Higher universal nature way

People have different ideas:

There are Pure, sublime, humane!

And they are dictated by their authority ...
Exorbitant pride and vanity!

Start. To be continued.


My first Mentor El Ohim Monoshens knew well where the centers of Black Magic are located in the world, the second - my Spiritual Mentor - Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov, knew well where the Holy places are. From which I concluded that they have this knowledge according to their belonging to one or another knowledge ...
The first told how to defend against energy attacks, the second also revealed the secrets of protection, they are very simple - prayer.
I don’t name the first Mentor yet, because I know his enormous Powers and the warning that everyone who encroaches on him in thoughts and deeds will recognize his Power and himself, and the Powers that protect him from Above. That's why I'm afraid to say it.
Highly interesting information Waiting for you, my readers.
The First Mentor - EOM (his abbreviated cosmic name) did not say a word about love and spirituality, but he spoke a lot about cosmopolitanism and perfection.

I will add this story about my Mentors little by little.

My Teachers and Spirit Guides:

Alexei Ilyich Osipov - professor of theology

El Ohim Monoshance - wrote the book "The Supreme Universal Nature Path"

Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov - brings to us the knowledge of the Indian Vedas

Questions and answers

What is TRUE?

What's on about this Monoshance.

What did he say about it


I just wrote first - Minoshans. A Freudian slip...and it reflects reality so well! Indeed, the knowledge that he brings is a mine, or a time bomb, on the one hand, they are useful, and, on the other hand, they are very destructive for a person!
He wrote the book "The Highest Way of the Universal Nature" As he himself said that Gorbachev's wife, after reading this book, said: "There is little love ..." I agree with her and would add: "There is no love at all ..." Love This is what brings people together! Lack of love and enmity separate people .... "I have been attending seminars with Monoshance since 2000, the first meeting with him was in Nizhnevartovsk in November 1999.
She also added that for 5 years of meeting and studying with him at seminars, I observed absolute lack of spirituality in everything! Nothing was said about her and she was not even remembered! Moreover, it was just superfluous in what he brought us... And he brought us the Cosmic idea, the Cosmic consciousness, which he received a long time ago, as he himself told. And received the universal consciousness.

Why Monoshance?
Now, after so many years, I understand that this was an illusion, it was from a lack of knowledge of theology and others. The main reason is that we have a lot of books, but few or almost no priests to whom you could approach with vital questions and get the right answer at the right time! And this leads away from the true path, the true Faith. Although I understand that no one has canceled the working off of Karma, in Orthodoxy the law of Karma sounds simply: "I will repay!". That is, for our deeds, words, thoughts, we are rewarded by God with a cart and a small cart! True, the priests of Karma do not recognize what they themselves sign in their ignorance and heresy.

Here is another thing that is in favor of the fact that it is better to cook food yourself:
1. Absorbing someone else's food, we eat absorbs someone else's consciousness according to subtle plans! Torsunov talks about this all the time.
2. El Ohim Monoshance told us at the seminars that a person with white energy or, in other words, with good energy, can feed other people, and if his energy is higher in terms of the level of those he feeds. That is, such a person should feed everyone in the family.
He referred me to such people. At the seminar, we prepared 3 dishes together in 3 hours to feed about 90 people.
3. He also told us that if this does not work out (point 2), then the person should cook food for himself! Since food prepared by a person with dirty energies brings us diseases - this is at best! And at worst, it is poison to us, it kills us.


From the book of El Ohim, Monoshansa understood the following:
1. Higher Powers give a person a chance 3 times!
If he does not use it three times, then the Higher Powers do not give more chances!
As Monoshance said: "The first time - it is forgiven, the second time - it is forbidden, the third time - the gates are closed forever!

