Competitions on fairy tales for elementary school. Methodology for working with fairy tales in kindergarten “How Koschey sat in the oven”

Moral and ethical merits of fairy tales in the education of preschool children. Using fairy tales in educational work with children. Introduction In the moral education of preschool children, the use of one of the powerful means of fairy tales is very helpful. The fairy tale does not give direct instructions to children: “Listen to your parents, respect your elders,” “Don’t leave home without permission,” but its content always contains a lesson that they gradually perceive by repeatedly returning to the text of the fairy tale.

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Introduction ……………………………………………………………………3

Chapter 1. Fairy tale as a means of moral education of a preschooler

1.1 Moral and ethical merits of fairy tales in the education of preschool children……………………………………………………………………………….5

1.2 Educational value of Russian folk tales……………….12

Chapter 2. System of working with preschoolers based on Russian folk tales………………………………………………………………………………………………18

2.1 Emotional immersion of children in a fairy tale………………………...18

2.2. Using fairy tales in educational work with children………...21

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………25



The use of one of the powerful means of fairy tales is very helpful in the moral education of preschoolers. A fairy tale enters a child’s life from a very early age, accompanies him throughout preschool age and can remain with him for life.

A fairy tale, its composition, a vivid opposition of good and evil, fantastic and inherently defined images, expressive language, dynamics of events, special cause-and-effect relationships and phenomena all this makes a fairy tale especially interesting and exciting for children, an indispensable tool for a child’s morally healthy personality.

Preschool childhood is a short period in a person’s life. But during this time the child acquires much more than in his entire subsequent life, so we must not forget that in moral education the most important thing is the atmosphere in which the child lives. It is known that children grow up imperceptibly, which is why a fairy tale told to a child is so important. The fairy tale does not give direct instructions to children: “Listen to your parents, respect your elders,” “Don’t leave home without permission,” but its content always contains a lesson that they gradually perceive, repeatedly returning to the text of the fairy tale. A simple children's fairy tale contains everything you need, the most important thing in life, alive like life itself.

A fairy tale enters a child’s life from a very early age, accompanies him throughout preschool childhood and remains with him for life. His acquaintance with the world of literature, with the world of human relationships and with the entire surrounding world in general begins with a fairy tale.

Problem is that in our age of spiritual impoverishment, the fairy tale, like other values ​​of traditional culture, is losing its high purpose.

Relevance of the problemis that with the help of a fairy tale, it is easier for a child to gain emotional and moral experience and subsequently develop as a person. The further formation of the child’s personality depends on joint work with parents.

An object - moral education of children of senior preschool age.

Item - the influence of fairy tales on the moral education of older preschoolers.

Purpose work is to study fairy tales as a means of moral education of preschoolers. To make the life of our students interesting and meaningful, filled with vivid impressions, interesting activities, and the joy of creativity.


  1. Consider the moral and ethical merits of fairy tales in the education of preschool children;
  2. Reveal the educational value of Russian folk tales;
  3. Consider the emotional immersion of children in a fairy tale;
  4. Consider the use of fairy tales in educational work with children.

Chapter 1. Fairy tale as a means of moral education of a preschooler

  1. Moral and ethical virtues of a fairy tale

in the education of preschool children

Spiritual and moral education is the formation of a value-based attitude to life, ensuring sustainable, harmonious development of a person, including the cultivation of a sense of duty, justice, responsibility and other qualities that can give high meaning to a person’s deeds and thoughts. Any society is interested in preserving and transmitting accumulated experience, otherwise not only its development, but also its very existence is impossible. The preservation of this experience largely depends on the system of upbringing and education, which, in turn, is formed taking into account the peculiarities of the worldview and socio-cultural development of a given society. The spiritual and moral formation of the new generation, the preparation of children and youth for independent life is the most important condition for the development of Russia. Solving the problems of moral education requires finding the most effective ways or rethinking the already known ones. An effective means of educating the moral qualities of preschoolers is a fairy tale.

Russian pedagogy more than a hundred years ago spoke of fairy tales not only as educational and educational material, but also as a pedagogical tool and method. Fairy tales provide rich material for the moral education of children. It is not for nothing that they form part of the texts in which children comprehend the diversity of the world.

A fairy tale is inseparable from beauty, it contributes to the development of aesthetic feelings, without which the nobility of the soul, heartfelt sensitivity to human misfortune, grief, and suffering are unthinkable. Thanks to a fairy tale, a child learns about the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart. A fairy tale is a fertile and irreplaceable source of instilling love for the Motherland. Interesting is the unique experience of this teacher in creating a room of fairy tales, where children not only got acquainted with it, but also learned to create it, embodying their childhood dreams in it.

The spiritual charge accumulated by the people over thousands of years can serve humanity for a very long time. Moreover, it will constantly increase and become even more powerful. This is the immortality of humanity. This is the eternity of education, symbolizing the eternity of humanity’s movement towards its spiritual and moral progress.”

Thus, the fairy tale lived on despite persecution and played a huge educational role. Fairy tales and epics about the brave hero Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich teach children to love and respect their people, to overcome difficult situations with honor, and to overcome obstacles. In the dispute between a folk hero and a negative character, the issue of the triumph of good and the punishment of evil is resolved.

A fairy tale evokes a protest against existing reality, teaches us to dream, makes us think creatively and love the future of humanity. A complex picture of life is presented to children in a fairy tale in the form of a simple, visual diagram of struggling principles, guided by which it is easier to understand reality itself.

In order for a child to be ready for life, to feel confident in this big world, it is necessary to equip him with social skills.It is important that the child can control his behavior, be able to choose the most appropriate way of behavior towards another person, the way to treat him, and show flexibility and creativity in choosing communication means in the process of dialogue with others.

It is necessary to teach the child the ability to see and understand another person, to develop the ability to put oneself in the place of another and experience his feelings with him, the ability to effectively respond to the emotional state of another. Fairy tales provide the first information about relationships between people. It was folk tales that preserved that common human morality, which, alas, many have lost today.

Folk tales reflect “unique traditions and creative experiences.” All folk tales have moral and ethical principles. A fairy tale teaches you how to live. Otherwise, why would our ancestors waste precious time on them? Without a fairy tale, a child has neither a dream nor a magical land where all wishes come true. A fairy tale allows a child and an adult to fantasize. Who am I? How would I like to see myself? How do I see myself through a magic mirror that allows me to see everything around not only with my eyes but also with my heart? What would I do if I had magic? Through a fairy tale, a child can understand the laws of the world in which he was born and lives.

Many folk tales inspire confidence in the triumph of truth and the victory of good over evil. The basis for proper communication with peers and adults must be laid in childhood; fairy tales teach us not only worldly wisdom, but also courage, courage, and the ability to establish contacts.

