KSP spelling chasha chu chu. Spelling combinations cha-scha, chu-schu. Thank you for the lesson


  • studying the spelling pattern of vowels after sibilants (cha-sha) and consolidating it when writing words and sentences;
  • development of spelling vigilance when writing words with cha-sha syllables;
  • correction of phonemic hearing when differentiating words based on the material of a poem, thinking and coherent oral and written speech during word formation based on the material of a textbook;
  • nurturing motivation to learn, accuracy when making notes in notebooks and on the board, and the ability to listen to friends.


  • notebooks for penmanship ,
  • figurines of Little Hare, Little Fox, Little Squirrel,
  • 3 pairs of painted skis,
  • figurines of boys Cha and Shcha and girls Yana,
  • fish figurines with sentences, textbook.


1. Organizational moment.

(The attendant announces the beginning of the lesson. Children write down the number in their notebooks).

Teacher. Guys, today our lesson will take the form of a competition. Who will participate?

(Distribution of children into fan teams depending on the row and the riddle solved. Each team is assigned an animal: Little Hare, Little Squirrel, Little Fox).

Who deftly jumps through the trees
And climbs oak trees?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Drying mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

The scythe has no den,
He doesn't need a hole
Legs save you from enemies,
And from hunger - bark. (Hare)

Red-haired, with a fluffy tail,
Lives in the forest under a bush. (Fox)

2. Repetition.

Attention! Attention!
The competition begins!
The animals are waiting to start,
Everyone lined up
And they listen carefully
First task.

Squirrel, Little Hare and Little Fox start. Here is the first round of the competition: they are standing LY, and then dots... You need to insert a syllable to make a word.

Children. You need to add the syllable ZHI. The result is the word SKI.

Teacher. What rule do we follow when writing this word?

Children. ZHI and SHI are written with the vowel letter I.

Teacher. So, I got ahead...(for example, Little Fox), because... his fans were the first to complete this task correctly.

And we have obstacle course running. And here is the first obstacle: in front of the athletes there are paths of words. Attention! Find the hidden words in my words. Help the athletes figure it out, write down new words, explain their spelling.


(Lived, tire, hedgehogs, tea, mice, ears).

(For children of the 3rd pedagogical group, arrows are indicated to help. Children write down the resulting words, explaining their spelling).

3. Report the topic of the lesson.

Teacher. What word is missing in this series? Why?

Children. Extra word TEA, because... the rest of the words are based on the spelling of the syllables ZHI-SHI, but this word has a different rule.

Teacher. What rule is found in the word TEA?

Children. Write the syllables CHA, SHA with the vowel letter A.

Teacher. Well done to you and the athletes! Today we are working on the topic: “Spelling CHA, SHA.” During the lesson we will write words and sentences based on the rule being studied.

4. Gymnastics for arms.

(One of the attendants performs finger exercises).

And our granddaughter
Little hands,
And on the hands are the fingers -
Girls and boys.
Fingers live together
They are called by name:
Finger Sasha,
Finger Masha,
Misha, Grisha and Stepan,
Thumb Zhenya,
Fenya's finger,
Tanya, Vanya and Roman.
These are the fingers -
Girls and boys.

5. A minute of penmanship.

Teacher. Open your notebooks for penmanship. You need to continue the track for athletes, and this track will consist of the syllables CHA and SHA. Whichever team has the smoothest and most beautiful track will take the lead in our competitions.

(Children write down the syllables CHa and ShchA in notebooks for penmanship).

Teacher. The team took the lead... And we continue our competitions - we are working on the topic of the lesson.

6. Work on the topic of the lesson.

(Figures of boys Cha and Shcha and girls Yana appear on the board).

Once upon a time there lived Cha and Shcha -
Very honest friends:
Cha and Shcha confessed to everyone,
That they were written only with the letter A.

The girl Yana came to visit them,
I brought the letter with me.
Instead of A - I she wrote
(She didn’t read our rules).

My friends suddenly felt sad.
Why do you understand?
And Yana gets two marks.
Why-why? - does not know.

