Abandoned tower in Galicia. The tallest abandoned building in Russia was demolished (video) Abandoned TV towers

Yesterday, 06/08/2017, the famous Galich television tower 350 m high was destroyed.
It was built in the late 80s of the last century, for known reasons it was never put into operation, and turned out to be abandoned. Fans of extreme tourism found out about it by the beginning of this century. With the spread of the Internet, more and more people every year learned about it and came to conquer the heights. I was first invited here by friends back in 2008. But it was during the New Year's "drunken holidays", the weather then was not at all thaw, and I thought that climbing 350 m on metal structures at -15 with the wind was a dubious pleasure. In short, I didn't go. And in the summer of 2008, information reached me that an accident had occurred on the tower - either a parachutist or a base jumper had crashed. After that, the tower was taken under guard, and in addition, several flights of stairs were cut off on it. So now without the equipment and skills of the promalp, you can’t climb there, even if the guards don’t notice. Well, in the end, I forgot about this tower, it’s not fate - it’s not fate ... About 5 years ago, somewhere infa came across that it was either demolished, or about to be demolished.

And last year, in 2016, my friends told me about a trip to this tower. That the tower is intact, and there are no guards, and home-made wooden stairs stand in place of the cut spans, and people come in droves. It was decided to go. We ended up going on the penultimate weekend of October. And on time. The very next week, unusually early, snow fell and frosts began. We were satisfied with the trip, we climbed successfully, but I wanted to repeat the climb in warmer weather. They also read the stories of those who saw sunsets and sunrises on the tower, and I wanted to see it too.
But at the beginning of winter, rumors about the possible dismantling of the tower began to materialize. The owner company (Kostroma TV and Radio Center) announced a tender for dismantling. And after the New Year, the contractor was also determined, ready to start work in March. But still, I didn’t want to go into the cold, there was hope for an early spring and that there would be access for some time. If winter came early, should it leave early? But that wasn't the case... March passed, April came, the dismantling work really began, though not on the tower, but nearby, on the unfinished building of the control room. I was afraid that access would be closed "one fine morning" and without warning. Well, remember how West Berlin was surrounded by a wall? But the winter didn't go away. In mid-April, the deadline for demolition was announced - mid-May, as well as the fact that security would be posted in the next few days, so those who wish to be in time should urgently jump into trains and cars. At that time, I couldn’t do it at all ... In the 20th, the information about the guards and the periodically arriving police was confirmed. The first "wrapped" ones appeared... In general, I said goodbye to the idea of ​​repeating the climb. During the May holidays, I could not come to Galich, there were other plans, and after that it was already demolished.
Entering the group after May, I was surprised to read that: 1) the demolition deadlines have been shifted to June (due to the same long winter) and 2) there are no more security and police, only dismantling workers. The second was absolutely amazing. None other than someone from the community was well received by the authorities and agreed "we do not interfere with you (we do not climb into working time), you don't interfere with us." Anyway, there was another chance.
And we made it happen! June 3-4, the last weekend of the existence of the tower. From the last climb, we decided to take the maximum, climb in the evening, and get down in the morning, seeing the sunset, the night terrain, and the dawn. We may have been the last ones to spend the night upstairs. It did not get completely dark, the horizon remained bright all night. Galich illuminated by lights was clearly visible. On the horizon, on one side, the lights of Bui were visible, on the other, Antropovo and Nei. Even Chukhlomskoye Lake can be seen a little in the evening light. The horizon line, by the way, from such a height is 80 km.
The weather, however, was never summer. But there was no choice. Blew all night strong wind with a temperature something near zero on sensations. He did not allow to fully enjoy the beauty of the white night. I had to hide from him "in the pipe." Anyone who's been on top knows what I'm talking about. True, it siphoned from all the cracks there, too, but it was possible to endure it. The wind there, by the way, was not with gusts and fluctuations, as at the surface, but constant and monotonous. It's like turning on the blower.
But we didn’t fall asleep and didn’t oversleep the dawn :) And it was also lucky that it was clear, and we saw the sunset and dawn.

