Address 106 airborne division. Airborne divisions. About division names

Russia consists of regiments, separate brigades and four divisions. These military formations are deployed in Pskov, Ivanovo, Novorossiysk and Tula. According to experts, the 106th Tula Airborne Division is rightfully considered legendary. At the connection rich story, which with its origins dates back to the times of the Great Patriotic War. Information on the creation, composition and tasks of the 106th Airborne Division can be found in this article.

Acquaintance with the military formation

The Tula Red Banner Order of Kutuzov 106 Airborne Division is a unit of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, and later - Russia. Parts are deployed in Tula, Naro-Fominsk and Ryazan. April 26 is the day of the 106th Airborne Division. The military unit is conventionally referred to as military unit 55599. Its headquarters is in the city of Tula.

Address 106 Airborne Division

For those who want to meet directly with the deputy commander of the regiment in charge of personnel, you should contact the headquarters of the division of military unit 55599. It is located on Svobody Street, 52 in Tula. The address of the 51st regiment of the 106th airborne division is st. Komsomolskaya, 190. Military unit 33842 is stationed here. The oath is also taken here. Anyone who wants to attend the celebration should arrive at this address. The 106th Airborne Division was created in 1943. In the following decades, the connection was repeatedly reformed. About the history of creation airborne division No. 106 later in the article.

The beginning of the creation of a military unit

In June 1943, the 7th and 17th Airborne Guards Brigades were formed. There were 5,800 soldiers in the state. These formations were assigned to the Moscow Military District (VO). At the end of 1943, the district was replenished with guards airborne brigades No. 4 and 7, which had previously been deployed on the Ukrainian front. 1944 was the year of the formation in the city of Stupino of the 16th Guards Airborne Division with a strength of 12,000 servicemen. At its core were separate brigades No. 4, 7 and 17. The staff consisted of Komsomol members and cadets-graduates of military schools, as well as officers, for the most part with rich combat experience.

The division used the latest weapons and equipment, including vehicles with high cross-country ability. In 1944, the 16th Guards Airborne Division was relocated to the Mogilev region in the city of Starye Dorogi. In August of the same year, it was supplemented by the newly formed 38th Guards Airborne Corps, which was soon reinforced by the Separate Guards Airborne Army. In December, this military unit was reorganized into the 9th Guards Army, and the 38th Corps was renamed the Guards Rifle Corps. After Order No. 0047 issued by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the 16th Guards Airborne Division is listed as the 106th Guards Rifle Division, assigned to the 38th Guards Rifle Corps.

Further reforms

At the end of the Great Patriotic War, the military command of the Soviet Union considered it necessary to conduct planned combat training in the Airborne Forces of the Red Army. In 1946, all formations of the 106th division were returned back to the USSR. In accordance with Decree No. 1154474 issued by the Council of Ministers, the 106th Guards Rifle Division of the Red Banner Order of Kutuzov was reorganized into the 106th Guards Airborne Division. In July, the city of Tula became the place of deployment. The division reinforced the 38th Guards Airborne Vienna Corps with headquarters in Tula.

In 1947, the Airborne Division was awarded the Guards Battle Banner. In 1948, the 38th Vienna Corps, together with the 106th division, became part of the USSR Airborne Forces Army. In 1953, this military unit was disbanded. In 1956, the same fate awaited the Vienna Corps.

Since that time, the division has been directly subordinate to the commander of the Airborne Forces. The state is represented by three regiments, each of which has its own battalion. Additionally, the 137th Guards was included in the 106th division. parachute regiment, formerly part of the 11th airborne division. The regiment was stationed in Ryazan. In March 1960, the Minister of Defense of the Soviet Union signed a Directive, according to which the 351st Guards Airborne Regiment (PAP) was transferred from the 106th Division to the 105th Guards Vienna Red Banner Division. The 105th Airborne Division itself was transferred to the Uzbek SSR in the city of Fergana. This military formation is listed behind the Turkestan military district.

About division names

From its inception to the present day, the 106th Airborne Division had several full names. The formations were called:

  • 16th Guards Airborne Division (since January 1944);
  • 106th Guards Rifle Division (since December 1944);
  • 106th Guards Rifle Division of the Order of Kutuzov (since April 1945);
  • 106th Guards Red Banner Rifle Division (at the end of the Great Patriotic War);
  • 106th Guards Airborne Red Banner Division, Order of Kutuzov (since June 1946);
  • 106th Guards Airborne Tula Red Banner Division, Order of Kutuzov (since August 2015).

About purpose

Being effective tool offensive wars, perform the following tasks:

  • operate behind enemy lines;
  • make deep raids;
  • by means of parachute and landing landing, they seize strategically important and control objects of the enemy, bridgeheads and enemy communications;
  • carry out sabotage.

Composition of the 106th Airborne Division

Since 2017, the airborne division has been completed with the following military formations.

  • Guards Airborne Red Banner Order of Suvorov Regiment No. 51. The regiment of the 106th Airborne Division is stationed in the city of Tula.
  • 137th Guards Airborne Regiment of the Order of the Red Star (Ryazan military unit 41450).
  • 1182 Guards Artillery Novgorod Red Banner Regiment of the Orders of Kutuzov, Suvorov, Alexander Nevsky and Bogdan Khmelnitsky (military unit 93723 in Naro-Fominsk).
  • First Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment (military unit 71298 in Naro-Fominsk).
  • A separate tank company in Tula.
  • 173rd Separate Guards Reconnaissance Battalion (military unit 54392 in Tula).
  • 388th Separate Guards Engineer Battalion (military unit 12159 in Tula).
  • 731st Separate Guards Communications Battalion. Soldiers serve in the Tula military unit No. 93687.
  • A separate EW company in Tula.
  • Separate battalion 1060, engaged in material support. The service is carried out in military unit No. 14403 in Slobodka.
  • Separate airmobile medical detachment No. 39. (military unit 52296 in Tula).
  • 970th separate company responsible for landing support. Conditionally listed as military unit 64024. Stationed in Tula.
  • 1883rd courier-postal communication station. (Tula military unit No. 54235).

About command

From 1991 to the present day, the leadership of the military formation was carried out by officers:

  • Major General Kolmakov A.P. (commander of the airborne division from 1991 to 1993);
  • from 1993 to 2004, Major General E. Yu. Savilov;
  • from 2004 to 2007, Major General A. N. Serdyukov;
  • in 2007, Major General E. A. Ustinov;
  • Guards Major General Vyaznikov A. Yu. (2007-2010);
  • Guards Colonel Naumts A. V. (2010);
  • Guards Colonel Anashkin G. V. (from 2010 to 2011);
  • from 2011 to 2013, Major General V. A. Kochetkov;
  • from 2013 to 2015 - Major General Glushenkov D.V.

