What is sympathy and mercy. Compassion and mercy. Why should a person be merciful

In the conditions of modern society, such concepts as have practically lost both their meaning and their use by people in everyday life. Composition "What is compassion?" included in almost every school curriculum. In children, teachers want to find grains of these complex, but bright and necessary feelings in the world.

Philosophy of Compassion

And compassion? Why are these concepts so necessary in the human world? The thing is that any person depends on the people around him. Be it a friend, a brother, or a stranger walking the same road with him. It has long been proven that a person cannot live without society. He does not tolerate isolation, no matter how he was tempted by this idea. Why? It would seem that in some aloof place, where there is neither noise nor annoying neighbors, there is nothing.

What is compassion? The definition can be expressed through the situation: a person is alone, for example, And there is no one around. No one will help, and he himself is not able to provide himself with first aid or take the necessary measures to heal his hand. There is no person in the area who will show mercy and extend a helping hand. Based on the above example, we can say that each of us depends on the other. We are a single system, when one segment falls out of it, a colossal failure occurs, even if we do not notice it.

When a child writes an essay “Mercy and Compassion”, he will probably decide to mention human mutual assistance first of all. From the early childhood we know that without parents it is impossible to live, and without doctors it is impossible to recover. This is a simple philosophy of the inviolability of the system of human society, which, unfortunately, in our days does not change in better side with high speed. And we destroy it ourselves.

What's happening?

Composition "What is compassion?" does not exclude the term "misanthropy", because it is precisely because of this phenomenon that there is no compassion left in people. Each person considers it his duty to close himself from others and not pay attention to what is happening around. This phenomenon is actively promoted on the Internet. People, not noticing this, become withdrawn and callous, taking it for normal behavior.

Mercy and Compassion in Antiquity

Ancient historians told that Pythagoras bought fish from local fishermen and threw them back into the sea. People laughed at him, but he claimed that by saving the fish from the nets, he was thus saving the people themselves from slavery. Indeed, all living things are connected by strong threads of causality: each of our actions, like a booming echo, rolls through the space of the universe, causing certain consequences.

What is pity and compassion in our society?

“Pity is our treasure,” wrote Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. After all, if people stop pitying the weak and those in need of help, then the world around us will simply harden, wither, become depraved and barren. Help, comfort, support - and the world will become a little kinder.

But, unfortunately, at present, pity and compassion mean nothing to many. A person is so selfish, self-centered, that pity is beyond his comprehension. Such a person will calmly observe the suffering of another person, will not offer help, will pass by. “Not with me, and okay”, “My hut is on the edge” - these are his mottos in life.

Spiritually, our society is rotten to the core. We do not know how to sympathize, worry about loved ones, we do not know how to forgive. Someone else's grief is none of our business.

Indeed, not everyone is ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. Only a truly kind and merciful person is able to show pity and lend a helping hand. Love of neighbor and mercy are the main problems that affect many famous writers in their works.

Compassion in Literature

The essay “What is compassion?”, which is written by students in literature lessons, should contain examples of stories, novels in which it is described.

So, in Andreev's story "Kusak" two opposite beginnings are presented. The first of them - people who beat a stray dog, threw stones at it, laughed and drove it to complete madness. Biter is now afraid of people in whom there is not even a drop of pity. The other is a family that adopted an embittered dog. People were able to see a kind heart behind the bristling muzzle and gave the animal hope that not all people have lost pity. "Kusaku" can be taken as a basis to write a good essay. Mercy and compassion are fully revealed in it. In the story, the author shows what we should be. This family is a stronghold of humanity and kindness. What is compassion? The definition lies behind the lines describing the act of generous people in relation to the dog.

Mercy in Literature

A. Vladimirov tells the story of his hero. The shepherd Nikolai Savushkin had a sick daughter. She had been very ill for the third year and experienced pain in her body. Once, when he saw an antelope in the steppe, Savushkin realized that this was his only chance to help his daughter, because saving medicine could be made from the horns of an antelope. Savushkin with a gun decides to go into the hollow in search of the beast, but the hunt did not bring him the desired prey, since Savushkin saw her cub next to the antelope. The shepherd could not shoot, because he understood that this cub was as close and dear to the antelope as his daughter was to him. He could not kill the parent and leave the child to perish in this cruel world.

