Book exhibition for the day of mourning and remembrance. Action of memory “Scorched by the fire of war. May Rural Library


Deputy Chairman of the Regional Government

« ___ » __________ 2013

Event plan,

dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow on the territory

Jewish Autonomous Region in 2013

Birobidzhan city

Event name


Date, time

Historical hour for teenagers “Memory of Burning Years”

Library branch No. 2

A lesson in courage for teenagers “War in my breath and the bitter silence of memories”

Center for Children's and Youth Books

Rally dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War

Victory Square

Military-patriotic game for teenagers “Zarnitsa”

Park of Culture and Recreation

Musical and literary composition “Dying, the hero will not die”

village Birshosse-10 km

House of Culture

Meeting with home front workers and children of war “Eternal memory to the heroes!”

With. Birofeld

House of Culture

Hour of Remembrance “Your feat is immortal, your glory is eternal!”

With. Poultry house

House of Culture

Rally “No one is made for war”

House of Culture Obelisk

Historical hour “Forever in memory”

House of Culture

With. Dubovoe

House of Culture

Hour of Remembrance “And the Saved World Remembers”

With. Kazanka

House of Culture

Literary hour “Memory must live for centuries”

With. Nadezhdinskoye

House of Culture

Rally “Keeping Memory”

With. Golovino

House of Culture

Exhibition-memory “The alarm of war is knocking on our hearts again”

With. Waldheim

District library

from 21.06 to 28.06

Hour of Remembrance “That very first day of the war”

With. Dubovoe

House of Culture

History lesson “And memory, like life, has no end”

With. Alekseevka

House of Culture

Memory lesson “Let’s not forget those terrible years”

With. Experienced Field

House of Culture

Memorial Evening “There are shades of war in the colors of Victory”

With. Beautiful

House of Culture

Conversation-dialogue “Our fellow countrymen walked the roads of war”

With. Pronkino

House of Culture


Literary and musical composition “Eternal and glorious is the feat of the people”

With. Yellow Yar


Hour of Remembrance “And the Saved World Remembers”

With. Kazanka


Rally “Who knew that there were only five minutes left between peace and war!”

With. Nayfeld

House of Culture

Smidovichi municipal district

Rally dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow

village Smidovich

Victory Square

Rally “Let the Generation Know”

village Nikolaevka Memorable place

Literary and musical composition “In Our Memory”

village Bira

Rally “When we stand at the eternal flame”

village Birakan

Information cultural and leisure center

Lesson of courage “Everyone was a hero there”

With. Mesopotamia

Information cultural and leisure center

Presentation “On the Roads of War”

village Londoko-zavod Information cultural and leisure center

Campaign "Candle of Memory"

With. Pashkovo

Cultural Center

Leninsky municipal district

Rally “Remember to Live!”

With. Kalinino

House of Culture

Memorial evening “We will not forget that fateful date”

With. Gornoe

House of Culture

Memory lesson “Defenders of the country”

With. Kirovo

House of Culture

Laying flowers at the obelisk “Our Memory”

With. Kukelevo

House of Culture

Rally at the obelisk “Between Life and Death”

With. Lazarevo

House of Culture

Evening meeting “We cried for the whole war”

With. Nizhneleninskoe

House of Culture

Educational program “We remember the night of the war”

House of Culture

Rally “The Forties Are Fatal”

With. Novotroitskoe

House of Culture

Evening story “We will not forget your feat”

Art. Leninskoe

House of Culture

Rally “A Day to Never Forget”

With. Stepnoe

House of Culture

Rally “We Honor and Remember”

House of Culture

Rally “We remember the night of the war”

With. Dezhnevo

House of Culture

Memorial Hour “Let there never be war”

c. Preobrazhenovka

House of Culture

Educational program “The feat of the people to live through the centuries”

With. Oktyabrskoe

House of Culture

Rally “War and our pain and memory”

With. Bijan

House of Culture

Rally “And let the generations remember”

With. Shoe

House of Culture

Rally "At the Holy Fire"

House of Culture

Rally “Hot years of war between us”

With. Kvashnino

House of Culture

Rally at the obelisk “Your names will forever be remembered”

Rally "River of Our Memory"

With. Voskresenovka

House of Culture

Educational program “Day of Remembrance and Sorrow”

With. Ventselevo

House of Culture

Hour of Remembrance “Eternal Memory of Heroes”

With. Leninskoe

House of Culture

Oktyabrsky municipal district

Rally at the obelisk “Remember, country!”

