V.I. Lenin and the Russian intelligentsia. Lenin about the bourgeois intelligentsia. Quotes You have seen the face of truth

Remember TV debates and programs from the 90s?

A rare pass was not complete without a kick from V.I. Lenin. because, you see, he insulted the Russian intelligentsia, the intelligentsia is not the brain of the nation, but its shit.

Did the leader of the world proletariat really treat the entire intelligentsia this way? No, this is far from true.

Let's look at where these words of Lenin came from and what was really written there.

Lenin spoke so bluntly about the intelligentsia in a letter to Gorky A.M. dated September 15, 1919:

“The intellectual forces of the workers and peasants are growing and strengthening in the struggle to overthrow the bourgeoisie and its accomplices, intellectuals, lackeys of capital, who imagine themselves to be the brains of the nation. In fact, it’s not a brain, it’s shit.”
“We pay above-average salaries to intellectuals who want to bring science to the people (and not serve capital). It is a fact.
We take care of them. It is a fact.
Tens of thousands of our officers serve the Red Army and win despite hundreds of traitors. It is a fact".

It is very interesting that in this regard Lenin classified officers as the intelligentsia; try to say this to the creative intelligentsia now, they will tear you apart.

As we see, Lenin divided the intelligentsia into those who serve the interests of capital and those who bring knowledge to the common people, who serve the interests of the people.

According to Ilyich, those who served capital are precisely the substance that is released as a result of metabolic processes in the human body.

Lenin had previously spoken harshly against intellectuals, for example, in a letter to Gorky on February 7, 1908, then, after the defeat of the first Russian revolution in 1905, the tsarist regime “tightened the screws” and all sorts of intelligentsia who had attached themselves to the party cheerfully fled from it, Lenin wrote:

“The importance of the intelligentsia public in our party is falling: there is news from everywhere that the intelligentsia is fleeing the party.
This is where this bastard goes. The party is being cleansed of bourgeois rubbish. Workers are getting more involved.”

In general, these representatives of the “intelligentsia” march only with the winners, the revolutionary upsurge they are revolutionaries, the defeat of the rebels and the strengthening of the regime are zealous guardians of order and in general they are moderate conservatives.

By the way, Lenin was not alone in this regard.

In our media you will not see or hear opinions about the Russian intelligentsia, the liberal intelligentsia of the classics of Russian culture.

For example, Dostoevsky F.M. - " Our liberal is, first of all, a lackey who is only looking to clean someone’s boots.”

And Gumilyov L.N. In general, he was offended that he was included in the creative intelligentsia - Lev Nikolaevich, are you an intellectual? Gumilyov - God save me! The current intelligentsia is such a spiritual sect. What’s typical: they don’t know anything, they can’t do anything, but they judge everything and don’t accept dissent at all...”

Tyutchev F.I. -

“...It would be possible to give an analysis of a modern phenomenon that is becoming increasingly pathological. This is the Russophobia of some Russian people... They used to tell us, and they really thought so, that in Russia they hated the lack of rights, the lack of freedom of the press, etc. etc., that it is precisely the undeniable presence of all this in it that they like Europe...
Now what do we see? As Russia, seeking greater freedom, asserts itself more and more, the dislike of these gentlemen towards it only intensifies.
They never hated the previous institutions as much as they hate the modern trends of social thought in Russia.
As for Europe, then, as we see, no violations in the field of justice, morality and even civilization have in the least diminished their disposition towards it... In a word, in the phenomenon I am talking about, there can be no talk of principles as such; only instincts..."

The great Russian poet Pushkin A.S. also went through our liberal intelligentsia in his poetry:

You illuminated your mind with enlightenment,

You saw the face of truth,

And tenderly loved alien peoples,

And wisely he hated his own.

Solonevich I.L. very short:

“The Russian intelligentsia is the most terrible enemy of the Russian people.”

Blok A.A. : "

I am an artist and therefore not a liberal."

Klyuchevsky joked:

“I’m an intellectual, God forbid. I have a profession."

In addition, he gave a very clear definition of the liberal intelligentsia: “... it would be more correct to say the declassed lumpen intelligentsia, temporarily redistributing material wealth.”

You read these lines from the classics of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries and how modern it is!

How similar everything is to our “creative” intelligentsia.

Or rather, these words are intended for the pseudo-intelligentsia.

In the mass consciousness, the expression “rotten intelligentsia” is strongly associated with the Bolshevik government. This term is generally considered to be an invention of either Lenin or Stalin, in general, “Bolshevik rudeness.” However, things were somewhat different.

“In 1881, after the murder of Alexander II by the Narodnaya Volya, a fair number of beautiful-hearted Russian liberals (who had long suffered from dislocations of the intellect) began a noisy campaign, calling on the new emperor to forgive and pardon the murderers of his father. The logic was as simple as a moo: having learned that the sovereign had pardoned them, the bloody terrorists would be moved, repent, and in the blink of an eye they would become peaceful lambs, taking up some useful work. (...) However, Alexander III already understood then that the best method of convincing the Narodnaya Volya bastard was a noose or, in extreme cases, a substantial prison sentence. (...) It was he who once threw away a stack of liberal newspapers in his heart and exclaimed: “Rotten intelligentsia!” A reliable source - one of the ladies-in-waiting of the imperial court, the daughter of the poet Fyodor Tyutchev" (A. Bushkov. “The Russia that never existed”).

Most often in modern journalism, the expression “rotten intelligentsia” is presented as a label with which the Bolsheviks branded highly moral and educated people. The Soviet government supposedly did not need independently thinking, critical individuals.

At the same time, some publicists directly point out that the authorship here belongs specifically to the Bolsheviks and, in particular, V.I. Lenin. In fact, as analysis of quotes shows, there was nothing of the kind. What happened?

Lenin's ambiguous attitude towards the intelligentsia is clearly illustrated by one famous quote from a letter to M. Gorky. Many publicists “pull out” one phrase from it and present it as Lenin’s attitude towards the entire intelligentsia as a whole, which is fundamentally incorrect:

It is wrong to confuse the “intellectual forces” of the people with the forces of bourgeois intellectuals. The intellectual forces of the workers and peasants are growing and strengthening in the struggle to overthrow the bourgeoisie and its accomplices, intellectuals, lackeys of capital, who imagine themselves to be the brains of the nation. In fact, this is not the brain, but g... We pay above-average salaries to the “intellectual forces” who want to bring science to the people (and not serve capital). It is a fact. We take care of them" (V.I. Lenin. Complete works, 5th ed. vol. 51; p. 48).

