What is the name of the unit of measurement. Okei is the all-Russian classifier of units of measurement. Non-SI units

  • Responsible for classifier support: Rostekhregulirovanie
  • Reason: Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated 12/26/1994 No. 366 01/01/1996
  • Approved: 06/07/2000
  • Entered into force: 06/07/2000
The code Name of the unit of measurement Symbol Symbol designation
national international national international
International units of measure included in the ESQM
Units of length
47 Nautical mile (1852 m)milen mileMILESNMI
8 Kilometer; thousand meterskm; 10^3 mkmKM; THOUSAND MKMT
5 DecimeterdmdmDMDMT
4 CentimetercmcmCMCMT
39 Inch (25.4 mm)inchinINCHINH
6 MetermmMMTR
41 Foot (0.3048 m)footftFOOTFOT
3 MillimetermmmmMMMMT
9 Megameter; million metersMm; 10^6 mmmMEGAM; MLN MMAM
43 Yard (0.9144 m)yardydYARDYRD
area units
59 HectarehahaGAHAR
73 Square foot (0.092903 m2)ft2ft2FUT2FTK
53 square decimeterdm2dm2DM2DMK
61 Square kilometerkm2km2KM2KMK
51 square centimetercm2cm2CM2CMK
109 Ar (100 m2)aaARARE
55 Square meterm2m2M2MTK
58 Thousand square meters10^3 m^2daaTHOUSAND M2DAA
75 Square yard (0.8361274 m2)yard2yd2YARD2YDK
50 square millimetermm2mm2MM2MMK
71 Square inch (645.16 mm2)inch2in2INCH2INK
Volume units
126 MegalitermlmlMEGALMAL
132 Cubic foot (0.02831685 m3)ft3ft3FT3FTQ
118 DeciliterdldlDLDLT
133 Cubic yard (0.764555 m3)yard3yd3YARD3YDQ
112 Liter; cubic decimeterl; dm3I; L; dm^3L; DM3LTR; DMQ
113 Cubic meterm3m3M3MTQ
131 Cubic inch (16387.1 mm3)inch3in3INCH3INQ
159 Million cubic meters 10^6 m310^6 m3MN M3HMQ
110 cubic millimetermm3mm3MM3MMQ
122 HlchhlGLHLT
111 Cubic centimeter; millilitercm3; mlcm3; mlCM3; MLCMQ; MLT
Mass units
170 Kiloton10^3 tktCTKTN
161 MilligrammgmgMGMGM
173 centigramsgcgSGCGM
206 Centner (metric) (100 kg); hectokilogram; quintal1 (metric); decitoncq; 10^2kgCDTN
163 GramGgGGRM
181 Gross register ton (2.8316 m3)BRT- BRUTT. REGISTER TGRT
160 HectogramgghgGGHGM
168 Ton; metric ton (1000 kg)ttTTNE
162 Metric caratcarMSCARCTM
185 Capacity in metric tonst hydraulic fracturing- T LOADCCT
166 KilogramkgkgKGKGM
Engineering units
331 Revolution per minuterpmr/minRPMRPM
300 Physical atmosphere (101325 Pa)atmatmATMATM
306 Gram of fissile isotopesg D/Ifissile isotopesG fissile isotopeGFI
304 MillicurimCimCiMKIMCU
243 watt hourWhW.hW.HWHR
309 BarbarbarBARBAR
301 Technical atmosphere (98066.5 Pa)atatATTATT
270 PendantClCCLCOU
288 KelvinKKToKEL
280 Degree Celsiusdeg. Cdeg. CGRAD CELSIUScel
282 CandelacdcdKDCDL
330 Revolution per secondr/sr/sOB/SRPS
297 KilopascalkPakPaCPAKPA
302 GigabecquerelGBqGBqGIGABCGBQ
230 KilovarkvarkvarKVARKVR
281 Fahrenheitdeg. Fdeg. FGRAD FARENGFAN
292 MegahertzMHzMHzMEGAHZMHZ
227 Kilovolt-amperekVAkV.AKV.AKVA
323 becquerelBqbqBCBQL
298 MegapascalMPaMPaMEGAPAMPA
263 Ampere hour (3.6 kC)AhA.hA.ChAMH
247 Gigawatt hour (million kilowatt hours)GWhGW.hGIGAW.HGWH
245 Kilowatt hourkWhkWhkWhKWH
212 WattTueWWTWTT
273 KilojoulekJkJKJKJO
305 CurieKeyCiCICUR
228 Megavolt-ampere (thousand kilovolt-amperes)MV.AMV.AMEGAV.AMVA
314 FaradFFFFAR
284 LumenlmlmLMLUM
215 Megawatt; thousand kilowattsMW; 10^3 kWMWMEGAVT; THOUSAND KWMAW
274 OhmOhm OMOHM
271 JouleJJJJOU
333 Kilometer per hourkm/hkm/hkm/hKMH
349 pendant per kilogramC/kgC/kgCL/KGCKG
264 Thousand Ah10^3 Ah10^3 A.hTHOUSAND A.CHTAH
223 KilovoltkVkVHFKVT
335 Meter per second squaredm/s2m/s2M/S2MSK
290 HertzHzHzHZH.T.Z.
246 Megawatt-hour; 1000 kilowatt hoursMWh; 10^3 kWhMW.hMEGAW.H; THOUSAND KWhMWH
324 WeberwbwbWBWEB
312 KilobarkbkbarKBARKBA
294 PascalPaPaPAPAL
283 SuiteOKlxOKLUX
310 hectobargbhbarGBARHBA
308 MillibarmbmbarMBARMBR
327 Knot (mile/h)bondsknUZKNT
296 SiemensCmSSISIE
316 kilogram per cubic meterkg/m3kg/m3KG/M3KMQ
328 Meter per secondm/sm/sM/SMTS
214 KilowattkWkWKBTKWT
289 newtonHNHNEW
Time units
368 Decadedeslet- DESLETDEC
361 Decadedec- DECDAD
364 Quarterquart- QUARTQAN
365 half yearsix months- HALF A YEARSAN
362 Monthmonths- MESMON
359 Dayday; daysdSUT; DNDAY
355 MinuteminminMINMIN
356 HourhhHHUR
360 A weekweeks- WEDWEE
354 SecondWithsFROMSEC
366 YearG; yearsaYEAR; YEARSANN
Economic units
745 ElementelemCIELEMNCL
781 One hundred packs100 pack- 100 UPAKCNP
732 ten couples10 pairs- DES PARTPR
599 Thousand cubic meters per day10^3 m3/day- THOUSAND M3/DAYTQD
730 Two dozen20 20 2 DESSCO
733 a dozen couplesa dozen couples- A DOZEN COUPLESDPR
799 Million pieces10^6 pcs10^6 MILLION PCSMIO
796 ThingPCSpc; onePCSPCE; NMB
778 Packagepack- UPAKNMP
831 Liter of pure (100%) alcoholl 100% alcohol- L PURE ALCOHOLLPA
657 Producted- EDNAR
865 kilogram of phosphorus pentoxidekg Р2О5- KG PHOSPHORUS PENTOXIDEKPP
641 Dozen (12 pcs.)dozenDoz; 12DOZENDZN
841 Kilogram of hydrogen peroxidekg H2O2- KG HYDROGEN PEROXIDE-
734 Packagemessage- MESSAGENPL
704 Kitkit- KITSET
847 Ton of 90% dry mattert 90% s / w- T 90 PERC DRYTSD
499 kilogram per secondkg/s- KG/SKGS
801 Billion pieces (Europe); trillion pieces10^12 pcs10^12 BILL PCS (EUR); TRILL PCBIL
683 One hundred boxes100 boxeshbx100 boxesHBX
740 a dozen piecesdozen pcs- A DOZEN PCSDPC
802 Quintillion pieces (Europe)10^18 pcs10^18 QUINT PCTRL
821 Alcohol strength by volumecrepe. alcohol by volume%volCREPES ALCOHOL BY VOLUMEASV