Mercy is one of the most important guarantees of the survival of mankind as a species. But to have such a high feeling is given, alas, not to everyone. Kindness of the soul, pity, compassion are laid in a person from childhood, including the personal example of parents. The formation of these qualities is also influenced by society, surrounding people, friends.

What is compassion? An essay-reasoning, the basis of which will be Andreev's story or Vladimirov's story, will help find the answer to this question.

What to do?

Quite a natural question: "What to do?". Without empathy and compassion, we will not be able to exist. to be alone in modern society impossible, because we are aimed at a peaceful life, and not at a cruel survival.

Composition "What is compassion?" appeared in school curriculum not by chance. The main qualities are brought up in children: to be kind, merciful, to help your neighbor, not to be indifferent to what is happening. An aversion to callousness and loneliness is nurtured in their hearts. Every person from childhood should feel like a part of a large mechanism that will stop working if at least one part fails.


What is compassion? An essay-reasoning on this topic should reveal the deep meaning of the most important feeling for both the writer and the reader. This reasoning should come from the heart, based on life and reader experience. There is no point in mechanically rewriting other people's thoughts. So we will not learn to feel, to sympathize, to regret. Remember that once passing by indifferently, we do not do anything good. After all, once in a difficult moment, they will also not show sympathy to us.

Mercy should be in everyone. Not only to our four-legged friends, because they are defenseless in their origin, but also to the people around us. Without mercy and compassion, we are doomed to turn into two-legged beasts of prey.

What is mercy, in what human actions it is manifested - is a topical issue. The modern world has a rapidly developing technological revolution that has simplified the daily life of each of us. In the race for personal benefits, other people's problems imperceptibly flash, but who wants to stop, give a helping hand to someone in need of support, because everyone has their own worries.

Mercy - what is it?

The kindness of the heart, taking on other people's suffering and problems, the desire to lend a helping hand, regardless of the guilt or innocence of a person - this is what mercy means. The basis of love for one's neighbor, the presence of which helps to save lives and solve other people's problems, to show understanding, to help another - to save one's neighbor from difficult circumstances. Character traits closely related to mercy:

  • compassion;
  • sympathy;
  • goodwill;
  • care;
  • unselfishness;
  • understanding;
  • condescension;
  • humanity.

What is mercy - moral, in which a person shows gratuitous guardianship to his neighbor, having spent his own resource - time, money, health. By showing mercy, a person may receive an undeserved reproach (moral insult) in the eyes of others who take mercy for showing undeserved respect or elementary stupidity.

Mercy in Christianity

In religion, mercy is an important virtue, indicating that showing concern for one's neighbor is showing love for the Lord and that each person is "created in the likeness of God." Forgiving love, expressed in Christian mercy, it can be manifested in relation to the soul and body of the needy. Good Christian deeds, the manifestation of which saves the human soul:

  • screw the sinner from delusions;
  • not enlightened give a lesson in kindness and truth;
  • give wise advice to those in difficult circumstances or danger;
  • give comfort to those who are in sorrow;
  • do not respond with evil to an evil deed;
  • forgive offenders;
  • pray for your neighbors.

Deeds of bodily mercy to the neighbor:

  • feed the hungry;
  • to drink the thirsty;
  • clothe the naked;
  • visit the patient
  • visit the prisoner in the dungeon;
  • shelter a wanderer;
  • bury the deceased.

What is mercy for?

The desire to live in a world filled with joy and pleasant relationships is inherent in man. Mercy and kindness are the foundation harmonious relations in many religions and ancient cultures, the works of philosophers are devoted to them. It is easy to build relationships in society on the principle of justice by analyzing the mistakes of another person, but such a position makes it impossible to get indulgence in Hard time.

To receive help without requiring repayment in return - to develop spiritually, to contribute to changes for the better, to bring goodness into the world, to give joy. No one knows at what difficult moment his need for help will arise, who will be next to him will do a merciful deed, regardless of social status or past mistakes. It is always nice to tear a piece of kindness and care from the heart.

What does it mean to be merciful?

To be merciful means that the benefit directed to another person is given free of charge - not for general praise, public recognition or subsequent thanksgiving. Mercy soothes the conscience - the person did not reject the given chance to lend a helping hand, but, by virtue of his ability, eased the life circumstances of a person in a bad state of affairs. Mercy extinguishes anger, suppresses selfishness, and this is an opportunity to accumulate spiritual wealth:

  • wisdom;
  • joy;
  • ease of communication;
  • sincerity;
  • philanthropy.