The next morning...

In the Galichsky district of the Kostroma region there is an unusual structure - a TV tower 350 meters high. Its uniqueness is not only in height, but also in the complete absence of any kind of functionality. This is an inactive TV tower 350 meters high, the highest abandoned object in Russia. In total there are 5 such towers. It is taller than the Eiffel Tower. And of course, higher than the famous Yekaterinburg abandon - unfinished TV tower 298 meters high. The tower has been in a state of abandonment for more than 10 years, but next year it will be excluded from this category.

It was built in the 90s. A tower with six guy lines, a boiler house, a substation, a building for equipment and personnel were commissioned on a turnkey basis. But as usual in our country, first they break everything, and then they restore it happened with this tower. A couple of years ago, even signal lighting and cable were taken away from it. Ground structures are not interesting to inspect, so we climb up.

Now they plan to restore the tower, they have already installed a guard post so that metal hunters do not fill up and cut the tower. They say there were already those who wanted to. In the meantime, base jumpers have been using the tower for several years now. The object is very difficult and not many dare to jump from it. The most dangerous thing is stretch marks, for which you can catch on the parachute canopy.

Recall that the height of the main building of Moscow State University is only 236 meters, and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior is even less: 103 meters.

1 Petronas Towers with a bridge - in Malaysia (1998)
2 Main building of Moscow State University Lomonosov (1953)
3 Chrysler Building in New York (1930)
4 World Trade Center in New York (1977-2001)
5 Triumph Palace in Moscow (2004)
6 Empire State Building in New York (1931)
7 Bawon Niwet Temple at the Golden Palace in Thailand (1820s)
8 Ostankino television tower
9 Complex "Federation"
10 The same TV tower
Let's read about climbing this blogger's TV tower d_a_ck9 , this is what he writes:

The start was easy. Only got mosquitoes and horseflies.

But at the level of the first stretch, this problem resolved itself - this bend does not climb so high.

Then the climb slowed down a bit. The wind was very strong, below which there was practically none. At the height it appeared and began to blow with constant force and direction.

And the Earth is round! :)

Climbing became harder - the backpack, at first so light, began to noticeably pull down. After the first stretch, it became scary to look down. Lez slowly, rested on each site. The higher, the scarier and more interesting. I make stops at each site for rest and photography.

Somewhere at the level of the fifth stretch, fear goes away and pure curiosity remains - when is the top? In general, the climb took 1 hour to the platform from which the base jumpers jump down.

A pipe goes up another 15-20 meters, inside of which there are brackets and you can climb to the very top.

From this point on, the car seems not just a toy, but very, very small and fake. The view of the surrounding area is amazing!

Never climbed so high before! Spent 20 minutes just taking pictures.

Called downstairs to inquire about the situation. The signal is stable, the connection is normal. Decided to slowly climb down. Moreover, the weather began to noticeably deteriorate - the sun was completely covered with dark clouds and they began to approach.

It was not enough for me to be showered with rain or lightning struck me. I put on gloves, because palms rubbed to calluses. Going down is much easier.

At the level of the 4th stretch, he missed the base jumper Sergey, who was climbing up. He was from Zelenograd. We got talking. I decided to stop at the level of the 3rd stretch and take a picture of his jump. He just didn’t ask in which direction the parachutist would jump, so he had to turn his head. First, a strong approaching whistle was heard, then a figure flying down appeared. 8 seconds of free flight is provided here.

When I looked at the figure, I remembered flying Superman. After that, the "jellyfish" opened up and the landing began.

