Advanced training in tourism. Advanced training tourism Advantages of studying at our college full-time

Tourism is currently not the last industry in the market. More and more universities offer the specialty "Tourism" in their list of studies. Specialized universities are emerging based solely on this movement. But few people, when entering this specialty, imagine what awaits them in the future, what they will have to face, and what will be expected of them in the workplace.

What is tourism?

The specialty "Tourism" is currently a very common area of ​​study. This program trains a wide range of specialists who will work in this industry. Graduates will be able to occupy positions of both low-ranking employees and managers of entire companies.

Traveling the world is an interesting and quite affordable activity for many people. Yes, this may not be as often as we would like, but at least once a year any family tries to go somewhere outside of their usual environment. Travel agencies and tour operators help with this. They calculate destinations, their costs, find hotels and other places to stay, and guide them based on excursions and the political situation. In general, the list of activities for the Tourism specialty is voluminous. How and where to get this profession?

Specialty "Tourism": universities

Higher education institutions are keeping up with the demand for such specialists. In Rostov-on-Don alone, three universities offer this specialization. One of them is the largest, most famous and prestigious university - Southern Federal University. In addition to neg, there is also a university at DSTU, specializing specifically in the tourism business. And in Moscow there are as many as 44 programs at a variety of universities. Thus, applicants have plenty to choose from. And such a huge selection indicates the demand for the specialty, its progressive development and prevalence both in the country and abroad.

Positions in the tourism sector

You received the specialty "Tourism", who should you work with such an entry in your diploma? The question is very relevant. In most cases, graduates find employment with tour operators and agencies. At first, both salary and career will be at the very first stage. But this happens with every job. To advance you will have to work hard. The first position may be an assistant agent, a travel sales manager, or even a secretary. In the future, logistics and the ability to conclude contracts with foreign organizations and clients in one’s own country will be involved.

Travel agents often go on business trips to evaluate the services of their partners. Agents must know what they are offering to their customer, be able to calculate the most profitable trip, and know which countries are best avoided for various reasons. They need to be fluent in foreign languages. And most importantly, the agent must be a good salesman. Very often, the salary in this profession depends on the number of customers. That is, a tourism manager is the same as a sales manager, only with a bunch of additional functions.

What you need to know about tourism

The specialty "Tourism" involves various levels of work in the future. And in order to occupy a decent level, you must have certain qualities: resistance to stress (since you will have to work with people and a lot), the ability to offer your product and negotiate, and in different languages, the ability to work hard and exhaustingly. Without this, it is impossible to get your dream job. The tourism sector is in demand, but there are also quite a lot of specialists. The competition for the job is quite high. There is frequent staff turnover. You also need to be prepared for such a situation. And to earn an acceptable amount, you will have to sell a lot. There may be no salary at all. Very often, people in this profession do not work in their specialty.

Qualification – tourism specialist.

UNESCO experts highlight tourism as one of the leading areas of vocational education. This is consistent with the main parameters of the Federal Tourism Development Program in Russia, in which the estimated need for professional personnel is more than two million people.

Specialty 100104 Tourism was approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, see 07/02/2001 No. 2572 “On approval of the state educational standard of secondary vocational education - Classifier of specialties of secondary vocational education.”

Standard period for mastering the main professional educational program for full-time study:

  • on the basis of secondary (complete) general education - 1 year 10 months;
  • on the basis of basic general education - 2 years 10 months.

Pros of the profession:

  • Opportunity to visit many countries
  • The tourism industry is one of the most profitable and promising,
  • Good income. Although income depends on the season,
  • Excitement, usually real fans work in this area who would not trade the tourism business for anything else,
  • Satisfaction from the usefulness of work and gratitude from tourists,
  • Opportunity to travel, participate in promotional tours, tourism exhibitions around the world,
  • Active career growth in small and medium-sized enterprises.

Place of work:

In travel agencies or tour operator companies, excursion bureaus.


  • Tourist services specialist;
  • Excursion manager;
  • Manager for outbound, inbound and domestic tourism;
  • Senior manager;
  • Visa Department Manager
  • Animator.