There are different opinions about the influence of fairy tales on children. I cultivate in him such important qualities as courage, bravery, determination; we must rely on the centuries-old experience of previous generations in using fairy tales for pedagogical purposes. The child must be taught to overcome difficulties: by protecting him from a reality that is far from ideal, we will only create unnecessary problems for him. Growing up, he will not be able to objectively perceive events, solve successively emerging problems, and will be an indecisive, timid or self-absorbed person. All this is not difficult to avoid if, at an early stage of development, you analyze fairy-tale works along with it, making the task more and more complicated with each new reading. By practicing various methods of explaining the meaning of a fairy tale, you can achieve its full understanding and consciousness by the child. This means that in a difficult situation she will serve him as a good support in life.

An important circumstance in the development of a child is the repeated reading of a fairy tale. You should not deny this to the kid on the grounds that listing for the fifty-first time the circumstances under which the Little Humpbacked Horse pulls Ivan out of poverty and uncertainty is tiring and annoying. For a child, this is a new step along which he rises to a higher level of spiritual and intellectual development. Yes, children, listening to a fairy tale every day, worry about the characters again and again. But now what is important to them is not so much the positive aspects of the fairy tale as some of the details of the plot and the characteristics of the characters that were missed during the first reading.

Thus, the child learns to focus on details, and the images of fairy-tale characters are filled with new content, which each time becomes more complex and acquires the features of reality. If your child asks you to re-read a fairy tale he likes again, don’t interfere; apparently, he didn’t understand something well enough and he wants to figure it out. We need to clarify this point.

A fairy tale as a means of aesthetic and cognitive influence fits harmoniously into the game process. For the child, the main thing is the development of the plot, the situation of which is not used, or the presence of heroes who determine her character. Perhaps, in this case, the fairy tale will need to be read again, having analyzed the difficult moments in more detail, to teach the child to understand why a person needs a strong and noble character.

Children are also attracted to fairy tales by the magical abilities of the main characters: the ability to fly, move quickly, and transform. Of course, at 3-5 years old it is not possible to explain the nature of magic; at this stage, you can simply let him understand that this is the realization of a family dream. Over time, magic should turn into a conscious desire to achieve a desired goal or a unique development of personal abilities. Children must learn: in order to achieve some results in life, one must have not just certain character traits, one must develop them to perfection. This process should not be mundane; one must act according to the circumstances, taking into account the baby’s reaction.

Apparently, from the same point of view, one should not protect the child from frightening descriptions of terrible substances, phenomena, and villains. He must know that the superior degree of evil can only be countered by a more subtle form of good. Only in this case there is a battle on equal terms between the negative and positive characters in the fairy tale and the natural victory of the latter.

In every person, child and adult, at the subconscious level there is a desire to respond in a generally accepted way of thinking and behavior, established over centuries. Therefore, the baby immediately projects the feelings and actions of a positive hero onto himself. This usually manifests itself externally first: he begins to use certain speech patterns characteristic of these characters, then the actions of this character turn into the characteristics of the child’s behavior, gradually becoming his own actions. The child begins to realize their necessity; he can no longer respond to good with evil, or offend the younger and weaker; moral criteria are developed.

The moral education of a child begins with what he hears, sees and what evokes a response in his soul.

A fairy tale plays a very important role in the formation of a child’s moral qualities. And from the very beginning it is necessary to note the gender approach of the fairy tale. In terms of gender, all fairy tales help shape male and female character traits.

For example, fairy tales for the formation of male character traits “The Three Little Pigs”, “Kolobok”. They show a method of fighting for a man. The fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” provides a successful scenario for victory over an opponent of superior strength, and the fairy tale “Kolobok” contains the most important warning about the conditions under which you can be defeated and about following safety rules. Using these fairy tales, one can explain to a boy the typology of the enemy, the scenarios for fighting him and winning. In confrontation with one enemy you need strength, with another - caution and foresight, with a third - a reliable team, with a fourth - tactical conversation. Fairy tales, with a masculine character, contain three important ideas for a boy: firstly, an adequate perception of reality, secondly, the idea of ​​the enemy and safety, and thirdly, the desire to defeat the enemy. They symbolically give the boy knowledge of strategy and tactics in the fight against the enemy. A strong shelter, joining forces, luck, knowledge, using one’s own advantage and the enemy’s weaknesses these are the components of success. Everything that a boy remembers in childhood leaves an imprint on his adult life. Russian folk tales form in future men such traits as the ability to withstand difficulties, courage, bravery, immortality before the enemy, respect and love for mother (woman).

But fairy tales - “Masha and the Bear”, “Khavroshechka”, “Morozko”, “Geese Swans” help to form female character traits. In these fairy tales there is always a male character. The heroine builds relationships with him in different ways. She either enters into the struggle, or prepares herself for a happy marriage, or helps him. These fairy tales help a girl understand the meaning of femininity. In these fairy tales, the girl accepts certain knowledge about the life of the heroines. Firstly, find a worthy partner, that is, choose the best. And the choice is connected with the ability to listen to your heart, which will tell you who is worthy, loving, loyal, always ready to help. Accept help with gratitude, and what you plan will come true. Secondly, create a comfortable environment where she feels calm and protected, where her strength is multiplied to understand and give love, where she can raise children - procreation. It is love and tolerance that are the main manifestations of femininity in Russian culture.

But there are fairy tales with the help of which we can form moral qualities in both boys and girls. They have the same ending and always end with the reunion of the hero and heroine and a wedding. Thus, fairy tales are an effective means of developing personal moral qualities and national character traits.

What kind of our children will be attentive, caring, kind, sympathetic, dutiful or, on the contrary - selfish, tactless, aggressive depends only on us - the parents? After all, it is in the family that children’s attitudes towards the world of people, things, and nature are formed; their feelings develop and become stronger.

How to raise a child to be kind, sensitive, and attentive? How to raise a child so that he grows up to be a happy person?

The moral feelings of preschoolers are formed in inextricable unity with moral behavior. Don’t forget to have a short conversation with your child after reading the fairy tale. During which you can reveal the character of the characters, evaluate their actions, talk about their positive and negative sides. The choice of fairy tales to read determines what moral feelings you can form in your child.

The development of a sense of respect for elders is organically connected with the task of nurturing a culture of behavior in children towards others. The habit of always being polite, the willingness to actively take care of elders and younger ones, and to be careful about the results of the work of adults and their activities are cultivated. The formation of a culture of speech and moral qualities (truthfulness, honesty, modesty, patience, endurance, compliance) continues.

An important task in educating the behavior of an older preschooler is the formation of collective relationships with peers - sociability and humane attitude towards peers, cooperation and the ability to collectively plan activities, organization and culture of communication.

Fostering a culture of communication includes children’s further mastery of the rules of politeness towards peers and the formation of a culture of joint activities: play, work, study.

Nurturing organized behavior involves developing in preschoolers the ability to consciously follow the rules of behavior, obey the general requirements established in the group, act in concert, and achieve a goal through joint efforts.