OBJECT A330 is the highest abandoned TV tower available for abandonment, which is located in the Kostroma region, fifteen kilometers from Galich. Over the past five years, I still could not get there, and she beckoned herself so. We repeatedly trained on nearby radio masts two and a half smaller. We have a couple of masts 440 meters high in our area, but access to them is closed to the average layman. In Galich, access to the tower until 2014 was under the control of two private security companies, who collected 500 karbovanets from a person who wanted to tickle their nerves. Since 2014, the situation around the tower has changed dramatically, quite possibly due to a number of accidents.

As of May 31, 2016:
- the first 5-7 meters of the base are welded, but on one side the sheet is bent;
- sawn stairs on two flights;
- sawn stairs are replaced with home-made wooden ones (the lower one will break soon; the upper one - more or less so far);
- 2 stretch marks were cut down at the base of the tower;
- the communication bridge leading to the radio center building was dismantled;
- the hatch and the grate covering one of the hatches are open;
- be vigilant, there was a case of theft of things left at the base of the tower;
- No security yet.
The further, the more interesting. From the end of 2015, rumors began to circulate on the Internet that the Galich telemast A330 would soon disappear. At the beginning of November 2015, tender No. 31604287642 “Open request for proposals in electronic form for the dismantling of the unfinished construction facility “Broadcasting Transmitting Station in Galich”” was placed. A 11/30/2016 08:12 (UTC) The purchase was transferred to the “Placement completed” stage from the “Commission work” stage Events began to develop in such a way that if I don’t give birth in the very near future, then the ascent may never take place. On December 21, 2016, without counting on anything, I threw a cry on INSTAGRAM. Oddly enough, but one of OURS immediately responded, asking how many places there were and promised to assemble a team. I took over the organization of the transfer, and he collected the team. The departure date was set for the first of January. Drinking BITTER and hugging plates of Olivier is not our style. Most of all, I was afraid that once again something would not go according to plan and our trip would not take place, and then it would be extremely difficult for me to escape from my family and work. There were two such attempts and the plans were not destined to come true for a number of reasons beyond my control. The third had to take place at all costs, or I would never get there again. As often happens in such cases, I even began to have themed dreams in anticipation of the rise. I already felt the euphoria of a protracted rise in my gut, and in free time and began intensive physical training on weekends. I resumed skiing on the weekends, because strong arms and legs are important. Even climbing one hundred and twenty meter towers had to be done with respite, while the younger generation ran to the very top in the same breath:

And now the X-hour has come, the chimes struck twelve times, the President delivered New Year's greetings to the nation, a bottle of champagne popped, everyone received the desired New Year's gifts. Someone stayed at the table, and I went to the side. The first day of the new year has passed quickly. Slowly gathered the most necessary, although there was nothing special to cook. The most important thing is the equipment. The weather brought new surprises. It had been raining since early morning and didn't seem to stop. The only thing they could not decide until the very last moment was what time to leave. But since I don’t feel confident on the track in the dark, it was decided to leave the second in the morning to get to the location before dark, rest at night and start climbing with the first rays of the sun, and after climbing, having a snack, return home in the evening. Not much more than a day was allotted for everything about everything. In summer it was possible to meet a shorter deadline or, on the contrary, stretch out the pleasure, but in winter the daylight hours are short and overnight stays at sub-zero temperatures for many days were not included in our plans. Without further disagreement, the meeting of the crews was scheduled for ten o'clock in the morning, but due to some misunderstanding, they drove in one car. The guys left their little things in the trunk, since we have a roomy one. I got the impression that the guys were going on vacation for a whole month. Anyway. Restocking drinking water in the next Pyaterochka, we decided to immediately leave the central Moscow district. Everything was fine, but the incessant light rain did not inspire optimism. The wipers kept throwing off the dirt from the windshield, but as soon as we drove up to the border with the Yaroslavl region, the picture outside the window changed dramatically. The Moscow province looked gray, and Yaroslavl looked like a fairy tale. We did not immediately understand what was happening. The landscape and the weather have changed. The road became cleaner, the mud no longer flew from under the wheels. The temperature began to slowly drop below zero. At the entrance to Yaroslavl, opposite the Novo-Yaroslavsky Oil Refinery, we decided to fill the car up to full. And by the way, it did not interfere with refreshment. Homemade jelly turned out to be just the way:

