Everything is ready for battle on the Borodino field! Holiday "Live chess" on the Borodino field When the Battle of Borodino takes place holiday

On the first weekend of September 2019, the military-historical holiday "Borodin's Day" will be held in the Moscow region.

The event will take place on the Borodino field in the Mozhaisk district, 125 kilometers west of Moscow.

The main event will be a large-scale reproduction of an episode of the Battle of Borodino. Lancers, hussars, dragoons, grenadiers, cuirassiers, infantrymen and artillerymen - reenactors from military history clubs will take part in the battle.

It will be possible to watch the military-historical reconstruction free of charge from the natural amphitheater near the parade ground theater and for a fee from the stands.

While there is no official schedule yet, in previous years it was as follows:

Borodin's Day festival program

Thursday and Friday

Arrival of reenactors.

11.00-17.00 - Interactive program "Military-historical bivouac of 1812" on the site behind the visitor center of the Borodino Museum


11.00–15.00 — Interactive program "Military-historical bivouac of 1812" on the site behind the visitor center of the Borodino Museum

16.00-18.00 - Rehearsal of the reconstruction of episodes of the Battle of Borodino at the Platz Theater near the village of Borodino


10.30-11.00 – Ceremony at the monument at the command post of Napoleon near the village of Shevardino:

  • laying flowers at the monument to the "Dead of the Great Army"

12.00-13.00 - Ceremonial at the Main Monument to the Russian Heroes of Borodin at the Raevsky Battery:

  • ceremonial formation of reenactment clubs
  • speeches of honored guests of the holiday
  • commemoration of fallen warriors (lithia)
  • conferring military honors

14.00-15.30 - Reconstruction of episodes of the Battle of Borodino on the Platz Theater near the village of Borodino

What can be seen on the field

  1. Raevsky Battery, Main Monument, Bagration's grave, Borodino Museum.
  2. Shevardinsky redoubt - the strengthening of the Russian army near the village of Shevardino, the French monument "To the Fallen Great Army".
  3. Gorki - here was the command post of Kutuzov.
  4. Roubaud Height near the village of Semenovskoye is the place from which the battle painter Franz Roubaud made sketches for the Borodino panorama. From here, an excellent overview of the entire field opens. At the height there is a memorial sign and signs.
  5. Spaso-Borodino Monastery. There are four museum expositions on the territory of the monastery. Nearby are the Bagration flushes.

How to get to Borodino field

By public transport

From the Belorussky railway station by train (Mozhaisk, Borodino, Gagarin, Vyazma) to Mozhaisk station, then by regular bus to the village of Borodino. Or by electric train (Borodino, Gagarin, Vyazma) to Borodino station, then about 3 km on foot. Perhaps the last option is the best, as on the way to the Platz Theater you can see many monuments and monuments located on the field.

Another option is the Moscow-Mozhaisk minibus No. 457, which departs from the Park Pobedy metro station (exit to the right, onto Barclay Street). Further - as in the case of the train, by regular bus to the Borodino field.

By car

From Moscow - along the Minsk highway (M1 highway). At the 96th (near the Yak-3 Aircraft monument), 102nd or 108th kilometer, turn off the highway to the right towards Mozhaisk. In Mozhaisk, go to Mozhaisk highway and drive another 10 km in the direction of the village of Borodino. You can also get from Moscow along the Mozhaisk highway.