With. Amurzet

Park of Culture and Recreation

A lesson in courage “We must not forget about this”

With. Blessed Village Center of Culture and Leisure

Memorial evening “Once upon a time there was a war”

With. Kind

House of Culture

Memorial evening “It’s impossible to forget about her...”

With. Sadovoe

House of Culture

Theme evening “War, your trail is terrible!”

With. Streams

House of Culture

History hour “How our grandfathers won”

With. Nagibovo

House of Culture

Rally “The Motherland – harsh and sweet remembers all the brutal battles”

With. Field

House of Culture

Rally “Our glory is our memory”

Literary and musical composition

"Memory Lives"

With. Samara

House of Culture

Rally “And the Saved World Remembers”

With. Lugovoe

House of Culture

Literary and musical evening “Wait for me and I will return”

With. Puzino

House of Culture

Rally "Forever in History"

With. Ozernoye

House of Culture

Memorial Evening “Meeting the June Dawn”

With. Ekaterino-Nikolskoye

House of Culture

Head of Internal Affairs Department

politics of the Jewish Autonomous Region

June 22 library named after A.P. Chekhov, together with other branches of the Centralized Library System of the city of Yaroslavl (director - Svetlana Yuryevna Akhmetdinova) participated in the “Immortal Memory of the War” event dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow.

At 11.00 the library began its work in the cherry orchard summer reading room “A soldier walked in the name of life.”

At the traveling exhibition “Lines Written by War” Poems and prose dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War were presented: the novel by V. Bogomolov “The Moment of Truth”, the story by E. Starshinov “The Left Flank” and D. Medvedev “It Was Near Rovno” about the intelligence officer Nikolai Kuznetsov, who this year, by the way, , turns 105 years old, “The Forbidden Diary” of Olga Berggolts, which includes not only her notes, but also poems, documents, and photographs.

But most of all at this exhibition there were poems - both from the war years and those written later: it was in poetic lines that the spirit and atmosphere of that time, the state of mind of people who went through such a terrible test as war were best conveyed...

R. Gamzatov, A. Fatyanov, K. Simonov, M. Dudin, M. Jalil, A. Tvardovsky and M. Isakovsky, as well as our fellow countrymen L. Oshanin and A. Surkov were represented.

Visitors to the summer reading room eagerly picked up volumes of poetry and—some out loud, some to themselves—read poems about the war. Someone recalled what they had learned by heart, someone began to talk about their relatives who participated in the war...

Speaking about Yaroslavl poets, we could not help but remember Pavel Golosov, who would have turned 95 this year. And the poet was born on June 22, the day the war began, and therefore he wrote:

The whole country knows my birthday.
Not a red, not a holiday date,
And it is imprinted on granite.
And in the conscientious memory of the soldier.
...On my birthday the war began.

Simonov’s famous lines about June 22 were also heard at the exhibition - they, by the way, became the title of our conversation about the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow “That longest day of the year...”, during which readers were told about the actions “Immortal Memory of the War” and “Candle memory." And they reminded that this year marks the 75th anniversary not only of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Three-quarters of a century is also celebrated in the battle of Moscow, the battle for Leningrad, for the Crimea, for the Baltic states...

We have even prepared a list of significant events of the first year of the war to remind you of them. And probably each of us has a relative involved in these battles. So, if you did not have time to light a candle on the night of June 22 as a sign of the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, you can do this on another memorable day for your family.

And, of course, on this day in the summer reading room there was a traditional bookcrossing, where you could choose something interesting for yourself - detective stories, historical novels, women's literature, adventures, science fiction - and military works too.

