Teaching about life on the moon. Was the moon habitable? Are we alone in the Universe?

For millions of years, the Earth has been traveling in the Universe in the company of its faithful companion, the Moon. Along with the Sun, this is the first cosmic body that man has closely examined since the beginning of his existence. With the advent of the telescope, the curious eye of “Homo sapiens” searched the “sister” of the Earth far and wide in the hope of finding an answer to the painful question: is there life on the Moon?

Are we alone in the Universe?

And today, many amateur astronomers look at the surface of the Moon, questioning official conclusions, in search of evidence that the Moon is habitable. They are inspired by versions and hypotheses that have been actively spreading since 1972, when the United States landed its astronauts on the surface of the earth’s satellite. According to rumors, Americans saw spaceships of unearthly origin on the Moon; and the Ranger 2 spacecraft sent back about 200 images of the back of the satellite, showing domes inside craters and much more.

In addition, the density of the Earth's satellite is low, which gives rise to the hypothesis of life inside the planet. This can also be supported by the fact that it has no magnetic field and mysteriously faces us with only one side.

Why is there no life on the moon

If we are talking about vegetation, then it is truly impossible to find it on the Moon. And no wonder, because there is no atmosphere there that could protect against the effects of cosmic radiation, ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes. To be fair, it should be noted that the Moon has a veil of gases, which can roughly be called an atmosphere. But it is so rarefied that it has no effect on the surface. While the sunny side of the Moon is heated to 120︒C, its shadow side is cooled to -160C. There is no oxygen on the Moon. Such conditions, plus the vacuum of space, make the existence of any form of life known to science today on the Moon impossible.

If you ask yourself whether the Moon is inhabited, you will not be able to get a definite answer. So, according to the latest data, there is water on the Moon, which is located at the poles in the form of ice.

Not only fans of science fiction stories, but also serious scientists are increasingly expressing doubts that the Earth’s natural satellite has been studied far and wide. The more we learn about him, the more new questions arise.

Russian astrophysicists have made an amazing discovery: the Earth’s satellite is not at all a lifeless body, Itogi writes

Not only fans of science fiction stories, but also serious scientists are increasingly expressing doubts that the Earth’s natural satellite has been studied far and wide. The more we learn about him, the more new questions arise. So, it has always been believed: the Moon is an absolutely dead celestial body, where the winds never blow, rain never falls, and snow never falls. There is no atmosphere here, and therefore there are no weathering processes. And the only thing that somehow changes the appearance of the celestial body closest to us is the rare impacts of meteorites on its surface, leaving marks of large and small meteorite craters. However, specialists from the State Astronomical Institute named after. Sternberg (GAISH), under the leadership of the head of the department of lunar and planetary research, Vladislav Shevchenko, while studying photographs of the lunar surface taken by the American Clementine spacecraft, they were surprised to notice strange formations on the slopes of the small Reiner crater in the lunar Ocean of Storms. They looked as if landslides had descended along the walls of the crater, and moreover, quite recently. Scientists determined the age of various parts of the crater using spectral measurements from the same Clementine apparatus, using a method specially developed for this. It turned out that if the Rainer crater is several tens of millions of years old, then some of the light formations are younger. “At the same time, it is impossible to determine their real age,” says Vladislav Shevchenko. - It could just as well be a hundred, ten, or even five years. The sensitivity of the method does not allow us to clarify the age on smaller scales. However, it can be argued that the landslide occurred relatively recently. We were confused by one circumstance: this couldn’t happen on the Moon!”

Life abounds

The opportunity to test an unexpected hypothesis presented itself at the end of last year, when the Americans launched into orbit the Earth’s natural satellite the LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) orbital reconnaissance probe, whose LROC camera is capable of viewing objects measuring only 50 centimeters. In January, the LROC team published images of craters in the Ocean of Storms, which fully confirmed the assumptions of Shevchenko and his colleagues. The images clearly show massive collapses on the crater walls and even individual boulders. All this confirmed the hypothesis of Russian astrophysicists.

Over the past few weeks, we have received many new images of lunar craters,” says Vladislav Shevchenko. - And each of them demonstrates amazing pictures of entire cascades of powerful landslides that come here and there from the surfaces of the mountains of our satellite. It’s as if some powerful force forces them to flow down, forming bizarre landscapes worthy of the pen of a science fiction artist. This process can be compared to how dry sand taken in a handful is passed through your fingers.

