender is written suffix - ec-.

a) brother ec , handsome ec

b) think up and write down 3 more words with this spelling

2) In the nouns of women. gender is written suffix itz-.

a) virgin itz ah, handsome itz a

b) think up and write down 3 more words with this spelling

3) Combination -IC- itza.

a) sisters itza- sisters ichc ah, fox itza- fox ichc a

b) write down the test word

4) In other cases, a combination is written -echk-.

a) daughter echk a cup - cup echk a b) write down the test word

38. Writing combinations -ink-, -enk-.

1) Combination - inc- written in words formed from words with the suffix -in- and ending and ending -a.

a) top in a - top inc ah, crack in a - crack inc a

b) write down the test word

2) Combination - enc- written in words formed from words on - on, -nya .

a) vish nya- vish enk ah, sos on the-SOS enk a b) write down the test word

39. Writing the endings of nouns after hissing and c.

In the endings of nouns after hissing and c under stress a letter is written about, and without stress in the same endings the letter is written e.

a) candles oh - that "h her, pencil o "m-shower eat

b) write down the word, put stress, underline the spelling.

40. Hyphenation.

1) When wrapping words, you cannot leave at the end of a line or transfer to another line a part of a word that does not make up a syllable.

Cannot be transferred: p-rah, view-tr.

You cannot separate a consonant from the vowel that follows it.

2) You can not tear off the letters "b" and "b" from the previous consonant.

3) You can not tear off "Y" from the previous vowel.

4) You can not leave one letter at the end of a line or transfer one letter to another line.

5) When transferring words with prefixes, you cannot break a monosyllabic prefix if the prefix is ​​followed by a consonant.

6) When transferring words with prefixes, you cannot leave at the end of the line with a prefix the initial part of the root that does not make up a syllable.

7) When transferring compound words, you cannot leave the initial part of the second stem at the end of the line if this part does not constitute a syllable.

8) You can not leave at the end of the line or transfer to the beginning of the next two identical accords, standing between the vowels. This rule does not apply to double consonants of the second stem in compound words, for example: innovation.

9) You can’t break the monosyllabic part of compound abbreviations with a transfer

10) You can not split by transfer letter abbreviations, both written in uppercase alone, and written partly in lowercase, partly in uppercase or uppercase with numbers,

for example: Labor Code, TU-104.

11) Many words can be transferred in various ways; at the same time, one should prefer such transfers in which the significant parts of the word are not broken. Possible transfer options:

noisy, noisy; children's, children's cue; lov-cue, lo-vky;

classy, ​​classy; daring, daring, daring; bit-va, bi-tva;

kinship, kinship, kinship; slippery, slippery, slippery

peasant-yanin, peasant-nin, peasant, peasant.

12) Some words cannot be transferred, for example: Asia, I know, foyer.

13) It is impossible to break conditional graphic abbreviations like:

etc., etc., i.e. railroad, about.

14) You can not transfer punctuation marks to another line, except for a dash after a period or after a colon before the second part

interrupted direct speech.

15) Do not leave an opening parenthesis or opening quotes at the end of a line.

Translate the word correctly, write 3 more words with hyphenation, write 3 more words that cannot be hyphenated.

Spelling underlining is a topic that stretches from grades 1-2 to grade 11, and if you understand the principles of underlining in primary school, then it will be much easier for the child to study in high school. All the rules of the Russian language are studied in elementary school, then there is only the development of experience in their application.

Orthograms are letters in weak position. What does it mean? These are the places in a word and sentence where someone can make a mistake against the rules or the dictionary. But even if the child figured out what the spelling is, the question always arises of how to emphasize it.

It is generally accepted to underline spellings with one dash, and identification marks spelling - two.

List of required first class spellings

  • Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence.
  • Own names.
  • Combinations ZhI-SHI, CHA-SCHA, CHU-SCHU.
  • The soft sign is an indicator of softness.
  • Dividing soft sign*.
  • Combinations CHK-CHN.
  • Checked unstressed vowels in the root of the word.
  • Unchecked unstressed vowels at the root of a word (dictionary words).
  • Paired consonants in a weak position (doubtful consonants) at the end of a word.
  • Paired consonants in a weak position (doubtful consonants) at the end and middle of a word. *
  • Own names.
  • Prepositions.

* The dividing soft sign is not passed in all first class programs.

* Paired consonants in a weak position (doubtful consonants) at the end and middle of a word are not passed in all first class programs.

An example of a dictation with parsing and underlining spelling

Masha and I go for a walk in the thicket. Lilies of the valley bloom. Here is a prickly hedgehog running fast. Fluffy mice squeak. Birds make nests. (20 words)

Sample of oral analysis

M s - we write with a capital letter. Spelling - the beginning of the sentence is written with a capital letter.

C is a suggestion. So, it is written separately from the word.

Masha - we write with a capital letter. Spelling - a proper name is written with a capital letter.

Let's go - no spelling.

Walk - spelling - a soft sign is an indicator of softness.

B is a suggestion. So, it is written separately from the word.