Fostering independence, which should become a distinctive feature of the behavior of a 6-7 year old child. What it involves: the development of initiative, self-organization and self-control, determination, voluntary, strong-willed behavior of children in various types of activities. The incentive to demonstrate independence is a positive assessment from the teacher or parent; the creation of public opinion, as well as the desire of older preschoolers, actively supported by the teacher and parent, to become as independent as schoolchildren.

All these qualities can be revealed and formed using the example of fairy tales (events, actions of characters), because a fairy tale is a treasure trove of knowledge, it contains folk wisdom. By paying attention to the gender qualities of heroes, you will be able to raise brave, strong, loving men and gentle hearthkeepers, in whose families mutual understanding, love and hard work will reign.

1.2 Educational value of Russian folk tales

The educational value of folk tales also lies in the fact that they capture the best features of the Russian working people: love of freedom, natural intelligence, perseverance, perseverance in achieving goals.

Fairy tales instill in children pride in their people and love for their homeland. A folk tale, as a rule, evokes rich emotions in children's audiences, which enhances its educational influence. The intensity of children's experiences is closely dependent on the content of the fairy tale, the variety of adventures that its heroes experience.

Emotions contribute to preschoolers’ understanding of the meaning and main idea of ​​a work. The listed qualities of a folk tale characterize it as a highly artistic work for children, corresponding to the psychological characteristics of their age. The fairy tale speaks to children in the language of art - bright, cheerful, understandable and convincing. A fairy tale for a child is not just fiction, fantasy is a special reality, the reality of the world of feelings. A fairy tale expands the boundaries of ordinary life for a child; only in a fairy tale form do preschoolers encounter such complex phenomena and feelings as life and death, love and independence, anger and compassion, betrayal and deceit, and the like.

The form of depiction of these phenomena is special, fabulous, understandable to a child, and the height of the manifestations and moral meaning remain genuine “adults”. The lessons that the fairy tale gives are lifelong lessons for both big and small. For children, these are incomparable lessons in morality; for adults, these are lessons in which a fairy tale reveals its impact on a child, sometimes unexpected for adults.

Listening to fairy tales, children deeply sympathize with the characters, they have an internal impulse to assist, to help, to protect, but these emotions quickly fade away, since there are no conditions for their realization. True, they are like a battery; they charge the soul with moral energy. Reading fairy tales to your child, looking at the pictures with sincere interest and commenting on them, you understand that this is perhaps more important and, most importantly, more effective than subsequent many years of work with older children. It is precisely this wealth that is created - a natural and persistent interest in the book, an idea of ​​​​correct, beautiful literary speech, a taste for the native language, which will later be called innate literacy. Miss this moment, and it will take years of special techniques and other pedagogical wisdom to achieve what is now created so easily - just read fairy tales to your child.

A fantastic fairy-tale world filled with wonders and magic always attracts children. The child joyfully immerses himself in the unreal world, actively acts in it, and creatively transforms it. But this world seems unreal only to us, adults. The child perceives everything that happens in a fairy tale as reality. His inner world requires this.

Transforming into fairy-tale heroes, princes and princesses, sorcerers and fairies, children complete tasks with much more enthusiasm and pleasure than when they were just Petya, Misha, Galya, Tanya.

Children love fairy tales very much because they contain “the natural space of their limitless potential, because they compensate for the lack of action in real life, because their adult life is programmed in them.” Through fairy tales, a child gains knowledge about the world, about relationships between people, about the problems and obstacles that arise in a person’s life. Through fairy tales, a child learns to overcome barriers, find a way out of difficult situations, and believe in the power of goodness, love and justice. Fairy-tale stories encrypt situations and problems that every person experiences in his life. For example, often in fairy tales the main character finds himself at the Crossroads. As a rule, he is offered three options for further actions. In real life, a person is constantly faced with the problem of choice: from the simple - what to choose from clothes, to the vitally important - how to live further. Using the example of the destinies of fairy-tale heroes, a child can trace the consequences of one or another person’s life choice.

In order to make the most effective use of a fairy tale for the purpose of educating the moral qualities of children, it is necessary to know the features of a fairy tale as a genre.

Many fairy tales inspire confidence in the triumph of truth, in the victory of good over evil. The optimism of fairy tales is especially popular with children and enhances the educational value of this medium.

The fascination of the plot, imagery and fun make fairy tales a very effective pedagogical tool. In fairy tales, the pattern of events, external clashes and struggles is very complex. This circumstance makes the plot fascinating and attracts the attention of children to it. Therefore, it is legitimate to say that fairy tales take into account the mental characteristics of children, primarily the instability and mobility of their attention.

Imagery is an important feature of fairy tales, which facilitates their perception by children who are not yet capable of abstract thinking. The hero usually very clearly and clearly shows the main character traits that bring him closer to the national character of the people: courage, hard work, wit, etc. These traits are revealed both in events and through various artistic means, for example hyperbolization.

The imagery is complemented by the funniness of fairy tales. A wise teacher, the people took special care to ensure that fairy tales were entertaining. As a rule, they contain not only bright, lively images, but also humor. All nations have fairy tales, the special purpose of which is to amuse listeners. For example, fairy tales are “shifters”.

Didacticism is one of the most important features of fairy tales. Allusions in fairy tales are used precisely for the purpose of enhancing their didacticism. “A lesson for good fellows” is given not by general reasoning and teachings, but by vivid images and convincing actions. This or that instructive experience gradually takes shape in the consciousness of the listener.

Working with fairy tales has various forms: reading fairy tales, retelling them, discussing the behavior of fairy-tale characters and the reasons for their successes or failures, theatrical performances of fairy tales, holding a competition for fairy tale experts, exhibitions of children's drawings based on fairy tales, and much more.

When a child begins to become aware of himself and explore the structure of the world around him, he has many questions for adults. Many children's questions puzzle adults. It is not so easy to explain to a child why everything happens the way it does, and what is “good” and what is “bad.”

The hallmark of a true fairy tale is a good ending. This gives the child a feeling of psychological security. No matter what happens in a fairy tale, everything ends well. It turns out that all the trials that the heroes endured were necessary in order to make them stronger and wiser. On the other hand, the child sees that the hero who committed a bad deed will definitely receive what he deserves. And the hero who goes through all the trials and shows his best qualities is sure to be rewarded. This is the law of life: how you relate to the World, so it treats you!

A fairy tale enters a child’s life from a very early age, accompanies him throughout preschool childhood and remains with him for life. His acquaintance with the world of literature, with the world of human relationships and with the entire surrounding world in general begins with a fairy tale.

Fairy tales present children with a poetic and multifaceted image of their heroes, while leaving room for imagination. Moral concepts, vividly represented in the images of heroes, are reinforced in real life and relationships with loved ones, turning into moral standards that regulate the desires and actions of the child.

The fairy tale, its composition, the vivid opposition of good and evil, fantastic and morally defined images, expressive language, the dynamics of events, special cause-and-effect relationships and phenomena that are understandable to a preschooler, all this makes the fairy tale especially interesting and exciting for children, an indispensable tool for the formation of a morally healthy child’s personality.