When rock formations were discovered on Mars, there were no questions asked. Scientists were well aware that due to the melting of the polar caps, a huge amount of water was formed, hidden under a layer of rocks. On the Red Planet, as on our native Earth, it is melting water that moves mountain streams.

But this shouldn’t happen on the Moon,” the scientist continues. - After all, water is concentrated on it in the region of the poles, and even then in very limited quantities. While all lunar craters where landfalls have been recorded are located closer to the equator. And there daytime temperatures reach 150 degrees Celsius above zero! This means there can be no talk of any water. Due to the lack of atmosphere, winds are also excluded.

Then who is letting the lunar soil slip through their fingers?

icy sea

At the end of 2009, as part of the international lunar program, our satellite was visited not only by the LROC camera, but also by the LEND neutron detector. This device, created at the Space Research Institute (IKI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, detects neutron radiation, which is extremely sensitive to hydrogen atoms. And in those places where there is a high hydrogen content, water can be found with a high degree of probability. Scientists hoped that they would find at least a teaspoon of H2O. How wrong they were!

As the head of the Russian part of the experiment, head of the laboratory of the Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Igor Mitrofanov, admits, LEND presented many surprises. To begin with, he discovered previously unknown local areas with high hydrogen content. Until now, it was believed that such places should coincide with the eternally shadowed areas in the vicinity of the poles of the Moon. It turns out that this is not true at all. The theory that water on Selene, if found, would only be around deep meteorite craters, also fell apart by itself. According to Igor Mitrofanov, LEND came within 30 kilometers of one of the “cold traps” near the Cabeus crater. And it soon became clear that the radiation in dark and well-lit places is similar. In other words, the device recorded the possibility of finding water where, according to scientists’ calculations, it simply could not exist. The researchers suggested that perhaps water ice should be looked for not at points that are shadowed today, but at places where shadows have existed throughout the Moon's history. Perhaps, over time, the surface water was covered with a thick layer of regolith - lunar soil, under which permafrost formed. Under such conditions, water would be preserved almost always. If this is so, then ice deposits may be at a depth under the entire surface of the Moon. In this case, Selene is not a waterless desert, but a giant frozen ocean! What if, during hot daylight hours, the permafrost under the lunar soil begins to thaw, like polar ice on Earth or Mars? If this is so, then under the influence of a thaw the soil, as if on a skating rink, slides down, forming large and small movements of the soil that have so puzzled scientists. The unevenness of this process can be explained by the fact that the “ice sea” is not equally distributed over the surface of the Moon - like any sea, somewhere it is deeper, somewhere it is a shallow.

She remembers everything

Another hypothesis for the formation of mysterious landslides is related to moonquakes. The moon is not a dead geological body at all. Long-term observations made it possible to register thousands of moonquakes, most of which were repeated many times in the same sources. Between 600 and 3,000 seismic events occur on the Moon per year. Four types of them have been identified - tidal, tectonic, meteorite and thermal. It is they, astrophysicists believe, that most likely explain the mysterious lunar landslides. “However, moonquakes are also not an exhaustive explanation of the phenomenon,” admits Vladislav Lugovenko, leading researcher at the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN). - When we look at the slopes, we can see stones of the same size, some of which have slid down, while others, very close to them, have remained untouched. Why the process is uneven is still unclear.”

Lugovenko has his own vision of the phenomenon: “The Moon, like the Earth, is almost literally alive: it breathes, feels, empathizes. I have been proving this for many years using instrumental research. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters - as well as moonquakes and movements of lunar soil - are only confirmations of this theory.”

The scientist’s surprising assumptions are based on the properties of solitons - nonlinear waves that interact like particles. Under certain circumstances, they remember and store any information for as long as desired. Studying solitons back in 1949, three prominent scientists - Fermi, Pasta and Ulam - stated that they behave like intelligent beings - when interacting with each other or with some other disturbances, they do not collapse, but move, keeping their structure unchanged. Scientists were unable to explain the phenomenon at that time. The research was continued by Professor Lugovenko and his colleagues.

About 20 years ago, we began to study the bioenergetic interaction between humans and the outside world,” says Lugovenko. - It was an official academic program, within the framework of which a number of interesting experiments were carried out. In particular, it turned out that there are various energy networks on our planet. The first to discover their presence were the English scientists Hartman and Curry, and they were named after them. Measuring electromagnetic indicators in these zones during the day, we found out that they seem to close and open depending on the location of the Moon and planets, and other cosmic factors. Figuratively, this process was called the breathing of the Earth. So, in big cities, near polluted highways, this “breathing” can be compared to the shortness of breath characteristic of a person with asthma. And in the forest, in the mountains, near bodies of water, the “breathing” evens out, seems to become deeper and more rhythmic. It turned out that the home planet is breathing almost in the literal sense of the word. The Moon also breathes, and the worse humanity feels, the heavier its breathing.