533 Ton of steam per hourt steam/h- T PAR/HTSH
859 Kilogram of potassium hydroxidekg KOH- KG POTASSIUM HYDROXIDEKPH
852 Kilogram of potassium oxidekg K2O- KG POTASSIUM OXIDEKPO
625 Sheetl.- SHEETLEF
798 thousand piecesthousand pieces; 1000 pcs1000 THOUSAND PCSMIL
630 Thousand standard conditional bricksthousand std. conv. kirp- THOUSAND STAND CONDITIONS KIRPMBE
797 One hundred pieces100 pieces100 100 PIECESCEN
626 One hundred sheets100 l.- 100 SHEETSCLF
736 Rollrudder- RULNPL
780 Dozen packsdozen pack- DOZEN PACKDZP
800 Billion pieces10^9 pcs10^9 BILLION PCSMLD
863 Kilogram of sodium hydroxidekg NaOH- KG SODIUM HYDROXIDEKSH
833 Hectoliter of pure (100%) alcoholhl 100% alcohol- GL PURE ALCOHOLHPA
715 Pair (2 pieces)steampr; 2STEAMNPR
861 Kilogram of nitrogenkg N- KG NITROGENKNI
598 cubic meter per hourm3/hm3/hM3/HMQH
845 Kilogram 90% dry matterkg 90% w/w- KG 90 PERC DRYKSD
867 Kilogram of uraniumkg U- KG URANKUR
735 Partpart- PARTNPT
820 Alcohol strength by weightcrepe. alcohol by weight%mdsCREPES ALCOHOL BY WEIGHTASM
737 Dozen rollsa dozen rolls- DOZEN RULDRL
616 Spoolbean- BEANNBB
596 cubic meter per secondm3/sm3/sM3/SMQS
National units of measure included in ESQM
Units of length
49 Kilometer of conditional pipeskm cond. pipes KM USL PIPE
20 Conventional meterconv. m USL M
48 Thousand conventional meters10^3 arb. m THOUSAND CONVENTION M
18 Linear meterlinear m POG M
19 Thousand running meters10^3 line m THOUSAND POG M
area units
57 Million square meters10^6 m2 MN M2
81 Square meter of total aream2 total pl M2 GENERAL PL
64 One million conditional square meters10^6 arb. m2 mln conv m2
83 Million square meters of total area10^6 m2 total pl MLN M2. TOTAL PL
62 Conditional square meter conv. m2 USL M2
63 Thousand conditional square meters10^3 arb. m2 THOUSAND CONVENTIONS M2
86 Million square meters of living space10^6 m2 lived. pl MLN M2 LIVE PL
82 Thousand square meters of total area10^3 m2 total pl THOUSAND M2 TOTAL PL
56 Million square decimeters10^6 dm2 MN DM2
54 Thousand square decimeters10^3 dm2 THOUSAND DM2
89 Million square meters in two-millimeter terms10^6 m2 2 mm exc MLN M2 2MM ISC
60 Thousand hectares10^3 ha THOUSAND HA
88 Thousand square meters of educational and laboratory buildings10^3 m2 account. lab. building THOUSAND M2 ACC. LAB ZDAN
85 Thousand square meters of living space10^3 m2 lived. pl THOUSAND M2 LIVES
87 Square meter of educational and laboratory buildingsm2 account. lab. building M2 UCH.LAB BUILDING
84 square meter of living spacem2 lived. pl M2 ZHIL PL
Volume units
121 dense cubic meterdense m3 PLOTN M3
124 Thousand conditional cubic meters10^3 arb. m3 THOUSAND CONVENTIONS M3
130 Thousand liters; 1000 liters10^3 l; 1000 l YOU SL
120 Million decaliters10^6 dcl MILLION DKL
129 Million half liters10^6 Pos. l MILLION POL L
128 One thousand half liters10^3 Pos. l THOUSAND POL L
123 Conventional cubic meterconv. m3 USL M3
127 Thousand dense cubic meters10^3 density m3 THOUSAND DENSITY M3
116 decalitredcl DKL
114 Thousand cubic meters10^3 m3 THOUSAND M3
115 Billion cubic meters10^9 m3 BILLION M3
119 Thousand deciliters10^3 dcl THOUSAND DKL
125 Million cubic meters of gas processing10^6 m3 recycled gas MN M3 GAS PROCESSING
Mass units
167 Million carats metric10^6 ct MILLION CARS
178 Thousand tons of processing10^3 t processed THOUSAND T PROCESSED
176 Million tons of reference fuel10^6 t conv. fuel MN T FUEL
179 Conditional tonconv. t USL T
207 Thousand centners10^3 z THOUSAND C
171 Million tons10^6 t MN T
177 One thousand tons of one-time storage10^3 tons at a time storage THOUSAND UNIT STORAGE
169 Thousand tons10^3 t THOUSAND T
165 Thousand carats metric10^3 ct THOUSAND CARS
175 Thousand tons of reference fuel10^3 t conv. fuel THOUSAND T COND. FUEL
172 Ton of reference fuelt conv. fuel T CONDITION FUEL
Engineering units
226 Volt-ampereV.A V.A
339 Centimeter of water columnsee aq. st SM WOD ST
236 Calorie per hourcal/h cal/h
255 Bytebuy BYTE
287 Henrygn GN
250 Thousand kilovolt-ampere reactive10^3 kVA R THOUSAND SQ.A R
235 One million gigacalories10^6 Gcal MILLION GIGAKAL
313 TeslaTl TL
256 Kilobytekb KBITE
234 Thousand gigacalories10^3 Gcal THOUSAND GIGACAL
237 kilocalorie per hourkcal/h Kcal/h
239 One thousand gigacalories per hour10^3 Gcal/h THOUSAND GIGACAL/H
317 kilogram per square centimeterkg/cm^2 KG/CM2
252 Thousand horsepower10^3 l. With THOUSAND HP
238 Gigacalorie per hourGcal/h GIGACAL/H
338 millimeter of mercurymmHg st MMHG
337 millimeter of water columnmm w.c. st MM WOD ST
251 Horsepowerl. With LS
258 Baudbaud BAUD
242 Million kilovolt-amperes10^6 kVA MN SQA
232 Kilocaloriekcal KKAL
257 MegabyteMB MB
249 Billion kilowatt hours10^9 kWh BILLION kWh
241 Million Ah10^6 Ah MLN Ah
233 GigacalorieGcal GIGAKAL
253 A million horsepower10^6 l. With MLN drugs
231 Meter per hourm/h M/H
254 Bitbit BIT
248 Kilovolt-ampere reactivekVA R KV.A R
Time units
352 Microsecondms ISS
353 Millisecondmls MLS
Economic units
534 ton per hourt/h T/H
513 Autotonauto t AUTO T
876 Conventional unitconv. units CONDITION UNITS
918 Author's sheetl. auth LIST AVT
873 Thousand Vials10^3 flask THOUSAND FLAC
903 Thousand student places10^3 academic places THOUSAND SEATS
870 Ampouleampoules AMPUL
