Caucasians in the army stories and stories. Dougs in the army. And why is everything like that? Zhirinovsky - ethnic conflicts are resolved easily - how? Look

The almost total skinning of Russians, which began after the death of Stalin in 1953 and accelerated sharply after Khrushchev's "exposure of the cult of personality" in 1956, led to their demoralization-depassionarization and eventually culminated in the self-treasonous Russian Catastrophe-1991. All these processes took place before my eyes, I was especially impressed by the mass mating of Russian girls with dark-skinned southerners at the World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow in 1957, and my text “Charter of Morality” (1965) should be considered as a reaction to the spreading epidemic of selfishness, because for which they began to consider me a "fascist" and expelled me from the ranks of the CPSU and from politics. And I just see further than others, and sound the alarm. At one time, the ancient Jews, brought out of Egyptian captivity by Moses, also after the departure of their harsh Leader, indulged in the selfish temptation of the Golden Calf of consumerism and would also have perished, like Russians now, if Moses had not returned and had not carried out a Great Purge in the Jewish camp and had not returned the people on the true path of being chosen by God (Exodus 32). It is bitter to admit, but rare Russian youths today are able to stand up for themselves. But the Caucasians and partly the Mongols (Kalmyks, Buryats) have retained their readiness for self-sacrifice, without which, in general, the people are not viable, and cannot but dominate the skinned and therefore scattered Russian soldiers in Russian army. Therefore, many Caucasian youths perceive the draft as a gift - they go to the army with the confidence that they will not be lost, but will experience the joys of dominance (not to mention good allowances and exacting tribute from Russian colleagues). Not officers and not priests will save Russian youth from the miserable fate of today, but only (as it has always been and everywhere in history) a few close-knit "long-willed" organizers aimed at restoring order in the country and at global expansion (analogous to the "New Moses"). - Original taken from pohabij_oplueff in the army - for a bribe

Bribes in the military registration and enlistment offices - common place. But there is a nuance: if all over Russia the families of conscripts collect money for offerings to the military commissar in order to “smear” their child from military service, then in the Caucasus it is the other way around. Relatives take the bribe to the draft board in order to send the conscript to the troops. And they don’t take them to serve! It's not the first year. No, at home, in the Caucasus, some of the young people still do military service. And they remain for extra urgent service - remember, during the Five-Day War with Georgia there were such battalions "East" and "West"? Worthy warriors served in them. But Caucasians are not called to serve in units quartered throughout Russia. Why? Reading the news: Recruits from the regions of the North Caucasus will not be drafted into the Russian army in 2012 due to the fight against hazing and community, a senior Russian Defense Ministry spokesman told reporters on Monday (hence). Yes, I served in the army in the late eighties, and I can confirm that several Chechens or Dagestanis in the unit are headache officers and physical pain - from regular beatings - of a significant part of the soldiers. "Countrymen" behave more often loosely than loyally. If the highlander respects his officer, there will be order. But if not, they can break him in such a way that the stars from the shoulder straps will fly out. I know what I'm talking about, I have seen this more than once in a construction battalion near Moscow. It is very difficult to serve with the Chechens and Dagestanis. But after all, even those Caucasians who are not taken into the army to pay their debt to the Motherland - they our. Citizens of Russia. And the defense of the Fatherland is not the privilege of a citizen. This is his sacred duty. In fact, there are a lot of options. If you want to be guaranteed to avoid hazing, you can create special units highlanders with mountaineer officers at the head - and send them even to Siberia, even for Far East. The guys will go, they will not refuse. You can ... yes, you can think of a lot more using Russian historical experience. But the Ministry of Defense either cannot do this, or does not want to. They say that the call of recruits from the Caucasus will be resumed next year. Something like that has been said for more than a year now. They promise. But they won't restart anyway. At the same time, they forget that the habit of giving military duty to their homeland - Russia among the mountain peoples can atrophy as unnecessary. I don't want to croak about possible consequences such atrophy.

In chapter

Against the backdrop of more frequent incidents throughout the country with a pronounced ethnic coloring, in early July, a statement was made by the military commissariat of the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region about the growth of Wahhabi sentiment among conscripts from the North Caucasus. While acknowledging the existence of numerous problems with conscripts from the region, the military reported that the troops received tacit instructions to limit conscription from certain national republics. "Our Version" understood how acute the national question is in the army.