H and shu - cha we write with A. Orthogram - combinations of cha-scha are written with the letter A. We underline with 2 dashes, A with one

Thicket y - shu we write with U. Orthogram - combinations of chu-shu are written with the letter U. We emphasize 2 dashes, At one.

Ts vetut - we write with a capital letter. Spelling - the beginning of the sentence is written with a capital letter.

Color here - spelling - a checked unstressed vowel at the root of the word. Test word CVE T. (Be sure to put stress to show that the vowel is unstressed).

Lily of the valley and - shi we write with I. Spelling - combinations of zhi-shi are written with the letter I. We underline with 2 lines, And one line.

. - Put a period at the end of the sentence.

In from - we write with a capital letter. Spelling - the beginning of the sentence is written with a capital letter.

Fast is a dictionary word. Written FAST. At the end of O. Emphasis on the sound Y.

Be zhit - spelling - a checked unstressed vowel at the root of the word. Verification word BE G.

Bezh and t - we write with I. Orthogram - combinations of zhi-shi are written with the letter I. We emphasize two, And one.

Koluchy - spelling - a checked unstressed vowel at the root of the word. Verification word UKO L.

Hedgehog - spelling - a paired consonant in a weak position. Verification word Hedgehog and K.

. - Put a period at the end of the sentence.

P search - we write with a capital letter. Spelling - the beginning of the sentence is written with a capital letter.

Pi shat - spelling - a checked unstressed vowel at the root of the word. Check word pi sk.

Food and t - we write with A. Orthogram - combinations of cha-scha are written with the letter A.

Push and tight - we write shi with I. Orthogram - combinations of zhi-shi are written with the letter I.

Mice ki - spelling paired consonant in a weak position. Check word mouse and.

. - Put a period at the end of the sentence.

P ticks - we write with a capital letter. Spelling - the beginning of the sentence is written with a capital letter.

Ptichk and - spelling - combinations of CHK-CHN are written without a soft sign. CK is underlined by two lines.

V u t - spelling - dividing soft sign.

Nests - no orthograms.

. - Put a period at the end of the sentence.

We select spelling

1. Capital letters, punctuation marks, and the indicator of softness must be underlined with one line.

2. We underline the letters where you can make a mistake, in dictionary words and put emphasis.

3. We emphasize combinations of cha-scha, chu-schu, zhi-shi. The consonant in these letter combinations is in two lines, the vowel is in one.

4. We emphasize the combinations of chk-chn with two features.

5. We emphasize the unstressed vowels being checked with one line and put the stress. AT test word the vowel on which the stress falls is underlined with two strokes.

lo wil - ulo in

6. We underline the paired consonants being checked with one line. In the test word, we also underline this consonant with one line, and the vowel behind it with two lines. *

oak - oaks, lie ka - lie e to

7. We emphasize unpronounceable consonants at the root of words with one line. In the test word, the same consonant must also be underlined with 1 line, and the letter following it with two lines. If there is no unpronounceable consonant, we emphasize the suspicious letter combination with one line, and in the test word - the first letter of the letter combination with one, and the second after it - with two lines. *

local - local, dangerous - dangerous

8. A dividing soft sign or a hard sign must be underlined with one line, and the letters that it separates with two.

9. We underline the doubled consonant with one line.

* some teachers require in the test word to underline the consonant under test with two, and the vowel behind it with one line.

Textbook for grade 5 (part 2)

Russian language

§ 125. Orthograms in the endings of words

What parts of speech are associated with the choice of vowels in the endings of words?

721 . Choose 4-5 examples for each use of the letter and in the endings of the studied parts of speech.

  1. Ex. on the -and I in genus, date and suggestion. P.; on the -y, -y in the preposition P.
  2. Ex. 3rd sk. in genus, date and suggestion. P.
  3. App. m. and Wed. kind on tv. P.
  4. Ch. II ref.

722 . Make a table "Letter e in the endings of the learned parts of speech. Fill it out with examples.

723 . Write down words with orthograms - vowels after words hissing in the endings, indicating graphically the choice of spelling.

Key..m,,, doctor..m,,, comrade..m,, smelly..go, ladle..m, hot ..go, rogts..y, (c) good luck ..y, fresh ..go, reeds, .m, lily of the valley ..m, (k) Alyosh .., fresh ..m (air), write ..m, (s) good..m (friend).

724 . Dictation. Mark the spellings in the endings of the verbs.

In the mornings the whole pool is covered with fog. The fog is so dense that it seems from above - skimmed blue milk is poured halfway into a wide bowl of the Leshachy pool. With a run, you throw yourself down. First, breaking through the head .. you go through the fog and only then you get .. you go into the water. Vynyrn .. you - and, as if in a fairy tale, another world: you can not see the coast, you can not see the sky, only scattered sunbeams pour from above, mysterious, unearthly. And the water is warm, it didn’t have time to cool down during the night. But when you got out .. you, dirtying your knees on the clay shore, your chest is squeezed .. from the cold ...