Living a fairy tale, children learn to overcome barriers in communication, subtly feel each other, and find adequate bodily expression for various emotions, feelings and states. Etudes for the expression and manifestation of various emotions constantly used in fairy tales give children the opportunity to improve and activate expressive means of communication; plasticity, facial expressions, speech. Traveling through fairy tales awakens imagination and imaginative thinking, frees you from stereotypes and templates, and gives scope for creativity.

Emotionally releasing, releasing clamps, revealing fear, anxiety, aggression, guilt hidden deep in the consciousness, children become softer, kinder, self-confident, more receptive to people about the world around them. They develop a positive image of their body, accepting themselves as they are. A fairy tale carries the culture, as well as the worldview of its people.

Chapter 2. System of working with preschoolers based on Russian folk tales

2.1 Emotional immersion of children in a fairy tale

Every year it becomes more and more difficult for an adult and a child to find a common language; they understand each other less and less. And a fairy tale is today, perhaps, one of the few remaining ways to unite an adult and a child, to give them the opportunity to understand each other. The goal of teachers is to give the child the necessary range of experiences, to create a special, incomparable mood, to evoke kind and serious feelings through the perception of fairy tales. Make sure that a fairy tale is a means of emotionally immersing a child in a new area of ​​knowledge.

Emotionally immersing the child in any topic, teachers give a general overview of the new knowledge that the child will master, gradually step by step with his new friends - fairy-tale characters. The following tasks must be used:

Use fairy form

To integrate the child’s personality;

For psycho-speech development;

To improve verbal language;

To develop the ability to listen to the world around you, the people in it and yourself;

To develop the social-emotional behavior of each child;

For the development of creative thinking, fantasy, imagination

child's empathy;

To expand consciousness and improve interaction

with the outside world;

To unite a group of people, teachers for the development of sensorimotor skills,

as a basis for the development of speech and intelligence;

To develop the child's creative abilities.

How to read (tell) a fairy tale to children? One of the main conditions for telling a fairy tale is the emotional attitude of an adult to what is being told. When telling a story, the teacher is required to express genuine emotions and feelings, since children are very sensitive to exaggeration and falsehood. While reading or telling a story, the teacher should stand or sit in front of the children so that they can see his face, observe facial expressions, eye expressions, and gestures, since these forms of expression of feelings complement and enhance the impressions of reading.

Based on the child’s attitude to what is being told, one can identify certain psychological problems and understand what worries the child at a given moment in his life. As the plot develops, children's empathy for the characters intensifies and an emotional assessment of events appears. This process makes many children need to communicate with each other, share their experiences and assessments. Children should not be reprimanded or told to sit quietly. This may prevent them from fully experiencing the events of the fairy tale and will mask many emotional assessments. When children behave actively, speak out, rejoice and indulge in sadness, their emotions and the direction of feelings are usually not in doubt.

When using puppet theater elements, manipulations with puppets must be previously practiced. When working with dolls, the sounds of speech should be directed towards the audience, it is necessary to take care of clear diction and sufficient strength of the voice. When working with a doll, you need to make sure that its movements correspond to the content of the spoken remarks and their intonation. The voice of speech must correspond to the internal characteristics of the character.

A special surge of emotion is caused by the communication of the fairy tale character with children, when he seeks support from the children and asks for advice. On behalf of the hero, it is necessary to transform complex situations into pedagogical tasks and lead to solving the problem. Children in a place with the hero look for alternative methods of action, argue with him or agree and offer their own solutions.

For a preschool child, the most important information for development and socialization should be conveyed through vivid images. This role is best played by fairy tales and mythological stories that our ancestors used when raising children. Not in a hurry to punish the guilty child, they told a story from which the meaning of the act became clear, and many customs protected the children from “misfortunes” and taught them about life. Today, based on centuries of pedagogical experience, we say that such stories were nothing more than the basis of fairy tale therapy. The healing ability of a fairy tale was the basis for a whole area of ​​modern psychotherapy called fairy tale therapy.

Fairytale therapy is a system for the development of emotional intelligence, using various methods to develop self-awareness, self-regulation, social sensitivity and the ability to manage relationships.

In addition, the fairy tale to a certain extent satisfies three natural psychological needs of a preschool child:

The need for autonomy. In every fairy tale, the hero acts independently throughout the entire journey, makes choices, makes decisions, relying only on himself, on his own strengths.

Need for knowledge and experience. The hero turns out to be able to overcome the most incredible obstacles.

Need for activity. The hero is always active, in action: he goes somewhere, meets someone, helps someone, fights with someone, runs away from someone.

The result of satisfying these needs is the formation of a number of personality qualities: the baby learns to show kindness, attention, sympathy, empathy; masters the ability to notice changes in the mood and emotional state of another; learns to choose ways of communication and interaction with other children that are appropriate to the situation.

Work with children using fairy tale therapy methods is based either on one fairy tale, which is divided into parts, or represents a “journey into a fairy-tale world”, including any required number of fairy-tale images and plots.

The presence of a ritual of entry (and exit) into a fairy tale is mandatory for children. Such a ritual helps to safely return from a dramatic situation to an ordinary one. Most often, manipulations with magic objects (magic ring, golden key) and recitation of magic spells are used.

Children also really enjoy going into the fairy tale with the help of a guide who has a legend that explains to the children his presence in our world.

2.2. Using fairy tales in educational work with children

In order for a child to fully live and experience a fairy tale, it is necessary that it be reflected in all types of activities of the child, so that he lives in it for some time. Using fairy-tale plots and fairy-tale motivations in various types of activities, you can successfully develop the creative potential of preschool children.

Fairy-tale images provide certain information about the world around us, that is, they have cognitive meanings. It is necessary to awaken national self-awareness in children, to make them feel the national ideal, to feel like recipients of the glory of Russian heroes. A lot of information is contained in children's drawings made after listening to a fairy tale or watching a performance. By carefully looking at them, analyzing their theme, content, character of the image, means of expression, and so on, you can find out which of the fairy tale characters evoked the greatest emotional response in children and liked them the most; how children imagine this or that fairy-tale character, and so on.

Thus, a fairy tale heard by children from the lips of adults or seen on the “theater stage” of a kindergarten can become a strong emotional stimulus, nourishing children’s creativity and being a source of new artistic impressions for children. The more intense the emotional impact that a fairy tale has on children, the more interesting and varied their drawings.

Children's awareness of the patterns of this genre will allow them to move on to the next stage of work - writing fairy tales. The teacher can tell you that there are not only people who tell fairy tales well - storytellers, but also those who compose them themselves - storytellers. Preschoolers, as a rule, respond with pleasure and actively to the teacher’s offer to become storytellers and invent their own fairy tales. However, the ability to independently come up with coherent, complete fairy-tale plots does not develop immediately. It is necessary to teach the child the techniques of composing: thinking about the idea, images, logical development of the plot, completing it and much more.