One of the few decisions for which the army is grateful to the previous Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov is the rejection of conscripts from the North Caucasus. The military department is trying to avoid commenting on the fact of a ban on their service, since the Constitution does not allow officially stopping conscription in any subject of the Federation. However, the de facto conscription campaign in the Caucasus is somewhat recent years it is only imitated: registration of conscripts in military registration and enlistment offices is carried out, commissions operate, but only a few manage to get into the troops. So, in the fall of last year, for example, only 179 people were called up from the most populous southern republic - Dagestan.

Highlanders openly refused to obey the officers

Meanwhile, in recent years, the problem with the shortage of conscripts has sharply worsened. Today, even in permanent readiness units, the shortfall of soldiers is up to one third. The new leadership of the Ministry of Defense is feverishly looking for ways to remedy the situation. One of the options is the resumption of mass conscription from the republics of the North Caucasus. There really is a huge conscription resource concentrated there. Until 2010, 15-20 thousand people were annually drafted into the army from Dagestan alone. However, the need for the presence of these conscripts in the troops then strongly doubted. Such a strong concentration of Caucasians in the troops led to an incredible aggravation of the criminogenic situation, the army was agitated by a number of hazing incidents. The highlanders openly refused to obey the officers and actually kept entire garrisons at bay.

As Alexander Perendzhiev, an expert of the Association of Military Political Scientists, told Our Version, it is fundamentally wrong to restrict the right to serve in the army of Caucasians, especially in a situation where there is a huge shortage of conscript resources in the country, and they want to attract even women and foreigners to the service. According to the expert, it is unacceptable to create a precedent when people are not called up on a national basis.

Apparently, the new Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu partly agrees with this. At the end of last year, the leadership of Dagestan reported that they managed to agree with the Ministry of Defense that the number of recruits from the republic would be sharply increased. According to some reports, it was planned to call up about 5 thousand people this spring. The trend towards an increase in the number of Dagestan conscripts in the Russian army is indeed visible, but on a much smaller scale. This year, the republic received a distribution order for 800 people.

In other North Caucasian republics, the situation is even worse: about 400 people are called up from Ingushetia, and the last large-scale conscription in Chechnya was carried out more than 20 years ago. Most likely, the military has not yet fully decided on this issue. For comparison: from neighboring Russian regions, the number of conscripts is an order of magnitude greater - from Krasnodar Territory This year, more than 5 thousand people are preparing to be sent to the army, more than 2 thousand from Stavropol.

Jigits rush to the troops

It should be noted that the leadership of the Caucasian republics cares about the opportunity to serve for their conscripts, however, not only and not so much out of patriotic motives. For example, after the actual cessation of conscription in the republic, the Dagestan youth began to have problems with employment in law enforcement agencies (where almost every young dzhigit strives so hard to get) and where they are not taken without military experience.

On this topic

As a result, today there is a unique desire of young people from the Caucasus to get into the army. Over the past few years, there has been a tendency when a bribe of 20-150 thousand rubles is given in Dagestan for conscription. Some conscripts move to other regions and register there in order to be called up at the place of new registration.

In order to break through the additional quota for recruits, local military commissars promise that they will send only the best to the army, most of whom will be with higher education, and also intend to introduce a guarantee system into the work of military commissions, under which the leaders of the diasporas will be personally responsible for each soldier.

Meanwhile, the leadership of the North Caucasian republics self-critically admits that their young people are not suitable for military service: a large part of the hot Caucasian guys are poorly managed. Moreover, the situation is aggravated by modern realities in society: if earlier the elders taught the younger generation in the family that in the army it is necessary to unquestioningly obey the commanders, now the main emphasis in the instructions is the need, first of all, to observe religious canons.

You can't argue with the facts - there are far from isolated cases of open disobedience to the orders of commanders, opposition of national customs to military regulations. True Muslims refuse to participate in household chores, blaming hard work on their colleagues. Sometimes it comes to the point of absurdity: Caucasians refuse to shave their beards, to be examined in a psychoneurological dispensary and examined by a surgeon. All these whims lead to the undermining of discipline, to the aggravation of contradictions and become the cause of conflicts. In addition to this, some have a craving for the dangerous ideas of radical Islamism (Wahhabism).