Thus, V. Lenin is unreasonably accused of discrediting intellectuals as such. However, the leitmotif of Lenin’s statements about the intelligentsia is the question of serving the people’s interests. This is a clear criterion.

And by the way, it’s worth thinking about why Lenin and Alexander III (one of the best Russian emperors) - two people with completely opposite views - chose the same words to describe the “intelligentsia”.

It can be assumed that many publicists attribute the invention of the “rotten intelligentsia” to the Bolsheviks and Lenin simply due to poor education - simply not knowing whose authorship it actually was. However, as a rule, the motives here are completely different.

If the author writes that the Soviet government cultivated a contemptuous attitude towards the intelligentsia by labeling it “rotten,” but at the same time is silent about the circumstances of the appearance of this expression, then he is misinforming the reader.

This presentation of material leads to the fact that Lenin and the Bolsheviks in general are presented as “haters of intellectual people.”

As a result, it becomes obvious: labeling the Bolsheviks and Lenin as “haters of highly moral and educated people” is just a manipulation of consciousness, mixed with misinformation and distortion of history. One of the typical methods of anti-Soviet and anti-communist propaganda.

The intelligentsia is not the brain of the nation, but...
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Why is the intelligentsia not the brain of the nation?

teacher's story about the regular situation in one of the Ukrainian universities

And yet, the evil irony of life is a very good remedy for excessive conceit. After all, I thought that I was so principled that I could not compare with others who were not so principled... Yes, these are all just words. Here's what actually happened.

An order came from the Ministry of Education, to which I have the pleasure of working at a university: to take part in the international student programming Olympiad. That is, prepare a team of student programmers. Actually, this is not a new matter, since we have already taken part in this a couple of times. Moreover, it was I who dealt with this issue from our department. The last time, I remember, was a couple of years ago. And now. This year is 2014.

Such, as they are wittily called, “international” events, as everyone knows, are “grazed” by large commercial organizations (often of a transnational type). And this event is no exception: it has been supervised by a well-known computer company from the States for many years. Everyone understands that this is being done with the aim of identifying and pumping out promising guys (the same notorious “brain pumping”). But it’s somehow not customary to talk about this among teachers (probably, it’s also not customary for girls in brothels to say “prostitute” to each other).

So, the peculiarity of this year’s Olympics is that it is being held in the conditions of the chaos called “Euromaidan” and the subsequent fascist coup, terror and other abominations observed today in Ukraine. And the States played an honorable role in this matter. And now, then, if you please also prepare intellectual slaves for them and expose them to these “bride shows”.

“Yes, what is this! – I thought, walking along the cathedral corridor. - How is this possible! Disgusting cynicism! Passing by the notice board, he lazily looked at it and returned to the boiling of his indignant mind: “I’ll tell them now! That's the whole truth, right in the eyes! I’m a man of principle!”

And here is the teaching room. In response to the manager’s expected question whether I have started preparing the team, I burst into the following tirade:

- This is disgusting! Today, when Americans do their best to support the fascist putsch in our country, taking part in their events is simply unworthy and humiliating! - I see the surprised face of the management, and I continue: - It’s the same if in July 1941 you invited me to take part in the Chemistry Olympiad held by the German IG Farben!

The management smiled condescendingly:
– I don’t discuss politics with you. This is an order within the educational process. What's the matter?

“Well, at least,” I continue, “entrust this to those who desire the “civilized world”!” We have enough of these at our department. They will be at peace with their conscience. And to me this is simply insulting!

“Don’t be ridiculous,” says the boss to the ironic-kind smiles of his colleagues.

And I fell silent. I went to carry out the order. And I thought to myself... More precisely, about myself - Lenin was right in his judgments about the intelligentsia.

It is impossible to live in society and be free from society.
Lenin Vladimir Ilyich

Often nowadays the phrase V.I. is quoted. Lenin about the intelligentsia. Why did Lenin call the intelligentsia g...? In Lenin’s PSS, Lenin does not express himself so openly; instead of “shit,” only the first letter of this swear word is used. However, something else is important. Lenin did not speak this way about the intelligentsia in general, but only about the so-called worst part of the bourgeois intelligentsia.
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin did not sweep away the lust of the intelligentsia in one fell swoop. Next, several texts by Vladimir Ilyich from the PSS.

Lenin spoke so bluntly about the intelligentsia in a letter to Gorky A.M. dated September 15, 1919:

“The intellectual forces of the workers and peasants are growing and strengthening in the struggle to overthrow the bourgeoisie and its accomplices, intellectuals, lackeys of capital, who imagine themselves to be the brains of the nation. In fact, it’s not a brain, it’s shit.” Further in the text of the letter, Lenin expressed the difference between intellectuals and true intellectuals: “We pay above-average salaries to intellectual forces who want to bring science to the people (and not serve capital). It is a fact. We take care of them. It is a fact. Tens of thousands of our officers serve the Red Army and win despite hundreds of traitors. It is a fact".

It is very interesting that in this regard, Lenin classified officers as the intelligentsia; try to say this to the creative intelligentsia now, they will tear you apart. As we see, Lenin divided the intelligentsia into those who serve the interests of capital and those who bring knowledge to the common people, who serve the interests of the people. According to Ilyich, those who served capital are precisely the substance that is released as a result of metabolic processes in the human body.

Lenin had previously spoken harshly against intellectuals, for example, in a letter to Gorky on February 7, 1908, then, after the defeat of the first Russian revolution in 1905, the tsarist regime “tightened the screws” and all sorts of intelligentsia who had attached themselves to the party cheerfully fled from it, Lenin wrote: “The significance The intelligentsia public in our party is falling: news is coming from everywhere that the intelligentsia is fleeing the party. This is where this bastard goes. The party is being cleansed of bourgeois rubbish. Workers are getting more involved.” In general, these representatives of the “intelligentsia” march only with the winners, the revolutionary upsurge they are revolutionaries, the defeat of the rebels and the strengthening of the regime are zealous guardians of order and in general they are moderate conservatives.