From 2015 to the present, the commander of the 106th Airborne Division - Kirsi P. V. in the rank of Major General of the Guard.

The result of the activities of the military unit

At the end of the Great Patriotic War, military experts calculated that 64 thousand soldiers were destroyed and captured by the guards. German soldiers and officers, 316 self-propelled artillery mounts and tanks, 971 different-caliber guns, 6,371 military vehicles, 3,600 railway cars and 29 aircraft. In addition, a huge number of ammunition depots were destroyed and military equipment. The servicemen of the division covered over 6 thousand km.

About awards

Government awards were received by 7,401 servicemen of the 106th division. According to experts, some soldiers and officers were awarded several awards for their courage during the hostilities. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was received by N. S. Rybakov (guard foreman), V. T. Polyakov (guards junior lieutenant) and V. P. Selishchev (guards senior lieutenant).

On the military reform of 2008-2009

After the collapse of the Soviet Union until 2005, the division included the Guards Parachute Regiment No. 119, which was considered one of the best in the unit. According to experts, it was the most combat-ready unit in the division. The fighters of this regiment were attracted to perform the most responsible and complex tasks. Seventeen of her soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of Russia. In 2008, the Russian army command planned to disband the division, and equip other divisions with the remaining formations. However, this decision was cancelled. In August 2015, the President of Russia signed a decree, according to which the 106th division was given the name "Tula".

About combat use

Servicemen of regiment 51, 106 of the airborne division (Tula) participated in combat operations in Austria, the Czech Republic and Hungary. Unlike many similar military formations, division No. 106 never changed its point of deployment.

In the city of Tula, the connection has been listed since 1946. In 1967, an armed conflict began between and the SRV. The command of the USSR was forced to transfer the 137th parachute regiment to Transbaikalia guards division. When the Chinese troops were withdrawn from Vietnam, the Soviet command decided to conduct regimental exercises on the territory of Mongolia. The landing took place near the Chinese border from two aircraft. Due to strong winds, three soldiers were killed. Many soldiers escaped with various injuries and fractures. 50 people needed urgent hospitalization. As a result, the Soviet command was forced to stop the exercises.

In 1967, as a result of a coup in Athens, the "black colonels" G. Papodopouls came to power. A new anti-communist military regime was approved in Greece. In order to protect the socialist People's Republic of Bulgaria from possible aggression from Greece, the Soviet military command held joint military exercises in the Black Sea, which are known in history as Operation Rhodopi.

In February 1988, the military personnel of the regiment under the command of Colonel V. Khatskevich were sent to the airfield near the city of Baku. At that time, Armenian pogroms began to gain momentum there. The task of the military personnel of the airborne division was to restore order in the city.

In addition, this military unit was involved in the First and Second Chechen wars. In April 2000, near the settlement of Serzhen-Yurt, soldiers of the division were ambushed by Chechen fighters led by commanders Abu al-Walid and Abu Jafar. According to experts, despite the tragic events that took place in the history of the guards parachute regiment, the formation of the Chechen war passed with dignity.

The 106th division was not sent to Afghanistan, but more than half were there officers and ensigns. The division also performed combat missions, namely, suppressing anti-Soviet speeches and restoring order in the territory of the Transcaucasus and North Asia. After the collapse of the USSR, the unit had to operate in Kabul and Transnistria.

The story of one tragic landing
(to the question of the exercises of the 106th Airborne Division in Mongolia at the beginning of 1979)

In the history of the Soviet Airborne Forces, there were and still are many
studied questions. And, of course, there are reasons for that. One-
one of the poorly covered problems of the historiography of the Winged Guards
are the facts of the tragic death of Soviet paratroopers during training
ny in peacetime.
Such an almost unexplored page in the annals of the Soviet landing
that is the history of the teachings of the 106th (Tula) airborne division
zia on the Mongolian-Chinese border in February 1979, when
more than 40 airborne troops were crippled. This tragedy, hidden leadership
the property of the USSR from the Soviet people, could, obviously, not happen,
if the top leadership of these major exercises had refrained
from an ill-conceived order to land the guards on the Mongolian
land in completely unacceptable conditions for this.
This is our version of the story. The beginning of 1979 was marked
a new aggravation of Soviet-Chinese relations. This process,
caught by geopolitical and other factors, has become a progressive
after the death of the famous Chinese leader Mao Tse Tung in
1976, when the new Chinese political leadership led by Deng Xiao
Pinom began to revise some of the former principles of foreign
Chinese politics. The 11th Congress of the Communist Party of China proclaimed an openly anti-Soviet
well. Moreover, the Constitution of the People's Republic of China at the same time was introduced (according to
decisions of the XI Congress of the CPC) the most important amendment, in accordance with which
swarm of the USSR was proclaimed the first enemy of China. At the same time, the
the long-suffering Vietnam was proclaimed the home of China, recently
poor in the war with the American invaders. Vietnam, converted
which by that time had grown into a single social republic, strove
conduct independent foreign policy aimed at friendship
with the countries of the socialist camp. The Vietnamese leadership also
begins to pursue a course of rapprochement with neighboring Laos, a small
country (3.4 million people), which chose socialism.
To the envious and malicious leaders of China, such a position
things were haunted, which eventually led to the war. February 17, 1979
China carried out aggression against Vietnam.

