Day of the Battle of Borodino (1812). Everything is ready for battle on the Borodino field! Reconstruction of the battle of Borodino

On the first weekend of September 2019, the military-historical holiday "Borodin's Day" will be held in the Moscow region.

The event will take place on the Borodino field in the Mozhaisk district, 125 kilometers west of Moscow.

The main event will be a large-scale reproduction of an episode of the Battle of Borodino. Lancers, hussars, dragoons, grenadiers, cuirassiers, infantrymen and artillerymen - reenactors from military history clubs will take part in the battle.

It will be possible to watch the military-historical reconstruction free of charge from the natural amphitheater near the parade ground theater and for a fee from the stands.

While there is no official schedule yet, in previous years it was as follows:

Borodin's Day festival program

Thursday and Friday

Arrival of reenactors.

11.00-17.00 - Interactive program "Military-historical bivouac of 1812" on the site behind the visitor center of the Borodino Museum


11.00–15.00 — Interactive program "Military-historical bivouac of 1812" on the site behind the visitor center of the Borodino Museum

16.00-18.00 - Rehearsal of the reconstruction of episodes of the Battle of Borodino at the Platz Theater near the village of Borodino


10.30-11.00 – Ceremony at the monument at the command post of Napoleon near the village of Shevardino:

  • laying flowers at the monument to the "Dead of the Great Army"

12.00-13.00 - Ceremonial at the Main Monument to the Russian Heroes of Borodin at the Raevsky Battery:

  • ceremonial formation of reenactment clubs
  • speeches of honored guests of the holiday
  • commemoration of fallen warriors (lithia)
  • conferring military honors

14.00-15.30 - Reconstruction of episodes of the Battle of Borodino on the Platz Theater near the village of Borodino

What can be seen on the field

  1. Raevsky Battery, Main Monument, Bagration's grave, Borodino Museum.
  2. Shevardinsky redoubt - the strengthening of the Russian army near the village of Shevardino, the French monument "To the Fallen Great Army".
  3. Gorki - here was the command post of Kutuzov.
  4. Roubaud Height near the village of Semyonovskoye is the place from which the battle painter Franz Roubaud made sketches for the Borodino panorama. From here, an excellent overview of the entire field opens. At the height there is a memorial sign and signs.
  5. Spaso-Borodino Monastery. There are four museum expositions on the territory of the monastery. Nearby are the Bagration flushes.

How to get to Borodino field

By public transport

From the Belorussky railway station by train (Mozhaisk, Borodino, Gagarin, Vyazma) to Mozhaisk station, then by regular bus to the village of Borodino. Or by electric train (Borodino, Gagarin, Vyazma) to Borodino station, then about 3 km on foot. Perhaps the last option is the best, as on the way to the Platz Theater you can see many monuments and monuments located on the field.

Another option is the Moscow-Mozhaisk minibus No. 457, which departs from the Park Pobedy metro station (exit to the right, onto Barclay Street). Further - as in the case of the train, by regular bus to the Borodino field.

By car

From Moscow - along the Minsk highway (M1 highway). At the 96th (near the Yak-3 Aircraft monument), 102nd or 108th kilometer, turn off the highway to the right towards Mozhaisk. In Mozhaisk, go to Mozhaisk highway and drive another 10 km in the direction of the village of Borodino. You can also get from Moscow along the Mozhaisk highway.