By the way, Lenin was not alone in this regard. In our media you will not see or hear opinions about the Russian intelligentsia, the liberal intelligentsia of the classics of Russian culture.

For example, Dostoevsky F.M. - “Our liberal is, first of all, a lackey who is only looking to clean someone’s boots.”

And Gumilyov L.N. In general, he was offended that he was included in the creative intelligentsia - Lev Nikolaevich, are you an intellectual? Gumilyov - God save me! The current intelligentsia is such a spiritual sect. What’s typical: they don’t know anything, they can’t do anything, but they judge everything and don’t accept dissent at all...”

Tyutchev F.I. - “...It would be possible to give an analysis of a modern phenomenon that is becoming increasingly pathological. This is the Russophobia of some Russian people... They used to tell us, and they really thought so, that in Russia they hated the lack of rights, the lack of freedom of the press, etc. etc., that it is precisely the undeniable presence of all this in it that they like Europe... And now what do we see? As Russia, seeking greater freedom, asserts itself more and more, the dislike of these gentlemen towards it only intensifies. They never hated the previous institutions as much as they hate the modern trends of social thought in Russia.
As for Europe, then, as we see, no violations in the field of justice, morality and even civilization have in the least diminished their disposition towards it... In a word, in the phenomenon I am talking about, there can be no talk of principles as such; only instincts..."

The great Russian poet Pushkin A.S. also went through our liberal intelligentsia in his poetry:

You illuminated your mind with enlightenment,
You saw the face of truth,
And tenderly loved alien peoples,
And wisely he hated his own.

Solonevich I.L. very briefly: “The Russian intelligentsia is the most terrible enemy of the Russian people.”

Blok A.A. : “I am an artist and therefore not a liberal.”

Klyuchevsky joked: “I’m an intellectual, God forbid. I have a profession." In addition, he gave a very clear definition of the liberal intelligentsia: “... it would be more correct to say the declassed lumpen intelligentsia, temporarily redistributing material wealth.”

Letter dated September 15, 1919


Dear Alexey Maksimych! I received Tonkov, and even before his reception and before your letter, we decided to appoint Kamenev and Bukharin to the Central Committee to check the arrest of bourgeois intellectuals of the near-cadet type and to release anyone possible. For it is clear to us that there were mistakes here too.

It is also clear that, in general, the measure of arrest of the cadet (and near-cadet) public was necessary and correct.

When I read your frank opinion on this matter, I especially remember your phrase that stuck in my head during our conversations (in London, in Capri and after):
“We artists are insane people.”

That's it! For what reason are you saying incredibly angry words? Regarding the fact that several dozen (or at least even hundreds) of cadet and near-cadet gentlemen will sit in prison for several days to prevent conspiracies like the surrender of Krasnaya Gorka, conspiracies that threaten the death of tens of thousands of workers and peasants.

What a disaster, just think! What injustice! A few days or even weeks in prison for intellectuals to prevent the beating of tens of thousands of workers and peasants!

“Artists are insane people.”
It is wrong to confuse the “intellectual forces” of the people with the “forces” of bourgeois intellectuals. I’ll take Korolenko as an example: I recently read his pamphlet “War, Fatherland and Humanity,” written in August 1917. Korolenko is, after all, the best of the “near-cadets”, almost a Menshevik. And what a vile, vile, vile defense of the imperialist war, covered up with sugary phrases! A pathetic bourgeois, captivated by bourgeois prejudices! For such gentlemen, 10,000,000 killed in the imperialist war is a cause that deserves support (in deeds, with sugary phrases “against” the war), and the death of hundreds of thousands in a just civil war against landowners and capitalists causes gasps, groans, sighs, and hysterics.

No. It’s not a sin for such “talents” to spend a week in prison if this needs to be done to prevent conspiracies (like Krasnaya Gorka) and the death of tens of thousands. And we discovered these conspiracies of the cadets and “near-cadets”. And we know that professors around the cadets often give help to the conspirators. It is a fact.

The intellectual forces of the workers and peasants are growing and strengthening in the struggle to overthrow the bourgeoisie and its accomplices, intellectuals, lackeys of capital, who imagine themselves to be the brains of the nation. In fact, it's not the brain, but...

We pay above-average salaries to the “intellectual forces” who want to bring science to the people (and not serve capital). It is a fact. We take care of them.
It is a fact. Tens of thousands of officers serve the Red Army and win despite hundreds of traitors. It is a fact.

As for your sentiments, “understand” I understand them (since you started talking about whether I will understand you). More than once, both in Capri and after, I told you: You allow yourself to be surrounded by precisely the worst elements of the bourgeois intelligentsia and succumb to their whining. You hear and listen to the cry of hundreds of intellectuals about the “terrible” arrest for several weeks, but the voices of the masses, millions, workers and peasants, who are threatened by Denikin, Kolchak, Lianozov, Rodzianko, Krasnogorsk (and other cadet) conspirators, you do not hear this voice and don't listen. I fully understand, fully, fully understand that this can be written not only to the point that “the Reds are the same enemies of the people as the Whites” (fighters for the overthrow of capitalists and landowners are the same enemies of the people as the landowners and capitalists), but also to faith in God or the Tsar-Father. I completely understand.

By all means, you will perish if you don’t break out of this environment of bourgeois intellectuals! I sincerely wish to get out as soon as possible.
Best regards!

I tried not to miss anything, starting from October 1917.

“We are bombarded with accusations that we act with terror and violence, but we take these attacks calmly. We say: we are not anarchists, we are supporters of the state. Yes, but the capitalist state must be destroyed, capitalist power must be destroyed. Our task is to build a new state, a socialist state... The bourgeoisie and the intelligentsia bourgeois circles of the population are sabotaging the people’s power in every possible way” (Speech at the First All-Russian Congress of the Navy on November 22 (December 5), 1917. Lenin. PSS vol. 35 p. 113

“We want to start an audit of the safes, but we are told on behalf of scientific specialists that there is nothing in them except documents and securities. So what's the harm if representatives of the people control them? If so, why are these same critical scientists hiding? With all decisions of the Council, they tell us that they agree with us, but only in principle. This is the system of the bourgeois intelligentsia, of all the compromisers, who, with their constant agreement in principle, in practice, ruin everything. If you are wise and experienced in all matters, why don’t you help us, why on our difficult path do we not encounter anything from you except sabotage?..