Meanwhile, the heavenly office did not promise anything good. The clouds thickened over the city of Yershalaim... The darkness that came from the forest covered the innocent city. The abyss descended from the sky and flooded everything around. The downpour almost poured unexpectedly. It was not leisure for us to cool off. Behind was only half the way, and ahead of Kostroma and our goal. For completeness of happiness, somewhere in the Yaroslavl province we were slammed for money, but we learned about it at the very last moment, almost a month later:

On the way out of Yaroslavl, we were stopped at a traffic police post. As they say, nothing personal, but why do you only have side lights on? I got a normal cop, I would say very polite and adequate. I turned on the neighbor and he wished us a happy journey. In Kostroma, the guys asked to slow down near the grocery store. I wanted nuts, bought buckwheat in bags and sausages. On the way we met a lot of interesting things, but there was no leisure. It got dark and the road began to look like a skating rink. The stabilization system worked a couple of times. We decided to go to Galich itself to the central store to replenish our supplies, although just an hour ago we were shopping in Kostroma. We stopped at the central square. While the guys were stocking up on provisions, that's what an increased metabolism means, I decided to take a couple of shots. He outlined the shooting location, and it apparently was the very center of the universe for the locals. For about fifteen minutes I could not make a good shot so that there were no unnecessary characters. In the meantime, the boys returned and without delay, we rushed to our location. From home to place exactly five hundred and sixty-nine kilometers:

We missed a little, although the navigator correctly showed the point. One of the participants was here, but not in winter. And at night, and even more so in winter, everything looks different. The road along which it was possible to drive up directly to the television center was swept up in snow. Barely noticeable was only a narrow path leading to the underworld. For a long time, without hesitation, we left the cart on the side of the road, put flashlights on our heads and rushed to the tower, cutting through the darkness with our fireflies. To be honest, we wanted to make sure that our tower was standing, because anything could happen. First, the skeleton of the television center appeared out of the darkness, and right in front of it, the A330 appeared to our eyes. Even the weak CONVOY was able to snatch him out of the darkness. We had a fixed idea to make a night ascent, launch a couple of fireworks from the upper platform, but this idea was abandoned because we would hardly have had the strength to re-ascent during the daylight hours. We returned to the car. It had to be placed as deep as possible to the side of the road, so that at night no one would accidentally drive into our ass. The guys threw their backpacks and we went to look for a suitable place to spend the night. We decided to settle down on the second tier of the television center. A cleared area was found among the rubble of bricks. They set up two tents there. While some set up camp, others boiled water, cooked buckwheat and boiled sausages. I refused dinner and went to prepare my bed at DEFE. I haven't folded the rear seats yet. The guys promised after dinner to help throw the spare tire on the roof. I had already begun to fall asleep when I was awakened by a knock on the window and flashes from flashlights. In one fell swoop, they threw the wheel on the trunk. The guys once again offered to go for a snack, but I had no desire for that. While we were dealing with reorganization issues, I warmed up the car well and laid out the sleeping bags. One on the floor, the second took cover, but it was not possible to stretch his legs properly. Couldn't sleep properly. Either the light of passing cars cut through the darkness, or some nightmares climbed into my head. I got up a couple of times to relieve myself and warm up the car. Once I imagined that when I got out of the car for a small need, a pack of wolves was moving in my direction from the opposite side. I try to scare them away with a scream, but not a single word can escape my numb lips. It often happens when you have nightmares))) Not at dawn I heard the screech of brakes. A car swerved from the opposite lane and stopped next to me. A guy gets out of the passenger seat and the car drives away. We said hello, he outlined the purpose of his visit. I told him to go to the TV center. He collected his things and also moved towards the object. The windows in the car were covered with ice from my breath. The weather, as promised by the hydrometeor, favored us:

