Project my day in English with translation. Topic “My Day. Words and Expressions


  • Clock mockup
  • Internet resources:
  1. Organizing time. Conversation.

Good morning! I’m glad to see you, and you?

Student response.

The topic of our lesson is “My Day”.

Today we will summarize the material on the topic of daily routine and repeat the name of the time in English.

2. Phonetic charger.

[r] - draw, dress, read, run.
[t] - get up, eat, let, sit.
- sleep, clean, speak.
- make, play, say, take.
[w] - watch, wash, wake up.
Thank you.

3. Speech charger.

Let's speak. Read the dialogues in pairs.

4. Speaking.

What's time is it?

Using clock layouts.

We look at the board and tell the time.

5. Repetition of words on the topic My day.

Let’s create a daily routine: I wake up at 7 o’clock/ I get up at quarter past 7. I wash my face and clean my teeth.

- 6. Compilation proposals.

On the desk:

  • In the morning…

  • In the afternoon…

  • In the evening…

Make up sentences looking at the picture

Tell me what time of day and what you are doing.

Ask questions:

  • When do you wake up?
  • What do you do in the morning?
  • What time is it?
  • When do you go home?


7. Physical exercise.

8. Listening.

Ex. 2. page 52.

9. Independent work.

Workbook.1, page 70.

For the strong, an additional task is P, t. 2, p. 70.

10. Bottom line lesson.


  • Prepare “My day” presentation
  • Ex. 4 (work book).

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“Open English lesson in 3rd grade on the topic “My Day””

Public lesson

Teacher: Shumikieva M.U.

  • The purpose of the lesson
  • educational – summarize knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic “My day”;
  • developing – development of attentiveness, concentration, memory and skills of dialogical and monologue speech of students;
  • educational – nurturing the communicative qualities of students

  • Lesson Objectives
  • activate the vocabulary of the material on the topics “My day” and “Time”;
  • practice the grammatical structure of Present Simple, questions and answers When do you...? What time is it? I get up at 7 o'clock;
  • develop search reading skills;
  • develop dialogical speech skills;
  • cultivate interest in learning the language

  • Lesson equipment
  • Askarova L.B., Rakhimzhanova S.D., Volkova A.S., English language, 3rd grade
  • pictures and flash cards on the topics “My day” and “Time”
  • Clock mockup
  • Power Point presentations on the topics “My Day” and “Time”
  • Internet resources:

I wake up at 7 o'clock. I get up at 7.15

I clean my teeth

I have breakfast at 7.30

I wear my uniform

I study at school

I go home after school

I have dinner with my family

I play with toys

I go to bed and sleep

  • What time is it?

Now let’s listen to the song and remember the time!

  • In the morning…

For example: In the morning I wake up at 7 o’clock

  • In the afternoon…

For example: In the afternoon I play football

  • In the evening…

For example: I go to bed in the evening at ten o’clock

Task: make three sentences with this picture

  • Ask questions
  • When do you wake up?
  • What do you do in the morning?
  • What time is it?
  • What time do you have breakfast?
  • What do you do in the evening?
  • When do you go home?

Task : work in pairs and ask questions about day routine

  • Home task
  • Prepare “My day” presentation
  • Ex. 4 (work book).

I wake up at 7 a.m. and that’s when my day starts. As the school starts at 8.15 a.m., I have a lot to do. First of all I get out of bed and prepare myself for the day.

By the time I enter the kitchen my mother has already prepared my breakfast. But sometimes I prepare the breakfast myself.

After breakfast I usually run out of time and I head to school.

I study at the 11th grade and prepare for the university. At school I usually have 7 lessons and some additional courses. My favorite lessons are Russian literature and English. After school I usually come back home and have dinner. Mother says that with my schedule having healthy and good feeding is essential.

As I prepare for the entering the university I have lots of additional courses. Three days per week I attend my tutor of English. We prepare for the exam and improve my knowledge of English. What is more, on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have lessons of math. I am not quite good at the subject, so I need to do a lot to succeed in the exam.