It's about PRAYER

It's about VERA

Not all who preach Buddhism, Orthodoxy and other religions have the Truth! The criterion of Truth is PRACTICE! The way a person lives! If he himself lives according to the principles that he preaches, then he is an example! He who has attained speaks much of what is true and correct, but the Truth of his teaching can only be verified by learning how he lives!
And for some reason it is closed from people... And this leads to great doubts... The truth is not hidden, it is open to everyone! And if a person hides something: his true name, his location, then this leads to great doubts about himself and the truth of his teachings...
It’s just that I already encountered once in one case, when my so-called Teacher El Ochim Monoshance gave all of us this cosmic name and hid his real name! And over time it became clear WHY? Because people sued him! That's why he hid his true name every time! But, in spite of his tricks, he went through many trials about the fact that through his fault families were directly destroyed, hearts were broken and people were insulted and humiliated! Therefore, I am now very cautious about all kinds of preachers! Everything that my heart and soul accepts, I take for my spiritual development, and everything that I doubt, I am critical of it! This Monoshance was very greedy: he took huge money for his lectures and seminars! That is, he himself did not work out his self-interest!
And being embraced:
1. Huge Pride!
2. Exorbitant greed!
3. Huge power and desire to subjugate!
4. Huge destructiveness - Magical abilities!
5. A great desire for Diktat and a desire to humiliate and insult others!
Having such a bouquet of Passions, he told us that he has a Cosmic and Universal consciousness! In fact, it was very far from the Truth!
Therefore, there are no sinless teachers here! And that is why their Teaching is so far from the Truth! In some way they are close to her! And in something - VERY FAR!
This Monoshance was evading taxes! Saved on us, listeners! But this is Karma! Everything that has happened has already happened! Although it was a lot of wise and useful! Therefore Spiritual Teachers do not need to position their thoughts with the Truth! It will be done by the people themselves - seeing it! The imposition that they speak only the Truth - this greatly alienates people from their Teaching, like any violence against a person! Many Orthodox priests impose in churches that only Orthodoxy is the true religion! What an illusion! And then they call on parishioners to sign a petition to ban abortion! That is, I consider the family as an incubator for the birth of embryos! So this is the real violence against people ...



We have the same absolute consciousness, outlook and vision of the world, which bring great JOY and HAPPINESS!

This is not a book. This is a chance to get out of the limitations of the world in which you live, to become white, natural people. If you are satisfied with yourself, as you exist in this world, then you will always be left alone with your problems. If such an existence is not enough for you and you have matured in order to become different, more perfect and developed, then you are not alone and you can be helped to orient yourself: who you are, where you are and where to go and what to do next.
The first part was written after the author received "Universal Consciousness" in 1992. The second part was written after the author received "Cosmic Consciousness" in 1978. Both parts are the result of many years of painstaking work on oneself, "living contemplation", connection with the higher Universal and Cosmic forces, emergence in ideas and verification in practice, both on one's own body and in the practice of numerous followers. For 15 years, the author has been informing earthlings of all new information unknown on Earth, to which they have already grown. During the years of training, several dozen earthlings received liberation and space citizenship with the right to move independently in space, time, forms, realities with the right to free rebirth and incarnation in them. Maybe this will work for you too. Who knows? You just have to mature and try. All this and more in this book. Higher Universal Nature Path (E. O. Monoshans)

El Ohim Monoshance "Languages Higher Forces"

(The first full chance from the book "The Way of the Higher Universal Nature")


Looking for a way! Listen to me carefully, look into your own heart and don't try to remember what I'm about to tell you! Because the one who understands does not remember, the one who remembers does not understand. What you remember will never be yours, what you understand will remain you forever. Since only what you are not able to understand is remembered, but you feel that it may someday be useful for you or for someone else. To be useful for you, but not to become you, your understanding. He who enters the river cannot enter it twice, but not because everything flows, everything changes, but because, once having entered, he is not able to get out of it. The river remains forever in him, he, in turn, remains forever in the river. They become one. Understanding is integrity, knowledge is partiality. From one understanding, many situations and knowledge can be derived. Knowledge goes away, understanding remains. Where can I find a person who has forgotten about knowledge in order to talk to him? A wise man needs little to hear, see, learn in order to understand a lot: SAPIENTI SAT is enough for the wise.

