Pediatric development. How to distinguish grammatical homonyms? Are all independent parts of speech significant?

What is a part of speech is a community of words that can be distinguished based on the similarities and differences in their grammatical and semantic properties.

What is a part of speech in Russian

Based on an article on this topic by the famous Russian linguist Lev Vladimirovich Shcherba, who, together with a group of other philologists, created the theory of the phoneme, the dominant concept in linguistic Russian studies is the acceptance of the versatility of properties for the purpose of their classification.

Taking the above characteristics as criteria and guided by the following significant differences and similarities, lexemes are classified into certain categories:

  1. Unity of overall meaning, such as, for example, the attribute of an adverb.
  2. Unity of grammatical patterns and inflection.
  3. Similarity of syntactic functions.

The differentiation of words by class has occupied scientists since ancient times and was relevant on all continents and at all times, so this issue was dealt with by ancient Greek philosophers (Aristotle), and ancient Indian linguists (Panini), and scientists of Tsarist Russia (Meletius Smotritsky).

Due to the fact that within the Russian language most words are changeable, let us consider their division according to the morphological principle, which was widely promoted by representatives of the Fortunatov school (named after its founder F.F. Fortunatov).

The following signs exist:

  • a certain order of word transformation;
  • set of grammatical meanings;
  • morphological structure (for example, “like” and “so” are pronouns, and “sad” and “cheerful” are adjectives).

What class a lexeme belongs to can be understood using only morphological typology, but in other languages ​​the use of this principle will not be so obvious.

What are the parts of speech?

Russian scholars have identified 13 parts of speech: 9 independent and 3 service. Let's look at each part of speech separately.

Independent parts of speech

Otherwise called significant. If you look from the point of view of syntax, they can also act as a subject, predicate, definition, circumstance or addition.


Semantic content: animate or inanimate object.

Answers the questions “Who?”, “What?”.

Can serve as subject or object. From the point of view of morphology, it has such characteristics as: gender (masculine, feminine, middle, general and mutual), number, case, common noun (common and proper).

For example, dog - noun. and. r., 1 sk., animated, named after. pad., common noun.

Ostap - noun m.r., 2 rooms, animated, named after. pad., own.


Semantic component: a sign of an object.

The following questions apply to him: “Which one?”, “Whose?”

In a sentence, it plays the role of definition, consistent with the objects.

There are also separate short adjectives, whose distinctive feature is their heterogeneity in terms of a set of parameters; for example, it can be very difficult to include such unchangeable words as bordeaux into this class.

Discharge can be called the most stable feature of this class (qualitative, relative, possessive).

High quality, carrying a sign or quality of an object, can change: strengthen/weaken. For example, the kindest, enormous one. Achieve a change in the degree of expression of a characteristic by combining it with adverbs very (extremely, endlessly, extremely, etc.). For example, an infinitely deep sea.

Almost all representatives of this group are able to transform into the short form: beautiful, must. They can also be recognized by the presence of antonyms: big - small.

At the same time, qualitative adjectives have the following degrees of comparison:

  • Positive - "long road";
  • Comparative - “The road from our city to Moscow is longer than the road to Ryazan”;
  • Excellent - "longest road".

Relative have the following characteristics:

  • answer the question “Which?”;
  • indicate a sign;
  • do not correlate with adverbs that strengthen them;
  • have only a positive degree;
  • are not brief;
  • cannot have antonyms.

For example - wooden, paper, St. Petersburg, millimeter, telephone(that is, adjectives denoting the relationship of one object to another).

Possessive adjectives, as the name implies, they give an idea of ​​​​the belonging of an object to another object. They have the same characteristics (from 3rd to 6th) as the representatives of the previous group. For example, Verin, Serezhin, mother's, uncle's, dog's.


Semantic component: action or state of an object.

It can be recognized by the question “What (to) do?”

In a sentence it fulfills the duties of a predicate. Verbs have conjugation (change in persons and numbers).


  1. Transitional (requires the attachment of the object to which the action is directed, for example - "he's cooking porridge") and intransitive (not combined with an object, for example - "it costs").
  2. Returnable (for example, “hug”, “rejoices”) and non-refundable ( “hug”, “will be happy”).