But among the bank employees there were people who were close to the interests of the people, and they said: “they are deceiving you, hurry to stop their criminal activities, which are aimed directly at harming you.” We wanted to follow the path of agreement with the banks, we gave them loans to finance enterprises, but they started sabotage on an unprecedented scale, and practice led us to carry out control by other measures. Comrade Left Socialist-Revolutionary said that in principle they would vote for the immediate nationalization of banks, in order to then, as soon as possible, develop practical measures. But this is a mistake, because our project contains nothing but principles. (Speech on the nationalization of banks at a meeting of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. Lenin. PSS. December 16, 1917. T. 35 pp. 171-173)

“The Bolsheviks have only been in power for two months,” we note, “and a huge step forward towards socialism has already been taken. Those who do not want to see or do not know how to evaluate historical events in their connection do not see this. They don’t want to see that in a few weeks NON-DEMOCRATIC institutions in the army, in the countryside, in the factory have been destroyed almost to the ground. And there is and cannot be any other way to socialism except through such destruction. They don’t want to see that in a few weeks, in place of the imperialist lies in foreign policy, which dragged out the war and covered up robbery and seizure with secret treaties, a truly revolutionary-democratic policy of a truly democratic world was put in place... In essence, all these intelligentsia cries about the suppression of capitalist resistance represent itself nothing more than a regurgitation of the old “agreement”, to put it politely. And if we speak with proletarian directness, then we will have to say: continued servility before the money bag, this is the essence of the cry against modern, workers’ violence, used (unfortunately, too weakly and not energetically) against the bourgeoisie, against saboteurs, against counter-revolutionaries... These intellectuals hangers-on of the bourgeoisie are “ready” to wash the skin, according to a well-known German proverb, only so that the skin remains dry all the time. When the bourgeoisie and the officials, employees, doctors, engineers, etc., who are accustomed to serving it, resort to the most extreme measures of resistance, this horrifies the intellectuals. They tremble with fear and scream even more shrilly about the need to return to “agreement.” We, like all sincere friends of the oppressed class, can only rejoice at the extreme measures of resistance of the exploiters, because we expect the proletariat to mature into power not from persuasion and persuasion, not from the school of sweet sermons or instructive declamations, but from the school of life, from the school struggle. (Intimidated by the collapse of the old and fighting for the new. December 24-27, 1917. Lenin. PSS. T. 35 pp. 192-194)

“The workers and peasants are not at all infected by the sentimental illusions of the gentlemen of the intelligentsia, all this New Life and other slush, who “screamed” against the capitalists until they were hoarse, “gesticulated” against them, “smashed” them, in order to burst into tears and behave like a beaten puppy , when it came down to it, to the implementation of threats, to the implementation in practice of the removal of capitalists... The organizational task is intertwined into one inextricable whole with the task of merciless military suppression of yesterday's slave owners (capitalists) and a pack of their lackeys - gentlemen bourgeois intellectuals. We have always been organizers and bosses, we commanded - this is what yesterday’s slave owners and their intelligentsia clerks say and think - we want to remain so, we will not listen to the “common people”, workers and peasants, we will not submit to them, we will turn knowledge into a weapon of defense the privileges of the money bag and the domination of capital over the people. This is what the bourgeois and bourgeois intellectuals say, think and act. From a selfish point of view, their behavior is understandable: it was also “difficult” for the hangers-on and hangers-on of the feudal landowners, priests, clerks, officials of Gogol’s types, “intellectuals” who hated Belinsky, to part with serfdom. But the cause of the exploiters and their intellectual servants is a hopeless matter... “You can’t do it without us,” the intellectuals who are accustomed to serving the capitalists and the capitalist state console themselves. Their arrogant calculation will not be justified: educated people are already standing out, going over to the side of the people, to the side of the working people, helping to break the resistance of the servants of capital... A war of life and death for the rich and their hangers-on, bourgeois intellectuals, a war for swindlers, parasites and hooligans. Both of them, the first and the last, are brothers, children of capitalism, sons of aristocratic and bourgeois society, a society in which a small group robbed the people and mocked the people... It is impossible to do without advice, without the guidance of educated people, intellectuals, and specialists. Every intelligent worker and peasant understands this perfectly, and the intellectuals in our midst cannot complain about the lack of attention and comradely respect on the part of the workers and peasants. But advice and guidance are one thing, organization of practical accounting and control is another matter. Intellectuals very often give the most excellent advice and guidance, but they turn out to be ridiculously, absurdly, shamefully “armless”, unable to put these advice and instructions into practice, to carry out practical control over the fact that words are turned into deeds. (How to organize a competition? December 24-27, 1917. Lenin. PSS. T. 35 pp. 197-198)