On the same day 12 China-
Russian divisions on a front of 1200 km invaded Vietnamese territory.
Soviet Union bound by allied obligations with friendship
military Vietnam, could not react indifferently to this event.
Already on February 19, the government newspaper Pravda published
vano statement of the leadership of the USSR. This statement stated,
“that China’s attack on Vietnam once again shows that
how irresponsibly Beijing treats the destinies of the world, with what
with criminal ease, the Chinese leadership uses weapons. The statement also spoke about the assurance of the USSR to fulfill
obligations assumed by the Soviet side under the treaty of friendship and cooperation
cooperation between the USSR and Vietnam.
What was practically backed up by the Soviet demarche?
By official version Soviet historiography of the USSR
additional assistance to friendly Vietnam in the form of supplies,
providing military advisers, etc. In the second volume of "History
foreign policy of the USSR "(M., 1986) on this occasion it is said:"
At the same time, the Soviet Union took measures to provide additional
additional assistance to Vietnam, supplying him with everything that was required
to repel the aggressor."
Already on February 19, 1979, a group of advisers (20 people), headed by
Army General G. Obaturov arrived in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam.
After assessing the situation on the ground and listening to the reports of the Vietnamese leadership,
of the General Staff, Soviet specialists convinced the Vietnamese leader
Le Duan to transfer an army corps from Kampuchea to Langshon
direction, as well as redeploy in the same direction
active division BM-21.
A group of different councils participated in repelling Chinese aggression.
sky specialists (pilots, signalmen, rocket men, etc.). Unfortunately not
there were no casualties among the Soviet officers. In March 1979, under
Da Nang (port in South Vietnam) crashed during landing approach
Vietnamese airliner AN-24, on board of which were Air Force General Malykh
and five instructor officers. They all died.
However, the USSR took another action to put pressure on China.
tai. To scare off an aggressive neighbor, it was decided to hold a
Mongolian-Chinese border demonstration of military power, figuratively
rattling, rattling weapons and flexing muscles. Today there are few
knows that in Mongolia, a vassal state from the USSR at that time (since
1967) there was a group of thousands of Soviet troops in
becoming the 39th combined arms army stationed on the Mongolian land
le. It included several motorized rifle and tank divisions, on the-
subordinated to the Trans-Baikal Military District. At the beginning
1979, three divisions were transferred to Mongolia from Siberia and Zabai-
calla. In this situation, it was decided to use advanced
units of the 39th Army as a political club against the aggressor -
China. In February-March 1979, major combined-arms
high exercises in the military districts bordering China in Mongolia and
Far East. These unprecedented maneuvers involved
about 200 thousand people. Transferred from Ukraine and Belarus
military aviation. In the demonstration of forces, it was also decided to involve
and a whole formation of the Soviet Airborne Forces.
Logically, it was reasonable to involve in this demonstration
vat those units of the Airborne Forces that were stationed in the Far East. One-
However, the main forces of the Airborne Forces were located on the western borders of the USSR, and
also in Transcaucasia and Central Asia. On the Far Eastern borders with
China, only the 11th separate airborne assault rifle stationed in Mogocha, near
Cheats. This one of the first ODSHBR was created in 1968 and was located
in operational subordination of the Trans-Baikal Military District. But this
brigade decided not to touch.
The choice of the top military leadership fell on the 106th Guards
Airborne Red Banner Order of Kutuzov 2nd degree
division. Why was it decided to use this airborne unit?
The 106th (Tula) Airborne Division was rightfully considered one of the best formations
Winged Guard. It is no coincidence that this particular division participated
repeatedly in responsible and experimental exercises, as well as
performed high governmental tasks. Here are a few examples
In 1957, the Tula paratroopers ensured the landing of the first
space projectiles with four-legged astronauts - dogs Bel-
ka, Strelka, Chernushka. And a few years later, the guards of the 106th Airborne Division
were honored to meet the landing site of cosmonaut Yuri
At the end of the 50s. (already under V.F. Margelov) soldiers of the Tula division
The Airborne Forces participated in extreme climatic landing in
expanses of the Arctic. In the midst of the Margelov reforms of the Airborne Forces in the early 70s
x years. Tula paratroopers were among the first to master the new
sant armored vehicles BMD-1 and BTRD. The award was the pennant of the USSR Ministry of Defense
"For courage and military prowess." Tula division repeatedly
was also involved in extinguishing forest fires in the Moscow region and in the Central
tral Non-Chernozem.
The question arises: why exactly the 106th Airborne Division was decided to land
on the Mongolian-Chinese border? After all, this division was
stationed near Moscow and, obviously, was aimed at the European
sky theater of operations. Why didn’t they choose the airborne divisions, stationed
cited in Transcaucasia (104th Kirovobad Airborne Division) and Central Asia
(105th Ferghana Airborne Division)? These formations of the Winged Guards were trained
Cheny to fight in the conditions of mountainous desert terrain. Obviously,
the reasons are to be found in the political realm. At the beginning of 1979 in
Iran was restless. Iranian dissatisfaction with the Shah's despotism
regime threatened to turn into a revolutionary explosion, which happened
November 10-11, 1979 The monarchical regime in Iran was overthrown, and by
Muslim clergy led by Ayatollah R. Ha-
me. It was also restless in neighboring Afghanistan, where in April
In 1978, after overthrowing the Daoud regime, the PDPA communists came to power. AT
a civil war broke out in this then friendly country,
there was a threat of drawing the Soviet troops into the civil strife of the DRA.
Therefore, the 105th and 104th airborne divisions were on the alert.
The 106th Airborne Division, although it was considered a "forest" division, nevertheless
had experience in landing in a mountainous desert area. Back in 1966
The 137th Guards Airborne Regiment took part in a major
exercises in the territory of Transcaucasia and successfully landed on
mountainous ground. In 1978, the same 137th regiment, as part of an experiment,
santed to the mountain-desert territory.
So, the choice was made. The 106th Airborne Division was transferred to Mongolia.
From fragmentary sources, it is difficult to determine exactly what
whether the full strength of the Tula division went to the exercises in the distant
The book "Airborne Troops of Russia" states: "In