If you can't understand, better forget. This will relieve you of the responsibility of knowing. Ignorance of the Higher Laws of the Cosmos Eliminates responsibility. He who has learned the Highest Knowledge is obliged to apply and fulfill them. If you can do without Higher Understandings, do it better. Much, much trouble they will bring with them. Each Higher understanding is followed by a new YOU. There are no new understandings, no development - no new you. The old understanding is the old you. The world moves forward, and you stay behind it. Who did not have time, he was late. "Why blame the one who is firm in his sin, because our deeds without embellishment stand before heaven in authenticity, and we must answer at a confrontation with the past." The question is not "to be or not to be. What is nobler in spirit - to submit to the slings and arrows of a furious fate, or, taking up arms against the sea of ​​troubles, to slay them with confrontation." This is a trap for fools, because in neither case is a person able to understand anything, in no way able to change himself. These are both reactions of powerlessness before oneself in order to change oneself. It is pointless to argue with fate, as well as to argue with the authorities. It's spitting against the wind. But both can be changed. And this is possible only in one way - by changing yourself.

When you change, the world around you also changes. This is monitored by the corresponding cosmic authorities that each of you has, these are your Higher Forces. In the event that you change, but the world around you does not change, they are punished. They don't allow it. "Maybe for our love this whole world is invented." Maybe the world around you was invented for your learning. As soon as you understand something new, higher than you were before, you change and see the world with different eyes and it changes after you. Ordinary, not understanding, but only knowledgeable person lives in a past that never was, a future that will never be, and a present that is nowhere. He does not live, but exists, abides in the world. The world around him is unchanged. "No news is good news," they say. In other words, the less they change, the less they understand, the better for them. "Happiness is when you are understood." That is, when around you develop. You are understood, but you are not able to do either one or the other.

By changing yourself, you change your destiny, because if you are the same, then you have only one destiny (one boss), by changing yourself, you constantly change your destiny. It is no longer possible to predict. The prophet does not know his fate. The higher forces that guide you through life and take care of you are your own states that came to your aid from your future. Almost half of this - you yourself in the future. Sometimes there is a hopeless situation that suddenly resolves, is removed, leaves. This means that in the future you are not the same as now, and you are able to help yourself. If you are unchangeable, then who will help you? "If I am not for myself, then who is for me, but if only for myself, then why do I live?" By helping yourself, you help others to do the same and develop. They, in turn, developing and understanding, give you a chance to develop and understand something by their example. You are the embodiment of your development or lack thereof. Each of you is given a lot of chances, opportunities for feedback with what you are, what you are as such, and not the way you imagine yourself.

The Higher Forces of the Cosmos speak one of the languages ​​available to you: positive influences on you of successes, happy occasions and all kinds of other "carrots", or failures, punishments, misfortunes and other types of "whips", or informative influences, etc.

There are several ways for the Higher Forces to contact you, several levels of languages ​​that differ from each other in terms of accessibility, clarity and rudeness of influence. The softest of them is the language of states, of course not physical, but intuitive, energy and others. They are successive, that is, extended over time and can be used as operational feedback. If you understand correctly what you need to understand at this point in time, then these states are reduced or removed altogether. If you misunderstand, then they are amplified. They can be both positive and negative, depending on which language of which polarity is more understandable to you.

If you do not understand what they want from you and what you are supposed to learn and understand at this point in time, then they use a rougher, but more visual language - language signs and signals. Any unlikely, seemingly random, event can serve as a sign or signal. Only those who do not understand consider it accidental. A fly flew by, my throat caught, I choked, my leg cramped, the door opened, something fell, someone called or entered; all that is unbelievable. This language is simultaneous - that is, it is instantaneous. You can't work with it in real time. Signs and signals can only be interpreted retroactively after the fait accompli. If you understand what they mean to you, that is, that you must understand what the Higher Forces want from you, then the signs are not repeated. If you do not understand that they concern you personally, then they are repeated, as a rule, up to three times, and then, with your further misunderstanding, they move on to the next coarser language.

