Analysis of Tyutchev's poem summer evening. Analysis of Tyutchev's poems "Summer Evening

Tyutchev has a large number of works about nature. He is often compared with Fet, who also has many works about various landscapes. But the works of these authors are completely different. Afanasy Fet tries to find in nature an echo of his own experiences, to let it through himself and to feel unity. Tyutchev, on the other hand, talks about nature itself, its beauty and how it is transformed. He does not touch on any of his experiences and writes only about what he sees.

In the work " Summer evening» There are both romanticism and various kinds of symbols. Tyutchev also makes a living creature out of nature, capable of thinking, breathing and feeling. AT this work such an ordinary event as a sunset can be seen from a completely different angle. From a simple phenomenon, the poet tried to make something unimaginable, and he undoubtedly succeeded.

The sun, stars, sky and air are part of nature, but Tyutchev made independent heroes out of them. Tyutchev built these heroes in a clear sequence. Thus he created his own hierarchy of values.

In the last lines, the poet says that Mother Nature is a true worker, thanks to whom magic happens.

Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "Summer Evening"

landscape lyrics Fyodor Tyutchev often compared with the works of no less subtle and thoughtful poet Athanasius Fet. However, in the verses of these authors, devoted to the description of nature and the elevation of its beauty to the absolute, there is one significant difference. Afanasy Fet seems to let what he sees through himself, looking for consonance with his own feelings and emotional experiences in the landscapes so dear to his heart. At the same time, Fedor Tyutchev, admiring the change of seasons or trying to capture the elusive moments of the transformation of nature, completely abstracts from personal experiences, concentrating only on what he sees.

The famous work of the poet "Summer Evening" is sustained in a similar manner. created in 1866. Despite the fact that by this time Tyutchev had experienced a personal tragedy, having lost his beloved and two children, there is not a single hint in the work of what is happening in the poet's soul. He appears in the image of a contemplative who has already managed to realize that life is short, and you need to enjoy every moment of it, released by fate.

"Summer evening"- a very romantic and sensual poem that reveals new facets of Tyutchev's poetic talent as a lyricist. This work contains both romanticism, and amazing imagery, and symbols that are characteristic of the work of this poet. In addition, Tyutchev again resorts to his favorite method of identifying nature with a living being that can think, breathe, feel and transform, creating an amazing illusion of the variability of the surrounding world. The poet compares the sun with a hot ball, which is the headdress of the earth. It was him that she “rolled off her head” before the onset of the evening, which was engulfed in a “fire”, suddenly swallowed up by a sea wave. The whimsical and somewhat pretentious style of presentation, characteristic of such literary movement, as romanticism, in this case tells of an ordinary sunset, which, thanks to Tyutchev's talent, turns into an unforgettable and colorful spectacle.

The poet also revives the first pale stars that appeared in the sky, believing that they "raised the vault of heaven with their wet heads." At the same time the air Tyutchev compares with the heavenly river, which after sunset "flows more fully between heaven and earth", giving a long-awaited feeling of freshness, when "the chest breathes easier and fuller, freed from heat." Indeed, the coolness of a summer evening can be compared to a stream of water that brings with it freshness and life-giving power, as if giving a long-awaited rest to a tired and heat-exhausted nature. At the same time, the poet emphasizes with what relief and gratitude the world accepts this priceless gift from heaven, which causes "sweet awe" in all life on earth. At the same time, Tyutchev compares nature with a beautiful, but tired maiden, for whom the evening coolness is a source of new strength before the next hot day, "as if hot springs touched her feet."

In a poem "Summer evening" there are several images that the author builds in a clear sequence, creating his own hierarchy of values. At the same time, the sun, stars, sky and air are only part of nature, but thanks to the very refined metaphors of the poet, they turn into independent heroes of the work. Nevertheless, in the final lines of the poem, Tyutchev emphasizes that mother nature is the true sorceress and worker, thanks to which all these amazing metamorphoses occur, which so struck the poet and inspired him to create this amazingly romantic work.

Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "Summer Evening" Grade 6

Before starting an analysis of the poem "Summer Evening" by Tyutchev, it should be noted that there is a significant difference in the manner of writing of the above authors. Afanasy Fet passes through himself what he saw, looking for an echo of his own emotional experiences and sensations in the landscapes dear to the heart. At the same time, Fyodor Tyutchev, trying to capture moments of natural transformation or admiring the change of seasons, abstracts

from their own experiences, concentrating only on what they saw. The famous work, which we will consider today, is also sustained in this manner.

This creation of a poetic genius was created in 1866. Tyutchev at that time managed to survive a personal tragedy. He lost his beloved, as well as two children, but the work lacks any hint of what was happening in the author's soul at the time of writing. He appears as a contemplative who has managed to realize the brevity of life and realized that you need to fully enjoy each of its moments.

Let's start the analysis of the poem "Summer Evening" by Tyutchev by noting that this is a very sensual and romantic poem, revealing new facets of Tyutchev's talent as a lyricist. The work has amazing figurativeness, romanticism and symbols characteristic of the work of this poet. Tyutchev again resorts to his favorite technique and identifies nature and a living being. With him, the world around him thinks, breathes, feels and transforms, creates the illusion of changeability.

The poet compares the sun with an unusual hot ball - the headdress of the earth itself. She rolls it off her head before the evening comes. He was engulfed in "fire" swallowed up by the wave of the sea. The unusual style of presentation, which is characteristic of romanticism, narrates in this poem about sunset.

Thanks to the talent of the author, the described phenomenon becomes an unforgettable and colorful spectacle. The poet revives the pale stars that first appear in the sky, describing how they lifted the vault of heaven with their wet heads. Tyutchev compares the air with a heavenly river, which, after sunset, flows more fully between earth and sky, giving a feeling of freshness, allowing you to breathe more fully and easier, freeing the world from heat. So we analyzed the poem "Summer Evening" by Tyutchev.

analysis of Tyutchev's poem summer evening grade 5

"Summer Evening" is not just landscape lyrics. An attempt is made in the poem to show not one specific picture, but the general essence of Russians. autumn evenings; not just to convey the impression, but to comprehend it as a phenomenon of the life of nature. An attempt to find analogies to natural phenomena in the phenomena of life of a “rational being”, that is, a person, speaks of the convergence and interpenetration in Tyutchev’s work of two worlds - man and nature, separated in the 18th century by the philosophy of the Enlightenment. The mysterious charm of autumn evenings becomes an occasion for reflection on human destiny and the divine essence of suffering.

The poem is saturated with epithets that create a feeling of rich painting: “touching, mysterious charm”, “ominous brilliance”, “... The languid, light rustle of crimson leaves”, // Foggy and quiet azure // Above the sad orphan earth ...”, “intermittent , cold wind”, “gentle smile of fading”. The “cold wind” that blows at times appears before us “as a premonition of descending storms”. In general, the whole poem is a detailed metaphor: the feeling that “the lordship of autumn evenings” evokes in the poet is felt by him as a gentle smile of withering, which is compared with the “divine bashfulness of suffering” in a person.

The color palette of the poem is unusual: the “lightness” of the evenings is combined with the “ominous brilliance” and “variegation of trees”, the “crimson” color of the leaves, and the “foggy” azure. Bright tones seem to be covered with a thin mist. Nature still lives, but the approach of winter sleep is already felt: “... and on everything // That meek smile of fading ...”

The poem is written in iambic pentameter, all three stanzas have a cross-rhyme. The rhyme of the poem is rich: azure - storms, withering - suffering, on everything - we call. In the first stanza, you should probably read: evenings are trees.

“Autumn Evening” with its beginning resembles the poem “There is in the original autumn ...” (1857). Twenty-seven years separate these works, and we can see how the poet moved from generalizing picturesqueness to capacious simplicity and conciseness.

Analysis of the poem by Fyodor Tyutchev "Summer Evening"

In many of his works, Fedor Tyutchev admires how the seasons change in nature, and tries to capture the unique moments of each season.

One of these pearls of poetry was presented to readers by the author in 1866 - the poem "Summer Evening". In fact, during this period, the poet's soul suffered from the loss of the closest people, but this was not reflected in the poetic work.