At 12.00 at the library subscription for young visitors there was a conversation at the book and illustration exhibition “War - there is no sadder word...”. We started it with a Minute of Silence, and then the children were shown a short video about the beginning of the war, told about its first days, about the dead soldiers and civilians, the destroyed cities. Separately, the children were informed that on June 22, the “Immortal Memory of the War” event was taking place throughout the country.

And since the logo of the “Candle of Memory” campaign was presented at the exhibition, schoolchildren also learned about the tradition that appeared several years ago on the night of June 22 to light candles in memory of those who fell in the Great Patriotic War.

The listeners were given a review of the books on display, among which were not only documentary publications telling about the beginning and course of the war (A. Osokin “The Great Mystery of the Great Patriotic War. A New Hypothesis of the Beginning of the War”, “The Great Mystery of the Great Patriotic War. Keys to the Solution”, the collection “Our war"), but also works of art in which the authors offer their point of view on the events of those years (M. Sholokhov “They Fought for the Motherland”, “The Science of Hate”, “The Fate of Man”, V. Grossman “For a Just Cause”, S. Alexievich “War does not have a woman’s face”, “The last witnesses”, B. Vasiliev “Tomorrow there was war”, “And the dawns here are quiet”, V. Astafiev “Cursed and killed”).

The presenter of the review, Olga Leonidovna Trosheva, asked whether schoolchildren knew about their ancestors - participants in the Great Patriotic War, and advised those who were not interested in this topic to be sure to ask their parents and grandparents.

— You are the last generation that has the opportunity to communicate with participants in the war. Be sure to find out about your relatives, talk to veterans - they will tell you what they saw with their own eyes, it’s priceless! Go to the websites “Memorial”, “Feat of the People”, “Memory of the People” - there you can find a lot of interesting things about your great-grandfathers.

And at 15.00 in the reading room for readers there were held literature review and conversation at the exhibition “The Unquenchable Fire of Memory”, also preceded by a minute of silence in memory of the fallen.

Books tell about how the war began - for example, publications such as “The People’s War”, “The Great Patriotic War. 1941". The atmosphere of the first days of the war is conveyed by propaganda posters - “The Motherland is Calling”, “How did you help the front?”, “Our forces are innumerable”, the famous speech of V. Molotov of June 22, 1941. The same one that sounded from loudspeakers throughout the Soviet Union, the same one, from the first words of which the heart sank and the soul froze: “Today, at 4 o’clock in the morning, without presenting any claims to the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed our cities from their planes - Zhitomir, Kyiv, Sevastopol, Kaunas ... ".

Several publications at the exhibition show the Yaroslavl region during the war. This is the “Yaroslavl Family Library”, in which a separate issue is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, several books from the series “4 years out of 1000: Yaroslavl residents in the Great Patriotic War”, the multi-volume “Heroes of the Yaroslavl Land”, as well as one published not so long ago on the initiative of the “Residents” association besieged Leningrad" book "The Neva and the Volga became related: the Yaroslavl echo of the blockade."

The conversation participants also drew attention to the “All-Russian Book of Memory”: in it you can find information about those who died during the war, including the Yaroslavl residents, and their burial places.

Of course, not all books about the war in the library’s collections are presented on display. Come! Chekhovka staff will select the necessary literature for you on other issues and topics!

The centralized library system of the Southern District has prepared a series of events from June 20 to June 22 - the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow.

According to Polina Sytik, head of the innovation department of the Central Library of the Southern Administrative District, memorable events will be held in more than 20 libraries.

IN Central Library No. 136 named after Leo Tolstoy On June 22, on Kolomensky Proezd there will be a review of the book and illustration exhibition “The Best Books about the War.” An exhibition with documentary information about the first day of the war will be organized in the library of the same name on Andropov Avenue, and in the evening members of the book association will gather here and read poetry.

Library No. 150 will conduct a review of the book and illustration exhibition “Eternal Memory of the Soul” on June 21.

In the children's department library No. 150 The hour of the hero - “Chronicle of those years” will take place on June 21. At the event, children will be introduced to books about the Great Patriotic War. Readers will remember the young heroes and answer questions in an impromptu quiz.

