Friday the 13th interesting facts

HORRIBLE AND INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT FRIDAY THE 13TH One of the most mysterious and mystical days of the year is Friday the 13th. The number thirteen generally terrifies all superstitious people, and what can I say when the “damn dozen” falls on Friday! And today is just such a day ... There is an opinion that Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise on Friday the 13th. Cain killed Abel on Friday the 13th. Jesus was crucified on Friday the 13th. "13" and "death" the ancient Jews wrote identically The Knights Templar were burned at the stake after prolonged torture on October 13, Friday. Meteorologists say that it is on this day that the most natural disasters occur: earthquakes, heavy rains and thick fogs. The number of accidents, plane crashes and accidents on Friday the 13th increases by about 60%, insurance companies say. And this is a generally accepted fact. But that's not all! Judge for yourself... The British Navy once produced a ship called Friday the 13th. The ship set off on its maiden voyage on Friday the 13th. Nobody ever saw him again. The unlucky Apollo 13 spacecraft was launched at 13:13 Central Standard Time on April 11, 1970. The sum of the digits of the date also gives the number 13 (4+1+1+7+0 = 13). The explosion that damaged the ship occurred on April 13th (not Friday). However, the crew was able to return to Earth. Many hospitals do not have a 13th ward, and many high-rise buildings do not have a 13th floor. The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia or friggatriskaidekaphobia. The fear of the number 13 is called triskaidekaphobia. Quarterback Dan Martino wore number 13 his entire career with the Miami Dolphins. Despite being one of the best quarterbacks in history, he only made it to the Super Bowl once, in 1985, where his team was defeated. Butch Cassidy, the notorious bank and train robber, was born on Friday April 13th, 1866. Fidel Castro was born on Friday 13th August 1926. US President Franklin Roosevelt never traveled on the 13th and never gave dinners for 13 people. Napoleon and Herbert Hoover are also known to be afraid of the number 13. Superstitious people in Paris can hire a special person to be the 14th guest. Once Mark Twain was the 13th invited guest. A friend advised him not to go, but Twain went. The writer later commented on the party: “I was very unlucky. The food was designed for only 12 people. Woodrow Wilson considered 13 his lucky number, although the statistics were not on his side. He arrived in Normandy (France) for peace talks on December 13, 1918, but when he returned to the US, Congress refused to sign the document. During a tour of the United States in support of the peace treaty, Wilson nearly died of a heart attack. The number 13 suffers from the fact that it immediately follows 12, which is considered an ideal number: 12 months in a year, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 Olympian gods, 12 exploits of Hercules, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles of Jesus Christ are proof of this. The signs on the back of the dollar bill include 13 levels of the pyramid, 13 stars above the eagle's head, 13 arrows in the eagle's paw, 13 leaves on an olive branch. IMPORTANT! What not to do on Friday the 13th? On this day, it is advisable not to visit places of entertainment and not to laugh out loud. Better avoid Friday the 13th conflict situations and quarrels so as not to aggravate the situation. Because in terms of energy, this day is considered not the most favorable. Having quarreled on this day, it will be very difficult to find reconciliation. It is also not recommended to make large and significant purchases. Buying an apartment or car is best postponed until Saturday. Take your time to get romantic on Friday the 13th. There is an opinion that the relationship that began on this day will not last long, and will be overshadowed by an unpleasant and difficult break. You should also be careful at work: do not schedule serious meetings, major deals for this day, avoid starting new projects. Do you have anything to add?

Jason Voorhees and his bloody secrets

Jason Voorhees. Hockey mask and machete. Camp "Crystal Stream"… All this has long become an integral part of modern pop culture.

Alexey Turchin pays homage to the legendary film series and recalls the most Interesting Facts about "Friday the 13th".


According to the original scenario Voorhees called not Jason, a… Josh! director Sean Cunningham it was fine, but someone from the crew insisted on a name Jason as more harmonious and interesting. To the great historical success, the director did not balk and made adjustments.

Of course, Cunningham I did not expect that the picture would become a cult and be awarded a series of sequels. But just think: if Voorhees called Josh, then we would have to watch and love tapes like "Josh-X" and "Freddy vs. Josh".