In addition to conjugation, it also changes within the following categories: moods, voice, etc.

As for changes in time, everything is clear here: the past (was), the present (is), the future (will be).

According to moods, the verb changes as follows:

  • in the indicative mood: "I sing";
  • in the subjunctive mood: “I would sing”;
  • in the imperative mood: "Sing!"


Semantic content: quantity, number and order of objects.

To the question “How much?” answer quantitative ( nine, eight, nineteen), fractional ( seven eighths, eight point three) and collective ( four); to "Which one?" and “Which?” – ordinal ( fifth, fourteenth).

The first group, in turn, is divided into:

  • definite-quantitative ( ten, one hundred seventy seven) and indefinitely quantitative ( several, many);
  • into simple ones, consisting of one base ( from 11 to 20, thirty, four), complex, having two bases ( eight hundred, sixty) and composites, consisting of several bases ( three thousand twenty nine).


Semantic component: sign: of an object, action (to a greater extent) or sign.

Can be determined by the questions “Where?”, “Why?”, “When?”, “Why?”, “Where?” And How?". Doesn't change!


  • Definitive: quantitative (extremely, too), qualitative (exactly), comparatively similar (boyish);
  • Circumstantial: according to the mode of action (in winter, for show, therefore, so, it is possible, it is visible), measure and degree (once), place (there, here), reason (for a reason, involuntarily), time (when, always, sometimes, already , also), goals (on purpose).


Indicates objects, their characteristics, quantity, but does not replace them.

The following groups are distinguished:

  • Personal (they);
  • Demonstratives (this, this, those, this);
  • Definitive (each, all, all, other);
  • Relative (how many, who, whose, which);
  • Negative (nothing);
  • Indefinite (someone, somewhere, something);
  • Possessive (yours, yours, mine);
  • Interrogatives (by whom, with what).


Linguistic scientists for the most part do not classify them as either independent or auxiliary parts of speech. Interjections express emotional and volitional manifestations of animate objects.

There are several classifications of them, based on their meaning, structure and origin. These include the designation of quick actions (“thousands!”), phraseological units: “My fathers!”, “Well, something like this.”


It is a special form of verbs that denotes an attribute of an object by action.

Answers the question “Which one?” At the same time, it has the characteristics of an adjective and a verb.

There are active (practicing, drawing) and passive (lifting, giving up).


You can determine by asking the questions “What by doing?”, “What by doing?”.

Formed from a verb.

Adds an additional action to the main one. It has the characteristics of both a verb and an adverb.

From the first the following properties were inherited: recurrence, pledge, transitivity, aspect; from the second the role of circumstance and immutability passed on.

Examples: “doing”, “having done”, “having finished”.

Functional parts of speech

They connect representatives of previous classes and play a supporting role. For example - “When it’s cold outside, I pick up a book and sit on the rug by the fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa.”


They connect homogeneous members and components of sentences; they are simple (if, too, while, so that) and compound (as if).


They indicate the type of relationship between subject and object, providing the possibility of a subordinate relationship.

There are prepositions:

  • space (“between the lawn and the park”, “near the river”, “across the road”);
  • time (“at one hour”, “at fifteen minutes past two”);
  • reasons and purposes (“for”).


They also play a supporting role, helping to color emotionally independent parts of speech. In addition, they serve for further word formation.

Particles are:

  • Interrogative: really;
  • Demonstratives: here;
  • Negative: no, neither;
  • Excretory: only, only;
  • Amplification: even, really;
  • Opposing: after all.

How to determine part of speech in Russian

So, to understand which of the above categories a lexeme belongs to, you need to establish:

  1. Firstly, the question it answers and also what it means.
  2. Secondly, what morphological features does it have (for example, a noun has a declension, and a verb has a conjugation), that is, how it changes.
  3. Third, what part of the sentence it is.


Thus, on the basis of semantic, syntactic and, of course, morphological features, a conclusion is made that the word belongs to the above classes.

§1. What is the classification of words based on parts of speech?

Morphology studies the grammatical nature of words and classifies them based on their inherent morphological features. In principle, a variety of classifications are possible: the result depends on what features are used as the basis. Therefore, when faced with a classification, always think about what it is based on.

