Language of Stars Zapryagaev Book.Rar - policarrbonat. Zapryagaev Vladimir book language of the stars Zapryagaev predictions

  1. In my third year at the Philosophy Department of Leningrad State University: I came across the pre-revolutionary book “The Language of the Stars” by Vladimir Zapryagaev.
  2. Agekyan T.A. Stars, galaxies, Metagalaxy. 1981.djvu - 20043035 bytes. Aigner M., Ziegler G. Evidence from the Book. The best evidence since the times of Apenko M.I., Zapryagaev L.A., Sveshnikov I.S. Problem book on applied optics. Algebraic theory of automata, languages ​​and semigroups.

Zapryagaev Vladimir Vladimir Zapryagaev the language of the stars download the language of the stars Vladimir Zapryagaev book the language of the stars danielle steel the. Kini » Vladimir. Forbidden book. Language of the stars. Predictions about Russia. Strange thing. HAVEN'T YOU SUBSCRIBED YET? Look around! There are millions of starfish here, the shore is simply dotted with them. Social project "Novokuibyshevsk. Book of Fates." V. Zapryagaev. The level of Russian language proficiency will be confirmed by a certificate.

Chairman of the Leningrad Astrological Association and one of the first researchers of the relationship between the stars and man of the Soviet era, at the dawn of perestroika he emigrated to the USA, where he is successfully engaged in teaching. He flew to Russia for a couple of days to give his forecast for the future and remember where he started. I began to be interested in astrology in my third year at the Philosophy Department of Leningrad State University: I came across the pre-revolutionary book “The Language of the Stars” by Vladimir Zapryagaev. A rare edition, I re-shot it on film and read it like filmstrips. I graduated from the institute as a philosopher, and a non-partisan one at that. Can you imagine what it's like? I worked everywhere - I even threw coal in the boiler room together with Viktor Tsoi. Together they burned the scraps of the boxes, and then pulled the nails out of the cauldron.

It was there that I took up astrology: I threw on a coal and by the time it burned, you managed to read half the book. Little by little I came to teach astrology - underground, of course.

The uncertainty of the future of the country was already felt, so there was a strong interest in astrology. When perestroika began, the halls were absolutely bursting with people interested. I gave lectures in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Lvov, Mariupol. In the late 80s, we, ten interested specialists, including me and the now prominent astrologer Mikhail Levin, gathered for the first meeting-conference.

The only one who avoided us was Pavel Globa. We didn’t communicate with him even then, although before that we were friends, I invited him to give lectures to my audience. He is a very sensitive Cancer, and I am an Aries, I tend to ask all questions directly, which probably hurt him. By the way, I later found out that he still does not accept rams as students. In the 90s, the question arose of how to represent our professional association, and we organized the Leningrad Astrological Association, and I headed it. Later he became co-chairman of the Interregional Association.

I always wanted to go to the West, but I ended up in America during Perestroika. In the States, by the way, at that moment there was an organization that helped with “alibis” for artists, scientists and musicians who wanted to leave the USSR.

For example, they sent me an American “bride”, with whom, according to legend, I was supposed to fall in love and go with her to the USA. But it didn’t happen - along the way she had an affair with a translator. Due to emigration sentiments, I met my future wife: she is a philologist from an authoritative family, her father is the famous literary critic Boris Tomashevsky.

In 1993, she and I emigrated to America, because Russia was full of “roofs,” “counters,” and “bandits.” Later they told me that in the late 80s they even opened a case against me for practicing astrology. True, I was never called anywhere.

In the USA, I was first an “illegal immigrant” for four years, and then received a green card. Now, for the most part, I study astrology individually with my students: some come to me, I teach others via Skype. Astrology is going through various crises, including those related to its discredit. Back in Soviet times, my colleagues and I agreed that we would not write columns with weekly forecasts. They have nothing to do with astrology - they are the average temperature in the hospital.

Then, I see, one, the other started, I can’t do stupid things for money. Previously, astrology was on a wave: the halls were packed, 80% of the audience were women. My colleagues used to be often invited to work in the intelligence services. Even Reagan had a personal astrologer-consultant; she later even wrote the book “My Meetings with Reagan.”

Nowadays no one controls or checks astrology - everything is decided by the authority of the specialist’s personality. In American media, any forecast is marked “Only for entertainment”. With their laws, if it doesn’t come true, they can sue. At the age of 50, I began to study homeopathy in earnest and found close parallels between it and astrology. The main principle of homeopathy is analogy, that is, like is treated with like. If you have, for example, edema, you need to take bee venom, which, in fact, usually causes it. In case of injury, the arnica plant will help.