Career and salary:

A tourism manager's career begins as an assistant manager. First, work on the phone, then with clients. Then you can become a specialist in one of these areas. You can take the place of deputy director or director of a travel agency. There are several more opportunities to make a career in tour operator companies.
Average salary from 15 thousand rubles plus a percentage of sales. Possibility of additional income.

Personal qualities of the graduate: honesty, efficiency, responsibility, endurance, punctuality, integrity, exactingness, courtesy, hard work, goodwill, creativity, sociability, creative approach to business, ability to establish business connections, visual-figurative memory, penchant for analysis and forecasting, culture speech.

Qualification characteristics of the graduate.

Area of ​​professional activity of graduates:

The graduate must be ready for professional activities in the provision of services in the field of tourism, including travel agents and tour operators, as a specialist in tourism services.

The main activities of a tourism services specialist:

organizational and managerial -

making management decisions on the provision of tourism services,

planning of tourism activities,

documentation support for the tourism services sector,

creating a normal psychological climate when communicating with consumers of tourism services,

use of information technology in the provision of tourism services.

service –

organization of service activities,

development of a project for the provision of tourism services,

ensuring the required quality of tourism services,

development of a technological process for providing a range of tourism services,

use of foreign languages ​​in professional activities,

selection of technical means for providing tourism services,

coordination, registration and delivery of tourism services to the consumer,

the use of computer technology to solve problems in the provision of tourism services.

A tourism services specialist prepares for the following activities:

Booking tourist, including hotel services.

Reception and service of tourists at the travel agency office.

Organization of services for tourists during travel.

Formation, promotion and sale of tourism products.

The graduate must be able to: work with regulatory and legislative documents, reference literature and other sources of information in the field of tourism; make management decisions on the provision of tourism services; plan tourist activities; work with various sources of information in Russian and foreign languages; conduct business correspondence and telephone conversations; organize office work; serve consumers of tourism services; create a normal psychological climate when communicating with consumers of tourism services; resolve conflict situations; create a list of tourist services; organize service activities and develop projects for the provision of tourism services; apply special tourism technologies in practice; organize tours, ensure the necessary quality of tourist services; develop a technological process for providing a range of tourism services; coordinate, formalize and bring tourist services to the consumer; conclude contracts, organize the reception and accommodation of tourists; organize transport services, meals, insurance, excursion and advertising work, etc.; apply domestic and foreign innovative experience in tourism activities; use computer technologies in professional activities.

The graduate must know: the basics of standardization and certification in tourism activities; organization of service activities; legislative acts and regulations on the organization of tourism; methods of documentation support for management; a foreign language for communicating with foreign partners in the field of tourism and consumers of tourism services; specifics of management and marketing in the field of tourism; legal regulation of tourism activities; organization of the tourism industry; technology of tourism activities, travel technology and organization of consumer services in tourist and hotel complexes; excursion activities; advertising activities; information and communication technologies in tourism activities.

Opportunity to continue education:
Graduates can continue their studies at the university(ies) in specialized specialties in a shortened form of study lasting 3 years.

A professional in the field of tourism must be able to handle a huge flow of information and be able to navigate it, must have a broad outlook, have good spatial thinking, always be aware of news and trends in tourism, love people and constant business trips. A characteristic feature of a tourism professional is communication and mobility.

Specialty "Tourism", which subjects to take - passing scores

The Tourism profile is a concept that includes different areas of training. At a university, a specialty dedicated to tourism may be called “Socio-cultural service and tourism.” Or it may be called differently, producing specialist organizers of travel agency or excursion services. The difference between them is quite serious, so you need to approach your choice carefully.

If a graduate after 11th grade has chosen to study tourism, he must analyze in advance all the options for universities that interest him. Universities in Russia reserve the right to choose the list of exams independently. The required exam is Russian language and history. The university determines one or even two more exams at its discretion. This is most often geography or social studies.

To enroll in the field of “Technology and organization of services in international tourism” in the “Tourism” profile, the specialty will require an exam in a foreign language (for example, English for the tourism specialty). For other areas, they can choose biology, geography or social studies as an additional exam.