421 Passenger seat (passenger seats)pass. places PASS SEATS
540 man-dayperson days PEOPLE DAYS
427 Passenger trafficpass.flow PASS.FLOW
896 A familyfamilies FAMILIES
751 A thousand rolls10^3 roll THOUSAND RUL
951 Thousand car-(machine)-hours10^3 vag (mach.h) THOUSAND VAG (MASH).H
963 Reduced hourh REF.H
978 Channel endschannel. conc CHANNEL. END
975 Sugo-daystrictly. day SUGO. SUT
967 Million ton miles10^6 t. miles MILLION T. MILES
792 Humanpeople CHEL
547 Couple in shiftsteam/shift STEAM/CHANG
839 Setset COMPL
881 Conditional bankconv. bank USL BANK
562 A thousand spinning spindles10^3 strands THOUSAND STRAIGHT BELIEVE
909 Flatquart QUART
644 Million units10^6 u MILLION U
922 Signsign SIGN
877 Thousand conventional units10^3 arb. units THOUSAND CONDITIONS
960 Thousand car-ton-days10^3 car.ton.days THOUSAND VEHICLES.ton.days
954 Car-dayvag.day VAG.SUT
761 Thousand Mills10^3 camp THOUSAND STAN
511 kilogram per gigacaloriekg/Gcal KG/GIGACAL
912 Thousand beds10^3 beds THOUSAND BEDS
980 One thousand dollars10^3 dollar THOUSAND DOLLAR
387 Trillion rubles10^12 rub TRILL RUB
908 Numbernom NOM
968 Million Passenger Miles10^6 pass. miles MILLION PASS. MILES
962 Thousand car-place-days10^3 car places days THOUSAND VEHICLE SEATS DN
916 Conditional repairs per yearconv. rem/year COND. REM/YEAR
414 Passenger-kilometrepass.km PASS.KM
895 A million conditional bricks10^6 arb. kirp MLN CONDITIONS
888 Thousand conditional boxes10^3 arb. crate THOUSAND REQUIREMENTS
699 A thousand places10^3 seats THOUSAND PLACES
522 Person per square kilometerperson/km2 PERSON/KM2
869 Thousand bottles10^3 bottles THOUSAND BUT
958 Thousand passenger miles10^3 passenger miles THOUSAND PASS.MILES
510 Gram per kilowatt hourg/kW.h G/KW.H
983 Sudo-daycourt day SUD.SUT
535 Ton per dayt/day T/SUT
424 Million Passenger-Kilometers10^6 pass. km MILLION PASS.KM
907 Thousand seats10^3 landings places THOUSAND POSAD PLACES
965 Thousand kilometers10^3 km THOUSAND KM
538 Thousand tons per year10^3 t/year THOUSAND T/YEAR
546 Thousand visits per shift10^3 visits/shifts THOUSAND VISITS / CHANGE
775 Thousand tubes10^3 tube THOUSAND TUBE
961 Thousand car-hours10^3 av.h THOUSAND VEHICLES.H
537 Thousand tons per season10^3 t/s THOUSAND T/SEZ
449 ton-kilometert.km T.KM
556 Thousand heads a year10^3 goal/year THOUSAND GOALS/YEAR
383 Rublerub RUB
970 Million seat-miles10^6 pass. places. miles MILLION PASS. LOCATION MILES
921 Accounting and publishing sheetl. uch.-ed LIST OF EDUCATION
894 Thousand conditional bricks10^3 arb. kirp THOUSAND CONDITIONS KIRP
514 Ton of thrustt. thrust T ROD
388 Quadrillion rubles10^15 rub SQUARE RUB
541 Thousand man-days10^3 person days THOUSAND PEOPLE DAYS
971 feed dayfeed. days FEED. DN
953 Thousand place-kilometers10 ^3 local km THOUSAND LOCATION.KM
871 Thousand ampoules10^3 ampoules THOUSAND AMPOULES
385 One million rubles10^6 rub MILLION RUB
966 Thousand tonnage flights10^3 tonnage. flight THOUSAND TONNAGE. FLIGHT
911 bunkbeds KOEK
892 Thousand conditional tiles10^3 arb. slabs THOUSAND CONVENTIONAL PLATES
868 Bottlebut BUT
793 Thousand people10^3 people THOUSAND PEOPLE
544 Million units per year10^6 units/year MLN U/YEAR
949 One million sheets10^6 sheets.print MILLION SHEET PRINTS
886 A million conditional pieces10^6 arb. cous MLN COND.
698 Placeplaces PLACES
536 ton per shiftt/shift T/CHANGE
548 Thousand pairs per shift10^3 pairs/shifts THOUSAND PAIRS/CHANGES
812 Boxcrate DR
915 Conditional repairconv. rem CONVENTION REM
956 Thousand train kilometers10^3 train.km THOUSAND TRAIN.KM
553 Thousand tons of processing per day10^3 t processed / day THOUSAND T PROCESSED/DAY
450 Thousand ton-kilometers10^3 t.km THOUSAND T.KM
950 Carriage (machine)-dayvag (mash).dn VAG (MASH).DN
552 Ton processed per dayt processed/day T PROCESS/DAY
423 Thousand passenger kilometers10^3 pass.km THOUSAND PASS.KM
924 Symbolsymbol SYMBOL
782 Thousand Pack10^3 pack THOUSAND PACK
838 A million couples10^6 pairs MILLION PAIRS
905 A thousand jobs10^3 work places THOUSAND WORK PLACES
744 Percent% PROC
887 Conditional boxconv. crate CONVENTION BOX
639 Dosedoses DOS
891 Conditional tileconv. slabs CONVENTION PLATES
545 Visit on shiftvisit/shift ATTEND/CHANGE
543 Thousand conditional cans per shift10^3 arb. bank / change THOUSAND CONVENTION BANK/SCHANG
893 Conditional brickconv. kirp CONV KIRP
957 Thousand ton miles10^3 t. miles THOUSAND T.MILES
977 Channel-kilometerchannel. km CHANNEL. KM
901 Million households10^6 household MILLION HOUSEHOLDS
976 Pieces in 20-foot equivalent (TEU)pieces in 20-foot equivalent PCS IN 20 FT EQUIV
762 Stationstation STANZ
897 Thousand families10^3 families THOUSAND FAMILIES
880 Thousand conditional pieces10^3 arb. PCS THOUSAND CONVENTIONAL PCS
923 Wordword WORD
955 Thousand train-hours10^3 train.h THOUSAND TRAIN.H
539 man-hourpers.h PERSONS
661 Channelchannel CHANNEL
874 Thousand tubes10^3 tubes THOUSAND TUBE
558 Thousand bird places10^3 bird places THOUSAND BIRDS
913 Book fund volumebook volume. fund VOLUME BOOK FUND
673 Thousand sets10^3 sets THOUSAND SET
640 A thousand doses10^3 doses THOUSAND DOSES
643 Thousand units10^3 units THOUSAND UNITS
878 One million conventional units10^6 arb. units MILLION CONDITIONS