“...after the victories that were won in the civil war by the Soviet government, from October to February, passive forms of resistance, namely, sabotage on the part of the bourgeoisie and the bourgeois intelligentsia, were essentially broken. It is no coincidence that we are currently observing an extremely broad, one might say, massive change in mood and political behavior in the camp of the former saboteurs, i.e. capitalists and bourgeois intelligentsia. We now have before us, in all areas of economic and political life, an offer of services from a huge number of bourgeois intelligentsia and figures in the capitalist economy - an offer of services by them to the Soviet government. And the task of the Soviet government now is to be able to take advantage of these services, which are absolutely necessary for the transition to socialism, especially in such a peasant country as Russia, and which must be taken with full respect for the supremacy, leadership and control of the Soviet government over its new - who often acted against their will and with the secret hope of protesting this Soviet power - as assistants and accomplices. To show how necessary it is for the Soviet government to use the services of the bourgeois intelligentsia specifically for the transition to socialism, we allow ourselves to use an expression that at first glance seems like a paradox: we need to learn socialism to a large extent from the leaders of the trusts, we need to learn socialism from the largest organizers of capitalism. That this is not a paradox, anyone who thinks about the fact that it is the large factories, precisely the large machine industry that has developed the exploitation of the working people to unprecedented proportions, will easily be convinced of this - it is the large factories that are the centers of concentration of the class that alone was able to destroy the dominance of capital and begin the transition to socialism. It is not surprising, therefore, that in order to solve the practical problems of socialism, when the organizational side of it comes first, we must attract to the assistance of Soviet power a large number of representatives of the bourgeois intelligentsia, especially from among those who were engaged in the practical work of organizing the largest production within the capitalist framework , and that means, first of all, by organizing syndicates, cartels and trusts... The former leaders of industry, the former bosses and exploiters, must take the place of technical experts, managers, consultants, advisors. The difficult and new, but extremely rewarding task of combining all the experience and knowledge that these representatives of the exploiting classes have accumulated with the initiative, energy, and work of broad sections of the working masses must be solved. For only this combination of production is able to create a bridge leading from the old, capitalist society to the new, socialist society.” (The next tasks of Soviet power. March 23-28, 1918. Lenin. PSS. T. 36. pp. 136-140)

“Lenin welcomes the congress on behalf of the Council of People's Commissars and says that the teaching profession, which had previously been slow to move to work with Soviet power, is now increasingly convinced that this joint work is necessary. Similar transformations from opponents to supporters of Soviet power are very numerous in other strata of society. The army of teachers must set itself gigantic educational tasks and, above all, must become the main army of socialist education.” (Speech at the 1st All-Russian Congress of Internationalist Teachers on June 5, 1918. Lenin. PSS, vol. 36. p. 420)

“The intelligentsia brings its experience and knowledge - the highest human dignity - to the service of the exploiters and uses everything to make it difficult for us to defeat the exploiters; she will ensure that hundreds of thousands of people die from hunger, but she will not break the resistance of the working people.” (IV Conference of Trade Unions and Factory Committees of Moscow. June 27, 1918. Lenin. PSS. T. 36. Page 452)

“The working class and peasantry should not rely too much on the intelligentsia, since many of the intelligentsia coming to us are always waiting for our fall.” (Speech at a rally in the Simonovsky subdistrict on June 28, 1918. Lenin. PSS. T. 36. p. 470)

“We did not have to use the entire stock of experience, knowledge, and technical culture that the bourgeois intelligentsia had. The bourgeoisie laughed sarcastically at the Bolsheviks, saying that Soviet power would barely last two weeks, and therefore not only avoided further work, but wherever they could, and in all the ways available to them, they resisted the new movement, the new construction, which was breaking the old way of life." (Speech at the ceremonial meeting of the All-Russian Central and Moscow Councils of Trade Unions on November 6, 1918 Lenin PSS. T.37 p. 133)

“...they took over from capitalism a ruined, deliberately sabotaging industry and took it on without the help of all those intellectual forces that from the very beginning set as their task the use of knowledge and higher education - this is the result of humanity’s acquisition of a stock of sciences - they used all this in order to to disrupt the cause of socialism, to use science not so that it helps the masses in organizing a social, national economy without exploiters. These people set out to use science to throw stones under the wheels, to interfere with the workers, least prepared for this task, who took up the work of management, and we can say that the main obstacle has been broken. It was extraordinarily difficult. The sabotage of all elements gravitating towards the bourgeoisie has been broken.” (VI All-Russian Extraordinary Congress of Soviets. Speech on the anniversary of the revolution on November 6, 1918. Lenin. PSS. T. 37. P. 140)

“To be able to reach an agreement with the average peasant - without for a moment giving up the fight against the kulaks and firmly relying only on the poor - this is the task of the moment, because right now a turn in the middle peasantry in our direction is inevitable due to the reasons stated above. The same applies to the handicraftsman, the artisan, and the worker placed in the most petty-bourgeois conditions or who has retained the most petty-bourgeois views, and to many employees, and to officers, and - especially - to the intelligentsia in general. There is no doubt that in our party an inability to use the turn is often noticed among them and that this inability can and must be overcome, turned into skill... We still have a lot of worst representatives of the bourgeois intelligentsia who have “attached” to the Soviet power: throw them out, replace them their intelligentsia, which yesterday was still consciously hostile to us and which today is only neutral, this is one of the most important tasks of the present moment...” (Valuable confessions of Pitirim Sorokin. Lenin. PSS. T. 37. pp. 195-196)

“When the first victories of the Czechoslovaks began, this petty-bourgeois intelligentsia tried to spread rumors that a Czechoslovak victory was inevitable. They printed telegrams from Moscow that Moscow was on the eve of its fall, that it was surrounded. And we know very well that, in the event of even the most insignificant victories of the Anglo-French, the petty-bourgeois intelligentsia will first of all lose their heads, fall into panic and begin to spread rumors about the successes of our opponents. But the revolution showed the inevitability of an uprising against imperialism. And now our “allies” have turned out to be the main enemies of Russian freedom and Russian independence... Take the entire intelligentsia. She lived a bourgeois life, she was accustomed to certain comforts. Since it was swinging towards the Czechoslovaks, our slogan was a merciless struggle - terror. In view of the fact that now this turn in the mood of the petty-bourgeois masses has come, our slogan should be agreement, the establishment of good neighborly relations... if we are talking about the petty-bourgeois intelligentsia. She hesitates, but we also need her for our socialist revolution. We know that socialism can only be built from elements of large-scale capitalist culture, and the intelligentsia is such an element. If we had to fight it mercilessly, then it was not communism that obliged us to do this, but the course of events that pushed all the “democrats” and all those in love with bourgeois democracy away from us. Now the opportunity has arisen to use this intelligentsia, which is not socialist, which will never be communist, but which the objective course of events and relationships now sets up towards us in a neutral, neighborly manner... If you really agree to live in good neighborly relations with us, then take the trouble to fulfill certain tasks, gentlemen, cooperators and intellectuals. And if you don’t comply, you will be violators of the law, our enemies, and we will fight with you. And if you stand on the basis of good neighborly relations and fulfill these tasks, that is more than enough for us... We must give the intelligentsia a completely different task; she is unable to continue sabotage and is so determined that she now takes the most neighborly position towards us, and we must take this intelligentsia, set certain tasks for them, monitor and verify their implementation... We cannot build power if such a legacy of capitalist culture, such as the intelligentsia, will not be used.” (Meeting of party workers in Moscow on November 27, 1918. PSS. T. 37. pp. 217-223)