Here the lyrical hero is a witness to the fact that human life is unpredictable, so you need to appreciate every moment that has fallen to your lot. It is this verse that introduces Tyutchev to us as a subtle lyricist, because "Summer Evening" is a rather sensual work, in which there is both romance and saturation with symbolic images.

Tyutchev resorted to his favorite artistic device of impersonation. He has nature - a living entity that can breathe, reincarnate, having its own thoughts and feelings. The poet's imagination draws the Sun in comparison with the incandescent circle that covers our earth.

The stars in the evening sky are also animated, because in the eyes of the poet the stars lift the whole sky, and the air space is the river of heaven. Yes, and all the coolness of what has come is a watercourse that carries strength to nature exhausted by the scorching heat.

Poetry "Summer Evening" - a vivid example landscape lyrics romanticism. The theme is a demonstration of how beautiful mother nature is, having a resemblance to a person.

The main idea is that a cool evening after the heat of the day is a true source of vitality needed for the upcoming hot day tomorrow.
The work consists of 4 four-line stanzas. The poetic size is iambic tetrameter, the rhyme is crossed, lines 1 and 3 are male rhymes, lines 2 and 4 are female.

He also draws and sings such images as the sun, the starry sky, fresh air, etc., the components of nature. Here there are such artistic devices as personifications (“the wave ... swallowed”), comparison, the verse is also rich in metaphors (for example, “a river of air”).

You can see in the poem and examples of inversion (example: “touched the key waters”). Such an indirect word order gives the poem pathos. Expresses elation and the obsolete word "her" ("her").

Yes, and all the works of Tyutchev "Summer Evening" - a solemn hymn to Mother Nature and the summer heat.

A detailed analysis of the poem "Summer Evening" by Tyutchev

Today we will analyze the poem "Summer Evening" by Tyutchev. The landscape lyrics of this author are often compared with the works of the no less thoughtful and subtle romantic Athanasius Fet.

Close in sound

Before starting an analysis of the poem "Summer Evening" by Tyutchev, it should be noted that there is a significant difference in the manner of writing of the above authors. Afanasy Fet passes through himself what he saw, looking for an echo of his own emotional experiences and sensations in the landscapes dear to the heart. At the same time, Fyodor Tyutchev, trying to capture moments of natural transformation or admiring the change of seasons, abstracts from his own experiences, concentrating only on what he saw. The famous work, which we will consider today, is also sustained in this manner.

Fedor Tyutchev, "Summer Evening" - analysis of the poem

This creation of a poetic genius was created in 1866. Tyutchev at that time managed to survive a personal tragedy. He lost his beloved, as well as two children, but the work lacks any hint of what was happening in the author's soul at the time of writing. He appears as a contemplative who has managed to realize the brevity of life and realized that you need to fully enjoy each of its moments. Let's start the analysis of the poem "Summer Evening" by Tyutchev by noting that this is a very sensual and romantic poem, revealing new facets of Tyutchev's talent as a lyricist. The work has amazing figurativeness, romanticism and symbols characteristic of the work of this poet. Tyutchev again resorts to his favorite technique and identifies nature and a living being. With him, the world around him thinks, breathes, feels and transforms, creates the illusion of changeability.

The poet compares the sun with an unusual hot ball - the headdress of the earth itself. She rolls it off her head before the evening comes. He was engulfed in "fire" swallowed up by the wave of the sea. The unusual style of presentation, which is characteristic of romanticism, tells in this poem about the sunset. Thanks to the talent of the author, the described phenomenon becomes an unforgettable and colorful spectacle. The poet revives the pale stars that first appear in the sky, describing how they lifted the vault of heaven with their wet heads. Tyutchev compares the air with a heavenly river, which, after sunset, flows more fully between earth and sky, giving a feeling of freshness, allowing you to breathe more fully and easier, freeing the world from heat. So we analyzed the poem "Summer Evening" by Tyutchev.

Listen to Tyutchev's poem Summer Evening

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Picture for composition analysis of the poem Summer Evening

/ / / Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "Summer Evening"

The creative works of Fyodor Tyutchev, dedicated to landscape lyrics, have their own characteristics. The author always watched with tenderness and delight the cyclical nature, the change of seasons, the dying of all living things in autumn and rebirth in spring. Tyutchev tried not to entangle personal life experiences in the poems of landscape lyrics. An example of such work was the poem "Summer Evening".