There is nothing medicinal in its branches, but the root of the plant is like a capillary system: the similarity can even be expressed in appearance. This similarity of disciplines interested me so much that I wrote a book, Homeopathy and Cosmic Birth Patterns. In America, perhaps, it will be released even earlier than in Russia. The future of Russia. In the question of the future of Russia, I relied on the date of its birth - June 12, 1990, when at 13:45, when the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation was adopted. Based on the stars, this is Virgo rising, and the sun is in Gemini, which indicates great attention to detail at the expense of some general things. Perhaps this is the main problem of our country.

Global changes in the world. Our planet and, together with it, we all live in an interesting time: we have actually moved into the Age of Aquarius. And if earlier there was a time of Pisces - the era of faith, then Aquarius is characterized by knowledge and discoveries. For example, remember the 17th century, the era of Aquarius, when a series of discoveries began one after another: electricity, radio, piston, engines.

This influence began back then. Now the symbol of this era is gadgets, smartphones and other portable electronic devices. By the way, I can say that nothing major will happen in the world until 2050. Let me clarify that we are talking about truly pivotal and global changes - such changes are not expected in the coming decades.

What to expect from 2015. Vitaly Milonov.

Free library, book Practical Magic. Author: Papus The complete development of the human being. Chastity. Love. In parallel with the study of various stimulants and different human centers, we examined the development of different organs of expression. Among other stimulants, love is a means that affects the entire human being.

This excitatory agent corresponds to a center of expression - equally synthetic - generation. It can be mental, physiological or physical, the union of two minds to achieve one goal produces living ideas, as the union of two hearts in the pursuit of one ideal creates feelings that survive physical death, and the physical union of two complementary beings creates children. Magic teaches one to gradually replace the pleasures of physical love with higher and more lasting pleasures, and then with less deceptive pleasures, which are the creation of thought. A person who finds pleasure in physical love feels apathy and disappointment in the end, as everyone knows. Such development requires time and gradualism, so that the theologian or theosophist reveals himself to be complete ignorant, instilling absolute chastity in young people. Most of the founders of religious orders led an absent-minded life in their youth and therefore cannot be judges of this issue in their old age. The magician is not forbidden to love, but he is forbidden to be under the power of love to such an extent as to obey the will of a woman.

The impulses of love should be considered as reflexes that a man of will must control at all times. Fabre d'Olivet perfectly illuminated the motives that govern the actions of a man and a woman. A man wants to take advantage of the possession of his beloved person before the legal act, and a woman, striving to remain confident in the possession of her beloved being, shows a struggle in which Eve almost always prevails over Adam. But the woman does not tolerate division of affection, instinctively feeling that science intensifies its charms, while its beauty fades, like everything that is on the physical plane.

So, a person who is not interested in science little by little succumbs to the influence of his beloved and loses power over the impulsive center. The development of the Magician should lead to the fact that he can resist the attraction of love whenever he wishes. A person of higher development must destroy in the bud love that turns into passion, that is, one whose development can force him to fall under the influence of his passive being. This is why renunciation of love requires more or less long periods of abstinence. The physiologist should not lose sight of the very important mental inconveniences that entail absolute abstinence, prescribed to a healthy man in a monastic robe, whose mental development consists of reading spiritual books and exercising his throat by repeating prayers that are incomprehensible to him.

Brady B. Fixed stars. Volume 2 A program for reading books in epub, doc, pdb, fb2, txt, rtf, html, chm, tcr formats. cr3. 665. translation from Latin into English Zapryagaev V. Course of practical astrology Size.

A person called to priesthood must be chaste and abstain from meat for 1. High Magic. To turn a cult into a monetary craft instead of a calling, to make priests doomed to abstinence, instead of entrusting this work to dedicated, free people - such a religion deserves death. Based on what has been said, we must remind the magician that the illusions of physical generation constitute details of the function of the body, which cannot be despised and which will eventually ask us for an account. All more or less common societies mean pure love and, as a result, physical abstinence, which is a product of hypocrisy or ignorance. Let old sentimental ladies do this, but we have enough common sense to know that the insides, although a little poetic, are found in all of us and that we were not born to despise the body, an instrument necessary for the manifestation of spiritual principles.