What do you need to do to become merciful?

Mercy and compassion done anonymously is considered the highest degree virtues. The manifestation of such qualities simple task- to take away one's own means and strength to help a stranger, a generous act worthy of respect. The basic principles of a merciful attitude are based on love for one's neighbor, care shown and assistance rendered. Being merciful means:

  • forget about personal gain;
  • make concessions forgetting the wrongs caused;
  • be able to listen;
  • suppress fear (when coming to the hospital not to think that you can get sick);
  • donate money to those in need (an affordable share of the funds, insignificant for the person giving);
  • find an hour for other people's problems (visit relatives and friends - the elderly, the disabled, orphans);
  • help in simple everyday matters (show the address, warn about the danger, give a hint to solve the problem, help a person with limited physical abilities).

Why should a person be merciful?

The problem of mercy and lack of love for others entails suffering in the surrounding world and human hearts. The principle of personal gain - to create comfortable conditions for oneself, regardless of the problems of other people - amuses self-esteem and multiplies selfishness. Being merciful means taking an active part in solving other people's problems, multiplying kindness, giving love, changing the world for the better. Remembering the phrase of the Chinese sage Lao Tzu about mercy, one can say in his words: “Whoever takes, fills the palms, who gives, fills the heart.”

Mercy in the modern world

Love and mercy are notions related to each other in religion. Deeds done to alleviate the suffering of another, expressed without love, are a feeling of pity, sometimes reinforced by reproaches and cold calculation. Mercy in our lives, shown with love, strengthens spiritually, gives hope for changes for the better, saves lives in difficult times, gives peace of mind, teaches that good deed certainly higher than evil.

Is mercy necessary in our time?

Mercy in our time is a mirror showing the moral character of a person. The modern world is filled with contrasts, the social status that separates people shows that it is easier for the poor and the simple to share the suffering of the needy, because they are familiar to him. The rich and noble don't care about other people's basic worries and problems, even if he is able to help and solve problems for thousands of people.

Composition on the theme "Mercy"

How much is in a person positive qualities that make it look better, taller and lighter. One of these is mercy. It played an important role in the development of man as a social being, it was a beacon of moral values ​​and moral principles. I understand this word as a person's ability to be kind to people, even to those who have done evil. This is the ability to forgive and come to the rescue in the most difficult moment.

I believe that mercy will never go out of fashion, and will forever remain in a person as one of the most important qualities. This feeling pushes a person to compassion and a desire to help even strangers. Mercy has always been an inspiration to man. Spiritual powers can be drawn from it.

Lots of famous authors devoted their works to the most important of human impulses - mercy. Pushkin's Tale Captain's daughter” can be safely called a story about this bright feeling. The beginning and end of the work is dedicated to him.
The ability of a person to be kind to all people has become such a rarity that one wants to thank for it. If mercy is taken away from a person, he will be lost in the fast current of the world, in which lies, hypocrisy, malevolence and other vices so often reign. A man without mercy cannot be called proud name human.

Mercy serves as a kind of flashlight that calls everyone to the light of love and beneficence.
I believe that mercy is a basic feeling that should be inherent in every person. After all, only by helping each other people are able to find peace and happiness. Mercy brings so many positive emotions. After all, moving the old man across the road or helping a friend, a person is overwhelmed with bright feelings.
Mercy is the brightest and most significant spot in the picture of the world. Without it, people would lose their human form. Therefore, it is so important to preserve and develop this bright feeling in oneself.

    We all have undoubtedly heard, and more than once, about this word, and in my opinion, mercy is nothing more than a kind and disinterested attitude of a person to the world around him, this is the ability at any time to come to the aid of another, even a complete stranger, therefore, mercy cannot be seen, but it can be felt in the deeds, deeds, aspirations of each of us. By the way, the person who not only provides assistance, but also shares his joy with the people around him, giving a good mood and positive, is also considered merciful, not without reason, the main and dominant qualities of mercy are: care, kindness, attention, benevolence and love .