Do you guys know?

Children. Yana wrote the syllables CHA and SHA incorrectly.

Grove, thicket and candle,
Food, cloud, locusts -
If you meet CHA and SHA, don’t rush,
Always write them with the letter A!

Repeat the rule that friends Cha and Shcha told you.

(Children repeat the rule).

Teacher. Do you remember what words were repeated in the poem? Explain their meaning.

Children. Grove, cloud, candle, thicket, food, locusts. (Explaining the meaning of words with the help of a teacher. Writing words on the board and in a notebook).

Teacher. Which athlete's fans named more words? This athlete moves on. And now it’s time for our athletes to rest, and for us to warm up.

7. Physical pause.

(The attendant conducts eye exercises and gymnastics in verses of his choice from those previously learned).

8. Consolidation of the topic.

Teacher. A new obstacle for our animals is the river. And a new stage in the competition is ice fishing.

(Fish figures open, on the back of which sentences are written. In the sentences, you need to change the words in brackets according to their meaning).


(Children go to the board to “catch” a fish, read the sentence on the back of the fish, change the word according to its meaning. If the child has composed the sentence correctly, then he takes the “catch” with him and comments on the letter from his place. For children of the 3rd pedagogical group, individual cards are issued with proposals).

Teacher. Now try to complete the same task yourself using the textbook. Open the textbook, turn the page. Look at the middle right page. Exercise 13.

(Independent recording of sentences. For group 3 - one sentence, for groups 1 and 2 - two sentences).

9. Lesson summary.

Teacher. What rule did we work on today?

If you meet CHA and SHA, don’t rush,
Always write them with the letter A.

Teacher. What words with this rule have we come across?

Children. Grove, cloud, locust, food, candle, task, tea.

Teacher. All athletes reached the finish line together. And the fans received the following marks...

10. Homework assignment.

Teacher. Look at exercise 12 on this same page, at the top. The task in it is the same as we did in class: in these sentences, change the words in brackets according to their meaning. Write down the homework assignment: p. 73, ex. 12.

, Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Class: 2

Presentation for the lesson

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Target: development of spelling skills of studied combinations based on spelling vigilance.


  • develop the ability to recognize spelling in words and correctly indicate in writing;
  • develop students’ speech, enrich vocabulary, attention, memory;
  • develop a positive attitude towards learning.

Means of education: computer, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard, cards for individual work.


1. Organizational moment

Teacher: Children answer: Like this! Show movements.

How are you? Like this! (finger)
How are you going? Like this! (we walk)
How are you running?
Do you sleep at night?
How do you take it?
How do you give it?
How are you silent?
Are you sitting?

2. Updating knowledge

– And now we have a Russian language lesson, a travel lesson. Are you ready to work with me? We will travel through stations.

Stop "Guess it!"

– Listen to the logic exercise:

Hedgehogs, siskins, and mice live in the forest. Their homes are located in dry leaves, on oak branches, under an old stump. Determine where the animals live if you know that siskins build their nests on oak branches, and mice do not live in dry leaves.

(Answer: we know that hedgehogs, siskins, and mice live in the forest. Their homes are located in dry leaves, on oak branches, under an old stump. We also know that siskins build their nests on oak branches, and mice do not live in dry leaves. This means that mice live under an old stump, and hedgehogs live in dry leaves.)

– Determine which spellings were encountered in this exercise and formulate the topic of the lesson. (Children's answers)
– The topic of our lesson: Correct writing of the combinations ZHI, SHI, CHA, SHCHA, CHU, SHCHU.
- Guys! Today we are going on a journey through the country of Spelling. Spelling is the rules and norms of written speech. You need to make friends with her in order to avoid making mistakes in your writing. To do this, we will work with the poster “What is a spelling?”

(Interactive poster: 1, 2 task) 2, 3 slides

Stop "Chistulka"

Handwriting:w w h sh w w w h sh

-Look at the blackboard. Slide 4 – What letters do you see?
-What sounds do they indicate in writing? Give a description of these sounds. (Hissing, sounds [Zh], [Sh] are always hard, sounds [Ch], [Sh] are always soft).
– What combinations do you know with these letters?
– Write the letters beautifully in your notebook.