Book business. Book industry. University book. Zapryagaev Vladimir. Author's biography. Bibliography. In other languages/Pseudonyms.. Foreign languages ​​(134). Biochemistry (7). Child Psychology (191).
Download free books by the author Vladimir Zapryagaev. Home. List of authors. In Russia there are known translations of his works made by V.N. Zapryagaev in the period 1908 - 1914: “The Light of Egypt” (vols. 1 and 2), “Heavenly Dynamics”, “Language of the Stars”, “Mysteries of Eros”, “Hermetic key", "Paronia's key". I began to be interested in astrology in my third year at the Philosophy Department of Leningrad State University: I came across the pre-revolutionary book “The Language of the Stars” by Vladimir Zapryagaev. A rare edition, I re-shot it on film and read it like filmstrips...

Download e-books for free, read books online by the author Vladimir Zapryagaev. Language: any Russian English Ukrainian Abkhaz Azerbaijani Albanian Basque Bashkir Belarusian Bulgarian Bosnian Hungarian Dutch Greek Danish.. Biography, new items by the author Vladimir Zapryagaev on kullib. Download books for free 1 piece, in epub, fb2, rtf, mobi, pdf format for phone, android, iPhone, ipad or read the book online. Authors on Kullib. FTP instructions. Language codes.. Data from this book and ephemeris. planets and fixed stars. Vladimir harnesses the language of the stars. The language of the stars is a book of harnesses. read by Vladimir Sushkov.. How to Download Anti-Mage Dota 2 Ice Age Cartoon Book Language of the Stars Vladimir Zapryagaev Download Djvu Tom Ryder 2016 Download Torrent on PC What Bolts Should You Install When Lifting the Niva Suspension How to Choose a Motherboard.

Download e-books for free, read books online by the author Vladimir Zapryagaev.
Language: any Russian English Ukrainian Abkhaz Azerbaijani Albanian Basque Bashkir Belarusian Bulgarian Bosnian Hungarian Dutch Greek Danish.

We must suppress the suggestion of love with all our willpower, but never ignore it. Get used to enduring more or less long periods of abstinence, filling them with physical and mental labor and diversifying your daily activities. These are the main rules for a magician in relation to a woman: EVE for laymen. Origin contains a deep mystery, which we consider unnecessary to touch upon in our elementary work.

Conclusion. The course of our initial teaching concerning the improvement of the human body is completed. We have seen how much what feels in us is capable of developing under the influence of food, inhaled air and sensations, with the help of stimulants, incense and music. We have shown how the thinking principle in us can likewise be developed to a large extent under the influence of reflection, despite the fact that modern education, which has as its main task the development of memory, treats with contempt the higher abilities of man. Finally, we quickly learned the beginning of the development of what wants, talking about the look, the word, the gesture, the gait, the reproduction and the implementation of the mysteries of love. Perhaps they will find this information too detailed and boring and will attribute imperfections and delusions to Magic, for which we can only blame ourselves. In our opinion, these details are necessary for those who wish to use Magic to quickly seduce women and give themselves importance, while these exercises must be long and difficult, and for weak people even dangerous, therefore it is much better for them to consult somnambulists in order find out the future, attend spiritualist circles for your own excitement, and study Buddhism, so to speak esotericism, for the entertainment of society - all this is harmless and much more pleasant than experiments, contemplation and development of the will. The improvement of a human being is not enough for magical experiments; one must also be aware of the influence that can be exerted on Nature - this precious ally of man.

This is what we will do now. Chapter 8. Nature. Let us imagine a human being who is perfectly developed and can develop, if desired, a strong tension of will. Will this be enough? We know not. Since, by assuming that Magic represents the manifestation of concentrated human will for the rapid action of the forces of Nature, we will solve only the first half of the problem. It remains for us to study how the forces of Nature manifest themselves.

The fortunately gifted man, who can act freely, is placed in such a tangle of fatal forces that all his efforts will be fruitless if he misses the favorable moment for action. Thus, for example, the latest village sorcerer always acts appropriately thanks to a simple knowledge of the movements of the Moon and obtains excellent results without much effort of will. In the first part of this work, we have already talked about the action and origin of the forces of Nature, about the stars and their influence. Without returning to this subject, we must give in a few pages the initial data on Practical Astrology, necessary in the production of magical operations. Regarding the technical part, we can point out the excellent essay by M. Selva (In Russian: Zapryagaev - “Course of Practical Astrology.” Vyazma, 1. 90. 8), who teaches this science in the “Group of Independent Researchers of Esoteric Sciences.”