This poetic work is a magnificent, lyrical masterpiece by Fyodor Tyutchev. It is in it that the poet uses his favorite literary device - he enlivens nature and its phenomena. She can breathe, feel, change.

Tyutchev uses comparisons and calls the sun a hot ball. And this ball can be represented as a headdress of the earth. It is at the onset of evening that she rolls him over the horizon. In an instant, an ordinary sunset turns into an amazing sight. And all thanks to the talented skill of the author. The stars come alive in the night sky.

Tyutchev calls the air currents a heavenly river, which gives freshness to the world around him, freeing him from the heat of the day. And everything in nature gratefully accepts such a life-giving air flow, which helps to take a break from the baking heat. It is this evening coolness that gives a surge of new strength, energy for all living things that are on earth.

In the poetic work "Summer Evening" Fyodor Tyutchev builds a kind of chain of natural phenomena that replace each other in turn. Instead of the sun, stars appear in the dark sky, which is gradually filled with fresh air. Such natural phenomena become the heroes of poetic work.

In the last lines of his work, the poet writes about mother nature, which is able to change all the above phenomena. Only she can lead and manage them.

The exquisite Russian poet - Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev - was born on November 23 in the distant 1803. The childhood of the future author passed in the village of Ovstug, which was located in the Oryol province. Fedor's family belonged to the old noble family and was very friendly.

The boy was getting home education. The training was led by a young man who was a poet-translator studying ancient culture. His name was Semyon Raich. It was he who introduced Fedor to many works known throughout the world by both Russian and foreign artists. The first creative experience was obtained under the guidance of Raic and no one else. Fedor was a good student and by the age of 12 he could easily translate Horace.

In the 18th year of the nineteenth century, F.I. Tyutchev entered the Moscow University at the faculty dedicated to the study of literature. He takes an active part in the development of the literary life of the university. Ends educational institution externally two years later. He receives the title of candidate of verbal sciences and enters the service of the board of foreign affairs.

He works in Moscow for two months, after which he goes abroad as an official with a specific mission - he is a diplomat. His literary life does not hide behind, on the contrary, Fedor has the opportunity to get acquainted with many prominent figures in Europe and develop.

Abroad, namely in Germany and Italy, Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev lives for at least 22 years. Here he meets his first love, and also gets acquainted with many world-famous cultural figures. Fedor translates the works of Heine, as well as the philosopher Schelling.

In 1837, the author received a new elevated position, he was appointed first secretary in Turin. It is in this year that he loses his wife, who dies of tuberculosis. In 1839 he again marries a new beloved. Because of this wedding, his career abroad is destroyed. Fedor resigns and settles in Munich, where he lives for another five years. During this time, he tried with all his might to return to the service.

In 1944, together with his family, Fedor Tyutchev went to Russia. Six months later, he is enrolled in the ranks of Russian diplomats - he enters the service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Here he is very fond of journalism, which is why he writes political articles, talking about the inevitability of a clash between Russia and the West.

Features of the work of F. I. Tyutchev

The landscape lyrics of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev are liked by many critics of both the past and the present. The works created by the author are compared with the works of world figures. For example, some critics compare the works of Fedor with the works of Alexander Fet, who, like Tyutchev, wrote poetry with subtle and thoughtful content.

Despite the similarities that took place in the works, Tyutchev's poems, which were devoted to descriptions of natural landscapes, as well as admiration for their beauty, there is one important difference. For example, Athanasius Fet's works are passed through themselves, revealing the beauties of landscapes dear to the heart, as well as various emotional experiences hidden deep. Fedor admired the changes of the seasons and various features of natural nature, he tried to convey to the reader all the details, as well as almost elusive moments that a simple person does not pay attention to in everyday life, with the highest quality. The author abstracts the reader from constant experiences of a personal nature and tries to concentrate precisely on those things that he sees in front of him and describes.

Features of the work "Summer Evening"

It is in this manner, which is described above, that the work called "Summer Evening" was written. This masterpiece was created in old age - in 1866. By the time of writing, the author had already suffered a tragedy. Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev lost his beloved, as well as two beloved children. Despite such features, the work does not contain a single hint of what was going on in the author's soul at that moment in his life path.