Morphological classification of words - this is their division into classes, which are called parts of speech.
This is a complex classification. It is built not on one, but on three criteria:

  • grammatical meaning
  • set of morphological characters
  • syntactic role in a sentence

Grammatical meaning
- this is the most generalized meaning characteristic of the entire class of words. More subtle differences in meaning reflect ranks by value, which are allocated for one or another part of speech. For example, let's look at a noun.

The grammatical meaning of a noun is “object”. It is expressed in words that answer the questions: Who what?
Examples: Who what? - leg, lamp, son, Moscow, gold, silver, nobility, youth, goodness, greed.
These words, of course, convey different meanings: concrete and abstract, material, collective, proper. What is important for morphology is that these differences in meaning are expressed at the morphological level. For example, most nouns with specific meanings usually have singular and plural forms: leg legs, and all the rest - only one form: either singular or plural: Moscow(own) - singular, gold(real) - units. h., nobility(collective) - units. h., good(abstract) - singular But all these words are of the same class. They answer certain questions, which distinguishes them from other classes of words, such as verbs that answer questions: What to do?, What to do? and express the grammatical meaning of “action”: walk, jump, laugh, fight, study.

Morphological characteristics -
these are characteristics of the grammatical nature of words. For morphology it is important:

  • whether the words change or not,
  • what sets of forms does a word have,
  • what endings are these forms expressed by,
  • what these forms express.

Some morphological features are common to several parts of speech, for example case, others are characteristic of only one class of words, for example time. One and the same feature can be unchangeable, constant for some class of words and changeable for others, such as, for example, genus. Each part of speech has its own set of morphological features. Without knowing them, it is impossible to carry out a morphological analysis of a word and understand what unites words of one part of speech and distinguishes them from words of other parts of speech.

Syntactic role in a sentence -
it is the role that words of a certain class play in a sentence. Important:

  • whether the word is a member of a sentence,
  • what is its role in the grammatical structure of a sentence.

§2. Parts of speech


The dotted line shows that not all authors distinguish participles, gerunds and the category of state. This issue is discussed in more detail below.

Part of speech is a class of words united by a common grammatical meaning, a set of morphological features and a syntactic role in a sentence. This class of words differs from other classes in a set of characteristics.

The logic of this classification of Russian words by parts of speech is generally accepted.

It is also common to distinguish:

  • interjections and non-interjective word classes,
  • non-interjectives are divided into auxiliary and independent classes of words,
  • among independent ones, distinguish between significant and pronominal words,
  • nominatives are divided into changing and unchanging (adverbial),
  • inflected ones are divided into inflected and conjugated (verbs),
  • Declined ones are further divided by types of declension (nouns inflected by number and cases and others inflected by number, cases and gender).

Traditionally distinguished 10 parts of speech:

  • Nouns
  • Adjectives
  • Numerals
  • Pronouns
  • Verbs
  • Adverbs
  • Prepositions
  • Unions
  • Particles
  • Interjections

§3. Why do textbooks indicate different numbers of parts of speech?

Linguistics is an interpretive science, i.e. explanatory.
Specific interpretations of linguistic phenomena depend on the point of view of the author.
There are phenomena in language that can be interpreted (explained) in different ways.

Participles and gerunds

The dotted lines on the diagram show the special status of participles and gerunds. Depending on the point of view, they are either considered forms of the verb, in which case they form part of speech Verb, or are identified as special parts of speech. Why did different interpretations arise?

The peculiarity of participles is that they retain verbal features, for example, aspect, tense, transitivity, reflexivity, conjugation. But at the same time, participles are modified in a special way, like adjectives. Full participles - by case and number, and in the singular - by gender, and short participles - by number and in the singular - by gender. And the participles do not change at all.

Interpretation 1 : Participle and gerund are special forms of verbs.
Initial form: verb in the infinitive form, i.e. infinitive.
Suffixes of participles and gerunds are formative suffixes.
Infinitive erect, participles: and gerunds: erecting- these are just different forms of one word erect.

Interpretation 2 : participle and gerund are independent parts of speech.
Initial form of participle: unit form. numbers, husband kind.
Suffixes of participles and gerunds are word-forming suffixes.
Infinitive erect, participles erecting, erecting, erecting and gerunds erecting - different words belonging to different parts of speech.