After all the courses I come back home and go to the gym for an hour to clear my mind before doing the preparation for tomorrow’s lessons. I do running and some physical exercises.

When I get home I have supper and prepare for the lessons. I usually go to bed when it’s 12 o’clock. And then the whole day repeats.


I get up at 7 am and then my day begins. School starts at 8.15, so I have a lot to do. First of all, I get out of bed and get ready to spend the day.

By the time I get to the kitchen, my mother has already prepared breakfast for me. But sometimes I cook breakfast myself.

After breakfast I don't have much time and I go to school.

I'm in 11th grade and preparing to enter university. At school I usually have 7 lessons and additional courses. My favorite lessons are Russian literature and English. After school I usually come home and have lunch. Mom says that with my schedule it is very important to have a healthy and good diet.

Since I'm preparing to enter university, I have a lot of additional courses. Three days a week I study with an English tutor. We are preparing for the exam and improving my English language skills. Moreover, I have math classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I am not very strong in this subject, so I need to do a lot to succeed in the exam.

After all my classes, I return home and go to the gym for an hour to clear my head before getting ready for tomorrow's classes. I run and do some exercise.

When I get home, I have dinner and get ready for classes. I usually go to bed at 12 o'clock. And then my day repeats itself.

Useful phrases:

to wake up at 7 a.m.- wake up V 7 morning

to get out of bed- get out of bed

to prepare for the day- prepare co day

to prepare the breakfast oneself- prepare breakfast himself

to run out of time- Not grab time

to head to school- head to school

toattend the tutor- visit tutor

improve the knowledge of English- improve knowledge English

to be good at sth - something works out well

to succeed in the exam- succeed on exam

to do running and exercises- run And do exercises

to go to bed- go sleep

other presentations about English for children

"Vegetables" - Broccoli. Beet. Pepper. Garlik. Carrots. Vegetables. Radishes. Tomato. Bow. Pumpkin. Turnip. Cabbage. Cucumbers. Eggplant.

“English alphabet for children” - Letter F. Horseman. Letter M. Oak - oak-tree. You won’t get tired of hanging the letter J. N. X-ray. Letter Z. Queen - queen. Key - key. Word of mouth is spreading. Umbrella - umbrella. Letter L. Letter B. Letter Y. C is out hunting. Letter A. Young pirate. Letter S. Wolf - a wolf. Toy. Letter G. Ice cream - ice-cream. Letter E. Letter V.

"English alphabet" - Name the colors. Sound. Name the objects in English. Insert a letter and you get a word. Fill in the missing letters of the alphabet. Phonetic exercise. Alphabet holiday. Repeating the alphabet. Name the animals. Match the sound to the letter. Generating interest in learning English. Good morning. Children.

“My working day” - I always have four or five lessons at school. I go to school at 12. Good night. MY WORKING DAY. After that, I watch TV, and listen to music. I clean my teeth. I go to the bed at 21 o'clock. I go home at 18 o'clock. I have supper at half past 19. Then,I do my homework. I wash my face. After that, I go to the bathroom.

“Letters of the English alphabet” - S is for street. F is for flowers. M is for may. K is for kite. Y is for a yard where children play. R is for red. J is for jam. L is for letter. I is for i. G is for girl. Z is for the zoo. V is in five. Who is in the garden. Q is for questions. English alphabet. T is for tick. U is for under. H is for hand.

“English for gifted children” - Components of the work system. Intercultural learning. Background vocabulary. Communication taboos. Sociocultural competence. Sociocultural component. Culture shock. Internet capabilities. Verbal and nonverbal behavior. National proverbs and sayings. Foreigners. Sociocultural content. Cinemas.

I am going to tell you about my working day. First of all let me introduce myself, I`m Leonid. I`m a pupil of 6th form. I study at school number 4 in Apatity.

