Summary of the lesson "Differentiation of consonants ch-sch. Spelling cha-sch." Sounds and letters ch-sch Differentiation of sounds ch sch speech material

Ekaterina Pinyugina
Summary of the lesson “Differentiation of sounds [h) - [u]. Letters H, W"

Topic: Sounds Shch - Ch.

Target: Strengthen the skill of pronunciation and discrimination sounds(u, (h, develop phonemic perception, develop the grammatical structure of speech (formation of nouns with a diminutive - caressing meaning, formation of nouns denoting cubs of animals, develop sound - syllabic, language analysis and synthesis, develop memory, attention, thinking.

Equipment: subject pictures, cards - diagrams, color signals, colored squares, cards with written words, fairy tale characters, cash registers, notebooks, pens, ball.

Activity progress:

I. Org. moment.

Di "Guess - ka"

name first sound in the word goose.

Name a vowel sound in the word CHEESE.

Name a third sound in the word CAT.

How many syllables are in the word WONDERFUL?

name vowels sounds in the word MUSIC.

name first sound in the word yula.

Name the last sound in the word stump.

Name the first syllable in the word RASPBERRY.

Name the last sound in the word WORLD.

name "small" a word in a sentence THE PLANE IS FLYING OVER THE FOREST.

II. Main part.

1. Repetition of material about vowels and consonants sounds.

2. Introduction to the topic.

Today we will go to "Forest School" to visit Squirrel-Umelochka, who works there as a teacher and teaches different animals.

- She has a letter for you.: “Hello, dear girls and boys! I want to test your ingenuity, knowledge, mind. And for this I have come up with a variety of tasks for you. And my students will do it together with you.

name the same sound in words PUPPY, SCREW, VEGETABLES, BREAM.

name the same sound in words CLOCK, KETTLE, GLASSES, HOOP.

What do you think about what sounds are we going to talk today? Give them a description.

Which sound(sch?

Which sound(h?

Name it right letter, which stands for sound(sch, sound(h)

Name the spelling rule CHA, SHA; CHU, SHU

3. Fixing the material.

a) D\u "Look, make no mistake"

We will carry out this task with you with the cat Chernoburchik.

Determine the place in your pictures sounds(h, (sch).

And now I will show the diagrams, and you must determine which diagram fits your picture.

kettle pike

rook brush

turtle puppy

seagull sorrel

Well done! The cat Chernoburchik is very glad that you helped him. The following tasks Squirrel - Craftsman gives the puppy Tyavka and asks you to help him complete them.

b) D\u "Attentive ears, eyes"

You are given cards with written words. They are missing letters. Write letters without forgetting rule:

CHA, SHA write with letter A.

CHU, SHU write with letter U.

CLOUDS ... FOOD ... GROVE ... CH ... YKA



c) D\u « The sound ran away»

goods (sch) pipe (h) le (sch)

gra (h) ovo (sch) obru (h)

me (h) boron (sch) key (h)

glue (sch) vra (h) pla (sch)

d) D\u "Add a syllable - CHI or - SCHI"

goods (shchi) gra (chi)

glue (shchi) vra (chi)

ve (shchi) obru (chi)

ovo (shchi) pipe (chi)

le (shchi) key (chi)


A monster lives in a cave. They squat.

Keeps a treasure in its paws. Embrace themselves.

The monster has a long tail, They pull their hands back.

His paws are strong, They stand up with a jump.

Curves on paws, claws, bending toes

His teeth are sharp, and they step from foot to foot.

His eyes are black,

Make him shine. They sit down in their seats.

Don't be afraid baby!

The monster is a mouse!

Caves - mouse mink,

And the treasure is the bread crust!

e) D\u "Call it sweetly" (with a ball)

You will perform this task together with the know-it-all turtle.

puppy - - pike - cup -

box - bird - duck -

brush - spoon - dog -

cheek - squirrel - hat -

Name the baby animals with the turtle

f) D\u "Name the cub, cubs"

the dog has a puppy, the puppies have a hare -

in a squirrel - in a rabbit -

at the wolf - at the badger -

Well done! How do you do well in all tasks.

g) sound- syllabic analysis of words.

We will perform this task with the Hare - Toropyzhka.

Do sound- syllabic analysis of the words CHUCEL, SQUARE

Make diagrams.

g) Language analysis and sentence synthesis.

Draw up a proposal. Designate each letter with colored signal.


How many words? Name 1,2,3.4, 5. Name "small" word.

h) Work in notebooks.

We will carry out the last task together with the Tiger Cub - Striped.

Writing a dictation.

Typing words

cloud, candle, food, thicket, evening, pike, miracles, square

Designate each group with a color signal.

Squirrel - Crafty really liked the way you did it. She says goodbye to you and wishes you great success in school.

III. Outcome:

What kind sounds did we distinguish today?

What is it sounds?

What tasks did you enjoy?

Note the children's activity.

The game "In the corner of Bookvoed"

Letters are scattered on the tables, from which it is necessary to form words.

Find the letter you need, write it down in the prepared diagram from left to right. Then read the resulting word (rook, tiger).

The first letter is in the upper right corner. Write it down.

The second one is in the lower left corner. Write it down.

The third letter is in the upper left corner. Write it down.

The fourth letter is in the lower right corner. Write it down.

Read what words you got. Do a word analysis. What colored pencils do you need?

How many vowel sounds are there in a word? Name it. How many consonants are there? How much solid? Name it. How many soft ones? Name it.


Pronounce syllables with these sounds in different variations.

Pronounce words with ch and t sounds.