As part of the retro club “Idols of Past Years” on June 22 at library No. 141 a literary and musical evening “41st: Committed to Remember” will take place. Here they will talk about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War; at the meeting, poems and songs of the war years will be performed to the accompaniment of a button accordion. The event will be joined by accordion player Nikolai Mindrin, as well as a participant in the Great Patriotic War, Mikhail Levashov.

Children's library No. 156 will hold a vigil of remembrance on June 22. Then the children will read excerpts from soldiers' letters.

Employees library No. 141 On June 22, there will be an hour of history about the beginning of the war, and at the end of the lecture, a master class on creating a front-line triangle letter has been prepared for guests. Those who wish can write letters to veterans.

June 22 at library No. 154 There will be a viewing of military chronicles and a lecture about the attack of the German invaders. War songs and stories about the war will be performed at the meeting.

From 20 to 30 June in library No. 140 organize a book and illustration exhibition “The Year of 41. I was eighteen."

Library No. 162 named after Simonov on Yakornaya Street on June 22 will present a multimedia presentation dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad.

Together with activists of the Nagatinsky Zaton district and employees library No. 162 On Rechnikov Street there will be a flower laying ceremony at one of the memorial complexes dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

On the memorable date of June 21 in library No. 165 They will talk about the first radiogram about the beginning of the war. Then guests will watch fragments of documentary newsreels of the first hours and days of hostilities.

Employees library No. 142 accompanied by a presentation on June 22, they will talk about the first days of the Great Patriotic War and its main historical events.

June 22 at library No. 146 There will be a history review. Visitors will learn the chronicle of the beginning of hostilities, listen to a message about the German attack, as well as speeches by Molotov, Stalin and the writer Arkady Gaidar.

On the Day of Memory and Sorrow, June 22, at library No. 137 There will be a book and illustration exhibition “The heart remembers, it will never forget” and a film lecture with excerpts from the film “Tomorrow there was a war.”

IN library No. 138 An hour of remembrance will be held for young readers and their parents on June 22. The children will get acquainted with the games that children played in 1941.

Information about other events can be found on the official

June 22, 1941 is one of the saddest dates in our history, the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

The memorable date “Day of Memory and Sorrow” was established by the Decree of the President of Russia of June 8, 1996, as a tribute to the victims of the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945, as well as the victims of all wars for freedom and independence of Russia.

Young readers of the District Children's Library took part in the interactive quiz “Moments of War in Book Memory.”

The guys learned that June 22 is a date on the calendar that is forever inscribed in the heroic chronicle of our country. This day will forever throw our memory back to 1941, and therefore to May 9, 1945. There is a strong thread between the two dates. She tied together years of horror, hardship and toil. And our people did everything, seemingly even impossible, for Victory.

The participants of the event, answering the quiz questions, showed good knowledge of the history of their homeland. They were presented with a review of the book exhibition of the same name.

In the Nizhneuslonsk rural library, a memory lesson “For that guy” was held, dedicated to the fighter pilot Dmitry Andrianovich Shpigun.

Librarian Morozenkova N.V. revealed to readers the pages of the life of a Soviet soldier who bravely defended the air borders of our Motherland, whose tragic death connected him with the Nizhneuslonsk land.

The guys learned that Dmitry Shpigun was born in 1921 in the Berezhnevka farm, Poltava region, in Ukraine. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War he went to the front. In 1942 (from the entry on the award sheet) as part of the 124th Fighter Regiment, he patrolled the skies over Leningrad. In air battles he proved himself to be a brave, decisive fighter pilot. He correctly assessed the air situation and covered the advancing ground forces of the Leningrad Front with his MIG. During one of the air battles, five MIGs covered the actions of our troops and met 2 ME-109s at an altitude of 7000 meters. Pilot Shpigun energetically and decisively, together with the leader of the group, attacked the ME-109 from behind from above, which made the work of our attack aircraft easier, which were attacked by enemy fighters.

For his courage and determination in carrying out combat missions, Sergeant Dmitry Shpigun is worthy of being awarded the GOVERNMENT AWARD - THE ORDER OF THE RED STAR.

In February 1944, Guard Lieutenant Shpigun participated in the ferrying of Airacobra aircraft along the route Alaska - Yakutia - Krasnoyarsk - front.