The road along which quite recently it was possible to drive directly to the tower was covered with snow up to the very tomatoes. We had to make our way with difficulty along a narrow trodden path. The words are very appropriate here, that while the mast is standing, the folk trail will definitely not overgrow to it. One gets the impression that you got into the real kingdom of Berendey:

While the guys were putting together tents, I drank hot coffee. The drink of the gods did not cheer me up badly. While we were collecting our belongings, our morning guest began his ascent.

And we decided to pack everything, take things to the car and only then start climbing. Moreover, it was necessary to remove the spare wheel from the roof into the cabin out of harm's way. While we were pulling the cat by the tomatoes, the first roofer was half way. While the guys were preparing the equipment, I decided to go first. Almost forgot. At night, I touched my hat somewhere and was very upset about this. It was impossible to imagine climbing without this trifle in one hood. But in the morning I found it in a locker and was very happy about it. That's why he went to battle first. And I was also very embarrassed by the state of those stairs, which had to climb several flights. Everyone is like tough climbers in harnesses, and I, as the last sucker, could only rely on my own strength. Of course, the boys would not have abandoned me, but for a start I decided to test myself for lice. Moreover, on the approach you are met by such a positive and invites you to the underworld:

All sorts of inscriptions applied to the structure can be devoted to a whole doctoral dissertation. Most of the texts cheer you up. A small fraction of them offer to go back before it's too late. A great many marks like "VASYA WAS HERE". Most of the marks are from Balashikha, apparently there is the highest concentration of extreme sports per capita. While you are climbing, you are reading a kind of annals of climbing the tower. The marks with the height at which you are very helpful, they also kind of cheer you up. To put it bluntly, I didn’t believe in my strength until the very end, although I didn’t show it. I was very embarrassed by birch trunks with ladders taped with tape. With what stubbornness those who like to tickle their nerves made these holes. Without being shy, I take my hat off to these guys and do three QU. How I hugged these birch trees. I even began to forget how with such energy I clung to the desired person of the opposite sex. The steps, although they look somehow flimsy and unreliable, but their design is so monumental that not a single step even moved, although it passes ten or even more walkers a day. The ropes stretched nearby helped a lot. Passed this homemade design without much effort. What followed was a monotonous climb. I was glad that the distance between the spans was only about five meters. The fence against which I rested my back helped a lot. The most frustrating thing was that already on the way to the tower, my mobile phone camera refused to work, and I was counting on it so much. It did not stand the test of frost and turned into just a brick. At
There was a complete calm at the base, the weather presents new surprises, the sky has cleared up and beckons us to rise above the passing clouds. Very quickly, I reach the level of the first stretch marks and then the body begins to be pressed by wind pressure. Your ears are buzzing like a jet plane, the even-pressure wind pushing you down the stairs. Looking down, I see that not a single tree even moves, but here you are being pressed with ever-increasing pressure from the elements. The tower doesn't even budge. I'm losing height reference points, being in the middle between heaven and earth. Only height marks applied to the metal structure help. But even it begins to be covered with a thick layer of ice. The icing of the cables reaches 20-30 centimeters. Sometimes I touch the ice crust and it instantly turns into a bomb that falls down. I don't want to be the cause of someone's injury. But our group has not started the ascent yet. There was something wrong with them down there. As it turned out later, one of ours did not dare to climb. But it is correct, no one condemns anyone. In this situation, you need to really look at what is happening and calculate your physical capabilities and morale, so as not to become a burden later. I had to change the tactics of climbing during the ascent. I got up almost without a break. If you make long stops, you could get very cold. And now I'm almost at the top. Those who have been are well acquainted with this hatch. By the way, it was very icy and my TAZ did not want to climb into it:

At the top, I was met by @NerzVolk, the one who woke me up at dawn. He started climbing before me and it seemed to me that he did not freeze. As it turned out later, his hands did not want to obey:

After admiring the surroundings, we decided to take a couple of shots as a keepsake. How could I refuse such a tempting offer. Otherwise, this event could only remain in my head and how to explain to my daughter upon returning home that the battery in your mobile phone has run out.