Grandchildren, wolf cubs, hares, badgers, rabbits, jackdaws, cloud, piglet, chiseled, clean, sharpened, flying, forelock, four, stool, leaf, ditties, trumpeter, pound, excellent, Tanechka, mast, dream, mail, wheelbarrow, cloud, little thing, twig, thread, window leaf.

Pronounce words with the sounds Ch and T.

Teacher, pulling, crackling, tractor, pulling, repairing, guarding, flowing, birdie, first aid kit, flowing, teaching, treating, being silent, pumping, lowing, printing, screaming, reading, sneezing, growling, sticking out, answering.

Say a couple of words.

Cup - heavy seagull - lazy

Champ - yelp grandchildren - ducklings

Krucha - rabbits are twisting - kittens

Mooing - bridge grumbling - twirl

Tank - dripped barrel - duck

Bangs - heifer hare - kitten

Overnight - voucher twine - darkness

Soaked - smoky baked - wicker

Chuk - bale chizhik - hums quieter - flies

Rubber - iron shoulders - whips sharpen - roll

Closet - tulip bunny - sheepskin umbrella - cobweb

Why - then blacken - endure

Swing - wanted blackness - tightness

Treatment - weaving a shank - a teremok

Black - dark black-headed - dark-headed

Evening - black-haired wind - dark-haired

Kalach - chew doctor - take

Kumach - catch cry - submit

Crush - weed pull - pull

Ball - mighty knead - bend

Beam - hide the dregs - five

Game - drink stove - sing

Sword - to have a stove - Petka

lie down - crate river - radish

cherish - turn white bake - sing

Make suggestions.

Hot iron. Warm oven. Dark clouds. Alien kitten. Dark closet. Cast iron boiler. Heavy bag. Woven twine. The birds are flying. The birds are waiting for the sun, the birds are singing songs. The owl hides during the day and hunts at night. Evening came, the wind died down. Clouds floated across the sky. Clouds - four things. The ball is hit, but it does not cry, it just jumps even higher.


Knocking, strumming, walking the whole century, not a person. (Watch.)

He walks, cuts the wave, grain flows from the pipe. (Combine.)


1. Differentiation of isolated sounds Tb - Ch.

Differentiating the isolated sounds Th - Ch, it is recommended to use pictures-symbols: Th - the hammer knocks, Ch - the locomotive is moving.

2. Repeat direct syllables with the sounds Th (T) - Ch.

cha - cha te - cho te - che tu - chu ti - chi

cha - cha cho - te che - te chu - tu chi - ti

3. Repeat the reverse syllables with the sounds Tb (T) - Ch.

at - ach ot - very ut - take into account - ych yat - cell
it - it's - it's - it's - it's - it's - it's - it's - it's

4. Repeat the syllables where the sounds Th (T) - H are between

atya - acha atyo - acho ate - ache ati - achi

ocha - ocha ochi - ocho ote - oche ochi - ochi

utya - ucha utyo - ucho ute - uchu uti - teach

ytya - ycha ytyo - ycho yte - yche yti - ychi

itya - icha ityo - icho itite - iche ityu - ichu

5. Repeat the syllables where the vowels are between consonants

mi Th (T) - Ch. Tich - tech - tech - tyuch - tyach

6. Repeat direct syllables with a confluence of consonants.

honor - honor - honor - honor - honor

7. Repeat reverse syllables with consonants.

acht - pt - ucht - ycht - icht - echt - echt - yucht - yacht

8. Repeat the words where the sounds Th (T) - H are at the beginning

the words.

the - than the bale - Chuk tick - chick

thai - secret tea - tea tuk - Chuk

tube - chubik of those - Czech talk - choke

closely - honestly dough - honestly

9. Repeat the words where the sounds Tb - Ch are in the middle of the word.

petka - stove notes - nights

10. Repeat the words where the sounds Th - Ch are at the end of the word.

knead - pull the ball - pull

scare - scarecrow mark - sword

11. Repeat the words where the sounds Tb (T) - H are in one

12. Repeat phrases.

pumpkin filling thin T-shirt dark cloud

Mitiny boots duck testicle dark night

Vovochka birdie aunt suitcase dark glasses

13. Repeat the sentences.

Three words. Katya has a ball. Ninochka sees a butterfly.

Four words. Pupil Pe.tya buys textbooks. The girls go to the post office. The kitten wants to catch a butterfly. Katya gives the dog a bone. There are dark clouds in the sky.

Five words. Mommy buys a blouse for her daughter Tanechka. Nikita and Anton are repairing a wheelbarrow. Petya and Tanya are baking donuts. Katya buys five packs of cookies. The cat Timofey is sleeping on the stove. Anya's dog barks at the booth.

Six words. On thin twigs, the spider has a cobweb. Aunt Katya buys glasses in optics.

Seven words. Vitya and Mitya are eating donuts in the shade. Mitya and Vovochka are drinking tea with cookies.

14. Repeat and solve riddles.*

Runs, runs - Knock, knock -

Won't run out. Don't be bored.

Flowing, flowing. They go, they go

Won't leak. (River) And everything is here and there. (Watch)

15. Repeat the verses*

Mitya has five kittens, my, my chimney sweep

And all the kittens want to eat. Clean, clean, clean, clean.

E. Spivak Will be, will be a chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!

K. Chukovsky

Clouds are rushing, clouds are winding; Invisible moon Illuminates the flying snow; The sky is cloudy, the night is cloudy. A. Pushkin

16. Listen to stories. Name words with sounds Тъ (Т)

Ch. Retell the stories.

Who is mooing?

A. Khmeleva

  1. Is it a whale? - Keith.
  2. Is the whale mooing? - Doesn't moo.
  3. And who is mooing? - The bull mooing.

I am reading

A. Khmeleva

I have a book. I am learning letters from this book. This is the letter a, this is y, this is and. And above this letter are two dots. This is the letter y. I am reading:ay, wah, Subject, aunt, duck, cloud.