1979, the division was alerted and a few days later received
la participation in exercises on the territory of Mongolia.
Armada of military transport aircraft with Tula paratroopers
and armored vehicles on board headed east. It was almost
an exemplary airborne campaign with a length of several
thousand kilometers. Landing liners flew at high altitude. For
refueling aviation fuel, several landings were made.
The exact location of the exercise cannot be determined by the researcher.
managed. It is only known that the landing took place in the desert
The Gobi is a few kilometers from the Mongolian-Chinese border. In our
disposal is a valuable memoir source that allows you to partially
reproduce the dramatic picture of what happened. This is a memory
Air Force officer (helicopter pilot) V.G. Domracheva, included in the collection -
nickname “Scorched by Afghan. Participants of the Afghan war tell.
In early 1979, this officer served in a squadron of transport helicopters.
years, providing transportation of goods throughout Mongolia, on the territory
in which many Soviet military units were stationed.
As it appears from the memoirs of V.G. Domrachev and some others
sources, the exercises were led by a group of high-ranking officials
ditch headed by the First Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR
scrap by Sergei Leonidovich Sokolov, on whom she now depended
the fate of the landing, for it was this person who had to give the command
for landing in frosty and very windy weather.
V.G. Domrachev recalls: “A piercing wind was blowing. blades
helicopters waved like the wings of a bird. "If the wind does not calm down, then you-
there will be no landing," I thought.
Forty minutes later a messenger came to us from the head of the field.
Comrade and told us to get ready for the meeting of the main group of helicopters
comrade with the leadership of the exercises. We had to show those who were sitting down
helicopter landing sites.
Ten minutes later, the real pandemonium began -
one after another, helicopters flew up and landed with high-ranking officers
There were 10 helicopters in the village, but there was no Chief, and a place near the podium
remained free. The officers went to the podium, and immediately appeared
helicopter with Chief. When Marshal Sokolov appeared, the situation
revived, the officers ran, fussed. After short presentations
places on the podium were occupied, and one after another with an interval of one
a minute from the north began to appear landing aircraft IL-
An on-board technician approached me and asked: “Commander, is it really in
such a wind will throw paratroopers?
“You shouldn’t,” I replied, “it’s murder!”
The movement of the generals began in the stands, Sokolov approached
Commander of the Airborne Forces and reported that strong wind and perform a throw
it is impossible (highlighted by us - D.S.). He lowered his head, shook her and said
hall: "Let's make a trial landing - from one plane of people,
of the two - technology. No one objected, everyone silently watched
impending tragedy.
From the side of the leader of the ejection came the words: “The ejection
I allow!”
So the order came in. Military transport liners one by one
gim soared into the sky. In the wombs of the aircraft was the personnel of 137-
1st regiment of the 106th Airborne Forces with standard armored vehicles. At the forefront
divisional landing were soldiers of the regiment's reconnaissance company. In addition to the
vedchiks in one plane were BMD-1 drivers, and
also officers of the regiment. In the second IL-76 aircraft, there were three
bathroom "beemdashki".
The advance detachment of the Tula paratroopers, as already noted,
had to land with equipment in truly extreme conditions
conditions of the Mongolian winter. Who served in the Airborne Forces, perhaps, pre-
put what the guardsmen felt in those moments, some of whom
was, alas, destined to live the last minutes. The angel of sorrow was already waiting
the souls of warriors, to whom it was prepared terrible death in Mongolian
The landing has begun. At that moment, the wind force reached 40
meters per second - a crazy indicator for landing. Che-
a few minutes after the start of the drop, several paratroopers (according to
according to some reports, more than 10 people) crashed to death on the stone-
nechuyu desert firmament. Several dozen guards from the scary
contact with the ground were injured and maimed. crashed and
all three BMDs. The release of the main forces of the airborne regiment was immediately canceled
Here is how the death of the landing is described by the mentioned eyewitness: “Under one
two points appeared from the flying planes, under the following
two more, which in a few seconds grew into parachute domes
Comrade with technology.
The equipment thrown out with parachutes was rapidly approaching
to the ground, growing before our eyes. The people around were carried away by what was happening
shchim and did not notice how the next plane "fell down" landing
About two kilometers from the stands, an airborne technical equipment began to land.
ka. Brake systems where they worked, but somewhere they didn’t work. I
for the first time I saw how towers fly off the BMD when they hit the ground. "Good-
sho that there are no people there, ”someone said from behind. These words became
signal: everyone remembered that the paratroopers had also been thrown out. Again, don't
conspiring, they raised their heads and saw how the whole sky was dotted with
parachute floors.
The paratroopers courageously fought the wind, trying to land
as close as possible to the landing equipment, but, touching the ground, somehow
hung helplessly on the straps and, without rising to their feet, dragged
filled with the canopies of their parachutes through the desert.
At first, there was silence in the stands. Everyone understood that
going on, but no one could say a word.
Suddenly someone shouted in a loud voice: “Pilots, urgently launch
helicopters and collect the wounded." We rushed to the helicopters, launched
them and flew to the victims. I had to fly through the desert
further paratroopers, release from the cabin of the onboard technician and the right
pilot to extinguish parachutes and bring paratroopers into the cockpit
helicopter. Each helicopter had five or six casualties. Pe-
dust, blood, snow were mixed. Moans, screams. There were also the dead.
We transported them to the field hospital and flew off to carry out our
tasks. Later we learned that out of 108 paratroopers exactly half were injured.
guilt, but the exercises continued, the losses too.
Of course, the release of the main landing forces was canceled, thereby
the life and health of paratroopers from other units was saved
shelf. Landing aircraft already in the air, deployed
shish, began to return.
The exercises were completed, units and subunits of the 106th Airborne Division on
transport aviation returned to the "winter quarters". Warriors of the 137th
the regiment returned to Tula by railroad communications.