From 4 to 8 September on the territory state museum-reserve"Borodino field" the All-Russian military-historical festival "Borodin's Day", dedicated to the 193rd anniversary the greatest battle Patriotic War 1812.
Military-historical holidays have been held on the field of military Russian glory since 1839. It was then that the maneuvers of the 150,000th corps under the command of Emperor Nicholas I took place here. In the year of the celebration of the centenary of victory in the Patriotic War, maneuvers were also held, some of the participants of which performed in military uniform 1812. This is how the tradition of holding a military-historical holiday in Borodino was established. Since 1962, "Borodin's Day" has been held annually on the first Sunday of September, ten years ago it received the status of the All-Russian Military History Festival. "Borodin's Day" is on a par with the annually celebrated in Europe "Battle of the Three Emperors" at Austerlitz in the Czech Republic, the "Battle of the Nations" near Leipzig and the "Battle of Waterloo" in Belgium.
The main and most spectacular part of the festival is the re-enactment of battle scenes on the museum parade ground theatre. Her main actors are members of military historical clubs that unite lovers military history. Most of them are young people who are enthusiastically engaged in recreating the uniforms and ammunition of units of the Russian and French armies during the Patriotic War of 1912 according to museum samples and documentary sources.
Most clubs are located in Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg, although there are many of them in other cities of Russia. The club movement is developing very actively in Tula, Simbirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Yelets, Voronezh, Samara, Krasnoyarsk, Ufa. Love for military history unites citizens of many former republics of the Union: clubs from Kyiv, Minsk, Slonim, Vilnius, Kaunas, Riga, and even Alma-Ata come to Borodino. The "battle" takes a little over forty minutes, but they prepare for it in advance. The "Russian troops" and the "Great Army" of Emperor Napoleon are located near the field in two separate tent camps. At the bivouacs of clubs" Grand Army" French speech sounds, thereby giving colorful authenticity to what is happening. Among the "French" today there are more and more real natives of France, as well as Germans and Poles, passionate about the era Napoleonic Wars. English and American reenactors, who regularly visit the Borodino festival, also take their side.
The main church and public celebrations will be held on September 8 - the day of the celebration of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, through prayers before which our ancestors more than once got rid of enemy invasions. It happened on this day battle of Borodino, which was of crucial importance for the salvation of our Fatherland from the Napoleonic hordes. In the Vladimir Cathedral of the Spaso-Borodino Convent, founded on the battlefield by Margarita Tuchkova, the widow of a Russian general who was killed in this battle, the Divine Liturgy will be celebrated. The procession will proceed to the monument, standing on the site of the Raevsky battery. A funeral litia will be served for the Russian soldiers who fell on the Borodino field, a military salute will be thundered in their honor and there will be a parade parts of the Moscow military district.

The battle of Borodino became an event that is known far beyond the borders of Russia. Napoleon considered this battle his greatest battle.


The Day of Military Glory of Russia was recognized as an official holiday in March 1995, established by the law "On the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia." The days of military glory include the dates of the victories of the Russian armed forces, which played an outstanding role in the national chronicle.

The Battle of Borodino became the largest battle that took place during the Patriotic War in 1812 among the Russian and French armies led by M. I. Kutuzov and Napoleon I Bonaparte. In France, it is known as the Battle of the Moscow River.

During the 12-hour battle, the French were able to capture the location of the Russians, but at the end of the battle, Napoleon's army returned to its original positions.

This battle is considered the bloodiest of all one-day battles. Following the documentation of the RGVIA, the Russian army lost 39,300 soldiers, including those killed, missing and wounded. But due to the inaccuracy of these data, historians believe that this is 44-45 thousand people.

The exact number of those who died on the side of the French army is unknown, since the documentation was burned during the retreat of the army. Most scientists tend to believe that this is about 40 thousand soldiers.

Modern historians consider the outcome of the Battle of Borodino to be uncertain, because none of the commanders achieved the desired result. The main achievement of the battle was the failed victory over the Russian army in the conditions of the Russian campaign, the absence of this victory determined the unequivocal defeat of the French.


To honor the memory of all those who died during the Battle of Borodino, it is customary to lay flowers at memorial monuments on this day. Military-historical holidays are held on anniversaries. The first holiday was held during the reign of Nicholas I. The holiday ends with the giving of military honors.

On the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino, a liturgy was held in the Vladimir Cathedral of the Spaso-Borodino Monastery, a religious procession was also organized to the main monument, where a memorial service was held for the dead.

Every year, since 1839, battles have been reconstructed on the Borodino field. Since 1962, Borodin's Day has been held every year on the first Sunday of September, changing its thematic line.

For schoolchildren, there are two military-historical holidays on the Borodino field with the reconstruction of the route of the Russian army. They are designed to introduce the history of the battle, life and weapons of that time.

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