From a fairly rich arsenal of methods for teaching storytelling, the teacher can select what seems most interesting, appropriate, and close to his teaching experience. The results of the work on this topic will be a fairy tale festival, where children will act as storytellers, storytellers will show dramatizations of familiar fairy tales. You can complete your acquaintance with fairy tales in another way - with the “edition” of the collection “Our Fairy Tales,” which would include the best children’s fairy tales and the best children’s drawings for them.

In the work of introducing the fairy tale, parents also need to be involved. Parents and their children come up with fairy tales and draw illustrations for them. Joint creativity between parents and children creates an atmosphere of trust, freedom of communication, satisfaction, ensures the most free emotional contact of children with each other and the teacher, their mutual trust, emotional freedom, and so on. All this ultimately leads to creative liberation, to the creation of bright, unique, individual images.

In accordance with the work on a long-term plan and with lexical topics, systematically, weekly, parents need to be provided with recommendations for working through and reading a specific fairy tale.

Role-playing games are of particular importance for the development of the imagination process. Fairy tales and games are the surest and shortest path to a child's mind and heart. With the help of games and fairy tales, it is much easier to instill in a child certain skills and teach him to get along with other children and adults.

The teacher's guidance during the game, as a rule, is not educational in nature. Children are actively immersed in a playful atmosphere, in the world of fairy tales, where improvisational creativity between the teacher and the child is inevitable.

Analyzing the current state of the problem of the influence of fairy tales on the emotional development of preschool children, we can state that more attention is paid to the development of one area - the intellectual development of the child.

Parents begin to train their child very early, essentially forcing him to perform intellectual efforts for which he is not ready either physically or mentally. Whereas for a preschool child, the most important thing is the development of inner life, nourishment of his emotional sphere and feelings.

Fairy tales have great potential for harmonizing the emotional sphere and correcting the behavior of a preschool child. The perception of fairy tales has a strong impact on the process of forming moral ideas and creates real psychological conditions for the formation of a child’s social adaptation. At all times, the fairy tale has contributed to the development of positive interpersonal relationships, social and behavioral skills, as well as the moral qualities of the child’s personality, which determine the child’s inner world.

A fairy tale is one of the most accessible means for the spiritual and moral development of a child, which has been used by both teachers and parents at all times. The influence of fairy tales on the spiritual and moral development of preschool children lies in the fact that in the process of differentiating ideas about good and evil, the formation of humane feelings and social emotions occurs, and there is a consistent transition from the psychophysiological level of their development to the social one, which ensures the correction of deviations in the child’s behavior .

The perception of a fairy tale has a strong impact on the emotional development of children; the process of becoming familiar with a fairy tale creates real psychological conditions for the formation of a child’s social adaptation. At all times, fairy tales have contributed to the development of positive interpersonal relationships, social and behavioral skills, as well as the moral qualities of a child’s personality, which determine his inner world. At the same time, the fairy tale remains one of the most accessible means for the development of a child, which has been used by both teachers and parents at all times.

Currently, fairy tales, like other values ​​of traditional culture, have noticeably lost their purpose. At the same time, in modern young families the role of grandmothers in raising their grandchildren is distorted and lost.

The problem of our pedagogical research is to search for psychological and pedagogical methods and forms of using the spiritual and moral content of a fairy tale as a means of correcting the emotional sphere and social behavior of a child of senior preschool age.


The perception of a fairy tale should help increase the child’s self-confidence in his future, and not frighten him. At any time, reading fairy tales together gives a lot to both children and adults, helping them to become closer in soul.

The role of children's fairy tales is not limited to just a pleasant pastime. A fairy tale can be used as a way to relieve anxiety in a child. The task of raising children with fairy tales is quite difficult. It is necessary to take into account a number of points related to the characteristics of your child. The fairy tale contains centuries-old folk wisdom. In fairy tales, good always wins, and evil must perish. This is very important in raising children on fairy tales.

The moral education of a child is possible through all types of folk tales, because morality is initially inherent in their plots.

By forming moral ideas in a child in senior preschool age, we ensure the formation in the future of a personality that will combine spiritual wealth, true moral qualities and moral purity. The main goal of education, based on our chosen priority of universal human values, is the formation of a feeling, thinking, loving and active person, ready for creative activity in any field.

According to the philosopher and teacher I.A. Ilyina: “A fairy tale awakens and captivates a dream, it gives the child the first feeling of the heroic - a sense of challenge, danger, effort and victory: it teaches him to contemplate human destiny, the complexity of the world, the difference between truth and falsehood. In the fairy tale, the people preserved their vision, their suffering, their humor and their wisdom.”


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  5. Baturina G.I., Kuzina T.F. Folk pedagogy in the education of preschool children. M., 2012
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  9. Bure, R.S. Development of the theory and methods of education of moral qualities in children R.S. Bure, L. D. Kostelova M., 2012
  10. Vasilyeva, Z. P. Wise commandments of folk pedagogy: Notes from a journalist. Z. P. Vasilyeva. - M., 2012
  11. Volkov G.N. Ethnopedagogy. M., 2012
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  13. Ilyin I.A. About spiritual development and education of children. M., 2012
  14. Korotkova, L.D. Spiritual and moral education through the means of author’s fairy tales / L.D. Korotkova. M., 2011
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  16. Mukhina, V. S. Developmental psychology: phenomenology of development, childhood, adolescence. M. 2011
  17. Nemov R.S. Psychology: In 3 books 3rd edition. M., 2011
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  20. Kharlamov I.F. Moral education of schoolchildren. M., 2011
  21. Shilova M.I. Theory and technology of tracking the results of education of schoolchildren // Class teacher. - 2010. - No. 6. P. 1943.

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Tic Tac Toe

Competition for schoolchildren and adults

Two teams of 9 people play (7 children, 1 teacher, 1 parent). A playing field of 3x3 squares is being prepared, in which the names of the competitions are written. The competition program consists of nine competitions and eight pauses, during which the conditions of the competitions are explained, an advertising competition is held, and a “black box” game is played. The teams are given the same task, the right to answer is given to the team that draws the lot for the first performance. The winning team puts its sign (“X” or “O”) on the playing field in the corresponding square. When summing up the results, two options are possible: 1. Play to the bitter end, when all nine competitions are played out. In this case, the team with the most symbols on the playing field wins; 2. The winner is the team that managed to line up three of its signs horizontally, vertically or diagonally. In this case, the game is considered over.

Competition 1. “Marya the Mistress” (folk tale)

As you know, Marya the artist was distinguished by her ability to embroider carpets of amazing beauty. The competition invites you to draw an elegant carpet. Each team is given a sheet of whatman paper, cut into 9 parts. The pieces are numbered in the same way as the game board. Each participant must draw their part of the overall plot. The drawings show fairy-tale characters, transport, flowers, objects, etc. The drawings can be done “blindly”. When finished, the carpet is folded according to the numbers. Music plays while the teams work. At the end of the competition, the jury evaluates the quality of the painted carpet.