By influencing matter, our words and even thoughts can revive or destroy it, the professor believes. By doing good, we heal the whole world. If we are angry, take revenge and are indignant, that is, we express negative emotions, we create natural disasters, cataclysms, wars, catastrophes. And our natural satellite, experiencing the enormous influence of the Earth, like an echo, captures every thought of humanity. How to avoid avalanches here?

To some, this explanation may seem fantastic, and he will prefer to consider the reason for the change in lunar landscapes to be the melting of deep ice. This, of course, is important - after all, the Moon should become a transit base for flights to distant planets, and the presence of water makes it especially convenient for this. But the exploration of other planets is a prospect that humanity, in principle, can refuse: we will live like this. The breathing of the Earth's satellite is more complicated: if it begins to choke, this may be a sign that problems will arise for our planet very soon. And this will inevitably have to be taken into account.

Over the past few decades, we've found evidence that there are many places in the solar system, like Mars and Saturn's moon Enceladus, that may be, or once were, habitable. However, life on our own satellite is a completely different story. The Moon is a dry, constantly irradiated desert that remains that way for billions of years. Naturally, science does not say anything for sure, but to the percentage of confidence that it allows, we know that there is no life there today. And yet, is there life on the Moon?

The main problem in the existence of life on the Moon is, now there will be an intentional tautology, a huge number of problems. Due to the peculiarities of the temperature regime, the water here either instantly freezes or immediately evaporates, being released into outer space. There is no atmosphere here that could keep it in a liquid state. For the sake of scaring the reader, we will inform you that in the sun the temperature here rises to 127 C, and at night it drops by 300 degrees, that is, somewhere up to 170 below zero. The absence of an atmosphere and magnetic field also means that there is nothing to protect possible life from solar radiation. Science knows of several types of extremely tenacious microbes, but rest assured, it would be unbearably difficult even for them on the Moon.

However, this may not always have been the case. Last week, an article was published in the online journal Astrobiology, the authors of which, having collected data from a huge amount of research in several fields of science, found that the picture of the early stages of the existence of our natural satellite indicates the presence of life on the Moon rather than its absence.

The first such stage can be considered the moment of the formation of our satellite about four and a half billion years ago. When the rocks that formed the Moon began to grow together, they emitted enormous amounts of heat and various gases. The second “window” opened approximately half a billion years later, when the same process occurred as a result of violent volcanic activity. In both cases, the gases could linger on the Moon, forming an atmosphere more noticeable than the one that exists on Mars today. In addition, there may have been liquid water and a magnetic field generated by the movement of magma deep below the surface during this period. And it, as we know, is a fairly reliable shield from harmful solar radiation.

The authors of the article emphasize that all this happened in parallel with the emergence of life on Earth. They also stipulate that the “habitability” of the Moon was very short-lived by cosmic standards, but for us this does not fundamentally change anything. We have known for a long time that life does not require a huge amount of time to develop. There is even a possibility that some terrestrial microbes could be thrown onto the Moon after collisions of our planet with large asteroids.

Naturally, all of the above is not proof that there was once life on the Moon. However, all this makes us look at our faithful companion a little differently.

Recently, there have been many manifestations of seismic activity on Earth. Scientists have discovered a surprising pattern: recently there has been shaking even in places where it was least expected. The Philippines, Myanmar, Chile, Indonesia, Mexico, New Zealand, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Papua New Guinea and even Greece were shaken by tremors.

Experts assure that natural disasters on our planet are just beginning.

"We see that weather conditions are changing. On our territory, the frequent appearance of blocking cyclones and anticyclones. A change in the zonal transfer of air masses in the summer; in winter, when these air masses begin to move a little differently,"- says Doctor of Technical Sciences Alexey Diashev.

In recent years, a theory that explains all these upcoming changes in our planet and the Moon is gaining more and more popularity in the scientific world.

“While this is not a proven fact, this is only a version, but it has the right to life. None of the scientists will argue that the Moon plays a huge role in the life of the Earth, that much on our planet depends on it. The natural disasters of recent years could have been caused strange lunar activity" says climatologist Rainer Feistle.