914 Thousand volumes of the book fundVolume 10^3 book. fund THOUSAND VOLUME BOOK FUND
883 One million conditional cans10^6 arb. bank MLN USL BANK
384 Thousand rubles10^3 rub THOUSAND ROUBLES
925 Conditional pipeconv. pipes CONDITION PIPE
889 Conditional coilconv. cat CONVENTION CAT
900 Thousand households10^3 household THOUSAND DOMHOZ
898 Million Families10^6 families MILLION FAMILIES
964 Aircraft-kilometreplane.km SAMOLET.KM
979 One thousand copies10^3 copies THOUSAND SKU
746 Per mille (0.1 percent)ppm PROMILLE
890 Thousand conditional coils10^3 arb. cat THOUSAND CAT
724 Thousand hectares of portions10^3 ha servings THOUSAND HA PORTS
542 Thousand man-hours10^3 pers.h THOUSAND PEOPLE-H
642 Unitunits ED
560 Minimal salarymin. wages boards MIN WAGE
557 Million heads per year10^6 head/year MILLION GOALS/YEAR
917 Changeshifts CHANGE
902 student placescientist places LEARNING LOCATIONS
521 person per square meterperson/m2 PEOPLE/M2
479 Thousand sets10^3 set THOUSAND SET
899 The householdhousehold DOMHOZ
906 seatPosad. places POSAD PLACES
515 Deadweight tondwt DWT.T
982 Million tons of feed units10^6 feed units MN T FEED UNITS
959 car-daycar days AUTO DN
972 Centner of feed unitsc feed unit C FEED ED
882 Thousand conditional jars10^3 arb. bank THOUSAND USL BANK
969 Million tonnage miles10^6 tonnage. miles MILLION TONNAGE. MILES
837 Thousand Pairs10^3 pairs THOUSAND PAIRS
810 Cellcell YACH
516 Tonno-tanidt.tanid T.TANID
794 Million people10^6 people MILLION PEOPLE
451 Million ton-kilometers10^6 t. km MLN T.KM
836 HeadGoal GOAL
872 Bottleflak FLAC
808 One million copies10^6 copies MLN EPC
561 A thousand tons of steam per hour10^3 t steam/h THOUSAND STEAM/H
973 Thousand vehicle kilometers10^3 cars km THOUSAND VEHICLES KM
981 Thousand tons of feed units10^3 feed units THOUSAND T FEED UNITS
386 Billion rubles10^9 rub BILLION RUB
554 Centner of processing per dayc processed/day C PROCESS/DAY
885 A thousand conditional pieces10^3 arb. cous THOUSAND CONDITIONS KUS
937 A million doses10^6 doses MILLION DOSES
920 Printed sheetl. oven PRINT SHEET
779 Million packs10^6 pack MLN UPAK
709 Thousand numbers10^3 nom THOUSAND NOM
512 Ton numbert.nom T.NOM
952 Thousand wagon-(machine)-kilometers10^3 vag (mach.km) THOUSAND VAG (MASH).KM
879 Conditional thingconv. PCS USL PC
904 Workplaceslave. places WORK SEATS
559 Thousand laying hens10^3 chickens. nesush THOUSAND HENS. NESUSH
840 Sectionsection SECC
974 Thousand tonnage-days10^3 tonnage. day THOUSAND TONNAGE. SUT
729 Thousand Pack10^3 pack THOUSAND PACH
910 Thousand apartments10^3 qt THOUSAND QUARTERS
550 Million tons per year10^6 t/year MN T/YEAR
875 Thousand boxes10^3 kor THOUSAND KOR
563 A thousand spinning places10^3 strands THOUSANDS OF PLACES
776 Thousand conditional tubes10^3 conventional tubes THOUSAND CONV. TUBE
884 Conditional piececonv. cous USL KUS
930 A thousand plates10^3 layer THOUSAND PLAST
555 Thousand centners of processing per day10^3 q rework/day THOUSAND C PROCESSED/DAY
International units of measurement not included in the EQMS
Units of length
17 Hectometer hm HMT
45 Mile (statutory) (1609.344 m) miles SMI
area units
79 square mile miles2 MIK
77 Acre (4840 square yards) acre ACR
Volume units
137 Pint SC (0.568262 dm3) pt (UK) PTI
141 US fluid ounce (29.5735 cm3) fl oz (US) OZA
149 US dry gallon (4.404884 dm3) dry gal (US) GLD
153 Cord (3.63 m3) - WCD
152 Standard - WSD
145 US liquid gallon (3.78541 dm3) gal (US) GLL
154 Thousand board feet (2.36 m3) - MBF
143 US liquid pint (0.473176 dm3) liq pt (US) PTL
150 US bushel (35.2391 dm3) bu (US) BUA
136 Jill SK (0.142065 dm3) gill (UK) GII
144 US liquid quart (0.946353 dm3) liq qt (US) QTL
138 Quart UK (1.136523 dm3) qt (UK) QTI
135 Fluid ounce SK (28.413 cm3) fl oz (UK) OZI
139 Gallon SC (4.546092 dm3) gal (UK) GLI
148 US dry qt (1.101221 dm3) dry qt (US) QTD
140 Bushel UK (36.36874 dm3) bu (UK) BUI
151 US dry barrel (115.627 dm3) bbl (US) BLD
142 Jill USA (11.8294 cm3) gill (US) GIA
147 US dry pint (0.55061 dm3) dry pt (US) PTD
146 Barrel (petroleum) US (158.987 dm3) barrel (US) BLL
Mass units
184 Displacement - DPT
193 Centner US (45.3592 kg) cwt CWA
190 Stone SK (6.350293 kg) st STI
189 Gran UK US (64.798910 mg) gn GRN
200 US Drachma (3.887935 g) - DRA
194 Long hundredweight SK (50.802345 kg) cwt (UK) CWI
191 Quarter SK (12.700586 kg) qtr QTR
186 Pound UK, US (0.45359237 kg) lb LBR
187 Ounce UK, US (28.349523 g) oz ONZ
197 Scrooule SC, USA (1.295982 g) scr SCR
182 Net register ton - NTT
202 US troy pound (373.242 g) - LBT
201 Ounce UK, US (31.10348 g); troy ounce apoz APZ
196 Long ton SK, USA (1.0160469 t) lt LTN
188 Drachma SK (1.771745 g) dr DRI
183 Measured (freight) ton - SHT
198 Pennyweight UK, USA (1.555174 g) dwt DWT
192 Central SK (45.359237 kg) - CNT
195 Short ton SK, USA (0.90718474 t) sht STN
199 Drachma SK (3.887935 g) drm DRM
Engineering units
275 British thermal unit (1.055 kJ) btu BTU
213 Effective power (245.7 watts) B.h.p. BHP
Economic units
638 Gross (144 pcs.) gr; 144 GRO
853 One hundred international units - HIU
835 Gallon of alcohol of the established strength - PGL
851 International unit - NIU
731 Big Gross (12 Gross) 1728 GGR
738 Short standard (7200 units) - SST