Readers learned that during the Great Patriotic War, Kazan was one of the important points on the ferry route for American aircraft along this route. One of these transfers was particularly tragic and directly affected the republic and our region.

On February 11, 1944, 40 aircraft departed from Sverdlovsk to Kazan. A few hours later, the weather in the Kazan region deteriorates, the planes find themselves in an area of ​​​​dense fog and sleet. Several planes manage to turn back and return to Sverdlovsk or land directly on the snow at other airfields. 21 planes caught in fog were unable to get out of it: 13 crashed, killing 16 pilots.

The plane piloted by Dmitry Shpigun crashed in the Nizhny Uslon area, on Zhukova Mountain. Local residents collected the remains of military equipment, and the pilot was buried in a local cemetery. According to official documents, the brave pilot was listed as missing for many years. In the 50s, teachers and students of the Nizhneuslonskaya school, on the initiative of the then director Alexander Timofeevich Varlamov, erected a modest monument and fence on the grave of the deceased pilot.

On May 3, 2012, a new monument was erected at the burial site as a tribute to the soldier who gave his life so that the sky he defended would be peaceful.

The librarian drew the readers' attention to the fact that Dmitry Shpigun's grave is always well-kept; not only school students come here to honor his memory and bow to the soldier's feat. Villagers tend the grave; They bring flowers, and on memorial days treats as if they were a family member or loved one. For some, the Ukrainian boy became “a son who did not return from the war”, for others “a dead husband or father” - there are so many unknown burial places from Brest to Berlin.

At the end of the event, the librarian introduced the children to thematic folders dedicated to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War of Nizhny Uslon. The children learned about the patriotic event “Candle of Memory” taking place in our country and at the appointed time, together with their parents, they lit memorial candles in the windows of their houses.

On June 21, the head of the Russian-Makulov Library posted leaflets in public places - reminders of this day with an appeal to take part in the “Candle of Memory” campaign.

Many residents supported the Action and on the evening of June 21, one could see lights like these on the windowsills of houses.

On June 22, the library invited its readers to an hour of remembrance “We will not forget the 41st. Let us glorify the 45th!”

The attention of those present was focused on how, in difficult and tragic conditions of survival, our fellow countrymen found the courage and strength to wage a merciless fight against the invaders.

We remembered our fellow countrymen who went to war, got acquainted with the exhibition “My land in a time of war”, where, in addition to books about the participation of Tatarstan people in the Great Patriotic War, original documents of participants in the war - our fellow villagers, awards, a soldier’s bowler hat found on the site of the Suslonger training camps were presented .

Readers with interest leafed through thematic folders with materials about our fellow countrymen presented in the exhibition “Your Heroes, Tatarstan!”

The memory rally dedicated to the most terrible day in the history of the country - the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, organized in Pechischi, was attended by village residents, students of the school camp of the Pechischi secondary school, and pupils of the Pechischi kindergarten.

The rally participants observed a minute of silence for all those who did not return from the war and died in peacetime and laid flowers at the monument to the fallen soldiers.

The event continued in the Pechischinsky library, where a memory lesson “I cherish all this in my memory” was held for the children.

From the librarian's story, accompanied by the screening of the electronic presentation “Years of War - Centuries of Memory,” the children learned about the main events and battles of the Great Patriotic War, about the courage and perseverance of our fellow countrymen, Heroes of the Soviet Union, about war and labor veterans of their native village. At the end of the event, we watched the cartoon “Kibalchish Boy” and drew the sun on the asphalt as a symbol of friendship and peace on earth.

An hour of remembrance was held at the October Library: “I don’t come from childhood, I come from war...”.

For her readers, librarian Azizova G.R. prepared a presentation about the events of June 22, 1941, talked about that terrible date, the day when for millions of residents of our huge country all plans for the future collapsed, their whole lives turned upside down. Everything went somewhere far away, everything drooped, before the ominous word WAR. For the people there was no scarier, darker or shorter night than this. This was a night of courage, heroism and fearlessness of our grandparents.