3. Work on the topic of the lesson. Operating with knowledge and methods of activity

Stop "Get to Know"

Introducing new vocabulary words: cabbage, good

1) At this stop a riddle awaits us:

The lady sat down in the garden bed,
Dressed in noisy silks,
We are preparing tubs for her,
And half a bag of coarse salt! (Cabbage) 5 slide

- This is a new vocabulary word. Write it down in a notebook, select related words and write it down. (Write in notebook: Cabbage, cabbage leaf, cabbage.)
– What do you know about cabbage? (This is a butterfly that eats cabbage).
– What kind of cabbage is there?

2) Read the proverbs about cabbage on the chalkboard and explain the meaning.

September smells like apples, and October smells like cabbage. 6 slide
Without cabbage, cabbage soup is not thick

3) Distribute the text using appropriate words. (Cards)

– Read the text, insert words that suit their meaning. (team and independent work, chain checking)

Autumn has come. _______ ________ the vegetable harvest is ripe. Cabbage turned out great! ______ _______ heads of cabbage lie in the beds. Cabbage is not only _______, but also a beautiful vegetable.

(Words for reference: juicy, late, rich, in the fields, gloriously, large, tasty.)

– And if there is a lot of cabbage and other vegetables in the garden, then how can we talk about such a harvest? (Rich, big, good). 7 slide
– This is another new word from the dictionary. Write it down in a notebook, choose related words.
– When else do we use this word in speech? (good student, good friend). Choose the opposite word (antonym).

Stop "Check it out"

– Write down the words from the board in your notebook, underline the spelling.
Test using the “Magic Pipe” simulator. 8, 9,10 slides
Liquid, fluffy, sorrel, dacha, eccentric, squinted, tentacles.

Physical education minute

4. Consolidation using elements of multi-level differentiation

Stop "Remember"

– It’s time to work on your own, while working, remember what we are working on today. Be careful and careful!

Individual work on cards with checking by levels

1st level.

Write it down, insert the missing letters, underline the spelling.

Sh...shka, f...raf, f...zn, bigger..e, baby..., reed..., f...r, already...n, walrus..., husband...k.

2nd level.

Copy, opening the brackets, underline the spelling.

Fragrant (lily of the valley), prickly (hedgehog), ripe (pear), cheerful (siskin), huge (puddle), colored (pencil), long (already), tall (reed), prickly (ruff), blue (roof).

3rd level.

Make sentences from the words. Write it down and underline the spelling.

Fluffy, whirling snowflakes.
Vera, y, new, skis.
They are not afraid of frost, and children are not afraid of cold.

Stop "Think"

- Now we’ll play. The game is called "Find the Bugs"

(Interactive poster) 11 slide

5. Summarizing and drawing conclusions

Stop "Terminal"

– At this stop we will summarize the lesson.
– Did you like the lesson? What new have you learned?
– Words, what spelling did we come across?
– What rules of the Russian language helped us in the lesson?
- Let's listen to what poems there are about the spelling patterns we have studied.

(Prepared children tell)

1 student:

Mice, hedgehogs, snakes,
Skis, puddles and walruses,
Roofs, siskins, swifts,
Giraffes and pencils
Them with the letter AND always write!

Student 2:

Seagull, thicket, tower.
Grove, thicket and candle,
Food, kettle, cups, tea –
How will you write? Answer!

Student 3:

Stocking, I'm spinning, I'm a little sad.
I write all the words with U.


Learn new vocabulary words, draw pictures whose names contain the studied combinations ZHI, SHI, CHA, SCHA, CHU, SCHU.

- The lesson is over, well done! 12 slide
- Thank you for your work!

In our native language lessons we are taught correct, error-free writing. As soon as first-graders can already read and write most of the letters of the Russian alphabet, they become familiar with the first ones. First of all, they learn the rules of “zhi-shi”, “chu-schu”, “cha-sha”.