What is OKEI

OKEI is the abbreviation for the All-Russian Classification of Units of Measurement. The classifier is part of the Unified Coding and Classification System for Social and Technical and Economic Information in Russia. The All-Russian classifier of units of measurement was introduced on the territory of Russia instead of the All-Union classifier, known as the "System of designations of units and measurements used in automated control systems." A classifier has been developed based on the international classification of units of measurement of the UN Economic European Commission, the Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity and other significant documents. The all-Russian classifier of units of measurement is associated with GOST 8.417-81 "State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Units physical quantities".

Why was OKEI created?

The classifier is intended for use during problem solving quantification social and technical and economic indicators for the implementation of state reporting and accounting, forecasting and development of the economy, the implementation of foreign and domestic trade, providing statistical international comparisons, organizing customs control, regulating foreign economic activity. In OKEI, classification objects are units of measurement that are used in these areas of activity.

What is the code structure in OKEI

In OKEI, units of measurement are divided into 7 groups: units of length, area, volume, mass, technical units and units of time, as well as economic units. For a number of units of measurement, submultiples and multiples have been introduced. The All-Russian classifier of units of measurement contains two reference appendices and two sections.

Each position in OKEI structurally consists of three blocks: identification, name and block, where additional features are indicated.

The identification code of the unit of measurement is a digital three-digit decimal code, which was assigned according to the serial-order coding system. In Annex A and the first section, codes are used that completely coincide with the codes of the international classification. Also in the second section, decimal three-digit codes were used, taken from the reserve of international classification codes.

In OKEI, the formula for the structure of the identification code is as follows: XXX. The name block is the name of the unit of measurement adopted in state reporting and accounting (for the second section), or the name of the unit of measurement according to the international classification (for Appendix A and the first section). The block of additional features is conditional data, letter codes for units of measurement (national and international).