From 4 to 8 September on the territory state museum-reserve"Borodino field" the All-Russian military-historical festival "Borodin's Day", dedicated to the 193rd anniversary the greatest battle Patriotic War of 1812.
Military-historical holidays have been held on the field of military Russian glory since 1839. It was then that the maneuvers of the 150,000-strong corps under the command of Emperor Nicholas I took place here. In the year of the celebration of the centenary of the victory in Patriotic War maneuvers were also held, some of the participants of which acted in military uniform 1812. This is how the tradition of holding a military-historical holiday in Borodino was established. Since 1962, "Borodin's Day" has been held annually on the first Sunday of September, ten years ago it received the status of the All-Russian Military History Festival. "Borodin's Day" is on a par with the annually celebrated in Europe "Battle of the Three Emperors" at Austerlitz in the Czech Republic, the "Battle of the Nations" near Leipzig and the "Battle of Waterloo" in Belgium.
The main and most spectacular part of the festival is the re-enactment of battle scenes on the museum parade ground theatre. Her main actors are members of military historical clubs that unite lovers military history. Most of them are young people who are enthusiastically recreating the uniforms and ammunition of units of the Russian and French armies during the Patriotic War of 1912, based on museum samples and documentary sources.
Most clubs are located in Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg, although there are many of them in other cities of Russia. The club movement is developing very actively in Tula, Simbirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Yelets, Voronezh, Samara, Krasnoyarsk, Ufa. Love for military history unites citizens of many former republics of the Union: clubs from Kyiv, Minsk, Slonim, Vilnius, Kaunas, Riga, and even Alma-Ata come to Borodino. The "battle" takes a little over forty minutes, but they prepare for it in advance. The "Russian troops" and the "Great Army" of Emperor Napoleon are located near the field in two separate tent camps. At the bivouacs of clubs" Grand Army" French speech sounds, thereby giving colorful authenticity to what is happening. Among the "French" today there are more and more real natives of France, as well as Germans and Poles, passionate about the era Napoleonic Wars. English and American reenactors, who regularly visit the Borodino festival, also take their side.
The main church and public celebrations will be held on September 8 - the day of the celebration of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, through prayers before which our ancestors more than once got rid of enemy invasions. It happened on this day battle of Borodino, which was of crucial importance for the salvation of our Fatherland from the Napoleonic hordes. In the Vladimir Cathedral of the Spaso-Borodino Convent, founded on the battlefield by Margarita Tuchkova, the widow of a Russian general who was killed in this battle, the Divine Liturgy will be celebrated. The procession will proceed to the monument, standing on the site of the Raevsky battery. A funeral litia will be served for the Russian soldiers who fell on the Borodino field, a military salute will be thundered in their honor and there will be a parade parts of the Moscow military district.

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The Borodino field, which is 120 km west of Moscow, is the site of the most famous battle of the Patriotic War of 1812. The "Battle of the Giants", as Napoleon called it, lasted 12 hours. It was the bloodiest battle of the 19th century, in which about 300 thousand people and more than 1200 artillery pieces took part on both sides.

The exposition of the museum-reserve "Borodino field" is dedicated to the events and heroes of the battles of 1812 and 1941.

In the anniversary year of 1912, some fortifications were reconstructed on the Borodino field and commemorative obelisks were erected for military units that distinguished themselves in battle. In October 1941, the line of defense of Moscow passed through the Borodino field, which is reminiscent of reinforced concrete pillboxes and the T-34 tank mounted on a pedestal. On the first Sunday of September, when the military-historical reenactment of the famous battle takes place, gunpowder smoke swirls again over the Borodino field and artillery volleys thunder.

How to get to the Borodino field

The most convenient and fastest way to get to Borodino is by car along the Minsk and further along the Mozhaisk highway. The museum-reserve is located about 120 km from Moscow in a western direction. Direct routes public transport from the capital there is no, only trains and buses to Mozhaisk and railway station. "Borodino", from where you then need to change to suburban buses to the place.

More information on how to get to Borodino is described on this page.

What to ride

The Borodino field occupies a rather large area, and those who rely only on their own legs are unlikely to be able to see it entirely in one day. Those who try to do it on a bike have a better chance, but you will have to bring it with you. You can use bus number 23, which runs from the bus station in Mozhaisk to the railway station "Borodino" through the Borodino field and makes several stops on it. The ideal mode of transportation is a car. Moreover, free parking is available near all significant places. Alternatively, you can take an hourly taxi in Mozhaisk. The price of the issue is 800-2000 RUB per hour.