The next language of communication between the Higher Cosmos and you is the language of situations that occur around you. At home, at work, in public places, in a company, a situation can be created for you in which each of those present will play a role. The roles of your enemies, the last scum, bastards and others can be played by quite decent people and vice versa, the roles of your friends and relatives can be played by completely different people. the best people your surroundings. This reflects only your ability to perceive situations, their understanding and your preferences and value criteria. The situations are also successive and can be used in real time, because if the situation softens or is removed altogether, you correctly understand what they want from you. In the same case, when the situation becomes tougher, this indicates your incorrect interpretation of this situation and you do not understand that they want to show you with the help of it, what you are wrong about.

If this language, which is rougher and more expensive for the Higher Forces, is not enough, then they are forced to switch to even rougher languages ​​due to your lack of understanding. The next language is the language of punishment. Punishment is a negative impact on an aspect of your life that is significant to you. You choose the place of influence yourself with your attachments, values ​​and "falls" on them. If for a person the most valuable is his health, then they hit on health, if the health or well-being of people close to him: children, loved ones, parents and others, then they hit on them. If money hits money, if official position, then hit him. They always hit where you can see it the most. This language is simultaneous, that is, instantaneous, and it is always necessary to understand why you were punished after the fact of punishment. If you understand the reasons for punishment, understand what they want from you, then the punishment is removed and the disease, for example, goes away almost immediately with the speed of restoration of the corresponding tissues, functions, etc. Thus, you can get rid of almost any disease - past and coming. Any other punishments are also removed, except for completely irreversible cases: death, amputation, and others.
If you recovered and still didn’t understand why you were sick, it means that you were sick in vain, the Higher Forces were wasting their resources, time, energy, attention and so on on you. If you turn to someone for help: a doctor, a consultant, a healer, a psychic, then you give him your development and provision of your Higher Forces.

Three - five times such betrayal of yourself and the Higher Forces will leave you. A bad boss says: "Work or I'll fire you." A good boss says: "Work, or I'll leave." And the Higher Powers, if they are your own, leave if you do not honor and obey them. This happens in extreme cases of stupidity of their subordinates, that is, you.
The next language is again with operational feedback, that is, a successive language of direct text for understanding. It's like we have with you now. You no longer respond to the more subtle previous languages ​​and are forced to address you in this coarser, but more intelligible language. If you understand what we are trying to show you, then you will be spoken to in softer previous languages. If not, then move on to the next language. In plain text language for comprehension, it is meant that you do not memorize what has been said, but build up your own new understanding. If you have lost your own skin and you have been transplanted with someone else's skin, then you are not trying to grow, to engraft this someone else's skin. Under cover of someone else's skin, you build up a new skin, your own.

Thus, when you listen to us, you are looking into your own heart. Our finger points to the moon, but you must not look at our finger. In your own heart you will find new understandings of your own, not ours. Advice is good only for the one who gives it, it is useless for the one to whom it is intended. Your understanding, born from you, forever remains yours. Or rather, having been born, having matured, it can leave you, but this is already its own business. You have fulfilled your duty to the Cosmos. Passing through the understanding. You gave his life to this world. The world is the way it is because it is full of misunderstanding. "Happiness is" - as we said above, for many - "when you are understood." And for some, happiness is when neither you are understood, nor you understand anyone or anything. But happiness, if you really go to it, is when you understand everything around, and in the limit, when you give understandings their own life, they will be an example for understanding other people around you. It's important to give them a chance. And your business is to offer, and their business is to accept or refuse the given chance. He who waits to be told a second time is not worth being told the first time.

Forget about everything you have heard, and with a new understanding and your new "I" go into the world and check whether you have understood everything and learn what you have already matured to. Try your strength, your solvency where you have never tried before: connecting yourself with real life, their behavior and learning with the Higher Forces. You have always been a Cosmic orphan in this world (alone in a crowd). Try to find within yourself a still living part of the Cosmic Self and you will return your Cosmic Parental House in the person of the Higher Forces. It's not that hard.
If something doesn't work out right away, don't worry. It is important that you understand that you can live differently. It's never too late to learn and never too early for anyone. Therefore, carefully, "slowly, but thoroughly", step by step, try to enter that unfamiliar world that you have long forgotten, many, many rebirths ago. The world is alive, unpredictable, changeable and interesting. "What is known is not interesting." “What is not known is truly interesting! It is better to try it yourself once than to ask a hundred times. The World of Truth, your development is waiting for you. do not deceive their expectations.