In order to facilitate the use of the classifier, an alphabetical index of units of measurement is given in Appendix B. In the second column, the number of the application or section in which the unit of measurement is located is indicated. The third column is the identification code of the unit of measurement.

The maintenance of the All-Russian classifier of units of measurement is carried out by VNIIKI of the State Standard of the Russian Federation together with the Computing Center of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, the Center for Economic Conjuncture under the Government of Russia.

Specific values, to the Crimea are assigned numerical values ​​equal to 1. With E. and. they compare and express in them other quantities that are homogeneous with them. By decision of the General Conference on Weights and Measures (1960), the International System of Units was introduced. SI as a single ... ... Dictionary of microbiology

Units- (Mida at the mishkals) Measures of weight, length, area and volume were used in ancient times, mainly for the needs of trade. There are almost no well-defined uniform measures in the Bible, and it is not easy to establish relationships between them. However, in…… Encyclopedia of Judaism

Units of measurement of media capacity and volume of information- Information units are used to measure various characteristics associated with information. Most often, the measurement of information concerns the measurement of the capacity of computer memory (storage devices) and the measurement of the amount of data transmitted over ... ... Wikipedia

Units for measuring the amount of information- Units of measurement of information are used to measure the amount of information of a value calculated logarithmically. This means that when several objects are treated as one, the number of possible states is multiplied, and the number ... ... Wikipedia

Information units- serve to measure the amount of information of a value calculated logarithmically. This means that when several objects are treated as one, the number of possible states is multiplied and the amount of information is added. It doesn't matter ... ... Wikipedia

Pressure units- Pascal (newton per square meter) Bar Millimeter of mercury (torr) Micron of mercury (10−3 Torr) Millimeter of water (or water) column Atmosphere Physical atmosphere Atmosphere technical Kilogram force per square centimeter, ... ... Wikipedia

UNITS OF MEASUREMENT OF VOLUME OF INFORMATION- At the heart of measuring large amounts of information is a byte. Larger units: kilobyte (1 KB = 1024 bytes), megabyte (1 MB = 1024 KB = 1048576 bytes), gigabyte (1 GB = 1024 MB = 1073741824 bytes). For example, on a sheet ... ... Glossary of business terms

Flow units- Units of runoff measurement A system of measures established in the practice of river runoff studies, designed to study changes in the water content of rivers over a given period of time. The units of flow measurement include: Instantaneous (second) ... Wikipedia

UNITS OF PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS- quantities that, by definition, are considered equal to unity when measuring other quantities of the same kind. The standard unit of measurement is its physical implementation. So, the standard unit of measure meter is a rod 1 m long. In principle, one can imagine ... ... Collier Encyclopedia


  • Units of measurement 8-11 years, Units of measurement. 8-11 years old. Compatibility with all programs in mathematics, development of memory, attention, fine motor skills, coordination of movements. Opportunity for self-control and… Category: Mathematics Buy for 151 rubles
  • , Ignatieva Larisa Viktorovna , Workbook"Units of measurement" is intended for classes with older children preschool age. The purpose of the manual is to introduce children to the units of measurement and the terms that they… Category: Learning to count. Fundamentals of Mathematics Publisher: Binom - Juventa, Buy for 144 rubles
  • Units. Workbook for children 6-7 years old, Ignatieva Larisa Viktorovna, Workbook Units of measurement is designed for classes with children of older preschool age. The purpose of the manual is to introduce children to the units of measurement and terms that they have from birth ... Category:

This lesson will not be new for beginners. We all heard from school such things as a centimeter, a meter, a kilometer. And when it came to mass, they usually said grams, kilograms, tons.

Centimeters, meters and kilometers; grams, kilograms and tons have one common name - units of measurement of physical quantities.

In this lesson, we will look at the most popular units of measurement, but we will not go deep into this topic, since units of measurement go into the field of physics. Today we are forced to study part of physics, as we need it for further study of mathematics.

Lesson content

Length units

The following units of measurement are used to measure length:

  • millimeters;
  • centimeters;
  • decimeters;
  • meters;
  • kilometers.

millimeter(mm). You can even see millimeters with your own eyes if you take the ruler that we used at school every day.

Small lines that follow each other in a row are millimeters. More precisely, the distance between these lines is one millimeter (1 mm):

centimeter(cm). On the ruler, each centimeter is indicated by a number. For example, our ruler, which was in the first figure, had a length of 15 centimeters. The last centimeter on this ruler is marked with the number 15.

There are 10 millimeters in one centimeter. You can put an equal sign between one centimeter and ten millimeters, since they denote the same length:


You can see for yourself if you count the number of millimeters in the previous figure. You will find that the number of millimeters (distance between lines) is 10.

The next unit of length is decimeter(dm). There are ten centimeters in one decimeter. Between one decimeter and ten centimeters, you can put an equal sign, since they denote the same length:

1 dm = 10 cm

You can verify this if you count the number of centimeters in the following figure:

You will find that the number of centimeters is 10.

The next unit of measure is meter(m). There are ten decimeters in one meter. Between one meter and ten decimeters, you can put an equal sign, since they denote the same length:

1 m = 10 dm

Unfortunately, the meter cannot be illustrated in the figure, because it is rather large. If you want to see the meter live, take a tape measure. Everyone has it in the house. On a tape measure, one meter will be designated as 100 cm. This is because there are ten decimeters in one meter, and one hundred centimeters in ten decimeters:

1 m = 10 dm = 100 cm

100 is obtained by converting one meter to centimeters. This is a separate topic, which we will consider a little later. In the meantime, let's move on to the next unit of length, which is called a kilometer.

The kilometer is considered the largest unit of measurement for length. Of course, there are other older units, such as a megameter, a gigameter, a terameter, but we will not consider them, since a kilometer is enough for us to further study mathematics.

There are a thousand meters in one kilometer. You can put an equal sign between one kilometer and a thousand meters, since they denote the same length:

1 km = 1000 m

Distances between cities and countries are measured in kilometers. For example, the distance from Moscow to St. Petersburg is about 714 kilometers.

International system of units SI

The international system of units SI is a certain set of generally accepted physical quantities.

The main purpose of the international system of SI units is to reach agreements between countries.