17. Repeat tongue twisters.

The weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya's scarves. Water flows, and the stove bakes. Dimochka is fixing Ninochka's shoes.

Tanechka is by the stove, Vanechka is on the stove.

Vitya reads, Mitya dreams.

Weavers weave fabrics, But they won't weave much. A. Khmeleva

The weaver weaves Tanya New fabrics. Then he will tie fabrics of Tone and Manet. A. Khmeleva

Granddaughter Theme - in a T-shirt, Daughter Tanya - in a skirt.

The girls Anya, Manechka and Tanechka have butterflies in jars.

Petya has "five" in reading, he will teach Katya to read. A. Khmeleva

Dima has a kitten, Fimochka has a duckling; Kitten - at Dima, Duckling - at Fima.

Poems for the differentiation of sounds "Ch" and "Th"

The little boy sighs HARD:

A CUP fell off the table...

Hands hang like WHIPS...

Come on, buddy, straighten your SHOULDERS!

We teach Tuzik not to CHAMP

And don't yelp at the kids!

The cow has a calf,


To our lazy


On a bar ON HEAVED

I'll throw a scarf BEAUTIFUL!

I'm in the rooms

He carried apples soaked!

Explains GekU CHUK

How to use the IRON!

Said sits down on the CHURBAN,

Sayd takes off his TURBAN.

It's time to be HONEST:

In our closet CLOSELY!

At the trumpeter a long time ago

From the branches in the room is dark ...

It's dark, of course, but the trumpeter

Doesn't want to cut off branches!

What's hurting you, brother?

Yes, I'm sick in the car!

Mom will crush the dough -

Children will play BALL!

Mom will bake a cake -

Children will sing songs!

They began to call Kashtanka Aunt ...

The aunt knew the tricks CLEARLY!

To water dill and RADISH,

For water I go to the RIVER!


The whole EVENING whistles the WIND!

In girls and boys

No coats... WIND, hush!

Darkness wants to HAVE

Heroic Shield AND SWORD!

Black grouse with grouse

Grated cheese on a grater!

Readers, read!

Dreamers, dream!

Teachers, teach!

Silent people - shut up!

The slide is COOL, COOL, COOL ...

Temochka pedals TURN ...

COOLER slides did not meet!

It was easier to race in an open field!

Am I a cute bull?

Scratch my side!

Help me, spider

Weave a collar!

Yes, do not consider it heavy -

It's almost rubbish!

At the clean aunt

Cleanliness is on point!

Read the telegram in the mail!

Do not read - upset me!

You boss, don't be bored

No ink, no printing!

The seal floated downstream

Express your respect

Calf, calf,

Duck, duck!

Wipe, chicks,

Beak about towels!

Clean your shoes

For Temochka and Timochka!

How diligent are the siskins!

Damn, draw drawings!

Night sometimes in the closet

Dark as a suitcase!

Shine a candle

Turn on the lights!

Children, be quiet, don't shout!

Phones, shut up!

Don't tweet! Don't sneeze!

Duck and ducklings on the river

The teacher once met

The duck screamed:


[H] - [W]

shcha - cha sho - cho shu - chu schi - chi

cha - scha cho - sho chu - shu chi - schi

ash - ach osh - och usch - uch ish - ich

box - cell isch - ich else - ech ach - ash

och - osch uch - usch ych - ysh yach - yashch

ich - search ech - still yuch - yusch yusch - uch

[H] - [W]

Thicker - a bunch, thicker - a cloud, squeak - seal, crack - meet, illuminate - a candle, place - mark, drag - sharpen, treat - silent, pike - chock, brush - rosary, paved - soaked, polished - chiseled, condensed - smoked, shield - siskin, ticks - shoulders, racer - hound, box - ball, drag - sharpen, cracks - growls.

Make sure that the sounds [u] and [h] do not mix in pronunciation. Sounds [u] and [h] pronounce for a long time.

[H] - [W]

Bream - treat, squeak - bellow, peel - get, little thing - she-wolf, look for - teacher, gap - swing, gap - swing, sliver - cap, gorge - learning, goldfinch - case, bristles - four; thicket, cleaner, cheek, pike, box, little thing, puppy, hands, sliver, brush.

Make sure that the sounds [u] and [h] do not mix in pronunciation. Sounds [u] and [h] pronounce for a long time.

Explain to the child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[H] - [W]

Students, grinder, watchmaker, plank, wolf, screaming, bored; black puppy, brown coat, other people's things, juicy vegetables, mailbox, barbed brush, clean room, bird chirping, strong shield, dairy food, smoked pike, hot cheek, wonderful treat.

Make sure that the sounds [u] and [h] do not mix in pronunciation. Sounds [u] and [h] pronounce for a long time.

Explain to the child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[H] - [W]

More often rooks. Misha has a box. A plaque is nailed to the door. A wolf roams in the forest. The boy has a brush. The porter carries things. The candle barely illuminated the hut. The buffet has condensed milk and smoked sausage. The watchmaker, narrowing his eyes, repairs the watch for us. I brush the puppy with a brush and tickle its sides. Above the smoke, at the very cloud, the pike powders the cheeks of the pike. Swifts, tap dancers, goldfinches and siskins chirp in the grove.

Make sure that the sounds [u] and [h] do not mix in pronunciation. Sounds [u] and [h] pronounce for a long time.
[H] - [W]

The snow has melted in the sun, the rays shine in the puddles. I'll boil the samovar and treat you to sweet tea. Magpie met us and cracked loudly. Firewood crackles cheerfully in the stove. The young grove rang, bird voices sounded. The student taught lessons, his cheeks are ink. A bristle at a pig, scales at a pike. Thickets are more often in our forest. In our forest, thickets are thicker. You will not find pike and bream in the grove.