The line of dots on the diagram shows the special status of words in the state category. The name itself, by the way, is also unlike the names of other parts of speech. Why did different interpretations arise?

It has long been noted that adverbial words are very diverse. In particular, a group of adverbial unchangeable words that denote the state of a person is distinguished. To me Cold, and to him hot. This is not the same as: loud scream, quiet laugh. Both the meaning and role in the sentence of the words: cold, hot - loud quiet vary.

Interpretation 1: All these words are adverbs. Among them there is a special subgroup that has its own characteristics.

Interpretation 2: Adverbs and words of the state category are different parts of speech. They have different meanings and different roles in a sentence.

Discussing the problem of interpretation

How should children answer teachers' questions? How to complete test tasks? How to perform morphological analysis of words? And word-formation analysis, by the way, too?

Nowhere does it say: figure it out for yourself and make a choice which point of view to adhere to. The textbooks clearly state: this is so. Some authors categorically do not accept other points of view and directly state: the other point of view is erroneous. That is, the adults could not agree among themselves. What should schoolchildren do? Everyone has the State Examination or the Unified State Exam ahead, and the younger guys have both exams.


  • how this material is given by the authors of your textbook;
  • what textbook are you studying with: learn the names of the authors;
  • When completing tasks, do not rush between different concepts, act consciously and, most importantly, consistently.

For graduates: be prepared to explain the point of view you share and name the textbook in which it is presented. No one has the right to consider it unacceptable and reduce the grade for it. In case of misunderstandings when assessing your knowledge, which arose as a result of different interpretations of linguistic phenomena in school textbooks, persistently ask to understand the situation. The necessary information for protection is on this site.

§4. Servants - independent parts of speech

Any person who speaks Russian understands that there is an important difference between auxiliary and independent classes of words.

Functional parts of speech:

  • Prepositions
  • Unions
  • Particles

Independent parts of speech:

  • Noun
  • Adjective
  • Numeral
  • Verb
  • Adverb


Interjection is a special part of speech. She is neither official nor independent.

What is the main difference?

Service parts of speech express not independent meanings, but relationships between members of a sentence or sentences, or give words and sentences different shades of meaning. They do not have a set of morphological characteristics and are not members of the sentence.

Independent parts of speech express the grammatical meaning characteristic of the entire class of words:

  • Nouns - "thing"
  • Adjective - “sign of an object”
  • Numeral - “number, quantity, order in counting”
  • Verb - "action"
  • Adverb - “a sign of a sign, a sign of an action”
  • Pronoun - “indication”

Independent parts of speech are divided into nominatives and pronouns.
Significant parts of speech name objects, signs, actions, numbers, and pronouns only point to them.

Test of strength

Check your understanding of this chapter.

Final test

  1. What classification is based on the grammatical meaning of words, a set of their morphological features and the syntactic role of words in a sentence?

    • Members' proposals
    • Parts of speech
  2. Can one and the same morphological feature be common to words from different parts of speech?

  3. Can one and the same morphological feature be changeable in some words and unchangeable in others?

  4. Can words from the same part of speech be different parts of a sentence?

  5. Can words from different parts of speech be one part of a sentence?

  6. Is it correct to believe that significant words are divided into changeable and unchangeable?

  7. What part of speech is an interjection?

    • Self-sufficient
    • Service
    • Neither one nor the other
  8. What parts of speech is opposed to interjection?

    • Official
    • Independent
    • Both one and the other, that is, everyone
  9. Do numerals decline?

  10. Are pronouns conjugated?

  11. Are all independent parts of speech significant?

  12. Are all significant parts of speech independent?

Right answers:

  1. Parts of speech
  2. Neither one nor the other
  3. Both one and the other, that is, everyone
  • How do words change in Russian? (for high school students and those who want to understand this)

In contact with

Part of speech(lat. pars orationis) is a category of language unit, which is determined by syntactic and morphological features. According to these characteristics, there are different classification of parts of speech in different languages ​​of the world. A part of speech can be called a group of words that has:

  1. One grammatical meaning and general set morphological characteristics;
  2. One thing in common lexical meaning;
  3. Some executable syntactic functions.