We know that the languages ​​and traditions of the countries of the world are different. There's nothing to be done about it. But the laws of mathematics and physics work the same everywhere. If in one country “twice two is four”, then in another country “twice two is four”.

The main problem was that for each physical quantity there are several units of measurement. For example, we have just learned that there are millimeters, centimeters, decimeters, meters and kilometers for measuring length. If several scholars speaking different languages, will gather in one place to solve some problem, then such a large variety of units of measurement of length can give rise to contradictions between these scientists.

One scientist will claim that in their country length is measured in meters. The second might say that in their country, length is measured in kilometers. The third one can offer his own unit of measure.

Therefore, the international system of units SI was created. SI is an abbreviation for the French phrase Le Système International d'Unités, SI (which in Russian means - the international system of units SI).

The SI lists the most popular physical quantities and each of them has its own generally accepted unit of measurement. For example, in all countries, when solving problems, it was agreed that the length would be measured in meters. Therefore, when solving problems, if the length is given in another unit of measurement (for example, in kilometers), then it must be converted to meters. We will talk about how to convert one unit of measure to another a little later. In the meantime, let's draw our international system of units SI.

Our drawing will be a table of physical quantities. We will include each studied physical quantity in our table and indicate the unit of measurement that is accepted in all countries. Now we have studied the units of measurement of length and learned that meters are defined in the SI system for measuring length. So our table will look like this:

Mass units

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in a body. In the people, body weight is called weight. Usually, when something is weighed, they say "it weighs so many kilograms" , although we are not talking about weight, but about the mass of this body.

However, mass and weight are different concepts. Weight is the force with which a body acts on a horizontal support. Weight is measured in newtons. And mass is a quantity that shows the amount of matter in this body.

But there is nothing wrong with calling the mass of the body weight. Even in medicine they say "human weight" , although we are talking about the mass of a person. The main thing is to be aware that these are different concepts.

The following units of measure are used to measure mass:

  • milligrams;
  • grams;
  • kilograms;
  • centners;
  • tons.

The smallest unit of measure is milligram(mg). Milligram most likely you will never put into practice. They are used by chemists and other scientists who work with small substances. It is enough for you to know that such a unit of mass measurement exists.

The next unit of measure is gram(G). In grams, it is customary to measure the amount of a product when compiling a recipe.

There are a thousand milligrams in one gram. You can put an equal sign between one gram and a thousand milligrams, since they denote the same mass:

1 g = 1000 mg

The next unit of measure is kilogram(kg). The kilogram is a common unit of measure. It measures everything. The kilogram is included in the SI system. Let's also include one more physical quantity in our SI table. We will call it "mass":

There are a thousand grams in one kilogram. Between one kilogram and a thousand grams, you can put an equal sign, since they denote the same mass:

1 kg = 1000 g

The next unit of measure is centner(c). In centners, it is convenient to measure the mass of a crop harvested from a small area or the mass of some kind of cargo.

There are one hundred kilograms in one centner. An equal sign can be put between one centner and one hundred kilograms, since they denote the same mass:

1 q = 100 kg

The next unit of measure is ton(t). In tons, large loads and masses of large bodies are usually measured. For example, mass spaceship or car.

There are a thousand kilograms in one ton. You can put an equal sign between one ton and a thousand kilograms, since they denote the same mass:

1 t = 1000 kg

Time units

We don't need to explain what time is. Everyone knows what time is and why it is needed. If we open the discussion to what time is and try to define it, then we will begin to delve into philosophy, and this is not what we need now. Let's start with time units.

The following units of measurement are used to measure time:

  • seconds;
  • minutes;
  • watch;
  • day.

The smallest unit of measure is second(With). Of course, there are also smaller units such as milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds, but we will not consider them, since at the moment there is no point in this.

In seconds, various indicators are measured. For example, how many seconds does it take an athlete to run 100 meters. The second is included in the international SI system of units for measuring time and is denoted as "s". Let's also include one more physical quantity in our SI table. We will call it "time":

minute(m). There are 60 seconds in one minute. You can put an equal sign between one minute and sixty seconds, since they represent the same time:

1 m = 60 s

The next unit of measure is hour(h). There are 60 minutes in one hour. You can put an equal sign between one hour and sixty minutes, since they represent the same time:

1 h = 60 m

For example, if we studied this lesson for one hour and we are asked how much time we spent studying it, we can answer in two ways: "we studied the lesson for one hour" or so "we studied the lesson for sixty minutes" . In both cases, we will answer correctly.

The next unit of time is day. There are 24 hours in a day. Between one day and twenty-four hours you can put an equal sign, since they denote the same time:

1 day = 24 hours

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How is strength measured? In what units is force measured?

    Back in school, we taught that the concept of strength Introduced into physics by a man who had an apple fall on his head. By the way, it fell due to gravityquot ;. Newton seems to have been his last name. So he called the unit of measurement of force. Although he could have called it an apple, it still hit him on the head!

    According to the International System of Units (SI), force is measured in Newtons.

    According to the Engineering System of Units, force is measured in ton-force, kilogram-force, gram-force, and so on.

    According to the CGS System of Units, the unit of force is the dyne.

    In the USSR, for some time, to measure force, they used such a unit of measurement as the wall.

    In addition, in physics there are so-called natural units, according to which the force is measured in Planck forces.

    • What is the strength in, brother?
    • Newtons bro...

    (Physics stopped being taught at school?)

  • Strength is one of the most widely known concepts in physics. Under force is understood as a quantity that is a measure of the impact on the body from other bodies and various physical processes.

    With the help of force, not only the movement of objects in space can occur, but also their deformation.

    The action of any force on a body obeys Newton's 3 laws.

    Unit of measurement force in the international system of units SI is newton. It is marked with the letter H.

    1N is a force, under the influence of which on a physical body with a mass of 1 kg, this body acquires an acceleration equal to 1 ms.

    An instrument used to measure force is dynamometer.

    It is also worth noting that a number of physical quantities are measured in other units.

    For example:

    Current strength is measured in Amps.

    The intensity of light is measured in Candela.

    In honor of the outstanding scientist and physicist Isaac Newton, who did a lot of research into the nature of the existence of processes that affect the speed of a body. Therefore, in physics it is customary to measure the force in newtons(1 N).