What is the first place you think of when you hear the name "Jason"? Obviously about the camp "Crystal Stream". Oddly enough, but the bloody events in this camp unfolded only in the first, sixth and seventh parts. In the remaining episodes of the franchise, the camp appeared only in flashback scenes, and Jason drifted to Manhattan, to hell and even space.


Notorious "Crystal Stream" in the film "played" a real-life camp for boy scouts with an intricate name "No-Be-Bo-Sco" which is located in the state New Jersey, close to town Blairstown. But where did all the kids go during filming? It's simple: the shooting was not in the summer, but from September to November. If you look closely, in the scene with the boat on the lake, you can see yellowing foliage on the trees.

By the way, the final scene when Jason jumping out of the water, for some reason filmed in late autumn, when the water temperature tended to zero. It's hard to imagine how 15 -summer Ari Lerman endured this.

FRIDAY the 13th NOT FRIDAY the 13th

Paradoxically, but true: the events of some parts of the franchise "Friday the 13th" don't happen on Friday 13 th. The events of the first two parts correspond to the canon, while Ch. 3 begins immediately after the events of the sequel, and the main events of the film take place the next day, i.e. on Saturday 14 th.

Similar to the triquel, the plot 4 -th part starts from the place where part three ended and unfolds on Sunday 15 th.


Mom Jason Voorhees played an actress Betsy Palmer. So that you can imagine how far actresses of her level are from this kind of films, let's say that in those years she was a successful theater actress, she worked in films with such masters as Jack Lemmon(you know the main role in the film "In Jazz Only Girls") and even met the legendary James Dean.

When Mrs. Agent Palmer brought her the script "Friday the 13th", she was going to refuse without hesitation an offer to participate in some kind of youth horror movie. But by an unfortunate accident for her and a lucky chance for us, the actress’s car broke down: it was necessary to repair $10.000 . And for the role of Jason's mother, a fee was provided in 10.000 . Coincidence? I don't think.


Your canonical form Jayon found in the third part: it was in the film "Friday the 13th - Part III" he puts on the now legendary hockey mask for the first time. But this important accessory was supposed to be completely different, namely ... the mask of a baseball referee.

But ordinary human laziness and the desire to save money intervened: in this form, the face Jason it would be visible through the bars, which means that the make-up artists would have to spend time on make-up every time for Voorhees. It was then that they decided to use the mask of a hockey goalkeeper, which completely covered the maniac's face.


As we mentioned above, in the third part Jason Voorhees gained his canonical appearance by wearing a hockey mask. So this mask is a real talisman of the franchise, which wanders from series to series: you must admit, it’s always nice when such things are treated with care, and not like ordinary props.


For the entire existence of the franchise (i.e. since 1980 th year) was removed 12 feature films featuring Jason Voorhees. But if Freddy Krueger always (except for the remake) played by the same actor - Robert Englund, then with Jason the situation is much more interesting.

Per 25 years, his role was played ... at least 13 actors, doubles and stuntmen! Moreover, in some films he was played by two actors at once: for example, in flashback scenes, he was portrayed by children.


Speaking of Kruger. AT 1987 th year, work on a triquel of adventures began to boil Freddy Krueger. At the stage of developing the script, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200blinking the universes was seriously worked out Kruger and Voorhees. To the movie "A Nightmare on Elm Street: Sleep Warriors" it was proposed to include an episode in which the young Freddie worked ... as one of the camp educators Crystal Brook. And he didn’t just work, but harassed and corrupted children, one of whom was a small Jason.

Alas, meeting Voorhees Freddie I had to wait until 2003, when the long-awaited crossover came out "Freddy vs Jason".


If we analyze the list of survivors based on the results of each of the parts, then interesting statistics come out. Fortune smiles ... blondes! Well, or, at least, girls with a lighter shade of hair. Agree, quite a weighty trump card in the dispute on the topic "whom to be better: a blonde or a brunette."


The title theme song of the series, which has become her business card like a hockey mask or a scout camp, was written by the composer Harry Manfredini. Movie fans hum it like “ch, ch, ch; ah, ah, ah" . So the composer himself in one of the interviews told what it actually sounds like "ki-ki-ki, ma-ma-ma" that, by design Manfredini, is derived from "kill-kill-kill, mom-mom-mom" .