The passing score is also different everywhere. Leading universities in Moscow indicate an average passing score of 82.5. You can rely on passing scores, however, they do not guarantee admission. In other words, a graduate may have results that coincide with the passing grade of the university, but whether he will enroll or not will depend on the competition.

Tourism specialty code

Any specialty in the Russian Federation is assigned its own unique code.
According to the unified classifier of specialties, the profile “Tourism” has the code - 43.03.02. This rule applies to absolutely all educational institutions in the country.

Tourism specialty higher education and vocational training - form and terms of study

You can enroll in a university with a major in Tourism either full-time or part-time.

A graduate of the 11th grade who has passed the necessary exams has the right to enter the university. The training will last 4 years.

The option of entering the tourism specialty after 9th grade cannot be ruled out. Colleges and technical schools recruit graduates of grades 9 and 11. After the ninth grade, the student will receive a diploma in 2 years 10 months (full-time study) and 4 years 4 months (part-time). After 11th grade, the college provides full-time and part-time study, 1 year 10 and 2 years 10 months, respectively.

What will be taught, description of the specialty "Tourism", disciplines

During training in the specialty “Tourism”, the student will be taught mostly humanities. In the first year, of course, you will have to master the basics of higher mathematics. However, in the second year the fun begins. The main subject will be geography and its types. Universities include the following subjects in the curriculum of the tourism specialty:

  • regional studies,
  • cartography,
  • recreational and socio-economic geography.

Interestingly, the specialty “Tourism Manager” involves training in marketing, management, economics and a foreign language. Be sure to take a course in world and domestic history, local history and even cultural studies.

The future tourism manager will become familiar with such a discipline as “Catering”. In 4 years, the educational institution will provide a lot of new and necessary knowledge, which you just have to absorb and become a highly qualified specialist. The compulsory discipline will be “Information Technology”. The teacher will introduce you to the world's leading operators and teach you how to book tours.

High-quality training in the specialty “Tourism” requires not only a wide range of subjects to study, but also the presence of interesting coursework. The student will be asked to create his own travel agency and draw up a package of documents for its registration or develop his own tour of a particular city.

Since tourism is directly related to different countries and travel, the program will include the study of two foreign languages. English will be required. The student himself has the right to choose a second foreign language.

Internship in the specialty "Tourism"

After the third year, practical training begins. The student must take it at a travel agency, where for the first time he can try his hand as a manager.
Practice after the second year for students studying excursion services involves developing and conducting a museum, bus or walking tour.

In addition, students are encouraged to participate in exchange projects if they choose to major in Tourism. Institutes and universities offer to spend the summer in Europe or America for internship if the student has a sufficient level of knowledge of the English language.

Specialty tourism - Universities, colleges and technical schools

Almost all humanitarian universities in the country train tourism managers. In Moscow there is a specialized university - Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry named after Yu. A. Senkevich. They train exclusively specialists in the field of tourism in a variety of areas.

Specialty tourism - Universities:

  • Arkhangelsk Institute of Management;
  • Gzhel State University;
  • Ural International Institute of Tourism;
  • Kazan (Volga region) Federal University;
  • Vyatka State University;
  • Altai State Institute of Culture;
  • Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service;
  • Armavir State Pedagogical University;
  • Sochi State University;
  • and etc.

Specialty tourism in Moscow:

  • Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry named after. Yu.A. Senkevich;
  • Russian State Humanitarian University;
  • Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov;
  • Russian State University of Tourism and Service;
  • Russian New University;
  • Russian State Social University;
  • and etc.

Almost every city has colleges or technical schools that invite graduates to major in Tourism. A graduate only needs to think about enrolling in advance to be in the know.

Colleges with a specialty in tourism:

  • Irkutsk College of Economics and Tourism;
  • Tver College of Service and Tourism;
  • College of Service and Tourism in Kaliningrad;
  • Vladimir College of Tourism;
  • and etc.

Jobs in tourism

After training, the problem of finding a job becomes acute.

How can you work in tourism?

There is no need to worry here; there will always be a job in tourism. There are a fair number of travel agencies in our country, which are constantly growing.