The lyrical hero of the work "Summer Evening" appears in the form of a kind of contemplator. This person has long been able to understand that life path very short. To live a normal and happy life, you will need to enjoy almost every moment that fate has presented to you.

Analysis of the poem "Summer Evening"

This work is a very romantic and sensual masterpiece, which reveals the features of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev's talent as qualitatively as possible. The poem has both special notes of romanticism, and amazing turns that reveal imagery, as well as various symbols that are characteristic of the work of this particular poet.

In the work "Summer Evening" the author uses his favorite techniques. The most common is the identification of natural nature and a certain living being that is capable of breathing, thinking about life, and feeling everything around. Nature is transformed from time to time, creating an exquisite illusion of the variability of the whole world.

The sun is compared to a specific hot ball, which is used as a headdress. earth's surface. It was this object that the Earth rolled off its head at the onset of the evening time of the day. At the same time, the entire surface was engulfed in fire, which, for no reason at all, was swallowed up by a sea wave.

The work has a very bizarre and in its own way pretentious style of presentation. text information and presentations. Such features are characteristic only of romanticism. In this case, it tells about an exquisite sunset, which, with the help of the creative approach of Fedor Ivanovich, turned into an unforgettable and special spectacle, overflowing with beauty.

Particular attention is paid to many details related to the evening sky. For example, stars are represented as pale elements that appear from time to time in the sky. This feature significantly enlivens the entire structure of the work "Summer Evening". The surrounding air space in the evening is compared to a celestial river that flows after sunset and gives a peculiar feeling of exquisite freshness. This allows you to breathe easier, and also frees you from the summer, ordinary hot day.

The coolness present in the evening is comparable to a certain stream of water, which carries a life-giving force, freeing the entire surrounding space. Only she is able to give a long-awaited rest to nature, which is exhausted after the exhausting summer heat.

In the work "Summer Evening" Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev notes with what ease, full of gratitude, the world around perceives these gifts of heaven. This contributes to the formation of a sweet thrill in all living beings and plants.

Natural nature in the poem is compared with a beautiful and tired maiden from the heat of the day. It is in the cool of the evening that the source of her strength is hidden. She is gaining strength to survive another summer day.

The poem "Summer Evening" reveals many images. In the course of the plot of the work, they line up in a consistent chain and create a hierarchy using key values. The bright sun, the pale stars, and also the air space are part of natural landscape, which is used and presented by the author in a peculiar way. Each individual element is an independent hero of the work, independent of anyone.

The final lines of the verse "Summer Evening" emphasize with the highest quality that Mother Nature is the real world sorceress and constant worker. Only thanks to it are various metamorphoses able to come true. They greatly affect Tyutchev and inspire him to create exquisite works of a romantic orientation.

Tyutchev devoted many of his poems to nature, different times of the year. One of these is "Summer Evening". Brief analysis"Summer Evening" according to the plan, intended for students in grade 5, will help them understand the features of this work. In literature lessons, it can be used both as a main and as an additional material.

Brief analysis

History of creation- it was written in 1866, after Tyutchev had experienced a great personal tragedy.

Topic- the value of life, which is so unpredictable that you need to appreciate every moment.

Composition It is a one-part composition consisting of four stanzas.

Genre- landscape lyrics with philosophical elements.

Poetic size- iambic tetrameter with cross rhyme.

epithets“hot ball”, “peaceful fire”, “sea wave”, “wet domes”, “vault of heaven”, “air river”, “sweet thrill”.

Avatars“the earth rolled down”, “the stars ascended, “the stars lifted up”, “veins of nature”.

Metaphors“the wave swallowed the fire of the evening”, “the stars lifted the vault of heaven”.

Comparison“a thrill like a jet”.

History of creation

Tyutchev wrote this work during a difficult life period for himself, when he experienced the loss of his beloved and two daughters. And yet, as a true creator, the poet managed to renounce personal tragedy and write a beautiful poem filled with joy and bright feelings. It appeared in 1866, and the history of creation poetic lines closely related to what the author saw around him.