    In physics, such a concept as force measured in newtons. They gave the name newtons, in honor of the famous and prominent physicist named Isaac Newton. In physics, there are 3 Newton's laws. The unit of force is also called the newton.

    Force is measured in newtons. The unit of force is 1 Newton (1 N). The very name of the unit of measurement of force comes from the name of the famous scientist, whose name was Isaac Newton. He created 3 laws classical mechanics, which are called Newton's 1st, 2nd and 3rd laws. In the SI system, the unit of force is called the Newton (N). Latin the force is denoted by newton (N). Previously, when there was no SI system yet, the unit for measuring force was called the dyne, which was formed from the carrier of one instrument for measuring force, which was called a dynamometer.

Pascal (Pa, Pa)

Pascal (Pa, Pa) is a unit of pressure in the International System of Units of Measurement (SI system). The unit is named after the French physicist and mathematician Blaise Pascal.

Pascal is equal to the pressure caused by a force equal to one newton (N), evenly distributed over a surface normal to it with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bone square meter:

1 pascal (Pa) ≡ 1 N/m²

Multiple units are formed using standard SI prefixes:

1 MPa (1 megapascal) = 1000 kPa (1000 kilopascals)

Atmosphere (physical, technical)

Atmosphere is a non-systemic unit of pressure, approximately equal to atmospheric pressure on the Earth's surface at the level of the World Ocean.

There are two approximately equal units with the following name:

  1. Physical, normal or standard atmosphere (atm, atm) - exactly equal to 101,325 Pa or 760 millimeters of mercury.
  2. Technical atmosphere (at, at, kgf/cm²)- equal to the pressure produced by a force of 1 kgf, directed perpendicularly and evenly distributed along flat surface with an area of ​​1 cm² (98,066.5 Pa).

    1 technical atmosphere = 1 kgf / cm² (“kilogram-force per square centimeter”). // 1 kgf = 9.80665 newtons (exactly) ≈ 10 N; 1 N ≈ 0.10197162 kgf ≈ 0.1 kgf

On the English language kilogram-force is denoted as kgf (kilogram-force) or kp (kilopond) - kilopond, from the Latin pondus, meaning weight.

Notice the difference: not pound (in English "pound"), but pondus.

In practice, they approximately accept: 1 MPa = 10 atmospheres, 1 atmosphere = 0.1 MPa.


Bar (from the Greek βάρος - gravity) is a non-systemic unit of pressure, approximately equal to one atmosphere. One bar is equal to 105 N/m² (or 0.1 MPa).

Relations between units of pressure

1 MPa \u003d 10 bar \u003d 10.19716 kgf / cm² \u003d 145.0377 PSI \u003d 9.869233 (phys. atm.) \u003d 7500.7 mm Hg

1 bar \u003d 0.1 MPa \u003d 1.019716 kgf / cm² \u003d 14.50377 PSI \u003d 0.986923 (phys. atm.) \u003d 750.07 mm Hg

1 atm (technical atmosphere) = 1 kgf/cm² (1 kp/cm², 1 kilopond/cm²) = 0.0980665 MPa = 0.98066 bar = 14.223

1 atm (physical atmosphere) \u003d 760 mm Hg \u003d 0.101325 MPa \u003d 1.01325 bar \u003d 1.0333 kgf / cm²

1 mm Hg = 133.32 Pa = 13.5951 mm water column

Volumes of liquids and gases / Volume

1 gl (US) = 3.785 liters

1 gl (Imperial) = 4.546 l

1 cu ft = 28.32 l = 0.0283 cubic meters

1 cu in = 16.387 cc

Flow rate / Flow

1 l/s = 60 l/min = 3.6 m3/h = 2.119 cfm

1 l/min = 0.0167 l/s = 0.06 m3/h = 0.0353 cfm

1 m3/hour = 16.667 l/min = 0.2777 l/s = 0.5885 cfm

1 cfm (cubic foot per minute) = 0.47195 l/s = 28.31685 l/min = 1.699011 cfm/hour

Flow capacity / Valve flow characteristics

Flow coefficient (factor) Kv

Flow Factor - Kv

The main parameter of the shut-off and regulating body is the flow coefficient Kv. The flow coefficient Kv indicates the volume of water in cubic meters per hour (cbm/h) at a temperature of 5-30ºC, passing through the valve with a head loss of 1 bar.

Flow coefficient Cv

Flow Coefficient - Cv

In inch countries, the Cv factor is used. It shows how much water in gallon/minute (gpm) at 60ºF passes through a valve for a 1 psi pressure drop across the valve.

Kinematic viscosity / Viscosity

1 ft = 12 in = 0.3048 m

1 in = 0.0833 ft = 0.0254 m = 25.4 mm

1 m = 3.28083 ft = 39.3699 in

Force units

1 N = 0.102 kgf = 0.2248 lbf

1 lbf = 0.454 kgf = 4.448 N

1 kgf \u003d 9.80665 N (exactly) ≈ 10 N; 1 N ≈ 0.10197162 kgf ≈ 0.1 kgf

In English, kilogram-force is denoted as kgf (kilogram-force) or kp (kilopond) - kilopond, from the Latin pondusmeaning weight. Please note: not pound (in English "pound"), but pondus.

Mass units / Mass

1 lb = 16 oz = 453.59 g

Moment of force (torque)/Torque

1 kgf. m = 9.81 N. m = 7.233 lbf ft (lbf * ft)

Power units / power

Some quantities:

Watt (W, W, 1 W = 1 J / s), horsepower (hp - Russian, hp or HP - English, CV - French, PS - German)

Unit Ratio:

In Russia and some other countries, 1 hp. (1 PS, 1 CV) = 75 kgf * m / s = 735.4988 W

US, UK and other countries 1 hp = 550 ft.lb/s = 745.6999 W


Temperature Fahrenheit:

[°F] = [°C] × 9⁄5 + 32

[°F] = [K] × 9⁄5 − 459.67

Celsius temperature:

[°C] = [K] − 273.15

[°C] = ([°F] − 32) × 5⁄9

Temperature on the Kelvin scale:

[K] = [°C] + 273.15

[K] = ([°F] + 459.67) × 5⁄9