Make sure that the sounds [u] and [h] do not mix in pronunciation. Sounds [u] and [h] pronounce for a long time.

Explain to the child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[H] - [W]

Exercise number 7. Learn the riddle.

Ruchenka - hand,

What in the earth are you looking for?

I'm not looking for anything

I dig and drag the earth.


Make sure that the sounds [u] and [h] do not mix in pronunciation. Sounds [u] and [h] pronounce for a long time.

Explain to the child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
[H] - [W]

Exercise number 8. Learn a poem.


I brush my teeth with this brush

This brush - shoes,

I use this brush to clean my pants.

I need all three brushes.

Make sure that the sounds [u] and [h] do not mix in pronunciation. Sounds [u] and [h] pronounce for a long time.

Explain to the child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
[H] - [W]

Exercise number 9. Learn a poem.

The darkness is getting thicker, thicker

More and more rain

predators nocturnal

Somewhere they roam more often. (B. Zakhoder)

Make sure that the sounds [u] and [h] do not mix in pronunciation. Sounds [u] and [h] pronounce for a long time.

Explain to the child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[H] - [W]

Exercise number 10. Learn a poem.

Good doctor, experienced doctor,

Just hear the cry of a child,

In the early hours and at midnight

Hasten to help. (V. Titov)

Make sure that the sounds [u] and [h] do not mix in pronunciation. Sounds [u] and [h] pronounce for a long time.

Explain to the child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[H] - [W]

Exercise number 11. Learn a poem.

Buttercup, buttercup, what do you want?

Why, you're tickling me!

So you tickle the leaves

Whatever you don't want, you want! (V. Tokmakova)

Make sure that the sounds [u] and [h] do not mix in pronunciation. Sounds [u] and [h] pronounce for a long time.

Explain to the child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[H] - [W]

Exercise number 12. Learn a poem.

The moon got lost by the shaggy thicket.

The horn caught on a branch sticking out ...

I realized that I was caught ... And over the sleeping meadow

Until the morning he swayed, pale with fright. (T. Zolotukhina)

Make sure that the sounds [u] and [h] do not mix in pronunciation. Sounds [u] and [h] pronounce for a long time.

Explain to the child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

We wish you success!


Differentiation by ear and in the pronunciation of sounds H - W

Take pictures-symbols of the sounds CH and SC from Appendix 1. Listen carefully. like a train sneezes and a bursting balloon hisses. Pay attention to the duration of the sound: the sound Щ can be pulled, but the sound Ch cannot be pulled. Pointing at both pictures in turn, pronounce the corresponding sound long or short. Repeat 6-8 times.

Differentiation of sounds Ch - SH in syllables with the same vowels

Speak clearly, first 2 and then 3 syllables. Do the exercise until all the syllable rows are pronounced correctly.

Cha - cha, cho - sho, choo - shu, chi - schi, che - sche, scha - cha, sho - cho, shu - choo, sche - che, schi - chi, scha - cha - scha, sho - cho - sho, shu - choo - shu, schi - chi - schi, sche - che - sche, cha - scha - cha, cho - sho - cho, chu - schu - choo, chi - schi - chi, che - sche - che.

Differentiation of sounds Ch-Sch in syllables with different vowels

Speak clearly, first 2 and then 3 syllables. Do the exercise until all the syllabic rows are pronounced correctly.

Cha - scho, cho - shu, choo - scha, chi - sho, che - schi, scha - choo, sho - cha cha - shu, schi - cho - scha, sche - chi - sho, cha - shu - chi, cha - shu - chi, cho - sche - chu, chuu - scha - che, chi - sche - cha.

Differentiation of sounds H - W in

Take the pictures with the sounds Ch and W in the names from appendices 12 and 13, turn them over and mix them. Put in front of you the symbols of the sounds CH and Щ from Appendix 1. Take one picture and put it next to the symbol. Name the sound or Щ that is hidden in each word.

Differentiation of sounds CH - SH in phrases-patter

Looking at the pictures-symbols, name the sound CH or Щ hidden in each word. Speak a few words clearly. Check out their meaning.

Hot cheeks, hot cabbage soup, looking for a grinder, looking for a suitcase, barbed brush, smoked bream, flying butterfly, attending physician, dairy food, answering student, mailbox, strong shield, bird chirping, juicy vegetables, teaching comrades, black puppy, cleaning lye , other people's things, a clean room, I clean the kettle, a wonderful treat.

Differentiation of sounds CH - SH in one word.

Speak every word clearly. Check the meaning of unfamiliar words. If you pronounce one word easily, repeat them several times, 3-4 words together at a fast pace.

Little things, wolf, plank, screaming, dreaming, silent, answering, hands, bored, grinder, student, watchmaker, thicket, cleaner, monster, clean, slit, click, puppy, sliver, brush, cheeks, pike, drawer.


Differentiation of sounds Ch - SH in sentences made up of key words

Listen to pairs of words and make sentences with them. For example: a puppy saw a turtle and got scared, sat down, and then began to bark loudly.

Cloak - dry cleaning, cave - barrels, repair - box, meeting - area, count - check, river - rod, drag - bricks, turtle - puppy, pasties - comrades, closet - things, box - keys, switch - room.

Differentiation of sounds CH - SH in sentences.

Refinement of lexico-grammatical representations

Take pictures of a girl and a boy from Appendix 2. According to the model, select and pronounce new words so that the sound Shch appears. For example: A boy who reads a book, a boy who reads.

A girl who is bored, silent, studying, meeting a friend, smiling, spinning, laughing, crying. The boy who answers at the blackboard plays, swims, dances.

Differentiation of sounds Ch - Sch in rhymes

Slowly say each rhyme 3-5 times. Then repeat them quickly, keeping the pronunciation correct and clear. Learn the rhymes you like.

The puppy is dragging a plank into the thicket. Our Tanechka has dimples on her cheeks. There are bats in the cave of the giant mouse. The daughter was treated to cabbage soup and smoked bream. The ball jumped in the attic, they are looking for the ball on the sand, girls and boys are looking in vain for the ball. Two puppies in the attic were nibbling on a brush in the corner. The hares were dragging a large carrot, they bit off a little bit of the carrot, then they wanted to bite off more, there was nothing to drag. I run barefoot over the bumps in the meadow to the river, and the grass tickles, I want to laugh. The spider arrived at the bazaar, brushed his goods with a brush, shouted: “Wonderful stuffing, flies, come on, gossamer.” The clean, black puppy soiled his side with something, the boy took the brush in his hand, and began to clean the side of the puppy; the puppy endured for two hours, could not stand it any longer, began to wag its tail, begging for mercy: “Why should I clean my side, I’m not a raincoat, but a puppy.”

Differentiation of sounds H - W in tongue twisters

Speak tongue twisters clearly, first at a slow and then at a fast pace, while maintaining clarity and correct pronunciation. Watch the pronunciation of the sounds Ch and Sch.

Our Taechka has T-shirts in the drawer. The monster has monstrous tentacles. Thumbelina on a sliver, Thumbelina has a brush. With a brush, I scratch the puppy, tickle his sides. I clean my coat, I clean it, I clean it. The watchmaker, narrowing his eyes, repairs the watch for you. A puppy in the country drags everything into a box. The puppy, like a lamb, has fur in small rings. Bristles at the pig, scales at the pike. In our forest, thickets are thicker. Wash your work hands often. In the dark thicket, a wolf growling. The clouds are thicker, the drops are more frequent, the rain is thicker, the clouds are farther. There are squints splashing in the river, these are Shuchkin's guys.

Task 26. Select the initial sound from the words miracle, pike.

Train game.

Target. Be able to distinguish between the sounds h and u.

Guidelines. To the sound ch-ch-ch-ch children mimic the movement of a train sound uh-uh-uh-uh stop.

Sounds h and u in syllables

Task 27. Pronounce the syllables in reflection. Identify the sounds ch and u with your voice.







Task 28. Remember and reproduce the rows of syllables.




Task 29. Complete the words by adding the syllables cha or shcha. Say the words in full.

Sample. Ro ... (scha) - a grove.

Pi... , sve... , ro... , wind... , ku... , butt... , cha... .

Task 30. Complete the words by adding the syllables chu or shu. Say the words in full.

Sample. That ... (shu) - I drag.

That... , pi... , cree... , hoo... , wind... , nave... ta... , izve... , kru... , protect... , zachi... .

Task 31. Say the words in reflection.

Thicket, cleaner, pike, puppy, little thing, sliver "hands, grinder, watchmaker, wolf, box, brush, screaming.

Task 32. a) Say the words in pairs.

squeak - print treat - rock to sleep

thick - a bunch of pop - meet

illuminate - shine b) Remember and reproduce rows of words.

I shout - food - I will treat you silently - I drag - a meeting

box - match - grove food - candle - vegetables

Task 33. Select the pictures in two columns according to the presence of the sounds h and u.

An approximate list of pictures: a candle, a brush, a raincoat, a puppy, a stocking, a bee, a bream, a doctor, a watch, a seagull.

Sounds h and u in phrases and sentences

Task 34. Pronounce the word combinations.

Mailbox, juicy vegetable, smoked bream, dairy food, bird chirping, wonderful gorge, black cloak.

Task 35. Finish the sentences. Say them in full.

The letter is put in the post office.... For bad weather, my mother bought a black one.... We have to give someone else's.... We gathered juicy ones in the garden.... The patient needs dairy.... Smoked is very tasty.... In the forest bird sounds were heard .... Tourists entered the wonderful ....

Reference words: box, raincoat, thing, vegetables, food, bream, twitter, gorge.

The speech therapist gives the children 3-4 phrases each to make it easier for them to choose the appropriate word. If children find it difficult to complete the Task, the speech therapist offers subject pictures.

Task 36. Listen to suggestions. Say them reflectively.

The rooks are screaming. The chickens are chirping. The woodpeckers are knocking.

Hares and rabbits eat sorrel.

Who is knocking?

What do hares and rabbits eat?

Task 37. Change the words so that the sounds ch or u appear in them.

Sample. Pike - pike.

Cheek -... , thing -... , brush -... , puppy - ... , box -... , sliver -.., pike -... , pinch - ....

Task 38. Raise the white circle if you hear the sound h in the word, blue - if the sound u.

Meeting, treat, forgiveness, often, grow, protection, granddaughter, task, food, thick, streams, drag.

Task 39. a) Complete the sentences by answering the question: who does what?

Repairs watches.... Inserts glass.... Carries things.... Sharpens knives.... Cleans shoes....

b) Answer the question with a whole sentence. Sample. The glass is inserted by the glazier.

Who fixes the clock? Who puts in the glass? Who wears things? Who cleans shoes? Who sharpens knives?

Task 40

I brush my teeth, I rinse my mouth. I shout to a friend: "I'm dragging a pike!" Don't live in someone else's mind. Let's go for mushrooms in the grove. Let's put a scarecrow in the garden to save vegetables.

The snow has melted. Brooks gurgled. Rooks flew into the grove. They are looking for food.

The weather was wonderful. We came out of the thicket of the forest. Stunted grass grew under the trees.

Words for explanation: thicket, stunted.

We often went to the grove. The grove came to life. The birds are busy at their nests. Siskins sing. The jackdaws scream. The starlings squeak.

Task 41. Say the sentences in reverse.

Learn to defend your country. There is no greater happiness than to serve the people. Help a friend in trouble. Dedicate your life to the truth.

The sun illuminates the earth. Brooks murmur. Grove greened. We saw a rook. Meet spring.

Sounds h and u in connected texts

Task 42. Listen to the story. Answer the questions. Retell as you remember.

in the grove

The children came to the grove. Chizhi sang there. Olya picked up a sorrel. Serezha caught two rabbits.

Where did the children go? Who sang in the grove? What did Olya score in the grove? Who caught Seryozha?

Task 43. Listen to the wrong story. Retell correctly, in order. How can you name the story?

Serezha released the rabbits into the wild. He gave the rabbits carrots and sorrel. It was good for the hares at Serezha's. The rabbits have grown up.

Task 44. From two stories (tasks 42, 43) make one. Retell.

Exercise 45. Listen to the story.


A hairy goat walks, a bearded goat walks, waving his mugs, shaking his beards; goes, bleats, calls goats and goats. And the goats with the kids went into the garden. Grass is pinched, bark is gnawed, young clothespins are spoiled, milk is saved for children. And the little goats sucked milk and fought with their horns.

Wait, the bearded master will come, he will give everyone order.

(K. Ushinsky.)

What was the goat?

How did you guess that he was big and scary?

Retell as you remember.

Sounds h and u in poems and riddles

Task 46. Reflectively recite the verses. Learn by heart (at the choice of a speech therapist).

I'm brushing a puppy with a brush,

I tickle his sides.

(S. Marshak.)

You are a sprout

And I am a sprout.

One - leaf

And two sheets.

Let's grow up a little more

And what is easier! -

You are an oak

And I am an oak.

Let's stand side by side

Here is the grove.

(I. Tokmakova.)

Farewell, winter-winter,

You were cold.

Farewell, sleigh, skates,

Our winter friends!


Look for sorrel in any hollow,

In the forest thicket - do not look,

Be patient, sorrel in the basket

Bring it home, go to the cabbage soup.

(L. Efimenkova.)

I brush my teeth with this brush

With this brush - boots,

I use this brush to clean my trousers.

I need all three brushes.

The student taught lessons -

He has ink on his cheeks.

(S. Marshak.)

Make a rod

And catch...

(monster). (L. Efimenkova.)

He hit the copper basin

And he cried out: "Karabaras!"

And now brushes, brushes

They crackled like rattles

And let me rub


"My, my chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!

Will be, will be a chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!"

We rode on sleds

They said goodbye, then they met.

We said goodbye to winter

We met in the spring.

The stars are shining in the blue sky

Waves crash in the blue sea.

A cloud is moving across the sky

The barrel floats on the sea.

(A. Pushkin.)

If there are bream in the river,

Do not look for small fish.

There are also pikes in this river.

If you are a master of all trades,

(K. Chukovsky.)

Task 47. Say the proverbs. Learn them by heart. Don't teach a pike to swim. Don't live in someone else's mind.

Understand the meaning of the proverbs.

Learn tongue twisters in three tempos: slow, medium and fast. Watch for the correct pronunciation of the sounds ch and u.

I'm dragging the pike, I'm dragging, the watchmaker, screwing up his eyes,

I won't miss the pike. Repairs watches for us.

(S. Marshak.)

I drag a block, I hide it in a closet.

Texts to consolidate all worked out sounds

Exercise 1. Listen to stories.


I was walking down the street and saw oatmeal. The size of a bird With a sparrow. The back is gray-brown with black stripes. The belly is yellow, the breast is gray-yellow, the cheeks are yellow, and there is also a yellow cap on the head. It's not brightly colored, but it looks pretty.

She was sitting on a dried branch, carefully looking around ...

(According to V. Prikhodko.)

Draw a bunting bird. Tell me what was the oatmeal.


In spring, all nature comes to life. Snow melts in spring. The sun is shining. It is getting warmer. Ice breaks on the river. Children hang birdhouses on trees. Buds appear on trees. A snowdrop bloomed on the edge of the forest. After hibernation, insects and frogs wake up. The first birds arrive from the south and begin to build nests. People are getting ready to sow grain.

Words to explain: hibernation, sowing. Draw a picture for the story. Retell.


I went out to the forest edge and stopped in surprise. Brightly painted birds fluttered over the yellowed grass. Their chest is pink. Wings with black and white stripes. And on the head it flaunts, an orange crest burns in the sun. Well, just a fabulous firebird. These were hoopoes.

Why is the hoopoe compared to the firebird? Draw a hoopoe bird. Tell me, what hoopoe?

Before the first rain

Tanya and Masha were very friendly and always went to kindergarten together. That Masha came for Tanya, then Tanya for Masha.

One time, when the girls were walking down the street, it started to rain heavily. Masha was in a raincoat, and Tanya was in one dress. The girls ran.

Take off your cloak, we'll cover ourselves together! -
shouted Tanya.

I can't, I'll get wet! - answered Masha. kindergarten the teacher said:

How strange - Masha's dress is dry, and yours, Tanya, is completely wet. How did it happen?

You were walking together, weren't you?

Masha had a cloak, but I didn't have a cloak.

So you could cover yourself with one cloak, - said the teacher and, looking at Masha, shook her head. - Apparently, your friendship until the first rain!