The main theme of the poem is the need to enjoy life, to enjoy wonderful moments, because human existence is unpredictable. It is this idea that he expresses through artistic images, symbolically showing the beauty of the surrounding world.

As a subtle landscape lyricist, he completely renounces his own experiences, trying to focus on conveying to the reader the picture he has seen. Indeed, it seems to have been painted with the brush of a skilled artist, who, in addition, was able to convey both sensations and smells.


From the point of view of composition, this is a fairly simple work: it consists of four stanzas, each of which describes its own part. natural phenomenon. Thus, the first stanza describes a picture of a sunset, from which we can understand that the charm of a summer evening is enhanced by the fact that the lyrical hero contemplates it somewhere by the sea.

The second stanza is a description of the sky, in which the first stars have already appeared, from which the firmament seems higher. In the third stanza, Tyutchev describes not only the surrounding lyrical hero peace - when the air flows more freely, not restrained by the heat, but also the human condition: after a hot day, the long-awaited coolness is finally felt, thanks to which it becomes easier to breathe. And that in itself is a gift.

Finally, the fourth stanza is an elusive moment of revival of nature, which has been exhausted from the heat all day. And here the author enhances the personification: nature in his interpretation feels like a person who has dipped his hot feet into spring water. It is this feeling of illumination that the evening brings with it.


This is landscape lyrics, in which, however, philosophical motives can also be traced. Tyutchev created a very sensual verse, built on the sensations of a person observing a picture of a summer evening that has come to replace an obviously sultry day. And at the same time, the subtext of the work is obvious: the poet speaks of a person's life, which should be enjoyed. After all, no one knows what moment will be his last.

The style of presentation is quite unusual for Fyodor Ivanovich, who rarely resorted to romantic techniques. However, it was they who helped him not only create an unforgettable spectacle, but also convey the emotions of the lyrical hero that he experiences when contemplating the beauty of the world around him.

To convey the mood and enhance the poetic effect, the author uses iambic tetrameter and cross-rhyming. The simplicity of the poetic meter makes it easy to perceive the poem, at the same time deepening it and making it diverse.

means of expression

Quite a small work “Summer Evening” Tyutchev saturated with a variety of paths. For creating artistic effect He used:

  • epithets- “hot ball”, “peaceful fire”, “sea wave”, “wet domes”, “vault of heaven”, “air river”, “sweet thrill”.
  • Avatars- “the earth rolled down”, “the stars ascended, “the stars lifted up”, “veins of nature”.
  • Metaphors- “the wave swallowed the fire of the evening”, “the stars lifted the vault of heaven”.
  • Comparison- "trembling, like a jet."

Creating a solemn hymn to nature, the poet also did not forget about inversions and obsolete words, which made it more solemn and convincing.

A feature of the landscape lyrics of Tyutchev Fedor Ivanovich is the fact that no matter how he compares nature with man, he never described his feelings, only what he sees and thinks. With such aspects, the poem "Summer Evening" was written in 1866. Shortly before the creation of the poem, the author lost his beloved and two children, but there is not the slightest hint of emotional experiences in the poem. It shows that life is short, and you need to have time to enjoy every moment.

The evening itself is a wonderful part of the day, and if it is also a summer evening, then it is simply impossible not to describe it in verse. The work "Summer Evening" is very sensual and romantic. In this poem there are all the symbols characteristic of the author and romanticism, and lyrics, and imagery. But in addition to all this, he again uses the comparison of a living being with nature. He describes the sun as the headdress of the earth, which is swallowed up by the waves. A rich description of the stars and air, which is compared to a celestial river. For him, nature is like a young, beautiful maiden, tired of her day's work, but the fresh coolness of the evening gives her new strength for the next hot day.

The poem was written by the beloved author in four-foot consonant iambic with cross rhyming. Tyutchev used several consecutive images in the work. Thanks to well-chosen metaphors, the sky, sun, air, stars are presented as part of nature, turning into real heroes of the poem. And in the final lines, the author emphasizes that nature is the only worker due to which all these amazing things happen. It was they who inspired and amazed the poet to create such a romantic and beautiful poem. The use of romance and landscape lyrics gives refinement and surprisingness to the works.