THE WAY OF THE HIGHEST UNIVERSAL NATURE Based on the materials of the books and speeches of the Master of the Universal Consciousness El OHIM MONOSHENS of the Higher Universal Nature, the Way (GWP) is a chance to get out of the limitations of the world in which you live, to become white, natural people. If you are satisfied with yourself, as you exist in this world, then you will always be left alone with your problems. If such an existence is not enough for you and you have matured in order to become different, more perfect and developed, then you are not alone and you can be helped to orient yourself: who you are, where you are and where to go and what to do next. The one who has found his way knows that this way is not the only one for everyone. Everyone has his own path. The path of one is not suitable for the other. The path of another is not suitable for anyone. There is no one but you on your way. You won't step on anyone's toes. No one is breathing down your back. No one will find, and if they find, they will not go your way. No one but you will do your business. No one but you will be born, live, work, develop, no one will make mistakes for you, no one will be corrected instead of you, no one will die instead of you. Who has found someone else's path, he, as a rule, believes that he is the only one. Common to many, if not all. The common path - the path of "comrades in misfortune" - is only for those whose paths have crossed and who have the same shortcomings. When common shortcomings are worked out, the paths diverge. The path of your development is the path opposite to the path of your degradation. Once upon a time in past distant rebirths, you were a relatively perfect being - not made by anyone, not created by anyone. The world around you was either an exam for improvement into even more perfect states, or a trap for your "falling in" and degradation. You have descended the ladder of development to all the lower levels. The path of your Ascension is the path up the river, against the current, to its source, where you once were. Everyone has to go through their own crisis. In the place where there is a problem on your way, there is no problem for those around you. They have problems and shortcomings in completely different places, where you do not see any problems. At least three types of problems and suffering from these problems are encountered on the path of a person. Walking along the path and developing, a person meets with membranes, that is, with obstacles in his path. They point out his shortcomings to him. A person may not agree with the presence of these shortcomings, then they throw him down the path. This is the path of ignorance, the suffering of ignorance, underdevelopment, degradation. If a person agrees with the presence of these shortcomings, but does not agree to part with them, give them to the membrane, then the membrane, the obstacle, attaches the person to itself. He remains on it forever, since the membrane or obstacle consists of exactly the same carriers of the deficiency, for whom this deficiency is so dear that they sacrifice their development in order to be the carrier of this deficiency, which he considers his dignity. This is the path of sin, the suffering of sin, the path of the end of development. The path of the common man is wandering in the darkness of one or many hood systems. In the same case, when a person not only agrees with the fact that he has a shortcoming, but also agrees that this is not a virtue at all, as he thought earlier, but a shortcoming with which it was time to part, he goes up, parting with the former a quality dear to him. At the same time, he experiences the suffering of purification, disidentification with this quality. If earlier he and this quality of his were united, now he sees the absurdity of such his "falling" on him. This is the path of purification.