The children learned about the Heroes of the Soviet Union - our fellow countrymen, home front workers and order bearers of their native village. Particular emphasis in the conversation was placed on the lives of children during the Great Patriotic War. The librarian introduced the children to the exploits of the young heroes Marat Kazei, Lenya Golikov, Zina Portnova, and read out the story “Children in the Rear” from the book by T.A. Shorygina “Conversations about child heroes of the Great Patriotic War” and showed a book trailer based on the book by A.N. Pecherskaya “Children-Heroes of the Great Patriotic War”, created on the basis of the library.

At the end of the event, a discussion was held, the guys asked questions and complemented each other. At parting, they received homework - at the next meeting, tell their friends about their grandparents and bring their photographs.

On June 22, the head of the Naberezhnye-Morkvash rural library, Ilmira Prokhorova, at the monument to fallen soldiers for students attending the Rainbow summer school camp, held an hour of courage “Let us bow to those great years...”.

The librarian spoke about the life of the village during difficult times of war and about the exploits of fellow villagers on the battlefields. The guys talked about their great-grandfathers who returned from the war, whose memory is kept in the family.

At the end of the event, all fallen and deceased soldiers and veterans of the Great Patriotic War were honored with a minute of silence and flowers were laid at the monument.

The theme hour “Great Memory of Heroes” was held at the Maidan Rural Library.

The head of the library told readers about how difficult the first year of the war was and about the cost of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45.

The children recalled the stories of their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers about wartime and read poems about the war. Books from the exhibition “We will not forget the 41st” were presented to their attention. We will always remember the 45th anniversary.”

The Central Regional Library has organized a thematic book exhibition “The Unforgettable Forty-First”.

The books, articles, essays, and memoirs of combat participants and defenders of the Brest Fortress presented at the exhibition testify to the courage and spiritual strength of the Soviet people who defeated fascism.

In memory of the tragic days of the Great Patriotic War, the Kildeevskaya rural library was decorated exhibition - memory "Forever in the people's memory."

June... the sunset was approaching evening

And the sea overflowed during the white night

And the children's ringing laughter was heard

Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.

We didn’t know June then

Since school evenings, walking,

That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,

And it will end only in 45th.

Memory of the past is the ability to preserve traces of the past; the living need it in order not to make mistakes, in order to firmly withstand any trials.

The materials presented at the exhibition will tell about how the country greeted Sunday morning, the morning of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, how the entire people rose to defend the Motherland, about the heroic battles and exploits of Soviet soldiers.

The heads of rural libraries took an active part in the preparation and holding of ceremonial rallies dedicated to the Day of Memory and Sorrow.

Employees of the Central and Regional Children's Libraries took part in the event dedicated to the opening of the ceremonial stone installed in Verkhny Uslon in honor of home front workers who selflessly worked “In the name of the front, in the name of Victory” during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45.

June 22 marked one of the saddest dates in the history of Russia - the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow - the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. On June 22, 1941, without declaring war, Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union. On this day, 76 years later, national flags were lowered throughout the country. In the libraries of the Centralized Library System of the Sergach region, memorial meetings and events were held in memory of those killed in those cruel years.

A reminder of those terrible war days were the literature exhibitions arranged in the Central Library named after. S. I. Shurtakova: “The best books about the war”, memorial exhibition “We remember in order to live”, photo exhibition “A soldier looks from a photograph” (photos of the war time from the personal archives of our readers). Throughout the day, conversations and literature reviews “Remember the lives of those who defended...” were held near the exhibitions, and poems and songs about the war were sung. In the summer reading room on June 23, an hour of patriotism “Bitter Poetry of War” was held; the participants of the event themselves read their favorite poems about the war, among which were poems by Sergach poets - I.G. Somov and N.M. Mishukov.

On June 22, in the Central Children's Library, throughout the day, conversations were held with readers of different ages on books about the war and an oral survey among the children: what is the date June 22, 1941, when the Great Patriotic War began, how long the war lasted, what they read about the war. In the reading room of the Central Children's Library, an exhibition of creative works by students of the children's art school “Little Heroes of the Great War” was mounted. The works were based on works about the Great Patriotic War. Readers got acquainted with the exhibition, and some children took books about child war heroes.