Then we will deal with the active minds of the sublunary world, although this subject relates more to Psychurgy than to Magic (We cannot agree with this opinion because Ceremonial Magic, in evocations, deals exclusively with intelligent beings, in most cases of the astral world (forces), and sometimes - the heavenly plane (by the powers). Then only the student will have all the information he needs and will have the opportunity to successfully apply his knowledge gleaned from this work. Data from astronomical astrology.

Astral fluid circulating in living beings and. For greater clarity, the path of the planets is divided into twelve houses corresponding to the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Let us remind readers of our comparison of the sky with a clock, where each hour represents a sign of the Zodiac. At the same time, the hour, minute and second hands move around the dial at different speeds, like planets circling the sky. To avoid complex calculations, we advise you to purchase the Connaisance des temps and Almanach Astrologique par F. Ch., published annually in Paris. Bariet, or in London - "Raphael's Astronomical Ephemeries".

Returning to our subject, we note that the Moon, representing the minute hand on our dial, goes around all the zodiac signs during the lunar month (2. The Sun, representing the hour hand, moves through one division every month, like this latter, also moving in the corresponding period of time by one division. Knowledge of the properties and relationships attributed by Occultism to the signs of the Zodiac and the planets is certainly necessary for the magician. We will limit these messages to the most necessary and discard everything unnecessary.

Zodiac signs. As we said, there are twelve signs of the Zodiac and the first of them, Aries, corresponds to March and ranks 3. Familiarity with Astrology is necessary to avoid failures. ZODIAC SIGNS March - Aries (Belier) - from 1 to 3. April - Taurus (Taureau) - from 3.

May - Gemini (Gemeaux) - from 6. June - Cancer (Ecrevisse) - from 9. July - Leo (Eion) - from 1. August - Virgo (Vierge) - from 1.

You have before your eyes a field of action on which there are 7 planets, considered by magicians as the only useful ones, without taking into account the others. These planets are in the order established for them by Magic: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon. Everyone knows that this is the order of their apparent position relative to the Earth as the center of the system. Astronomically, in reality, according to the order generally known to readers, they are located as follows: (Neptune and Uranus) Saturn - Jupiter, (a group of fragments of the planet) - Mars - Earth - Venus - Mercury - the Sun, taking our luminary as the center of the system.

I began to be interested in astrology in my third year at the Philosophy Department of Leningrad State University: I came across the pre-revolutionary book “The Language of the Stars” by Vladimir Zapryagaev. A rare edition, I re-shot it on film and read it like filmstrips. I graduated from the institute as a philosopher, and a non-partisan one at that. Can you imagine what it's like? I worked everywhere - I even threw coal in the boiler room together with Viktor Tsoi. Together they burned the scraps of the boxes, and then pulled the nails out of the cauldron. It was there that I took up astrology: I threw on a coal and by the time it burned, you managed to read half the book.

Little by little I came to teach astrology - underground, of course. The uncertainty of the future of the country was already felt, so there was a strong interest in astrology. When perestroika began, the halls were absolutely bursting with people interested. I gave lectures in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Lvov, Mariupol.

In the late 80s, we, ten interested specialists, including me and the now prominent astrologer Mikhail Levin, gathered for the first meeting-conference. The only one who avoided us was Pavel Globa. We didn’t communicate with him even then, although before that we were friends, I invited him to give lectures to my audience. He is a very sensitive Cancer, and I am an Aries, I tend to ask all questions directly, which probably hurt him. By the way, I later found out that he still does not accept rams as students. In the 90s, the question arose of how to represent our professional association, and we organized the Leningrad Astrological Association, and I headed it. Later he became co-chairman of the Interregional Association.

I always wanted to go to the West, but I ended up in America during Perestroika. In the States, by the way, at that moment there was an organization that helped with “alibis” for artists, scientists and musicians who wanted to leave the USSR. For example, they sent me an American “bride”, with whom, according to legend, I was supposed to fall in love and go with her to the USA. But it didn’t happen - along the way she had an affair with a translator. Due to emigration sentiments, I met my future wife: she is a philologist from an authoritative family, her father is the famous literary critic Boris Tomashevsky. In 1993, she and I emigrated to America, because Russia was full of “roofs,” “counters,” and “bandits.” Later they told me that in the late 80s they even opened a case against me for practicing astrology. True, I was never called anywhere. In the USA, I was first an “illegal immigrant” for four years, and then received a green card. Now, for the most part, I study astrology individually with my students: some come to me, I teach others via Skype.