“Now we can get such workers among the bourgeoisie, among specialists and intellectuals. And we will ask every comrade working in the Economic Council: what have you, gentlemen, done to attract experienced people to work, what have you done to attract specialists, to attract clerks, efficient bourgeois co-operators who should not work for us? worse than they worked for some Kolupaevs and Razuvaevs? It’s time for us to abandon the previous prejudice and call on all the specialists we need to do our work.” (Speech at the II All-Russian Congress of National Economy Councils. November 26, 1918. Lenin. PSS. T. 37. Page 400)

“...there are specialists in science and technology, all thoroughly imbued with the bourgeois worldview, there are military specialists who were brought up in bourgeois conditions - and it’s good, if in bourgeois conditions, or even in landowner, cane, serfdom. As for the national economy, all agronomists, engineers, teachers - they were all taken from the propertied class; They didn’t fall out of thin air! The poor proletarian from the machine and the peasant from the plow could not go through university either under Tsar Nicholas or under the Republican President Wilson. Science and technology are for the rich, for the haves; capitalism provides culture only for the minority. And we must build socialism from this culture. We have no other material. We want to build socialism immediately from the material that capitalism left us from yesterday to today, now, and not from those people who will be cooked in greenhouses... We have bourgeois specialists, and no one else. We have no other bricks, we have nothing to build with. Socialism must win, and we, socialists and communists, must prove in practice that we are capable of building socialism from these bricks, from this material...” (Successes and difficulties of Soviet power. April 17, 1919. Lenin. PSS. T. 38 pp. 54)

“The question of bourgeois specialists arises in the army, in industry, in cooperatives, and everywhere. This is a very important issue in the transition period from capitalism to communism. We can build communism only when we make it more accessible to the masses using bourgeois science and technology. Otherwise it is impossible to build a communist society. And in order to build it in this way, we need to take the apparatus from the bourgeoisie, we need to involve all these specialists in the work... We need to immediately, without waiting for support from other countries, immediately and immediately raise the productive forces. This cannot be done without bourgeois specialists. This must be said once and for all. Of course, most of these specialists are thoroughly imbued with a bourgeois worldview. They must be surrounded by an atmosphere of comradely cooperation, worker commissars, communist cells, positioned in such a way that they cannot escape, but they must be given the opportunity to work in better conditions than under capitalism, because this layer, educated by the bourgeoisie, will not work otherwise. It is impossible to force an entire layer to work under pressure - we have experienced this very well.” (VIII Congress of the RCP(b). March 19, 1919. Lenin. PSS. T. 38 pp. 165-167)

“If we had set the “intelligentsia” against the “intelligentsia,” we should have been hanged for it. But we not only did not incite the people against her, but preached on behalf of the party and on behalf of the authorities the need to provide the intelligentsia with better working conditions. I have been doing this since April 1918, if not earlier... The author demands a comradely attitude towards intellectuals. This is right. We also demand this. In our party’s program just such a demand is made clearly, directly, precisely.” (Response to an open letter from a specialist. March 27, 1919. Lenin. PSS. T. 38 pp. 220-222)

“We now have twice as many officials working as we did six months ago. It’s a gain that we got officials who work better than the Black Hundreds.” (Extraordinary meeting of the plenum of the Moscow Council. April 4, 1919. Lenin. PSS. T. 38 p. 254)

“The first drawback is the abundance of people from the bourgeois intelligentsia, who often considered the educational institutions of peasants and workers, created in a new way, as the most convenient field for their personal inventions in the field of philosophy or in the field of culture, when quite often the most ridiculous antics was presented as something new, and under the guise of purely proletarian art and proletarian culture, something supernatural and absurd was presented. But at first it was natural and can be forgiven and cannot be blamed on the wider movement, and I hope that we will eventually get out of this and get out.” (I All-Russian Congress on Out-of-School Education. May 6, 1919. Lenin. PSS. T. 38 p. 330)

“All those descriptions that were given about the uprisings against Kolchakism are not at all exaggerated. And not only workers and peasants, but also patriotic intelligentsia, who completely sabotaged at one time, the very intelligentsia that was in alliance with the Entente - and Kolchak pushed them away.” (On the current situation and immediate tasks. July 5, 1919. Lenin. PSS. T. 39. Page 39)

“We know the “nutrient medium” that gives rise to counter-revolutionary enterprises, outbreaks, conspiracies, etc., we know it very well. This is the environment of the bourgeoisie, the bourgeois intelligentsia, in the villages of the kulaks, everywhere - the “non-party” public, then the Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks. We need to triple and tenfold supervision of this environment.” (Everyone to fight Denikin! July 9, 1919. Lenin. PSS. T. 39 p. 59)

“... it must also be said about the attitude towards that middle layer, that intelligentsia, which most of all complains about the rudeness of Soviet power, complains that Soviet power puts it in a worse position than before. What we can do with our meager means in relation to the intelligentsia, we do in its favor. We know, of course, how little the paper ruble means, but we also know what private speculation is, which provides a certain amount of help to those who cannot feed themselves with the help of our food authorities. We give the bourgeois intelligentsia advantages in this regard.” (VIII All-Russian Conference of the RCP(b). December 2, 1919. Lenin. PSS. T. 39. Page 355)

“You write that you see “people of the most diverse backgrounds.” It’s one thing to see, it’s another thing to feel touch every day throughout your life. You have to experience the latter most of all from these “remnants” - at least due to your profession, which forces you to “accept” dozens of angry bourgeois intellectuals, and also due to the everyday situation. As if the “remnants” “have something close to sympathy for the Soviet regime,” and the “majority of the workers” supply thieves, clingy “communists,” etc.! And you reach the “conclusion” that the revolution cannot be made with the help of thieves, it cannot be made without the intelligentsia. This is a completely sick psyche, aggravated in an environment of embittered intellectuals. Everything is being done to attract the intelligentsia (non-White Guard) to fight the thieves. And every month in the Soviet Republic there is a growing percentage of bourgeois intellectuals who sincerely help workers and peasants, and not just grumble and spew furious saliva.” (Letter to A.M. Gorky. July 31, 1919. Lenin. PSS. T. 51. pp. 24-25)