In a small company you can get a job as a tourism manager, and in a couple of months you can already become the director of a travel agency. But in large organizations it is more difficult to climb the career ladder.

Tourism is a specialty - employees' salaries depend on the percentage of tours sold, so in a small company the salary during the season (summer) can be exorbitant, but closer to winter it may not be there at all. But in a large company, earnings are always more or less stable.

In addition, after graduating from the specialty “Tourism Management” or “Tourism and Service”, you can work in the field of hotel services, starting with a hotel administrator.

Where can I work as a tourism major?

You can find your niche in the field of excursion services. In this case, you should try to realize yourself in a tour agency or museum as a guide. Or maybe go to a tourism center and find your place there or become a guide, traveling to foreign countries and accompanying groups of tourists.

Form of training using distance learning technologies via the Internet or face-to-face in groups.

with the state standards

You receive a certificate of advanced training that corresponds to the established model.

Select date

You can start training within 3 days from the receipt of payment on any convenient day.

Delivery of documents
in Russia

After approval, the documents are sent by courier or mail with a tracking number within 2-3 days.

Advanced training in tourism

Every year the demand for a comfortable vacation is growing, and competition in this area of ​​business is also growing. Increasingly, to avoid unnecessary problems, people are turning to travel agencies. But in order to provide the necessary service at a high level, you must be a qualified specialist in this field. Therefore, advanced training in the field of tourism is one of the most in-demand areas today.

You can often hear reports in the media that travel companies are not doing their job. One of the reasons for such problems is low qualifications of personnel. Problems that may seem small can seriously undermine a company's credibility. People do not risk entrusting their tourist trips to those who did not meet the expectations of other tourists, so it is very important that every client is satisfied. Travel agency employees with sufficient qualifications are able to organize a trip for each client at an excellent level.

At advanced training courses in tourism, specialists will be able to learn how to work with new techniques that can make organizing trips much faster and more efficient. The course participant will also learn how to work with staff in tourism enterprises and how to properly communicate with clients in order to achieve a situation in which both parties are satisfied with the transaction.

Who needs to improve their tourism qualifications?

Even for those who have experience in organizing tourism activities, it is necessary to increase the level of knowledge and skills at least once every 5 years. However, some prefer to do this more often on their own initiative and this opportunity is provided. The field of tourism includes a large amount of knowledge. A good specialist should have a good understanding of the classification of hotels and beaches and will be able to offer the best option for accommodation and a comfortable stay. The tourism sector also includes organizing and running a hotel business. This industry also requires managers who are able to competently negotiate with hotels, hotels and other organizations, as well as find a common language with the client.

It is necessary for all professionals employed in the tourism sector to improve their qualifications, since professional standards indicate that advanced training courses are something that should be done regularly. Qualified specialists can have no doubt in their professional competence, which means they can grow not only professionally, but also move up the career ladder. On the contrary, unqualified professionals can create so many problems for a company that its reputation becomes so bad that customers stop using the company, which means the business has to close down.

Who can take advanced training courses for tourism specialists

Attending specialized courses aimed at gaining additional knowledge will help you become a sought-after specialist and, if desired, take a leadership position. The modern system of training and retraining includes new techniques, which include business games and training. Such courses can be taken by specialists with specialized education from a secondary specialized or higher educational institution. Also, specialists who have completed professional retraining courses in tourism are accepted for advanced training courses in tourism.

Senior students in specialized areas also have the opportunity to undergo training in tourism. This will be especially useful for them, because the employer will be able to understand that a young and inexperienced specialist is really interested in doing quality work and growing professionally. And also, the work of inexperienced tourism specialists will cause less difficulties after advanced training courses, since our Center is taught by current specialists who are ready to provide not only a theoretical basis, but also talk about the intricacies of work that are difficult to obtain without experience.

Duration and form of training in advanced training courses for workers in the tourism sector

There are many organizations offering training services in the tourism industry. Teachers of the Unified Center for Additional Professional Education will provide quality training in the shortest possible time. This is especially true due to time constraints and ensures that only the most necessary information is provided.