By the way, if you look closely, you can see a small dark dot in the lower left corner, this is our DEFENDER. Just at that time, a couple of cars parked next to us and a whole group of young people moved towards the television center. Judging by the voices, there were women among them. This site is located at an altitude of 330 meters, which is already higher than the Eiffel Tower and a little higher than the restaurant in seventh heaven. Then we had to climb inside a twenty-meter pipe. As it turned out, the stairs leading up just dangle, fixed on tacks in two rubbed places:

We were happy in seventh heaven. On the top platform, we decided to congratulate all relatives, friends and extreme sportsmen on the New Year and Christmas. Organized a kind of small flash mob:

I did not dare to climb to the very peak. The site was covered with a thick layer of ice, it was simply impossible to hold on, the risk was unjustified. There was no point in lingering on the upper balcony. Without movement, the legs stiffened, and even more so, the rest of the participants and the second group of extreme people who wanted thrills began to rise towards us. I take a photo as a keepsake. What a happy face?! How much does a person need to be completely happy? I survey the surroundings in the direction of Galich:

In the meantime, ours came and a fun ride began. We had a little neighing, exchanging impressions. Some went higher, and I started the descent because I didn’t want to give an oak tree and get sick. On the half way down I meet the same group that I noticed from above. As it turned out, they were guys from Nizhny Novgorod, and besides, we had mutual friends. How small is this world really. The guys asked why I didn’t rush to the television center in my SUV. In my defense, I replied that it was not my plan to stay here until the old New Year. On that they said goodbye. The guys did not disappoint, they sent greetings to the destination. Very often the opposite happens. And here I am downstairs. He hugged birches with even greater zeal than on the rise. While I was taking a breath upward, new personalities began to climb. The real Brownian movement UP-DOWN began. From the television center came female voices. It's great when a man's company is complemented by real girls. A lot of them are so desperate that they are not averse to making such an ascent too. Meanwhile, I started to warm up and went to the car. I wanted to revive the phone and warm the car. How can you not say that all roads lead to DEF:

It is very clearly seen that the snowdrifts reach the lower edge of the windows. This is provided that I took a photo from an upper angle. It would be unrealistic to jump over this snowdrift. Although the guys were ready to clear the way to the television center itself. Of course, maybe they lied a little, but promising does not mean getting married, especially since I deliberately forgot the shovels at home. By the way, a whole queue lined up behind me, but we thought that we would be in splendid isolation:

Behind DEFom, one can clearly see the unsuccessful attempt of the guys from Nizhny to tread the road on UAZ PATRIOT. That's why they took me to show off. By the way, the road is cleaned several times a day. By the time we were walking up and down, a grader had already passed. The whole thing took me two and a half hours. The guys stayed a little longer. DEF wound up a little capricious. While it was warming up, I put the phone on charge and still took a couple of frames for memory. We drove home without any special incidents, except for the fact that our washer was frozen. All the way back and forth we listened to Pink Floyd and non-stop discussed rocketry and new system PLATO)))

P.S. for those who want to go public transport small reminder:
-reserved seat from Moscow to Galich 1500₽
-coupe 2900₽
-taxi 500₽ one way
- overnight 500₽

TV tower near Galich "A330"- the highest abandoned TV tower in Russia, located 15 kilometers from the city of Galich, Kostroma region.

TV tower description

The height of the tower is 347 meters, which is higher than the Eiffel Tower, the Chrysler Building or the skyscrapers of Moscow City.