    Mercy - this is one of the most important Christian virtues, about which in our century high technology Unfortunately, people remember less and less, paying more attention to their own benefits and their own pleasures.

    Mercy is a compassionate, benevolent caring attitude towards one's neighbor and just to another person.

    And also, as a consequence of compassion for another person: mercy is the willingness to help someone without demanding gratitude in return, but simply out of a feeling of compassion and love for one's neighbor.

    Mercy, of course, is needed and will always be needed. Without love and caring attitude to each other, even together under the same roof, you will not live long. And we all live in a society where there are many different people wealthy and not so, healthy and with handicapped. Even in our peaceful days, many children are deprived of parents, many children need expensive treatment, many families find themselves in difficult situations. life situations. Only thanks to people who know how to sympathize, all those in need receive some kind of help, including material.

    Charity is a manifestation of mercy, it is the provision of help to those in need.

    Mercy is the same as kindness, but in action.

    Just kind person, he will sympathize, Regret, and the merciful will help with bread, money, work shelter. He will help so that change the life of someone in need for the better.

    God's mercy tests our hearts. Will we respond?

    Mercy is a feeling of compassion that is born in the depths of the soul. It also means restraint when passing a sentence. Here are some examples of mercy: help around the house for an elderly person, prepare food for a sick person, bring a person down if necessary, or simply listen to someone.

    What is mercy? This is Christian virtue, this is love for one's neighbor. We show mercy not when we throw a piece to the dog, but when we share it with the dog at the moment when we ourselves are as hungry as the dog. This is not pity, this is a hint from God on how to achieve the desired result. When a person does not think about his own problems, but thinks about others and enjoys it. It turns out that mercy is more necessary for those who show it.

    Mercy has always been manifested in people in their actions and always will be. People who come to the aid of the suffering, in need of help and do not require anything for it can be safely called merciful people who are ready to give a piece of their soul. Mercy cannot be seen; it must be felt in actions.

    Without mercy, the heart will become cold, stony, it will harden. And a moment will come when it will be impossible to distinguish good from evil, good from bad. This is spiritual death.

    Mercy is the ability to sincerely sympathize with the misfortune of your neighbor and help him in any way you can.

    In light of your question, is mercy ambiguous, I just want to remind you that there is such a melee weapon called mercyquot ;. It's such a narrow knife French it sounds like misericorde- such a narrow dagger of trihedral or diamond-shaped section. It was used in the Middle Ages by knights to finish off a fallen enemy in order to save him from a painful death in steel armor, when he could no longer rise due to injury and was bleeding. For the knights of the Order of the Hospitallers, it was an obligatory part of the armament.

    Here is such an ambiguous interpretation of this word.

    Mercy is helping the needy. Usually mercy gives rise to love for a particular person or for people in general. The less love in a person, the less mercy in him. At the same time, there is no love without mercy. Love is always merciful, forgives everything, endures everything, does not require anything in exchange - as it is written in the Bible, there are very good and real lines about true love!

    Why is mercy needed? Related question: Why do we need love? Love is the only meaning of life, I can’t find any more reason to live on this planet, only for the sake of love for people or at least for one person. Mercy, like love, is the meaning of life!

    It seems to me that mercy is the ability to sympathize, first of all. I think it is quite difficult to learn this (if at all possible), this ability is either in a person or not. It is unlikely that mercy can be ambiguousquot ;, selective, a merciful person will always remain so, in any situation. Also the question is it necessary to will never stand before him, since compassion is a property of his nature.

    Now fashionable to talk about mercy, kindness and forgiveness, but those who say this, most often just praise themselves in front of others. An example from BV, one especially merciful girl blacklisted me, who here writes to everyone about mercy and faith. She didn't even explain what she did. Clearly not out of great mercy, she did it. This example suggests that it is better not to talk about mercy and reason why it is needed (as if this is some kind of profitable deal), but to be essentially a non-malicious person. Only a heart of stone can say one thing and do another. Such a person always thinks that he is right.

    Mercy always comes from the soul is the desire to help a person. It's just a state of mind. At the same time, the person himself does not think how merciful he is acting, because otherwise it will not be mercy, but spiritual benefitquot ;, about which he will tell everyone else in order to make himself merciful in the eyes of others. I really don't like this kind of hypocrisy. By mercy, evil is conquered, because a person brings good to those who are waiting for this good. Goodness grows in him and he passes it on to those who need it. Shares love not with those who have enough of it, but with those who do not find it anywhere. That's real mercy.