What affects the hot heads of southerners?

As the commander of one of the military units of the Southern Military District told Our Version, commanders of all levels prefer not to take people from the North Caucasus into their units and, under any pretext, try to get rid of their presence in the units. The officer notes that today, when the term of service on conscription has been reduced to a year, commanders literally do not have time to deal with the worldview of each soldier.

It must be said that in Soviet army the situation with Caucasians was not completely cloudless. The main way to fight the community was the uniform distribution of the highlanders in all parts of a large army, their "critical concentration" was not allowed. But the main tool for influencing the hotheads of the south were public associations, such as the Komsomol, and tight control over the mood among the military.

Unfortunately, the optimal levers for ideological and propaganda work in the Russian Armed Forces have not yet been invented. The situation became even more complicated with the collapse of the institution of political workers and was aggravated by the abolition of the guardhouse.


Alexander Perendjiev, Expert of the Association of Military Political Scientists:

- The critical situation that has arisen with representatives of the Caucasus shows the weakness of the military command and control system, especially its educational component. In fact, there are no mechanisms in the Armed Forces that can affect this category of servicemen. It is a shame to admit it, but today the state ideology, the system of military-patriotic education cannot counteract the very ideas of Wahhabism, which are actively spreading among Muslim youth. There is a feeling that in the army they give in to this problem, and do not try to solve it. Perhaps the leadership of the Ministry of Defense does not even know how to do this. I myself commanded a construction company in which 60 people from the North Caucasus served. Of course, managing such personnel was difficult, but possible. In my opinion, recruits from these republics have not changed, they have not become better or worse, but the methods of working with them have been forgotten. For example, Muslims used to be drafted mainly to construction or railway units, where they served without weapons. Officers were purposefully trained to work with problematic national minorities. And today, to work with Caucasians, it is also necessary to select the most trained, strong-willed, knowledgeable national characteristics and better trained officers and sergeants. At the same time, it does not hurt to closely cooperate with Muslim religious organizations - for example, contact was previously established with the Council of Muftis of Russia.

Caucasians in the army

One of contemporary problems our society is Caucasians in the army. Conscripts from the southern regions of our Motherland are absolutely not amenable to discipline and education. They are kept apart, hostile, radical towards representatives of other nationalities.

It's no secret that modern Russian society divided into several camps along ethnic lines. Some Russians believe that the coexistence of peoples with different cultures and religions is quite acceptable, subject to generally accepted norms of behavior in society. Many are wary of neighbors who speak a different language and profess a different faith. And the views of many thousands of neo-Nazis of various persuasions, who do not accept living in the country of people with a different culture, with a different religious view, are absolutely radical.

Parting with relatives, changing the usual routine and stressful situations, without exception, all conscripts go through this. But on what basis do ethnic conflicts arise in the army?

The history of the emergence of ethnic conflicts in the army

The wave of national hostility experienced a particular aggravation in the late 80s. The Ministry of Defense of the country deliberately concealed the statistics of conflicts (cases of hazing) with a national coloring that took place in the army. According to informed sources, the special rigidity among Caucasians in the army the end of the USSR period, the Dagestan, Ingush, Chechen and Armenian diasporas were distinguished. In units where dozens, hundreds of conscripts of the same age from the southern regions united, an unspoken “supreme power” was established - the southerners unitedly suppressed, forced out, beaten and staged bloody showdowns with any representative of a different ethnic group, regardless of religion. It was then that the expression appeared that " jerks in the army It's uncontrollable evil."

It is known that even Azerbaijani conscripts were often tormented and beaten by their brothers in Islam - Dagestanis and Chechens. Thus, the issue of Islamization of informal "deniers" from the southern latitudes fell away - they were compatriots in the army, communities, conditioned by a certain code of the highlander.

But due to the relatively rigid order in the armed forces of the USSR, the general local communities were of a focal, spontaneous nature. There were protracted conflicts on ships where they served in the military for a period of 3 years (the service life in the USSR Navy was reduced to 2 years only in 1990). Also in remote garrisons and areas with a predominance of the local population, representing the "titular" nation of conscripts in part - in Dagestan, the Chechen-Ingush Republic, in Armenia.