Both girls blushed deeply: Masha for herself, and Tanya for Masha.

Did Masha do the right thing? What should have been done?

How to understand the saying: Friendship until the first rain?

Retell the story as you remember. ,

Hares and frogs

Once the hares came together and began to cry for their lives: “We die from people, and from dogs, and from eagles, and from other animals. It is better for us to die at once than to live in fear and suffer. Let's drown!"

And the hares jumped into the lake to drown themselves. The frogs heard the hares and splashed into the water. One hare and says: “Stop, guys! Let's wait for the heat. The life of a frog, apparently, is even worse than ours: they are afraid of us too.

Words for explanation: converged, crying, others, floundered.

Task 2. Listen to a fairy tale. Come up with an ending. Retell as you remember.

Extraordinary spring

It was the most extraordinary spring of all that the Hedgehog remembered. The trees blossomed, the grass turned green, and thousands of birds sang in the forest. Everything bloomed. Blue snowdrops bloomed first. And when they bloomed, it seemed to the Hedgehog as if there was a sea around his house and that as soon as he got off the porch, he would immediately drown. And so he sat on the porch for a whole week, drinking tea and singing songs.

Then the dandelions bloomed. They swayed on their thin legs and were so yellow that, waking up one morning and running out onto the porch, the Hedgehog thought that he found himself in yellow-yellow Africa. “It can’t be!” thought the Hedgehog then ...

Task 3. Listen to the fairy tale "Kolobok".

There lived an old man and an old woman. So the old man says to the old woman:

Come on, old woman, scrape the box, mark the bottom of the barrel, if you can scrape up flour for a bun.

The old woman scratched the box, broomed the bin, and scraped off two handfuls of flour. She kneaded flour on sour cream, cooked a bun, fried it in oil and put it on the window to cool.

Gingerbread man lay down, lay down, took it and rolled - from the window to the bench, from the bench to the floor, along the floor to the door, jumped over the threshold - and into the passage, from the passage to the porch, from the porch to the yard, from the yard through the gate, further and farther.

Rolling, rolling bun, and towards him a hare:

Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll Eat You!

Don't eat me, hare, I'll sing you a song:

I, gingerbread man, gingerbread man, I left my grandfather,

I am scraped by the box, I left my grandmother,

By the bottom of the barrel is met, From you, a hare, even more so

Mixed with sour cream, I'll leave.

It's cold on the window.

Continue the story with pictures. Learn the song of the kolobok.

Task 4. Listen to the story.

resourceful storks

I was sitting on the shore of a golden lake. Not a lake, but a real paddling pool. The frogs hid in the grass, and dive to the bottom, and sat down on the bumps. Silence is admired.

Two storks landed not far from me. It's like a dining room for them.

If you want, on the first - a greenish common frog, on the second - a dark brown shore frog, and on the third - a green toad. But can you catch them in the grass!

Storks walk slowly, red legs rearrange. And the frogs right in front of your nose - flopping into the water! And remember your name!

"What can you think of?" Here it was as if someone gave the birds advice. One stork wandered into the lake and is walking along the shore. And the second one is importantly striding along the grass. Seeing the danger, the frog into the lake - jump! And the stork is right there, swallow it - and wait for the next one. That's how they hunted! It turns out that catching frogs is not an easy task!

Tell me how the storks hunted frogs.

Task 5. Listen to the story. Is everything right in the story?

in winter

It's cold in winter. For wintering birds - bullfinches, woodpeckers, tits, sparrows - children make bird canteens. The days are getting shorter. Frosts are coming. Snowing. In winter, children make snowmen out of snow. The water in the river froze, becomes ice. In winter, trees stand without leaves. Only Christmas trees and pines remain green. The children go sledding and ice skating.

In winter, people celebrate a fun holiday New Year!

Retell the story according to the plan:.

The state of nature in winter.

How do children help wintering birds?

Winter games for children.

New Year holiday.

Task 6. Listen to a fairy tale. Retell. Black cat - white cat

There was a grandmother who had two cats. One cat is white and the other cat is black. The black cat caught white mice and the white cat caught black mice. Black mice ate white bread and white mice ate black bread. Black bread was baked in a white oven, white bread was baked in a black oven. A black stove stood in a white hut, a white stove stood in a black hut. The black hut stood by the white river, and the white hut stood by the black river. The black river flowed from the white forest, the white river flowed from the black forest. The black forest grew during the day under the sun, and the white forest grew at night under the moon.

The grandmother will release the white cat from the hut - the day is coming, and the black one will be released - the night is coming.

(B. Sergunenko.)

Poems to consolidate all worked out sounds

Who is afraid of whom

Elephant is afraid of a mouse

The mouse is afraid of the kitten

The lamb is afraid of wolves

And the wolves are red flags.

The roach is afraid of pike,

And the pike is afraid of the hook.

On a hot day

Drinks from a cup bug Bell juice. Funny insects drink odorous juice from chamomile. And the elegant strawberry moth loves juice. There is enough juice for everyone in the forest! The bumblebee treats the wasp: - Here are two cups of Dandelion Juice.

(A. Maslennikova.)

Spring gave birch earrings,

By the bunny - morning solar dews,

Brook - bell,

Scillas - lawns,

On a new fur coat - foxes and bunnies,

Nimble sparrows - swimming in puddles.

And me and Svetlanka - a handful of freckles.

(N. Altukhov.)


Give the cat milk

Bear - sweet honey,

Give herbs to the kid

Give the lamb a drink.

And I'll give you a book

If you read it yourself.

(Translated by Ya. Akim.)

Cranberries in the swamp

By the pine tree in the sun

Magpies chirp all day: -

In the swamp, in the swamp...