Astrology is going through various crises, including those related to its discredit. Back in Soviet times, my colleagues and I agreed that we would not write columns with weekly forecasts. They have nothing to do with astrology - they are the average temperature in the hospital. Then, I see, one, the other started, I can’t do stupid things for money. Previously, astrology was on a wave: the halls were packed, 80% of the audience were women. My colleagues used to be often invited to work in the intelligence services. Even Reagan had a personal astrologer-consultant; she later even wrote the book “My Meetings with Reagan.” Nowadays no one controls or checks astrology - everything is decided by the authority of the specialist’s personality. In American media, any forecast is marked “Only for entertainment”. With their laws, if it doesn’t come true, they can sue.

At the age of 50, I began to study homeopathy in earnest and found close parallels between it and astrology. The main principle of homeopathy is analogy, that is, like is treated with like. If you have, for example, edema, you need to take bee venom, which, in fact, usually causes it. In case of injury, the arnica plant will help. There is nothing medicinal in its branches, but the root of the plant is like a capillary system: the similarity can even be expressed in appearance. This similarity of disciplines interested me so much that I wrote a book, Homeopathy and Cosmic Birth Patterns. In America, perhaps, it will be released even earlier than in Russia.

The future of Russia

In the question of the future of Russia, I relied on the date of its birth - June 12, 1990, when at 13:45, when the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation was adopted. Based on the stars, this is Virgo rising, and the sun is in Gemini, which indicates great attention to detail at the expense of some general things. Perhaps this is the main problem of our country.
The structure of the government in the form in which it exists now will obviously change; serious changes should be expected after 2019: in a few years, Saturn will return and the cycle will end, which lasted about 29 years. Strong changes are evident in the aspect of foreign relations. I cannot say in which direction: positive or negative. The evaluative interpretation is individual; astrologers try to avoid these categories. Judging by the Moon, our relations with other countries will change, this will affect trade turnover and food supplies. There is a noticeable increase in competitive activity. We will probably compete with someone.

  • Global changes in the world

    Our planet and, together with it, we all live in an interesting time: we have actually moved into the Age of Aquarius. And if earlier there was a time of Pisces - the era of faith, then Aquarius is characterized by knowledge and discoveries. For example, remember the 17th century, the era of Aquarius, when a series of discoveries began one after another: electricity, radio, piston, engines. This influence began back then. Now the symbol of this era is gadgets, smartphones and other portable electronic devices. By the way, I can say that nothing major will happen in the world until 2050. Let me clarify that we are talking about truly pivotal and global changes - such changes are not expected in the coming decades.

  • What to expect from 2015?

    We probably shouldn’t expect any serious cataclysms in Russia. Despite some revolutionary slogans and panic fears, it is obvious that all this will slowly but surely fade away. Judging by my calculations, I do not see the ruble rising or falling in any particular way next year. I think there is no need to talk about default at all. Oil has fallen in price, and it is quite possible that gasoline will also become cheaper. This year, many events in Russia were dictated by the planet Pluto, which is always associated with hidden intentions. The Sun is already coming there, and this is a sign that it will lighten these spots. Many secret motives and inexplicable events will finally find their resolution. Everything related to armed conflicts in Russia is leaving - the retreating Uranus is responsible for this. I think that next year all hostilities will subside and no serious conflicts should be expected in 2015.

  • Vitaly Milonov

    (Alexander, due to the fact that he lives in America, did not follow the activities of Vitaly Milonov at all - Ed.)
    His sign, Libra, is quite powerful. Pluto, the planet of this year, is strong in Libra - he knows how to balance well and has strong charisma. He is a good psychologist, prone to some surprises, but mostly in words. His main ambition is to show himself. This happens with actors, but in the case of this sign, it seems that the person just wants to show off. Moreover, Libras have a predisposition to the public sphere. He has a strong sense of patriotism, even with excesses. Sometimes this can reach the point of fanaticism. He sincerely loves the country in which he lives. His character is extremely hot-tempered, he can be unrestrained. His views on art and sex are quite humane and tolerant. He is more likely to defend the minority, of course, unless the opposite is beneficial to him. Tends to avoid aggression, although he has outbursts of rage.