Is it possible to raise the question of personal responsibility then-
him the commander of the Airborne Forces, General D. Sukhorukov, for the tragic events
tiya in Mongolia at the beginning of 1979? The answer to this is, of course,
difficult. Probably, the formulation of this question is fair and historically
appropriate. After all, we are talking about a man who then commanded our
Winged Guard and could influence in one way or another on the described
my events. But D. Sukhorukov is not V.F. Margelov. Willpower and courage
The nature of these historical subjects is unequal. Of course, Sukhorukov and
as a commander, and as a veteran of the Airborne Forces, and as a person, mentally experienced
shaft for the tragedy that happened on the Mongolian-Chinese border. This and
clear. But it seems that he felt inside his being
guilt for the death of the paratroopers, although it was difficult for him to openly admit it
but. Therefore, it is no coincidence that in his memoirs (“Records of the Commander-
paratrooper") about the tragic landing D. Sukhorukov writes in passing:
“It was necessary to land on a bare stone, gray as cement,
desert. On the day of the landing, a strong wind arose. The first
the reconnaissance company went on the jump. It was a jump into hell.
The release of the main forces was cancelled. Aircraft located
already in the air, turned around and began to return to their airfields.
Soon the division was transported by aircraft of the military transport
aviation and partly by rail to permanent places
The exercise showed the real possibility of military transport
aviation to carry out in a short time the transfer over long distances
airborne division in full strength with military equipment.
The paratroopers gained experience in preparing for landing on unfamiliar
airfields, but at the same time, some issues of rear
security and a number of others, on which decisions were later made"
And that's it. About the tragedy that occurred in this territory, about the death and
injuries of almost 50 paratroopers from the Tula division ex-commander
The Airborne Forces chose not to write.
Why? Perhaps because he felt a share of his guilt in
what's happened? Who knows…
What did Iron Man feel, V.F. Margelov, when
became aware of what happened in Mongolia? It is clear that. Newly-
the retired inspector, of course, felt pain with all his heart and
Renne mourned the dead guardsmen. Undoubtedly, the "landing
Dad” then repeatedly asked the question: who gave, in fact, the criminal
ny order to start the landing?
Really, who? Available source materials, allowing
Unfortunately, there are no people at our disposal to answer the question. Logically
things, the decisive word, obviously, was with the person who commanded
gave then the teachings. And he was Marshal S.L. Sokolov, a long-time
parent V.F. Margelov. According to the mentioned memoirs
eyewitness, helicopter officer V.G. Domracheva, the order came from
Marshal S.L. Sokolov. Answer exactly the questions asked
the then commander of the 106th Airborne Division E.N. Podkolzin, but
his soul has long ago ascended to the pro patria.
Thus, 1979 turned out to be a landmark year for the fate of the Soviet
Airborne. Resigned from the post of commander of the Winged Guard V.F. Margelov,
the Margelov era also went into oblivion. And perhaps it is symbolic that this
the event was marked by the fact of the tragic landing of the Tula de-
santnikov in Mongolia. According to an ancient philosophical maxim, nothing
there are no accidents in our lives. Several months pass and
the same 1979, in the history of the Airborne Forces, the era of the nine-year war in
Afghanistan, in which our paratroopers will have to fight in
real with a daring enemy, to fight in Margelov's way, keeping reno-
me elite Soviet army. 106th Airborne Division until the end of the 20th century. and to this day
maintained a reputation as an excellent airborne unit.
In this division, not only glorious traditions are preserved,
wives to the great V.F. Margelov, but modern
combat experience gained in local wars and conflicts.
It is believed, for example, that in the 80s, 70% of the officers and ensigns of Tul-
Russian division fought in Afghanistan.
A third of a century has passed since the tragedy occurred in February
1979 in Mongolia. The ashes of the dead soldiers have long decayed in zinc
Marshal S.L. Sokolov, who became after Marshal D.S. Ustinova Mi-
nistrom of defense of the USSR, lived a long decent life. He died-
recently, in 2012, at the age of 102. Did he remember before leaving
to another world about the paratroopers who died and maimed on those unfortunate
teachings? God be his judge. Undoubtedly, future historians of the Airborne Forces more than once
will return to the coverage of the events in Mongolia. Let it go
they will be able to restore and publish the names and ranks of those soldiers
Winged Guards, who heroically carried out the order, in peacetime
time doomed some of them to death.
Tragic landing
(in blessed memory of the guardsmen of the 137th Airborne Regiment,
killed in exercises in Mongolia in February 1979)