Built in 1991 for television broadcasting in the Kostroma region. The complex is a steel tower on six guy lines, next to which is a substation, a building for equipment and personnel, and a boiler room.

Inside the tower there is a ladder, which has 1000 steps. Every 50 meters there is a platform, at the top there is a [observation] platform and a mast-pipe 20 meters high, which can also be climbed by stairs.

Until 2013, it was not guarded, after which guards were put up, as crowds of pilgrims reached the abandoned TV tower: climbers, skydivers and just tourists. The guards are actively fighting against visiting the tower, cutting off the lower flights of stairs and sealing hatches, but this does not stop visitors.

Demolition of a TV tower in Galich

In 2016, a decision was made to demolish the famous TV tower near Galich. The demolition of the tower was carried out on June 8, 2017 by means of an explosion.

The Stroymontazh TV-Svyaz company from Penza became the contractor for the dismantling of an abandoned tower in Galich.

How to get to the tower?

In the Galichsky district of the Kostroma region, until yesterday, there was an unusual structure - a TV tower 350 meters high. Its uniqueness is not only in height, but also in the complete absence of any kind of functionality. This inactive TV tower was the tallest abandoned building in Russia. In total there are 5 such towers. It is taller than the Eiffel Tower.

A tower with six guy lines, a boiler house, a substation, a building for equipment and personnel were commissioned on a turnkey basis. Back in the early 90s, it was built by the region in order to improve the quality of reception of television and radio programs, but then the money ran out, the object was left unguarded and was plundered. It is not interesting to inspect ground structures, so we climb up, and then we will look from three different cameras at how it was blown up on June 8, 2017.

Before the demolition, the base jumpers used the tower for several years. The object is very difficult and not many dared to jump from it. The most dangerous thing is stretch marks, for which you can catch on the parachute canopy.

Recall that the height of the main building of Moscow State University is only 236 meters, and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior is even less: 103 meters.

1 Petronas Towers with a bridge - in Malaysia (1998)

2 Main building of Moscow State University Lomonosov (1953)

3 Chrysler Building in New York (1930)

4 World Trade Center in New York (1977-2001)

5 Triumph Palace in Moscow (2004)

6 Empire State Building in New York (1931)

7 Bawon Niwet Temple at the Golden Palace in Thailand (1820s)

8 Ostankino television tower

9 Complex "Federation"

10 The same TV tower

The legendary unfinished and abandoned TV tower A-330 is almost 350 meters high, which is equal to the height of a hundred-story building and exceeds the size eiffel tower, was planned demolished today at 16.20 by undermining.

Tower Galich 2017. Photo by Sergey Korablev

The explosion of the TV tower, located in the village of Ushkovo, Galichsky district, Kostroma region, was carried out by specialists from the Moscow company Uniexpl, who have rich experience in this area. At the time of the explosion, the territory of the TV tower was cordoned off for security purposes. The tower was blown up due to a special shaped charge, which enhances the action by concentrating it in a given direction. The specialists had to deprive the structure of the support and free it from the stretch marks holding the mast in one of the directions. The charges were placed in two groups: at the base and under one of the fixing wires. The power of each of the charges ranged from three hundred to four hundred grams of TNT. After the explosion, the mast of the TV tower fell into a clearing specially prepared for this.

Tower Galich 2017. Photo by Seva Pinchuk

Let me remind you that the famous Galich television tower A-330 was built in 1992 in order to provide a good radio and TV signal in the region. However, shortly before the commissioning of the facility, the project was frozen due to the termination of funding, which has not been resumed. The abandoned tower soon became an extremely attractive place for tourists and extreme athletes - skydivers, rope jumpers and basers. Despite the fact that the Galich tower was a practically safe object due to its static nature, tragic cases were recorded here several times when paratroopers clung to stretch marks with lines and fell down.

Including because of these cases, talks about the demolition of the ownerless facility have been going on for a long time, the decision to dismantle it was made last year.