In different languages ​​of the world, parts of speech are divided into the category of names, which is opposed to the verb, and they are together opposed to various auxiliary parts of speech. But this division is primarily conditional.

Signs of classification of parts of speech in the Russian language.

Signs of classification- these are the signs that determine the principles of classification of parts of speech in the Russian language. There are four such signs in Russian:

  • Semantic- this sign determines the general meaning of a part of speech (for example, a verb has the meaning of action)
  • Syntactic- This sign, which determines the role of the part of speech in a sentence (for example, the verb most often acts as a predicate).
  • Morphological- this is a complete set of forms and paradigms of a word, as well as the division of words of a language into changeable and unchangeable.
  • Derivational- this sign characterizes a set of models and means of word formation of a particular part of speech.

Types of parts of speech in Russian.

The Russian language has ten main parts of speech:

Principles of classification of parts of speech.

All parts of speech in Russian are divided into independent parts of speech And functional parts of speech. Independent parts of speech- these are parts of speech that have their own meaning (objectivity, attribute, action, quantity, etc.). Functional parts of speech- these are words that do not have their own meaning, but serve to link words in sentences, compare, contrast and other purposes.

TO independent units speeches include:

  • Noun
  • Adjective
  • Numeral
  • Pronoun
  • Verb
  • Adverb

TO service parts of speech in Russian include:

  • Pretext
  • Particle

These are the main parts of speech in Russian, each of which we will consider and study separately.

Russian scholars distinguish parts of speech in different ways. Our article will tell you about those parts of speech that are studied in the school course. These are 12 parts of speech, which are divided into independent and auxiliary. Let's take a closer look at what parts of speech there are in the Russian language.

Independent parts of speech

A noun is a part of speech that is independent in nature and answers the questions “what?” "who?", and also denotes an object. According to their meaning, all nouns can be divided into animate (boy, horse) and inanimate (stool, notebook), into proper names (Moscow, Petya, newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda") and common nouns (numerous names of objects and phenomena: table, coin, heart , society, love, etc.).

An adjective is a part of speech that expresses a characteristic of an object, answering the questions “which?” "what?" "whose?" etc. Adjectives are divided into relative (wooden, reading), qualitative (big, beautiful) and possessive (sister, fox).

A numeral is a part of speech that denotes the number of objects and the number and order of counting. Numeral names, according to grammatical features and meaning, are divided into ordinal (tenth, second) and quantitative (ten, two).

A pronoun is a part of speech that indicates signs, objects and their quantities, but does not name them. In sentences, pronouns are most often used as a subject or determiner, rarely as a circumstance. Sometimes pronouns are even used as a predicate.

A verb is a part of speech that denotes the state of an object or an action, and answers the questions “what to do?”, “what to do?” etc. Verbs are divided into perfect and imperfect, active and passive voice, transitive and intransitive, reflexive and non-reflexive. Also, verbs have an initial form or an infinitive. In a sentence, verbs are most often predicates, but they can act as subjects or modifiers.

A participle is a special form of a verb that denotes the characteristics of an object by action. The participle answers the questions: “which?”, “what is he doing?”, “what did he do?”, “what did he do?”, “what was done?” and so on. Participles are divided into passive and active. The active denotes the attribute of the object that produces the action, and the passive denotes the attribute of the object that experiences this action. (“reading boy” is a boy who reads himself; “reading book” is a book that someone is reading, that is, someone is performing actions with this book).

A gerund is a verb form that denotes an additional action while there is a main action. The participle answers the questions “what by doing?”, “what by doing?”. Participles are of the perfect and imperfect forms (“jumping out” is the perfect form, “jumping” is the imperfect form).

An adverb is a part of speech that expresses a sign of an action or other sign (to do beautifully, very beautifully). An adverb is an unchangeable part of speech, which is most often a circumstance in a sentence.

Functional parts of speech

Now let's look at what functional parts of speech the system of parts of speech of the Russian language includes.

A preposition is a part of speech that expresses the dependence of a noun, pronoun and numeral on other words present in the phrase and in the sentence. Prepositions cannot be modified and are not part of a sentence. Prepositions can be derivative and non-derivative (non-derivative: a, to, from, with; derivative: on the contrary, along, due to, thanks to).