The training period is minimum 16 hours. In the table above you can see the duration of training in each area. The scope of training includes the principles of marketing and management in tourism, basic strategies, socio-cultural services and the necessary training for tour guides. The list includes branches of regulation of economic and legal or legal issues related to tourism activities. This will allow you to effectively resolve various disputes and conflicts that arise during the work process. Training can be completed expedited to receive your certificate as quickly as possible.

Full-time education in our Center it is carried out if there is a group of five people or more. It often happens that an employer wants to improve the qualifications of several of its employees. In this case, we are ready to conduct classes on the company’s premises so that employees do not have to waste time traveling to our Center. We must make sure that the company can provide premises that meet the equipment standards, and we can begin classes.

For the convenience of students, it is also practiced remote form of training, which also reduces time costs. It is not only employees of travel agencies who are offered to take courses. Hospitality workers will also be able to gain modern innovative knowledge and business methods. You can study educational materials from your mobile device while you are in transport or at any other time convenient for you.

Issuance and validity period of a certificate of advanced training in tourism

Upon completion of the courses you can receive certificate of advanced training of the established form. This document will allow you to have an advantage when applying for a job in the tourism sector and obtain a higher position. This will allow you to get a job in sanatorium-resort institutions, entertainment and sports complexes, as well as excursion and travel agencies. This certificate is valid within five years and is accepted in Russia and some other countries.

Issuance of documents takes no more than two days from the moment the student passes the final test. You can receive documents at our office, which is located five minutes from the VDNH metro station, and we will definitely send documents to remote students by mail, assigning a tracking number to the parcel, or by courier. If the classes were held in person on the company’s premises, we are ready to bring certificates to all employees of this company so as not to waste their time.

How to enroll in advanced training courses in tourism

Over the years, we have gained a good reputation and try to cherish it. Everyone is provided with free consultation and an individual approach to training. In order to receive training at a discount, leave a request through our website. In the list above, select the training program that interests you, study the details of training in this program, and then, if you want to study in it, leave a request with your contact information. If you have not found a program in which you would like to study, indicate the topic you are interested in in the form below the list.

After you leave your application, our specialists will call you and will be ready to answer all the questions that you might have. Our specialists are ready to help you throughout your entire training, right up to the moment you receive your certificate. Advanced training in our Center is as convenient and fast as possible.

Who hasn't thought about traveling to other countries? – Meditate under the cherry blossoms, soak up the snow-white sand near the ocean, see Paris from the height of the Eiffel Tower. Do you dream about all this and an infinite number of other magical moments, exciting adventures, exotic countries, meeting new people? Want to build your own collection of landmarks? But don’t have any free money to travel around the world yet? – Then the profession of tourism manager is for you.

Many would argue that planning and organizing travel for clients is not at all the same as traveling yourself. Well, indeed, the main task of a specialist in a travel agency is to choose an interesting route and organize a train for the client (and get paid for it), but believe me, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Feature of the profession

Tourism manager is a general title for several positions. If we are talking about working in a large company, then, as a rule, they use a conveyor approach to work. One employee is engaged in booking tickets, another is a visa specialist, a third works with incoming clients and presents them with different travel destinations, a fourth is involved in interaction with insurance companies, a fifth prepares advertising for a new hotel offer from a well-known hotel chain. At the end of the day, the client has a ready-made travel scenario, a booked room, insurance, and tickets in hand.

But it’s more interesting to be a generalist specialist. Many have watched the comedy “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” and probably remember the footage of the main character in the travel agency. In this episode, she flutters around the office and helps clients decide on a route, and thanks to her smile and energy, the man of her dreams falls in love with her. This is what it means to do what you love! At the same time, she remains an expert in her field.

As a tourism manager, you will be involved in a wide variety of activities, here is just a short list of them:

  1. Consulting clients on travel routes, hotels, excursion programs. Sometimes you will even have to give advice on what medications are best to take with you.
  2. Hotel room reservations.
  3. Order tickets. Selecting flights in such a way that the client does not have to wait long for a transfer.
  4. Registration of insurance and visas.
  5. Interaction with the host travel agency and specialists in related fields.
  6. Concluding agreements with foreign travel agencies.
  7. Resolution of non-standard or conflict situations.