Competition 2. “Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything” (A.A. Milne)

Teams line up in two columns on either side of the leader. The first team member to open the competition begins a story on a given topic and continues it for 20 seconds. After this, the word is passed to the opposing team, which begins its story with the last phrase of the previous storyteller, and so on. Each team must develop only its own plot line: for example, the “X” team talks about how Winnie the Pooh went to visit the Rabbit, and the story is told from Winnie the Pooh’s point of view, and the “O” team talks about how Kanga washed soap Piglet, on behalf of Piglet. The jury evaluates wit, resourcefulness, and coherence of the plot.

Competition 3. “Little Muk” (V. Gauf)

If it weren’t for little Muk’s ability to correlate the differences between events and put everything in its place, he would never have been able to

get rid of donkey ears. Participants in the competition are invited to try their hand at solving the same problems: both teams are given pieces of paper with a fillword.

Next, five questions are read to the teams (at a medium pace), which they need to answer and cross out the answers from the answer grid. Teams are warned that the competition is for speed and questions will not be repeated.


1. What was another name for Little Mook? (Dwarf)

2. Who really was Little Mook? (Old man)

3. The headdress Little Mook wore? (Turban)

4. What did Little Mook become after he won the running competition in the royal palace? (Skorokhod)

5. What parts of the body changed in the king and his courtiers when they ate the magic berries? (Ears, nose)

The team that completes the task faster and correctly wins.

Competition 4. “Cinderella” (C. Perrault)

Everyone knows that the prince found the girl he loved, who had disappeared from the ball, by her shoe. Each team forms a circle, all team members (or representatives) take off one shoe and place it in the middle of their circle. Then the participants are blindfolded, the presenter mixes the shoes lying in the circles, and at his signal the competition begins: who will find their pair of shoes faster?

Competition 5. “Flint” (H.K. Andersen).

In the dungeon where the flint and money were hidden, and where the soldier descended, there were three dogs. They were sure that anyone who entered the dungeon was superfluous. In this competition, participants must identify the odd one out of four given words. The presenter reads out four words, and the first two participants from both teams must name what they think is the extra word. After which the words are read out for the second pair of participants, etc.

Word options:

Milk River. Apple tree, Pechka, Baba Yaga. (Baba Yaga is a negative hero.)

Christopher Robin, White Rabbit, Troubadour, Kid. (The white rabbit is not a person.)

Pan Blueberry, Leek, Count Cherry, Grape. (Leeks are not a berry.)

Artemon, Tortila, Pierrot, Malvina (Tortila is not a doll.)

. “Ole-Lukoie”, “The Cat Who Walked By Itself”, “Mowgli”, “Rikki-Tiki-Tavi”. (The author of Ole Lukoje is not Kipling.)

. “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “Aibolit”, “Twelve Months”, “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”. (“Twelve months” is not a poetic form.)

Ellie, Stella, Gingema, Bastinda. (Ellie is not a magician.)

. “Seven Simeons”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “Seven Underground Kings”. (“The Tale of the Dead Princess” - in verse.)

Lamplighter, Pilot, King, Businessman. (The pilot is an earthling.)

Competition 6. “Town in a snuffbox” (V.F. Odoevsky)

Until Misha got into the snuffbox and asked his questions to the bell boy, he could not find out what was inside the snuffbox. In this competition, players must guess what is in a black box using questions to which the host answers “yes” or “no.” First, one team asks questions about their subject (each team member can ask one question), and then the other. Participants in the game are warned that the box contains items that are directly related to Russian folk tales. For one team, a tablecloth (a self-assembled tablecloth) was prepared in the box, for the other - a needle (in which the death of Koshchei the Immortal was hidden). The team that guesses their item wins. If both teams guessed correctly, the one that did it faster wins.

Competition 7. “Kid and Carlson” (A. Lindgren)

In the fairy tale “The Kid and Carlson,” Carlson constantly boasts of his abilities. By the end of the tale, we get the impression that he is indeed the most well-mannered, moderately well-fed, etc. What is this if not good advertising? In this competition, teams are asked to advertise two items that they receive from the host, such as a broom and a ball of wool. Any items related to fairy tales are possible. Advertising should be fabulous. You have one minute to prepare.

Competition 8. “Dunno and His Friends” (N. Nosov)

Dunno learned a lot of interesting things during his adventures. Participants in the competition are asked to list the names of fairy tales in which one of the characters is the king. The team that names the most such fairy tales wins.

Competition 9. “Alice in Wonderland” (L. Carroll)

Curious Alice always tried to get to the bottom of the issue. Sometimes she came up with very interesting logical chains. The rules of the competition are as follows: the first participant of one of the teams is asked a question. His answer is converted into the next question and asked to the second member of the same team. Participants are warned: the wittier the answer, the higher the jury's score.

For example:

Host: Why does Baba Yaga have a bone leg?

Participant 1: Because she broke it.

Host: Why did she break it?

2nd participant: Because she fell, etc.

Variants of questions for teams: Why did the pike fulfill Emelya’s wishes? Why did the Little Humpbacked Horse help Ivan the Fool?

Bulletin board

Invite groups or pairs to answer the question which of the fairy-tale characters could give such announcements. Then offer to pull out cards with the names of fairy tale characters from the bag, and also give your own versions of the announcements.

1. I sell leeches. Price is negotiable. (Duremar)

2. We organize survival courses for those traveling into the jungle. (Mowgli and Tarzan)

3. I guarantee a reward in wooden rubles to the person who finds the key made of precious metal. (Pinocchio)

4. I sell chicken legs left over after remodeling the hut. (Baba Yaga)

5. I challenge the knights to a duel. Lancelot, please don't worry. (The Dragon)

6. I teach artistic whistling. (Nightingale the Robber)

7. A travel company offers an exclusive trip “Riding the Wolf”. (Ivan Tsarevich)

8. Veterinary services with travel to any part of the world. (Aibolit)

9. I sleep and see the prince. (Sleeping Beauty)

10. A security agency requires 33 strong-built employees for permanent work. (Chernomor)

11. The new Vegetables and Fruits store invites customers. (Cipollino)

12. I will rent a roof. Payment in confectionery products. (Carlson)

13. Non-traditional types of assistance when passing exams. (Old Man Hottabych)

14. Golden eggs. Expensive. (Chicken Ryaba)

15. I’ll take the pies to your grandmother. (Little Red Riding Hood)

17. I will take rent from everyone, even from devils. (Bolda)

Sachkova Nadezhda Sergeevna
Methods of working with fairy tales in kindergarten

Methods of working with fairy tales in kindergarten

Fairy tale- this is an amazingly powerful psychological remedy work with the inner world of a person, a powerful development tool. Fairy tale surrounds us everywhere

Specific language fairy tales opens the way for children to visually - figuratively and visually - effectively comprehend the world of human relations, which is quite adequate to the mental characteristics of preschoolers.