Morning... I get up at seven o'clock. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. I'm glad to see my family at the kitchen. My parents love me and always suppose me. My house is my castle. We sit at the table and have our breakfast together. My family is the best. I love it. Every bird likes its own nest. My family likes different proverbs, and we use them in our every day live. Sometimes we have some little problems in my family, but nobody knows about it. Don`t wash your dirty linen in public.

As usual we eat porridge and fruits. Most of all I prefer apples. Mum always says "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". After my breakfast I go to school. It is big and nice. I'm good at many subjects. I think "Knowledge is power`. Usually I have 5-6 lessons. Each lesson lasts 45 minutes. Of cause we have breaks between the lessons. But you know - business before pleasure. My favorite subject is Literature. I am fond of reading . Reading makes a full man. Also I am keen on sports. After my lessons I go to school gym. Richard Steele said "Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body."

Evening... As a good student I do my home work. At exactly 8 o`clock we have supper. And the same time my father comes back home. Punctuality is the politeness of kings. At the family table we eat and speak about our last day. I like such hours. East or West, home is best.

At 10 o'clock I go to bed. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

I hope you like my story, may be it`s not interesting, but it is real day of my life.


I'm going to tell you about my working day. First of all, let me introduce myself, I am Leonid. I am a 6th grade student. I study at school number 4 in Apatity.

Morning …. I get up at seven o'clock. One morning hour is like two evening hours. I'm glad to see my family in the kitchen. My parents love me and always support me. My home is my castle. We sit down at the table and have breakfast together. My family is the best. I love her. Each bird praises its nest. My family loves various proverbs and we use them in our lives every day. Sometimes we have small problems in our family, but no one knows about it. Don't wash dirty linen in public.

We usually eat oatmeal and fruit. Most of all I love apples. Mom always says that “One apple a day is enough to prevent a person from getting sick.” After breakfast I go to school. It's big and good. I am a good student in many subjects. I think that “Knowledge is power.” I usually have 5-6 lessons. Each lesson lasts 45 minutes. And of course, we have breaks between lessons. But you know, it’s an hour of fun. My favorite subject is Literature. I love reading. Reading fills a person. I also enjoy sports. Richard Steele said that “Reading is for the mind, and strength training is for the body.”

Evening... Like a good student, I do my homework. At exactly 8 o'clock we have dinner. And at the same time my father returns home. Accuracy - the politeness of kings. At the family table we eat and talk about the past day. I like this kind of watch. Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

At 10 o'clock I go to bed. Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, rich and wise.

I hope you liked my story, it may not be interesting, but this is a real day in my life.

Gudin Leonid

A story about “my day in English” usually describes a typical day at school, university, work, or leisure - depending on what the narrator is doing. When describing “my day” in English, it is important to maintain a strict chronological sequence, not jump from one activity to another and not leave “blank spots” in your daily routine. To make it easier for you to compose a story “my day” in English, we have prepared a detailed plan for such a text.

Plan for a story about “my day”

  1. Introduction.

    Tell us what you do: work, study, relax. What day will you describe: weekday, weekend, holiday?

  2. Start of the day.

    Describe in English how “my day” begins: what time do you wake up, what is the first thing you do after getting out of bed. What are your morning rituals and habits, and what do you usually have for breakfast?

  3. Middle of a day.

    Next, tell us in English what you do during the first half of the day: go to school or work, do household chores, go shopping. What is your main activity at this time of day? What time, what and where do you have lunch?

  4. Evening.

    Describe how you greet the evening: do you finish your main tasks by this time or are you just starting? What do you do at this time of day, what time, what and where do you have dinner?

  5. Rest.

    Tell us in English if you rest at the end of the day, and if so, how. What kind of rest do you prefer: active or passive? Describe how you relieve stress and tension at the end of the day, do you relax with family, with friends or alone?

  6. Going to bed.

    Tell us what time you start getting ready for bed. What do you do before: take a shower, brush your teeth, read a book, watch TV? Do you feel tired by this time?