A conjunction is a functional part of speech that connects homogeneous members found in a simple sentence, as well as several simple sentences in a complex sentence. There are subordinating conjunctions (therefore, so that, that) and coordinating conjunctions (a, and, but).

A particle is a part of speech that introduces different shades into sentences and serves to form new forms of words (come on, come on, let it go, b). Particles are not members of a sentence and do not change.

An interjection is a special part of speech that expresses feelings without naming them. It is not included either in the group of auxiliary parts of speech or in the group of independent parts (oh, ah, hee-hee-hee, ugh, brrr).

Thus, you can see that all parts of speech in the Russian language are diverse and not similar to each other. Only when combined with each other can they form phrases and sentences.

Garifullina Ramzia Mirgazizovna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MBOU "Makulovskaya Secondary School"
Locality: Russkoe Makulovo village, Republic of Tatarstan
Name of material: methodological development
Subject:"Parts of speech, division of parts of speech into independent and auxiliary"
Publication date: 23.09.2018
Chapter: elementary education

Russian language lesson in 4th grade

Teacher Garifullina R.M.

Topic, Parts of speech, division of parts of speech into independent and auxiliary.

Lesson type Solving specific problems




Create conditions for familiarization with the grammatical features of parts of speech; improve students' knowledge

about the features of the studied parts of speech - nouns, adjectives, verbs, pronouns;

improve the ability to compare parts of speech according to their essential features and recognize them; contribute

developing the ability to use various parts of speech in sentences and texts; promote interest

to the Russian language, the culture of educational work in the classroom




Get acquainted with the concept of “grammatical features of parts of speech”; learn to conduct observations

grammatical features of words based on a semantic question; compare parts of speech according to their essential

signs, recognize them; use different parts of speech in sentences and texts; fulfill

morphological analysis of words



Cognitive: navigate the textbook: determine the skills that will be formed based on

studying this section; determine the circle of your ignorance; analyze, compare, group different

objects, phenomena, facts; regulatory: pronounce out loud the sequence of actions performed,

forming the basis of the activity being mastered; evaluate the result together with the teacher or classmates

their actions, make appropriate adjustments; communicative: participate in dialogue; listen and

understand others, express your point of view on events and actions; defend your point of view, respecting

rules of speech etiquette; argue your point of view with facts and additional information



Recognize language as the main means of human communication, understand the importance of communication as significant

component of the life of society; demonstrate the ability to self-assess based on observation of one’s own speech;

possess the skills of cooperation with a teacher, adults, peers in the process of performing joint

activities in the lesson

Organizational structure of the lesson

(actions being carried out)

Formable ways




- Look what a sunny day it is today.

The sun illuminates the whole earth, it illuminates us all

loves and warms. So let everyone

a little ray of light will peek into our classroom and more

will warm us, but will also give us strength, accuracy,

confidence in knowledge

They inform you that they are ready for the lesson.

Determine the level of preparedness

(Am I in the mood to listen to the teacher,

comprehend the lesson material)


and maintain organizational



home money

about assignments

– Read an excerpt from V.’s poem.

Stepanova. Name the missing letters.

– Above the words, indicate the parts of speech you have studied.

That we (pron.) Homeland (n.)

call (v.)?

Sun (noun) in (preposition) sky (noun)

blue (adj.)

And (conjunction) fragrant (adj.),

golden (adj.)

Bread (noun) for (preposition)

festive (adj.) table (noun).

Highlight essential


from the text of the riddle. Nominate

hypothesis and justify it.

Carry out updating

personal life experience.

Be able to listen according to

with a target setting.

Accept and save

educational goal and task


Spends a minute writing penmanship.

– The Russian language lesson teaches us literate and

beautiful letter. A moment of penmanship

we will write 2 letters, and which ones - for us

you have to guess because the clouds have covered

cards with letters.

They find “extra” ones on every cloud

Look at the first cloud and tell me how

do you think what letters we will

prescribe? Why?

They do penmanship.

Chh Rr Chr Rh

words with



- Guess the riddle:

White sheep

They don't sit on the stove.

And they sail from afar

Cumulus clouds).