What causes problems?

Surely each of us has the following lines firmly in our heads: “zhi-shi” write with the letter “i”, “cha-sha” write with the letter “a”, “chu-shu” write with the letter “u”, right? ?

But let's take a closer look at why there is a need to know this rule.

It turns out that the spelling of words with “zhi-shi”, “cha-sha”, “chu-shu” is closely related to phonetics, that is, with the sounds of speech. This section of the language is very disliked by both children and their parents, who are forced to study with the child. And many simply do not understand what this “phonetic analysis of words” is for and what it gives.

In the Russian language there are hard and soft consonants, which they become due to the vowels “e”, “e”, “ya”, “yu”, “i”, as well as a soft sign.

As an example, let’s take the words “mayor” and “chalk”. In the first one the sound [m] is heard, it is hard, but in the other word it became soft [m] thanks to the letter “e”, which so affectionately changed its pronunciation.

But there are letters in the alphabet whose sounds cannot become soft, and they are always designated as hard. These are [zh], [sh], [ts], no vowel letter is able to soften them, they are always pronounced equally firmly: beetle, jury. Try it yourself.

But the sounds [ch"], [sch"] [th"], on the contrary, are always soft and cannot become harder in any way: honor, hour, miracle, no matter what vowel comes after them.

It is for this reason that children (and not only) often make mistakes in spelling words with such combinations. But think for yourself how you can write the word “giraffe” with an “i”, because we clearly hear the hard word [zhyraf]! And take the word “wonderful”, how soft and gentle the beginning of the word sounds: [wonderful]. There is no doubt that the letter “yu” should be written here. Why the "chu-shu" rule?

It’s not for nothing that the Russian language received the title of one of the most difficult to learn; well, it can’t be that easy.

Why is that?

We will not go deep into history, but it is important to know that previously the sounds [zh] and [w] were considered soft, and the letter indicated this. And even now, when in modern Russian the letters have acquired only a solid designation of their sound, they did not change the spelling, and now we have to remember such unusual laws of the language.

Now we just have to adhere to the rules of “chu-shu”, “cha-sha”, “zhi-shi”, which are still simple compared to other features of our native Russian language.

Some people won’t need this information; it’s easier for them to memorize and apply the rules in the future, but for those who like to “get to the bottom of the truth,” it will be easier to learn the material if they know the origin of spellings.

How not to forget the rule

Any skills and new knowledge require careful consolidation. Very often, children, even having learned the rules “chu-schu”, “zhi-shi”, “cha-sha”, still make mistakes when writing words containing these spellings.

That's why interesting rhymes were invented, like: "write zhi-shi with the letter i." It is very important that children remember and use these rules every time they encounter similar words, learn to “see” them, find and highlight them.

In order for students to not only name the rules, but also apply them, a reliable way would be to practice the rules “cha-sha”, “chu-shu”, “zhi-shi” in writing.

A teacher or parent can dictate many words containing these combinations, or give a “fill in the missing letter” type flashcard. Such a system will allow children to surely remember the rules of “chu-shu”, “cha-sha”, “zhi-shi” and never make mistakes again.

By the way, in the Kazakh language, where, just like in Russian, the alphabet is based on the Cyrillic alphabet, there is no this rule, and in words after “zh” and “sh” “y” is written. This often causes children to have problems when writing, because their Russian teacher taught them that they should never write “y”, and the Kazakh teacher writes on the board with “mistakes.” But most often this affects children who are educated in Russian, and most of their lives they write and speak in their native Kazakh.

Russian language lesson in 1st grade

Conducted by a teacher of primary classes of the MKOU "Novonikolskaya Secondary School"

Fanina Irina Alekseevna.

Lesson topic:“Spelling words with combinations cha, shcha.”