  7. Conclusion.

    At the end of the story “my day” in English, describe your attitude towards your routine: do you like how your day is going, are you very tired, would you like to change your routine, make it more varied or, conversely, predictable?

Useful words and expressions

English word Translation
Arrive home arrive home
At school At school
At work At work
Bike bike
Breakfast breakfast
Clothes cloth
Coffee coffee
Comb comb
Day day
Dawn dawn
Early morning early morning
Entertainment entertainment
Exercise charger
Get ready prepare
Get undressed undress
Get up get up
Have dinner have supper
In bed in bed
In the bathroom In bathroom
In the bedroom in the bedroom
In the kitchen in the kitchen
Late morning late morning
Leave work leave the job
Lunch dinner
Makeup makeup
Meeting meeting
Metro metro
Mid-morning mid morning
Newspaper newspaper
Public transport public transport
Razor razor
Relax rest
Run jogging
Street food street food
Sunrise Sunrise
Sunset sunset
Take a bath to take a bath
Take a train take the train
Taxi Taxi
Toothbrush Toothbrush
Towel towel
Wake up wake up
Work out work off

An example of a story about “my day” in English

My day begins at 5.30 a.m. My mother wakes me up with a hot cup of tea. After sipping the hot tea, I do jogging for half an hour on the terrace of my house, along with my elder brother. After the jogging, I brush my teeth and get ready for my study which continues undisturbed up to my breakfast.

I have my breakfast at 8.00 a.m. along with the rest of my family. We also watch the TV news at this time and also go through the day’s newspaper. After breakfast, the family chats for some time. By 8.30 a.m. all are off to their respective work. I get ready and proceed to school on my bicycle.

I reach school at about 8.45 am. The school Assembly takes place at 8.55 a.m. and classes begin immediately after. The classes continue up to 12.00 .p.m after which we have a lunch break. During the lunch break, I go home as my home is not very far from the school.

The afternoon classes recommence at 1.00 p.m. and continue till 3.00 p.m. After the school gets over I stay back in the school campus to attend some tuition which gets over by 4.00 p.m.

After the tuition, I return home and after a cup of tea and some snacks, I go to play with my friends in a nearby field. Generally, I return home by 5.30 p.m. and after a bath, I begin my study which continues undisturbed till 8.00 p.m. From 8.00 p.m to 9.00 p.m the entire family watches two TV serials.

In fact, the entire family is addicted to these two serials and has been following up the story from the start. We take our supper at 8.30 p.m., while we watch the serials. After the serials are over, the family chats for some time discussing the various events of the day. By 9.30 p.m., I go to bed.

Translation of the story about “my day”

My day starts at 5.30 am. Mom wakes me up with a cup of hot tea. After tea, I go for a half-hour jog on the terrace of my house with my older brother. After my run, I brush my teeth and get ready for classes, which continues until breakfast.

I have breakfast at 8am with the rest of my family. We also watch the news on TV and leaf through the daily newspaper during this time. After breakfast, we all chat for a while. By 8.30 am everyone goes to their work. I finish getting ready and go to school on my bike.

I get to school at about 8.45 am. The school function starts at 8.55 am, and classes begin immediately after it. Classes continue until 12:00, after which we have a lunch break. During lunch break I return home, since my house is not very far from school.

Daytime classes resume at 1 p.m. and continue until 3 p.m. After school I will stay on campus to attend extra classes, which will end in about 4 hours.

After classes I return home, and after a cup of tea and some snack I go play with my friends at the neighboring playground. I usually get home at 5:30 pm and after my bath I start doing my homework; this continues until 8 p.m. From 8 to 9 o'clock my whole family watches two TV series.

In fact, my entire family is hooked on these two series and has been following them since the very beginning. We have dinner at 8:30 pm while we watch TV series. After the end of the series, we still communicate for some time, discussing various events of the past day. By 9:30 pm I go to bed.

Video about an essay about my day: