A brief history of the globe. Who invented the globe? The story about the world's 1st globe

Planet Earth. View from space.

The caravel quickly cut through the heavy waves. The captain, having determined the position of the North Star and made calculations, bent over the globe - they had been sailing for many days, and only this globe and the stars could help determine where the ship was. Without a globe it is difficult to find the way to distant overseas countries. Many ships setting out on long voyages had a globe; it served as a map in those days. This continued until the 18th century. And then detailed sea charts and sailing directions appeared, and the globe lost its importance for navigation, but was very useful to schoolchildren. In the dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegov we read: “The globe is a visual aid - a rotating model of the globe or other spherical celestial body.” Let us add that this model most correctly reflects both the appearance of the Earth and the relationship of its parts.

Globes have been made since ancient times. Ancient writers mention Crates of Pergamum, who made a “globe of the earth” more than 2000 years ago. Unfortunately, no images of him have reached us. The oldest surviving globe is considered to be the “earth apple” with a diameter of 0.54 meters, created in 1492 by the German geographer Martin Beheim from Nuremberg. When working on the “apple,” he used materials from the famous traveler Marco Polo and the Portuguese who sailed along the coast of Africa. But there is no image of America on this globe, since it has not yet been discovered.

150 years have passed, and globes have become quite popular. In London, for example, pocket globes the size of an orange were sold relatively cheaply, on the inside of the hemispheres of which there was a map of the celestial bodies, that is, the globe was simultaneously a model of the Earth and the starry sky.

Vintage globe.

Gradually, the design of the globe became more complex. In the 16th-18th centuries, a clock mechanism began to be used, with the help of which the globe rotated around an axis and it was possible to determine the time anywhere on the globe. Sometimes such a globe was attached to a model of the Moon moving around it, and then it served not only as a universal clock, but also as a calendar. Many European monarchs considered it obligatory to have globes in their office, which were quite impressive in size, complex and richly decorated.

A unique globe with a diameter of about 3 meters is kept in St. Petersburg, which also serves as a planetarium. On its outer surface there is a map of the Earth, on the inner surface there is a map of the starry sky. The history of this globe is interesting. In 1713, Peter I traveled through the Duchy of Schleswig-Holstein (now German territory). During his trip he visited Gottorp Castle. There he was struck by a globe of unusual size - and feet in diameter (3 meters 19 centimeters). It was claimed that the globe was made under the guidance of the famous traveler and geographer Adam Olearius. In gratitude for the military assistance provided by Peter I, the guardian of the young duke presented the curiosity to the Russian emperor. This huge globe was transported to St. Petersburg, cutting through forest clearings. Subsequently, it was placed in the building of the newly built Kunstkamera, and after its opening in 1719, many people came to look at the amazing exhibit.

In 1747, a fire broke out in the Kunstkamera, and among the exhibits damaged by the fire was a gift from the Duke. All that was left of the globe was charred metal structures. Wanting to hide the true extent of the damage suffered from the royal court, the academy decided on its own to “build another ball of the same size as the first.” Several proposals were made, including by the famous mechanic-inventor Andrei Konstantinovich Nartov. In 1748, “compass master” Benjamin Scott and his assistant F.N. Tiryutin began work on his project. The work took 7 years, but, according to contemporaries, the new globe turned out to be “the best art ever.” Its map continued to be updated with the latest data related to geographical discoveries until the end of the 18th century. The ball was fixed on a metal axis, a table and a bench were installed inside, on which 10-12 people could sit to observe the movement of celestial bodies, as in a planetarium (a star map was made on the inner surface of the globe).

In Russia, one of the first original globes was made at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century by Pskov deacon Karp Maksimov. The structure had a diameter of about 90 centimeters. This globe was probably given as a gift to the Russian Emperor, since until 1793 it was kept in the “Office of Peter the Great” in the Kunstkamera. M.V. Lomonosov, who headed the Geographical Department of the Academy of Sciences, paid great attention to the manufacture of globes.

According to experts, the largest globe in the world is considered to be one made for the Paris Exhibition of 1899. Its diameter is 13 meters, and the length of the marked meridian is 40 meters, each millimeter corresponds to approximately a kilometer of the earth's surface. The weight of the globe was almost 10 tons (that’s what a modern bus weighs)! The globe rotated around its axis at a speed corresponding to the actual speed of rotation of the Earth. It showed the relief of the earth's crust, the borders of countries, sea routes, railways, routes of famous travelers, and even mineral deposits.

A much smaller globe, but also very large, is kept in Denmark.

Initially, it was a spherical reservoir for natural gas, but about 50 years ago, one artist decided to paint geographical symbols characteristic of our planet on the outer surface of the metal ball to attract tourists. The result was a huge globe.

Medieval scientist.

The giant globe was also created in our country. It stands on the astronomical platform of the Moscow Planetarium. The model of the globe, two and a half meters in diameter, is made of special durable materials developed especially for this purpose - fiberglass and polymers, painted with colors that are not afraid of precipitation (valleys - green, seas - blue, rivers - blue). 70 meters from the globe, on the roof of the building adjacent to the astronomical site, there is a second ball - this is a model of the Moon. Its diameter is 70 centimeters. These sizes were not chosen by chance. The result is a real mock-up Earth-Moon system, it is “only” 5 million times smaller than the real one.

If you have read M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita,” then you probably remember the globe of the “prince of darkness” Woland. The globe lived the life of the Earth. If any part of it became filled with blood, it meant that a war had begun at the corresponding point on the globe. If you looked closely, you could see all the details of the battles - destroyed houses, dead people. But such a globe is the fantasy of a brilliant writer. What kind of globes are there in reality? A wide variety of Earth models are produced. The most common are political, reflecting the modern territorial division of the world, and physical, showing the physical and geographical structure of the Earth. Particularly unique are the so-called relief globes with sculpted, convex surfaces of mountains and hills. And these small balls, showing our planet as only astronauts see it, will probably serve people for a long time.

Despite the huge number of versions of travelers and ancient thinkers about the shape and content of our earth, the famous philosopher Aristotle was the first to provide evidence of its sphericity. Over time, science needed more detailed materials for further discoveries related to the earth.

Thus, a successful attempt was made to create an object that would become a clear example for obtaining all the necessary information about our land. This model is called the globe, which has the Latin name “globus” - ball.

Using three-dimensional graphics, modern people have received a realistic three-dimensional image of the globe. A similar copy of the earth, which is millions of times smaller,

In fact, the ball is slightly flattened. Its color characteristic consists of blue (reflects the presence of water on the earth's surface), green (shows where land is), white (this is the territory of ice), brown (indicating continents) and a yellow tint. The globe reflects the tilt of the earth's axis. It is around the invisible axis that the earth rotates. The imaginary axis has two outputs. The first highest point represents the North Pole. Bottom – South Pole. In fact, these points are not marked on the ground. The entire globe is divided into two parts thanks to a surrounding line called the equator. This is how people got an idea of ​​the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. This line, like the axis, is not marked in reality. Meridians run from one pole to the other. Lines that are parallel to the equator are called parallels

This invention has several types, the choice of which depends on the purpose of the research. You can learn about the borders of countries and populated areas by looking at a political globe. The physical reflects continents, currents, meridians and parallels. The first acquaintance with the relief globe will interest you with its convex surface, which will clearly help you remember the location of the mountains.

The creation of the globe was a great discovery in science, as scientists had the opportunity to study different patterns of all phenomena on earth. Thus, having in front of you the most important such invention - the globe, you can easily discover what and where exactly is on its surface, and get acquainted with geographical patterns. This is an accessible location of geographical objects, which becomes a source of knowledge for everyone.

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The ship rushed into the distance, rapidly cutting through the heavy waves. The captain determined the position of the North Star, made some calculations, and then bent over the globe. The caravel had been in the ocean for many days, and only the star and this ball helped the crew determine the position of the ship. In those days, without a globe, it was almost impossible to stay on course on the way to a distant overseas country. Therefore, he was on almost every ship that set off on a long voyage. The globe also served as a map. And this continued until the 18th century. Only later, when sailing directions and detailed sea charts appeared, did the globe lose its great significance for sailors, but was useful to schoolchildren.
Its meaning is very well described by S.I. Ozhegov in the dictionary: “A globe is a rotating model of the globe or other spherical celestial body.” It is this model that most correctly reflects the appearance of our planet and the relationship of its parts.
Globes have been made since ancient times. In ancient writings there is mention of Crates from Pergamum, who made the “globe of the earth” more than 2000 years ago. However, unfortunately, no fragments of these images have survived to this day. The oldest surviving globe is considered to be a globe with a diameter of 54 cm, which was created in 1492 by Martin Bayham from Nuremberg. The German geographer, working on the “apple of the earth,” was guided by materials from the Portuguese and the famous traveler Marco Polo. But there is no image of America on this globe, because at that time it was not yet discovered.
After 150 years, globes have become quite popular. For example, in London, small, orange-sized pocket globes were sold relatively cheaply. Moreover, on the inner parts of its hemispheres a map of the celestial bodies was depicted. Thus, this globe was a model of both the Earth and the starry sky at the same time.
Gradually, the design of the globe became more complicated. Thus, in the 16th-18th centuries they began to use a clock mechanism that rotated it around its axis, which made it possible to determine the time in any corner of the globe. Sometimes a model of the Moon moving around the globe was attached to it, i.e. such a model also served as a calendar. Owning a globe was very fashionable; many European monarchs always placed very large, richly decorated globes in their office.
To this day, an extraordinary rare globe with a diameter of 3 meters 19 centimeters is kept in St. Petersburg, which also serves as a planetarium. On its outer surface there is a map of the Earth, and on the inner surface there is a map of the starry sky.
The history of this globe is very interesting. In 1713, during a trip to the Duchy of Schleswig-Holstein (currently a territory of Germany), Peter I visited Gottorp Castle. It was there that he saw a unique globe of enormous size, and there he was told that this globe was made under the strict guidance of the great geographer and traveler Adam Olearius. The emperor was so amazed by this curiosity that, as a token of gratitude for the military assistance he provided, the guardian of the minor duke gave it to him. This is how this globe came to St. Petersburg, and was later placed in the building of the Kunstkamera, after the opening of which in 1719, many people were able to see this amazing exhibit.
28 years later, in 1747, a serious fire occurred in the museum, as a result of which many antiques were damaged, including this globe, from which only elements of a charred metal structure remained. The Academy decided to hide the real extent of the damage, so it was decided to “build” a similar ball on its own. Among several proposed projects, special attention was paid to the proposal of the famous mechanic-inventor Andrei Konstantinovich Nartov. And in 1748, Benjamin Scott, “master of compass affairs,” with his assistant F.N. Tiryutin began work on this project. They worked for 7 whole years. Contemporaries claimed that the result of their work “surpassed the art” of the previous globe. The map has been updated with data based on new geographical discoveries. The globe was strengthened with a metal axis, and a table and a large bench were placed inside it, which simultaneously accommodated 10-12 people. Since a map of the starry sky was depicted on the inner surface of the ball, people, while inside, could observe the movement of celestial forces, as in a planetarium.
One of the first very original globes in Russia was made by Karp Maksimov, a Pskov deacon, at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries. This globe, about 90 cm in diameter, was apparently given to the Russian Emperor as a gift, because until 1793 it was kept in the Kunstkamera Museum in the “Office of Peter the Great”. M.V. was very interested in the production of this ball. Lomonosov, who at that time headed the Geographical Department of the Academy of Sciences.
The largest globe in the world is called a ball with a diameter of 10 meters with a length of the applied meridian of 40 m. It was made in 1899 especially for the Paris Exhibition. It is remarkable in that every millimeter of its surface accurately reflects every kilometer of the Earth's surface. Its weight was almost 10 tons. It rotated around its axis at a speed that actually corresponded to the speed of rotation of the planet. It not only showed the relief of the earth's crust, but also marked railways, sea routes, country borders, mineral deposits, and even the routes of famous travelers.
A smaller globe than this one, also a very large one, is kept in Denmark. It was originally a spherical-shaped natural gas tank. And 50 years ago, in order to attract tourists, one artist painted on its entire surface relief outlines and geographical symbols characteristic of our planet. The result was a huge globe.
A huge globe was created in our country. You can see it on the astronomical platform of the capital planetarium. This model with a diameter of 250 centimeters is made of durable materials specially developed for this purpose - polymers and fiberglass. To apply the drawings, we used paints that are not afraid of precipitation: rivers are painted with blue flowers, seas with blue, valleys with green. On the roof of a building located next to the astronomical site, at a distance of 70 meters, a model of the Moon with a diameter of 70 cm was installed. These proportions were not chosen by chance: the result was an accurate mock-up Earth-Moon system, only 5 million times smaller than the real system.
Those who have read the famous novel by the great writer Mikhail Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” probably remember the globe that belonged to the “prince of darkness” Woland. This ball lived the life of the Earth. In the part where he became filled with blood, a war began on the planet at the same point. And if you looked closely, you could even see all the consequences of the battles - dead people and destroyed buildings. This globe, of course, is the fantasy of a brilliant author. But in reality they produce a wide variety of models of the globe. The most popular at present are political ones, which reflect the real territorial division of the world, as well as physical ones, which outline the physical and geographical state of the Earth. Very original - relief globes with a convex surface in the form of molding.
These small balls will most likely serve people for a very long time, showing our planet in a way that only astronauts can see it.

Many inquisitive people, wanting to find out who created the first globe, go to Wikipedia, leaf through encyclopedias, study reference literature and come to the conclusion that this geographical instrument was originally made in Ancient Greece by the ancient philosopher Crates from Malla. If you ask the same question to a specialist, he will answer with confidence that the Globus navigation system was first used in the Soviet Union in 1961 during the landing of the Vostok spacecraft. Therefore, before finding out who created the first globe, it is necessary to decide what kind of object we are talking about - heavenly or earthly, a surviving model or semi-legendary rumors about it.

Oral legends about who created the first globe

According to the officially recognized version, the first model of the spherical Earth was created by Crates of Mallus (Pergamon), who became famous in antiquity for his comments on Homer, writing “Correction of the Iliad and Odyssey.” At that time, there were disputes about the shape of our planet, and despite the fact that heretics were not persecuted at that time, the first globe in the form of a painted ball was greeted by contemporaries quite skeptically.

In Muslim literature, this invention is attributed to Jamal ad-Din, an astronomer from Bukhara, who, on the orders of Genghis Khan’s grandson Hulagu Khan, produced an armillary sphere, an astrolabe and a model of a globe in Beijing in 1267 as a gift to another Genghisid, Kublai Khan.

Unfortunately, only meager descriptions of these objects have survived to this day, without their images and indications of what was applied to the surface of the ball.

Surviving early globes

The oldest globe that has survived to this day is in the German National Museum (Nuremberg). It was created in 1493 - 1494 and was called the “Earthly Apple” (“Erdapfel”). It was later renamed the “Behaim Globe” after its creator, the German merchant Martin Behaim. When applying the cartographic situation on the surface of the copper ball, Ptolemy's maps as edited by Paolo Toscanelli were used. There is no image of the American continent on the globe, since its independence was proven by Amerigo Vespucci only 20 years after the creation of this instrument.

No less interesting is the question of who was the first globe depicting the celestial sphere. The authorship is attributed to the Indian metallurgist Muhammad Salih Tatawi, who cast it in India on the orders of one of the rulers of the Mughal dynasty.

The works of ancient writers mention that a certain Crates of Malos, an ancient Greek philosopher, follower of Aristotle and keeper of the Pergamon Library, dates back to the 2nd century BC. e. made a model of the Earth in the shape of a ball. Neither this model itself, nor any of its images have survived to this day, but those who saw this globe said that “Crates drew a single land on the ball, dividing it into parts by intersecting rivers, which were called oceans...”.

Therefore, the very first, at least the oldest of all surviving globes, is considered to be a spherical model of the Earth with a diameter of 54 cm, created by a German geographer, traveler and mathematician Martin Beheim in 1492, now located in the museum of the city of Nuremberg.

On the “Earth Apple”, which is what Beheim called his brainchild (globes, from the Latin globus - “ball”, copies of the Earth began to be called later), geographical ideas about the surface of the Earth on the eve of the discovery of the New World were displayed, based on data taken from world maps ancient Greek scientist Ptolemy, who lived in the 2nd century.

Soon after their appearance, globes, which provide the most accurate cartographic representations and are in great demand among scientists and sailors, began to appear in the palaces of monarchs, cabinets of ministers and simply fashionable houses in Europe, becoming a symbol of enlightenment.

Dutch globes made by the Amsterdam masters of Blaeu were especially popular. They also created the model of the Earth that was presented to the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1672 - the first in Rus'. The most famous of all foreign models of the globe is the Gottorp globe with a diameter of 311 cm, made by the German scientist Adam Olschlegel in 1664, and presented to Peter I in 1713. Inside it housed a planetarium.

One of the most famous exhibits of the Kunstkamera is the unique Gottorp globe planetarium, created in the 17th century in Germany. It was presented to Peter I during the Northern War and brought to St. Petersburg in 1717. The diameter of the globe was 3.1 meters. On the outside it depicted all the countries, seas and rivers known at that time, and inside the globe all known constellations were depicted - this was the world's first planetarium.

Modern globes, on which, in comparison with the first ones, images of new lands discovered since then appeared, have moved from the field of functional use mainly into the field of visual aids for schoolchildren.