In the jaws of death thrown landing
And the fate of the warriors came true;
Follows the karmic guarantor
To open the gates to Paradise for warriors.
* * *
The wind blew over the desert
Domes crack and tear,
And the marshal is intoxicated with pride,
He is silent, and God is his judge.
* * *
The frozen earth is hard as a stone,
Our landing force is beating against this firmament.
Death came for 10 fighters;
Oh, how many tears of relatives will shed.
* * *
Blood sprinkled the landing field,
Wounded fighters are dragged by domes.
And many in that nightmare are waiting for salvation;
Fate saved them from a cruel death.
* * *
Who is to blame for the landing tragedy?
That proud marshal who gave the order
Doom people to death? He is not worthy
To be understood, justified among us?

Russia Included in Type of Dislocation Motto

"There are no impossible tasks!"

Participation in
  • The Great Patriotic War :
Marks of Excellence commanders Notable commanders

Vyaznikov, Alexander Yurievich

- connection of the Airborne Forces of the Armed Forces of the USSR, and then - the Russian Federation. Parts of the division are stationed in Tula, Ryazan and Naro-Fominsk, the division headquarters is in Tula. The day of the division is celebrated on April 26 (on April 26, 1945, it was awarded its first order - the Order of Kutuzov II degree).


  • On June 11, 1943, the 7th and 17th Guards Airborne Brigades were formed in the Moscow Military District. The number of the brigade in the state was 5800 people.
  • In December 1943, the 4th and 7th Guards. Vdbr were redeployed from the 4th Ukrainian Front to the Moscow Military District.
  • On January 15, 1944, in accordance with the order of the commander of the Red Army Airborne Forces No. 00100 dated December 26, 1943 in the city of Stupino, Moscow Region, on the basis of the 4th, 7th and 17th separate guards airborne brigades (the brigades were stationed in Vostryakovo, Vnukovo, Stupino) the 16th Guards Airborne Division was formed. There were 12,000 people in the division by state. Parts of the division were staffed mainly by young people aged 18-20, fit for service in the Airborne Forces, Komsomol members and cadets-graduates of military schools, equipped with the latest weapons, equipment, including off-road vehicles. 90% of the division's officers had combat experience, many of them arrived from hospitals after being treated for wounds. A significant part of the personnel had experience in combat operations behind enemy lines.
  • In August 1944, the 16th Guards Airborne Division was redeployed to Starye Dorogi, Mogilev Region, and on August 9, 1944, became part of the newly formed 38th Guards Airborne Corps.
  • In October 1944, the 38th Guards Airborne Corps became part of the newly formed Separate Guards Airborne Army.
  • On December 8, 1944, the Separate Guards Airborne Army was reorganized into the 9th Guards Army (formed on the basis of the PU of the 7th Army on January 5, 1945). The 38th Guards Airborne Corps became the 38th Guards Rifle Corps.
  • By order of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief No. 0047 of December 18, 1944, the 16th Guards Airborne Division was reorganized into the 106th Guards Rifle Division of the 38th Guards Rifle Corps. The 4th Guards Regiment was reorganized into the 347th Guards Rifle Regiment, the 7th Guards Regiment was reorganized into the 351st Guards Rifle Regiment, and the 17th Guards Regiment was reorganized into the 355th Guards Rifle Regiment.
  • On February 21, 1945, the 9th Guards Army, which included the 106th Guards Rifle Division, was introduced into the active army.
  • On February 26, the division concentrated east of Budapest.
  • In March 1945, the unit received the task of going to their original positions for an offensive in the Budakessi-Pat-Bichke area.
  • March 13 - offensive planning and reconnaissance in force in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement of Chakberen, west of Budapest.
  • On March 16, after a 60-minute preliminary artillery preparation, which began at 14.30, the guards went on the attack and by 16.00 captured the first trench, at 18.00 they broke into the second trench, for the rest of the day they advanced 4-7 km, having captured the town of Chakberen, a forest north of it and locality Capolopusta. The advance continued. By March 18, having crossed the Sharviz (?) and Gaia rivers, the formation captured the city of More by attacking all parts.
  • For breaking through the fortified defense line and capturing the city of Mor, all personnel received the gratitude of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and on April 26, 1945, the division was awarded the first order - the Order of Kutuzov II degree. Since then, April 26 has been considered the division's holiday.
  • On March 25, the division marched to the Baconsentlaslo-Fenier area and, on the morning of March 26, began to bypass the city of Papa from the north with the task of capturing the city in cooperation with other parts of the corps.
  • Per fighting on mastering the city of Papa, the entire personnel of the unit received the gratitude of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and on March 26, the Motherland saluted the winners.
  • On March 29, the division went on a decisive offensive and captured Reb-Cheleg, Nitsig, Arkahati, Ureygnui-falu, Chalad, Rebtsesemere, Rebsekafora, and by 16.00 of the same day reached the line of Ivan, Felshemag, Paytoshkil, Porladone.
  • March 30, pursuing the enemy, the division crossed the Austro-Hungarian border. The 38th Guards Rifle Corps, which included the division, was withdrawn to the second echelon, as battles for Vienna were coming and reserves were needed.
  • April 13 Soviet troops completely captured the city of Vienna, and the formation went on the offensive, and on April 15, 1945, St. Pelken was taken. On this day, Moscow again saluted the winners.
  • For the fighting, all personnel received gratitude, active participants in the battles for the city of Vienna were awarded the medal "For the Capture of Vienna." The 38th Guards Corps received the honorary title "Vienna", and the division was awarded a second order - the Order of the Red Banner.
  • On April 16, the division captured the city of Wilhelmsburg. Continuous hostilities continued until 25 April. By the end of that day, parts of the division were withdrawn from the battle and concentrated in full force on the outskirts of Vienna.
  • On May 5, the division was alerted and marched to the Fribritz area, Gindodorf, a forest southwest of Fribritz to the Austro-Czechoslovak border and replaced the 107th Infantry Division. Having come into contact with the enemy, on May 8 she crossed the border of Czechoslovakia and immediately captured the city of Znojmo. All personnel received the gratitude of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and the Motherland once again saluted the soldiers-liberators.
  • On May 9, all parts of the division continued fighting to pursue the enemy in order to force him to capitulate. The division made a march, pursuing the enemy, and in three days fought 80-90 km. At 12.00 on May 11, 1945, the forward detachment of the 355th Guards. Rifle Regiment and the 211th Guards. artillery regiment went to the river. Vlatva and 3.5 km northeast of the village of Oleshnya met with units of the 5th American tank army.
  • Great Patriotic War for the warriors the connection is over. During the period of hostilities, the guardsmen destroyed and captured 64 thousand enemy soldiers and officers, as well as 316 tanks and self-propelled guns, 971 guns of various calibers, 6371 vehicles, 3600 railway cars, 29 aircraft, a large number of warehouses with military equipment. About 6100 km were covered with battles.
  • In total, 7401 people were awarded government awards in the division during the course of hostilities. It should be added that many of the awardees had two or three military awards, and three paratroopers of the formation for courage and heroism were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union - guards foreman Rybakov N. S. (posthumously), guards junior lieutenant Polyakov V. T., Guards Senior Lieutenant Selishchev V.P. (posthumously).
  • By the spring of 1946, units of the 106th Guards Rifle Division in full strength were redeployed to their homeland and began planned combat training under the program of the Airborne Forces.
  • On the basis of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1154474ss of June 3, 1946 and the directive of the General Staff Armed Forces USSR No. org / 2/247225 dated 06/07/1946 by June 15, 1946, the 106th Guards Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Rifle Division was reorganized into the 106th Guards Airborne Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Division.
  • Since July 1946, the division was stationed in the city of Tula and was part of the 38th Guards Airborne Vienna Corps (corps headquarters - Tula).
  • On December 3, 1947, the division was awarded the Guards Battle Banner.
  • Based on the directives of the General Staff of September 3, 1948 and January 21, 1949, the 106th Guards Airborne Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Division as part of the 38th Guards Airborne Vienna Corps became part of the Airborne Army.
  • In April 1953 Airborne Army was disbanded.
  • Based on the directive of the General Staff of January 21, 1955, by April 25, 1955, the 106th Guards Airborne Division withdrew from the 38th Guards Airborne Vienna Corps, which was disbanded in 1956, the division became directly subordinate to the commander of the Airborne Forces and switched to a new staff of three regiments with a cropped battalion in each parachute regiment.
  • From the disbanded 11th Guards Airborne Division, the 137th Guards Airborne Regiment was transferred to the 106th Guards Airborne Division (deployment point - the city of Ryazan).
  • The personnel of the 351st Guards Airborne Regiment participated in military parades on Red Square in Moscow, took part in large military exercises and in 1955 parachuted near the city of Kutaisi (Transcaucasian Military District).
  • In 1957, the 351st Regiment conducted demonstrative landing exercises for the military delegations of Yugoslavia and India.
  • Based on the directives of the Minister of Defense of the USSR of March 18, 1960 and the Commander-in-Chief ground forces dated June 7, 1960, the 351st Guards Airborne Regiment (the city of Efremov, Tula Region) was transferred to the 105th Guards Airborne Red Banner Vienna Division from the 106th Guards Airborne Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Division; The 105th Guards Airborne Division (without the 331st Guards Airborne Regiment) was redeployed to the Turkestan military district in the city of Ferghana, Uzbek SSR.
  • In 1960, the year in the 106th Guards. the airborne division included the 331st Guards Airborne Regiment (withdrawn from the 105th Guards Airborne Division). In 1993 this regiment was assigned to the 98th Guards Airborne Division.
  • In 1967, the 106th Guards. VDD participated in the Rhodope operation.
  • In connection with the outbreak of an armed conflict between the PRC and the SRV, at the end of February 1979, the 137th infantry division of the 106th airborne division was transferred to Transbaikalia. It was decided to conduct exercises. In the area of ​​​​the Mongolian-Chinese border, an assault was dropped from two aircraft: one with people (reconnaissance, driver-mechanics and regiment officers), the second with three BMDs. There was a strong wind near the ground (up to 40 m / s), and as a result of the ejection, 15 people died, the rest received injuries of varying severity. All 3 BMD crashed. After landing from the first two aircraft, the exercises were canceled. The paratroopers left without support had to survive in the conditions of the Mongolian desert for another day. Back to the base, the 137th pdp returned by rail.
  • On February 29, the 137th Airborne Regiment (commander Lieutenant Colonel V. Khatskevich) of the 106th Airborne Division was alerted, transferred to an airfield near Baku, marched to Sumgayit and immediately began to carry out the task of restoring order in the city, which became the scene of the Armenian pogroms. The regiment returned to the place of permanent deployment - in Ryazan - in early April.
  • The division participated in the First and Second Chechen wars. On April 23, 2000, Chechen fighters under the command of Abu Jafar and Abu al-Walid ambushed a convoy of the 51st Guards Airborne Regiment near the village of Serzhen-Yurt.
  • During the military reform of 2008-2009. It was planned to disband the 106th Guards Airborne Division, and reassign parts of the formation to other divisions. However, this decision was later reversed.