Where to stay

Searching for a hotel in Borodino is useless - the nearest of them are in Mozhaisk. It is not necessary to focus on the number of "stars" due to the complete absence of them. The cost of living (2000-2500 RUB) includes breakfast. Almost all hotels have free parking and Wi-Fi.

An interesting option for fans of ecotourism is the horse base Borodinsky Farm (website) near the village of Gorki. The program of stay at the base is designed for two days and one night. It includes accommodation, a visit to the bathhouse and two two-hour horse rides, including along the Borodino field. The cost is 3500 RUB per person.


On the territory of the museum-reserve, several souvenir stalls are open - in the Borodino visitor center and the Spaso-Borodino Monastery. There you can buy souvenirs related not only to the Patriotic War of 1812, but also to the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. For example, rare posters and sets of postcards, miniature copies of artillery pieces. Miniature figurines of soldiers of the Russian and French armies are especially popular with boys and collectors. Souvenir medals, badges and coins are also sold here.

Spaso-Borodino Monastery

Where to eat on the Borodino field

There are no restaurants and ubiquitous McDonald's on the Borodino field. But next to the building of the Borodino Museum there is an ART cafe "Borodino" (open from 12:00 to 17:00, except Mondays) with a restrained interior, traditional Russian cuisine, a rather limited choice of dishes and slightly overpriced prices for this place (business lunch - from 220 RUB). In summer, an open-air cafe is open next to the ticket office of the museum.

You can have lunch at the Randevu cafe at the entrance to the village of Borodino. The unpretentious interior is compensated by a large selection of dishes, impressive portions, fast service and reasonable prices (a set lunch will cost 300 RUB).

Near the village of Gorki, on the territory of the Borodinsky Khutor equestrian club, there is a canteen with long communal tables, wooden benches and walls sheathed in light wood. The cost of salads is 50 RUB, first courses - from 90 RUB, second courses - from 120 RUB.

In addition, there are many beautiful places on the Borodino field, intended for a picnic by nature itself. It is better to take products from home or buy in neighboring villages, where there are a couple of small shops with a basic assortment of edibles.

Entertainment and attractions

Over the more than 200 years that have passed since the battle, the landscape of the Borodino field has changed. But the discreet beauty of the Russian landscape and the epic grandeur of these places remained. A granite obelisk with a bronze eagle to the right of the Mozhaisk highway marks the place where Field Marshal M.I. Kutuzov's headquarters was located during the battle. Further, in front of the bridge over the Koloch River, on both sides of the road, there are monuments to three chasseur regiments, which early morning On August 26, they were the first to accept the attack of the French troops. On the opposite bank of the river is the village of Borodino with a white-stone Nativity Church, a witness to hot battles. On its bell tower there was an observation post of the Russian army.

By the 200th anniversary of the battle, next to the church, the wooden Imperial Palace was recreated, where the royal family stayed when visiting the memorial.

From the village the road turns left to the Borodino field. Commemorative obelisks are clearly visible from it, placed on those places where this or that military unit distinguished itself on the day of the battle. In the center of the positions of the Russian troops on Kurgan height, to the left of the road, was the battery of General Raevsky with 18 artillery pieces, which received the nickname from the French "the grave of the French cavalry." The main monument to the heroes of the Battle of Borodino is installed at the position of the battery - a high stele with a golden dome and a cross. At its foot, General Bagration, who died of wounds, is buried. On the opposite side of the road is the building of the Borodino Museum with a model of the battle in one of the halls.

1.5 km south of Raevsky's battery were Bagration's flashes - fortifications of the left flank of the Russian army. It was one of the most terrible and bloody battlefields. During the attack on the flashes, Bagration was mortally wounded, who personally led the counteroffensive of the Russian infantry. Near the flushes, where the French sent the main blow, there are especially many memorial monuments to the Russian guards regiments.