“Dear Alexey Maksimovich! ...we decided to appoint Kamenev and Bukharin to the Central Committee to check the arrest of bourgeois intellectuals of the near-cadet type and to release anyone possible. For it is clear to us that there were mistakes here too. It is also clear that, in general, the measure of arrest of the cadet (and near-cadet) public was necessary and correct... Regarding the fact that several dozen (or at least hundreds) cadet and near-cadet gentlemen will spend several days in prison to prevent conspiracies like the surrender of Krasnaya Gorka, conspiracies that threaten the death of tens of thousands of workers and peasants. What a disaster, just think! What injustice! A few days or even weeks in prison for intellectuals to prevent the beating of tens of thousands of workers and peasants!... It is wrong to confuse the “intellectual forces” of the people with the “forces” of bourgeois intellectuals. I’ll take Korolenko as an example: I recently read his pamphlet “War, Fatherland and Humanity,” written in August 1917. Korolenko is, after all, the best of the “near-cadets”, almost a Menshevik. And what a vile, vile, vile defense of the imperialist war, covered up with sugary phrases! A pathetic bourgeois, captivated by bourgeois prejudices! For such gentlemen, 10,000,000 killed in the imperialist war is a cause that deserves support (in deeds, with sugary phrases “against” the war), and the death of hundreds of thousands in a just civil war against landowners and capitalists causes gasps, groans, sighs, and hysterics. No. It’s not a sin for such “talents” to spend a week in prison if this needs to be done to prevent conspiracies (like Krasnaya Gorka) and the death of tens of thousands. And we discovered these conspiracies of the cadets and “near-cadets”. And we know that professors around the cadets often give help to the conspirators. It is a fact. The intellectual forces of the workers and peasants are growing and strengthening in the struggle to overthrow the bourgeoisie and its accomplices, the INTELLECTUALISTS, lackeys of capital, who imagine themselves to be the brains of the nation. In fact, it's not a brain, it's SHIT. We pay above-average salaries to the “intellectual forces” who want to bring science to the people (and not serve capital). It is a fact. We take care of them. It is a fact. Tens of thousands of officers serve the Red Army and win despite hundreds of traitors. It is a fact. As for your sentiments, “understand” I understand them (since you started talking about whether I will understand you). More than once, both in Capri and after, I told you: you allow yourself to be surrounded by precisely the worst elements of the bourgeois intelligentsia and succumb to their whining. You hear and listen to the cry of hundreds of intellectuals about the “terrible” arrest for several weeks, but the voices of the masses, millions, workers and peasants, who are threatened by Denikin, Kolchak, Lianozov, Rodzianko, Krasnogorsk (and other cadet) conspirators, you do not hear this voice and you don’t listen.” (Letter to A.M. Gorky September 15, 1919. T. 51. pp. 47-49)


“Under Soviet power, even more bourgeois-intelligentsia people will join your and our proletarian party. They will crawl into the Soviets, and into the courts, and into the administration, because it is impossible, out of nothing, to build communism except from the human material created by capitalism, because it is impossible to expel and destroy the bourgeois intelligentsia, it is necessary to defeat, remake, digest, re-educate it - how to re-educate in a long struggle, on the basis of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and the proletarians themselves, who do not get rid of their own petty-bourgeois prejudices immediately, not by a miracle, not at the behest of the Mother of God, not at the behest of a slogan, resolution, decree, but only in a long and difficult mass struggle against mass petty-bourgeois petty-bourgeois influences.” (The childhood disease of “leftism” in communism. May 12, 1920. Lenin. PSS. T. 41 p. 101)

“I ask you to immediately find out what Professor Graftio Genrikh Osipovich, who was arrested by Petrogubchek, is accused of, and whether it is not possible to release him, which, according to Comrade Krzhizhanovsky, would be desirable, since Graftio is a major specialist.” (Letter to F.E. Dzerzhinsky. March 17, 1921. Lenin. PSS. T. 52. Page 101)

"T. Molotov! Now I learned from Rykov that the professors (of the Moscow Higher Technical School) do not yet know the decision (yesterday’s). This is a disgrace, a monstrous delay. I raise the question about the Central Committee apparatus at the Politburo. She-she can't do that. Yesterday, Lunacharsky's draft statement was ready. Yesterday it was necessary to announce it. Is it necessary that you immediately order everything to be done and check whether everything has been completed? Needs to be checked and adjusted. Lateness is unacceptable." (Note to V.M. Molotov April 15, 1921. Lenin. PSS. T. 52 pp. 147-148)

"T. Preobrazhensky! ...You consider the Politburo’s decision regarding professors to be a mistake. I'm afraid there is a misunderstanding here. I'm afraid your interpretation of the decision is not accurate. That Kalinnikov (so it seems) is a reactionary, I readily admit. There are also malicious cadets there, no doubt. But they must be exposed differently. And expose them for specific reasons. Give this instruction to Kozmin (but he is not very smart: be careful with him): expose him on an exact fact, action, statement. Then we’ll put you in prison for a month, a year. He will be taught a lesson. The same with the malicious cadet... Prepare material, check, expose and condemn in front of everyone, approximately punish. A military specialist is caught cheating. But the military experts are all involved and working. Lunacharsky and Pokrovsky do not know how to “catch” their specialists and, angry with themselves, take their hearts out on everyone in vain. This is Pokrovsky's mistake. And you and I may not have so many disagreements. The worst thing about NKpros is the lack of system and restraint; Their lumps are “loose” and ugly. But the People’s Commissariat for Prosecutions still haven’t been able to develop methods for “catching” specialists and punishing them, catching and training komjayeks.” (Note to E.A. Preobrazhensky. April 19, 1921. Lenin. PSS. T. 52 p. 155)