Earlier we mentioned the failed meeting Kruger and Voorhees in a triquel "A Nightmare On Elm Street". Officially, they met only once: in a joint crossover 2003 th. But what if we told you that the legendary heroes crossed paths again in the eleventh part of the adventure Voorhees. Here is a proof frame with the legendary sweater and glove.


In a way, yes. The fact is that the stuntman and actor Kane Hodder, who played the role of a maniac in a mask, played (partially) the role of a maniac in a hat: in the same 11 th film of the franchise, it is his hand that is dressed in a glove and a striped sweater.

And also Kane played one of the guards, whom he hacked to death Jason: a maniac and a victim in one bottle - kk-combo!


Actor and director Tom Savini, whom you know from the role of the sex machine in the film Robert Rodriguez "From Dusk Till Dawn", started his career as a... visual effects and make-up artist. For example, the zombie makeup in the movie George Romero "Dawn of the Dead"- his handiwork. So, the disfigured appearance of a small Jason- wholly merit Savini.

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Today is Friday the 13th! Do we know anything about this date?

1. The British Navy once produced a ship called Friday the 13th. The ship set off on its maiden voyage on Friday the 13th. Nobody ever saw him again.

2. The unlucky Apollo 13 spacecraft was launched at 13:13 Central Standard Time on April 11, 1970. The sum of the digits of the date also gives the number 13 (4+1+1+7+0 = 13). The explosion that damaged the ship occurred on April 13th (not Friday). However, the crew was able to return to Earth.

3. Many hospitals do not have a 13th ward, and many high-rise buildings do not have a 13th floor.

4. The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia or friggatriskaidekaphobia. The fear of the number 13 is called triskaidekaphobia.

5. Quarterback Dan Martino has played number 13 his entire career with the Miami Dolphins. Despite being one of the best quarterbacks in history, he only made it to the Super Bowl once, in 1985, where his team was defeated.

6. Butch Cassidy, the notorious bank and train robber, was born on Friday April 13th, 1866.

8. US President Franklin Roosevelt never traveled on the 13th or gave dinners for 13 people. Napoleon and Herbert Hoover are also known to be afraid of the number 13.

9. Superstitious people in Paris can hire a special person to be the 14th guest.

10. Once Mark Twain was the 13th invited guest. A friend advised him not to go, but Twain went. The writer later commented on the party: “I was very unlucky. The food was designed for only 12 people.

11. Woodrow Wilson considered 13 his lucky number, although the statistics were not on his side. He arrived in Normandy (France) for peace talks on December 13, 1918, but when he returned to the US, Congress refused to sign the document. During a tour of the United States in support of the peace treaty, Wilson almost died of a heart attack.

12. The number 13 suffers from the fact that it immediately follows 12, which is considered the ideal number: 12 months in a year, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 Olympian gods, 12 labors of Hercules, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles of Jesus Christ and 12 Christmas days are proof of this. .

13. The signs on the reverse side of the dollar bill include 13 levels of the pyramid, 13 stars above the eagle's head, 13 arrows in the eagle's paw, 13 leaves on an olive branch.

It just so happens that I am writing this article today - in Friday, May 13th. Nothing supernatural seems to have happened in a day, but I decided to find out in more detail what the superstition about this coincidence of the day of the month and the day of the week is connected with. I will bring 10 facts about Friday the 13th and a little more interesting information which I think deserves your attention.

So here are a dozen facts:

  • Exact date of origin Friday the 13th have not been determined. However, many agree that this superstition associated with the extermination of the Knights Templar in 1307 on October 13.
  • “. Scientist Foerester has created a model that calculates the human population, and according to Friday's theory, November 13, 2026 it will reach infinity or a mathematical singularity.
  • Paraskavedekatriaphobia. Friggatriskaidekaphobia. This is the scientific name for fear (phobia) before Friday the 13th.
  • The number of accidents on this day is significantly higher than on others, well, at least this was established by the study of The British Medical Journal, which was conducted in 1993.
  • Number 13 - this number is believed to have mystical powers. Here are some possible reasons why exactly this number: 1 version - Adam and Eve tried the forbidden fruit of this particular number. Version 2 - Cain killed Avdey. Version 3 - The Last Supper, 13 people took part in it - Jesus and 12 of his disciples, and it was 13 that Judas was the betrayer of Jesus.
  • The number 13 is very disliked. In some countries, this number is even skipped, for example, there is no 13th floor in the building and 14 immediately follows after 12, or they skip the 13th ward in the hospital.
  • Dollar . The dollar bill depicts a pyramid with 13 levels, there are also 13 stars above the head of the eagle, and the eagle itself holds 13 arrows in its paw, and even on the olive branch there were, oddly enough, 13 leaves.
  • Today is 05/13/2011! It turns out today is a double damn dozen! Based on the magic of numbers, if you add 1 + 3 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 1, you will also get 13.
  • Losses. It has been calculated that this day can be considered truly unlucky for business, and this is just because of ordinary superstition. So on Friday the 13th, a business loses about $900 million because people refuse to work or, for example, fly on an airplane.
  • Frequency . Friday the 13th occurs every year at least 1 time, and a maximum of 3 times. Those. average frequency 1.7 times a year.