Over the past 10 years, robotic probes from India, China, Japan, Germany, France and the United States have been sent to the Moon. Also, the American aerospace agency NASA decided to resume the lunar exploration program.

The burning interest of lunar researchers is caused by strange phenomena that have been observed on the satellite of our planet from the very beginning of its study. What the American astronauts encountered when they visited the Earth's satellite.

Despite the fact that the Moon is the closest celestial body to our planet, scientists still know little about its origin. Many scientists agree that the Moon is a very strange cosmic object; it is not similar to any natural celestial body. Firstly, it is the only satellite in the solar system that revolves around its planet, i.e. around the Earth, in a perfectly regular circle. All other satellites - Mars, Jupiter and Saturn - have an elliptical orbit. Moreover, the period of rotation of the Moon around its axis completely coincides with the period of its revolution around our planet. That is why only one side is always visible from the Earth, and what happens on the far side of the Moon is not visible.

Not far from the Schröter crater there is the most mysterious structure on the Moon, reminiscent of a real lunar city: low straight shafts are interconnected by unusual gratings, similar to underground tunnels. At the end of one of them there is something resembling a huge tower or citadel.

“There is another anomaly on the Moon: certain buildings are recorded - supposedly high-rise buildings or simply some buildings that exceed 500 meters. And it seems that they are made of glass. And these buildings are very often recorded on the dark side of the Moon,”- says climatologist Yuri Senkin.

At the same time, the lunar city, which was named the city of Gruithuizen in honor of the astronomer who first saw it, has increased in size by several meters over the past few years. Researchers of lunar anomalies claim: in fact, these are not towers or cities, but complex technical units of the entire lunar mechanism.

“On the Moon, the movement of colossal mechanisms, several kilometers long and several hundred meters wide, was recorded. On the Moon, the appearance of structures in the form of bridges, more than 10–15 kilometers long, was recorded. And these structures suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared,”- notes Gennady Zadneprovsky, vice-president of the International Academy of Informatization, candidate of technical sciences.

But just recently, the Japanese Kaguya automatic probe discovered an amazing tunnel on the Moon. It is located near the volcanic plateau of the Hill of Marius. Judging by the data transmitted by the probe, the width of this tunnel is several hundred kilometers. At the same time, it leads under the surface of the Moon.

“Not only this one tunnel was discovered on the Moon, a whole system of tunnels was discovered on the Moon, which covers almost the entire Moon,”- says Gennady Zadneprovsky.

Official science is trying to find evidence that all these and other strange objects located on the Moon are the result of natural processes. But there are still many weaknesses in these explanations.

The possibility of the presence of intelligent life on the far side of the Moon was also stated by the famous astronomer, professor at the University of Munich F.P. von Gruithusen. According to him, there are roads and fortresses on the Moon, and he associated the two light stripes discovered in the area of ​​the Messier crater with the presence of highways with busy traffic. But that’s not all. On July 12, 1861, he discovered an entire city near the Schröter crater, which stretches for 24 miles and is a web of low straight shafts diverging at an angle of 45 degrees and connected in pairs by a symmetrical lattice of transverse shafts. This city can only be discovered when the Sun hangs very low above the lunar horizon.

In his work “Traces of Organic Life on the Moon,” the scientist writes: “The criterion is the impossibility of deducing phenomena from the laws to which inorganic nature is subject. Only this impossibility gives confidence to assert that life exists on the moon or at least existed." He also linked the periodic darkening of the lunar seas to the presence of vegetation.
Even since the invention of the telescope, the moon has been presenting its own surprises. So, on May 3, 1715, the French astronomer J. Louville discovered glimpses of rays of light on the western border of the lunar disk. They appeared regularly and came from the darkened side. On October 12, 1775, the German astronomer J. Schröter saw a bright point of light flying over the Sea of ​​Rains, and to the west of the Sea of ​​Crises he discovered a crater , which, after 50 years, for unknown reasons, suddenly disappeared. The crater discovered in 1823 by I. Schmidt and I. von Modler also disappeared in the same way.
The last object to be discovered was also called the “Modler Square”, very similar to an artificial structure. However, in 1950, only ruins remained on the site of this square. Many of the lunar phenomena were discovered by the Soviet astronomer Academician N. Kozyrev. For example, on November 3, 1958, for two hours he observed a strange red cloud over the Alphonse crater, the spectral analysis of which indicated the presence of chemical reactions similar to those that occur during an artificial explosion. Glowing points of light were seen on the surface of the Moon by astronomers Greenaker, Barr and Yamada in 1963, HarrisyCross- in 1964, and astronomer Wilkins in 1950 and 1955.
Similar phenomena were also noted by astronomers in 1965, 1966, 1968, 1972, and they are still observed today. British astronomer P. Moore conducted a thorough analysis of all recorded phenomena of this kind and compiled a catalog, which by 1968 contained more than 700 lunar anomalies. In his conclusions, he does not exclude the presence of reasonable activity.
According to one version, American astronaut N. Amstrong, immediately after landing on the moon, discovered strange objects ranging in size from 6 to 15 meters on the surface, as well as similar to those that remain from tank tracks. Readiness for takeoff was even declared. Later, after receiving 5 hours permission to leave, he reported to Earth: “I would like to know what it is? There are big objects here! Huge! There are other spaceships here. They stand behind the crater on the opposite side. They are on the moon and watching us!