Here, on the site of the most fierce fighting, the low walls of the Spaso-Borodino Monastery rise. The first temple of the Savior Not Made by Hands was built by the widow of General Alexander Tuchkov, Margarita Tuchkova, after unsuccessful attempts to find the remains of her husband, who fell on the Bagration flushes. In the monastery there is a regimental icon "Savior Not Made by Hands" of Revelsky infantry regiment commanded by General Tuchkov. Over time, a small community of widows of Russian soldiers who died at Borodino formed around the temple. In 1838 it was transformed into a nunnery, where Margarita Tuchkova became abbess.

Spaso-Borodino Monastery is divided between the museum and the women's monastic community.

Shevardinsky redoubt was erected 2 km west of the Bagration fleches before the battle, covering the main Russian positions. A monument to the 12th battery company was erected at the site of the battles for him. A little to the side, on the site of Napoleon's command post, stands the only monument to French troops on the Borodino field with a laconic inscription "To the Dead of the Great Army."

3 things to do on the Borodino field

  1. Recall at least a few lines from Lermontov's poem "Borodino".
  2. Listen to the church choir in the Spaso-Borodino Monastery.
  3. On the Raevsky battery, try to imagine Pierre Bezukhov in the thick of the battle, as Leo Tolstoy described it.

Borodino for children

Try pickles from a real Russian oven, take a snow fortress by storm, try on a uniform from the time of 1812, cook soldier’s porridge on a fire - and you never know what else you can do in the interactive museum “Military Historical Settlement of Doronino” (website). Behind the guard striped booth with a barrier - a log Russian hut and a large farm with a barn, a stable and a whole brood of cackling geese - in other words, everything that recreates the life of peasants and soldiers of the Russian army who are at the camp.

On Maslenitsa, they burn an effigy of winter and bake pancakes, harvest in the fall, sleep in the hay under a soldier’s overcoat in the summer, and all year round waiting for guests, but only by prior arrangement.

Opening hours and entrance

Museum-Reserve "Borodino Field" is open from May to October from 10:00 to 18:00 (ticket office until 17:00), from November to April from 9:00 to 16:30 (ticket office until 15:30), except Mondays and the last Friday of every month. Phone/fax for information: (496-38) 6-32-23. Excursion department: (496-38) 5-15-22; 5-15-46. Web site .

When planning an excursion to Borodino, it is worth laying the whole day to visit all the objects and the field itself - the territory here is vast, you can walk for a long time. Group bus tours from Moscow usually take about 12 hours.

You can see the Borodino field for free, the cost of visiting the main exposition without a guide: adults - 350 RUB, students - 250 RUB, children, schoolchildren and privileged categories of citizens - 150 RUB. However, it is much more interesting to walk around these places with a guide, since it is quite difficult to navigate on your own, and the guide will tell you about the movement of batteries, the mistakes of generals and the glorious feats of the Russian army. The cost of the tour depends on the number of tourists and duration. Order excursion - no later than three days.

Walking routes are very different: from sightseeing to pilgrimage with the opportunity to order a prayer service on the Raevsky battery. Among schoolchildren, the literary and interactive walk "The Battle of Borodino and M. Yu. Lermontov's poem" Borodino "" is popular.

Events in Borodino

For many years in a row, on the Borodino field, every first Sunday of September, a military-historical holiday-reenactment "Borodin's Day" is held, dedicated to the anniversary of the great battle. Tourists, schoolchildren, students and historians watch with bated breath how two armies converge on the field - Russian and French. In full military uniforms of the early 19th century, they act out the movement of batteries, the outcome of the battle.

September 8 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. Another one important date in the calendar of Borodino - May 9, when modern and retro equipment leaves the field, concerts, parades, fireworks are arranged. On this day, the entrance to the museum-reserve is traditionally free. Another military-historical holiday dedicated to the Great Patriotic War takes place on the second Sunday of October - “Moscow is behind us. 1941".

  • June







    In early September, when the military-historical reconstruction of the battle takes place on the Borodino field, as a rule, the weather is fine.