Since the beginning of 1992, when the formation of a separate, exclusively Russian army began, such communities began to be detected less and less, since the Ministry of Defense developed a special plan for conscription and military service for representatives southern republics- they were allowed to pass military service directly in the region of residence. An exception was made only for Dagestan, from where up to 3 thousand conscripts were and are being called up to the Northern Fleet annually.

Measures to counter such manifestations

I would like to add that now such behavior is unacceptable in modern armed forces RF. Thorough checks are carried out, daily bodily examinations of military personnel, severe judicial penalties, up to and including convictions for hazing. There is an unspoken directive to limit the number of conscripts for military service from some southern regions in general.

In Dagestan, KChR, Ingushetia, educational work among young people of military age. They explain that ethnic conflicts, hostility towards colleagues disgrace these nationalities.

If you want to be truly respected by both colleagues and commanders - behave like a human being, demonstrate your mind, honor and decency, then and "chock" in the army you will not be called. A real, worthy man does not fit behavior close to bestial, flock.

This is the right approach, given that without a military ID, good work cannot be found in these republics.

Lawlessness of Caucasians in the army video. program on NTV.

Zhirinovsky - ethnic conflicts are resolved easily - how? Look.

Now in the top of LiveJournal there is a record with the same name - "Dagi in the Army". A racially correct entry, which quite naturally took off to the first places, because people love something hot about the Caucasus. The post contains photos of natives of the North Caucasian republics and their comments in one of the groups in Odnoklassniki.
90% of the photos are like this

With comments like this:
when the court arrived I was alone and 70 Russians they looked at me like an idiot after I fucked * with a jar alone after that we live according to my concept, here we arrived 2nd dugs live like in paradise.

There are also pictures

So let's talk about why everything is so interesting.

1. Not so long ago I did a separate article about discipline in the army ten years ago and today (). Read it carefully again.
What is the most common behavior of dugs ™ in the military? That's right: scoring orders, doing nothing. And on occasion, you can strain your colleague.
Why are dagams allowed to do this? Because for a long time in the army, officers have been cultivating the principle "not to wash dirty linen in public." After all, the senior commander will not pat on the head for "you can't cope with some soldier." In order to impose discipline, it is necessary to plant in a guardhouse, to send impudent soldiers to a disciplinary battalion. And this is "well, well, well!", this is a deterioration of reporting, this is the inconvenience of the unit commander in front of the high authorities in the district. This is a threat to his career: he will not be promoted. This is a threat to his pocket: they will not give him a bonus. And we happened to have a division of the officer corps into two sides: on the one hand, commanders from a platoon to a company / battalion, and on the other, from a battalion and above. The former want them to have discipline in their departments, because its absence interferes with work, while the latter want their career to go smoothly without a hitch. No, the latter also have an understanding that discipline is needed, and therefore they are sent to the lip, and to the disbat, but ... carefully and little by little, so that the entrusted military unit does not look like a crowd of offenders. Here are the dags themselves about landings in the same group on Odnoklassniki write:

And they calmly note in such a way that "there is no limit as long as we don't care"

As a result, over the decades of cultivation among the officers of the cult "do not wash dirty linen in public" there have been amazing changes in the behavior of people with stars on shoulder straps. While he is in command of a platoon and a company, and even a battalion, with all his heart for the arrests, landings and hard restoring order! But years pass, the position grows, and already, being in high ranks, the officer completely forgets about his wishes and diligently pretends that the problems of the elder subordinate to him are problems only of the elder. And they refuse to help him, not allowing him to restore proper order, because his shirt is closer to the body of a quarry more expensive. As they say, the mice cried, pricked, but chewed the cactus.
Such an ostrich principle has led to the fact that the problem has become visible to the whole society. She even became familiar.
And it was so clear that the officers themselves could not solve the problem, that they decided to help them and, with an unspoken political instruction, they redrawn the conscription from the republics of the North Caucasus. Since the spring of 2011, recruits from the same Dagestan no longer end up in the troops of the Ministry of Defense, but go only to the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But that's bad luck, Dagi™ live not only in Dagestan, but also in the same Stavropol Territory. Let much less, but still get into the army. And now they have come up with a new way to serve: they register somewhere in the central Black Earth region just to be called up for service.
So, comrade officers, maybe stop chewing the usual cactus, and finally spit it out and start to impose discipline by landing in the guardhouse and in the disbat? Without regard to reporting, career and inconvenience to high authorities? Well, isn't it obvious that at first there will, of course, be a lot of landings, but then they will quickly decline, because the violators of discipline will know about the inevitability of punishment, which is not now, and be afraid? The dugs themselves write that there is nothing worse than a disbat