I will also present an interesting calendar “ Friday 13“:

  • 2010: August
  • 2011: May
  • 2012: January, April, July
  • 2013: September, December
  • 2014: June
  • 2015: February, March, November
  • 2016: May
  • 2017: January, October
  • 2018: April, July
  • 2019: September, December
  • 2020: March, November

Well, one more event that I remember that happened on that day:

Imagine there was a ship called "Friday the 13th" (in the original Friday the 13th) - made it for Naval Forces Great Britain. He set off on his first voyage (what date do you think? :) That's right, on the 13th - on Friday). Well, apparently for such a mockery, this happened. The ship was never seen again. Here she is - Friday the 13th.

Read: 3850

Have you posted yet another image of some happy cat with the festive slogan “Well, it's Friday!” on the Internet? Well done, made it to the end working week. But do not rush to rejoice. Before Saturday the 14th arrives, there is still some way to get through Friday the 13th. And we will help you with this.

There are several versions of the origin of such an ominous coloring of this day. How do you like this: it was on Friday the 13th that Adam's disobedient wife tasted the forbidden fruit. Yeah, and on a nearby tree, a tear-off calendar was nailed - that's why they remembered the day. Or from the Old Testament police protocol: citizen Cain killed citizen Abel. Date, signature.

A slightly more plausible version blames the French king Philip IV, who burned alive an entire brigade of the Templars. And the day of execution was not chosen by chance. Friday is like the day of the crucifixion of Christ, and the 13th is, well, simply because the 13th, it seems like already then - in the XIV century - was unlucky.

There are a dozen more theories, ranging from the exquisite: the number of those present at the Last Supper, and ending with the practical one: in the Middle Ages, it was believed that a witch's sabbat could take place only with the participation of a dozen witches, plus the Host. Total - 13. Damn dozen. Everything is so logical that it's not even interesting ... But there are 17 more facts ahead!

In fact, neither in the documents, nor in the reference, nor even in fiction the phrase "Friday the 13th" did not occur either in Old Testament times or in the Middle Ages. For the first time this ominous date occurs only at the end of the 19th century - an English journalist writes about the death of Gioacchino Rossini. And even then, without any touch of mysticism. Moreover, the composer died at a fairly advanced age, without any obvious interference from the dark forces.

And only a hundred years ago, we see the first mention of Friday and the devil's dozen in a superstitious context. An oligarch from Boston, a stock broker named Thomas Lawson and nicknamed the "copper baron", wrote a book where he spoke in detail about fraud on the stock exchange and the use of the fears of individual comrades before Friday and the number 13. The novel was called - "Friday 13th. It sounded so cool that the phrase instantly went to the people. And now you can’t pick it out of there, as long as there is such a day and such a date in the calendar.

Curious coincidence! The giant ship, the only seven-masted schooner in the world, was named after the aforementioned character. Five years "Thomas W. Lawson" did not leave the coastal waters of America and Canada, and in December 1907 went on his first transatlantic voyage. He is the last: on Friday the 13th, the ship got into a storm and sank. By the way, this happened in the same year that Lawson's book was published.

Another marine tale, which for many years has been diligently reprinted by all and sundry. O British ship"Friday", which was allegedly launched on Friday, and sent on its first flight on Friday, and which sank, of course, also at the end of the working week. Complete nonsense! Firstly, a ship with this name has never been in the English fleet. And then, is it possible to find more superstitious people than sailors, and even in those days! Who would risk such a pointless experiment?