A competent tourism specialist does not sit idle; his diary is filled with meetings and projects. It is important to know how to find an approach to different people, be able to manage conflict situations, and have a perfect grasp of all information on the hotel industry. There are no small details in this area. In order for the client to see you as an expert, you must answer any of his questions at the moment, without looking on the Internet or any catalogues. The cost of tickets for different air carriers, the reliability of the insurance company, even the weather forecast at the resort, descriptions of tours, hotel ratings and associated differences in service are the minimum list of knowledge that a manager must master perfectly.

How to become a tourism manager

You can gain basic knowledge in special courses that train specialists in the field of tourism. As a rule, these courses last from several weeks to two to three months. But for career growth you need excellent knowledge of foreign languages, geography, history, marketing, hotel business, and sales specifics. Such a wealth of knowledge is provided only in higher educational institutions.

In addition to standard education, it is necessary to develop such qualities as communication, diplomacy, organization, and responsibility. Organizational skills and knowledge of rhetoric will definitely come in handy.

A tourism specialist is a very multifaceted profession, because you are responsible for whether the client liked his tour, whether he was provided with a hotel room that corresponded to the order, and whether the insurance company helped solve the problems. The reputation of the company depends on the quality of your work, whether this client will return to you again for his next trip, or whether he will recommend you to his friends.

By mastering all the secrets of the profession, developing the necessary skills and developing communication networks, you will be able to move up the career ladder to the position of travel manager, manager for working with VIP clients or a specialist in organizing business tourism, even becoming the head of a travel agency. These are exactly the positions in the tourism business through which you can realize your passion for travel. The responsibilities of a travel manager include the development of individual tours, which requires a thorough knowledge of the best resorts and hotels. This level can only be achieved through personal, practical study of the service on site, let’s call it field testing. Is this exactly what you want?

Disadvantages of the profession

As in any other direction, this work has its drawbacks. Be sure to take them into account when choosing, so that you are prepared for the difficulties that you will encounter.

The fact that the tourism industry requires a high level of responsibility from employees is already clear. Even if you have worked out your route perfectly, issued your tickets and visa correctly, and helped you choose a reliable insurance company, don’t relax. You must be in touch with the client in case of any force majeure situations, for example, plane delays, problems at customs, problems with check-in at a hotel. For your client, you are the person who is responsible for everything at any time of the day or night. This is where diplomacy will be required, both in negotiations with the client and with the hotel and air carrier. Show resistance to stress and remember that a manager who has coped with a difficult situation will be recommended much more actively.

Trips to different countries are short and of a work nature, you will have to negotiate more than relax on the beach. Agree that 10 short business trips with interesting meetings and acquaintances are much more profitable than one 2-week trip with lying on a sun lounger (when the client is tired from work and just wants to sleep). By the way, you can practice such trips on your legal vacation. In total, your arsenal will include 10 active tours and one beach tour.

Undoubtedly, you will encounter clients who are not satisfied with something. There is no such thing as everyone liking everything exactly the same. The description of the tour and the impressions from it do not always coincide. Remember those who were delighted with the trip and wrote only positive reviews; there will definitely be ten times more of them than critics.

Advantages of working in tourism

The small number of disadvantages is more than offset by the advantages that can be obtained by working as a tourism specialist. The main advantage, of course, besides the opportunity to travel around the world, is meeting interesting people, creating your own network of acquaintances in all countries, and live communication with people of different cultures.

If you work in a small company or have already opened your own business, you can talk about a flexible work schedule. After all, it’s easy to advise clients at home: there would be already set up contact systems, travel agencies, air carriers, and hotel directors connected to you.

You can show your creativity and independence. The one who offers non-standard solutions earns more. Develop and offer your clients tours with a gastronomic focus or organize a bachelorette party trip for young business ladies.

Go for it. And remember that the most important thing is to love what you do. Then work will give you great pleasure and every morning will give you energy, positivity and joy.