2. Let's look at the photo with the bed a la demobilization train. Or with foam inscriptions on the backs. Answer me, dear readers, why didn't the "train locomotives", they are four soldiers, refuse to carry the "passenger compartment"? Okay, if this is an old photo, when little was known about the prosecutor's office, but now what's the problem?
Let me remind you of my recent article about hazing and hazing () for a start. Read it again carefully. For the past few years, a conscript soldier has every opportunity to apply to the military prosecutor's office with a statement against the offender. And some people use it, see the screenshot with the story above

Why doesn't everyone do this? Why don't they go to the prosecutor's office? Like to endure humiliation? A kind of masochism? So no, I don't like it. But there is a great principle: "knock zapadlo". "Not boyish." Accordingly, we conclude that wearing a crib with a doug™ is like a boy?!
"Yes, you are a hero, a soldier! You can drag, don't drag!"...
Maybe, well, it’s such “heroism” in the bathhouse, we’ll start living according to the law? And the native state will start in schools at the lessons of life safety to bring to schoolchildren the methods of legal protection in the army? Yes, and parents can raise children not with mattresses, blow off dust particles, but moral qualities bring up. Men's.
And I have a question for our valiant human rights organizations. Could you explain why you are so concerned about the rights of citizens why you distribute tons of literature, how not to join the army, but do not explain to those who still go how to build relationships in the team, what the prosecutor's office is, how to competently apply to it in case of problems? But we cherish the tyufyachkovnost: "If you have problems, you have escaped from the unit, then come to us, kind and good human rights activists, mothers! Go, little one, under the skirt! We will scold them!" Yes, baby, don't go to the prosecutor's office, but to your aunts. And it doesn’t matter that the aunts end up going to the same prosecutor’s office, the main thing is that you will be relieved of the need to make independent decisions, you little mattress!

3. The topic starter has almost 700 comments on the blog, but why out of this moaning crowd of commentators about the dominance of dags, I was the only one who asked for links to the pages of the authors who so disliked all the photos? Don't you, several hundred people, really want to imprison at least one of those who are clearly breaking the law in the photo? Look for what can be pressed? Or is it easier to knock on the keyboard with sweaty fingers, get indignant and do nothing in the end? But with these fingers you can find dirt on the authors, and even send it to the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office You don’t even have to get up from your chair, and an answer about the measures taken will be simply necessary. Hey, heroes of the fight against the Caucasus on the Internet, where are your appeals?

And finally. As I already said, most of the photographs are absolutely harmless (see the first photo), and, judging by the form, they were taken before the spring of 2011 (and "before" is a loose concept, maybe 2005). The comments are infuriating, in which proud horsemen show off in front of each other, who is cooler. The nth part of them is empty bravado, which is what one of the dugs ™ says in the discussion

But the nth part has a basis. Do you want to knock it out from under their feet? Three points above for your attention.


I had the opportunity to serve for 2 years side by side with the guys from sunny Dagestan. This is the most multinational state in the world - there are Avars, Lezgins, Laks, Tabasarans, Nogais, Dargins, Kumyks, Rutuls, Aguls, Tsakhurs and others ... and they are all Dagestanis.

E There is such a legend that my Dagestan army friend Ibrahim told me that God walked around the world with a bag and handed out languages ​​to the peoples. In the region of Dagestan, the Lord dozed off and the bag overturned, from which more tongues were spilled into a small territory than it should be.