Target: create conditions for consolidating the spelling rules of letter combinations cha-sha, and application in writing.


    form spelling knowledge based on the development of spelling vigilance; systematize students’ knowledge about the spelling of vowels after sibilants; to develop the skills of conscious perception of composed and read words, phrases, sentences with combinations of frequent words;

    develop communication skills at work, cognitive interest; students’ speech through vocabulary enrichment; ability to analyze, compare, contrast;

    cultivate a culture of communication; responsibility, a critical attitude towards your results and the results of your classmates.

Teaching methods: productive, system-activity approach.

Forms of organization of cognitive activity students: group, pair work, individual.

Means of education: PC, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard, task cards, pictures of the sun and the little house, rays for the sun, letters sch And h.

Technologies: gaming, collaboration, ICT.

    Organizing time.

Let your eyes not just look, but see and notice everything. Let your ears not just listen, but hear everything. And do not let your tongues run ahead of your mind.

Imagine that the Sun has landed on your palms, what is it like?

That's right, it's warm, yellow, cheerful, kind...

Tell me, are you in a good mood? (That's why the sun laughs)

Let's share our smile and good mood with each other, with the guests and with the Sun.

Now, let's raise our hands up and let Sunny go - let him watch how we work in class.

Let's prepare the articulatory apparatus for work.

Let's do breathing exercises.

Blow out the candle.

Blow out a lot of candles.

How does a fly buzz?

How does a dog growl? Well done!

2. A minute of penmanship.

- Guess the riddles. And you will find out what letters we will write today.

Looks like a hedgehog

But he doesn't ask for food.

Runs over clothes -

Clothes will become cleaner.

What is this? That's right, a brush. Name first letter in this word. This is what we will write. Remember how it is written, write the entire line with a small letter š.

Listen to another riddle.

They beat him with a hand and a stick,

Nobody feels sorry for him.

Why are they beating the poor guy?

And for the fact that he is inflated.

What is this? Ball. Name last letter in this word. That's right, h. Write the entire line with a small letter h.

What element do these two letters have in common? A stick with a curve at the bottom to the right.

3.Repetition of learned sounds and letters.

A colorful tower hangs on the board. Guys, look at the inscription and determine which letters live in the tower. That's right, consonants. Can we place the letters we wrote in it? Then let's put our letters in the little house. Who wants?

Game "Teremok".

The teacher starts the game.

There is a tower-house in a field, it is not low, not high, not high. A letter ran past now. (The student picks up a card with the letter sch and continues:

The letter sha denotes a consonant sound, soft-[ SCH], dull, hissing, unpaired. Selit the letter SCH.

The letter entered SCH into the tower and began to live there. The next day another letter passed by what. (The second student takes a card with the letter h and continues.

Knock-knock-knock (knocks on the board with his finger.) Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?

First student (letter now) answers:

It's me, letter Right now, I denote a consonant sound, soft[ SCH"], deaf, unpaired. And who are you?

I am a letter Che, denote a consonant sound, soft[ h"], deaf, hissing. Let me live with you! - Well, come in, we’ll live with other consonants. The letters began to live in the little house. In order for the letters in the little house to live together, you must try and remember what the rule is with these letters is in Russian.

Write cha-sha with the letter a.

Think and name the words in which these combinations occur.

If it’s difficult, then my “Make a Word” game will help you.

(I hang up a poster using which to make up words.)

What do you think our lesson will be devoted to if we remember this rule? That's right, today we are with you

Let's consolidate the ability to correctly write words with combinations cha - shcha. What letter are not friendly with Ch and Sh? That's right, with I, because they never write with her.

Physical exercise with robots.

4. Work to consolidate the rule. Working with the simulator.

Open your notebooks. We will work on options. There are words in front of you. Each option writes the words in a column, inserting the missing letters.

Hands? - On the spot!

Legs? - On the spot!

Elbows? - At the edge!

Back? - Direct!

Well done! Now check your work. Emphasize combinations. The Russian language has more words with the combination cha, so there will be more of them in our lesson.

5. Work in groups. Solving the crossword puzzle.

Today we will work in groups. Let's remember the rules for working in groups:

To help each other


Listen to each other

Hint: all the answers contain combinations, the spelling of which we will reinforce today.