An accumulation of small volatile particles of something

in the air. The word "cloud" is borrowed from

Old Church Slavonic






about cloud,

cloudy, cloudy, cloudy, sky-high,

cloudless, cloudless.

Sino n i m: cloud.



turn to reality.


the unexpected appearance of someone.

Select words with the same root

synonyms for the dictionary word.

Remember proverbs, sayings,

catchphrases with vocabulary

in a word, make sentences



game "Find the Stranger".

– Read the words and find the “extra”

– What are the names of the words in the 1st column? What

is it a noun?

– What are the names of the words in the 2nd column? What

is it an adjective?

– What are the names of the words in the 3rd column? What

Find the “extra” word in each

table column.

– We will learn to recognize


and maintain the learning goal

and a task. Consciously and

build speech arbitrarily


in oral form

is it a verb?

– What general name can be given to these

– Read the topic of the lesson. What's to come

learn in class?

parts of speech, find them in the text,

to ask questions; determine

grammatical features known


nothing new





– Remember the grammar table

signs of parts of speech. Words of what part of speech

can they be classified as animate?

inanimate? own?

common nouns? (Nouns.)

Give examples.

– What parts of speech can have gender; number;

case; time; face? (Kinds have names

nouns, adjectives,

verbs in the past tense. Number have

nouns, names

adjectives, pronouns, verb.

Deduce linguistic patterns

lying in the

new concept being studied or

Analyze the wording of the rule

(concepts) given in the textbook.

Conduct observations on the material

connected texts.

The table tells how

a member of the sentence can be

each part of speech.

Perform object analysis

based on visualization

Time has a verb. Face have

pronoun and verb.)

– How do nouns change?

(Nouns change according to

numbers, cases.)

– How do adjectives change?

(Adjectives change according to

Main members

numbers, genders, cases.)

– How do verbs change? (Verbs

change according to times, numbers, persons (in

present and future tense).

– How verbs change in the past

time? (Past tense verbs

vary by gender.)

– How do 3rd person pronouns change?

(3rd person pronouns change according to gender

and numbers.)

– What member of the sentence can be

from parts of speech?

Minor members


more firmly

– Read the poem by Yu. Moritz. A

how would you answer the first question


Is it possible to depict silence in a drawing?

Perform analytical

exercises. Participate in

discussing issues on the topic.

Copy a poem.

Consciously and voluntarily

construct a speech utterance

verbally, justify


Indicate the gender of names

nouns indicate

grammatical features

highlighted words

– What parts of speech are the highlighted ones?

words? What are the grammatical features?

can you determine from them?

- Write it down. Specify the gender of the names


Behind the clouds - noun, adjective, inanimate,

T.p., pl. h.

Walking - v., present. vr., plural Part 3

Wonderful - adj., V. p., g. r., units h.

Picture – noun, adjective, inanimate, V.

n., g. r., units h.

I – local, 1st person, unit. h.

Saw - ch., past. vr., units h., m.r.

Perform morphological

analysis of the word “saw”.

Saw - verb, what did you do?

initial form - see,

perfect tense, past tense,

units h., m.r., predicate.

opinion. Coordinate efforts

to solve a learning problem


tion and




knowledge and



Organizes discussions, listens to opinions,

sums it up.

- Read it. Why are the highlighted ones interesting?

words? (The highlighted words are sounded and written

the same, but are different parts

– What part of speech is each

highlighted word?

Exercise 118.


listen to the students' answers.

Listen to your interlocutor. Build

understandable to the interlocutor


Give reasons for your

point of view. Realize

analysis to find

compliance with the given

standard. Formulate your

opinion and position

Organizes work in a notebook.

Exercise 117

Make sentences from words

And they write it down

Work on



Test their knowledge


– What particularly interested you during

– What new did you learn in the lesson?

– What was the most difficult?

– Did you like the work in the lesson?

If you were interested, it's easy to

lesson, we figured it all out - blue

If sometimes there were difficulties,

Exercise self-control

educational activities


I doubt it, I didn’t really like it

work – green square.

If you didn't figure it out, it wasn't very good

interesting - red square

Talks and explains homework

exercise. Formulates execution tasks

exercises, gives accompanying