A lesson in courage “So the war began” was held at the Bogorodsk rural branch library. The event began with a demonstration of an excerpt from the film “Liberation,” followed by a story about the difficult military trials in the history of our country. Librarian N.A. Murakhtanova told the teenagers that war is the fearlessness of the defenders of Brest, it is the 900 days of besieged Leningrad, it is the feat of the heroes of the Kursk Bulge, it is the storming of Berlin, it is the memory of the hearts of the entire people. We remembered the events of the war years and those people who won peace on earth for us. The children read poems about the war by K. Simonov, A. Tvardovsky, M. Jamil, Yu. Drunina and others, and drew pictures on military themes. On June 22, the day of remembrance and mourning, the guys together lit “memory candles” and laid flowers at the obelisk.

On June 22, a patriotic hour “In that harsh 41st” was held at the Sosnovskaya rural library branch. Head of the library L.A. Maslova told the children attending the summer health camp at KFOR about the history of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The children got acquainted with the books about the war that the library has, looked at photographs of the burial of fellow villager I.V. Samoilov. on German soil, sent by search engines. In 1941, a native of the village. Sosnovka was captured and soon died from his wounds.

On this day, an hour of remembrance “They fought for their homeland” was held at the Klyuchevskaya city branch library. The children were told how the war began, how many soldiers, women, children and old people died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War and were tortured in concentration camps. We were introduced to literature about the Great Patriotic War. The children took part in the “Candle of Memory” event. Flowers were laid at the monument and candles were lit. We honored the memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War with a minute of silence.
The Achinsk rural library, together with the rural recreation center, held the “Candle of Memory” campaign for students in grades 5-9. Together with the children, the workers of the cultural center and the librarian honored the memory of the fallen soldiers and fellow villagers during the Second World War with a minute of silence at the obelisk, laying flowers at the monument and the ceremonial lighting of memory candles. After that, the children in the library, together with the librarian, read stories about Aleskseev’s war and finally watched the feature film “Girl from the City.”
On June 22, the Kochko-Pozharskaya Library, together with KFOR employees, held a “Day of Memory and Sorrow.” The librarian introduced the children present to the history of the beginning of the war. Conducted a review of literature about the war. The children got acquainted with the books of S. Alekseev, A. Mityaev, V. Kunin, Yu. Bondarev... Then the children went down to the field, collected wild flowers and all went together to the obelisk. At the obelisk they remembered the names of those who did not return from the battlefield. We read poems about the war. They laid flowers at the monument.

On June 20, the librarian of the Pozharskaya rural library branch held a patriotic hour “May there always be sunshine” with the children of the school health camp. O.A Sapunova told the children about how much grief the war brought to our people, about the severity of the trials that fell on children’s shoulders in those years... The children learned about the hard work of teenagers in the rear, about their courage in partisan detachments and at the front . We heard poems about the war and watched video clips. To the sound of a metronome, they honored the memory of the fallen with a minute of silence. At the end of the event, we prepared flowers, made them with our own hands and laid them at the monument. The children were offered books with stories about the war by S. Alekseev. A memo about the children of the war “Glorious Names of Heroes” was issued.

On June 22, residents of the village of Yanovo, adults and children, came with flowers to the Soldier... To remember on this holy Day of Memory and Sorrow the Yanovites who did not return from the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War... The village librarian N.A. Rakova spoke about the participation of her fellow villagers in that terrible war, about the legendary fellow countryman - Hero of the Soviet Union of the Guard, Major General Matvey Stepanovich Batrakov. And then, in solemn silence, poems were heard dedicated to the memory of the fallen Yanovites... “So that that war is not forgotten. After all, this memory is our conscience...”

St. Andrew's Library together with KFOR held a literary and musical evening “June 22 - Day of Remembrance and Sorrow” for residents of the village of Shemeneevka. The poems “Enemies burned their home”, “Stockings” were read; songs “Katyusha”, “Great Grandfather”, “Platoon” and others. Dances from the war years were performed. Residents of Shemeneevka warmly thanked all the participants with tears in their eyes, because it had been so long since they had such an event.

In total, more than 300 people took part in the events.