El Ochim Monoshance
Higher Universal Nature Path


Looking for a way! Listen to me carefully, look into your own heart and don't try to remember what I'm about to tell you! Because the one who understands does not remember, the one who remembers does not understand. What you remember will never be yours, what you understand will remain you forever. Since only what you are not able to understand is remembered, but you feel that it may someday be useful for you or for someone else. To be useful for you, but not to become you, your understanding. He who enters the river cannot enter it twice, but not because everything flows, everything changes, but because, once having entered, he is not able to get out of it. The river remains forever in him, he, in turn, remains forever in the river. They become one. Understanding is integrity, knowledge is partiality. From one understanding, many situations and knowledge can be derived. Knowledge goes away, understanding remains. Where can I find a person who has forgotten about knowledge in order to talk to him? A wise man needs little to hear, see, learn in order to understand a lot: SAPIENTI SAT is enough for the wise. If you can't understand, better forget. This will relieve you of the responsibility of knowing. Ignorance of the Higher Laws of the Cosmos Eliminates responsibility. He who has learned the Highest Knowledge is obliged to apply and fulfill them. If you can do without Higher Understandings, do it better. Much, much trouble they will bring with them. Each Higher understanding is followed by a new YOU. There are no new understandings, no development - no new you. The old understanding is the old you. The world moves forward, and you stay behind it. Who did not have time, he was late. "Why blame the one who is firm in his sin, because our deeds without embellishment stand before heaven in authenticity, and we must answer at a confrontation with the past." The question is not "to be or not to be. What is nobler in spirit - to submit to the slings and arrows of a furious fate, or, taking up arms against the sea of ​​troubles, to slay them with confrontation." This is a trap for fools, because in neither case is a person able to understand anything, in no way able to change himself. These are both reactions of powerlessness before oneself in order to change oneself. It is pointless to argue with fate, as well as to argue with the authorities. It's spitting against the wind. But both can be changed. And this is possible only in one way - by changing yourself.
When you change, the world around you also changes. This is monitored by the corresponding cosmic authorities that each of you has, these are your Higher Forces. In the event that you change, but the world around you does not change, they are punished. They don't allow it. "Maybe for our love this whole world is invented." Maybe the world around you was invented for your learning. As soon as you understand something new, higher than you were before, you change and see the world with different eyes and it changes after you. An ordinary, not understanding, but only knowing person lives in the past, which never was, in the future, which will never be, and in the present, which is nowhere. He does not live, but exists, abides in the world. The world around him is unchanged. "No news is good news," they say. In other words, the less they change, the less they understand, the better for them. "Happiness is when you are understood." That is, when around you develop. You are understood, but you are not able to do either one or the other.
By changing yourself, you change your destiny, because if you are the same, then you have only one destiny (one boss), by changing yourself, you constantly change your destiny. It is no longer possible to predict. The prophet does not know his fate. The higher forces that guide you through life and take care of you are your own states that came to your aid from your future. Almost half of this - you yourself in the future. Sometimes there is a hopeless situation that suddenly resolves, is removed, leaves. This means that in the future you are not the same as now, and you are able to help yourself. If you are unchangeable, then who will help you? "If I am not for myself, then who is for me, but if only for myself, then why do I live?" By helping yourself, you help others to do the same and develop. They, in turn, developing and understanding, give you a chance to develop and understand something by their example. You are the embodiment of your development or lack thereof. Each of you is given a lot of chances, opportunities for feedback with what you are, what you are as such, and not the way you imagine yourself.