Whether it's rockers-metalheads! These guys are so tough that Friday the 13th is cooler than New Year! For example, the founding fathers heavy metal BLACK SABBATH released their debut album on February 13th. On Friday. The gloomy sound, the theme of the songs, the cover of the record, the advertising posters - all this, of course, was a match for the diabolical date.

Ours are not far behind either. For several years in a row, the Friday the 13th festival was held in Moscow and St. Petersburg with the same headliners in the person of ALICE, ARIA and KING AND JOKE. Guess what day those concerts were? True, nothing mystical has ever happened at these festivals. But if you ask the rockers about all the other concerts - so on tour every day like Friday the 13th!

Do you need comments on the famous film epic "Friday the 13th"? With serial adventures of Jason Voorhees, only Freddy Krueger can be compared. By the way, he somehow decided to find out which of them is cooler! But they could have spoiled everything at the very beginning if they had left the working title of the film - "A Long Night in a Bloody Camp." What would you call the second part then? "Another long night at the bloody camp"? And, say, the thirteenth series, how?

More than metalheads, only computer geniuses love this shamanic date. In 1988, on Friday the 13th, a virus called Jerusalem sent thousands of files from computers around the world to the underworld. It was one of the first MS-DOS viruses. Then there were hundreds of other "Friday" small dirty tricks - Friday13, BlackDeath, Eliza ... But, of course, the pioneer was remembered - as the first love or the first astronaut.

Among businessmen, of course, there are also superstitious people. But there are far more of these among non-businessmen! It is they who on Friday the 13th refuse to travel, shop, and generally try not to stick out of the house. They say that losses on such days are in the millions! But, probably, Saturday the 14th is a shock working day!

In general, the number 13 as such does not allow millions of people around the world to live in peace. Many hospitals do not have such a ward, some airports do not have a thirteenth terminal, not to mention flights number 13, and in skyscrapers, the fourteenth floor immediately after the twelfth is in the order of things. By the way, did you notice that fact #13 was missing? Among the readers may be faint of heart and superstitious ...


AT different time and in different countries real clubs were created, whose members, on the thirteenth, swung at the most sacred thing that only superstitious citizens have: they greeted through the threshold, spilled salt in batches, whistled madly in the room, sewed on buttons, broke mirrors and sat down at the table for 13 people. And at least one of them had a runny nose after that! No, everyone is alive and well, so that it was empty for them.

But in Italy, Venerdi 17, Friday the 17th, is considered a fatal date. The ancient Romans are to blame for this (who else ?!), who wrote the laconic "Vixi" on the grave monuments, that is, "I lived." It's like Roman VI and XI, which adds up to 17. Numerology, you know. For the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese, everything is much simpler - by ear, the words "death" and "four" differ only in intonation, so the devil's number in East Asia- four.

All the magical power of Friday the 13th is only in a combination of the day of the week and the date. Individually, these concepts are rather harmless. For some nations, the number 13 was generally sacred. In the Mayan calendar (by the way, another interesting date!) There were even 13 months, and Ophiuchus was the thirteenth sign of the zodiac. By the way, some astrologers sometimes use this Ophiuchus to draw attention to their mysterious, almost occult activities.

In general, more often you need to turn to statistics. She, as Ilf and Petrov claimed, knows everything. How many truly mystical events happened on Black Fridays? Yes, no more than on other days. There are, of course, coincidences - Alfred Hitchcock, for example, was born on the 13th, on Friday. How not to mention such a sign of Fate! But the real black magician, occultist and Satanist Aleister Crowley was born on the shameful Tuesday the 12th. It's embarrassing to admit this.

At the end of the 20th century, the UN gave mankind an idea about a new calendar. Well, as it was with the French after their revolution. Most of all, they talked about the project of a “mirror-symmetrical” calendar, in which every Monday of each month is the 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd numbers, every Tuesday is the 2nd, 9th, 16th e and 23rd, and so on. Accordingly, Friday the 13th with this calendar will forever remain a relic of the past. But this idea was somehow quickly and abruptly forgotten.

Well, for now we live according to the "obsolete" Gregorian calendar, will have to put up with regular Friday the 13th. If you are terribly afraid of this date - you, my friend, have paraskavedekatriaphobia. What can be advised? Learn this word by heart, repeat it thirteen times with a tongue twister - you should let go ...