Full name

  • 16th Guards Airborne Division(since January 15, 1944)
  • 106th Guards Rifle Division(since December 18, 1944)
  • 106th Guards Order of Kutuzov II degree rifle division(since April 26, 1945)
  • (since May 1945)
  • 106th Guards Red Banner Order of Kutuzov 2nd Class Airborne Division(since June 15, 1946)

Composition of the 106th Guards Red Banner Rifle Division in 1945

106th Guards Red Banner Order of Kutuzov II degree rifle division in the Active Army from 02/21/1945 to 05/11/1945 consisting of:

  • 347th Guards Rifle Regiment
  • 351st Guards Rifle Regiment
  • 355th Guards Rifle Regiment
  • 57th Guards Divisional Artillery Brigade
  • 205th Guards Cannon Artillery Regiment
  • 211th Guards Riga Howitzer Artillery Regiment
  • 534th Guards Vyborg Mortar Regiment
  • 123rd Guards Separate Anti-Tank Fighter Battalion
  • 107th Guards Separate Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion
  • 118th Guards Reconnaissance
  • 139th Guards Engineer Battalion
  • 193rd Guards separate communications battalion
  • 234th Medical Battalion
  • 117th Guards Separate Company of Chemical Protection
  • 320th automobile company
  • 393rd field bakery
  • 385th Divisional Veterinary Infirmary
  • 3186th postal field station
  • 2004th field cash desk of the State Bank

Composition of the 106th Guards Red Banner Airborne Division in 2009

  • 51st Guards Airborne Red Banner Order of Suvorov 3rd Class Regiment named after Dmitry Donskoy
  • 137th Guards Airborne Order of the Red Star Regiment
  • 1182nd Guards Artillery Novgorod Red Banner Orders of Suvorov 3rd Class, Kutuzov 3rd Class, Bogdan Khmelnitsky 2nd Class and Alexander Nevsky Regiment
  • 1st Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment
  • 173rd Guards Separate Reconnaissance Company
  • 388th Separate Guards Engineer Battalion
  • 731st Separate Guards Communications Battalion
  • 970th separate airborne support company
  • 43rd Guards Separate Repair and Restoration Battalion
  • 1060th Separate Logistics Battalion
  • 39th separate medical detachment (airmobile)
  • 1883rd courier-postal communication station

Three front-line paratroopers were awarded the Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Five servicemen of the division were awarded the title Hero of Russia.


Other facts

  • Pronyushkina, Nina Vasilyevna served in the division - in 1977 she made three record parachute jumps from the stratosphere, as well as Bukhtoyarova, Valentina Vladimirovna - a participant in the record night group jump.



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106th Guards Airborne Tula Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Division

On January 15, 1944, in accordance with the order of the commander of the Red Army Airborne Forces No. 00100 dated December 26, 1943 in the city of Stupino, Moscow Region, on the basis of the 4th, 7th and 17th separate guards airborne brigades (the brigades were stationed in Vostryakovo, Vnukovo, Stupino) the 16th Guards Airborne Division was formed. There were 12,000 people in the state division. Parts of the division were staffed mainly by young people aged 18-20, fit for service in the Airborne Forces, Komsomol members and cadets-graduates of military schools, equipped with the latest weapons, equipment, including off-road vehicles. 90% of the division's officers had combat experience, many of them arrived from hospitals after being treated for wounds. A significant part of the personnel had experience in combat operations behind enemy lines.

In August 1944, the 16th Guards Airborne Division was redeployed to Starye Dorogi, Mogilev Region, and on August 9, 1944, became part of the newly formed 38th Guards Airborne Corps.

In October 1944, the 38th Guards Airborne Corps became part of the newly formed Separate Guards Airborne Army.

On December 8, 1944, the Separate Guards Airborne Army was reorganized into the 9th Guards Army (formed on the basis of the field command of the 7th Army on January 5, 1945). The 38th Guards Airborne Corps became the 38th Guards Rifle Corps.

By order of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief No. 0047 of December 18, 1944, the 16th Guards Airborne Division was reorganized into the 106th Guards Rifle Division of the 38th Guards Rifle Corps. The 4th Guards Airborne Brigade was reorganized into the 347th Guards Rifle Regiment, the 7th Guards Airborne Brigade into the 351st Guards Rifle Regiment, and the 17th Guards Airborne Brigade into the 355th Guards Rifle Regiment.

On February 21, 1945, the 9th Guards Army, which included the 106th Guards Rifle Division, was introduced into the active army. On February 26, the division concentrated east of Budapest. In March 1945, the formation received the task of going to the starting positions for the offensive in the Budakessi-Pat-Bichke area. March 13 - offensive planning and reconnaissance in force in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement of Chakberen, west of Budapest.

On March 16, after a 60-minute preliminary artillery preparation, which began at 14:30, the guards went on the attack and by 16:00 captured the first trench, at 18:00 they broke into the second trench, for the rest of the day they advanced 4-7 km, having mastered the town of Chakberen, a forest area to the north of it and the settlement of Kapolnopusta. The advance continued. By March 18, having crossed the Sharviz (?) and Gaia rivers, the formation captured the city of More by attacking all parts. For breaking through the fortified defense line and capturing the city of Mor, all personnel received the gratitude of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and on April 26, 1945, the division was awarded the first order - the Order of Kutuzov II degree. Since then, April 26 has been considered the division's holiday.

On March 25, the division marched to the Baconsentlaslo-Fenier area and, on the morning of March 26, began to bypass the city of Papa from the north with the task of capturing the city in cooperation with other parts of the corps. For the fighting to capture the city of Papa, the entire personnel of the division received the gratitude of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and on March 26, Motherland saluted the winners.