The Higher Forces of the Cosmos speak one of the languages ​​available to you: positive influences on you of successes, happy occasions and all kinds of other "carrots", or failures, punishments, misfortunes and other types of "whips", or informative influences, etc.
There are several ways for the Higher Forces to contact you, several levels of languages ​​that differ from each other in terms of accessibility, clarity and rudeness of influence. The softest of them is the language of states, of course not physical, but intuitive, energy and others. They are successive, that is, extended over time and can be used as operational feedback. If you understand correctly what you need to understand at this point in time, then these states are reduced or removed altogether. If you misunderstand, then they are amplified. They can be both positive and negative, depending on which language of which polarity is more understandable to you.
If you do not understand what they want from you and what you are supposed to learn and understand at this point in time, then they use a rougher, but more visual language - the language of signs and signals. Any unlikely, seemingly random, event can serve as a sign or signal. Only those who do not understand consider it accidental. A fly flew by, my throat caught, I choked, my leg cramped, the door opened, something fell, someone called or entered; all that is unbelievable. This language is simultaneous - that is, it is instantaneous. You can't work with it in real time. Signs and signals can only be interpreted retroactively after the fait accompli. If you understand what they mean to you, that is, that you must understand what the Higher Forces want from you, then the signs are not repeated. If you do not understand that they concern you personally, then they are repeated, as a rule, up to three times, and then, with your further misunderstanding, they move on to the next coarser language.
The next language of communication between the Higher Cosmos and you is the language of situations that occur around you. At home, at work, in public places, in a company, a situation can be created for you in which each of those present will play a role. The roles of your enemies, the last scum, bastards and others can be played by quite decent people, and vice versa, the roles of your friends and relatives may not be played by the best people in your environment. This reflects only your ability to perceive situations, their understanding and your preferences and value criteria. Situations are also successive and can be used in real time, because if the situation softens or is removed altogether, you correctly understand what they want from you. In the same case, when the situation becomes tougher, this indicates your incorrect interpretation of this situation and you do not understand that they want to show you with the help of it, what you are wrong about.
If this language, which is rougher and more expensive for the Higher Forces, is not enough, then they are forced to switch to even rougher languages ​​due to your lack of understanding. The next language is the language of punishment. Punishment is a negative impact on an aspect of your life that is significant to you. You choose the place of influence yourself with your attachments, values ​​and "falls" on them. If for a person the most valuable is his health, then they hit on health, if the health or well-being of people close to him: children, loved ones, parents and others, then they hit on them. If money hits money, if official position, then hit him. They always hit where you can see it the most. This language is simultaneous, that is, instantaneous, and it is always necessary to understand why you were punished after the fact of punishment. If you understand the reasons for punishment, understand what they want from you, then the punishment is removed and the disease, for example, goes away almost immediately with the speed of restoration of the corresponding tissues, functions, etc. Thus, you can get rid of almost any disease - past and coming. Any other punishments are also removed, except for completely irreversible cases: death, amputation, and others.
If you recovered and still didn’t understand why you were sick, it means that you were sick in vain, the Higher Forces were wasting their resources, time, energy, attention and so on on you. If you turn to someone for help: a doctor, a consultant, a healer, a psychic, then you give him your development and provision of your Higher Forces. Three - five times such betrayal of yourself and the Higher Forces will leave you. A bad boss says: "Work or I'll fire you." A good boss says: "Work, or I'll leave." And the Higher Powers, if they are your own, leave if you do not honor and obey them. This happens in extreme cases of stupidity of their subordinates, that is, you.
The next language is again with operational feedback, that is, a successive language of direct text for understanding. It's like we have with you now. You no longer respond to the more subtle previous languages ​​and are forced to address you in this coarser, but more intelligible language. If you understand what we are trying to show you, then you will be spoken to in softer previous languages. If not, then move on to the next language. In plain text language for comprehension, it is meant that you do not memorize what has been said, but build up your own new understanding. If you have lost your own skin and you have been transplanted with someone else's skin, then you are not trying to grow, to engraft this someone else's skin. Under cover of someone else's skin, you build up a new skin, your own.
Thus, when you listen to us, you are looking into your own heart. Our finger points to the moon, but you must not look at our finger. In your own heart you will find new understandings of your own, not ours. Advice is good only for the one who gives it, it is useless for the one to whom it is intended. Your understanding, born from you, forever remains yours. Or rather, having been born, having matured, it can leave you, but this is already its own business. You have fulfilled your duty to the Cosmos. Passing through the understanding. You gave his life to this world. The world is the way it is because it is full of misunderstanding. "Happiness is" - as we said above, for many - "when you are understood." And for some, happiness is when neither you are understood, nor you understand anyone or anything. But happiness, if you really go to it, is when you understand everything around, and in the limit, when you give understandings their own life, they will be an example for understanding other people around you. It's important to give them a chance. And your business is to offer, and their business is to accept or refuse the given chance. He who waits to be told a second time is not worth being told the first time.
Forget about everything you have heard, and with a new understanding and your new "I" go into the world and check whether you have understood everything and learn what you have already matured to. Try your strength, your viability where you have never tried before: connecting Yourself with real life, your behavior and learning with the Higher Forces. You have always been a Cosmic orphan in this world (alone in a crowd). Try to find within yourself a still living part of the Cosmic Self and you will return your Cosmic Parental House in the person of the Higher Forces. It's not that hard.
If something doesn't work out right away, don't worry. It is important that you understand that you can live differently. It's never too late to learn and never too early for anyone. Therefore, carefully, "slowly, but thoroughly", step by step, try to enter that unfamiliar world that you have long forgotten, many, many rebirths ago. The world is alive, unpredictable, changeable and interesting. "What is known is not interesting." “What is not known is truly interesting! It is better to try it yourself once than to ask a hundred times. The World of Truth, your development is waiting for you. do not deceive their expectations.