You will find many balls -

Real, real...

Red, small, shiny.

Old woodpecker in secret

He told us the news. -

Well, what, magpies, are you lying?

It's a cranberry in a swamp!

(Ramute Miss you.)


Come, come, sunshine

Under my window.

Shine brighter

Keep everyone warm.

Under the sun most soared

And in the clear sky

The invisible lark sings

Congratulatory hymn to spring.

(E. Baratynsky.)


Zainka, come out,

Grey, come out.

Like this, come out like this

Like this, come on out.

Bunny, turn around

Gray, turn around.

Like this, like this, turn around

Like this, turn around like that!

Zainka, stamp your foot,

Grey, stamp your foot.

Like this, stomp your foot like that,

Like this, stomp your foot like that!

Zainka, dance,

Gray, dance.

Like this, dance like that,

Like this, dance like that!

(G. Genov.)

in the meadow

The sun shines in the blue

There are flowers under it.

And why is it so in the grass

Are the grasshoppers worried?

There is a loud cry:



Long jump today

They have competition.

(I. Belyakov.)


gray bird,

little bird,

You always turn your neck.

Is there a need for this?

I answer


I'm a fluffy bird.

Maybe I don't want

But - Verchu.

(I. Belyakov.)


Snow flutters, spins,

The streets are white.

And the puddles turned

In transparent glass.

In the garden where the finches sang

Today - look -

Like pink apples

On the branches of snowmen.

two suns

The spring rain has passed

I run out onto the porch.

Sun in the sky

Sun in a puddle

Both shine for me


We sit and look out the windows.

Clouds are flying across the sky.

In the yard the dogs get wet,

They don't even want to bark.

Where is the sun? What happened?

Water flows all day long.

It's so damp outside

That you won't go anywhere.

(S. Mikhalkov.)


The hostess once came from the market,

The hostess brought home from the market

Here vegetables dispute brought on the table -

Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth:

Potatoes? Carrot? Cabbage? Peas? Parsley and beets? Oh!

The hostess, meanwhile, took a knife

And with this knife she began to crumble

Potatoes, carrots, cabbage, peas, parsley and beets. Oh!

Covered in a stuffy pot

Boiled, boiled in boiling water

Potatoes, carrots, cabbage, peas, parsley and beets.

And the soup was not bad!

(Yu. Tuvim.)


On the edge of the sun

Violet bloomed -

purple ears

Raised it a little.

She buries herself in the grass

Doesn't like to jump ahead.

But everyone bow to her

And take it carefully.

(E. Serova.)


Our Vanyusha is well done,

He drove the sheep into the yard,

Gave the chickens porridge,

Curdled pigs.

Washed hands and face

Went out with a book on the porch

Clean and tidy.

Look nice!


Rides, rides the sun

In a golden carriage.

He sees, he sees the sun

Above everything in the world:

And a puppy, and a rooster,

And a goat with horns

And like Petya in the yard

Waves his fists.

green carriage

The mice are sleeping, the hedgehogs are sleeping,

Bear cubs and guys.

Everyone fell asleep before dawn.

Only a green carriage

Rushing, rushing in the sky -

In silver silence

Six hot horses

In scarlet and green hats

Above the ground they rush galloping.

On the heels - a black rook.

Don't chase the carriage.

After all, spring is in this carriage.

Sleep, sleep, bear cubs,

And hedgehogs, and guys.

At the quietest hour.

The ringing of horseshoes will wake you up.

Words for explanation: carriage, commas, horseshoes.

Happy first of April

Bulb in a box

Thin, graceful

Released feathers,

I looked at the sun

Laughed and shouted:

Spring has arrived outside.

Open windows, doors,

I don't believe in frost!

Happy first of April!

Happy first of April!

(T. Volzhina.)

Word to explain: graceful.

cat's birthday

A cat is waiting for guests today

And a little worried:

"Why don't they go so long?"

Well, the guests are right here.

Friend after friend along the path

Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate the cat.

Squirrel in a cart

Carrying nuts.

In a bunny's basket

Carrots for the hostess.

Little bear rolls a glance.

Honey keg.

Drags a cockerel

Millet bag.

And the cat Timothy

Brought two mice.

The cat is happy with all the gifts,

Doesn't take his eyes off one.

Guess quickly:

Whose gift is her favorite?

(S. E. Efimovsky.)

Song of the sun

Rise up, sun, don't hide, sun,

Shine a little, In the clouds and clouds,

Shine a little, do not hide in the clouds -

In our kindergarten, we are not taken for a walk,

Dry the tracks. The rain bored us.

Sunshine us

bright beams,

Ignited with rays

Make strong.

You are all our guys

Make strong.

(G. Ladonshchikov.)

Preface ………………………………………………………………..3

Sound C………………………………………………………………………….5

Sound C……………………………………………………………………...27

Differentiation of sounds С - С………………………………………..35

Sound 3…………………………………………………………………………41

Sound 3"…………………………………………………………………………49

Differentiation of sounds C - 3………………………………………...51

Sound C………………………………………………………………………...59

Differentiation of sounds C - C…………………………………………68

Sounds of Sh and Zh………………………………………………………………..80

Differentiation of sounds Zh - Sh……………………………………..103

Differentiation of sounds С - Ш………………………………………...112

Differentiation of sounds 3 - F…………………………………………128

Sound H ……………………………………………………………………..139

Differentiation of sounds H - T "………………………………………... 155

Differentiation of sounds H - W………………………………………...160

Differentiation of sounds Ts - Ch………………………………………..170

Sound SC……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………177

Differentiation of sounds Ch-Sch………………………………………...183

Texts for fixing all worked out sounds………………….188