“For example, crooks are appointed here to the trading department: in the past, a manufacturer from whom the Soviet government took away all the furs, and now he is sent to sell these furs. Have mercy. What will come of this? This is how you write. Well, how can you not be sad? The founder of the entire opposition argues like this! It would be all the same if the dark peasant said: “the lands and ranks were taken away from the tsar’s thousands of generals, and these generals were assigned to the Red Army”! Yes, we probably have more than a thousand who served as generals and landowners under the Tsar in the most important positions in the Red Army. And she won. God will forgive the dark peasant. And you?" (Letter to Yu.Kh. Lutovinov, May 30, 1921. Lenin PSS. T. 52 p. 227)

“1) Is it true that the following were arrested in Petrograd on May 27: prof. P.A. Shchurkevich (Electrical Engineering Institute), prof. N.N. Martinovich (University and Oriental Institute), prof. Shcherba (University, prof. in comparative linguistics), prof. B.S. Martynov (University, Professor of Civil Law), senior zoologist A.K. Mordvilko (Academy of Sciences), wife of prof. Tikhanova (Institute of Civil Engineers), prof. B.E. Vorobyov (1st Polytechnic Institute).
2) Is it true that prof. Pantelei Antonovich Schurkevich was arrested for the fifth time, and prof. Boris Evdokimovich Vorobyov - for the third time.
3) What is the reason for the arrest and why arrest was chosen as a preventive measure - they won’t run away.” (Telephonogram to I.S. Unshlikht June 2, 1921. Lenin PSS. T. 52 p. 244)

“A new conspiracy has been discovered in St. Petersburg. The intelligentsia took part. There are professors who are not very far from Osadchy. Because of this, there are a lot of searches on his friends, and rightly so. Caution!!!" (Note to G.M. Krzhizhanovsky June 5, 1921. Lenin. PSS. T. 52 p. 251)

“I fully understand that it pains you to see how non-Soviet people - even, perhaps, partly enemies of the Soviet regime - used their invention for profit... But the point is that, no matter how legitimate your feeling of indignation is, we must not make mistakes, don't give in to it. Inventors are strangers, but we must use them. It’s better to let them intercept, make money, snatch, but also advance for us a matter that is important for the RSFSR. Let’s think about the tasks for these people in more detail.” (Note by I.I. Radchenko June 7, 1921. Lenin. PSS. T. 52 p. 260)

“You once said that experts consider it possible to develop rabbit and pig farming (not at the expense of grain products). Why not immediately legitimize a number of measures in this sense? (Note to I.A. Teodorovich June 21, 1921. Lenin. PSS. T. 52. Page 284)

“There are so few agronomists among party comrades, and this environment (agronomists) is so “alien” that we need to grab a party person with both hands to supervise this environment, check it, attract this environment to us.” (Note to N. Osinsky July 1921. Lenin. PSS. T. 53 p. 62)

“Report all cases of murder of engineers (and specialists) at Soviet enterprises to the Politburo with the results of investigations ((VSNKh, All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions, etc., through STO)). P.S. This is an outrageous thing: big bells need to be rung.” (Note to V.M. Molotov for the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) with draft resolutions. January 4, 1922. Lenin. PSS vol. 44 p. 355)

“In view of the repeatedly proven desire of our specialists in general and the Mensheviks especially to deceive us (and deceive us very often successfully), turning foreign trips into recreation and into a tool for strengthening White Guard ties, the Central Committee proposes to limit ourselves to the absolute minimum of the most reliable experts, so that everyone has a written guarantee both from the corresponding People’s Commissar and from several communists.” (Draft directive to the deputy chairman and all members of the Genoese delegation. February 1, 1922. Lenin. PSS. T. 44 p. 376)

“I read in the latest protocol that the Politburo rejected the State Planning Committee’s request to release funds for Professor Ramzin’s business trip abroad. I consider it absolutely necessary to make a proposal to revise this decision and to satisfy the request of the State Planning Committee. Ramzin is the best firebox in Russia. I know in detail about his work, in addition to the literature, from the reports of Krzhizhanovsky and Smilga... I propose that the Politburo adopt the following resolution: a petition from the State Planning Committee to release funds for a business trip abroad for Professor Ramzin, both for treatment and for negotiations concerning the oil fields...” (Letter B M. Molotov with a proposal to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b. February 23, 1922. Lenin. PSS. T. 44. pp. 402-403)

“We need to publish a dozen articles in Pravda and Izvestia on the topic “Miliukov is only guessing.” "Pravda" from 21/II. If confirmed, it is necessary to fire 20-40 professors. They are fooling us. Think it through, prepare it, and hit it hard.” (Note to L.B. Kamenev and I.V. Stalin February 21, 1922. Lenin. PSS. T. 54 p. 177)

“On the issue of expelling writers and professors abroad who help the counter-revolution. We need to prepare this more carefully. Without preparation we will become stupid. Please discuss such preparation measures. Convene a meeting of Messing, Mantsev and someone else in Moscow. Oblige members of the Politburo to devote 2-3 hours a week to reviewing a number of publications and books, checking their execution, demanding written reviews, and ensuring that all non-communist publications are sent to Moscow without delay. Add reviews from a number of communist writers (Steklov, Olminsky, Skvortsov, Bukharin, etc.). collect systematic information about the political experience, work and literary activities of professors and writers. Entrust all this to a smart, educated and careful person in the GPU. My reviews of two St. Petersburg publications: “New Russia” No. 2. Closed by St. Petersburg comrades. Isn't it closed early? It should be sent to members of the Politburo and discussed more carefully. Who is its editor Lezhnev? From The Day? Is it possible to collect information about him? Of course, not all employees of this magazine are candidates for deportation abroad. Here's another thing: St. Petersburg magazine "Economist", ed. XI Department of the Russian Technical Society. This, in my opinion, is a clear center of the White Guards. In issue 3... a list of employees is printed on the cover. These, I think, are almost all legitimate candidates for deportation abroad. All of these are obvious counter-revolutionaries, accomplices of the Entente, an organization of its servants and spies, molesters of student youth. We must arrange things in such a way that these “military spies” are caught and captured constantly and systematically and sent abroad.” (Note to F.E. Dzerzhinsky May 19, 1922. Lenin PSS. T. 54 pp. 265-266)