I served in the Skovorodinsky border detachment. Even then I was perplexed - why are Caucasians sent to serve us? Do they have problems with the place of service there? So, then we were told to the unfired training fighters that when the call of the Dagestanis came, their group of 15-20 people would “hold” the entire Training Center. We then boasted, they say, but this cannot be ... You know, that's what happened. They always kept together and were ready to help each other, regardless of whether their compatriot was right or not.

But the Russian guys could not boast of the same cohesion. True, we had Captain Akhromeev, the head of the training frontier post, who visited hot spots. And the sergeants do not miss. In general, in order to repulse the Dagestanis, who could open the doors of units with their feet, we had a new orderly command: “Dagi!” When we heard, no matter what part of the location we were in, everyone ran to the bedside table of the orderly, grabbed the Dagestnats by the arms and legs and threw them out the door. Quietly, we discouraged uninvited Caucasian guests from visiting us. But that was just a tutorial.

Other orders reigned in the garrison, or rather, the Dagestanis reigned there. In each unit there were 4-5 people, but this was enough to keep the entire unit in submission. When I moved to the garrison, I also found demobilizations, who, according to rumors, "feeded" not only the detachment, but also Skovorodino, near which the unit was located. As soon as night fell, they changed into tracksuits and engaged in racketeering. Therefore, when they were demobilized, both the civilian security forces and the leadership of the detachment breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, what can I say, when the Dagestanis are together, a tendency to crime immediately manifests itself. No, I'm not talking about everyone - there were guys among them who were above all this, but this is more of an exception. And I had to face it, as they say, on my own skin. It happened after I was transferred from the commandant's company to the sapper's. In the first one, I still had Amur friends, in the new unit - no one and a bunch of Dagestanis. The very first salary that we received in the office of the head of the company, they tried to grab it from me. Everyone who left the office with money was invited to the toilet room to “talk” by the representatives of Dagestan. I decided for myself to hold on to the last. There were threats and “pressure on a sore spot”, but I left the toilet with my denyuzhka in my fist ... went out into the street - lit a cigarette out of annoyance. I understood very well that I needed to serve with them for another 1.5 years ... My heavy thoughts were interrupted by some soldier who shouted out: go quickly there, our Amur people stuck in for you ... It turns out that someone informed our commandant's office company that they tried to "press" me. When I started going up to the 5th floor of the engineering company, I saw my commandant comrades... The fight never happened then - alas, I did not fulfill the role of leader assigned to me, who would shout: “Beat, dagov!” But after this story, they began to respect me.

Over the years of my service, I have seen how cruel and merciless the Dagestanis can be... I will not draw terrible pictures here, and the atmosphere is so electrified by the events in Moscow. I want to say that I was able to find a real friend among the Dagestanis... Unfortunately, later, under pressure from his brothers, he suddenly stopped communicating with me. But what he told me was enough to understand something about this people.

From the stories of Ibrahim, I understood why the sons of the mountains dislike us:

1. Disunity a la my hut on the edge, the lack of mutual assistance among Russians;
2. Cowardice, lack of courage;
3. We throw bread on the ground;
4. Abortions of our women and, in general, not wanting to have many children;
5. Availability of our women;
6. Drunkenness of men until the loss of pulse;
7. And much more...

It is clear that it is possible to compile a no smaller list of Caucasians from the position of the Russians. But the thing is different - we need to do something ourselves to be respected. To form public opinion - to demand from the government the stimulation of national projects and other things. But the most important thing is that we should be respected - we need to start respecting ourselves ... And this will not work without God's help. It turns out that the only accessible national idea is spiritual uplift through Orthodoxy. It is through the faith of our ancestors that we can be united, courageous in Christ, respect other people's work, continue our family in many descendants, be chaste and know the measure in drinking. Dostoevsky said to the point that a Russian peasant without God is rubbish. Can you stop being a jerk?

It seems like he named banal things, but we have a program for action ... At least on the bus, when someone offends someone - after all, we can intercede, and not hide our faces out the window? Otherwise, things won’t move further than kitchen patriotism again ... And you shouldn’t go to extremes either ... I’m talking about those innocent guys who were kicked to win back ... After all, this is a real problem when we empathize with violence .. After all, according to the word of St. Basil the Great, who looks at evil without disgust, will soon look at it with pleasure. What kind of Christians are we after this? ?