Fairy tale can give the keys to enter into reality in new ways, can help the child get to know the world, can gift his imagination and teach him to critically perceive his surroundings.

In actions and deeds fabulous heroes are contrasted with hard work - laziness, good - evil, courage - cowardice. Children are always attracted to those who characteristic: responsiveness, love of work, courage. Children rejoice when good triumphs, and sigh with relief when heroes overcome difficulties and a happy ending occurs.

The main thing is to plant a seed of comprehension in the child’s soul. And for this you need to leave him with a question inside.

Reading is not enough for a modern child fairy tale, color pictures of her characters, talk about the plot. With a child of the third millennium, it is necessary to comprehend fairy tales, together search and find hidden meanings and life lessons. And in this case fairy tales will never take the child into reality. On the contrary, they will help him become an active creator in real life. When you start to unravel fabulous lessons, it turns out that fabulous stories contain information about the dynamics of life processes.

Principles working with fairy tales:

Principle Main focus Comment

Awareness Awareness of cause-and-effect relationships in the development of the plot; understanding the role of each character in developing events. Task: show students that one event smoothly follows from another, even though it is imperceptible at first glance. It is important to understand the place, pattern of appearance and purpose of each character fairy tales.

Multiplicity Understanding that the same event or situation can have several meanings and meanings. Task: show the same fabulous situation from several sides.

Connection with reality Awareness that each fabulous the situation unfolds before us a certain life lesson. Task: work through it painstakingly and patiently fabulous situations from the perspective of how fairy The lesson will be used by us in real life, in what specific situations.

IN kindergarten introduction to fairy tales starts with younger groups. Fairy tales for this category they should be easy to understand, with a vivid dynamic development of the plot, and short in content. The advantage is taken fairy tales about animals.

Introducing children to fairy tale, it is necessary to remind each time that this is fairy tale. And they gradually remember that “Ryaba Hen”, “Teremok” are fairy tales. Before reading fairy tales you can conduct a didactic game with the participation of heroes fairy tales. While reading, the teacher should monitor the children's reactions. After reading, the teacher asks if the children liked the characters fairy tales. Children of this age easily remember fairy tales.

In the middle group, every month preschoolers should be introduced to a new fairy tale. Before reading fairy tales appropriate preparation is carried out. At the beginning of the year, children should be introduced to new words by giving them explanations: bench - a long wooden bench, rolling pin - a wooden roller used to roll out dough (V fairy tale"Fox with a rolling pin") and etc.

In the second half of the year, with the help of exercises, it is necessary to find out how children understand certain figures of speech and whether they can replace a word with a synonym. For example: foolishly - without thinking, scolds - swears, found it by force - searched for a long time ( fairy tale"The Fox and the Goat"; rushed back and forth - in different directions; clicked - called ("Swan geese").

After preliminary vocabulary work The teacher tells the children that the new words they heard today live in fairy tale which he will now tell you. After listening fairy tales It is advisable to have a conversation with the children about its content. You can ask several questions. To further emphasize the idea fairy tales, can be used again tell the story containing this idea.

In the middle group, children should be taught to correctly evaluate the actions of heroes and independently find the right words and expressions.

At an older age, children learn to determine and motivate their attitude towards heroes fairy tales(positive or negative). Children of this age independently determine the type fairy tales, compare them with each other, explain the specifics.

Using questions, you can find out what means of expression are used in fairy tale. It is necessary to give children creative tasks to come up with comparisons, epithets, and synonyms. Getting to know fairy tale"The Snow Maiden" can start with a conversation. “Which of you loves winter? Why?” the teacher asks the children. “What did you sculpt from snow in winter? And now I’ll read to you about a girl whose name was Snegurochka.” Then the teacher asks the children the following questions: "What did I read story or poem? How did you know what it was? fairy tale? Who did you like in fairy tale? Why? What was the Snow Maiden like? Why do you think it was called that?"

So the value fairy tales It is great in educating a child’s feelings. Fairy tale - the source of children's thinking, and the thought of a preschooler is inseparable from feelings and experiences.

In my group I try to use a variety of methods and techniques for working with fairy tales: in addition to GCD, these are a variety of games and exercises, drawing, modeling, design, creative tasks.

Firstly, before the start of the NOD, an emotional background is created with the help of music; the location of the lesson is selected; an unusual object is brought out.

The goal is to create comfort and interest.

Secondly, emotionally a tale and a story are told accompanied by questions, children are given tasks (“Find and name fairy tale", "Where does he live? fairy tale", etc., we involve the child in action, in play.

The goal is to arouse interest in the problem, emotionally involve in the situation, and use your personal experience.

Thirdly, the children remembered a friend fairy tale, her heroes, their problems, and they had a need to play with her ( For example: fairy tale"Cinderella"- the game “Sort through the cereal”, the figurative game “Cooking porridge”, we create the intended image with the help of improvised means and learn to express it by verbal and non-verbal means.

The goal is to develop creative activity and the ability to interact with others.

Fourth, children move on to free play or productive activities.

The goal is to use the acquired knowledge in various activities.

1. Expressive movements

The main task when used in working with a fairy tale expressive movements is the development of children's creative abilities. The assimilation of one or another expressive movement or gesture occurs in specially selected exercises, as well as in free games. Words and music are auxiliary means of mastering expressive movements.

For example, when conveying the psycho-emotional state “Sadness,” the play “Doll’s Disease” from “ Children's album"P.I. Tchaikovsky.

For example, when depicting the flaring “Fire” to “Sabre Dance” by A. Khachaturian, children convey this image with sharp movements and facial expressions.

2. Problem situations

(from the Greek problema - task, task and Latin situation - position) - these are situations for which an individual or a team must find new means and methods of activity to master; teach you to think and creatively absorb knowledge. The way out of a problematic situation is the discovery of new, still unknown knowledge. Problem situations activate the cognitive, speech, and creative activity of children and are built on materials from the development of action, on the event side of the work. Creating a problem situation requires posing a problem question:

Why did little Gerda turn out to be more powerful than the Snow Queen? (H. -H. Andersen "The Snow Queen".

Why didn’t anyone want to be friends with Shapoklyak? (E. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena").

Why did the fox and the hare quarrel? ("The Fox and the Hare" Russian folk fairy tale) .

3. Creative tasks

can be individual and collective. The result of creative tasks is the emergence of a product that is distinguished by novelty, originality, and uniqueness. (new image, drawing, fairy tales)

I will give examples of children performing creative tasks on fairy tale"Turnip".

Tell a familiar tale in a circle.

Play fairy tale. Children distribute roles.

Tell about the benefits of turnips and what dishes can be prepared from them.

Coming up with your own fairy tales"Carrot" (Similarly).

Design of the book "Useful fairy tales" (cover, illustrations).