    Mercy knows no boundaries between religions. If a person says that he is better than another and should go to heaven, be saved, be spiritually superior to other people of a different nationality and religion who live, for example, on the other side of the planet, then such a person cannot be called merciful. He does mercy out of excess of pride, not out of love.

How many articles have been written on the topic of mercy. Some try to reveal the essence of this virtue, the second - to show its significance, and still others completely refute its disinterestedness. And yet the essence of mercy, as before, eludes them, like a morning dream, dissolving in the depths of consciousness.

And all because you can’t just take and describe in ordinary words such a phenomenon as mercy. An example is what is needed for a better understanding. After all, only thanks to clear images is a person able to understand the thoughts of another person. Otherwise, the written text will remain only letters on the screen.

The explanatory dictionary gives us a rather dry meaning of this word. According to him, mercy is just a manifestation of compassion for another person. It is to forgive each other, throwing back all ambitions and prejudices.

It would seem that there is nothing to supplement this wording. But, rereading these lines again and again, you gradually become convinced that something is missing here. As if something unsaid remained in the shadows, capable of putting everything in its place.

After all, mercy is not just a feeling inside us. This is a powerful force capable of doing good deeds. And if you understand it, comprehend it and teach it to others, then soon the world will change forever. But let's talk about everything in order.

The invisible world of our soul

So, how to better understand Well, for this you need to look inside yourself. Try to consider that distant, unknown world in which our feelings live. After all, it is there that mercy is born and ripens.

But it cannot exist alone for long. Without love for neighbors and kindness in the heart, mercy quickly fades away. Therefore, only those who have cultivated these virtues in themselves can be called merciful. Awareness of this fact will help to better understand the nature of the concept we are considering, so to speak, to see its origins.

Why is mercy needed?

When discussing the topic of mercy, it is impossible not to ask: “Is it really so important in the modern world?” The question is entirely justified. After all, now is the era of progress, the world is ruled, and almost all acquaintances are based on mutual benefit. Has not mercy lost its significance in such a society?

The answer lies in the question itself. Yes, the world is becoming much harsher now, because capitalism and eternal competition have made us look like predators. But that is why kindness and mercy are so important now. Without them, people would long ago have cut each other's throats in pursuit of their piece of happiness.

Mercy is a restraining barrier that does not allow humanity to fall into the abyss of their ambitions and desires. It, like a small raft, keeps us afloat in a sea of ​​sins and vices. That's why modern world so much in need of such a virtue as mercy. An example proving the truth of this statement can be easily found in real life. After all, every day someone performs an act of mercy towards others. This may be the usual alms to the poor or the collection of money for the needs of the orphanage.

What is the difference between Christian and secular charity

Poems about mercy are a familiar norm for the Christian community. Many psalms and revelations deal with this theme. It is not surprising, because mercy to others is the main virtue for a believer. But is there any difference between the ordinary display of compassion and what Christians preach?

It must be understood that any Christian wants to go to heaven, otherwise what is the point of his faith? Naturally, one can argue with this statement, and yet ... there is hardly a person who voluntarily wants to go to hell. But now is not about that. More importantly, behind the manifestation of Christian mercy is almost always a desire to please God. That is, it is he who is the factor that affects the compassion of the believer.

If we talk about secular mercy, then it comes directly from the heart. Its source is also the values ​​of the individual. Such a person does not expect praise and reward from above, his goal is mercy itself. An example of this can be seen in situations where people are trying to decide certain things to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, help the wounded, and so on.

Mercy is an example of the noblest feeling

Although it does not matter what is the source of this feeling. Indeed, thanks to the actions that a person performs under his influence, the world becomes better day by day. Helping orphans, delivering medicines to fight hunger in African villages - all this became possible only thanks to the efforts of people in whose hearts the flame of mercy burns.

The good news is that you can see the manifestation of this virtue not only on the screen, but also in real life. A guy helping an old woman cross the road; a kind woman who daily feeds homeless dogs; an unknown writer reading fairy tales in an orphanage; thousands of volunteers donating blood for the needs of the hospital... All of them are vivid examples of human mercy, breaking the usual stereotypes of the modern world.