On March 29, the division went on a decisive offensive and captured Reb-Cheleg, Nitsig, Arkahati, Ureignui-falu, Chalad, Rebtsesemere, Rebsekafora, and by 16:00 of the same day reached the line of Ivan, Felshemag, Paytoshkil, Porladone. March 30, pursuing the enemy, the division crossed the Austro-Hungarian border. The 38th Guards Rifle Corps, which included the division, was withdrawn to the second echelon, as battles for Vienna were coming and reserves were needed. On April 13, Soviet troops completely captured the city of Vienna, and the formation went on the offensive, and on April 15, 1945, St. Polten was taken. On this day, Moscow again saluted the winners. For the fighting, all personnel received gratitude, active participants in the battles for the city of Vienna were awarded the medal "For the Capture of Vienna." The 38th Guards Corps received the honorary title "Vienna", and the division was awarded a second order - the Order of the Red Banner.

On April 16, the division captured the city of Wilhelmsburg. Continuous hostilities continued until 25 April. By the end of that day, parts of the division were withdrawn from the battle and concentrated in full force on the outskirts of Vienna.

On May 5, the division was alerted and marched to the Fribritz area, Gindodorf, a forest southwest of Fribritz to the Austro-Czechoslovak border and replaced the 107th Infantry Division. Having come into contact with the enemy, on May 8 she crossed the border of Czechoslovakia and immediately captured the city of Znojmo. All personnel received the gratitude of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and the Motherland once again saluted the soldiers-liberators.

On May 9, all parts of the division continued fighting to pursue the enemy in order to force him to capitulate. The division made a march, pursuing the enemy, and in three days fought 80-90 km. At 12:00 on May 11, 1945, the forward detachment of the 355th Guards. Rifle Regiment and the 211th Guards. artillery regiment went to the river. Vltava and 3.5 km northeast of the village of Oleshnya met with units of the 5th American tank army.

The Great Patriotic War for the soldiers of the unit is over. During the period of hostilities, the guards destroyed and captured 64 thousand enemy soldiers and officers, as well as 316 tanks and self-propelled guns, guns of various calibers - 971, vehicles - 6,371, railway cars - 3,600, aircraft - 29, a large number of warehouses with combat technique. About 6,100 km were covered with battles.

In total, 7,401 people were awarded government awards in the division during the course of hostilities. It should be added that many of the awardees had two or three awards, and three paratroopers of the formation for courage and heroism were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union - guards foreman Rybakov N.S. (posthumously), guards junior lieutenant Polyakov V.T., guards Senior Lieutenant Selishchev V.P. (posthumously).

By the spring of 1946, units of the 106th Guards Rifle Division in full force were redeployed to the USSR and began planned combat training under the program of the Airborne Forces.

Based on the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1154474ss of 06/03/1946 and the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR No. org / 2/247225 of 06/07/1946, by June 15, 1946, the 106th Guards Rifle Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Division was reorganized into 106th Guards Airborne Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Division.

Since July 1946, the division was stationed in the city of Tula and was part of the 38th Guards Airborne Vienna Corps (corps headquarters - Tula). On December 3, 1947, the division was awarded the Guards Battle Banner.

Based on the directives of the General Staff of September 3, 1948 and January 21, 1949, the 106th Guards Airborne Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Division as part of the 38th Guards Airborne Vienna Corps became part of the Airborne Army. In April 1953, the Airborne Army was disbanded.

Based on the directive of the General Staff of January 21, 1955, by April 25, 1955, the 106th Guards Airborne Division withdrew from the 38th Guards Airborne Vienna Corps, which was disbanded in 1956, the division became directly subordinate to the commander of the Airborne Forces and switched to a new staff of three regiments with a cropped battalion in each parachute regiment. From the disbanded 11th Guards Airborne Division, the 137th Guards Airborne Regiment was transferred to the 106th Guards Airborne Division (deployment point - the city of Ryazan).

The personnel of the 351st Guards Airborne Regiment participated in military parades on Red Square in Moscow, took part in large exercises of the Ministry of Defense, and in 1955 parachuted near the city of Kutaisi (Transcaucasian Military District).

In 1957, the 351st Regiment conducted demonstrative landing exercises for the military delegations of Yugoslavia and India.

On the basis of the directives of the Minister of Defense of the USSR of March 18, 1960 and the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of June 7, 1960, the 105th Guards Airborne Vienna Red Banner Division from the 106th Guards Airborne Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Division was transferred 351- 1st Guards Airborne Regiment (city of Efremov, Tula Region); The 105th Guards Airborne Division (without the 331st Guards Airborne Regiment) was redeployed to the Turkestan military district in the city of Ferghana, Uzbek SSR.

In 1960, the 331st Guards Airborne Regiment (withdrawn from the 105th Guards Airborne Division) entered the 106th Guards Airborne Division. In 1993 this regiment was assigned to the 98th Guards Airborne Division.

In connection with the beginning of the armed conflict between the PRC and the SRV, on March 9, 1979, 137 paratroopers of the 106th Guards Airborne Division were transferred to Transbaikalia. After the beginning of the active withdrawal of Chinese troops from Vietnam, it was decided to conduct regimental exercises with live fire. They were supposed to take place already on the territory of the Mongolian People's Republic (MPR), 200 km south of the administrative center Arvaikheer (in Russian, Arbai-Khere) in the area of ​​the Mongolian-Chinese border. On March 24, a landing was made from two aircraft: the first with three BMDs (everyone crashed), the second with people (regiment commander Major V.M. Toporov, part of the regiment’s management, battalion commanders, company commanders, driver mechanics, reconnaissance company officers). There was a strong wind near the ground (up to 40 m / s), and as a result of the ejection, 3 people died (corporal Bessoltsev V.E. mechanic driver of the 3rd platoon and corporal Saidov T.O. mechanic driver of the 2nd platoon of the 7th pdr, and corporal Pugach A. A. senior mechanic driver of the 1st platoon of the 8th PDR), many received serious injuries and fractures of varying severity. About 50 people were hospitalized. After landing from the first two aircraft, the exercises were canceled.

On April 23, 2000, Chechen fighters under the command of Abu-Jafar and Abu al-Walid organized a massacre near the village of Serzhen-Yurt.

From mid-December 1992 to April 2005, the 106th Guards Airborne Regiment, which was rightfully one of the best regiments of the division, was part of the 106th Guards Airborne Division. During the period of being part of the division, the 119th Guards PDP performed the most responsible and complex tasks, being considered one of the most combat-ready units not only of the division, but of all air forces. landing troops. From 1993 to 1999, seventeen guardsmen of the regiment were awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

August 13, 2015 by presidential decree Russian Federation The division was given the honorary title "Tula".

106th Guards Rifle Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Division in the Army from 02/21/1945 to 05/11/1945

Three front-line paratroopers were awarded the Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Five soldiers of the division were awarded the title