However, many who watched the broadcast of the moon landing did not see or hear anything like this. The answer to this question is very simple. It is no coincidence that more and more voices have recently been heard in favor of the fact that the film about the moon landing was edited and filmed in advance on Earth. But this does not mean at all that the Americans did not land on the Moon. Obviously, NASA assumed both the poor quality of the broadcast (especially considering how UFOs affect earthly electronics) and the presence of anomalous phenomena. And the latter had to be hidden from the general public.
This is supported by the evidence of 28 American astronauts who observed UFOs near their ships, photographed them and reported them to the Mission Control Center. This is also supported by the discovery of a pyramid made of glass-like material on the lunar surface by J. Young, as well as an orange glass object .All this indicates the presence of extraneous intelligence on the Moon.

All this is supported by the dialogue between the “pioneer” of the Moon N. Amstrong and one of the professors at one of the NASA symposiums, which L. Zamoyski cites in his book “UFOs. They are already here”:
« Professor. So, what really happened with Apollo 11?
Amstrong. It was incredible. The point is that these strangers made it clear to us that we should leave the lunar territory. Of course, after that there could be no talk of any lunar station.
Professor. What do you mean by "made it clear"?
Amstrong. I have no right to go into details. I can only say that their ships are much superior to ours both in size and in technical sophistication. You see, they were really huge! And formidable... In general, there’s nothing to think about either the lunar city or the station.”
An equally significant statement was made by the famous specialist in the field of rocket science, Wernher von Braun, after the incomprehensible deflection of the rocket “ JUNO -2" from its trajectory to the Moon. In particular, he said the following: “There are extraterrestrial forces whose location is unknown to us and which are much stronger than we have hitherto imagined. I have no right to say anything more about this. In the near future we will be able to clarify something when we enter into closer communication with these forces.” .
For this very reason, the tasks of all subsequent lunar expeditions were simplified, and their time on the Moon was shortened. So gradually, so as not to draw attention to the real reason, the lunar research program was curtailed in both the USA and the USSR.
As you know, all these facts are not advertised in the public press, and such “leaks” of information occur only in specialized publications.
But it is possible that the point here is not that the truth is being hidden from us, but that someone is forcing us to do it. Obviously, the aliens have some power over governments and their subordinate structures.
It is no coincidence that G. Cooper noted: “For many years I lived in the secrecy that surrounded all astronautics specialists. But now I can say that not a day goes by in the United States without a UFO being detected by aircraft radars and space tracking stations.” But that's not all.
Evidence of the presence of intelligent extraterrestrial life has long been discovered by scientists not only on the Moon and Mars. Thus, back in 1979, the television cameras of the Voyager 1 space station in the immediate vicinity of Saturn transmitted a very clear image of a giant cigar-shaped object that did not resemble either a planet or to an asteroid. The length of the object was estimated at 11,200 kilometers, which is almost equal to the length of the diameter of the Earth. After this stunning event, the Americans sent Voyager 3 to the Saturn Station, however, on approaching the planet, the spacecraft stopped following commands from the Control Center, changed its trajectory and went away, ceasing communication with the Earth. And in February 1996, the Hubble orbital telescope transmitted to Earth a series of color photographs of a huge oval-shaped object that was moving around the outer side of the rings of Saturn.
Astronomers have repeatedly observed anomalous objects in the immediate vicinity of Venus. So, back in
XVII century (1645) they were observed by the Italian astronomer F. Fontana. About 40 similar observations were noted in the next two centuries.