Making bib suits "Vegetables" (fabric, paper).

Acting out fictional fairy tales.

There may be other creative tasks

Fairy tales, but in a new way

Children assign familiar characters fairy tales qualities that are opposite to them

Kolobok the good wolf

Fox the cunning bun

Tales about everyday objects

The beginning fairy tale is a story about any household item.

The real beginning fabulous continuation

find out a fairy tale based on the heroes' song

Don't sit on the stump, don't eat the pie ("Masha and the Bear")

Creak, leg, creak, fake! ("Bear is a fake leg")

Little goats, guys!

Open up, unlock! ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

Continue fairy tale

Instead of a known ending you have to make up your own fairy tales. Children learn to fantasize and think.

Draw fairy tale

Children draw illustrations for friends or family fairy tales using unconventional methods (monotopy, finger painting, wet watercolor painting).

Game tasks

When performing game tasks, we rely on children’s visual skills

Any fairy the character asks the children a riddle, and the children draw the solution.

The ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

"Cooking porridge." Children and their teacher agree on who will be who. (milk, sugar, salt, cereal). On words:

One two Three,

Pot, cook!

“products” are included in order in a circle - “pot”.

Porridge is being cooked (children take turns standing up, They say: "puff"). The fire is being increased (I start saying “puff” at a rapid pace, almost jumping).

The porridge is stirred (everyone goes in a circle)

The porridge is ready! She needs to procreate (everyone sits down).

One two Three,

Pot, don't cook!

We offer didactic games:

"Make a portrait of a hero fairy tales" (Artistic, emotional development)

"Triangle and Square" (mathematical development)

“Good bad” (evaluation of the heroes’ actions, laying out 2 chips colors: S. Mikhalkov "The Three Little Pigs").

"Good - Evil" (development of emotions, visual skills).

In my opinion, the teacher’s sincere interest in the growth of children’s creative potential, a smile and praise are very important. But the main thing is not to over-praise! Involve yourself in the assessment baby:

What did you achieve today? What didn't quite work out?

Fairy tale plays a big role in the development of a child’s cognitive processes. With its help, you can correct unfavorable developmental options for a preschooler. By using fairy tales You can increase the level of coherent speech, which is very important for further preparation for school.

Target: development of attention, memory, reaction speed.

Description. At a fairly fast pace, children are asked to answer fairy tale quiz questions.

The real name of the Frog Princess. (Vasilisa the Wise.)

The name of the girl to whom the cow said: “Little red maiden, get into one of my ears and get out of the other - everything will work out.” (Khavroshechka.)

The name of Alyonushka's naughty brother. (Ivanushka.)

Who helped the bunny drive the fox out of the bast hut? (Rooster.)

Who pulled the turnip in front of the Bug? (Granddaughter.)

What is the name of the most famous collection of Arabic tales? ("Thousand and One Nights".)

In what fairy tale country does Humpty Dumpty live? (Through the looking glass.)

Baba Yaga's favorite mushrooms. (Fly agarics.)

Who managed to collect rent from the devils? (Balde.)

Who flew on a cannonball? (Baron Munchausen.)

The most famous policeman in the world. (Uncle Styopa.)

Who did the Frog Princess turn into? (To Vashshsa the Beautiful.)

What was the name of the boy who had toy animals: a bear, a donkey, a pig, a rabbit, an owl and others? (Christopher Robin.)

The most unfortunate bird from Andersen's fairy tale. (Ugly duck.)

Parsley, Cornflower, Horsetail, Kolobok, Bug, Morel, Titmouse - whose names are these? (Gnomes.)

The nickname of a rat from a fairy tale about the adventures of Pinocchio. (Shu-shara.)

Who traveled to the land of Lilliputians and the land of giants? (Gulliver.)

The heroine who became the wife of an elf. (Thumbelina.)

Who managed to make Princess Nesmeyana laugh? (Emele.)

A bird whose feathers glow with a bright light. (Firebird.)

Multi-headed fire-breathing dragon. (Dragon.)

A hero who was placed on the spire of the tallest tower. (The Golden Cockerel.)

In which fairy tale is there a milk river with jelly banks? ("Swan geese".)

Where did the surviving little goat from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” hide? (In the oven.)

. “I don’t have a mustache, but whiskers, not paws, but paws, not teeth, but teeth - I’m not afraid of anyone!” What fairy tale is this terrible beast from? (“Bragging hare.”)

What flowers did Kai and Gerda grow? (Roses.)

A fairy tale with fruit and vegetable inhabitants. (“The Adventures of Cipollino.”)

What were the names of the three bears from the fairy tale “The Three Bears”? (Michal Ivanovich, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka.)

What were the names of the two frost brothers from the fairy tale “Two Frosts”? (Red nose, Blue nose.)

The heroes of which fairy tale lived by the very blue sea in a dilapidated dugout for exactly thirty years and three years? (Heroes of “Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish.”)

What fish did Emelya catch? (Pike.)

Which bird did Thumbelina save? (Swallow.)

What did the fox treat the crane with? (Semolina porridge.)

The name of the sweet tooth who lives on the roof. (Carlson.)

Which cat had a cow named Murka on his farm? (At the cat Matroskin.)

The name of the boy who, as punishment for impoliteness, was turned into a little man by a gnome and traveled with a flock of geese? (Nils.)

Who did the Ugly Duckling turn out to be? (Swan.)

What flowers did the heroine of the fairy tale “The Twelve Months” go to the forest for New Year? (Behind the snowdrops.)

Who defeated the Cockroach? (Sparrow.)

How tall was the Little Humpbacked Horse? (Three inches.)

In which village does Pechkin deliver mail? (In Prostokvashino.)

What did Winnie the Pooh give Eeyore for his birthday? (Pot without honey.)

What was the name of Buratino's father? (Carlo.)

What is the name of the net that the goldfish got caught in? (Seine.)

What was the name of the goose on which Nils traveled? (Martin.)

What title did Lemon bear from the fairy tale by J. Rodari “The Adventures of Cipollino”? (Prince Lemon.)

What tool did the soldier use to make soup in the Russian fairy tale? (From an axe.)

What was the name of Tsar Saltan's son? (Guidon.)

Nickname of the poodle Malvina. (Artem.)

What color is Malvina's hair? (Blue.)

In which fairy tale does winter meet summer? ("Twelve months".)

The name of the city in which Dunno lived. (Floral.)

What word did Kai make out of ice floes? (The word "eternity".)

The cat's name is Freken Bock. (Matilda.)

What time was Cinderella supposed to return from the ball? (At 12 o'clock at night.)

The device, a distinctive feature of Carlson. (Propeller.)

Tree decorated with a gold chain. (Oak.)

Washrooms Chief. (Moidodyr.)

A formidable robber, enemy of Aibolit. (Barmaley.)

The name of a fairy tale in which a girl managed to break the evil spell cast on a handsome prince who was turned into a monster. ("The Scarlet Flower".)