(Children are divided into groups and solve a crossword puzzle.)

    A hot, sweet drink that is drunk in the morning.

2. The eagle is flying
Across the blue sky.
Wings spread out
Covered up the sun

    They don’t get angry, but twirl their mustaches,
    They are not silent, but they will not say a word,
    They walk, but won’t budge.

4. The object from which we drink tea.

5. Pot-bellied, big-nosed

There were nozzles on the stove.

Then suddenly by accident

He sang a song.

So, group 1 finished the work first. Well done, you are awarded the pennant of the wise owl.

Read the clue words. What do these words have in common?

Physical exercise.

6.. Work on the proposal.

There are pictures on the screen. List those pictured here. How can you call them in one word? What groups can they be divided into? Name the characteristics of each group. Name the babies of these animals. Are there any combinations in these words that we are working on today? Complete the sentences and write them down in your notebook. You only need to write down one sentence. Choose the offer that is easier for you to complete. In the first, you need to insert only the missing combination, in the second, a word that matches its meaning, and in the third, select the desired word. Don't forget about proper landing.

The wolf had vol...ta.

The squirrel has ……….

Sleeping under a bush……… (hares, jackdaws)

Check your notes. Underline the combinations whose spelling we repeat.

7. Working with the circuit.

A proposal is written on the board

Grandma was at the doctor.

Are there any combinations cha - sha in this sentence? Name it. Now in your notebook, on the next line, make an outline of this sentence. 1 student at the board will make a diagram. Who will go?

(student makes a diagram at the board)

Check your work. Raise your hands if you haven't made a mistake.

What goal did we set for ourselves at the beginning of the lesson? (fix the spelling of combinations). So how are they written?

We hang a poster with the rule.

You did a great job in class today, I liked it. Did you like your work?

8. Reflection.

Each of you has rays of our Sun on the table in three colors: yellow, red, white. If you think that everything worked out in your lesson, you liked the lesson, you learned a lot, the goal you set for yourself has been achieved - attach a yellow ray to the Sun, if you think that you did not succeed in everything - red, and if you think that you still have a lot to learn - white.

(children go out and attach rays)

Let's see which rays our Sun has more? I was very pleased to work with you today, you all tried very hard, our Sunshine rejoices in you.

I managed……..

I was surprised......

I like it ……

I was happy for…….

I want to thank……. behind ………

I can praise myself for ……..

Reserve. Work in pairs.

I hand out puzzles to children sitting at the same desk. The couple that finishes guessing first raises their joined hands. If you guessed correctly, you are awarded a medal.

Sources: Internet resources

Don't miss letter combinations: zhi, shi, cha, sha, chu, schu

In combinations live And shi write after consonants and And w letter And,

in combinations cha And now after h And sch - letter A,

in combinations chu And I feel after h And sch - letter at :and And uh, mash And on, h A now, h at before, sch at ka.


Why are we writing? and And, w And ? After all, the letter And usually shows that the consonant before it is soft, for example: artAnd st- [T'] . And the sizzling [f] and [sh] are hard! The fact is that this is a traditional spelling. Once upon a time, the sizzling ones were soft. Then they began to be pronounced firmly, and the spelling of the letters And after and And w preserved: skis And, mung bean And on the.

The writing of letters is also traditional A And at after h And sch: h A sch A, h at before, sch at ka.


Letter Yu found in borrowed words: and Yu ri, brosh Yu ra, parash Yu T, as well as proper names, for example AND Yu l Vern.

Don’t be surprised, you may also encounter complex abbreviated words that do not comply with this rule, for example IzhYu rcollegium(Izhevsk Legal Collegium). When forming complex abbreviated names and abbreviations, combinations of letters are possible that are not typical for the Russian language.

Pronounce these words correctly: bro[shu] ra, couple[shu] T,[Zhu] l Vern, and[zhu] rcollegium.
Don't be surprised: word and Yu ri pronounced differently: and [zh "u] ri, and [zhu] ri.